This is an alpha testing release of GNU Libtool. To get the latest CVS version of this package, do: cvs -d login [Hit return when prompted for the password] cvs -d checkout libtool cd libtool ./autogen The `autogen' script sets up the source directory for you to hack. To use it, you need a recent (maybe yet to be released) version of both Autoconf and Automake. Please do not send any bug reports or questions about this snapshot to public forums (such as GNU newsgroups), send them directly to the libtool mailing list, . ================================================================ = Administrivia * If you incorporate a change from somebody on the net: First, if it is a large change, you must make sure they have signed the appropriate paperwork. Second, be sure to add their name and email address to THANKS * If a change fixes a test, mention the test in the ChangeLog entry. * If somebody reports a new bug, mention his name in the ChangeLog entry and in the test case you write. Put him into THANKS. * The correct response to most actual bugs is to write a new test case which demonstrates the bug. Then fix the bug, re-run the test suite, and check everything in. * Some files in the automake package are not owned by libtool. These files should never be edited here. These files are COPYING, INSTALL, config.guess config.sub, install-sh, mdate-sh, mkinstalldirs, texinfo.tex * Changes other than bug fixes must be mentioned in NEWS ================================================================ = Test suite * Use "make check" and "make maintainer-check" liberally * Make sure each test file is executable ================================================================ = Release procedure * Fetch new versions of the files that are maintained by the FSF. The most important ones are available for anonymous CVS in the `common' directory, sibling of the libtool CVS tree: cvs -d checkout common * Update NEWS. * Update the version number in and libtool.spec. (The idea is that every other alpha number will be a net release. The repository will always have its own "odd" number so we can easily distinguish net and repo versions.) * Configure, build, and install. * Commit * Run `make cvs-dist' * Put new release on ftp site and send announcement. (If not an alpha, announcement must also go to FSF.) * Update version number in to next alpha number. Commit.