Scot Breitenfeld f859cb732b
Fixed Spelling Errors (#1166)
* fixed missed closing of a dataset

* fixed missed closing of a dataset

* fixed typo in error return

* Committing clang-format changes

* minor edits

* code format

* Committing clang-format changes

* code format

* minor edit

* switched from using MPI_count, to actual bytes written for H5FD_mpio_debug rw debugging

* Committing clang-format changes

* changed size_i in printf to reflect the I/O.

* Committing clang-format changes

* Fixed seg fault with xlf on BE with -qintsize=8

* fixed error function string

* spelling corrections via codespell, added new spell check github actions

* Committing clang-format changes

* misc

* misc

* misc

* misc

* misc

* misc

* misc

* misc

* misc

* misc

* misc

* misc

* misc

* misc

* Committing clang-format changes

* misc

* misc

* misc

* misc

* misc

* misc

* Committing clang-format changes

* misc

* work around for https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell/issues/2137

* misc

* added missing file

* misc

* misc.

* misc

* switch to using Codespell with GitHub Actions

* misc.

* misc.

* fixed more sp errors

* Fix new typos found by codespell.

* fixed proceed with precede

* fixed variable in fortran test

* fixed minnum

* updated spelling list

Co-authored-by: github-actions <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Larry Knox <lrknox@hdfgroup.org>
2021-12-07 08:27:29 -06:00

765 lines
27 KiB

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code *
* distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses. *
* If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from *
* help@hdfgroup.org. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
tobject.cpp - HDF5 C++ testing object related functionality
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "H5Cpp.h" // C++ API header file
using namespace H5;
#include "h5test.h"
#include "h5cpputil.h" // C++ utilility header file
const H5std_string FILE_OBJECTS("tobjects.h5");
const H5std_string FILE_OBJHDR("tobject_header.h5");
const H5std_string GROUP1("Top Group");
const H5std_string GROUP1_PATH("/Top Group");
const H5std_string GROUP1_1("Sub-Group 1.1");
const H5std_string GROUP1_1_PATH("/Top Group/Sub-Group 1.1");
const H5std_string GROUP1_2("Sub-Group 1.2");
const H5std_string GROUP1_2_PATH("/Top Group/Sub-Group 1.2");
const H5std_string DSET_DEFAULT_NAME("default");
const H5std_string DSET_IN_FILE("Dataset in File");
const H5std_string DSET_IN_FILE_PATH("/Dataset in File");
const H5std_string DSET_IN_GRP1("Dataset_in_Group_1");
const H5std_string DSET_IN_GRP1_PATH("/Top Group/Dataset_in_Group_1");
const H5std_string DSET_IN_GRP1_2("Dataset_in_Group_1.2");
const H5std_string DSET_IN_GRP1_2_PATH("/Top Group/Sub-Group 1.2/Dataset_in_Group_1.2");
* Function: test_get_objname
* Purpose Tests getting object name of groups and datasets.
* Description:
* File structure:
* GROUP1_1
* GROUP1_2
* Return Success: 0
* Failure: -1
* Programmer Binh-Minh Ribler
* Friday, March 4, 2014
static void
SUBTEST("H5Object::getObjName on Groups and Datasets");
try {
// Create file
// Create a top group and 2 subgroups
Group grp1 = file.createGroup(GROUP1, 0);
Group grp1_1 = grp1.createGroup(GROUP1_1, 0);
Group grp1_2 = grp1.createGroup(GROUP1_2, 0);
// Get part of the group's name, random length using
// ssize_t getObjName(char* comment, size_t buf_size)
// Get the length of the group's name first
ssize_t name_len = grp1.getObjName(NULL);
// Random length is 4
if (name_len > 4) {
char *grp1_name = new char[5];
name_len = grp1.getObjName(grp1_name, 5);
verify_val(const_cast<const char *>(grp1_name), "/Top", "Group::getObjName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
delete[] grp1_name;
// Create a data space
hsize_t dims[2];
dims[0] = 2;
dims[1] = 5;
DataSpace space(2, dims, NULL);
// Create a dataset in the file
DataSet dsinfile = file.createDataSet(DSET_IN_FILE, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, space);
// Create a dataset in the group
DataSet dsingrp = grp1.createDataSet(DSET_IN_GRP1, PredType::NATIVE_INT, space);
// Get and verify the name of each dataset, using
// H5std_string getObjName() and
// ssize_t getObjName(H5std_string& obj_name, size_t len = 0)
H5std_string ds_name = dsinfile.getObjName();
verify_val(ds_name, DSET_IN_FILE_PATH, "DataSet::getObjName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
name_len = dsingrp.getObjName(ds_name); // default len
verify_val(ds_name, DSET_IN_GRP1_PATH, "DataSet::getObjName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close dataset
// Create a dataset in sub-group 1.2
dsingrp = grp1_2.createDataSet(DSET_IN_GRP1_2, PredType::NATIVE_INT, space);
// Get and verify the name of the dataset that belongs to subgroup
// 1.2, using H5std_string getObjName()
ds_name = dsingrp.getObjName();
verify_val(ds_name, DSET_IN_GRP1_2_PATH, "DataSet::getObjName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close dataset
// Reopen that same dataset then check the name again with another
// overload: ssize_t getObjName(H5std_string& obj_name, size_t len = 0)
dsingrp = grp1_2.openDataSet(DSET_IN_GRP1_2);
name_len = dsingrp.getObjName(ds_name);
verify_val(ds_name, DSET_IN_GRP1_2_PATH, "DataSet::getObjName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Everything will be closed as they go out of scope
} // try block
// catch all other exceptions
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_get_objname", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // test_get_objname
* Function: test_existance
* Purpose Tests getting object name of groups and datasets.
* Description:
* File structure:
* GROUP1_1
* GROUP1_2
* Return Success: 0
* Failure: -1
* Programmer Binh-Minh Ribler
* Friday, March 4, 2014
static void
SUBTEST("H5File::exists and Group::exists");
try {
// Open file
// Check if GROUP1 exists in the file
bool exists = file.nameExists(GROUP1);
verify_val(exists, TRUE, "Group::nameExists GROUP1_1", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Deprecated
exists = file.exists(GROUP1);
verify_val(exists, TRUE, "Group::exists GROUP1_1", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open GROUP1
Group grp1 = file.openGroup(GROUP1);
// Check if GROUP1_1 and GROUP1_2 exist in GROUP1
exists = grp1.nameExists(GROUP1_1);
verify_val(exists, TRUE, "Group::nameExists GROUP1_1", __LINE__, __FILE__);
exists = grp1.nameExists(GROUP1_2);
verify_val(exists, TRUE, "Group::nameExists GROUP1_2", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Deprecated
exists = grp1.exists(GROUP1_1);
verify_val(exists, TRUE, "Group::exists GROUP1_1", __LINE__, __FILE__);
exists = grp1.exists(GROUP1_2);
verify_val(exists, TRUE, "Group::exists GROUP1_2", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Check if DSET_IN_GRP1 exists in GROUP1
exists = grp1.nameExists(DSET_IN_GRP1);
verify_val(exists, TRUE, "Group::nameExists DSET_IN_GRP1", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Deprecated
exists = grp1.exists(DSET_IN_GRP1);
verify_val(exists, TRUE, "Group::exists DSET_IN_GRP1", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open GROUP1_2
Group grp1_2 = grp1.openGroup(GROUP1_2);
// Check if DSET_IN_GRP1_2 exists in GROUP1_2
exists = grp1_2.nameExists(DSET_IN_GRP1_2);
verify_val(exists, TRUE, "Group::nameExists DSET_IN_GRP1_2", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Deprecated
exists = grp1_2.exists(DSET_IN_GRP1_2);
verify_val(exists, TRUE, "Group::exists DSET_IN_GRP1_2", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Check if a dataset exists given dataset as location with full path name
DataSet dset1 = file.openDataSet(DSET_IN_FILE);
exists = dset1.nameExists("/Top Group/Dataset_in_Group_1");
verify_val(exists, TRUE, "Group::nameExists given dataset with full path name", __LINE__, __FILE__);
exists = grp1_2.nameExists(DSET_IN_GRP1);
verify_val(exists, FALSE, "Group::nameExists DSET_IN_GRP1", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Deprecated
exists = dset1.exists("/Top Group/Dataset_in_Group_1");
verify_val(exists, TRUE, "Group::exists given dataset with full path name", __LINE__, __FILE__);
exists = grp1_2.exists(DSET_IN_GRP1);
verify_val(exists, FALSE, "Group::exists DSET_IN_GRP1", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Everything will be closed as they go out of scope
} // try block
// catch all other exceptions
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_existance", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // test_existance
* Function: test_get_objname_ontypes
* Purpose Test getting object name from various committed types.
* Return Success: 0
* Failure: -1
* Programmer Binh-Minh Ribler
* March 4, 2014
static void
SUBTEST("H5Object::getObjName on Committed Datatypes");
try {
// Create a file with default prop lists
// Create a group
Group grp = file.createGroup("typetests");
// Create a datatype and save it
IntType inttype(PredType::STD_B8LE);
inttype.commit(file, "INT type of STD_B8LE");
// Close the type then open it again to test getting its name
inttype = file.openIntType("INT type of STD_B8LE"); // deprecated
// Get and verify its name
H5std_string inttype_name = inttype.getObjName();
verify_val(inttype_name, "/INT type of STD_B8LE", "DataType::getObjName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close the type then open it again to test getting its name, but
// with the constructor this time
IntType std_b8le(file, "INT type of STD_B8LE");
// Get and verify its name
H5std_string std_b8le_name = std_b8le.getObjName();
verify_val(std_b8le_name, "/INT type of STD_B8LE", "DataType::getObjName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Make copy of a predefined type and save it
DataType dtype(PredType::STD_B8LE);
dtype.commit(file, "STD_B8LE");
// Close the data type and file
// Re-open the file and the data type to test getting its name
file.openFile(FILE_OBJECTS, H5F_ACC_RDWR);
dtype = file.openDataType("STD_B8LE"); // deprecated
// Get and verify its name
H5std_string type_name = dtype.getObjName();
verify_val(type_name, "/STD_B8LE", "DataType::getObjName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close the type and open it again with the constructor then test
// getting its name
DataType dtype2(file, "STD_B8LE");
type_name = dtype2.getObjName();
verify_val(type_name, "/STD_B8LE", "DataType::getObjName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Test getting type's name from copied type
DataType copied_type;
copied_type.commit(file, "copy of STD_B8LE");
type_name = copied_type.getObjName();
verify_val(type_name, "/copy of STD_B8LE", "DataType::getObjName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Test copying an integer predefined type
IntType new_int_type(PredType::NATIVE_INT);
// Name this datatype
new_int_type.commit(grp, "IntType NATIVE_INT");
ssize_t name_len = new_int_type.getObjName(type_name); // default len
verify_val(name_len, static_cast<ssize_t>(HDstrlen("/typetests/IntType NATIVE_INT")),
"DataType::getObjName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(type_name, "/typetests/IntType NATIVE_INT", "DataType::getObjName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close everything or they can be closed when objects go out of scope
} // end top try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_get_objname_ontypes", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // test_get_objname_ontypes
* Function: test_get_objtype
* Purpose Tests getting object type
* Return Success: 0
* Failure: -1
* Programmer Binh-Minh Ribler
* Friday, March 4, 2014
static void
SUBTEST("H5File::childObjType and H5Group::childObjType");
try {
// Open file
// Open the top group
Group grp1 = file.openGroup(GROUP1);
// Create a datatype and save it
DataType dtype(PredType::STD_I32LE);
dtype.commit(grp1, "STD_I32LE");
// Get and verify object type with
// H5O_type_t childObjType(const H5std_string& objname)
H5O_type_t objtype = file.childObjType(DSET_IN_FILE);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(objtype), static_cast<long>(H5O_TYPE_DATASET), "DataSet::childObjType",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify object type with
// H5O_type_t childObjType(const char* objname)
objtype = grp1.childObjType(GROUP1_1.c_str());
verify_val(static_cast<long>(objtype), static_cast<long>(H5O_TYPE_GROUP), "DataSet::childObjType",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify object type with
// H5O_type_t childObjType(hsize_t index, H5_index_t index_type,
// H5_iter_order_t order, const char* objname=".")
objtype = grp1.childObjType(1, H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(objtype), static_cast<long>(H5O_TYPE_NAMED_DATATYPE),
"DataSet::childObjType", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify object type with
// H5O_type_t childObjType(hsize_t index,
// H5_index_t index_type=H5_INDEX_NAME,
// H5_iter_order_t order=H5_ITER_INC, const char* objname=".")
objtype = grp1.childObjType(2);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(objtype), static_cast<long>(H5O_TYPE_GROUP), "DataSet::childObjType",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
// Everything will be closed as they go out of scope
} // try block
// catch all other exceptions
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_get_objtype", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // test_get_objtype
* Function: test_open_object_header
* Purpose Test Group::getObjId function.
* Return None
* Programmer Binh-Minh Ribler (use C version)
* March, 2017
const H5std_string GROUPNAME("group");
const H5std_string DTYPENAME("group/datatype");
const H5std_string DTYPENAME_INGRP("datatype");
const H5std_string DSETNAME("dataset");
#define RANK 2
#define DIM0 5
#define DIM1 10
static void
hsize_t dims[2];
// Output message about test being performed
try {
// Create file FILE1
/* Create a group, dataset, and committed datatype within the file */
// Create a group in the root group
Group grp(file1.createGroup(GROUPNAME));
// Commit the type inside the file
IntType dtype(PredType::NATIVE_INT);
dtype.commit(file1, DTYPENAME);
// Create a new dataset
dims[0] = DIM0;
dims[1] = DIM1;
DataSpace dspace(RANK, dims);
DataSet dset(file1.createDataSet(DSETNAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, dspace));
// Close dataset and dataspace
// Now make sure that getObjId can open all three types of objects
hid_t obj_grp = file1.getObjId(GROUPNAME);
hid_t obj_dtype = file1.getObjId(DTYPENAME);
hid_t obj_dset = file1.getObjId(DSETNAME);
// Make sure that each is the right kind of ID
H5I_type_t id_type = IdComponent::getHDFObjType(obj_grp);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(id_type), static_cast<long>(H5I_GROUP), "H5Iget_type for group ID",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
id_type = IdComponent::getHDFObjType(obj_dtype);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(id_type), static_cast<long>(H5I_DATATYPE), "H5Iget_type for datatype ID",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
id_type = IdComponent::getHDFObjType(obj_dset);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(id_type), static_cast<long>(H5I_DATASET), "H5Iget_type for dataset ID",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
/* Do something more complex with each of the IDs to make sure */
Group grp2(obj_grp);
hsize_t num_objs = grp2.getNumObjs();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(num_objs), 1, "H5Gget_info", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// There should be one object, the datatype
// Close datatype object opened from the file
dspace = dset.getSpace();
bool is_simple = dspace.isSimple();
verify_val(is_simple, true, "isSimple", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open datatype object from the group
obj_dtype = grp2.getObjId(DTYPENAME_INGRP);
H5T_class_t type_class = dtype.getClass();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(type_class), static_cast<long>(H5T_INTEGER), "H5Tget_class", __LINE__,
// Close datatype object
// Close the group object
// Try doing something with group, the ID should still work
num_objs = grp2.getNumObjs();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(num_objs), 1, "H5Gget_info", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close the cloned group
} // end of try block
// catch invalid action exception
catch (InvalidActionException &E) {
cerr << " in InvalidActionException" << endl;
cerr << " *FAILED*" << endl;
cerr << " <<< " << E.getDetailMsg() << " >>>" << endl << endl;
// catch all other exceptions
catch (Exception &E) {
cerr << " in Exception" << endl;
issue_fail_msg("test_file_name()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_open_object_header
* Function: test_getobjectinfo_same_file
* Purpose Test that querying the object info for objects in the same
* file will return the same file "number".
* Return None
* July, 2018
const H5std_string FILE_OBJINFO("tobject_getinfo.h5");
const H5std_string GROUP1NAME("group1");
const H5std_string GROUP2NAME("group2");
static void
H5O_info2_t oinfo1, oinfo2; /* Object info structs */
// Output message about test being performed
try {
// Create a new HDF5 file
// Create two groups in the file
Group grp1(file1.createGroup(GROUP1NAME));
Group grp2(file1.createGroup(GROUP2NAME));
// Reset object info
HDmemset(&oinfo1, 0, sizeof(oinfo1));
HDmemset(&oinfo2, 0, sizeof(oinfo2));
// Query the info of two groups and verify that they have the same
// file number
verify_val(oinfo1.fileno, oinfo2.fileno, "file number from getObjinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close groups and file
// Open the file twice
file1.openFile(FILE_OBJINFO, H5F_ACC_RDWR);
// Create two groups in the file
grp1 = file1.openGroup(GROUP1NAME);
grp2 = file2.openGroup(GROUP2NAME);
// Reset object info
HDmemset(&oinfo1, 0, sizeof(oinfo1));
HDmemset(&oinfo2, 0, sizeof(oinfo2));
// Query the info of two groups and verify that they have the same
// file number
verify_val(oinfo1.fileno, oinfo2.fileno, "file number from getObjinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Reset object info
HDmemset(&oinfo1, 0, sizeof(oinfo1));
HDmemset(&oinfo2, 0, sizeof(oinfo2));
file1.getObjinfo(GROUP1NAME, oinfo1);
file1.getObjinfo(GROUP2NAME, oinfo2);
verify_val(oinfo1.fileno, oinfo2.fileno, "file number from getObjectInfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close groups and files
} // end of try block
// catch all other exceptions
catch (Exception &E) {
cerr << " in Exception " << E.getCFuncName() << "detail: " << E.getCDetailMsg() << endl;
issue_fail_msg("test_getobjectinfo_same_file()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_getobjectinfo_same_file
* Function: test_intermediate_groups
* Purpose Test that intermediate groups are created as specified by
* the property setting.
* Return None
* April, 2019
const H5std_string FILE_INTERGRPS("tobject_intergrps.h5");
const H5std_string GROUP10NAME("/group10");
const H5std_string GROUP11NAME("/group10/group11");
const H5std_string GROUP12NAME("/group10/group11/group12");
const H5std_string GROUP13NAME("/group10/group11/group12/group13");
const H5std_string GROUP14NAME("/group10/group11/group12/group13/group14");
const H5std_string GROUP14FROM13NAME("group14");
const H5std_string GROUP20NAME("/group20");
const H5std_string GROUP21NAME("/group20/group21");
const H5std_string GROUP22NAME("group21/group22");
const H5std_string GROUP22FULLNAME("/group20/group21/group22");
static void
// Output message about test being performed
try {
// Create a new HDF5 file
// Create a link create property list and set the "create
// intermediate groups" flag
LinkCreatPropList lcpl;
// Verify value of create missing groups flag
bool crt_int_grps = lcpl.getCreateIntermediateGroup();
verify_val(crt_int_grps, true, "LinkCreatPropList::getCreateIntermediateGroup", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create GROUP12NAME with creating missing groups
Group grp12(file.createGroup(GROUP12NAME, lcpl));
// Missing groups: GROUP10NAME and GROUP11NAME
// Create GROUP14NAME without the use of link create plist, should
// fail because group GROUP13NAME is missing
try {
Group grp14_nopl(file.createGroup(GROUP14NAME));
catch (FileIException &expected1) {
} // Failure is ignored
// Create GROUP14NAME with the flag to create missing groups set
// to FALSE, should fail because group GROUP13NAME is missing
// Reset flag to not create missing groups
// Verify value of create missing groups flag
crt_int_grps = lcpl.getCreateIntermediateGroup();
verify_val(crt_int_grps, false, "LinkCreatPropList::getCreateIntermediateGroup", __LINE__, __FILE__);
try {
Group grp14_false(file.createGroup(GROUP14NAME, lcpl));
catch (FileIException &expected2) {
} // Failure is ignored
// Set the flag to create missing groups set to TRUE
crt_int_grps = lcpl.getCreateIntermediateGroup();
verify_val(crt_int_grps, true, "LinkCreatPropList::getCreateIntermediateGroup", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create GROUP14NAME with the use of link create plist
Group grp14(file.createGroup(GROUP14NAME, lcpl));
// Missing groups: GROUP13NAME
// Create group GROUP20NAME
Group grp20(file.createGroup(GROUP20NAME));
// Create group GROUP22NAME with missing group GROUP21NAME
Group grp22(grp20.createGroup(GROUP22NAME, lcpl));
// Close groups and file
// Reopen the file
// Open the missing groups and various combinations
Group grp10(file.openGroup(GROUP10NAME));
Group grp11(file.openGroup(GROUP11NAME));
Group grp13(file.openGroup(GROUP13NAME));
Group grp14from13(grp13.openGroup(GROUP14FROM13NAME));
Group grp21(file.openGroup(GROUP21NAME));
Group grp22fromfile(file.openGroup(GROUP22FULLNAME));
} // end of try block
// catch all other exceptions
catch (Exception &E) {
cerr << " in Exception " << E.getCFuncName() << "detail: " << E.getCDetailMsg() << endl;
issue_fail_msg("test_intermediate_groups()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_intermediate_groups
* Function: test_object
* Purpose Tests HDF5 object related functionality
* Return Success: 0
* Failure: -1
* March 4, 2014
extern "C" void
// Output message about test being performed
MESSAGE(5, ("Testing Object Functions\n"));
test_get_objname(); // Test get object name from groups/datasets
test_existance(); // Test check for object existence
test_get_objname_ontypes(); // Test get object name from types
test_get_objtype(); // Test get object type
test_open_object_header(); // Test object header functions (H5O)
test_getobjectinfo_same_file(); // Test object info in same file
test_intermediate_groups(); // Test intermediate group property
} // test_object
* Function: cleanup_objects
* Purpose Cleanup temporary test files
* Return None
extern "C" void
} // cleanup_objects