mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 16:37:56 +08:00
Description: When compiler flag was used to set the size of Fortran integer to 8 bytes, library would fail. Solution: Cleaned up the code; added detection of Fortran INTEGER type size and appropriately defined int_f type for C-stubs routines. Platforms tested: Solaris 2.8 32 and 64-bit, AIX 5.1 64-bit parallel PGI Fortran with -i8 flag on heping Absoft Fortran with -i8 flag on heping g95 on mir (Fortran integer is 8 bytes by default that cannot be changed - compiler bug ;-) AIX Fortran with -qintsize=8 32 and 64-bit modes on copper Misc. update:
333 lines
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333 lines
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! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
! Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
! All rights reserved. *
! *
! This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
! terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
! the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root *
! of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the *
! root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and *
! is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at *
! http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have *
! access to either file, you may request a copy from hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu. *
! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
! Testing Fortran functionality.
PROGRAM fortranlibtest
INTEGER :: total_error = 0
INTEGER :: error
INTEGER :: mounting_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: reopen_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: fclose_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: fspace_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: dataset_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: extend_dataset_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: refobj_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: refreg_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: dataspace_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: hyperslab_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: element_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: basic_select_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: total_error_compoundtest = 0
INTEGER :: basic_datatype_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: enum_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: external_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: multi_file_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: attribute_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: identifier_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: group_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: error_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: vl_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: z_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: sz_total_error = 0
INTEGER :: majnum, minnum, relnum
CHARACTER(LEN=8) error_string
CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: success = ' PASSED '
CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: failure = '*FAILED*'
CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: skip = '--SKIP--'
CHARACTER(LEN=4) :: e_format ='(8a)'
LOGICAL :: cleanup = .TRUE.
! LOGICAL :: cleanup = .FALSE.
LOGICAL :: szip_flag
CALL h5open_f(error)
write(*,*) ' ========================== '
write(*,*) ' FORTRAN tests '
write(*,*) ' ========================== '
CALL h5get_libversion_f(majnum, minnum, relnum, total_error)
if(total_error .eq. 0) then
write(*, '(" FORTRANLIB_TEST is linked with HDF5 Library version ")', advance="NO")
write(*, '(I1)', advance="NO") majnum
write(*, '(".")', advance="NO")
write(*, '(I1)', advance="NO") minnum
write(*, '(" release ")', advance="NO")
write(*, '(I3)') relnum
total_error = total_error + 1
! CALL h5check_version_f(1,4,4,total_error)
! write(*,*) '========================================='
! write(*,*) 'Testing FILE Interface '
! write(*,*) '========================================='
error_string = failure
CALL mountingtest(cleanup, mounting_total_error)
IF (mounting_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(14a)', advance = 'no') ' Mounting test'
write(*, fmt = '(56x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + mounting_total_error
error_string = failure
CALL reopentest(cleanup, reopen_total_error)
IF (reopen_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(12a)', advance = 'no') ' Reopen test'
write(*, fmt = '(58x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + reopen_total_error
error_string = failure
CALL file_close(cleanup, fclose_total_error)
IF (fclose_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(21a)', advance = 'no') ' File open/close test'
write(*, fmt = '(49x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + fclose_total_error
error_string = failure
CALL file_space(cleanup, fspace_total_error)
IF (fspace_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(21a)', advance = 'no') ' File free space test'
write(*, fmt = '(49x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + fspace_total_error
! write(*,*)
! write(*,*) '========================================='
! write(*,*) 'Testing DATASET Interface '
! write(*,*) '========================================='
error_string = failure
CALL datasettest(cleanup, dataset_total_error)
IF (dataset_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(13a)', advance = 'no') ' Dataset test'
write(*, fmt = '(57x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + dataset_total_error
error_string = failure
CALL extenddsettest(cleanup, extend_dataset_total_error)
IF (extend_dataset_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(24a)', advance = 'no') ' Extendible dataset test'
write(*, fmt = '(46x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + extend_dataset_total_error
! write(*,*)
! write(*,*) '========================================='
! write(*,*) 'Testing DATASPACE Interface '
! write(*,*) '========================================='
error_string = failure
CALL dataspace_basic_test(cleanup, dataspace_total_error)
IF (dataspace_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(21a)', advance = 'no') ' Basic dataspace test'
write(*, fmt = '(49x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + dataspace_total_error
! write(*,*)
! write(*,*) '========================================='
! write(*,*) 'Testing REFERENCE Interface '
! write(*,*) '========================================='
error_string = failure
CALL refobjtest(cleanup, refobj_total_error)
IF (refobj_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(25a)', advance = 'no') ' Reference to object test'
write(*, fmt = '(45x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + refobj_total_error
error_string = failure
CALL refregtest(cleanup, refreg_total_error)
IF (refreg_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(33a)', advance = 'no') ' Reference to dataset region test'
write(*, fmt = '(37x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + refreg_total_error
! write(*,*)
! write(*,*) '========================================='
! write(*,*) 'Testing selection functionalities '
! write(*,*) '========================================='
error_string = failure
CALL test_basic_select(cleanup, basic_select_total_error)
IF (basic_select_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(21a)', advance = 'no') ' Basic selection test'
write(*, fmt = '(49x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + basic_select_total_error
error_string = failure
CALL test_select_hyperslab( cleanup, hyperslab_total_error)
IF ( hyperslab_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(25a)', advance = 'no') ' Hyperslab selection test'
write(*, fmt = '(45x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + hyperslab_total_error
error_string = failure
CALL test_select_element(cleanup, element_total_error)
IF (element_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(23a)', advance = 'no') ' Element selection test'
write(*, fmt = '(47x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + element_total_error
! write(*,*)
! write(*,*) '========================================='
! write(*,*) 'Testing DATATYPE interface '
! write(*,*) '========================================='
error_string = failure
CALL basic_data_type_test(cleanup, basic_datatype_total_error)
IF (basic_datatype_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(20a)', advance = 'no') ' Basic datatype test'
write(*, fmt = '(50x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + basic_datatype_total_error
error_string = failure
CALL compoundtest(cleanup, total_error_compoundtest)
IF (total_error_compoundtest == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(23a)', advance = 'no') ' Compound datatype test'
write(*, fmt = '(47x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + total_error_compoundtest
error_string = failure
CALL enumtest(cleanup, enum_total_error)
IF (enum_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(19a)', advance = 'no') ' Enum datatype test'
write(*, fmt = '(51x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + enum_total_error
! write(*,*)
! write(*,*) '========================================='
! write(*,*) 'Testing PROPERTY interface '
! write(*,*) '========================================='
error_string = failure
CALL external_test(cleanup, external_total_error)
IF (external_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(22a)', advance = 'no') ' External dataset test'
write(*, fmt = '(48x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + external_total_error
error_string = failure
cleanup = .FALSE.
CALL multi_file_test(cleanup, multi_file_total_error)
IF (multi_file_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(23a)', advance = 'no') ' Multi file driver test'
write(*, fmt = '(47x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + multi_file_total_error
! write(*,*)
! write(*,*) '========================================='
! write(*,*) 'Testing ATTRIBUTE interface '
! write(*,*) '========================================='
error_string = failure
CALL attribute_test(cleanup, attribute_total_error)
write(*, fmt = '(15a)', advance = 'no') ' Attribute test'
write(*, fmt = '(55x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
IF (attribute_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + attribute_total_error
! write(*,*)
! write(*,*) '========================================='
! write(*,*) 'Testing IDENTIFIER interface '
! write(*,*) '========================================='
error_string = failure
CALL identifier_test(cleanup, identifier_total_error)
IF (identifier_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(16a)', advance = 'no') ' Identifier test'
write(*, fmt = '(54x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + identifier_total_error
error_string = failure
CALL filters_test(cleanup, z_total_error)
IF (z_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(13a)', advance = 'no') ' Filters test'
write(*, fmt = '(57x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + z_total_error
CALL szip_test(szip_flag, cleanup, sz_total_error)
IF (sz_total_error == 0) error_string = success
! Reset the flag is compression was not available
IF (.NOT. szip_flag) error_string = skip
IF (sz_total_error .gt. 0) error_string = failure
write(*, fmt = '(18a)', advance = 'no') ' SZIP filter test'
write(*, fmt = '(53x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
if(sz_total_error .gt. 0) total_error = total_error + sz_total_error
! write(*,*)
! write(*,*) '========================================='
! write(*,*) 'Testing GROUP interface '
! write(*,*) '========================================='
error_string = failure
CALL group_test(cleanup, group_total_error)
IF (group_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(11a)', advance = 'no') ' Group test'
write(*, fmt = '(59x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + group_total_error
error_string = failure
CALL error_report_test(cleanup, error_total_error)
IF (error_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(11a)', advance = 'no') ' Error test'
write(*, fmt = '(59x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + error_total_error
error_string = failure
CALL vl_test_integer(cleanup, vl_total_error)
CALL vl_test_real(cleanup, vl_total_error)
CALL vl_test_string(cleanup, vl_total_error)
IF (vl_total_error == 0) error_string = success
write(*, fmt = '(11a)', advance = 'no') ' VL test'
write(*, fmt = '(62x,a)', advance = 'no') ' '
write(*, fmt = e_format) error_string
total_error = total_error + vl_total_error
write(*,*) ' ============================================ '
write(*, fmt = '(19x, 27a)', advance='NO') ' FORTRAN tests completed with '
write(*, fmt = '(i4)', advance='NO') total_error
write(*, fmt = '(12a)' ) ' error(s) ! '
write(*,*) ' ============================================ '
CALL h5close_f(error)
! if errors detected, exit with non-zero code.
IF (total_error .ne. 0) CALL h5_exit_f (1)
END PROGRAM fortranlibtest