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From nobody Wed Oct 14 16:48:15 1998
X-From-Line: manfred@s-direktnet.de Fri Jun 05 23:07:19 1998
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Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 19:03:53 +0200 (MEST)
From: Manfred Hollstein <manfred@s-direktnet.de>
To: ddsinc09@ix.netcom.com, gord@profitpress.com
Cc: egcs@cygnus.com
Subject: Issues for libtool and/vs egcs (was: Re: can't resolve symbol '__register_frame_info')
In-Reply-To: <3576FDAF.EE503B4B@datadesign.com>
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Xref: trick.profitpress.com mail.libtool:1479
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X-Gnus-Article-Number: 1 Mon Nov 2 17:20:09 1998
On Thu, 4 June 1998, 13:03:59, korbb@datadesign.com wrote:
> Manfred Hollstein wrote:
> > To fix the problem, you should
> >
> > 1. Add all directories which contain _your_ private shared libs
> > to LD_RUN_PATH prior to linking your executables, and/or
> > 2. Add a -Wl,-rpath,<dir> for all these directories, or
> > 3. Remove all your own lib*.so files from your private directories.
> >
> > Since I didn't want to use KDE4's libjpeg.so, I removed libjpeg.so
> > (and libgdbm.so) from my private installation directory and re-linked
> > the particular applications; now ImageMagick is running like a charm.
> Excuse me? What happened to LD_LIBRARY_PATH?
> Are there *two* ways of specifying the same information?
> Also, for the particular application, I am using :
> ltmain.sh (GNU libtool) 1.2
> which builds a shared lib for me and a magical shell script that
> is supposed to do the right thing when invoking the uninstalled
> program. So, does libtool need updating to work with egcs?
Yep, some days ago the libtool maintainer asked about details what
need to be done in this area.
I guess, the main reason for the problems is inconsistent usage of
`-Wl,-rpath,somedir' vs. LD_RUN_PATH; AFAIK, `-Wl,-rpath,...' disables
LD_RUN_PATH at linktime and LD_LIBRARY_PATH at runtime.
I don't know, which way libtool is using, but I tend to strongly
recommend against using -Wl,-rpath.
Other thoughts?
From nobody Wed Oct 14 16:48:18 1998
X-From-Line: ian@cygnus.com Sat Jun 06 19:44:17 1998
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From: Ian Lance Taylor <ian@cygnus.com>
To: manfred@s-direktnet.de, Manfred.Hollstein@ks.sel.alcatel.de
CC: ddsinc09@ix.netcom.com, gord@profitpress.com, egcs@cygnus.com
In-reply-to: <13688.9050.615440.687287@saturn.hollstein.net> (message from
Manfred Hollstein on Fri, 5 Jun 1998 19:03:53 +0200 (MEST))
Subject: Re: Issues for libtool and/vs egcs (was: Re: can't resolve symbol '__register_frame_info')
Xref: trick.profitpress.com mail.libtool:1480
Lines: 14
X-Gnus-Article-Number: 2 Mon Nov 2 17:20:09 1998
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 19:03:53 +0200 (MEST)
From: Manfred Hollstein <manfred@s-direktnet.de>
I guess, the main reason for the problems is inconsistent usage of
`-Wl,-rpath,somedir' vs. LD_RUN_PATH; AFAIK, `-Wl,-rpath,...' disables
LD_RUN_PATH at linktime and LD_LIBRARY_PATH at runtime.
Using -rpath will indeed cause the linker to ignore LD_RUN_PATH (at
least, that is how the GNU linker behaves). However, it does not
cause the dynamic linker to ignore LD_LIBRARY_PATH when the executable
is run.