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523 lines
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523 lines
15 KiB
* Copyright (C) 1998 NCSA
* All rights reserved.
* Programmer: Robb Matzke <robb@arborea.spizella.com>
* Thursday, May 14, 1998
* Purpose: Checks the effect of various I/O request sizes and raw data
* cache sizes. Performance depends on the amount of data read
* from disk, and we use a trick to get that number: a
* compress/uncompress pair that counts the amount of data read.
* Since the data itself is not important, the compression just
* removes a byte and uncompression adds some byte of arbitrary
* value. The change in size is necessary or the library will
* not store the data as compressed and thus not call the
* uncompression method.
#include <assert.h>
#include <hdf5.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <H5config.h>
# undef __attribute__
# define __attribute__(X) /*void*/
# define __unused__ /*void*/
# define __unused__ __attribute__((unused))
#define FILE_NAME "chunk.h5"
#define LINESPOINTS "lines"
#define CH_SIZE 100 /*squared in terms of bytes */
#define DS_SIZE 20 /*squared in terms of chunks */
#define READ 0
#define WRITE 1
#define MIN(X,Y) ((X)<(Y)?(X):(Y))
#define MAX(X,Y) ((X)>(Y)?(X):(Y))
#define SQUARE(X) ((X)*(X))
/* The row-major test */
#define RM_CACHE_STRT 25
#define RM_CACHE_END 25
#define RM_CACHE_DELT 5
#define RM_START 0.20
#define RM_END 5.00
#define RM_DELTA 0.0025
/* Diagonal test */
#define DIAG_CACHE_STRT 25
#define DIAG_CACHE_END 25
#define DIAG_START 0.20
#define DIAG_END 5.00
#define DIAG_DELTA 0.0025
static size_t nio_g;
static hid_t fapl_g = -1;
* Function: count_c
* Purpose: A bogus compression method that just removes the last byte.
* Return: Success: src_nbytes-1
* Failure: never fails
* Programmer: Robb Matzke
* Thursday, May 14, 1998
* Modifications:
static size_t
count_c (unsigned int __unused__ flags, size_t __unused__ cd_size,
const void __unused__ *client_data, size_t src_nbytes,
const void *src, size_t __unused__ dst_nbytes, void *dst/*out*/)
memcpy (dst, src, src_nbytes-1);
nio_g += src_nbytes;
return src_nbytes-1;
* Function: count_u
* Purpose: A bogus unompress method that just adds a zero to the end.
* Return: Success: src_nbytes+1
* Failure: never fails
* Programmer: Robb Matzke
* Thursday, May 14, 1998
* Modifications:
static size_t
count_u (unsigned int __unused__ flags, size_t __unused__ cd_size,
const void __unused__ *client_data, size_t src_nbytes,
const void *src, size_t __unused__ dst_nbytes, void *dst/*out*/)
memcpy (dst, src, src_nbytes);
((char*)dst)[src_nbytes] = 0;
nio_g += src_nbytes+1;
return src_nbytes+1;
* Function: create_dataset
* Purpose: Creates a square dataset with square chunks, registers a
* stupid compress/uncompress pair for counting I/O, and
* initializes the dataset. The chunk size is in bytes, the
* dataset size is in terms of chunks.
* Return: void
* Programmer: Robb Matzke
* Thursday, May 14, 1998
* Modifications:
static void
create_dataset (void)
hid_t file, space, dcpl, dset;
hsize_t size[2];
char *buf;
/* The file */
file = H5Fcreate (FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl_g);
/* The data space */
size[0] = size[1] = DS_SIZE * CH_SIZE;
space = H5Screate_simple (2, size, size);
/* The storage layout and compression */
dcpl = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
size[0] = size[1] = CH_SIZE;
H5Pset_chunk (dcpl, 2, size);
H5Zregister (ZMETHNO, "counter", count_c, count_u);
H5Pset_compression (dcpl, ZMETHNO, 0, 0, NULL);
/* The dataset */
dset = H5Dcreate (file, "dset", H5T_NATIVE_CHAR, space, dcpl);
assert (dset>=0);
/* The data */
buf = calloc (1, SQUARE (DS_SIZE*CH_SIZE));
H5Dwrite (dset, H5T_NATIVE_CHAR, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, buf);
free (buf);
/* Close */
H5Dclose (dset);
H5Sclose (space);
H5Pclose (dcpl);
H5Fclose (file);
* Function: test_rowmaj
* Purpose: Reads the entire dataset using the specified size-squared
* I/O requests in row major order.
* Return: Efficiency: data requested divided by data actually read.
* Programmer: Robb Matzke
* Thursday, May 14, 1998
* Modifications:
static double
test_rowmaj (int op, hsize_t cache_size, hsize_t io_size)
hid_t file, dset, mem_space, file_space;
char *buf = calloc (1, SQUARE(io_size));
hsize_t i, j, hs_size[2];
hssize_t hs_offset[2];
int mdc_nelmts;
double w0;
H5Pget_cache (fapl_g, &mdc_nelmts, NULL, &w0);
H5Pset_cache (fapl_g, mdc_nelmts, cache_size*SQUARE (CH_SIZE), w0);
file = H5Fopen (FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl_g);
dset = H5Dopen (file, "dset");
file_space = H5Dget_space (dset);
nio_g = 0;
for (i=0; i<CH_SIZE*DS_SIZE; i+=io_size) {
#if 0
fprintf (stderr, "%5d\b\b\b\b\b", (int)i);
fflush (stderr);
for (j=0; j<CH_SIZE*DS_SIZE; j+=io_size) {
hs_offset[0] = i;
hs_size[0] = MIN (io_size, CH_SIZE*DS_SIZE-i);
hs_offset[1] = j;
hs_size[1] = MIN (io_size, CH_SIZE*DS_SIZE-j);
mem_space = H5Screate_simple (2, hs_size, hs_size);
H5Sselect_hyperslab (file_space, H5S_SELECT_SET, hs_offset, NULL, hs_size, NULL);
if (READ==op) {
H5Dread (dset, H5T_NATIVE_CHAR, mem_space, file_space,
H5P_DEFAULT, buf);
} else {
H5Dwrite (dset, H5T_NATIVE_CHAR, mem_space, file_space,
H5P_DEFAULT, buf);
H5Sclose (mem_space);
free (buf);
H5Sclose (file_space);
H5Dclose (dset);
H5Fclose (file);
return (double)SQUARE(CH_SIZE*DS_SIZE)/(double)nio_g;
* Function: test_diag
* Purpose: Reads windows diagonally across the dataset. Each window is
* offset from the previous window by OFFSET in the x and y
* directions. The reading ends after the (k,k) value is read
* where k is the maximum index in the dataset.
* Return: Efficiency.
* Programmer: Robb Matzke
* Friday, May 15, 1998
* Modifications:
static double
test_diag (int op, hsize_t cache_size, hsize_t io_size, hsize_t offset)
hid_t file, dset, mem_space, file_space;
hsize_t i, hs_size[2], nio=0;
hssize_t hs_offset[2];
char *buf = calloc (1, SQUARE (io_size));
int mdc_nelmts;
double w0;
H5Pget_cache (fapl_g, &mdc_nelmts, NULL, &w0);
H5Pset_cache (fapl_g, mdc_nelmts, cache_size*SQUARE (CH_SIZE), w0);
file = H5Fopen (FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl_g);
dset = H5Dopen (file, "dset");
file_space = H5Dget_space (dset);
nio_g = 0;
for (i=0, hs_size[0]=io_size; hs_size[0]==io_size; i+=offset) {
hs_offset[0] = hs_offset[1] = i;
hs_size[0] = hs_size[1] = MIN (io_size, CH_SIZE*DS_SIZE-i);
mem_space = H5Screate_simple (2, hs_size, hs_size);
H5Sselect_hyperslab (file_space, H5S_SELECT_SET, hs_offset, NULL, hs_size, NULL);
if (READ==op) {
H5Dread (dset, H5T_NATIVE_CHAR, mem_space, file_space,
H5P_DEFAULT, buf);
} else {
H5Dwrite (dset, H5T_NATIVE_CHAR, mem_space, file_space,
H5P_DEFAULT, buf);
H5Sclose (mem_space);
nio += hs_size[0]*hs_size[1];
if (i>0) nio -= SQUARE (io_size-offset);
free (buf);
H5Sclose (file_space);
H5Dclose (dset);
H5Fclose (file);
return (double)nio/(double)nio_g;
* Function: main
* Purpose: See file prologue.
* Return: Success:
* Failure:
* Programmer: Robb Matzke
* Thursday, May 14, 1998
* Modifications:
main (void)
hsize_t io_size;
double effic, io_percent;
FILE *f, *d;
int cache_size;
double w0;
* Create a global file access property list.
fapl_g = H5Pcreate (H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
H5Pget_cache (fapl_g, NULL, NULL, &w0);
/* Create the file */
create_dataset ();
f = fopen ("x-gnuplot", "w");
#if 1
* Test row-major reading of the dataset with various sizes of request
* windows.
fprintf (f, "set yrange [0:1.2]\n");
fprintf (f, "set ytics 0, 0.1, 1\n");
fprintf (f, "set xlabel \"%s\"\n",
"Request size as a fraction of chunk size");
fprintf (f, "set ylabel \"Efficiency\"\n");
fprintf (f, "set title \"Cache %d chunks, w0=%g, "
"Size=(total=%d, chunk=%d)\"\n",
} else {
fprintf (f, "set autoscale\n");
fprintf (f, "set hidden3d\n");
fprintf (f, "set terminal postscript\nset output \"x-rowmaj-rd.ps\"\n");
fprintf (f, "%s \"x-rowmaj-rd.dat\" title \"RowMaj-Read\" with %s\n",
fprintf (f, "set terminal x11\nreplot\n");
d = fopen ("x-rowmaj-rd.dat", "w");
for (cache_size=RM_CACHE_STRT;
cache_size+=RM_CACHE_DELT) {
for (io_percent=RM_START; io_percent<=RM_END; io_percent+=RM_DELTA) {
io_size = MAX (1, (int)(CH_SIZE*io_percent));
printf ("Rowmaj-rd %8d %8.2f", cache_size, io_percent);
fflush (stdout);
effic = test_rowmaj (READ, cache_size, io_size);
printf (" %8.2f\n", effic);
fprintf (d, "%g %g\n", io_percent, effic);
} else {
fprintf (d, "%g\n", effic);
fprintf (d, "\n");
fclose (d);
fprintf (f, "pause -1\n");
#if 1
* Test row-major writing of the dataset with various sizes of request
* windows.
fprintf (f, "set yrange [0:1.2]\n");
fprintf (f, "set ytics 0, 0.1, 1\n");
fprintf (f, "set xlabel \"%s\"\n",
"Request size as a fraction of chunk size");
fprintf (f, "set ylabel \"Efficiency\"\n");
fprintf (f, "set title \"Cache %d chunks,w0=%g, "
"Size=(total=%d, chunk=%d)\"\n",
} else {
fprintf (f, "set autoscale\n");
fprintf (f, "set hidden3d\n");
fprintf (f, "set terminal postscript\nset output \"x-rowmaj-wr.ps\"\n");
fprintf (f, "%s \"x-rowmaj-wr.dat\" title \"RowMaj-Write\" with %s\n",
fprintf (f, "set terminal x11\nreplot\n");
d = fopen ("x-rowmaj-wr.dat", "w");
for (cache_size=RM_CACHE_STRT;
cache_size+=RM_CACHE_DELT) {
for (io_percent=RM_START; io_percent<=RM_END; io_percent+=RM_DELTA) {
io_size = MAX (1, (int)(CH_SIZE*io_percent));
printf ("Rowmaj-wr %8d %8.2f", cache_size, io_percent);
fflush (stdout);
effic = test_rowmaj (WRITE, cache_size, io_size);
printf (" %8.2f\n", effic);
fprintf (d, "%g %g\n", io_percent, effic);
} else {
fprintf (d, "%g\n", effic);
fprintf (d, "\n");
fclose (d);
fprintf (f, "pause -1\n");
#if 1
* Test diagonal read
fprintf (f, "set yrange [0:1.2]\n");
fprintf (f, "set ytics 0, 0.1, 1\n");
fprintf (f, "set xlabel \"%s\"\n",
"Request size as a fraction of chunk size");
fprintf (f, "set ylabel \"Efficiency\"\n");
fprintf (f, "set title \"Cache %d chunks,w0=%g, "
"Size=(total=%d, chunk=%d)\"\n",
} else {
fprintf (f, "set autoscale\n");
fprintf (f, "set hidden3d\n");
fprintf (f, "set terminal postscript\nset output \"x-diag-rd.ps\"\n");
fprintf (f, "%s \"x-diag-rd.dat\" title \"Diag-Read\" with %s\n",
fprintf (f, "set terminal x11\nreplot\n");
d = fopen ("x-diag-rd.dat", "w");
for (cache_size=DIAG_CACHE_STRT;
cache_size+=DIAG_CACHE_DELT) {
for (io_percent=DIAG_START;
io_percent+=DIAG_DELTA) {
io_size = MAX (1, (int)(CH_SIZE*io_percent));
printf ("Diag-rd %8d %8.2f", cache_size, io_percent);
fflush (stdout);
effic = test_diag (READ, cache_size, io_size, MAX (1, io_size/2));
printf (" %8.2f\n", effic);
fprintf (d, "%g %g\n", io_percent, effic);
} else {
fprintf (d, "%g\n", effic);
fprintf (d, "\n");
fclose (d);
fprintf (f, "pause -1\n");
#if 1
* Test diagonal write
fprintf (f, "set yrange [0:1.2]\n");
fprintf (f, "set ytics 0, 0.1, 1\n");
fprintf (f, "set xlabel \"%s\"\n",
"Request size as a fraction of chunk size");
fprintf (f, "set ylabel \"Efficiency\"\n");
fprintf (f, "set title \"Cache %d chunks, w0=%g, "
"Size=(total=%d, chunk=%d)\"\n",
} else {
fprintf (f, "set autoscale\n");
fprintf (f, "set hidden3d\n");
fprintf (f, "set terminal postscript\nset output \"x-diag-wr.ps\"\n");
fprintf (f, "%s \"x-diag-wr.dat\" title \"Diag-Write\" with %s\n",
fprintf (f, "set terminal x11\nreplot\n");
d = fopen ("x-diag-wr.dat", "w");
for (cache_size=DIAG_CACHE_STRT;
cache_size+=DIAG_CACHE_DELT) {
for (io_percent=DIAG_START;
io_percent+=DIAG_DELTA) {
io_size = MAX (1, (int)(CH_SIZE*io_percent));
printf ("Diag-wr %8d %8.2f", cache_size, io_percent);
fflush (stdout);
effic = test_diag (WRITE, cache_size, io_size, MAX (1, io_size/2));
printf (" %8.2f\n", effic);
fprintf (d, "%g %g\n", io_percent, effic);
} else {
fprintf (d, "%g\n", effic);
fprintf (d, "\n");
fclose (d);
fprintf (f, "pause -1\n");
H5Pclose (fapl_g);
fclose (f);
return 0;