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/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root *
* of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the *
* root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and *
* is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at *
* http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have *
* access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* Programmer: James Laird <jlaird@ncsa.uiuc.edu>
* Thursday, March 30, 2006
* Purpose: This file contains declarations which are visible only within
* the H5SM shared object header messages package. Source files
* outside the H5SM package should include H5SMprivate.h instead.
#if !(defined H5SM_FRIEND || defined H5SM_MODULE)
#error "Do not include this file outside the H5SM package!"
#ifndef _H5SMpkg_H
#define _H5SMpkg_H
/* Get package's private header */
#include "H5SMprivate.h" /* Shared Object Header Messages */
/* Other private headers needed by this file */
#include "H5ACprivate.h" /* Metadata Cache */
#include "H5B2private.h" /* B-trees */
#include "H5HFprivate.h" /* Fractal heaps */
/* Package Macros */
/* Size of checksum information (on disk) */
#define H5SM_HEAP_LOC_SIZE ( \
(unsigned)4 /* Reference count */ \
+ sizeof(H5O_fheap_id_t) /* size of heap ID on disk */ \
#define H5SM_OH_LOC_SIZE(f) ( \
(unsigned)1 /* reserved (possible flags?) */ \
+ (unsigned)1 /* message type ID */ \
+ (unsigned)2 /* creation index of message in OH */ \
+ H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR(f) /* address of OH */ \
#define H5SM_SOHM_ENTRY_SIZE(f) ( \
(unsigned)1 /* Message location */ \
+ (unsigned)4 /* Hash value */ \
+ MAX(H5SM_HEAP_LOC_SIZE, H5SM_OH_LOC_SIZE(f)) /* Entry */ \
#define H5SM_INDEX_HEADER_SIZE(f) ( \
(unsigned)1 /* Whether index is a list or B-tree */ \
+ (unsigned)1 /* Version of index format */ \
+ (unsigned)2 /* Type of messages stored in the index */ \
+ (unsigned)4 /* Minimum size of messages to share */ \
+ (unsigned)(3 * 2) /* B-tree cutoff, list cutoff, # of shared messages */ \
+ H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR(f) /* Location of list or B-tree */ \
+ H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR(f) /* Address of heap */ \
/* Format overhead for all SOHM tree metadata in the file */
H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC /* Signature */ \
+ H5SM_SIZEOF_CHECKSUM /* Checksum */ \
#define H5SM_TABLE_SIZE(f) ( \
/* General metadata fields */ \
/* Indices */ \
#define H5SM_LIST_SIZE(f, num_mesg) ( \
/* General metadata fields */ \
/* Message entries */ \
+ (H5SM_SOHM_ENTRY_SIZE(f) * num_mesg) \
#define H5SM_B2_NODE_SIZE 512
#define H5SM_B2_SPLIT_PERCENT 100
#define H5SM_B2_MERGE_PERCENT 40
#define H5SM_LIST_VERSION 0 /* Verion of Shared Object Header Message List Indexes */
/* Package Typedefs */
/* There are a number of Shared Object Header Message-specific structs here.
* The H5SM_master_table_t is pointed to by the file superblock. Since a file
* can have more than one SOHM index, this table collects all the indexes into
* one place. It holds an array of H5SM_index_header_t structs.
* An H5SM_index_header_t is actually the for a given index. It holds
* the number of messages in the index, the types of messages in the index,
* etc. It also records whether the index is a list or a b-tree, and has
* the address of the list or b-tree.
* If the index is a list, the address in the index header should be given
* to the cache, which can load it into a H5SM_list_t struct. This is mostly
* just a header for the cache information; it contains a pointer back to
* the index header and an unsorted array of messages.
* These messages are H5SM_sohm_t structs. They hold the actual SOHM's
* address, hash value, and refcount.
* If the index is a b-tree, the H5SM_index_header_t struct holds the address
* of the b-tree instead of the address of a H5SM_list_t. The B-tree's nodes
* are still 'H5SM_sohm_t's.
* H5SM_mesg_key_t structs are used to search lists and B-trees for a certain
* message. They correspond to a message that hasn't yet been written to
* disk.
/* Where a message is stored */
typedef enum {
H5SM_NO_LOC = -1,
H5SM_IN_HEAP = 0, /* Message is stored in the heap */
H5SM_IN_OH /* Message is stored in an object header */
} H5SM_storage_loc_t;
/* Typedef for a record's location if it's stored in the heap */
typedef struct {
hsize_t ref_count; /* Number of times this message is used in the file */
H5O_fheap_id_t fheap_id; /* ID of the OHM in the fractal heap */
} H5SM_heap_loc_t;
/* Typedef for a SOHM index node */
typedef struct {
H5SM_storage_loc_t location; /* Type of message location */
uint32_t hash; /* Hash value for encoded OHM */
unsigned msg_type_id; /* Message's type ID */
union {
H5O_mesg_loc_t mesg_loc; /* Location of message in object header */
H5SM_heap_loc_t heap_loc; /* Heap ID for message in SOHM heap */
} u;
} H5SM_sohm_t;
/* Types of message indices */
typedef enum {
H5SM_LIST, /* Index is an unsorted list */
H5SM_BTREE /* Index is a sorted B-tree */
} H5SM_index_type_t;
/* Typedef for a SOHM index header */
typedef struct {
/* Stored */
unsigned mesg_types; /* Bit flag vector of message types */
size_t min_mesg_size; /* number of messages being tracked */
size_t list_max; /* >= this many messages, index with a B-tree */
size_t btree_min; /* <= this many messages, index with a list again */
size_t num_messages; /* number of messages being tracked */
H5SM_index_type_t index_type; /* Is the index a list or a B-tree? */
haddr_t index_addr; /* Address of the actual index (list or B-tree) */
haddr_t heap_addr; /* Address of the fheap used to store shared messages */
/* Not stored */
size_t list_size; /* Size of list index on disk */
} H5SM_index_header_t;
/* Typedef for a SOHM list */
typedef struct {
/* Information for H5AC cache functions, _must_ be first field in structure */
H5AC_info_t cache_info;
H5SM_index_header_t *header; /* Pointer to the corresponding index header */
H5SM_sohm_t *messages; /* Actual list, stored as an array */
} H5SM_list_t;
/* Typedef for shared object header message master table */
struct H5SM_master_table_t {
/* Information for H5AC cache functions, _must_ be first field in structure */
H5AC_info_t cache_info;
size_t table_size; /* Size of table on disk */
unsigned num_indexes; /* Number of indexes */
H5SM_index_header_t *indexes; /* Array of num_indexes indexes */
/* Typedef for searching an index (list or B-tree) */
typedef struct {
H5F_t *file; /* File in which sharing is happening */
hid_t dxpl_id; /* DXPL for sharing messages in heap */
H5HF_t *fheap; /* The heap for this message type, open. */
void *encoding; /* The message encoded, or NULL */
size_t encoding_size; /* Size of the encoding, or 0 */
H5SM_sohm_t message; /* The message to find/insert.
* If the message doesn't yet have a
* heap ID, the heap ID will be 0. */
} H5SM_mesg_key_t;
* Data exchange structure to pass through the fractal heap layer for the
* H5HF_op function when computing a hash value for a message.
typedef struct {
/* downward (internal) */
unsigned type_id; /* Message type */
/* upward */
uint32_t hash; /* Hash value */
} H5SM_fh_ud_gh_t;
/* Typedef to increment a reference count in the B-tree */
typedef struct {
H5SM_mesg_key_t *key; /* IN: key for message being incremented */
H5O_fheap_id_t fheap_id; /* OUT: fheap ID of record */
hid_t dxpl_id;
} H5SM_incr_ref_opdata;
/* v2 B-tree client callback context */
typedef struct H5SM_bt2_ctx_t {
uint8_t sizeof_addr; /* Size of file addresses */
} H5SM_bt2_ctx_t;
/* Callback info for loading a shared message table index into the cache */
typedef struct H5SM_table_cache_ud_t {
H5F_t *f; /* File that shared message index stored as a table is in */
} H5SM_table_cache_ud_t;
/* Callback info for loading a shared message list index into the cache */
typedef struct H5SM_list_cache_ud_t {
H5F_t *f; /* File that shared message index stored as a table is in */
H5SM_index_header_t *header; /* Index header for this list */
} H5SM_list_cache_ud_t;
/* Package Variables */
/* Declare free lists to manage H5SM structs */
H5_DLLVAR const H5AC_class_t H5AC_SOHM_TABLE[1];
H5_DLLVAR const H5AC_class_t H5AC_SOHM_LIST[1];
H5_DLLVAR const H5B2_class_t H5SM_INDEX[1];
/* Package Prototypes */
/* General routines */
H5_DLL ssize_t H5SM_get_index(const H5SM_master_table_t *table, unsigned type_id);
/* Encode and decode routines, used for B-tree and cache encoding/decoding */
H5_DLL herr_t H5SM__message_compare(const void *rec1, const void *rec2, int *result);
H5_DLL herr_t H5SM__message_encode(uint8_t *raw, const void *native, void *ctx);
H5_DLL herr_t H5SM__message_decode(const uint8_t *raw, void *native, void *ctx);
/* H5B2_remove_t callback to add messages to a list index */
H5_DLL herr_t H5SM_bt2_convert_to_list_op(const void * record, void *op_data);
/* Fractal heap 'op' callback to compute hash value for message "in place" */
H5_DLL herr_t H5SM_get_hash_fh_cb(const void *obj, size_t obj_len, void *_udata);
/* Routines to release data structures */
herr_t H5SM_table_free(H5SM_master_table_t *table);
herr_t H5SM_list_free(H5SM_list_t *list);
/* Testing functions */
H5_DLL herr_t H5SM_get_mesg_count_test(H5F_t *f, hid_t dxpl_id, unsigned type_id,
size_t *mesg_count);
#endif /* H5SM_TESTING */
#endif /* _H5SMpkg_H */