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synced 2025-03-07 16:37:56 +08:00
* commit '0a2bb11b248df6841daabca3970df5d8504adfc7': address problems from comments fix and address comments change according to previous comments add missing piece remove unnecessary check macro fix intel compile warnings Revert "fix warnings from Intel compiler" Revert "fix warnings and some text alignment" Revert "let hdf5 pick up the right compiler in Intel environment" Revert "fix issues from previous PR comments" Revert "using a different MACRO" using a different MACRO fix issues from previous PR comments let hdf5 pick up the right compiler in Intel environment fix warnings and some text alignment fix warnings from Intel compiler
524 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
524 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.003;
use warnings;
# Copyright by The HDF Group.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
# of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
# root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
# is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
# http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
# access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
# Quincey Koziol, koziol@hdfgroup.org
# 9 Aug 2013
# Purpose: Given an input file containing the output from a build of the
# library, gather the file names and line numbers, alias
# identical types of warnings together into a single bin and
# report the number of warnings for each type of warning, each file
# and the total count of warnings
# Perl modules/settings
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
# Global variables, for accumulating information
my $totalcount = 0;
my %warn_count = ();
my $warncount;
my %warn_file = ();
my %warn_file_line = ();
my %file_count = ();
my $filecount;
my $ignorecount = 0;
my @ignorenames;
my %ignored_files = ();
my %warn_file_indices = ();
my %file_warn_indices = ();
my @warn_match_strings;
my @file_match_strings;
my %file_warn = ();
my %file_warn_line = ();
my $current_warning = 0;
my $current_file = 0;
my $warn_index;
my $last_c_name;
my $last_fort_name;
my $last_fort_line;
my $genericize = 1;
# Display usage
sub do_help {
print "Usage: 'warnhist [-h, --help] [-t <prefix>] [-w <n>] [-W] [-f <n>] [-F] [-s <warning string list>] [-S <file string list] [-l] [-u] [-i <name list>] [file]'\n";
print "\t-h, --help\tDisplay this usage\n";
print "\t-t <prefix>\tTrim pathname prefix from filenames, <prefix>\n";
print "\t-w <n>\tDisplay files for a given warning index list, <n>\n";
print "\t\t<n> can be a single value, a range, or a comma separated list\n";
print "\t\tFor example: '0' or '0,4' or '8-10' or '0,2-4,8-10,13'\n";
print "\t-W\tDisplay files for all warnings\n";
print "\t-f <n>\tDisplay warnings for a given file index list, <n>\n";
print "\t\t<n> can be a single value, a range, or a comma separated list\n";
print "\t\tFor example: '0' or '0,4' or '8-10' or '0,2-4,8-10,13'\n";
print "\t-F\tDisplay warnings for all files\n";
print "\t-s <warning string list>\tDisplay files for warnings which contain a string, <warning string list>\n";
print "\t\t<warning string list> is a comma separated list, with no spaces\n";
print "\t\tFor example: 'Wunused-dummy-argument' or 'Wunused-dummy-argument,Wunused-variable'\n";
print "\t-S <file string list>\tDisplay warnings for files which contain a string, <file string list>\n";
print "\t\t<file string list> is a comma separated list, with no spaces\n";
print "\t\tFor example: 'H5Fint' or 'H5Fint,H5Gnode'\n";
print "\t-l\tDisplay line nunbers for file/warning\n";
print "\t-u\tLeave 'unique' types in warnings, instead of genericizing them\n";
print "\t-i <name list>\tIgnore named files, <name list>\n";
print "\t\t<name list> is a comma separated list, with no spaces\n";
print "\t\tFor example: 'H5LTparse' or 'H5LTparse,H5LTanalyze'\n";
print "\tfile\tFilename containing build output\n";
print "\t\tIf no file is given, standard input is used.\n";
sub main::HELP_MESSAGE {
# declare the Perl command line flags/options we want to allow
my %options=();
getopts("FWhut:w:f:s:S:i:l", \%options);
# Display usage, if requested
if($options{h}) {
# Parse list of file names to ignore
if(exists $options{i}) {
@ignorenames = split /,/, $options{i};
#print @ignorenames;
# Parse list of warning indices to expand file names
if(exists $options{w}) {
my @tmp_indices;
@tmp_indices = split /,/, $options{w};
#print @tmp_indices;
for my $x (@tmp_indices) {
#print "x = '$x'\n";
if($x =~ /\-/) {
my $start_index;
my $end_index;
#print "matched = '$x'\n";
($start_index, $end_index) = split /\-/, $x;
#print "start_index = '$start_index', end_index = '$end_index'\n";
for my $y ($start_index..$end_index) {
#print "y = '$y'\n";
if(!exists $warn_file_indices{$y}) {
$warn_file_indices{$y} = $y;
else {
if(!exists $warn_file_indices{$x}) {
$warn_file_indices{$x} = $x;
#foreach (sort keys %warn_file_indices) {
# print "$_ : $warn_file_indices{$_}\n";
# Parse list of warning strings to expand file names
if(exists $options{s}) {
@warn_match_strings = split /,/, $options{s};
# print @warn_match_strings;
# Parse list of file indices to expand warnings
if(exists $options{f}) {
my @tmp_indices;
@tmp_indices = split /,/, $options{f};
#print @tmp_indices;
for my $x (@tmp_indices) {
#print "x = '$x'\n";
if($x =~ /\-/) {
my $start_index;
my $end_index;
#print "matched = '$x'\n";
($start_index, $end_index) = split /\-/, $x;
#print "start_index = '$start_index', end_index = '$end_index'\n";
for my $y ($start_index..$end_index) {
#print "y = '$y'\n";
if(!exists $file_warn_indices{$y}) {
$file_warn_indices{$y} = $y;
else {
if(!exists $file_warn_indices{$x}) {
$file_warn_indices{$x} = $x;
#foreach (sort keys %warn_file_indices) {
# print "$_ : $warn_file_indices{$_}\n";
# Parse list of warning strings for files to expand warnings
if(exists $options{S}) {
@file_match_strings = split /,/, $options{S};
# print @file_match_strings;
# Check if warnings should stay unique and not be "genericized"
if($options{u}) {
$genericize = 0;
while (<>) {
my $name;
my $line;
my $prev_line;
my $toss;
my $offset;
my $warning;
my $extra;
my $extra2;
# Retain last FORTRAN compile line, which comes a few lines before warning
if($_ =~ /.*\.[fF]90:.*/) {
($last_fort_name, $last_fort_line, $toss) = split /\:/, $_;
($last_fort_line, $toss) = split /\./, $last_fort_line;
# Retain last C/C++ compile line, which possibly comes a few lines before warning
if($_ =~ /.*[A-Za-z0-9_]\.[cC]:.*/) {
($last_c_name, $toss) = split /\:/, $_;
# Retain C/C++ compile line, which comes with the line of warning
if($_ =~ /.*[A-Za-z0-9_]\.[chC]\(.*[0-9]\):.*#.*/) {
$last_c_name = $_;
# Skip lines that don't have the word "warning"
next if $_ !~ /[Ww]arning/;
# Skip warnings from linker
next if $_ =~ /ld: warning:/;
# Skip warnings from build_py and install_lib
next if $_ =~ /warning: (build_py|install_lib)/;
# "Hide" the C++ '::' symbol until we've parsed out the parts of the line
while($_ =~ /\:\:/) {
$_ =~ s/\:\:/@@@@/g;
# Check for weird formatting of warning message
if($_ =~ /^cc1: warning:.*/) {
$name = $last_c_name;
$line = "??";
($toss, $toss, $warning, $extra, $extra2) = split /\:/, $_;
# Check for CMAKE build with warning on first line and no filename
} elsif($_ =~ /^\s*[Ww]arning:.*/) {
$name = $last_c_name;
$line = "??";
($toss, $warning, $extra, $extra2) = split /\:/, $_;
# Check for FORTRAN warning output
} elsif($_ =~ /^Warning:.*/) {
$name = $last_fort_name;
$line = $last_fort_line;
($toss, $warning, $extra, $extra2) = split /\:/, $_;
#print "1:",$.,":",$_;
# $_ = <>;
#print "2:",$.,":",$_;
# if($_ =~ /^\sFC.*/) {
# $_ = <>;
#print "3:",$.,":",$_;
# }
# ($name, $line, $toss) = split /\:/, $_;
#print "4:","'",$name,"'","-","'",$line,"'","\n";
# Check for improperly parsed filename or line
if($name =~ /^$/) {
print "Filename is a null string! Input line #$. is: '$_'";
if($line =~ /^$/) {
print "Line is a null string! Input line #$. is: '$_'";
# Check for non-GCC warning (Solaris/Oracle?)
} elsif($_ =~ /^\".*, line [0-9]+: *[Ww]arning:.*/) {
($name, $toss, $warning, $extra, $extra2) = split /\:/, $_;
($name, $line) = split /\,/, $name;
$name =~ s/^\"//g;
$name =~ s/\"$//g;
$line =~ s/^\s*line\s*//g;
# print "name:'", $name, "'-'", $line, "'\n";
# print "warning:'", $warning, "'\n";
# Check for Intel icc warning
} elsif($_ =~ /.*[A-Za-z0-9_]\.[chC]\(.*[0-9]\):.*#.*/) {
($last_c_name, $toss, $warning) = split /\:/, $last_c_name;
($name, $line) = split /\(/, $last_c_name;
$line =~ s/\)//g;
} else {
# Check for 'character offset' field appended to file & line #
# (This is probably specific to GCC)
if($_ =~ /^.*[0-9]+\:[0-9]+\:/) {
($name, $line, $offset, $toss, $warning, $extra, $extra2) = split /\:/, $_;
} else {
($name, $line, $toss, $warning, $extra, $extra2) = split /\:/, $_;
# Check for extra ':' followed by more text in original warning string,
# and append the ':' and text back onto the parsed warning
# (Use 'length $extra' idiom to avoid warning when $extra is undefined)
if(length $extra ) {
$warning = join ':', $warning, $extra;
if(length $extra2 ) {
$warning = join ':', $warning, $extra2;
# Restore the C++ '::' symbol now that we've parsed out the parts of the line
while($warning =~ /@@@@/) {
$warning =~ s/@@@@/\:\:/g;
# Trim leading '..' paths from filename
while($name =~ /^\.\.\//) {
$name =~ s/^\.\.\///g;
# Check for trimming prefix
if((exists $options{t}) && ($name =~ /$options{t}/)) {
$name =~ s/^$options{t}\///g;
# Check for ignored file
if(exists $options{i}) {
for my $x (@ignorenames) {
#print "x = '$x'\n";
if($name =~ /$x/) {
# print "matched name = '$name'\n";
if(!(exists $ignored_files{$name})) {
$ignored_files{$name} = $name;
# Check for improperly parsed warning (usually an undefined warning string)
if(!defined $warning) {
print "Warning Undefined! Input line is: '$_'";
# Get rid of leading & trailing whitespace
$warning =~ s/^\s//g;
$warning =~ s/\s$//g;
# Check for improperly parsed warning
if($warning =~ /^$/) {
print "Warning is a null string! Input line is: '$_'";
# Convert all quotes to '
$warning =~ s/‘/'/g;
$warning =~ s/’/'/g;
$warning =~ s/"/'/g;
# These skipped messages & "genericizations" may be specific to GCC
# Skip supplemental warning message
next if $warning =~ /near initialization for/;
# Skip C++ supplemental warning message
next if $warning =~ /in call to/;
# Skip GCC warning that should be a note
next if $_ =~ /\(this will be reported only once per input file\)/;
if($genericize) {
# Eliminate C/C++ "{aka <some type>}" and "{aka '<some type>'}" info
if($warning =~ /\s(\{|\()aka '?[A-Za-z_0-9\(\)\*\,\[\]\.\<\>\&\:\+\#]+[A-Za-z_0-9\(\)\*\,\[\]\.\<\>\&\:\+\#\ ]*'?(\}|\))/) {
$warning =~ s/\s(\{|\()aka '?[A-Za-z_0-9\(\)\*\,\[\]\.\<\>\&\:\+\#]+[A-Za-z_0-9\(\)\*\,\[\]\.\<\>\&\:\+\#\ ]*'?(\}|\))//g;
# Genericize C/C++ '<some type>', printf format '%<some format>', and
# "unknown warning group" into '-'
if($warning =~ /'[A-Za-z_0-9\(\)\*\,\[\]\.\<\>\&\:\+\#\-\=]+[A-Za-z_0-9\(\)\*\,\[\]\.\<\>\&\:\+\#\-\=\ ]*'/) {
$warning =~ s/'[A-Za-z_0-9\(\)\*\,\[\]\.\<\>\&\:\+\#\-\=]+[A-Za-z_0-9\(\)\*\,\[\]\.\<\>\&\:\+\#\-\=\ ]*'/'-'/g;
if($warning =~ /'%[\#0\-\ \+]*[,;\:_]?[0-9\*]*\.?[0-9\*]*[hjltzL]*[aAcdeEfFgGinosuxX]'/) {
$warning =~ s/'%[\#0\-\ \+]*[,;\:_]?[0-9\*]*\.?[0-9\*]*[hjltzL]*[aAcdeEfFgGinosuxX]'/'-'/g;
# Genericize C/C++ "<macro>" warnings into "-"
if($warning =~ /"[A-Za-z_0-9]*"/) {
$warning =~ s/"[A-Za-z_0-9]*"/"-"/g;
# Genericize [GCC?] C/C++ warning text about suggessted attribute
if($warning =~ /attribute=[A-Za-z_0-9]*\]/) {
$warning =~ s/=[A-Za-z_0-9]*\]/=-\]/g;
# Genericize FORTRAN "at (<n>)" into "at (-)", "REAL(<n>)" into "REAL(-)",
# and "INTEGER(<n>)" into "INTEGER(-)"
if($warning =~ /.*at\s\([0-9]+\).*/) {
$warning =~ s/at\s\([0-9]+\)/at \(-\)/g;
if($warning =~ /.*REAL\([0-9]+\).*/) {
$warning =~ s/REAL\([0-9]+\)/REAL\(-\)/g;
if($warning =~ /.*INTEGER\([0-9]+\).*/) {
$warning =~ s/INTEGER\([0-9]+\)/INTEGER\(-\)/g;
# Genericize standalone numbers in warnings
if($warning =~ /(\s|')-?[0-9]+(\s|')/) {
$warning =~ s/-?[0-9]+/-/g;
# Genericize unusual GCC/G++/GFORTRAN warnings that aren't handled above
if($warning =~ /\[deprecation\] [A-Za-z_0-9]*\([A-Za-z_,0-9]*\) in [A-Za-z_0-9]* has been deprecated.*/) {
$warning =~ s/[A-Za-z_0-9]*\([A-Za-z_,0-9]*\) in [A-Za-z_0-9]*/-\(-\) in -/g;
# print "warning = $warning\n";
# <end possible GCC-specific code>
# Check if we've already seen this warning on this line in this file
# (Can happen for warnings from inside header files)
if( !exists $warn_file_line{$warning}{$name}{$line} ) {
# Increment count for [generic] warning
# Increment count for filename
# Increment total count of warnings
# print "name = $name\n";
# print "line = $line\n";
# print "offset = $offset\n";
# print "warning = \"$warning\"\n";
print "Total unique [non-ignored] warnings: $totalcount\n";
print "Total ignored warnings: $ignorecount\n";
$warncount = keys %warn_count;
print "Total unique kinds of warnings: $warncount\n";
$filecount = keys %file_count;
print "Total files with warnings: $filecount\n\n";
# Print warnings in decreasing frequency
print "# of Warnings by frequency (file count)\n";
print "=======================================\n";
for my $x (sort {$warn_count{$b} <=> $warn_count{$a}} keys(%warn_count)) {
printf ("[%2d] %4d (%2d) - %s\n", $current_warning++, $warn_count{$x}, scalar(keys %{$warn_file_line{$x}}), $x);
if((exists $options{W}) || (exists $options{w}) || (exists $options{s})) {
my $curr_index = $current_warning - 1;
my $match = 0;
# Check for string from list in current warning
if(exists $options{s}) {
for my $y (@warn_match_strings) {
# print "y = '$y'\n";
if($x =~ /$y/) {
# print "matched warning = '$x'\n";
$match = 1;
# Check if current warning index matches
if((exists $warn_file_indices{$curr_index}) && $curr_index == $warn_file_indices{$curr_index}) {
$match = 1;
if($match) {
for my $y (sort {$warn_file{$x}{$b} <=> $warn_file{$x}{$a}} keys(%{$warn_file{$x}})) {
printf ("\t%4d - %s\n", $warn_file{$x}{$y}, $y);
if(exists $options{l}) {
my $lines = join ", ", sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$warn_file_line{$x}{$y}};
printf("\t\tLines: $lines \n");
# Print warnings in decreasing frequency, by filename
print "\n# of Warnings by filename (warning type)\n";
print "========================================\n";
for my $x (sort {$file_count{$b} <=> $file_count{$a}} keys(%file_count)) {
printf ("[%3d] %4d (%2d) - %s\n", $current_file++, $file_count{$x}, scalar(keys %{$file_warn_line{$x}}), $x);
if((exists $options{F}) || (exists $options{f}) || (exists $options{S})) {
my $curr_index = $current_file - 1;
my $match = 0;
# Check for string from list in current file
if(exists $options{S}) {
for my $y (@file_match_strings) {
# print "y = '$y'\n";
if($x =~ /$y/) {
# print "matched warning = '$x'\n";
$match = 1;
# Check if current file index matches
if((exists $file_warn_indices{$curr_index}) && $curr_index == $file_warn_indices{$curr_index}) {
$match = 1;
if($match) {
for my $y (sort {$file_warn{$x}{$b} <=> $file_warn{$x}{$a}} keys(%{$file_warn{$x}})) {
printf ("\t%4d - %s\n", $file_warn{$x}{$y}, $y);
if(exists $options{l}) {
my $lines = join ", ", sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$file_warn_line{$x}{$y}};
printf("\t\tLines: $lines \n");
# Print names of files that were ignored
# Check for ignored file
if(exists $options{i}) {
print "\nIgnored filenames\n";
print "=================\n";
for my $x (sort keys(%ignored_files)) {
print "$x\n";