Leon Arber 3781d2ed5a [svn-r11033] Purpose:

gen_report.pl throws away the plotting commands used to make the plots
in gnuplot.

Deciding that these commands may be useful if the someone wants to reproduce
the plots (or, more importantly, manipulate them further in gnuplot), the
commands are now saved in a file called gnuplot.script

Platforms tested:

Misc. update:
2005-07-06 17:14:05 -05:00

527 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
# of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
# root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
# is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
# http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
# access to either file, you may request a copy from hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu.
# Generates an ASCII and Excel-importable file of tables representing
# the output of running the "pio_perf" command. The name of the input
# file is important. The name should reflect the command-line options
# used in the performance test. It needs to be of the form:
# f#[GMK].i#.d#.X#[GMK].x#[GMK]..*
# For example:
# PIO_output_f1G.i2.d1.X2M.x128K.frost
# for a 1GB sized file ran for 2 iterations with 1 dataset from xfer
# buffer size of 128KB to 2MB on the frost machine.
# The output file will have the same name as the input, but will append
# ".ascii" for the ASCII file and ".excel" for the Excel-importable
# file.
# The data structure used in this program looks like:
# %results = {
# num_proc => (
# %xfer_size => (
# %posix = {
# 'write-only' => ##,
# 'write-close' => ##,
# 'read-only' => ##,
# 'read-close' => ##
# },
# %mpio = {
# 'write-only' => ##,
# 'write-close' => ##,
# 'read-only' => ##,
# 'read-close' => ##
# },
# %phdf = {
# 'write-only' => ##,
# 'write-close' => ##,
# 'read-only' => ##,
# 'read-close' => ##
# }
# )
# )
# }
use IO::Handle;
use Getopt::Long;
use List::Util qw[max];
if ($#ARGV == -1) {
my ($ascii_output, $excel_output);
usage() if $help or !@ARGV;
$throughput_type = "average" if !$throughput_type;
$io_type = 7 if !$io_type;
foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
if ($arg !~ /^-/) {
$arg =~ /f([0-9]+.)\.i([0-9]+)\.d([0-9]+)\.X([0-9]+.)\.x([0-9]+.)\.(.*)/;
my $output = $arg . $1 . ".X" . $4 . ".x" . $5 . "." . $6;
$ascii_output = $output . ".ascii";
$excel_output = $output . ".excel";
open(INPUT, "<$arg") or die "error: cannot open file $arg: $!\n";
open(ASCII_OUTPUT, ">$ascii_output") or
die "error: cannot open file $ascii_output: $!\n";
open(EXCEL_OUTPUT, ">$excel_output") or
die "error: cannot open file $excel_output: $!\n";
die "error: unrecognized option: $arg\n";
my %results;
my $num_procs = 0;
my ($xfer_size, $avg_type, $type);
my $posix = 0, $mpio = 1, $phdf5 = 2;
##"==== End of Parameters ===="
while (<INPUT>) {
if (/Number of processors = ([0-9]+)/) {
$num_procs = $1;
if (/Transfer Buffer Size: ([0-9]+)/) {
$xfer_size = $1;
$type = $posix if /POSIX/;
$type = $mpio if /MPIO/;
$type = $phdf5 if /PHDF5/;
if (/Write Open/) {
$avg_type = "write-close";
} elsif (/Write/) {
$avg_type = "write-only";
} elsif (/Read Open/) {
$avg_type = "read-close";
} elsif (/Read/) {
$avg_type = "read-only";
if($throughput_type eq "max")
if (/Maximum Throughput: ( {0,2}[0-9]+\.[0-9]{2}) MB\/s/) {
$results{$num_procs}{$xfer_size}[$type]{$avg_type} = $1;
elsif($throughput_type eq "min")
if (/Minimum Throughput: ( {0,2}[0-9]+\.[0-9]{2}) MB\/s/) {
$results{$num_procs}{$xfer_size}[$type]{$avg_type} = $1;
elsif($throughput_type eq "average")
if (/Average Throughput: ( {0,2}[0-9]+\.[0-9]{2}) MB\/s/) {
$results{$num_procs}{$xfer_size}[$type]{$avg_type} = $1;
sub usage {
print "Usage: gen_reporl.pl [options] FILE
options are:\n
-data_type \"data_type\" plots the results for \"write-only\",\"read-only\", \"write-close\", or \"read-close\" (default is write-only)\n
-buffer_size \"buffer_size\" plots data from this buffer size (in kilobytes, default is 128)\n
-procs \"num_procs\" plots data from the run with num_procs processors (default is 1).\n
-throughput \"throughput_type\" plots either the \"max\", \"min\", or \"average\" throughput (default is average)\n
-io_type \"io_type\" where \"io_type\" is the bitwise or of the io_type for which plotting is desired (1 for POSIX, 2 for MPIO, 4 for PHDF5 (default is 7 (all))\n
-3d if present, does a 3d plot in addition to the normal ones\n";
exit 1;
sub create_excel_output_header {
my $output_header;
my $kb = 1024;
my $mb = $kb * $kb;
foreach my $key (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$num_procs}})) {
if ($key < $mb) {
$key /= $kb;
$output_header .= "\t". $key . "K";
} else {
$key /= $mb;
$output_header .= "\t". $key . "M";
sub create_excel_output_string {
my ($t) = @_;
my $output_content = "";
foreach my $procs (sort { $b <=> $a } keys(%results)) {
$output_content .= "\n$procs Procs";
$output_content .= "\n" . create_excel_output_header;
$output_content .= "\n POSIX";
foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) {
$output_content .= "\t$results{$procs}{$xfer}[0]{$t}";
$output_content .= "\n MPIO";
foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) {
$output_content .= "\t$results{$procs}{$xfer}[1]{$t}";
$output_content .= "\n PHDF5";
foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) {
$output_content .= "\t$results{$procs}{$xfer}[2]{$t}";
$output_content .= "\n";
sub is_defined {
my ($t) = @_;
my $def = 1;
foreach my $procs (sort { $b <=> $a } keys(%results)) {
foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) {
if (!defined($results{$procs}{$xfer}[0]{$t})) {
$def = 0;
foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) {
if (!defined($results{$procs}{$xfer}[0]{$t})) {
$def = 0;
foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) {
if (!defined($results{$procs}{$xfer}[0]{$t})) {
$def = 0;
sub write_excel_file {
print EXCEL_OUTPUT "\nWrite-Only\n";
print EXCEL_OUTPUT create_excel_output_string("write-only");
print EXCEL_OUTPUT "\nWrite-Close\n";
print EXCEL_OUTPUT create_excel_output_string("write-close");
if (is_defined("read-only")) {
print EXCEL_OUTPUT "\nRead-Only\n";
print EXCEL_OUTPUT create_excel_output_string("read-only");
print EXCEL_OUTPUT "\nRead-Close\n";
print EXCEL_OUTPUT create_excel_output_string("read-close");
sub create_ascii_output_header {
my $output_header = " " x 12 . "|";
my $kb = 1024;
my $mb = $kb * $kb;
foreach my $key (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$num_procs}})) {
if ($key < $mb) {
$key /= $kb;
$output_header = sprintf("$output_header %-4s |", $key . "K");
} else {
$key /= $mb;
$output_header = sprintf("$output_header %-4s |", $key . "M");
sub create_ascii_output_string {
my ($t) = @_;
my $output_content = "";
my $output_header = create_ascii_output_header;
foreach my $procs (sort { $b <=> $a } keys(%results)) {
$output_content .= "\n$procs Procs";
$output_content .= "\n$output_header\n";
$output_content .= "-" x length($output_header);
$output_content .= "\n POSIX |";
foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) {
$output_content = sprintf("$output_content %-6s |",
$output_content .= "\n ";
$output_content .= "-" x (length($output_header) - 4);
$output_content .= "\n MPI/IO |";
foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) {
$output_content = sprintf("$output_content %-6s |",
$output_content .= "\n ";
$output_content .= "-" x (length($output_header) - 4);
$output_content .= "\n PHDF5 |";
foreach my $xfer (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$results{$procs}})) {
$output_content = sprintf("$output_content %-6s |",
$output_content .= "\n";
$output_content .= "=" x length($output_header);
$output_content .= "\n";
sub write_ascii_file {
print ASCII_OUTPUT "\nWrite-Only";
print ASCII_OUTPUT "\n----------\n";
print ASCII_OUTPUT create_ascii_output_string("write-only");
print ASCII_OUTPUT "\n\nWrite-Close";
print ASCII_OUTPUT "\n-----------\n";
print ASCII_OUTPUT create_ascii_output_string("write-close");
if (is_defined("read-only")) {
print ASCII_OUTPUT "\n\nRead-Only";
print ASCII_OUTPUT "\n---------\n";
print ASCII_OUTPUT create_ascii_output_string("read-only");
print ASCII_OUTPUT "\n\nRead-Close";
print ASCII_OUTPUT "\n----------\n";
print ASCII_OUTPUT create_ascii_output_string("read-close");
sub draw_plot
my($p_3d) = @_;
$counter = 3;
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "splot ";
$counter = 2;
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "plot ";
if($io_type & 1) {
print GNUPLOT_PIPE " \"gnuplot.data\" using 1:";
if($p_3d) { print GNUPLOT_PIPE "2:"; }
print GNUPLOT_PIPE $counter . " title 'POSIX' with linespoints";
$counter = $counter + 1;
if($io_type & 2) {
if($io_type & 1) { print GNUPLOT_PIPE ", "; }
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "\"gnuplot.data\" using 1:";
if($p_3d) { print GNUPLOT_PIPE "2:"; }
print GNUPLOT_PIPE $counter . " title 'MPIO' with linespoints";
$counter = $counter + 1;
if($io_type & 4) { print GNUPLOT_PIPE ", ";}
if($io_type & 4) {
print GNUPLOT_PIPE " \"gnuplot.data\" using 1:";
if($p_3d) { print GNUPLOT_PIPE "2:"; }
print GNUPLOT_PIPE $counter . " title 'PHDF5' with linespoints";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "\n";
sub plot_default_graph1 {
open(GNUPLOT_DATA_OUTPUT, ">gnuplot.data") or
die "error: cannot open file gnuplot.data: $!\n";
$transfer_buffer_size = 128 if !$transfer_buffer_size;
$data_type = "write-only" if !$data_type;
#set up the plot
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set term x11 1\n";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set xlabel \"Number of Processors\"\n";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set title \"" . $data_type . " Performance (Speed vs. Num. Procs)\"\n";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set ylabel \"Bandwdith (MB/s)\"\n";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set label 1 \"Transfer buffer size: " . $transfer_buffer_size . "K\" at graph 0.7, graph 0.7 left \n";
#the next line attempts to hack gnuplot to get around it's inability to linearly scale, but logarithmically label an axis
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set xtics (\"1\" 1, \"2\" 2, \"4\" 4, \"8\" 8, \"16\" 16, \"32\" 32, \"64\" 64, \"128\" 128, \"256\" 256, \"512\" 512, \"1024\" 1024)\n";
foreach $proc (sort { $a <=> $b }( keys %results ))
print GNUPLOT_DATA_OUTPUT $proc . "\t";
if($io_type & 1) {
print GNUPLOT_DATA_OUTPUT $results{$proc}{$transfer_buffer_size*1024}[0]{$data_type} . "\t";
if($io_type & 2) {
print GNUPLOT_DATA_OUTPUT $results{$proc}{$transfer_buffer_size*1024}[1]{$data_type}. "\t";
if($io_type & 4) {
print GNUPLOT_DATA_OUTPUT $results{$proc}{$transfer_buffer_size*1024}[2]{$data_type};
sub plot_default_graph2 {
open(GNUPLOT_DATA_OUTPUT, ">gnuplot.data") or
die "error: cannot open file gnuplot.data: $!\n";
$num_procs_graph = max(sort { $a <=> $b }( keys %results ));
print "min-rpocs: " . $num_procs_graph;
$data_type = "write-only" if !$data_type;
#set up the plot
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set term x11 2\n";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set xlabel \"Transfer Buffer Size (in bytes)\"\n";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set title \"" . $data_type . " Performance (Speed vs. Transfer Buffer Size)\"\n";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set ylabel \"Bandwdith (MB/s)\"\n";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set label 1 \"Procs: " . $num_procs_graph . "\" at graph 0.7, graph 0.7 left \n";
#the next line attempts to hack gnuplot to get around it's inability to linearly scale, but logarithmically label an axis
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set xtics (\"4K\" 4*1024, \"8K\" 8*1024, \"16K\" 16*1024, \"32K\" 32*1024, \"64K\" 64*1024, \"128K\" 128*1024, \"256K\" 256*1024, \"512K\" 512*1024, \"1M\" 1024*1024, \"2M\" 2048*1024, \"4M\" 4096*1024, \"8M\" 8192*1024, \"16M\" 16384*1024)\n";
foreach $xfer (sort {$a <=> $b} ( keys %{$results{$num_procs_graph}} ))
print GNUPLOT_DATA_OUTPUT $xfer . "\t";
if($io_type & 1) {
print GNUPLOT_DATA_OUTPUT $results{$num_procs_graph}{$xfer}[0]{$data_type} . "\t";
if($io_type & 2) {
print GNUPLOT_DATA_OUTPUT $results{$num_procs_graph}{$xfer}[1]{$data_type}. "\t";
if($io_type & 4) {
print GNUPLOT_DATA_OUTPUT $results{$num_procs_graph}{$xfer}[2]{$data_type};
sub plot_3d_graph3 {
open(GNUPLOT_DATA_OUTPUT, ">gnuplot.data") or
die "error: cannot open file gnuplot.data: $!\n";
#set up the plot
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set term x11 3\n";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set xlabel \"Num. Processors\"\n";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set title \"Write Speed v. No. Procs v. Buffer Size\"\n";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set ylabel \"Buffer Size (bytes)\"\n";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set zlabel \"Bandwidth (in MB/s)\"\n";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set nolabel\n";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set dgrid3d 30,30\n";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set hidden3d\n";
#the next lines attempts to hack gnuplot to get around it's inability to linearly scale, but logarithmically label an axis
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set xtics (\"1\" 1, \"2\" 2, \"4\" 4, \"8\" 8, \"16\" 16, \"32\" 32, \"64\" 64, \"128\" 128, \"256\" 256, \"512\" 512, \"1024\" 1024)\n";
print GNUPLOT_PIPE "set ytics (\"4K\" 4*1024, \"8K\" 8*1024, \"16K\" 16*1024, \"32K\" 32*1024, \"64K\" 64*1024, \"128K\" 128*1024, \"256K\" 256*1024, \"512K\" 512*1024, \"1M\" 1024*1024, \"2M\" 2048*1024, \"4M\" 4096*1024, \"8M\" 8192*1024, \"16M\" 16384*1024)\n";
#Read speed on z-axis, processors on x, buffer size on y.
foreach $proc (sort { $a <=> $b }( keys %results ))
foreach $xfer (sort {$a <=> $b} ( keys %{$results{$proc}} ))
print GNUPLOT_DATA_OUTPUT $proc . "\t" . $xfer . "\t";
if($io_type & 1) {
print GNUPLOT_DATA_OUTPUT $results{$proc}{$xfer}[0]{"write-only"} . "\t";
if($io_type & 2) {
print GNUPLOT_DATA_OUTPUT $results{$proc}{$xfer}[1]{"write-only"}. "\t";
if($io_type & 4) {
print GNUPLOT_DATA_OUTPUT $results{$proc}{$xfer}[2]{"write-only"};
open(GNUPLOT_PIPE, "| tee gnuplot.script | gnuplot -persist") || die "Couldn't run gnuplot: $!\n";
sleep 1;
sleep 1;
plot_3d_graph3 if $plot_3d;