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Purpose: New tool -- h5import Description: Added h5import. Platforms tested: Safari and IE 5
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HDF5/Tools API Specification
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<tr><td valign=top align=left>
<a href="index.html">HDF5 documents and links</a> <br>
<a href="H5.intro.html">Introduction to HDF5</a> <br>
<a href="H5.user.html">HDF5 User Guide</a> <br>
<a href="Glossary.html">Glossary</a><br>
<td valign=top align=right>
And in this document, the
<a href="RM_H5Front.html">HDF5 Reference Manual</a>
<a href="RM_H5.html">H5</a>
<a href="RM_H5A.html">H5A</a>
<a href="RM_H5D.html">H5D</a>
<a href="RM_H5E.html">H5E</a>
<a href="RM_H5F.html">H5F</a>
<a href="RM_H5G.html">H5G</a>
<a href="RM_H5I.html">H5I</a>
<a href="RM_H5P.html">H5P</a>
<a href="RM_H5R.html">H5R</a>
<a href="RM_H5S.html">H5S</a>
<a href="RM_H5T.html">H5T</a>
<a href="RM_H5Z.html">H5Z</a>
<a href="Tools.html">Tools</a>
<a href="PredefDTypes.html">Datatypes</a>
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<h1>HDF5 Tools</h1>
<h2>HDF5 Tool Interfaces</h2>
These tools enable the user to examine HDF5 file contents,
to modify HDF5 file contents in a carefully prescribed manner, and
to convert files from HDF4 format to HDF5 format and vice versa.
<table border=0>
<tr><td valign=top>
<li><a href="#Tools-Dump">h5dump</a> --
A tool for displaying HDF5 file contents
<li><a href="#Tools-Ls">h5ls</a> --
A tool for listing specified features of HDF5 file contents
<li><a href="#Tools-Repart">h5repart</a> --
A tool for repartitioning a file, creating a family of files
<li><a href="#Tools-Import">h5import</a> --
A tool for importing data into an existing or new HDF5 file
<li><a href="#Tools-GIF2H5">gif2h5</a> --
A tool for converting a GIF file to an HDF5 file
<li><a href="#Tools-H52GIF">h52gif</a> --
A tool for converting images in an HDF5 file to a GIF file
<li><a href="#Tools-H5toh4">h5toh4</a> --
A tool for converting an HDF5 file to an HDF4 file
<li><a href="#Tools-H4toh5">h4toh5</a> --
A tool for converting an HDF4 file to an HDF5 file
<li><a href="#Tools-H5CC">h5cc</a> --
A tool for compiling HDF5 programs
<li><a href="#Tools-H5FC">h5fc</a> --
A tool for compiling HDF5 programs written in Fortran90
<li><a href="http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/java-hdf5-html/">Java-based tools for HDF5</a> --
<em>(at <code>http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/java-hdf5-html/</code>)</em>
Java-based tools for viewing, manipulating, and generating HDF5
files (distributed separately)
Includes <code>H5view</code>, <code>H5gen</code>, Java HDF5
Interface (JHI5), and HDF5 VisAD Data Adapter
<dt><strong>Tool Name:</strong> <a name="Tools-Dump">h5dump</a>
[</code><em>OPTIONS</em><code>]</code> <em>file</em>
<dd>Displays HDF5 file contents.
<dd><code>h5dump</code> enables the user to examine
the contents of an HDF5 file and dump those contents, in human
readable form, to an ASCII file.
<code>h5dump</code> dumps HDF5 file content to standard output.
It can display the contents of the entire HDF5 file or
selected objects, which can be groups, datasets, a subset of a
dataset, links, attributes, or datatypes.
The <code>--header</code> option displays object header
information only.
Names are the absolute names of the objects. <code>h5dump</code>
displays objects in the order same as the command order. If a
name does not start with a slash, <code>h5dump</code> begins
searching for the specified object starting at the root group.
If an object is hard linked with multiple names,
<code>h5dump</code> displays the content of the object in the
first occurrence. Only the link information is displayed in later
<code>h5dump</code> assigns a name for any unnamed datatype in
the form of
<code>#</code><em>oid1</em><code>:</code><em>oid2</em>, where
<em>oid1</em> and <em>oid2</em> are the object identifiers
assigned by the library. The unnamed types are displayed within
the root group.
Datatypes are displayed with standard type names. For example,
if a dataset is created with <code>H5T_NATIVE_INT</code> type
and the standard type name for integer on that machine is
<code>H5T_STD_I32BE</code>, <code>h5dump</code> displays
<code>H5T_STD_I32BE</code> as the type of the dataset.
<code>h5dump</code> can also dump a subset of a dataset.
This feature operates in much the same way as hyperslabs in HDF5;
the parameters specified on the commnd line are passed to the
function <a href="RM_H5S.html#Dataspace-SelectHyperslab">
<code>H5Sselect_hyperslab</code></a> and the resulting selection
is displayed.
The <code>h5dump</code> output is described in detail in the
<a href="ddl.html"><cite>DDL for HDF5</cite></a>, the
<cite>Data Description Language</cite> document.
<em>Note</em>: It is not permissable to specify multiple
attributes, datasets, datatypes, groups, or soft links with one
flag. For example, one may not issue the command
<font size=-1>WRONG:</font>
<code>h5dump -a /attr1 /attr2 foo.h5</code>
to display both <code>/attr1</code> and <code>/attr2</code>.
One must issue the following command:
<font size=-1>CORRECT:</font>
<code>h5dump -a /attr1 -a /attr2 foo.h5</code>
It's possible to select the file driver with which to open the
HDF5 file by using the --filedriver (-f) command-line option.
Acceptable values for the --filedriver option are: "sec2",
"family", "split", "multi", and "stream". If the file driver flag
isn't specified, then the file will be opened with each driver in
turn and in the order specified above until one driver succeeds
in opening the file.
<dt><strong>XML Output:</strong>
<dd>With the <code>--xml</code> option, <code>h5dump</code> generates
XML output. This output contains a complete description of the file,
marked up in XML. The XML conforms to the HDF5 Document Type
Definition (DTD) available at
<a href="http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/DTDs/HDF5-File.dtd">
The XML output is suitable for use with other tools, including the
<a href="http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/java-hdf5-html">HDF5 Java Tools</a>.
<dt><strong>Options and Parameters:</strong>
<dt><code>-h</code> or
<dd>Print a usage message and exit.</dd>
<dt><code>-B</code> or
<dd>Print the content of the boot block.<br>
<em>(This option is not yet implemented.)</em></dd>
<dt><code>-H</code> or
<dd>Print the header only; no data is displayed.</dd>
<dt><code>-i</code> or
<dd>Print the object ids.</dd>
<dt><code>-r</code> or
<dd>Print 1-bytes integer datasets as ASCII.</dd>
<dt><code>-V</code> or
<dd>Print version number and exit.</dd>
<dt><code>-a <em>P</em></code> or
<dd>Print the specified attribute.</dd>
<dt><code>-d <em>P</em></code> or
<dd>Print the specified dataset.</dd>
<dt><code>-f <em>D</em></code> or
<dd>Specify which driver to open the file with.</dd>
<dt><code>-g <em>P</em></code> or
<dd>Print the specified group and all members.</dd>
<dt><code>-l <em>P</em></code> or
<dd>Print the value(s) of the specified soft link.</dd>
<dt><code>-o <em>F</em></code> or
<dd>Output raw data into file F.</dd>
<dt><code>-t <em>T</em></code> or
<dd>Print the specified named datatype.</dd>
<dt><code>-w <em>N</em></code> or
<dd>Set the number of columns of output.</dd>
<dt><code>-x <em>U</em></code> or
<dd>Output XML instead of DDL.</dd>
<dt><code>-D <em>U</em></code> or
<dd>In XML output, refer to the DTD at <em>U</em>
instead of the default DTD.</dd>
<dt><code>-s <em>L</em></code> or
<dd>Offset of start of subsetting selection.
Default: the beginning of the dataset.</dd>
<dt><code>-S <em>L</em></code> or
<dd>Hyperslab stride.
Default: 1 in all dimensions.</dd>
<dt><code>-c <em>L</em></code> or
<dd>Number of blocks to include in the selection.</dd>
<dt><code>-k <em>L</em></code> or
<dd>Size of block in hyperslab.
Default: 1 in all dimensions.</dd>
<dd>Indicate that all following arguments are non-options.
E.g., to dump a file called `-f', use h5dump -- -f.</dd>
<dd>The file to be examined.</dd>
<dt>The option parameters listed above are defined as follows:
<dd><em>D</em> -- which file driver to use in opening the
file. Acceptable values are "sec2", "family", "split",
"multi", and "stream". Without the file driver flag the
file will be opened with each driver in turn and in the
order specified above until one driver succeeds in
opening the file.</dd>
<dd><em>P</em> -- The full path from the root group to
the object</dd>
<dd><em>T</em> -- The name of the datatype</dd>
<dd><em>F</em> -- A filename</dd>
<dd><em>N</em> -- An integer greater than 1</dd>
<dd><em>L</em> -- A list of integers, the number of which is
equal to the number of dimensions in the dataspace being
<dd><em>U</em> -- A URI (as defined in
[<a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt">IETF RFC 2396</a>],
updated by
[<a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2732.txt">IETF RFC 2732</a>])
that refers to the DTD to be used to validate the XML</dd>
<dt>Subsetting paramaters can also be expressed in a convenient
compact form, as follows:
All of the semicolons (<code>;</code>) are required, even when
a parameter value is not specified.
When not specified, default parameter values are used.
<li>Dumping the group <code>/GroupFoo/GroupBar</code> in the file
<code>h5dump -g /GroupFoo/GroupBar quux.h5</code>
<li>Dumping the dataset <code>Fnord</code> in the group
<code>/GroupFoo/GroupBar</code> in the file <code>quux.h5</code>:
<code>h5dump -d /GroupFoo/GroupBar/Fnord quux.h5</code>
<li>Dumping the attribute <code>metadata</code> of the dataset
<code>Fnord</code> which is in group
<code>/GroupFoo/GroupBar</code> in the file <code>quux.h5</code>:
<code>h5dump -a /GroupFoo/GroupBar/Fnord/metadata quux.h5</code>
<li>Dumping the attribute <code>metadata</code> which is an
attribute of the root group in the file <code>quux.h5</code>:
<code>h5dump -a /metadata quux.h5</code>
<li>Producing an XML listing of the file <code>bobo.h5</code>:
<code>h5dump --xml bobo.h5 > bobo.h5.xml</code>
<li>Dumping a subset of the dataset <code>/GroupFoo/databar/</code>
in the file <code>quux.h5</code>
<code>h5dump -d /GroupFoo/databar --start="1,1" --stride="2,3"
--count="3,19" --block="1,1" quux.h5</code>
<li>The same example using the short form to specify the
subsetting parameters:
<code>h5dump -d "/GroupFoo/databar[1,1;2,3;3,19;1,1]" quux.h5</code>
<dt><strong>Current Status:</strong>
<dd>The current version of <code>h5dump</code> displays the
following information:
<li>group attribute (see Attribute)
<li>group member
<li>dataset attribute (see Attribute)
<li>dataset type (see Datatype)
<li>dataset space (see Dataspace)
<li>dataset data
<li>attribute type (see Datatype)
<li>attribute space (see Dataspace)
<li>attribute data
<li>integer type
- H5T_STD_I8BE, H5T_STD_I8LE, H5T_STD_I16BE, ...
<li>floating point type
<li>string type
<li>compound type
- named, unnamed and transient compound type
- integer, floating or string type member
<li>opaque types
<li>reference type
- object references
- data regions
<li>enum type
<li>variable-length datatypes
- atomic types only
- scalar or single dimensional array of variable-length
types supported
<li>scalar and simple space
<li>Soft link
<li>Hard link
<li>Loop detection
<dt><strong>See Also:</strong>
<li>HDF5 Data Description Language syntax at
<a href="ddl.html"><cite>DDL for HDF5</cite></a>
<li>HDF5 XML DTD at
<a href="http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/DTDs/HDF5-File.dtd">http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/DTDs/HDF5-File.dtd</a>
<li>HDF5 XML information at
<a href="http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/XML">http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/XML/</a>
<dt><strong>Tool Name:</strong> <a name="Tools-Ls">h5ls</a>
<dd>Prints information about a file or dataset.
<dd><code>h5ls</code> prints selected information about file objects
in the specified format.
<dt><strong>Options and Parameters:</strong>
<dt><code>-h</code> or
<code>-?</code> or
<dd>Print a usage message and exit.
<dt><code>-a</code> or
<dd>Print addresses for raw data.
<dt><code>-d</code> or <code>--data</code>
<dd>Print the values of datasets.
<dt><code>-e</code> or
<dd>Show all HDF5 error reporting.
<dt><code>-f</code> or
<dd>Print full path names instead of base names.
<dt><code>-g</code> or
<dd>Show information about a group, not its contents.
<dt><code>-l</code> or
<dd>Label members of compound datasets.
<dt><code>-r</code> or
<dd>List all groups recursively, avoiding cycles.
<dt><code>-s</code> or
<dd>Print 1-bytes integer datasets as ASCII.
<dt><code>-S</code> or
<dd>Use a machine-readable output format.
<dt><code>-w</code><em>N</em> or
<dd>Set the number of columns of output.
<dt><code>-v</code> or
<dd>Generate more verbose output.
<dt><code>-V</code> or
<dd>Print version number and exit.
<dt><code>-x</code> or
<dd>Show raw data in hexadecimal format.
<dd>The file name may include a printf(3C) integer format
such as <code>%%05d</code> to open a file family.
<dd>Each object consists of an HDF5 file name optionally
followed by a slash and an object name within the file
(if no object is specified within the file then the
contents of the root group are displayed). The file name
may include a <code>printf(3C)</code> integer format such
as "%05d" to open a file family.
<dt><strong>Current Status:</strong>
<dt><strong>See Also:</strong>
<dt><strong>Tool Name:</strong> <a name="Tools-Repart">h5repart</a>
<dd>Repartitions a file or family of files.
<dd><code>h5repart</code> splits a single file into a family of
files, joins a family of files into a single file, or copies
one family of files to another while changing the size of the
family members. <code>h5repart</code> can also be used to
copy a single file to a single file with holes.
Sizes associated with the <code>-b</code> and <code>-m</code>
options may be suffixed with <code>g</code> for gigabytes,
<code>m</code> for megabytes, or <code>k</code> for kilobytes.
File family names include an integer <code>printf</code>
format such as <code>%d</code>.
<dt><strong>Options and Parameters:</strong>
<dd>Produce verbose output.
<dd>Print a version number and exit.
<dd>The I/O block size, defaults to 1kB
<dd>The destination member size or 1GB
<dd>The name of the source file
<dd>The name of the destination files
<dt><strong>Current Status:</strong>
<dt><strong>See Also:</strong>
<dt><strong>Tool Name:</strong> <a name="Tools-Import">h5import</a>
<em>infile</em> <em>in_options</em>
[<em>infile</em> <em>in_options</em> <b>...</b>]
-o <em>outfile</em>
<em>infile</em> <em>in_options</em>
[<em>infile</em> <em>in_options</em> <b>...</b>]
-outfile <em>outfile</em>
<dd><code>h5import -h</code>
<dd><code>h5import -help</code>
<dd>Imports data into an existing or new HDF5 file.
<dd><code>h5import</code> converts data
from one or more ASCII or binary files, <code><i>infile</i></code>,
into the same number of HDF5 datasets
in the existing or new HDF5 file, <code><i>outfile</i></code>.
Data conversion is performed in accordance with the
user-specified type and storage properties
specified in <code><em>in_options</em></code>.
The primary objective of <code>h5import</code> is to
import floating point or integer data.
The utility's design allows for future versions that
accept ASCII text files and store the contents as a
compact array of one-dimensional strings,
but that capability is not implemented in HDF5 Release 1.6.
<b>Input data and options:</b><br>
Input data can be provided in one of the follwing forms:
<ul><li>As an ASCII, or plain-text, file containing either
floating point or integer data
<li>As a binary file containing either 32-bit or
64-bit native floating point data
<li>As a binary file containing native integer data,
signed or unsigned and
8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit.
<li>As an ASCII, or plain-text, file containing text data.
(This feature is not implemented in HDF5 Release 1.6.)
Each input file, <code><i>infile</i></code>,
contains a single <em>n</em>-dimensional
array of values of one of the above types expressed
in the order of fastest-changing dimensions first.
Floating point data in an ASCII input file must be
expressed in the fixed floating form (e.g., 323.56)
<code>h5import</code> is designed to accept scientific notation
(e.g., 3.23E+02) in an ASCII, but that is not implemented in HDF5 release 1.6.
Each input file can be associated with options specifying
the datatype and storage properties.
These options can be specified either as
<em>command line arguments</em>
or in a <em>configuration file</em>.
Note that exactly one of these approaches must be used with a
single input file.
Command line arguments, best used with simple input files,
can be used to specify
the class, size, dimensions of the input data and
a path identifying the output dataset.
The recommended means of specifying input data options
is in a configuration file; this is also the only means of
specifying advanced storage features.
See further discussion in "The configuration file" below.
The only required option for input data is dimension sizes;
defaults are available for all others.
<code>h5import</code> will accept up to 30 input files in a single call.
Other considerations, such as the maximum length of a command line,
may impose a more stringent limitation.
<b>Output data and options:</b><br>
The name of the output file is specified following
the <code>-o</code> or <code>-output</code> option
in <code><i>outfile</i></code>.
The data from each input file is stored as a separate dataset
in this output file.
<code><i>outfile</i></code> may be an existing file.
If it does not yet exist, <code>h5import</code> will create it.
Output dataset information and storage properties can be
specified only by means of a configuration file.
<table width=100% border=0>
<tr valign=top align=left><td width=30> </td><td>
Dataset path
</td><td>If the groups in the path leading to the dataset
do not exist, <code>h5import</code> will create them.<br>
If no group is specified, the dataset will be created
under the root group.<br>
If no dataset name is specified, the dataset will be created
as <code>dataset1</code>.<br>
<code>h5import</code> does not check for a pre-existing dataset
of the specified or default name; it overwrites any such dataset
without offering an opportunity to preserve it.
<tr valign=top align=left><td width=30> </td><td>
Output type
</td><td>Datatype parameters for output data
<tr valign=top align=left><td width=30> </td><td>
Output data class
</td><td>Signed or unsigned integer or floating point
<tr valign=top align=left><td width=30> </td><td>
Output data size
</td><td>8-, 16-, 32-, or 64-bit integer<br>
31- or 64-bit floating point
<tr valign=top align=left><td width=30> </td><td>
Output architecture
<code>NATIVE</code> (Default)<br>
Other architectures are included in the <code>h5import</code> design
but are not implemented in this release.
<tr valign=top align=left><td width=30> </td><td>
Output byte order
</td><td>Little- or big-endian.<br>
Relevant only if output architecture
is <code>IEEE</code>, <code>UNIX</code>, or <code>STD</code>;
fixed for other architectures.
<tr valign=top align=left><td width=30> </td><td>
Dataset layout and storage <br>
</td><td>Denote how raw data is to be organized on the disk.
If none of the following are specified,
the default configuration is contiguous layout and with no compression.
<tr valign=top align=left><td width=30> </td><td>
</td><td>Contiguous (Default)<br>
<tr valign=top align=left><td width=30> </td><td>
External storage
</td><td>Allows raw data to be stored in a non-HDF5 file or in an
external HDF5 file.<br>
Requires contiguous layout.
<tr valign=top align=left><td width=30> </td><td>
</td><td>Sets the type of compression and the
level to which the dataset must be compressed.<br>
Requires chunked layout.
<tr valign=top align=left><td width=30> </td><td>
</td><td>Allows the dimensions of the dataset increase over time
and/or to be unlimited.<br>
Requires chunked layout.
<tr valign=top align=left><td width=30> </td><td>
Compressed and<br>
</td><td>Requires chunked layout.
<tr valign=top align=left><td width=30> </td><td>
<b>Command-line arguments:</b><br>
The <code>h5import</code> syntax for the command-line arguments,
<code><em>in_options</em></code>, is as follows:
<table width=100% border=0>
<tr><td> </td><td>
<code>h5import <em>infile</em> -d <em>dim_list</em>
[-p <em>pathname</em>]
[-t <em>input_class</em>]
[-s <em>input_size</em>]
[<em>infile</em> ...]
-o <em>outfile</em></code><br>
<code>h5import <em>infile</em> -dims <em>dim_list</em>
[-path <em>pathname</em>]
[-type <em>input_class</em>]
[-size <em>input_size</em>]
[<em>infile</em> ...]
-outfile <em>outfile</em></code><br>
<code>h5import <em>infile</em> -c <em>config_file</em>
[<em>infile</em> ...]
-outfile <em>outfile</em></code>
Note the following:
If the <code>-c <em>config_file</em></code> option is used with
an input file, no other argument can be used with that input file.
If the <code>-c <em>config_file</em></code> option is not used with
an input data file, the <code>-d <em>dim_list</em></code> argument
(or <code>-dims <em>dim_list</em></code>)
must be used and any combination of the remaining options may be used.
Any arguments used must appear in <em>exactly</em> the order used
in the syntax declarations immediately above.
<b>The configuration file:</b><br>
A configuration file is specified with the
<code>-c <em>config_file</em></code> option:
<table border=0>
<tr><td> </td><td>
<code>h5import <em>infile</em> -c <em>config_file</em>
[<em>infile</em> -c <em>config_file2</em> ...]
-outfile ><em>outfile</em></code>
The configuration file is an ASCII file and must be
organized as "Configuration_Keyword Value" pairs,
with one pair on each line.
For example, the line indicating that
the input data class (configuration keyword <code>INPUT-CLASS</code>)
is floating point in a text file (value <code>TEXTFP</code>)
would appear as follows:<br>
<code> INPUT-CLASS TEXTFP</code>
A configuration file may have the following keywords each
followed by one of the following defined values.
One entry for each of the first two keywords,
<code>RANK</code> and <code>DIMENSION-SIZES</code>,
is required; all other keywords are optional.
<table width=100% border=0>
<tr align=left><th valign=top align=left>
<hr>Keyword <br><code> </code>Value
</th><th valign=top align=left><hr>Description
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<hr><code>RANK </code>
</td><td><hr>The number of dimensions in the dataset. (Required)
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> <em>rank</em></code>
</td><td>An integer specifying the number of dimensions in the dataset.<br>
Example: <code> 4 </code> for a 4-dimensional dataset.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
</td><td><hr>Sizes of the dataset dimensions. (Required)
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> <em>dim_sizes</em></code>
</td><td>A string of space-separated integers
specifying the sizes of the dimensions in the dataset.
The number of sizes in this entry must match the value in
the <code>RANK</code> entry.<br>
Example: <code> 4 3 4 38 </code> for a 4x3x4x38 dataset.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
</td><td><hr>Path of the output dataset.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> <em>path</em></code>
</td><td>The full HDF5 pathname identifying the output dataset
relative to the root group within the output file.<br>
I.e., <code><em>path</em></code> is a string of optional group names,
each followed by a slash,
and ending with a dataset name.
If the groups in the path do no exist, they will be created.<br>
If <code>PATH</code> is not specified, the default
<code><em>path</em></code> is <code>/dataset1</code>.<br>
Example: The configuration file entry
<table border=0>
<tr><td> </td><td>
<code>PATH grp1/grp2/dataset1</code>
indicates that the output dataset <code>dataset1</code> will be written
in the group <code>grp2/</code> which is in the group <code>grp1/</code>,
a member of the root group in the output file.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<hr><code>INPUT-CLASS </code>
</td><td><hr>A string denoting the type of input data.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> TEXTIN</code>
</td><td>Input is signed integer data in an ASCII file.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> TEXTUIN</code>
</td><td>Input is unsigned integer data in an ASCII file.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> TEXTFP</code>
</td><td>Input is floating point data in fixed notation (e.g., 325.34)
in an ASCII file.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> TEXTFPE</code>
</td><td>Input is floating point data in scientific notation (e.g., 3.2534E+02)
in an ASCII file.<br>
(Not implemented in this release.)
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> IN</code>
</td><td>Input is signed integer data in a binary file.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> UIN</code>
</td><td>Input is unsigned integer data in a binary file.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> FP</code>
</td><td>Input is floating point data in a binary file. (Default)
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> STR</code>
</td><td>Input is character data in an ASCII file.
With this value, the configuration keywords
<code>RANK</code>, <code>DIMENSION-SIZES</code>,
<code>OUTPUT-CLASS</code>, <code>OUTPUT-SIZE</code>,
<code>OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE</code>, and <code>OUTPUT-BYTE-ORDER</code>
will be ignored.<br>
(Not implemented in this release.)
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
</td><td><hr>An integer denoting the size of the input data, in bits.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> 8</code><br>
<code> 16</code><br>
<code> 32</code><br>
<code> 64</code>
</td><td>For signed and unsigned integer data:
<code>TEXTIN</code>, <code>TEXTUIN</code>,
<code>IN</code>, or <code>UIN</code>.
(Default: <code> 32</code>)
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> 32</code><br>
<code> 64</code>
</td><td>For floating point data:
<code>TEXTFP</code>, <code>TEXTFPE</code>,
or <code>FP</code>.
(Default: <code> 32</code>)
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<hr><code>OUTPUT-CLASS </code>
</td><td><hr>A string denoting the type of output data.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> IN</code>
</td><td>Output is signed integer data.<br>
(Default if <code>INPUT-CLASS</code> is
<code>IN</code> or <code>TEXTIN</code>)
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> UIN</code>
</td><td>Output is unsigned integer data.<br>
(Default if <code>INPUT-CLASS</code> is
<code>UIN</code> or <code>TEXTUIN</code>)
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> FP</code>
</td><td>Output is floating point data.<br>
(Default if <code>INPUT-CLASS</code> is not specified or is
<code>FP</code>, <code>TEXTFP</code>, or <code>TEXTFPE</code>)
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> STR</code>
</td><td>Output is character data,
to be written as a 1-dimensional array of strings.<br>
(Default if <code>INPUT-CLASS</code> is <code>UIN</code>
or <code>TEXTUIN</code>)<br>
(Not implemented in this release.)
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
</td><td><hr>An integer denoting the size of the output data, in bits.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> 8</code><br>
<code> 16</code><br>
<code> 32</code><br>
<code> 64</code>
</td><td>For signed and unsigned integer data:
<code>IN</code> or <code>UIN</code>.
(Default: Same as <code>INPUT-SIZE</code>, else <code> 32</code>)
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> 32</code><br>
<code> 64</code>
</td><td>For floating point data:
(Default: Same as <code>INPUT-SIZE</code>, else <code> 32</code>)
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
</td><td><hr>A string denoting the type of output architecture.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> STD</code><br>
<code> IEEE</code><br>
<code> INTEL</code> *<br>
<code> CRAY</code> *<br>
<code> MIPS</code> *<br>
<code> ALPHA</code> *<br>
<code> NATIVE</code><br>
<code> UNIX</code> *
</td><td>See the "Predefined Atomic Types" section
in the "HDF5 Datatypes" chapter
of the <cite>HDF5 User's Guide</cite>
for a discussion of these architectures.<br>
Values marked with an asterisk (*) are not implemented in this release.<br>
(Default: <code>NATIVE</code>)
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
</td><td><hr>A string denoting the output byte order.
This entry is ignored if the <code>OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE</code>
is not specified or if it is specified as <code>IEEE</code>,
<code>UNIX</code>, or <code>STD</code>.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> BE</code>
</td><td>Big-endian. (Default)
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> LE</code>
<tr valign=top align=left><td colspan="2">
<hr>The following options are disabled by default, making
the default storage properties no chunking, no compression,
no external storage, and no extensible dimensions.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
</td><td><hr>Dimension sizes of the chunk for chunked output data.
<br><b><i>BTW, is this</i></b> <code>CHUNKED-DIMENSION</code> <b><i>or</i></b> <code>CHUNKED-D...-SIZES</code><b><i>?</i></b>
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> <em>chunk_dims</em></code>
</td><td>A string of space-separated integers specifying the
dimension sizes of the chunk for chunked output data.
The number of dimensions must correspond to the value
of <code>RANK</code>.<br>
The presence of this field indicates that the
output dataset is to be stored in chunked layout;
if this configuration field is absent,
the dataset will be stored in contiguous layout.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
</td><td><hr>Type of compression to be used with chunked storage.
Requires that <code>CHUNKED-DIMENSION</code> be specified.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> GZIP</code>
</td><td>Gzip compression.<br>
Othe compression algorithms are not implemented
in this release of <code>h5import</code>.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
</td><td><hr>Compression level.
Required if <code>COMPRESSION-TYPE</code> is specified.
<b><i>Since there is a default, is "required" true?</i></b>
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> 1</code> through <code>9</code>
</td><td>Gzip compression levels:
<code>1</code> will result in the fastest compression
while <code>9</code> will result in the best compression ratio.
(Default: 6)
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
</td><td><hr>Name of an external file in which to create the output dataset.
Cannot be used with <code>CHUNKED-DIMENSIONS</code>,
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> <i>external_file</i> </code>
</td><td>A string specifying the name of an external file.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
</td><td><hr>Maximum sizes of all dimensions.
Requires that <code>CHUNKED-DIMENSION</code> be specified.
<tr valign=top align=left><td>
<code> <em>max_dims</em></code>
</td><td>A string of space-separated integers specifying the
maximum size of each dimension of the output dataset.
A value of <code>-1</code> for any dimension implies
unlimited size for that particular dimension.<br>
The number of dimensions must correspond to the value
of <code>RANK</code>.<br>
<tr valign=top align=left><td><hr></td><td><hr></td></tr>
<b>The <code>help</code> option:</b><br>
The help option, expressed as one of
<table width=100% border=0>
<tr><td> </td><td>
<code>h5import -h</code><br>
<code>h5import -help</code><br>
<tr><td colspan="2">prints the <code>h5import</code> usage summary</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>
h5import -h[elp], OR<br>
h5import <infile> <options>
[<infile> <options>...]
-o[utfile] <outfile></code>
<tr><td colspan="2">then exits.</td></tr>
<dt><strong>Options and Parameters:</strong>
<dd>Name of the Input file(s).
<dd>Input options. Note that while only the <code>-dims</code> argument
is required, arguments must used in the order in which they are listed below.
<dt><code>-d <em>dim_list</em></code>
<dt><code>-dims <em>dim_list</em></code>
<dd>Input data dimensions.
<code><em>dim_list</em></code> is a string of
comma-separated numbers with no spaces
describing the dimensions of the input data.
For example, a 50 x 100 2-dimensional array would be
specified as <code>-dims 50,100</code>.<br>
Required argument: if no configuration file is used,
this command-line argument is mandatory.
<dt><code>-p <em>pathname</em></code>
<dt><code>-pathname <em>pathname</em></code>
<dd><code><em>pathname</em></code> is a string consisiting of
one or more strings separated by '/' specifying the path
of the dataset in the output file.
If the groups in the path do no exist, they will be created.<br>
Optional argument: if not specified,
the default path is <code>/dataset1</code>.<br>
<code>h5import</code> does not check for a pre-existing dataset
of the specified or default name; it overwrites any such dataset
without offering an opportunity to preserve it.
<dt><code>-t <em>input_class</em></code>
<dt><code>-type <em>input_class</em></code>
<dd><code><em>input_class</em></code> specifies the class of the
input data and determines the class of the output data.<br>
Valid values are as defined in the "ZZZinput_classZZZ"
section of "ZZZconfig_fileZZZ".<br>
Optional argument: if not specified,
the default value is <code>FP</code>.
<dt><code>-s <em>input_size</em></code>
<dt><code>-size <em>input_size</em></code>
<dd><code><em>input_size</em></code> specifies the size in bits
of the input data and determines the size of the output data.<br>
Valid values for signed or unsigned integers are
<code>8</code>, <code>16</code>, <code>32</code>, and <code>64</code>.<br>
Valid values for floating point data are
<code>32</code> and <code>64</code>.<br>
Optional argument: if not specified,
the default value is <code>32</code>.
<dt><code>-c <em>config_file</em></code>
<dd><code><em>config_file</em></code> specifies a configuration file.<br>
This argument replaces all other arguments except
<code><em>infile</em></code>and <code>-o <em>outfile</em></code>
<dd>Name of the HDF5 output file.
<dd><b>Using command-line arguments:</b>
<table width=100% border=0>
<tr><td colspan=2>
<code>h5import infile -dims 2,3,4 -type TEXTIN -size 32 -o out1</code>
</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td>
This command creates a file <code>out1</code> containing
a single 2x3x4 32-bit integer dataset.
Since no pathname is specified, the dataset is stored
in <code>out1</code> as <code>/dataset1</code>.
</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>
<code>h5import infile -dims 20,50 -path bin1/dset1 -type FP -size 64 -o out2</code>
</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td>
This command creates a file <code>out2</code> containing
a single a 20x50 64-bit floating point dataset.
The dataset is stored in <code>out2</code> as <code>/bin1/dset1</code>.
<dd><b>Sample configuration files:</b><br>
The following configuration file specifies the following:<br>
– The input data is a 5x2x4 floating point array in an ASCII file.<br>
– The output dataset will be saved in chunked layout,
with chunk dimension sizes of 2x2x2.<br>
– The output datatype will be 64-bit floating point, little-endian, IEEE.<br>
– The output dataset will be stored in <code><em>outfile</em></code>
at <code>/work/h5/pkamat/First-set</code>.<br>
– The maximum dimension sizes of the output dataset
will be 8x8x(unlimited).
PATH work h5 pkamat First-set
The next configuration file specifies the following:<br>
– The input data is a 6x3x5x2x4 integer array in a binary file.<br>
– The output dataset will be saved in chunked layout,
with chunk dimension sizes of 2x2x2x2x2.<br>
– The output datatype will be 32-bit integer in <code>NATIVE</code> format
(as the output architecure is not specified).<br>
– The output dataset will be compressed using Gzip compression
with a compression level of 7.<br>
– The output dataset will be stored in <code><em>outfile</em></code>
at <code>/Second-set</code>.
PATH Second-set
<dt><strong>Current Status:</strong>
<dt><strong>See Also:</strong>
<dt><strong>Tool Name:</strong> <a name="Tools-GIF2H5">gif2h5</a>
<em>gif_file</em> <em>h5_file</em>
<dd>Converts a GIF file to an HDF5 file.
<dd><code>gif2h5</code> accepts as input the GIF file <em>gif_file</em>
and produces the HDF5 file <em>h5_file</em> as output.
<dt><strong>Options and Parameters:</strong>
<dd>The name of the input GIF file
<dd>The name of the output HDF5 file
<dt><strong>Current Status:</strong>
<dt><strong>See Also:</strong>
<dt><strong>Tool Name:</strong> <a name="Tools-H52GIF">h52gif</a>
<em>h5_file</em> <em>gif_file</em>
<code>-i</code> <em>h5_image</em>
<code>[-p</code> <em>h5_palette</em><code>]</code>
<dd>Converts an HDF5 file to a GIF file.
<dd><code>h52gif</code> accepts as input the HDF5 file <em>h5_file</em>
and the names of images and associated palettes within that file
as input and produces the GIF file <em>gif_file</em>,
containing those images, as output.
<code>h52gif</code> expects <em>at least</em>
one <em>h5_image</em>.
You may repeat
<code>-i</code> <em>h5_image</em>
<code>[-p</code> <em>h5_palette</em><code>]</code>
up to 50 times, for a maximum of 50 images.
<dt><strong>Options and Parameters:</strong>
<dd>The name of the input HDF5 file
<dd>The name of the output GIF file
<dt><code>-i</code> <em>h5_image</em>
<dd>Image option, specifying the name of an HDF5 image or
dataset containing an image to be converted
<dt><code>-p</code> <em>h5_palette</em>
<dd>Palette option, specifying the name of an HDF5 dataset
containing a palette to be used in an image conversion
<dt><strong>Current Status:</strong>
<dt><strong>See Also:</strong>
<dt><strong>Tool Name:</strong> <a name="Tools-H5toh4">h5toh4</a>
<dd><code>h5toh4 -h</code><br>
<code>h5toh4 </code><em>
<code>h5toh4 </code><em>
<code>h5toh4 -m </code><em>
h5file3</em> ...
<dd>Converts an HDF5 file into an HDF4 file.
<dd><code>h5toh4</code> is an HDF5 utility which reads
an HDF5 file, <em>h5file</em>, and converts all
supported objects and pathways to produce an HDF4 file,
<em>h4file</em>. If <em>h4file</em> already exists,
it will be replaced.
If only one file name is given, the name must end in
<code>.h5</code> and is assumed to represent the
HDF5 input file. <code>h5toh4</code> replaces the
<code>.h5</code> suffix with <code>.hdf</code> to form
the name of the resulting HDF4 file and proceeds as above.
If a file with the name of the intended HDF4 file already
exists, <code>h5toh4</code> exits with an error without
changing the contents of any file.
The <code>-m</code> option allows multiple HDF5 file
arguments. Each file name is treated the same as the
single file name case above.
The <code>-h</code> option causes the following
syntax summary to be displayed:
<pre> h5toh4 file.h5 file.hdf
h5toh4 file.h5
h5toh4 -m file1.h5 file2.h5 ...</pre>
The following HDF5 objects occurring in an HDF5 file are
converted to HDF4 objects in the HDF4 file:
<li>HDF5 group objects are converted into HDF4 Vgroup
objects. HDF5 hardlinks and softlinks pointing to
objects are converted to HDF4 Vgroup references.
<li>HDF5 dataset objects of integer datatype are
converted into HDF4 SDS objects. These datasets
may have up to 32 fixed dimensions.
The slowest varying dimension may be extendable.
8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit integer datatypes are
<li>HDF5 dataset objects of floating point datatype
are converted into HDF4 SDS objects.
These datasets may have up to 32 fixed dimensions.
The slowest varying dimension may be extendable.
32-bit and 64-bit floating point datatypes are
<li>HDF5 dataset objects of single dimension and
compound datatype are converted into HDF4 Vdata
objects. The length of that single dimension may
be fixed or extendable. The members of the
compound datatype are constrained to be no more
than rank 4.
<li>HDF5 dataset objects of single dimension and fixed length string
datatype are converted into HDF4 Vdata objects. The HDF4 Vdata
is a single field whose order is the length of the HDF5 string
type. The number of records of the Vdata is the length of the
single dimension which may be fixed or extendable.
Other objects are not converted and are not recorded
in the resulting <em>h4file</em>.
Attributes associated with any of the supported HDF5
objects are carried over to the HDF4 objects.
Attributes may be of integer, floating point, or fixed length
string datatype and they may have up to 32 fixed dimensions.
All datatypes are converted to big-endian.
Floating point datatypes are converted to IEEE format.
<dt><strong>Options and Parameters:</strong>
<dd>Displays a syntax summary.
<dd>Converts multiple HDF5 files to multiple HDF4 files.
<dd>The HDF5 file to be converted.
<dd>The HDF4 file to be created.
<dt><strong>Current Status:</strong>
<dt><strong>See Also:</strong>
<dt><strong>Tool Name:</strong> <a name="Tools-H4toh5">h4toh5</a>
<dd><code>h4toh5 -h</code><br>
<code>h4toh5 </code><em>
<code>h4toh5 </code><em>
<!-- currently no -m option
<code>h4toh5 -m </code><em>
h4file3</em> ...
<dd>Converts an HDF4 file to an HDF5 file.
<dd><code>h4toh5</code> is a file conversion utility that reads
an HDF4 file, <em>h4file</em> (<code>input.hdf</code> for example),
and writes an HDF5 file, <em>h5file</em> (<code>output.h5</code>
for example), containing the same data.
If no output file <em>h5file</em> is specified,
<code>h4toh5</code> uses the input filename to designate
the output file, replacing the extension <code>.hdf</code>
with <code>.h5</code>.
For example, if the input file <code>scheme3.hdf</code> is
specified with no output filename, <code>h4toh5</code> will
name the output file <code>scheme3.h5</code>.
<!-- currently no -m option
The <code>-m</code> option allows multiple HDF5 file
arguments. Each file name is treated the same as the
single file name case above.
The <code>-h</code> option causes a syntax summary
similar to the following to be displayed:
<pre> h4toh5 inputfile.hdf outputfile.h5
h5toh4 inputfile.hdf <!-- currently no -m option
h5toh4 -m inputfile1.hdf inputfile2.hdf ... --> </pre>
Each object in the HDF4 file is converted to an equivalent
HDF5 object, according to the mapping described in
<a href="ADGuide/H4toH5Mapping.pdf" target=ExternalWinA>
<cite>Mapping HDF4 Objects to HDF5 Objects</cite></a>.
(If this mapping changes between HDF5 Library releases, a more up-to-date
version may be available at
<a href="http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/papers/h4toh5/H4-to-H5MappingGuidelines.pdf" target=ExternalWinB>
<cite>Mapping HDF4 Objects to HDF5 Objects</cite> on the HDF FTP server</a>.)
In this inital version, <code>h4toh5</code> converts the following
HDF4 objects:
<table width=75% border=0>
<tr><th width=40% valign=top align=left>
HDF4 Object
</td><th width=60% valign=top align=left>
Resulting HDF5 Object
<tr><td width=40% valign=top align=left>
</td><td width=60% valign=top align=left>
<tr><td width=40% valign=top align=left>
GR, RI8, and RI24 image
</td><td width=60% valign=top align=left>
<tr><td width=40% valign=top align=left>
</td><td width=60% valign=top align=left>
<tr><td width=40% valign=top align=left>
</td><td width=60% valign=top align=left>
<tr><td width=40% valign=top align=left>
</td><td width=60% valign=top align=left>
<tr><td width=40% valign=top align=left>
</td><td width=60% valign=top align=left>
<dt><strong>Options and Parameters:</strong>
<dd>Displays a syntax summary.
<!-- currently no -m option
<dd>Converts multiple HDF4 files to multiple HDF5 files.
<dd>The HDF4 file to be converted.
<dd>The HDF5 file to be created.
<dt><strong>Current Status:</strong>
<dt><strong>See Also:</strong>
<dt><strong>Tool Name:</strong> <a name="Tools-H5CC">h5cc</a>
[</code><em>OPTIONS</em><code>]</code> <em><compile line></em>
<dd>Helper script to compile HDF5 applications.
<dd><code>h5cc</code> can be used in much the same way MPIch is used
to compile an HDF5 program. It takes care of specifying where the
HDF5 header files and libraries are on the commandline.
<code>h5cc</code> supercedes all other compiler scripts in that
if you've used them to compile the HDF5 library, then
<code>h5cc</code> also uses those scripts. For example, when
compiling an MPIch program, you use the <code>mpicc</code>
script. If you've built HDF5 using MPIch, then <code>h5cc</code>
uses the MPIch program for compilation.
Some programs use HDF5 in only a few modules. It isn't necessary
to use <code>h5cc</code> to compile those modules which don't use
HDF5. In fact, since <code>h5cc</code> is only a convenience
script, you are still able to compile HDF5 modules in the normal
way. In that case, you will have to specify the HDF5 libraries
and include paths yourself.
An example of how to use <code>h5cc</code> to compile the program
<code>hdf_prog</code>, which consists of modules
<code>prog1.c</code> and <code>prog2.c</code> and uses the HDF5
shared library, would be as follows:
# h5cc -c prog1.c
# h5cc -c prog2.c
# h5cc -shlib -o hdf_prog prog1.o prog2.o
<dt><strong>Options and Parameters:</strong>
<dd>Prints a help message.
<dd>Show all the shell commands executed.
<dd>Use the directory <code><em>DIR</em></code> to find the HDF5
<code>lib/</code> and <code>include/</code> subdirectories.
Default: prefix specified when configuring HDF5.
<dd>Show the commands without executing them.
<dd>Compile using shared HDF5 libraries.
<dd>Compile using static HDF5 libraries [default].
<dt><em><compile line></em>
<dd>The normal compile line options for your compiler.
<code>h5cc</code> uses the same compiler you used to compile HDF5.
Check your compiler's manual for more information on which
options are needed.
<dt><strong>Environment Variables:</strong>
<dd>When set, these environment variables override some of the built-in
defaults of <code>h5cc</code>.
<dd>Use a different C compiler.
<dd>Use a different linker.
<dd>Use shared version of the HDF5 library [default: no].
<dt><strong>Current Status:</strong>
<dt><strong>See Also:</strong>
<dt><strong>Tool Name:</strong> <a name="Tools-H5FC">h5fc</a>
[</code><em>OPTIONS</em><code>]</code> <em><compile line></em>
<dd>Helper script to compile HDF5 Fortran90 applications.
<code>h5fc</code> can be used in much the same way MPIch is used
to compile an HDF5 program. It takes care of specifying where the
HDF5 header files and libraries are on the commandline.
<code>h5fc</code> supercedes all other compiler scripts in that
if you've used them to compile the HDF5 Fortran library, then
<code>h5fc</code> also uses those scripts. For example, when
compiling an MPIch program, you use the <code>mpif90</code>
script. If you've built HDF5 using MPIch, then <code>h5fc</code>
uses the MPIch program for compilation.
Some programs use HDF5 in only a few modules. It isn't necessary
to use <code>h5fc</code> to compile those modules which don't use
HDF5. In fact, since <code>h5fc</code> is only a convenience
script, you are still able to compile HDF5 Fortran modules in the
normal way. In that case, you will have to specify the HDF5 libraries
and include paths yourself.
An example of how to use <code>h5fc</code> to compile the program
<code>hdf_prog</code>, which consists of modules
<code>prog1.f90</code> and <code>prog2.f90</code>
and uses the HDF5 Fortran library, would be as follows:
# h5fc -c prog1.f90
# h5fc -c prog2.f90
# h5fc -o hdf_prog prog1.o prog2.o
<dt><strong>Options and Parameters:</strong>
<dd>Prints a help message.
<dd>Show all the shell commands executed.
<dd>Use the directory <code>DIR</code> to find HDF5
<code>lib/</code> and <code>include/</code> subdirectories
Default: prefix specified when configuring HDF5.
<dd>Show the commands without executing them.
<dt><em><compile line></em>
<dd>The normal compile line options for your compiler.
<code>h5fc</code> uses the same compiler you used
to compile HDF5. Check your compiler's manual for
more information on which options are needed.
<dt><strong>Environment Variables:</strong>
<dd>When set, these environment variables override some of the built-in
defaults of <code>h5cc</code>.
<dd>Use a different Fortran90 compiler.
<dd>Use a different linker.
<dt><strong>Current Status:</strong>
<dt><strong>See Also:</strong>
<!-- Template, next 40 lines -->
<!-- Template, next 40 lines -->
<!-- Template, next 40 lines
<dt><strong>Tool Name:</strong> <a name="Tools-H5toh4">h5toh4</a>
<dd><code>h5toh4 -h</code><br>
<code>h5toh4 </code><em>
<code>h5toh4 </code><em>
<code>h5toh4 -m </code><em>
h5file3</em> ...
<dd><code>TOOL</code> is an HDF5 utility which ...
<pre> sample code
sample code
sample code </pre>
<dt><strong>Options and Parameters:</strong>
<dt><strong>Current Status:</strong>
<dt><strong>See Also:</strong>
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<table border=0 width=98%>
<tr><td valign=top align=left>
<a href="index.html">HDF5 documents and links</a> <br>
<a href="H5.intro.html">Introduction to HDF5</a> <br>
<a href="H5.user.html">HDF5 User Guide</a> <br>
<a href="Glossary.html">Glossary</a><br>
<td valign=top align=right>
And in this document, the
<a href="RM_H5Front.html">HDF5 Reference Manual</a>
<a href="RM_H5.html">H5</a>
<a href="RM_H5A.html">H5A</a>
<a href="RM_H5D.html">H5D</a>
<a href="RM_H5E.html">H5E</a>
<a href="RM_H5F.html">H5F</a>
<a href="RM_H5G.html">H5G</a>
<a href="RM_H5I.html">H5I</a>
<a href="RM_H5P.html">H5P</a>
<a href="RM_H5R.html">H5R</a>
<a href="RM_H5S.html">H5S</a>
<a href="RM_H5T.html">H5T</a>
<a href="RM_H5Z.html">H5Z</a>
<a href="Tools.html">Tools</a>
<a href="PredefDTypes.html">Datatypes</a>
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<a href="mailto:hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu">HDF Help Desk</a>
Describes HDF5 Release 1.5, Unreleased Development Branch
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Last modified: 30 May 2003