2003-07-27 03:24:20 -05:00

331 lines
14 KiB

HDF5 version 1.7.0 released on Sun Jul 27 03:21:43 CDT 2003
This document describes the differences between HDF5-1.6.* and
HDF5-1.7.*, and contains information on the platforms tested and
known problems in HDF5-1.7.*. For more details check the HISTORY.txt
file in the HDF5 source.
The HDF5 documentation can be found on the NCSA ftp server
(ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu) in the directory:
For more information look at the HDF5 home page at:
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:
- New Features
- Support for new platforms and languages
- Bug Fixes since HDF5-1.6.0
- Platforms Tested
- Known Problems
New Features
- prefix default is changed from /usr/local to `pwd`/hdf5. AKC - 2003/07/09
Parallel Library:
Support for new platforms, languages and compilers.
Bug Fixes since HDF5-1.6.0 release
- Corrected errors with using point selections to access data in
chunked datasets. QAK - 2003/07/23
- Corrected error with variable-length datatypes and chunked datasets
which caused H5Dwrite to fail sometimes. QAK - 2003/07/19
- Modified library and file format to support storing indexed storage
(chunked dataset) B-tree's with non-default internal 'K' values.
QAK - 2003/07/15
- Returned H5T_BKG_TEMP support to library after it was accidentally
removed. QAK - 2003/07/14
- Fixed the error that cause "make install" to fail because of the
macro definition syntax of "prefix?=..." AKC - 2003/07/22
Platforms Tested
AIX 5.1 (32 and 64-bit) xlc
Cray T3E sn6606 Cray Standard C Version
Cray Fortran Version
Cray SV1 sn9617 Cray Standard C Version
Cray Fortran Version
Cray T90IEEE Cray Standard C Version
Cray Fortran Version
FreeBSD 4.7 gcc 2.95.4
g++ 2.95.5
HP-UX B.11.00 HP C HP92453-01 A.11.01.20
HP F90 v2.4
HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.03.13
MPIch 1.2.4
IRIX 6.5 MIPSpro cc 7.30
IRIX64 6.5 (64 & n32) MIPSpro cc
F90 MIPSpro (64 only)
MPIch 1.2.4
Linux 2.4.18 gcc 2.96, 3.2.2, 3.2.3
g++ 3.2.2, 3.2.3
Intel(R) C++ Version 7.1
Intel(R) Fortran Compiler Version 7.1
PGI compilers (pgcc, pgf90, pgCC) version 4.0-2
MPIch 1.2.4
OSF1 V5.1 Compaq C V6.4-014
Compaq C V6.3-027
Compaq Fortran V5.5-1877
Compaq C++ V6.5-014
g++ version 3.0 for C++
SunOS 5.7 WorkShop Compilers 5.0 98/12/15 C 5.0
(Solaris 2.7) WorkShop Compilers 5.0 98/12/15 C++ 5.0
WorkShop Compilers 5.0 98/10/25
FORTRAN 90 2.0 Patch 107356-04
SunOS 5.8/32 Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 C 5.3
(Solaris 2.8) Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 Fortran 90
Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 C++ 5.3
SunOS 5.8/64 Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 C 5.3
(Solaris 2.8) Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 Fortran 90
Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 C++ 5.3
TFLOPS r1.0.4 v4.3.3 i386 pgcc Rel 3.1-4i with mpich-1.2.4 with
local modifications
IA-32 Linux 2.4.9 gcc 2.96
Intel(R) C++ Version 7.0
Intel(R) Fortran Compiler Version 7.0
IA-64 Linux 2.4.16 ia64 gcc version 2.96 20000731
Intel(R) C++ Version 7.0
Intel(R) Fortran Compiler Version 7.0
Windows 2000 (NT5.0) MSVC++ 6.0
DEC Visual Fortran 6.0
Intel C and F90 compilers version 7.1
Code Warrior 8.0
Windows XP MSVC++.NET
MAC OS X Darwin 6.5
gcc and g++ Apple Computer, Inc. GCC
version 1161, based on gcc version 3.1
Supported Configuration Features Summary
In the tables below
y = tested and supported
n = not supported or not tested in this release
x = not working in this release
dna = does not apply
( ) = footnote appears below second table
Platform C C F90 F90 C++ Shared zlib
parallel parallel libraries (4)
Solaris2.7 64-bit y y (1) y y (1) y y y
Solaris2.7 32-bit y y (1) y y (1) y y y
Solaris2.8 64-bit y y (1) y y (1) y y y
Solaris2.8 32-bit y y y y (1) y y y
IRIX6.5 y y (1) n n n y y
IRIX64_6.5 64-bit y y (2) y y y y y
IRIX64_6.5 32-bit y y (2) n n n y y
HPUX11.00 y y (1) y y y y y
OSF1 v5.1 y y y y y y y
T3E y y (5) y y (5) n n y
SV1 y y (5) y y (5) n n y
T90 IEEE y y (5) y y (5) n n y
TFLOPS n y (1) n n n n y
AIX-5.1 32-bit y y y y y n y
AIX-5.1 64-bit y y y y y n y
WinXP (6) y n n n y y y
WinXP Intel y n n n y y y
Win2000 y n y n y y y
Win2000 Intel y n y n y y y
WinNT CW y n n n n n y
Mac OS X 10.2 y n n n y y y
FreeBSD y y (1) n n y y y
Linux 2.4 gcc (3) y y (1) y (PGI) n y y y
Linux 2.4 Intel (3) y n y n y n y
Linux 2.4 PGI (3) y n y n y n y
Linux 2.4 IA32 Intel y n y n y n y
Linux 2.4 IA64 Intel y n y n y n y
ASCII Table 2 -- for RELEASE.txt
Platform static- Thread- SZIP GASS STREAM- High-level H4/H5
exec safe VFD APIs tools (7)
Solaris2.7 64-bit x y y n y y n
Solaris2.7 32-bit x y y n y y y
Solaris2.8 64-bit x y y n y y n
Solaris2.8 32-bit x y y n y y y
IRIX6.5 x n y n y y y
IRIX64_6.5 64-bit x y y y y y y
IRIX64_6.5 32-bit x y y y y y y
HPUX11.00 x n y n y y y
OSF1 v5.1 y n y n y y y
T3E y n n n y y y
SV1 y n n n y y y
T90 IEEE y n n n y y n
TFLOPS y n n n n n n
AIX-5.1 32-bit y n y n y y y
AIX-5.1 64-bit y n y n y y y
WinXP (6) y n y n n y y
WinXP Intel y n y n n y y
Win2000 y n y n n y y
Win2000 Intel y n y n n y y
WinNT CW y n y n n y y
Mac OS X 10.2 y n y n y y n
FreeBSD y y y n y y y
Linux 2.4 gcc (3) y y y n y y y
Linux 2.4 Intel (3) y n y n y n n
Linux 2.4 PGI (3) y n y n y n n
Linux 2.4 IA32 Intel y n y n y y y
Linux 2.4 IA64 Intel y n y n y y y
Notes: (1) Using mpich 1.2.4.
(2) Using mpt and mpich 1.2.4.
(3) Linux 2.4 with GNU, Intel, and PGI compilers, respectively.
(4) Shared libraries are provided only for the C library, except
on Windows where they are provided for C and C++.
(5) Using mpt.
(6) Binaries only; source code for this platform is not being
released at this time.
(7) Includes the H4toH5 Library and the h4toh5 and h5toh4
Compiler versions for each platform are listed in the preceding
"Platforms Tested" table.
Known Problems
* PGI C++ compiler fails when compiling the C++ library's tests.
Therefore, we cannot verify that the C++ library built with the PGI C++
compiler is correct.
* The h5dump tests may fail to match the expected output on some platforms
(e.g. parallel jobs, Windows) where the error messages directed to
"stderr" do not appear in the "right order" with output from stdout.
This is not an error.
* The stream-vfd test uses ip port 10007 for testing. If another
application is already using that port address, the test will hang
indefinitely and has to be terminated by the kill command. To try the
test again, change the port address in test/stream_test.c to one not
being used in the host.
* The --enable-static-exec configure flag fails to compile for Solaris
platforms. This is due to the fact that not all of the system
libraries on Solaris are available in a static format.
The --enable-static-exec configure flag also fails to correctly compile
on IBM SP2 platform for the serial mode. The parallel mode works fine
with this option.
It is suggested that you don't use this option on these platforms
during configuration.
* With the gcc 2.95.2 compiler, HDF 5 uses the `-ansi' flag during
compilation. The ANSI version of the compiler complains about not being
able to handle the `long long' datatype with the warning:
warning: ANSI C does not support `long long'
This warning is innocuous and can be safely ignored.
* The Stream VFD was not tested yet under Windows. It is not supported
in the TFLOPS machine.
* The ./dsets tests failed in the TFLOPS machine if the test program,
dsets.c, is compiled with the -O option. The hdf5 library still works
correctly with the -O option. The test program works fine if it is
compiled with -O1 or -O0. Only -O (same as -O2) causes the test
program to fail.
* Certain platforms give false negatives when testing h5ls:
- Cray J90 and Cray T90IEEE give errors during testing when displaying
some floating-point values. These are benign differences due to
the different precision in the values displayed and h5ls appears to
be dumping floating-point numbers correctly.
* Before building HDF5 F90 Library from source on Crays
replace H5Aff.f90, H5Dff.f90 and H5Pff.f90 files in the fortran/src
subdirectory in the top level directory with the Cray-specific files
from the site:
* On some platforms that use Intel compilers to build HDF5 fortran library,
compilation may fail for fortranlib_test.f90, fflush1.f90 and fflush2.f90
complaining about exit subroutine. Comment out the line
IF (total_error .ne. 0) CALL exit (total_error)
* On IA32 and IA64 systems, if you use a compiler other than GCC (such as
Intel's ecc or icc compilers), you will need to modify the generated
"libtool" program after configuration is finished. On or around line 104 of
the libtool file, there are lines which look like:
# How to pass a linker flag through the compiler.
change these lines to this:
# How to pass a linker flag through the compiler.
UPDATE: This is now done automatically by the configure script. However, if
you still experience a problem, you may want to check this line in the
libtool file and make sure that it has the correct value.
* Information about building with PGI and Intel compilers is available in
INSTALL file sections 5.7 and 5.8