diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 9ed40115..6612c396 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+Tue Oct 22 19:33:20 CEST 2002 Daniel Veillard <daniel@veillard.com>
+	* vms/build_libxml.com vms/config.vms vms/readme.vms
+	  include/libxml/parser.h include/libxml/parserInternals.h
+	  include/libxml/tree.h include/libxml/xmlIO.h
+	  HTMLparser.c catalog.c debugXML.c parser.c parserInternals.c
+	  tree.c triodef.h trionan.c uri.c xmlIO.c xpath.c:
+	  Applied the VMS update patch from Craig A. Berry
+	* doc/*.html: update
 Tue Oct 22 16:27:31 CEST 2002 Daniel Veillard <daniel@veillard.com>
 	* include/libxml/encoding.h encoding.c: made xmlGetUTF8Char public
diff --git a/HTMLparser.c b/HTMLparser.c
index 7200a3b1..e4a52264 100644
--- a/HTMLparser.c
+++ b/HTMLparser.c
@@ -3200,7 +3200,7 @@ htmlParseReference(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
 	        ctxt->sax->characters(ctxt->userData, BAD_CAST "&", 1);
-	if ((ent == NULL) || (ent->value <= 0)) {
+	if ((ent == NULL) || !(ent->value > 0)) {
 	    if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->characters != NULL)) {
 		ctxt->sax->characters(ctxt->userData, BAD_CAST "&", 1);
diff --git a/catalog.c b/catalog.c
index 8905b044..40236a2e 100644
--- a/catalog.c
+++ b/catalog.c
@@ -2860,7 +2860,7 @@ xmlInitializeCatalog(void) {
 		    paths = cur;
 		    while ((*cur != 0) && (!IS_BLANK(*cur)))
-		    path = xmlStrndup((const xmlChar *)paths, cur - paths);
+		    path = (char *) xmlStrndup((const xmlChar *)paths, cur - paths);
 		    if (path != NULL) {
 			*nextent = xmlNewCatalogEntry(XML_CATA_CATALOG, NULL,
 				NULL, BAD_CAST path, xmlCatalogDefaultPrefer);
diff --git a/debugXML.c b/debugXML.c
index cbc5db07..9652c9f0 100644
--- a/debugXML.c
+++ b/debugXML.c
@@ -1563,7 +1563,7 @@ xmlShellSetBase(xmlShellCtxtPtr ctxt ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
  * Returns 0
+static int
 xmlShellGrep(xmlShellCtxtPtr ctxt ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
             char *arg, xmlNodePtr node, xmlNodePtr node2 ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
@@ -1582,16 +1582,16 @@ xmlShellGrep(xmlShellCtxtPtr ctxt ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
     while (node != NULL) {
         if (node->type == XML_COMMENT_NODE) {
-	    if (xmlStrstr(node->content, arg)) {
+	    if (xmlStrstr(node->content, (xmlChar *) arg)) {
 		fprintf(ctxt->output, "%s : ", xmlGetNodePath(node));
                 xmlShellList(ctxt, NULL, node, NULL);
         } else if (node->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
-	    if (xmlStrstr(node->content, arg)) {
+	    if (xmlStrstr(node->content, (xmlChar *) arg)) {
 		fprintf(ctxt->output, "%s : ", xmlGetNodePath(node->parent));
-                xmlShellList(ctxt, NULL, node, NULL);
+                xmlShellList(ctxt, NULL, node->parent, NULL);
diff --git a/doc/index.html b/doc/index.html
index 7208ee39..4e8fb2fc 100644
--- a/doc/index.html
+++ b/doc/index.html
@@ -1,3 +1,693 @@
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+Freeing 0x818d2b0
+Freeing 0x818cf90
+Freeing 0x81acce8
+Freeing 0x818ca90
+Freeing 0x81af420
+Freeing 0x818bdf0
+Freeing 0x81ab4e8
+Freeing 0x81abe48
+Freeing 0x81ac738
+Freeing 0x8195558
+Freeing 0x81951d8
+Freeing 0x8195810
+Freeing 0x81952e8
+Freeing 0x8195bc8
+Freeing 0x8195768
+Freeing 0x8195e90
+Freeing 0x8195768
+Freeing 0x81961c8
+Freeing 0x8195718
+Freeing 0x8196478
+Freeing 0x8195718
+Freeing 0x8196770
+Freeing 0x8195718
+Freeing 0x8196ad8
+Freeing 0x8196798
+Freeing 0x8196d90
+Freeing 0x8196798
+Freeing 0x8197050
+Freeing 0x8196798
+Freeing 0x81974b0
+Freeing 0x8197170
+Freeing 0x8197780
+Freeing 0x8197170
+Freeing 0x8197ae8
+Freeing 0x81976f0
+Freeing 0x8197f28
+Freeing 0x8197a28
+Freeing 0x81982d0
+Freeing 0x8197a28
+Freeing 0x8198650
+Freeing 0x8198350
+Freeing 0x8198aa8
+Freeing 0x8198538
+Freeing 0x8198d40
+Freeing 0x81988b0
+Freeing 0x8199010
+Freeing 0x8198b88
+Freeing 0x81981c0
+Freeing 0x8185220
+Freeing 0x8116ab0
+Freeing 0x8118c80
+Freeing 0x8098b70
 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/loose.dtd">
diff --git a/doc/news.html b/doc/news.html
index 781ccc19..94470b68 100644
--- a/doc/news.html
+++ b/doc/news.html
@@ -102,6 +102,13 @@ to test those</p>
     Schemas</a> and <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xinclude">XInclude</a>
+<h3>2.4.26: Oct 18 2002</h3>
+<li>Patches for Windows CE port, improvements on Windows paths handling</li>
+  <li>Fixes to the validation  code (DTD and Schemas), xmlNodeGetPath() ,
+    HTML serialization, Namespace compliance,  and a number of small
+  problems</li>
 <h3>2.4.25: Sep 26 2002</h3>
 <li>A number of bug fixes: XPath, validation, Python bindings, DOM and
diff --git a/doc/xmlio.html b/doc/xmlio.html
index 90e4b1eb..eca8e829 100644
--- a/doc/xmlio.html
+++ b/doc/xmlio.html
@@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ xmlOutputBufferCreateOwn(FILE *file, xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder) {
 } </pre>
   <li>And then use it to save the document:
diff --git a/include/libxml/parser.h b/include/libxml/parser.h
index 8f50096e..a1c8b377 100644
--- a/include/libxml/parser.h
+++ b/include/libxml/parser.h
@@ -627,15 +627,6 @@ LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern xmlSAXHandler docbDefaultSAXHandler;
  * Entity substitution default behavior.
-#ifdef VMS
- * xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue:
- *
- * Global variable controlling the entity substitution default behavior.
- */
-LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultVal;
-#define xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultVal
 #if 0
 LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue;
 LIBXML_DLL_IMPORT extern int xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue;
diff --git a/include/libxml/parserInternals.h b/include/libxml/parserInternals.h
index 823dae89..8507442b 100644
--- a/include/libxml/parserInternals.h
+++ b/include/libxml/parserInternals.h
@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@
  * daniel@veillard.com
- * 14 Nov 2000 ht - truncated declaration of xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl 
- * for VMS
- *
@@ -275,15 +272,9 @@ void			xmlParseAttributeListDecl(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
 xmlElementContentPtr	xmlParseElementMixedContentDecl
 						(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
 						 xmlParserInputPtr inputchk);
-#ifdef VMS
-xmlElementContentPtr	xmlParseElementChildrenContentD
-						(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
-#define xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl	xmlParseElementChildrenContentD
 xmlElementContentPtr	xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl
 						(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
 						 xmlParserInputPtr inputchk);
 int			xmlParseElementContentDecl(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
 						 xmlChar *name,
 						 xmlElementContentPtr *result);
diff --git a/include/libxml/tree.h b/include/libxml/tree.h
index efd902a5..6759ce9e 100644
--- a/include/libxml/tree.h
+++ b/include/libxml/tree.h
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
  * daniel@veillard.com
- * 14 Nov 2000 ht - added redefinition of xmlBufferWriteChar for VMS
- *
 #ifndef __XML_TREE_H__
@@ -799,14 +797,8 @@ int		xmlUnsetNsProp		(xmlNodePtr node,
  * Internal, don't use.
-#ifdef VMS
-void		xmlBufferWriteXmlCHAR	(xmlBufferPtr buf,
-					 const xmlChar *string);
-#define 	xmlBufferWriteCHAR 	xmlBufferWriteXmlCHAR
 void		xmlBufferWriteCHAR	(xmlBufferPtr buf,
 					 const xmlChar *string);
 void		xmlBufferWriteChar	(xmlBufferPtr buf,
 					 const char *string);
 void		xmlBufferWriteQuotedString(xmlBufferPtr buf,
diff --git a/include/libxml/xmlIO.h b/include/libxml/xmlIO.h
index d0ef8d67..e0275b00 100644
--- a/include/libxml/xmlIO.h
+++ b/include/libxml/xmlIO.h
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
  * daniel@veillard.com
- * 15 Nov 2000 ht - modified for VMS
 #ifndef __XML_IO_H__
@@ -159,17 +158,9 @@ void	xmlRegisterDefaultInputCallbacks	(void);
 	xmlAllocParserInputBuffer		(xmlCharEncoding enc);
-#ifdef VMS
-	xmlParserInputBufferCreateFname		(const char *URI,
-                                                 xmlCharEncoding enc);
-#define xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilename xmlParserInputBufferCreateFname
 	xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilename	(const char *URI,
                                                  xmlCharEncoding enc);
 	xmlParserInputBufferCreateFile		(FILE *file,
                                                  xmlCharEncoding enc);
diff --git a/parser.c b/parser.c
index a10b3e3a..75d22216 100644
--- a/parser.c
+++ b/parser.c
@@ -2297,7 +2297,7 @@ xmlParseAttValue(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
     xmlChar *ret = NULL;
-    in = CUR_PTR;
+    in = (xmlChar *) CUR_PTR;
     if (*in != '"' && *in != '\'') {
       if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->error != NULL))
@@ -4404,15 +4404,6 @@ xmlParseElementMixedContentDecl(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlParserInputPtr inputch
- * xmlParseElementChildrenContentD:
- * @ctxt:  an XML parser context
- *
- * VMS version of xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl()
- *
- * Returns the tree of xmlElementContentPtr describing the element 
- *          hierarchy.
- */
  * xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl:
  * @ctxt:  an XML parser context
@@ -4444,11 +4435,7 @@ xmlParseElementMixedContentDecl(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlParserInputPtr inputch
  *          hierarchy.
-#ifdef VMS
 (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlParserInputPtr inputchk) {
     xmlElementContentPtr ret = NULL, cur = NULL, last = NULL, op = NULL;
     xmlChar *elem;
diff --git a/parserInternals.c b/parserInternals.c
index ea217ad9..41725d56 100644
--- a/parserInternals.c
+++ b/parserInternals.c
@@ -58,12 +58,6 @@ void xmlUpgradeOldNs(xmlDocPtr doc);
  * Various global defaults for parsing
-#ifdef VMS
-int xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultVal = 0;
-#define xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultVal 
-int xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultVal = 0;
-#define xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultVal
  * xmlCheckVersion:
diff --git a/python/libxml2class.txt b/python/libxml2class.txt
index cae9a436..e2cbb287 100644
--- a/python/libxml2class.txt
+++ b/python/libxml2class.txt
@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ validateNmtokenValue()
 # functions from module xmlIO
@@ -492,38 +493,38 @@ Class xmlDoc(xmlNode)
     # functions from module xpath
+Class xpathContext()
+    # accessors
+    contextDoc()
+    contextNode()
+    contextPosition()
+    contextSize()
+    function()
+    functionURI()
+    setContextDoc()
+    setContextNode()
+    # functions from module python
+    registerXPathFunction()
+    # functions from module xpath
+    xpathEval()
+    xpathEvalExpression()
+    xpathFreeContext()
+    # functions from module xpathInternals
+    xpathNewParserContext()
+    xpathNsLookup()
+    xpathRegisterAllFunctions()
+    xpathRegisterNs()
+    xpathRegisteredFuncsCleanup()
+    xpathRegisteredNsCleanup()
+    xpathRegisteredVariablesCleanup()
+    xpathVariableLookup()
+    xpathVariableLookupNS()
 Class xmlAttribute(xmlNode)
-Class xmlNs(xmlNode)
-    # functions from module tree
-    copyNamespace()
-    copyNamespaceList()
-    freeNs()
-    freeNsList()
-    newNodeEatName()
-    # functions from module xpathInternals
-    xpathNodeSetFreeNs()
-Class xmlDtd(xmlNode)
-    # functions from module debugXML
-    debugDumpDTD()
-    # functions from module tree
-    copyDtd()
-    freeDtd()
-    # functions from module valid
-    dtdAttrDesc()
-    dtdElementDesc()
-    dtdQAttrDesc()
-    dtdQElementDesc()
 Class catalog()
     # functions from module catalog
@@ -537,6 +538,34 @@ Class catalog()
+Class xmlElement(xmlNode)
+Class xmlAttr(xmlNode)
+    # functions from module debugXML
+    debugDumpAttr()
+    debugDumpAttrList()
+    # functions from module tree
+    freeProp()
+    freePropList()
+    removeProp()
+Class xmlReg()
+    # functions from module xmlregexp
+    regexpExec()
+    regexpFreeRegexp()
+    regexpIsDeterminist()
+    regexpPrint()
+Class xmlEntity(xmlNode)
+    # functions from module parserInternals
+    handleEntity()
 Class xpathParserContext()
     # accessors
@@ -661,6 +690,44 @@ Class parserCtxt()
+Class xmlDtd(xmlNode)
+    # functions from module debugXML
+    debugDumpDTD()
+    # functions from module tree
+    copyDtd()
+    freeDtd()
+    # functions from module valid
+    dtdAttrDesc()
+    dtdElementDesc()
+    dtdQAttrDesc()
+    dtdQElementDesc()
+Class xmlNs(xmlNode)
+    # functions from module tree
+    copyNamespace()
+    copyNamespaceList()
+    freeNs()
+    freeNsList()
+    newNodeEatName()
+    # functions from module xpathInternals
+    xpathNodeSetFreeNs()
+Class inputBuffer(ioReadWrapper)
+    # functions from module xmlIO
+    freeParserInputBuffer()
+    grow()
+    push()
+    read()
 Class outputBuffer(ioWriteWrapper)
     # functions from module xmlIO
@@ -668,34 +735,6 @@ Class outputBuffer(ioWriteWrapper)
-Class xmlElement(xmlNode)
-Class xmlEntity(xmlNode)
-    # functions from module parserInternals
-    handleEntity()
-Class xmlAttr(xmlNode)
-    # functions from module debugXML
-    debugDumpAttr()
-    debugDumpAttrList()
-    # functions from module tree
-    freeProp()
-    freePropList()
-    removeProp()
-Class xmlReg()
-    # functions from module xmlregexp
-    regexpExec()
-    regexpFreeRegexp()
-    regexpIsDeterminist()
-    regexpPrint()
 Class URI()
     # accessors
@@ -722,41 +761,3 @@ Class URI()
-Class xpathContext()
-    # accessors
-    contextDoc()
-    contextNode()
-    contextPosition()
-    contextSize()
-    function()
-    functionURI()
-    setContextDoc()
-    setContextNode()
-    # functions from module python
-    registerXPathFunction()
-    # functions from module xpath
-    xpathEval()
-    xpathEvalExpression()
-    xpathFreeContext()
-    # functions from module xpathInternals
-    xpathNewParserContext()
-    xpathNsLookup()
-    xpathRegisterAllFunctions()
-    xpathRegisterNs()
-    xpathRegisteredFuncsCleanup()
-    xpathRegisteredNsCleanup()
-    xpathRegisteredVariablesCleanup()
-    xpathVariableLookup()
-    xpathVariableLookupNS()
-Class inputBuffer(ioReadWrapper)
-    # functions from module xmlIO
-    freeParserInputBuffer()
-    grow()
-    push()
-    read()
diff --git a/tree.c b/tree.c
index de9b04c1..1b18ee9a 100644
--- a/tree.c
+++ b/tree.c
@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@
  * daniel@veillard.com
- * 14 Nov 2000 ht - Changed the name of function xmlBufferWriteChar under VMS
- * as it was similar to xmlBufferWriteCHAR when compiling without case
- * sensitivity.
- *  
 #define IN_LIBXML
@@ -5796,15 +5792,6 @@ xmlBufferCCat(xmlBufferPtr buf, const char *str) {
     buf->content[buf->use] = 0;
- * xmlBufferWriteXmlCHAR:
- * @buf:  the XML buffer
- * @string:  the string to add
- *
- * For VMS only.
- * routine which manages and grows an output buffer. This one adds
- * xmlChars at the end of the buffer.
- */
  * xmlBufferWriteCHAR:
  * @buf:  the XML buffer
@@ -5814,11 +5801,7 @@ xmlBufferCCat(xmlBufferPtr buf, const char *str) {
  * xmlChars at the end of the buffer.
-#ifdef VMS
 (xmlBufferPtr buf, const xmlChar *string) {
     xmlBufferCat(buf, string);
diff --git a/triodef.h b/triodef.h
index e9b62e59..73d64311 100644
--- a/triodef.h
+++ b/triodef.h
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 #elif defined(TRIO_COMPILER_XLC) || defined(_AIX)
-#elif defined(TRIO_COMPILER_DECC) || defined(__osf__)
+#elif ( defined(TRIO_COMPILER_DECC) && !defined(__VMS) ) || defined(__osf__)
 #elif defined(__NetBSD__)
@@ -82,6 +82,18 @@
 # endif
+#if defined(TRIO_PLATFORM_VMS)
+ /* The compiler does support C99 but the library still does not have things
+  * the standard requires (like nan() and strtof()) as of __CRTL_VER 70300022.
+  */
+ /* Computations done with constants at compile time can trigger these
+  * even when compiling with IEEE enabled.
+  */
+#  pragma message disable (UNDERFLOW,FLOATOVERFL)
+#endif /* TRIO_PLATFORM_VMS */
 #if defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE)
diff --git a/trionan.c b/trionan.c
index 5d63ad78..3a65986b 100644
--- a/trionan.c
+++ b/trionan.c
@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ TRIO_ARGS1((number),
 static TRIO_CONST char *
 	   int type)
   switch (type) {
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ TRIO_ARGS1((type)
 static void
-TRIO_ARGS2((prefix, number)
+TRIO_ARGS2((prefix, number),
 	   TRIO_CONST char *prefix,
 	   double number)
diff --git a/uri.c b/uri.c
index ef9ca12d..5f778374 100644
--- a/uri.c
+++ b/uri.c
@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ xmlURIEscapeStr(const xmlChar *str, const xmlChar *list) {
     if (str == NULL)
     len = xmlStrlen(str);
-    if (len <= 0) return(NULL);
+    if (!(len > 0)) return(NULL);
     len += 20;
     ret = (xmlChar *) xmlMalloc(len);
diff --git a/vms/build_libxml.com b/vms/build_libxml.com
index 57a46e4c..21e554d3 100755
--- a/vms/build_libxml.com
+++ b/vms/build_libxml.com
@@ -4,34 +4,35 @@ $! Build the LIBXML library
 $! Arguments:
-$!	"NOWARN" - suppress known/expected warnings
-$!   	"DEBUG"  - build everythign in debug
+$!   	"DEBUG"  - build everything in debug
-$! This procedure creates an object library XMLOLB:LIBXML.OLB directory.  
+$! This procedure creates an object library XML_LIBDIR:LIBXML.OLB directory.  
 $! After the library is built, you can link LIBXML routines into
 $! your code with the command  
 $! Change History
 $! --------------
 $! Command file author : John A Fotheringham (jaf@jafsoft.com)
-$! Last update         : 2 Nov 2001
+$! Last update         : 28 September 2002	Craig Berry (craigberry@mac.com)
+$!			 updated to work with current sources
+$!			 miscellaneous enhancements to build process
 $!- configuration -------------------------------------------------------------
 $!- compile command.  If p1="nowarn" suppress the expected warning types
 $   if p1.eqs."DEBUG" .or. p2.eqs."DEBUG"
 $   then
 $     debug = "Y"
-$     cc_command = "CC/DEBUG/NOOPT"
+$     cc_command = "CC''cc_opts'/DEBUG/NOOPTIMIZE/LIST/SHOW=ALL"
 $   else
 $     debug = "N"
-$     cc_command = "CC"
+$     cc_command = "CC''cc_opts'"
 $   endif
-$   if p1.eqs."NOWARN" then 		-
-      cc_command = cc_command + "/WARN=DISABLE=(FLOATOVERFL,NOMAINUFLO)"
 $!- list of sources to be built into the LIBXML library.  Compare this list
 $!  to the definition of "libxml2_la_SOURCES" in the file MAKEFILE.IN.
@@ -41,8 +42,9 @@ $   sources = "SAX.c entities.c encoding.c error.c parserInternals.c parser.c"
 $   sources = sources + " tree.c hash.c list.c xmlIO.c xmlmemory.c uri.c valid.c"
 $   sources = sources + " xlink.c HTMLparser.c HTMLtree.c debugXML.c xpath.c "
 $   sources = sources + " xpointer.c xinclude.c nanohttp.c nanoftp.c "
-$   sources = sources + " DOCBparser.c catalog.c globals.c threads.c"
-$   sources = sources + " trio.c strio.c"
+$   sources = sources + " DOCBparser.c catalog.c globals.c threads.c c14n.c "
+$   sources = sources + " xmlregexp.c xmlschemas.c xmlschemastypes.c xmlunicode.c "
+$   sources = sources + " triostr.c trio.c"
 $!- list of main modules to compile and link.  Compare this list to the
 $!  definition of bin_PROGRAMS in MAKEFILE.IN
@@ -52,23 +54,30 @@ $!
 $!- list of test modules to compile and link.  Compare this list to the
 $!  definition of noinst_PROGRAMS in MAKEFILE.
-$   test_progs = "testSAX testHTML testXPath testURI testDocbook testThreads"
+$   noinst_PROGRAMS = "testSchemas testSAX testHTML testXPath testURI testDocbook " -
+                + "testThreads testC14N testAutomata testRegexp"
 $!- set up build logicals -----------------------------------------------------\
-$   if f$trnlnm("XMLOLB").eqs.""
+$!- start from where the procedure is in case it's submitted in batch ----------\
+$   whoami = f$parse(f$environment("PROCEDURE"),,,,"NO_CONCEAL")
+$   procdir = f$parse(whoami,,,"DEVICE") + f$parse(whoami,,,"DIRECTORY")
+$   set default 'procdir'
+$   if f$trnlnm("XML_LIBDIR").eqs.""
 $   then
-$     write sys$output ""
-$     write sys$output "	You need to define a XMLOLB logical directory to"
-$     write sys$output "	point to the directory containing your CMS object"
-$     write sys$output "	libraries.  This should already contain LIBXML.OLB"
-$     write sys$output "	from the libxml package, and will be the directory"
-$     write sys$output "	the new LIBXSLT.OLB library will be placed in"
-$     write sys$output ""
-$     exit
+$     if f$search("[-]lib.dir") .eqs. ""
+$     then
+$       create/directory/log [-.lib]
+$     endif
+$     xml_libdir = f$parse("[-.lib]",,,"DEVICE") + f$parse("[-.lib]",,,"DIRECTORY")
+$     define/process XML_LIBDIR 'xml_libdir'
+$     write sys$output "Defining XML_LIBDIR as """ + f$trnlnm("XML_LIBDIR") + """
 $   endif
-$   if f$trnlnm("xml_srcdir").eqs.""
+$   if f$trnlnm("XML_SRCDIR").eqs.""
 $   then
 $     globfile = f$search("[-...]globals.c")
 $     if globfile.eqs.""
@@ -76,12 +85,14 @@ $     then
 $	write sys$output "Can't locate globals.c.  You need to manually define a XML_SRCDIR logical"
 $	exit
 $     else
-$	srcdir = f$element(0,"]",globfile)+ "]"
-$	define/process xml_srcdir "''srcdir'"
-$       write sys$output "Defining xml_srcdir as ""''srcdir'"""
+$	srcdir = f$parse(globfile,,,"DEVICE") + f$parse(globfile,,,"DIRECTORY")
+$	define/process XML_SRCDIR "''srcdir'"
+$       write sys$output "Defining XML_SRCDIR as ""''srcdir'"""
 $     endif
 $   endif
+$   copy/log config.vms xml_srcdir:config.h
 $   if f$trnlnm("libxml").eqs."" 
 $   then 
 $     globfile = f$search("[-...]globals.h")
@@ -90,7 +101,7 @@ $     then
 $	write sys$output "Can't locate globals.h.  You need to manually define a LIBXML logical"
 $	exit
 $     else
-$	includedir = f$element(0,"]",globfile)+ "]"
+$	includedir = f$parse(globfile,,,"DEVICE") + f$parse(globfile,,,"DIRECTORY")
 $	define/process libxml "''includedir'"
 $       write sys$output "Defining libxml as ""''includedir'"""
 $     endif
@@ -106,12 +117,12 @@ $!
 $!- move to the source directory and create any necessary subdirs and the 
 $!  object library
-$ set def xml_srcdir
+$ set default xml_srcdir
 $ if f$search("DEBUG.DIR").eqs."" then create/dir [.DEBUG]
-$ if f$search("XMLOLB:LIBXML.OLB").eqs."" 
+$ if f$search("XML_LIBDIR:LIBXML.OLB").eqs."" 
 $ then 
-$   write sys$output "Creating new object library XMLOLB:LIBXML.OLB"
-$   library/create XMLOLB:LIBXML.OLB
+$   write sys$output "Creating new object library XML_LIBDIR:LIBXML.OLB"
+$   library/create XML_LIBDIR:LIBXML.OLB
 $ endif
 $ goto start_here
@@ -119,7 +130,7 @@ $ start_here:	  ! move this line to debug/rerun parts of this command file
 $!- compile modules into the library ------------------------------------------
 $ link_command	= ""
 $ write sys$output ""
@@ -137,17 +148,7 @@ $   then
 $     on error then goto ERROR_OUT 
 $     on control_y then goto ERROR_OUT 
-$     if next_source.eqs."xpath.c"
-$     then
-$	call build 'next_source' /IEEE_MODE=UNDERFLOW_TO_ZERO/FLOAT=IEEE
-$     else
-$       if next_source.eqs."trio.c"
-$       then
-$	  call build 'next_source' /WARN=DISABLE=UNINIT1 
-$	else
-$         call build 'next_source'
-$	endif
-$     endif
+$     call build 'next_source'
 $     s_no = s_no + 1
 $     goto source_loop
@@ -155,20 +156,23 @@ $   endif
 $!- now build self-test programs ----------------------------------------------
-$! these pograms are built as ordinary modules into XMLOLB:LIBXML.OLB.  Here they
+$! these programs are built as ordinary modules into XML_LIBDIR:LIBXML.OLB.  Here they
 $! are built a second time with /DEFINE=(STANDALONE) in which case a main()
 $! is also compiled into the module
 $ lib_command	= ""
 $ link_command	= "LINK"
+$ library/compress XML_LIBDIR:LIBXML.OLB
 $ write sys$output ""
 $ write sys$output "Building STANDALONE self-test programs"
 $ write sys$output ""
 $!- now build main and test programs ------------------------------------------
@@ -181,7 +185,7 @@ $ write sys$output "Building main programs and test programs"
 $ write sys$output ""
 $ p_no = 0
-$ all_progs = bin_progs + " " + test_progs
+$ all_progs = bin_progs + " " + noinst_PROGRAMS
 $ all_progs = f$edit(all_progs,"COMPRESS")
 $ prog_loop:
@@ -192,7 +196,7 @@ $   then
 $     on error then goto ERROR_OUT 
 $     on control_y then goto ERROR_OUT 
-$     call build 'next_prog'.c /IEEE_MODE=UNDERFLOW_TO_ZERO/FLOAT=IEEE
+$     call build 'next_prog'.c
 $     p_no = p_no + 1
 $     goto prog_loop
@@ -210,7 +214,7 @@ $!
 $ purge/nolog [.debug]
-$ set def 'saved_default
+$ set default 'saved_default
 $ exit 'exit_status
@@ -224,12 +228,12 @@ $!
 $BUILD: subroutine
 $   on warning then goto EXIT_BUILD
 $   source_file = p1
-$   name = f$element(0,".",source_file)
-$   object_file = f$fao("[.debug]!AS.OBJ",name)
+$   name = f$parse(source_file,,,"NAME")
+$   object_file = f$parse("[.debug].OBJ",name,,,"SYNTAX_ONLY")
 $!- compile
-$   write sys$output "Compiling ",p1," ",p2,"..."
+$   write sys$output "''cc_command'''p2'/object=''object_file' ''source_file'"
 $   cc_command'p2' /object='object_file 'source_file'
 $!- insert into library if command defined
@@ -239,12 +243,11 @@ $!
 $!- link module if command defined
 $   if link_command.nes."" 
 $   then
-$	text = f$element(0,".",p1)	! lose the ".c"
-$	write sys$output "Linking ",text,"..."
 $	opts = ""
 $	if debug then opts = "/DEBUG"
+$	write sys$output "''link_command'''opts' ''object_file',XML_LIBDIR:libxml.olb/library"
 $	link_command'opts' 'object_file',-
-      		XMLOLB:libxml.olb/library
+      		XML_LIBDIR:libxml.olb/library
 $   endif
diff --git a/vms/config.vms b/vms/config.vms
index 2bf40936..e5f3c086 100755
--- a/vms/config.vms
+++ b/vms/config.vms
@@ -1,148 +1,200 @@
-/* config.h  */
-#define VMS	1
-/* Define if you have the strftime function.  */
-#define HAVE_STRFTIME 	1
-/* Define if you have the ANSI C header files.  */
-#define STDC_HEADERS	1
-#undef PACKAGE
-#undef VERSION
-#undef HAVE_LIBZ
-#undef HAVE_LIBM
-#undef HAVE_ISINF
-#undef HAVE_ISNAN
-/* Define if you have the class function.  */
-#undef HAVE_CLASS
-/* Define if you have the finite function.  */
-/* Define if you have the fp_class function.  */
-#define HAVE_FP_CLASS	1
-/* Define if you have the fpclass function.  */
-/* Define if you have the isnand function.  */
-/* Define if you have the localtime function.  */
-/* Define if you have the snprintf function.  */
-/* Define if you have the strdup function.  */
-#define HAVE_STRDUP	1
-/* Define if you have the strerror function.  */
-#define HAVE_STRERROR	1
-/* Define if you have the strftime function.  */
-#define HAVE_STRFTIME	1
-/* Define if you have the strndup function.  */
-/* Define if you have the <arpa/inet.h> header file.  */
-/* Define if you have the <ctype.h> header file.  */
-#define HAVE_CTYPE_H	1
-/* Define if you have the <dirent.h> header file.  */
-#define HAVE_DIRENT_H	1
-/* Define if you have the <errno.h> header file.  */
-#define HAVE_ERRNO_H	1
-/* Define if you have the <fcntl.h> header file.  */
-#define HAVE_FCNTL_H	1
-/* Define if you have the <float.h> header file.  */
-#define HAVE_FLOAT_H	1
-/* Define if you have the <fp_class.h> header file.  */
-#define HAVE_FP_CLASS_H	1
-/* Define if you have the <ieeefp.h> header file.  */
-/* Define if you have the <malloc.h> header file.  */
-/* Define if you have the <math.h> header file.  */
-#define HAVE_MATH_H	1
-/* Define if you have the <nan.h> header file.  */
-#undef HAVE_NAN_H
-/* Define if you have the <ndir.h> header file.  */
-#undef HAVE_NDIR_H
-/* Define if you have the <netdb.h> header file.  */
-#define HAVE_NETDB_H	1
-/* Define if you have the <netinet/in.h> header file.  */
-/* Define if you have the <stdarg.h> header file.  */
-#define HAVE_STDARG_H	1
-/* Define if you have the <stdlib.h> header file.  */
-#define HAVE_STDLIB_H	1
-/* Define if you have the <sys/dir.h> header file.  */
-#undef HAVE_SYS_DIR_H
-/* Define if you have the <sys/mman.h> header file.  */
-/* Define if you have the <sys/ndir.h> header file.  */
-/* Define if you have the <sys/select.h> header file.  */
-/* Define if you have the <sys/socket.h> header file.  */
-/* Define if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file.  */
-/* Define if you have the <sys/time.h> header file.  */
-/* Define if you have the <sys/types.h> header file.  */
-/* Define if you have the <time.h> header file.  */
-#define HAVE_TIME_H	1
-/* Define if you have the <unistd.h> header file.  */
-#define HAVE_UNISTD_H	1
-/* Define if you have the <zlib.h> header file.  */
-#undef HAVE_ZLIB_H
-/* Define if you have the inet library (-linet).  */
-/* Define if you have the nsl library (-lnsl).  */
-/* Define if you have the socket library (-lsocket).  */
-/* Name of package */
-#undef PACKAGE
-/* Version number of package */
-#undef VERSION
+/* config.h  */
+#define VMS	1
+/* Define if you have the strftime function.  */
+#define HAVE_STRFTIME 	1
+/* Define if you have the ANSI C header files.  */
+#define STDC_HEADERS	1
+#undef PACKAGE
+#undef VERSION
+#undef HAVE_LIBZ
+#undef HAVE_LIBM
+#undef HAVE_ISINF
+#if defined(_IEEE_FP) && (__CRTL_VER >= 60200000)
+# define HAVE_ISNAN 1
+/* Define if you have the class function.  */
+#undef HAVE_CLASS
+/* Define if you have the finite function.  */
+/* Define if you have the fp_class function.  */
+#define HAVE_FP_CLASS	1
+/* Define if you have the fpclass function.  */
+/* Define if you have the isnand function.  */
+/* Define if you have the localtime function.  */
+/* Define if you have the snprintf function.  */
+/* Define if you have the strdup function.  */
+#define HAVE_STRDUP	1
+/* Define if you have the strerror function.  */
+#define HAVE_STRERROR	1
+/* Define if you have the strftime function.  */
+#define HAVE_STRFTIME	1
+/* Define if you have the strndup function.  */
+/* Define if you have the <arpa/inet.h> header file.  */
+/* Define if you have the <ctype.h> header file.  */
+#define HAVE_CTYPE_H	1
+/* Define if you have the <dirent.h> header file.  */
+#define HAVE_DIRENT_H	1
+/* Define if you have the <errno.h> header file.  */
+#define HAVE_ERRNO_H	1
+/* Define if you have the <fcntl.h> header file.  */
+#define HAVE_FCNTL_H	1
+/* Define if you have the <float.h> header file.  */
+#define HAVE_FLOAT_H	1
+/* Define if you have the <fp_class.h> header file.  */
+#define HAVE_FP_CLASS_H	1
+/* Define if you have the <ieeefp.h> header file.  */
+/* Define if you have the <malloc.h> header file.  */
+/* Define if you have the <math.h> header file.  */
+#define HAVE_MATH_H	1
+/* Define if you have the <nan.h> header file.  */
+#undef HAVE_NAN_H
+/* Define if you have the <ndir.h> header file.  */
+#undef HAVE_NDIR_H
+/* Define if you have the <netdb.h> header file.  */
+#define HAVE_NETDB_H	1
+/* Define if you have the <netinet/in.h> header file.  */
+/* Define if you have the <stdarg.h> header file.  */
+#define HAVE_STDARG_H	1
+/* Define if you have the <stdlib.h> header file.  */
+#define HAVE_STDLIB_H	1
+/* Define if you have the <sys/dir.h> header file.  */
+#undef HAVE_SYS_DIR_H
+/* Define if you have the <sys/mman.h> header file.  */
+/* Define if you have the <sys/ndir.h> header file.  */
+/* Define if you have the <sys/select.h> header file.  */
+/* Define if you have the <sys/socket.h> header file.  */
+/* Define if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file.  */
+/* Define if you have the <sys/time.h> header file.  */
+/* Define if you have the <sys/types.h> header file.  */
+/* Define if you have the <time.h> header file.  */
+#define HAVE_TIME_H	1
+/* Define if you have the <unistd.h> header file.  */
+#define HAVE_UNISTD_H	1
+/* Define if you have the <zlib.h> header file.  */
+#undef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+/* Define if you have the inet library (-linet).  */
+/* Define if you have the nsl library (-lnsl).  */
+/* Define if you have the socket library (-lsocket).  */
+/* Name of package */
+#undef PACKAGE
+/* Version number of package */
+#undef VERSION
+/* Up to this point this is just a hard-wired version of 
+ * config.h.  After this will be anything else we need 
+ * that is VMS-specific.
+ */
+/* For best results, compile with /NAMES=(SHORTENED), which requires
+ * DEC C 5.7 or later.  For older compilers, the shortened names below
+ * are the same ones the mangler generates in C 5.7 and later.  These may
+ * work, though there will probably be some conflicts with redefinitions 
+ * in globals.h.
+ */
+#if __DECC_VER < 57000000
+/*      0        1         2         3               0        1         2         3
+ *      123456789012345678901234567890123456789      1234567890123456789012345678901 
+ */
+#define __xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue          __xmlDoValidityChecking3qad3pq$
+#define __xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue          __xmlSubstituteEntities0pij13u$
+#define trio_locale_set_thousand_separator           trio_locale_set_thousan259ikkk$
+#define xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue            xmlDoValidityCheckingDe1bcsei4$
+#define xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryRecover           xmlParseBalancedChunkMe1lu1e86$
+#define xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl           xmlParseElementChildren1mp6pcb$
+#define xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilename           xmlParserInputBufferCre36lujn2$
+#define xmlRegisterDefaultInputCallbacks             xmlRegisterDefaultInput3vin0cp$
+#define xmlRegisterDefaultOutputCallbacks            xmlRegisterDefaultOutpu0q443dd$
+#define xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue            xmlSubstituteEntitiesDe28k2c80$
+#define xmlUCSIsAlphabeticPresentationForms          xmlUCSIsAlphabeticPrese2qr24s3$
+#define xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsB             xmlUCSIsArabicPresentat1gajvg8$
+#define xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsA             xmlUCSIsArabicPresentat3sq1bti$
+#define xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilit0or40ki$
+#define xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs           xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilit2nodmc5$
+#define xmlUCSIsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation             xmlUCSIsCJKSymbolsandPu0a3i7ra$
+#define xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA       xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeog11ig3fd$
+#define xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB       xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeog3d22n2n$
+#define xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarks            xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacri3tj3nl8$
+#define xmlUCSIsCombiningMarksforSymbols             xmlUCSIsCombiningMarksf3ftqd7s$
+#define xmlUCSIsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths          xmlUCSIsEnclosedCJKLett0nq67g4$
+#define xmlUCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms           xmlUCSIsHalfwidthandFul047l0a1$
+#define xmlUCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates             xmlUCSIsHighPrivateUseS071kh83$
+#define xmlUCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters     xmlUCSIsIdeographicDesc1rovf8g$
+#define xmlUCSIsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols      xmlUCSIsMathematicalAlp2ag8r44$
+#define xmlUCSIsOpticalCharacterRecognition          xmlUCSIsOpticalCharacte1juuh06$
+#define xmlUCSIsSuperscriptsandSubscripts            xmlUCSIsSuperscriptsand3fi4eup$
+#define xmlUCSIsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics   xmlUCSIsUnifiedCanadian0lbvi9b$
+#define xmlValidCtxtNormalizeAttributeValue          xmlValidCtxtNormalizeAt0q11n5f$
+#define xmlXPathRegisteredVariablesCleanup           xmlXPathRegisteredVaria1uvs4uc$
+#define xmlBufferWriteChar xmlBufferWriteChar2
diff --git a/vms/readme.vms b/vms/readme.vms
index 9fe045b0..91dddeb9 100644
--- a/vms/readme.vms
+++ b/vms/readme.vms
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ That's it.  Good luck!
 John A Fotheringham (jaf@jafsoft.com)
 October 2001
+Updated October 2002 by Craig A Berry (craigberry@mac.com)
 Installation kit
@@ -39,19 +40,17 @@ Installation kit
 - Don't execute BUILD_LIBXML.COM until you've done all the following
   - read these notes
-  - copied CONFIG.VMS to CONFIG.H
   - reviewed the configuration section of BUILD_LIBXML.COM, and in particular
     updated the module lists in line with MAKEFILE
-  - edited XMLVERSION.H so that WITH_TRIO is defined
   - identified the location of the include files, so that you can manually
     set the LIBXML logical if need be.
   - re-read these notes :-p
   instructions for all these steps are below.
-- the file [.vms]config.vms should be used to replace config.h.  This file
-  contains a number of define statements that identify the software options
-  required under VMS
+- the file [.vms]config.vms is used in lieu of a Configure-generated config.h.  
+  This file contains a number of define statements that identify the software 
+  options required under VMS
 - The include files are in a [.INCLUDE.LIBXML] subdirectory.  You need
   a logical "libxml" to point to this so that include statements of the
@@ -104,12 +103,12 @@ The TRIO package
   that uses this functionality.  BUILD_LIBXML.COM should do this for you.
 - to build in trio support you need the define WITH_TRIO to be set.  This
-  is done by editing xmlversion.h 
+  is done by default for VMS in xmlversion.h 
 Compiler and linker errors
-- the DEC C compiler will produce a number of warnings when compiling the
+- the DEC C compiler may produce a number of warnings when compiling the
   C code.  These include
     - Implicit function warnings.  These indicate functions whose type is
@@ -117,37 +116,9 @@ Compiler and linker errors
       configuration is not correct (e.g. for "snprintf" if you haven't
       edited xmlversion.h to set WITH_TRIO
-      These messages also occur for "read" and "write" when compiling trio.c
     - uninitialised variables.  Not usually a problem.  You can solve this
       by editing the code to initialise the variables affected
-  and with respect to the trionan code
-    - no main module for UNDERFLOW_TO_ZERO
-    - float overflow when compiling trionan.c STANDALONE
-  You can suppress these "expected" messages by using the compile command
-  This can be achieved by specifying "NOWARN" as the first command
-  parameter to BUILD_LIBXML as follows
-- the Linker will report the following error
-      %LINK-W-MULDEF, symbol DECC$STRERROR multiply defined
-        in module DECC$SHR file SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE;5
-  This is complaining that DECC$STRERROR is multiply defined, which in turn 
-  is because this system symbol is getting added to LIBXML.OLB when strio.c
-  is compiled.
-  I'm not sure what the solution for this is, but this is a fairly benign error.
 Changes made to the codebase
 - I changed all dummy declarations in trio.c to be 
@@ -165,30 +136,8 @@ Changes made to the codebase
   This matches similar lines already added to nanohttp.c
 - Several variables and function names exceed the 31 character limit 
-  used in VMS.  This leads to compiler warnings.  The solution adopted
-  has been
-  a) where variables or functions are defined, set up an ifdef on VMS 
-     to define a variable/function of a shorter name.  This may need to
-     be done in the .h file, and in the implementation .c file
-  b) use define statements to map the long name onto a shorter name.  That
-     way all future code can refer to the function/variable by the long name,
-     reducing the need to add VMS-specific code everywhere.
-  In the current distro, I had to do this for the following names
-  in globals.c, parserinternals.c, globals.h, parser.h
-    xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue
-    xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue
-  in globals.c, globals.h
-    __xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue
-  in xmlio.c, xmlio.h
-    xmlRegisterDefaultInputCallbacks
-    xmlRegisterDefaultOutputCallbacks
-  in xpath.c and xpathinternals.h
-    xmlXPathRegisteredVariablesCleanup
+  of the VMS linker. The solution adopted has been to use the
+  /NAMES=SHORTENED compiler option, which requires DEC/Compaq C 5.7
+  or later.  For a complete list of the names that needed shortening
+  and the short names generated by the compiler, see [.vms]config.vms.
diff --git a/xmlIO.c b/xmlIO.c
index 0972e3fa..1bff44a6 100644
--- a/xmlIO.c
+++ b/xmlIO.c
@@ -79,11 +79,6 @@
 #include <libxml/globals.h>
-#ifdef VMS
-#define xmlRegisterDefaultInputCallbacks xmlRegisterDefInputCallbacks
-#define xmlRegisterDefaultOutputCallbacks xmlRegisterDefOutputCallbacks
 /* #define VERBOSE_FAILURE */
 /* #define DEBUG_INPUT */
@@ -1465,11 +1460,7 @@ xmlRegisterOutputCallbacks(xmlOutputMatchCallback matchFunc,
  * Registers the default compiled-in I/O handlers.
-#ifdef VMS
 (void) {
     if (xmlInputCallbackInitialized)
@@ -1499,11 +1490,7 @@ xmlRegisterDefaultInputCallbacks
  * Registers the default compiled-in I/O handlers.
-#ifdef VMS
 (void) {
     if (xmlOutputCallbackInitialized)
@@ -1706,8 +1693,6 @@ xmlOutputBufferClose(xmlOutputBufferPtr out) {
  * @URI:  a C string containing the URI or filename
  * @enc:  the charset encoding if known
- * VMS version of xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilename()
- *
  * Returns the new parser input or NULL
@@ -1724,11 +1709,7 @@ xmlOutputBufferClose(xmlOutputBufferPtr out) {
  * Returns the new parser input or NULL
-#ifdef VMS
 (const char *URI, xmlCharEncoding enc) {
     xmlParserInputBufferPtr ret;
     int i = 0;
diff --git a/xpath.c b/xpath.c
index eac09371..7a39f74b 100644
--- a/xpath.c
+++ b/xpath.c
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
  * Author: daniel@veillard.com
- * 14 Nov 2000 ht - truncated declaration of xmlXPathEvalRelativeLocationPath
- * for VMS
 #define IN_LIBXML
@@ -6913,12 +6911,7 @@ xmlXPathRoundFunction(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) {
 static void xmlXPathCompileExpr(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt);
 static void xmlXPathCompPredicate(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int filter);
 static void xmlXPathCompLocationPath(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt);
-#ifdef VMS
-static void xmlXPathCompRelLocationPath(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt);
-#define xmlXPathCompRelativeLocationPath xmlXPathCompRelLocationPath 
 static void xmlXPathCompRelativeLocationPath(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt);
 static xmlChar * xmlXPathParseNameComplex(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt,
 	                                  int qualified);
@@ -8568,11 +8561,7 @@ eval_predicates:
  * Compile a relative location path.
 static void
-#ifdef VMS
 (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt) {
     if ((CUR == '/') && (NXT(1) == '/')) {