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synced 2025-03-25 17:00:45 +08:00
---------------------- ./src/H5.c ./src/H5Smpio.c ./src/H5T.c ./src/H5Tconv.c ./src/H5Tpublic.h ./src/H5detect.c ./src/H5private.h ./src/H5public.h ./test/big.c The `long long' type isn't quite as prevalent as we had hoped; there is at least one system that defines `__int64' but not `long long'. Therefore, I've temporarily changed all occurrences of `long long' to `long_long' and then #define that in H5private.h based on the existence of `long long' or `__int64'. This gets rid of some #ifdef's in other parts of the code. The semantics of the hdf5 types are: *int8_t Exactly one byte *int16_t At least two bytes. We favor 32-bit integers over 16-bit integers if the 16-bit integer is 4-bytes wide (Cray) *int32_t At least four bytes. *int64_t At least eight bytes long_long The widest integral integer type The H5Smpio.c contains debugging code which is non-portable. ./tools/h5ls.c Changed the order native types are detected so we favor the name `int' over `short' or `long' if two of them are the same. ./config/conclude.in Added a rule to make test programs depend on the hdf5 library. This fixes a minor bug where changing H5detect.c and then running `make test' caused H5Tinit.c to not be recompiled and therefore the test files are not relinked.
hdf5/testpar/README ------------------- (last update: Aug the 1998) This directory holds tests for the parallel HDF5 library. It is in its "infancy" and is not integrated with the rest of the HDF5 software yet. It will be smothed out in the next release. Steps to compile and test: 1a) Makefile.irix64 is one that works for IRIX64 -64 platform. You may use it as a template to create Makefile for other platforms. 1b) Makefile.ascired is one that works for the ASCI Red platform. 2) "make all -f Makefile.xxxxx >&! make.out1" creates testphdf5. 3) "make test -f Makefile.xxxxx >&! make.out2" runs testphdf5. When running "make test -f Makefile.xxxxx" the line that executes is: $(RUN) testphdf5 $(TEST_FLAGS) For the ASCI Red users: In the file Makefile.ascired, the variables RUN and TEST_FLAGS are: RUN=yod -sz 8 TEST_FLAGS=-f "pfs:/pfs/multi/tmp_1/your_own" The TEST_FLAGS variable contains an optional file prefix which needs to be changed to your own Intel PFS directory name. /* change "your_own" to your own directory name */ RUN=yod -sz 8 TEST_FLAGS=-f "pfs:/pfs/multi/tmp_1/my_dir" After the above change to Makefile.ascired, upon execution of "make test -f Makefile.ascired >&! make.out2", the prefix will be attached to filenames in testphdf5 at execution. ---- Questions? Send mail to hdfparallel@ncsa.uiuc.edu