Robb Matzke ea3624e133 [svn-r1115] Changes since 19990302

./configure		[REGENERATED]
./src/H5config.h.in	[REGENERATED]
	Improvements for parallel library.  If you have a properly
	working mpicc you should be able to just say:

	    $ CC=mpicc ./configure

	and you will see

	    checking for mpirun... /usr/local/mpi/bin/mpirun
	    checking for parallel support files... skipped
	    checking how to run on one processor...
		     /usr/local/mpi/bin/mpirun -np 1
	    checking how to run in parallel...
		     /usr/local/mpi/bin/mpirun -np $$NPROCS

	To quote from the INSTALL file....

	*** Parallel vs. serial library
	The HDF5 library can be configured to use MPI and MPI-IO for
	parallelizm on a distributed multi-processor system. The easy
	way to do this is to have a properly installed parallel
	compiler (e.g., MPICH's mpicc or IBM's mpcc) and supply that
	executable as the value of the CC environment variable:
	[NOTE: mpcc is not tested yet]

	    $ CC=mpcc ./configure
	    $ CC=/usr/local/mpi/bin/mpicc ./configure

	If no such wrapper script is available then you must specify
	your normal C compiler along with the distribution of
	MPI/MPI-IO which is to be used (values other than `mpich' will
	be added at a later date):

	    $ ./configure --enable-parallel=mpich

	If the MPI/MPI-IO include files and/or libraries cannot be
	found by the compiler then their directories must be given as
	arguments to CPPFLAGS and/or LDFLAGS:

	    $ CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/mpi/include \
	      LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/mpi/lib/LINUX/ch_p4 \
	      ./configure --enable-parallel=mpich

	If a parallel library is being built then configure attempts
	to determine how to run a parallel application on one
	processor and on many processors.  If the compiler is mpicc
	and the user hasn't specified values for RUNSERIAL and
	RUNPARALLEL then configure chooses `mpirun' from the same
	directory as `mpicc':

	    RUNSERIAL:    /usr/local/mpi/bin/mpirun -np 1
	    RUNPARALLEL:  /usr/local/mpi/bin/mpirun -np $${NPROCS:=2}

	The `$${NPROCS:=2}' will be substituted with the value of the
	NPROCS environment variable at the time `make check' is run
	(or the value 2).

	Saying `make check' (or `make test') will run the tests on two
	processors by default.  If you define NPROCS then that many
	processors are used instead:

	    $ NPROCS=4 make check

	Fixed (hopefully) bugs with detecting whether __attribute__
	and __FUNCTION__ are special keywords for the compiler.

	Saying `make install' from the top level directory shows
	instructions for using shared libraries.

	Moved the @top_srcdir@ into the makefiles because it was
	expanded too early and had the wrong value.

	Added a warning that if the wrong version of hdf4 tools are
	installed then `make check' will fail in the tools directory.
1999-03-03 18:17:48 -05:00
1998-08-03 15:22:23 -05:00
1999-03-03 18:17:48 -05:00
1998-08-31 14:07:58 -05:00

		(last update: Aug the 1998)

This directory holds tests for the parallel HDF5 library.  It is in
its "infancy" and is not integrated with the rest of the HDF5 software
yet.  It will be smothed out in the next release.

Steps to compile and test:

1a) Makefile.irix64 is one that works for IRIX64 -64 platform.
    You may use it as a template to create Makefile for other platforms.

1b) Makefile.ascired is one that works for the ASCI Red platform.

2) "make all -f Makefile.xxxxx >&! make.out1" creates testphdf5.

3) "make test -f Makefile.xxxxx >&! make.out2" runs testphdf5.

    When running "make test -f Makefile.xxxxx" the line that executes is:
    $(RUN) testphdf5 $(TEST_FLAGS)
    For the ASCI Red users:
      In the file Makefile.ascired, the variables RUN and TEST_FLAGS are:

      RUN=yod -sz 8
      TEST_FLAGS=-f "pfs:/pfs/multi/tmp_1/your_own"
      The TEST_FLAGS variable contains an optional file prefix which needs
      to be changed to your own Intel PFS directory name.
      /* change "your_own" to your own directory name */
      RUN=yod -sz 8
      TEST_FLAGS=-f "pfs:/pfs/multi/tmp_1/my_dir"

      After the above change to Makefile.ascired, upon execution of
      "make test -f Makefile.ascired >&! make.out2",
      the prefix will be attached to filenames in testphdf5 at execution.

Questions?  Send mail to