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synced 2025-02-05 15:42:32 +08:00
Updated utilities test scripts to make output more legible; fixed some typos. Added four new expected output files to avoid false negative reports for the h5dump tests (for ones that expect to have error report in them). Updated MANIFEST to reflect the changes. Platforms tested: VMS server (more testing is on the way)
207 lines
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207 lines
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$!# Copyright by The HDF Group.
$!# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
$!# All rights reserved.
$!# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
$!# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
$!# the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
$!# of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
$!# root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
$!# is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
$!# http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
$!# access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
$ !
$ ! This command file tests h5import utility. The command file has to
$ ! run in the [hdf5-top.tools.h5import.testfiles] directory.
$ !
$ !
$ type sys$input
Testing h5import utiltity
$ ! Define symbols
$ !
$ current_dir = F$DIRECTRY()
$ len = F$LENGTH(current_dir)
$ temp = F$EXTRACT(0, len-19, current_dir)
$ h5dump_dir = temp + "H5DUMP]"
$ h5dump :== $sys$disk:'h5dump_dir'h5dump.exe
$ h5import_dir = temp + "H5IMPORT]"
$ h5import :== $sys$disk:'h5import_dir'h5import.exe
$ h5importtest :== $sys$disk:'h5import_dir'h5importtest.exe
$ !
$ ! Define output for diff command that compares expected and actual
$ ! outputs of h5dump
$ !
$ create h5import.log
$ !
$ ! h5import tests
$ !
$ ! Run h5importtest to create input files
$ !
$ run [.-]h5importtest
$ !
$ type sys$input
Testing ASCII I32 rank 3 - Output BE
$ CALL TOOLTEST "txtin32. -c textin32. -o" test1.h5
$ !
$ type sys$input
Testing ASCII I16 rank 3 - Output LE - CHUNKED - extended
$ CALL TOOLTEST "txtin16. -c textin16. -o" test2.h5
$ !
$ type sys$input
Testing ASCII I8 - rank 3 - Output I16 LE-Chunked+Extended+Compressed
$ CALL TOOLTEST "txtin16. -c textin8. -o" test3.h5
$ !
$ type sys$input
Testing ASCII UI32 - rank 3 - Output BE
$ CALL TOOLTEST "in1. -c textuin32. -o" test4.h5
$ !
$ type sys$input
Testing ASCII UI16 - rank 2 - Output LE+Chunked+Compressed
$ CALL TOOLTEST "in1. -c textuin16. -o" test5.h5
$ !
$ type sys$input
Testing ASCII F32 - rank 3 - Output LE
$ CALL TOOLTEST "fp1. -c textfp32. -o" test6.h5
$ !
$ type sys$input
Testing ASCII F64 - rank 3 - Output BE + CHUNKED+Extended+Compressed
$ CALL TOOLTEST "fp2. -c textfp64. -o" test7.h5
$ !
$ type sys$input
Testing BINARY F64 - rank 3 - Output LE+CHUNKED+Extended+Compressed
$ CALL TOOLTEST "bfp64. -c conbfp64. -o" test8.h5
$ !
$ type sys$input
Testing BINARY I16 - rank 3 - Output order LE + CHUNKED + extended
$ CALL TOOLTEST "bin16. -c conbin16. -o" test9.h5
$ !
$ type sys$input
Testing BINARY I8 - rank 3 - Output I16LE + Chunked+Extended+Compressed
$ CALL TOOLTEST "bin8. -c conbin8. -o" test10.h5
$ !
$ type sys$input
Testing BINARY I32 - rank 3 - Output BE + CHUNKED
$ CALL TOOLTEST "bin32. -c conbin32. -o" test11.h5
$ !
$ type sys$input
Testing BINARY UI16 - rank 3 - Output byte BE + CHUNKED
$ CALL TOOLTEST "buin16. -c conbuin16. -o" test12.h5
$ !
$ type sys$input
Testing BINARY UI32 - rank 3 - Output LE + CHUNKED
$ CALL TOOLTEST "buin32. -c conbuin32. -o" test13.h5
$ len = F$LENGTH(P2)
$ base = F$EXTRACT(0,len-3,P2)
$ actual = base + "out.h5"
$ actual_dump = base + "out.h5importtxt"
$ actual_dump_err = base + "out.h5importerr"
$ expected_dump = base + ".h5importtxt"
$ expected_dump_err = base + ".h5importerr"
$ begin = "Testing"
$ !
$ ! Run h5import with output in the 'actual' file
$ !
$ h5import 'P1 'actual'
$ define/nolog sys$output 'actual_dump'
$ define/nolog sys$error 'actual_dump_err'
$ !
$ ! Dump the actual and expected files
$ !
$ h5dump 'actual'
$ deassign sys$output
$ deassign sys$error
$ if F$SEARCH(actual_dump_err) .NES. ""
$ then
$ set message/notext/nofacility/noidentification/noseverity
$ append 'actual_dump_err' 'actual_dump'
$ set message/text/facility/identification/severity
$ endif
$ define/nolog sys$output 'expected_dump'
$ define/nolog sys$error 'expected_dump_err'
$ h5dump 'P2
$ deassign sys$output
$ deassign sys$error
$ if F$SEARCH(expected_dump_err) .NES. ""
$ then
$ set message/notext/nofacility/noidentification/noseverity
$ append 'expected_dump_err' 'expected_dump'
$ set message/ntext/facility/identification/severity
$ endif
$ !
$ ! Compare the results
$ !
$ diff/output=h5dump_temp/ignore=(spacing,trailing_spaces,blank_lines)-
'actual_dump' -
$ open/read temp_out h5dump_temp.dif
$ !
$ read/end_of_file=end_read temp_out record1
$ !
$ ! Skip blank lines
$ !
$ if record1 .EQS. "" then goto READ_DATA
$ !
$ ! Find record with "Number" and exit the loop
$ !
$ len = F$LENGTH(record1)
$ pos = F$LOCATE("Number", record1)
$ !
$ if pos .EQ. 0
$ then
$ err_code = F$EXTRACT(len-1,1,record1)
$ goto END_READ
$ endif
$ !
$ goto READ_DATA
$ !
$ close temp_out
$ !
$ ! File names are different, so we allow only one difference
$ ! in h5dump
$ if err_code .eqs. "1"
$ then
$ result = "PASSED"
$ line = F$FAO("!8AS !62AS !80AS", begin, P1, result)
$ else
$ result = "*FAILED*"
$ line = F$FAO("!8AS !61AS !79AS", begin, P1, result)
$ endif
$ !
$ ! Print test result
$ !
$ write sys$output line
$ !
$ ! Append the result to the log file
$ !
$ append h5dump_temp.dif h5import.log
$ !
$ ! Delete temporary files
$ if F$SEARCH("*out.h5;*") then del *out.h5;*
$ if F$SEARCH("*.dif;*") then del *.dif;*
$ if F$SEARCH("*.h5importerr;*") then del *.h5importerr;*
$ if F$SEARCH("*.h5importtxt;*") then del *.h5importtxt;*
$ if F$SEARCH("b*.;*") then del b*.;*
$ if F$SEARCH("txti*.;*") then del txti*.;*
$ if F$SEARCH("txtu*.;*") then del txtu*.;*
$ if F$SEARCH("*.dat;*") then del *.dat;*
$ !
$ !