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synced 2025-03-25 17:00:45 +08:00
1. If any opened object uses the filter, let it fail. 2. Flush all opened files to push any cached data to files. Tested with h5committest.
165 lines
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165 lines
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# Copyright by The HDF Group.
# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
# of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
# root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
# is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
# http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
# access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
## Makefile.am
## Run automake to generate a Makefile.in from this file.
# HDF5 Library Test Makefile(.in)
include $(top_srcdir)/config/commence.am
INCLUDES=-I$(top_srcdir)/src -I$(top_builddir)/src
# Test script for error_test and err_compat
TEST_SCRIPT = testerror.sh testlibinfo.sh testcheck_version.sh testlinks_env.sh
SCRIPT_DEPEND = error_test$(EXEEXT) err_compat$(EXEEXT) links_env$(EXEEXT)
TEST_SCRIPT += test_plugin.sh
# These are our main targets. They should be listed in the order to be
# executed, generally most specific tests to least specific tests.
# As an exception, long-running tests should occur earlier in the list.
# This gives them more time to run when tests are executing in parallel.
# These tests (fheap, btree2) are under development and are not used by
# the library yet. Move them to the end so that their failure do not block
# other current library code tests.
TEST_PROG= testhdf5 lheap ohdr stab gheap cache cache_api cache_tagging \
pool accum hyperslab istore bittests dt_arith \
dtypes dsets cmpd_dset filter_fail extend external efc objcopy links unlink \
big mtime fillval mount flush1 flush2 app_ref enum \
set_extent ttsafe enc_dec_plist enc_dec_plist_with_endianess\
getname vfd ntypes dangle dtransform reserved cross_read \
freespace mf farray earray btree2 fheap file_image unregister
# List programs to be built when testing here. error_test and err_compat are
# built at the same time as the other tests, but executed by testerror.sh.
# tcheck_version is used by testcheck_version.sh.
# 'make check' doesn't run them directly, so they are not included in TEST_PROG.
# Also build testmeta, which is used for timings test. It builds quickly,
# and this lets automake keep all its test programs in one place.
check_PROGRAMS=$(TEST_PROG) error_test err_compat tcheck_version testmeta links_env
check_PROGRAMS+= plugin
# These programs generate test files for the tests. They don't need to be
# compiled every time we want to test the library. However, putting
# them in a conditional causes automake to generate rules so that they
# can be built by hand. They can also be built by specifying
# --enable-build-all at configure time.
# The gen_old_* files can only be compiled with older versions of the library
# so do not appear in this list.
BUILD_ALL_PROGS=gen_bad_ohdr gen_bogus gen_cross gen_deflate gen_filters gen_new_array \
gen_new_fill gen_new_group gen_new_mtime gen_new_super gen_noencoder \
gen_nullspace gen_udlinks space_overflow gen_filespace gen_specmetaread \
gen_sizes_lheap gen_file_image gen_plist
# The libh5test library provides common support code for the tests.
# The libdynlib1 and libdynlib2 library for testing plugin module plugin.c.
# Build it as shared library if configure is enabled for shared library.
lib_LTLIBRARIES=libdynlib1.la libdynlib2.la libdynlib3.la
$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/*dynlib*
# The libh5test library provides common support code for the tests.
libh5test_la_SOURCES=h5test.c testframe.c cache_common.c
# Use libhd5test.la to compile all of the tests
LDADD=libh5test.la $(LIBHDF5)
# List the source files for tests that have more than one
ttsafe_SOURCES=ttsafe.c ttsafe_dcreate.c ttsafe_error.c ttsafe_cancel.c \
VFD_LIST = sec2 stdio core split multi family
VFD_LIST += direct
# Additional target for running timing test
timings _timings: testmeta
@for timing in $(TIMINGS) dummy; do \
if test $$timing != dummy; then \
echo "Running $$timing $(TEST_FLAGS)"; \
$(RUNEXEC) ./$$timing $(TEST_FLAGS) || exit 1; \
fi; \
# The flush1 test must run before the flush2 test
flush2.chkexe_: flush1.chkexe_
# Temporary files. These files are the ones created by setting the
# HDF5_NOCLEANUP environment variable and running `make test' without
# specifying a file prefix or low-level driver. Changing the file
# prefix or low-level driver with environment variables will influence
# the temporary file name in ways that the makefile is not aware of.
CHECK_CLEANFILES+=accum.h5 cmpd_dset.h5 compact_dataset.h5 dataset.h5 dset_offset.h5 \
max_compact_dataset.h5 simple.h5 set_local.h5 random_chunks.h5 \
huge_chunks.h5 chunk_cache.h5 big_chunk.h5 chunk_expand.h5 \
copy_dcpl_newfile.h5 extend.h5 istore.h5 extlinks*.h5 frspace.h5 links*.h5 \
sys_file1 tfile[1-6].h5 th5s[1-4].h5 lheap.h5 fheap.h5 ohdr.h5 \
stab.h5 extern_[1-3].h5 extern_[1-4][ab].raw gheap[0-4].h5 \
dt_arith[1-2] links.h5 links[0-6]*.h5 extlinks[0-15].h5 tmp \
big.data big[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].h5 \
stdio.h5 sec2.h5 dtypes[0-9].h5 dtypes1[0].h5 dt_arith[1-2].h5 tattr.h5 \
tselect.h5 mtime.h5 unlink.h5 unicode.h5 coord.h5 \
fillval_[0-9].h5 fillval.raw mount_[0-9].h5 testmeta.h5 ttime.h5 \
trefer[1-3].h5 tvltypes.h5 tvlstr.h5 tvlstr2.h5 flush.h5 \
enum1.h5 titerate.h5 ttsafe.h5 tarray1.h5 tgenprop.h5 \
tmisc[0-9]*.h5 set_extent[1-5].h5 ext[12].bin \
getname.h5 getname[1-3].h5 sec2_file.h5 direct_file.h5 \
family_file000[0-3][0-9].h5 new_family_v16_000[0-3][0-9].h5 \
multi_file-[rs].h5 core_file plugin.h5 \
new_move_[ab].h5 ntypes.h5 dangle.h5 error_test.h5 err_compat.h5 \
dtransform.h5 test_filters.h5 get_file_name.h5 tstint[1-2].h5 \
unlink_chunked.h5 btree2.h5 objcopy_src.h5 objcopy_dst.h5 \
objcopy_ext.dat trefer1.h5 trefer2.h5 app_ref.h5 farray.h5 \
earray.h5 efc[0-5].h5 log_vfd_out.log \
new_multi_file_v16-r.h5 new_multi_file_v16-s.h5 \
split_get_file_image_test-m.h5 split_get_file_image_test-r.h5 \
file_image_core_test.h5.copy unregister_filter_1.h5 unregister_filter_2.h5
# Sources for testhdf5 executable
testhdf5_SOURCES=testhdf5.c tarray.c tattr.c tchecksum.c tconfig.c tfile.c \
tgenprop.c th5o.c th5s.c tcoords.c theap.c tid.c titerate.c tmeta.c tmisc.c \
trefer.c trefstr.c tselect.c tskiplist.c tsohm.c ttime.c ttst.c tunicode.c \
tvlstr.c tvltypes.c
# Temporary files.
DISTCLEANFILES=testerror.sh testlibinfo.sh testcheck_version.sh testlinks_env.sh test_plugin.sh
include $(top_srcdir)/config/conclude.am