Elena Pourmal 099dfac2a9 [svn-r12241] Purpose: Maintenance
Description: This command file defines all necessary compilation flags
             and builds all libraries, tests and examples.
             If you build in a particular directory, make sure you use
             the correct compilation flags since they are not defined
             in each individual command file (actually the line is still there
             but commented out).


Platforms tested: VMS server

Misc. update:
2006-04-14 16:28:08 -05:00

136 lines
4.3 KiB

$!# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
$!# All rights reserved.
$!# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
$!# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
$!# the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
$!# of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
$!# root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
$!# is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
$!# http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
$!# access to either file, you may request a copy from hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu.
$! This file copies all make files from the VMS directory to the
$! source directories and builds libraries, tests, and utilties
$ copy [.c__.examples]*.com [-.c__.examples]
$ copy [.c__.src]make.com [-.c__.src]
$ copy [.c__.test]*.com [-.c__.test]
$ copy [.fortran.examples]*.com [-.fortran.examples]
$ copy [.fortran.src]make.com [-.fortran.src]
$ copy [.fortran.test]*.com [-.fortran.test]
$ copy [.src]make.com [-.src]
$ copy [.src]h5pubconf.h [-.src]
$ copy [.test]*.com [-.test]
$ copy [.examples]*.com [-.examples]
$ copy [.tools.h5dump]*.com [-.tools.h5dump]
$ copy [.tools.h5ls]*.com [-.tools.h5ls]
$ copy [.tools.h5diff]*.com [-.tools.h5diff]
$ copy [.tools.h5repack]*.com [-.tools.h5repack]
$ copy [.tools.h5import]*.com [-.tools.h5import]
$ copy [.tools.h5jam]*.com [-.tools.h5jam]
$ copy [.tools.lib]make.com [-.tools.lib]
$! Set up compilation flags here
$! Do not remove define=H5_VMS and standard=strict_ansi qualifiers.
$ ccopt == "/float=ieee_float/define=H5_VMS/debug/nooptimize"
$ fcopt == "/float=ieee_float/define=H5_VMS/debug/nooptimize"
$ cxxopt == "/float=ieee_float/define=H5_VMS/debug/nooptimize/standard=strict_ansi"
$ hdf5top = F$DIRECTORY()
$ len = F$LENGTH(hdf5top)
$ hdf5top_dir = F$EXTRACT(0, len-4, hdf5top)
$ hdf5src = hdf5top_dir + "SRC]"
$ hdf5test = hdf5top_dir + "TEST]"
$ hdf5examples = hdf5top_dir + "EXAMPLES]"
$ hdf5tools_lib = hdf5top_dir + "TOOLS.LIB]"
$ hdf5tools_h5diff = hdf5top_dir + "TOOLS.H5DIFF]"
$ hdf5tools_h5dump = hdf5top_dir + "TOOLS.H5DUMP]"
$ hdf5tools_h5ls = hdf5top_dir + "TOOLS.H5LS]"
$ hdf5tools_h5repack = hdf5top_dir + "TOOLS.H5REPACK]"
$ hdf5tools_h5jam = hdf5top_dir + "TOOLS.H5JAM]"
$ hdf5tools_h5import = hdf5top_dir + "TOOLS.H5IMPORT]"
$ hdf5fortran_examples = hdf5top_dir + "FORTRAN.EXAMPLES]"
$ hdf5fortran_src = hdf5top_dir + "FORTRAN.SRC]"
$ hdf5fortran_test = hdf5top_dir + "FORTRAN.TEST]"
$ hdf5cxx_src = hdf5top_dir + "C__.SRC]"
$ hdf5cxx_test = hdf5top_dir + "C__.TEST]"
$ hdf5cxx_examples = hdf5top_dir + "C__.EXAMPLES]"
$ write sys$output "Building C library"
$ set def 'hdf5src'
$ @make.com
$ write sys$output "Building C library tests"
$ set def 'hdf5test'
$ @make.com
$ write sys$output "Building tools library"
$ set def 'hdf5tools_lib'
$ @make.com
$ write sys$output "Building h5diff"
$ set def 'hdf5tools_h5diff'
$ @make.com
$ write sys$output "Building h5dump"
$ set def 'hdf5tools_h5dump'
$ @make.com
$ write sys$output "Building h5repack"
$ set def 'hdf5tools_h5repack'
$ @make.com
$ write sys$output "Building h5ls"
$ set def 'hdf5tools_h5ls'
$ @make.com
$ write sys$output "Building h5jam"
$ set def 'hdf5tools_h5jam'
$ @make.com
$ write sys$output "Building h5import"
$ set def 'hdf5tools_h5import'
$ @make.com
$ write sys$output "Building Fortran library"
$ set def 'hdf5fortran_src'
$ @make.com
$ write sys$output "Building Fortran library tests"
$ set def 'hdf5fortran_test'
$ @make.com
$ write sys$output "Building C++ library"
$ set def 'hdf5cxx_src'
$ rename *.cpp *.cxx
$ @make.com
$ write sys$output "Building C++ library tests"
$ set def 'hdf5cxx_test'
$ rename *.cpp *.cxx
$ @make.com
$ write sys$output "Building C examples"
$ set def 'hdf5examples'
$ @make.com
$ write sys$output "Building Fortran examples"
$ set def 'hdf5fortran_examples'
$ @make.com
$ write sys$output "Building C++ examples"
$ set def 'hdf5cxx_examples'
$ rename *.cpp *.cxx
$ @make.com
$ set def 'hdf5top'
$ exit