* result/c14n/exc-without-comments/merlin-c14n-two-*
testC14N.c Makefile.am: added merlin-c14n-two.tar.gz tests for
c14n/exc-c14n and slightly modified test script to handle
these test cases
* c14n.c: fixed bugs for complicated nodes set (namespace
without node and others from merlin-c14n-two.tar.gz)
* include/libxml/xpathInternals.h win32/dsp/libxml2.def.src
win32/libxml2.def.src: "opened" xmlXPathNodeSetFreeNs() function
for xmlsec performance patch
* xpath.c: fixed self::node() for namespaces and attributes
* HTMLparser.c win32/libxml2.def.src win32/dsp/libxml2.def.src
include/libxml/HTMLparser.h: fixing #79334 making htmlParseDocument
a public entry point.
* doc/*: rebuilt the API and docs
* global.data globals.c tree.c include/libxml/globals.h win32/libxml2.def.src win32/dsp/libxml2.def.src: changed default value for global parameter xmlIndentTreeOutput to 1 and introduced new global parameter xmlTreeIndentString (the string used to do one-level indent) with default value " " (as it was in tree.c)