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synced 2025-03-01 16:28:09 +08:00
---------------------- ./tools/h5ls.c If the dataset is of type H5T_NATIVE_CHAR then we print the value as a string. This is temporary -- I plan to add better control of this later but needed something now for debugging. ./src/H5Fistore.c Squashed a bug in the chunk caching code that caused the wrong chunk to be returned. ./bin/trace ./src/H5.c Added support for printing values of array arguments when the size of the array is supplied by some previous argument. You must declare the argument as an array in order for the automatic tracing stuff to work. For instance, the third argument of H5Pset_chunk() is an array whose size is determined by the second argument `ndims'. Here's how you should declare it: herr_t H5Pset_chunk(hid_t plist_id, intn rank, hsize_t dims[/*rank*/]) The comment inside the `[]' is the name of some previous integer argument (int, unsigned, size_t, ssize_t, hsize_t, hssize_t). The trace output will look something like: H5Pset_chunk(plist=1234567, rank=2, dims=0x112233 {11, 22}) Changed tracing so that data types are printed out symbolically when possible. Changed tracing so data type initializations are not printed. This used to be confusing because lots of H5Tcopy() and H5Tregister...() calls showed up before the applications first explicit API call. ./src/H5Ipublic.h Changed the file atom group from zero to one so printing of atoms during tracing is more consistent -- they're all big numbers now. ./src/H5A.c ./src/H5E.c ./src/H5F.c ./src/H5G.c ./src/H5Sselect.c ./src/H5T.c ./src/H5TB.c ./src/H5Z.c Accidently modified these when working on the tracing, but nothing should have changed. ./src/H5P.c Changed the definition of H5Pset_chunk() for tracing. ./src/H5S.c ./src/H5Spublic.h Changed the definitions of H5Sset_extent_simple() and H5Screate_simple() for tracing. Changed the FUNC_ENTER() name for H5Screate_simple() so tracing shows the correct name.
239 lines
7.9 KiB
Executable File
239 lines
7.9 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
require 5.003;
$Source = "";
# A map from type name to type letter. We use this map for two reasons:
# 1. We want the debugging stuff in the source code to be as unobtrusive as
# possible, which means as compact as possible.
# 2. It's easier (faster) to parse these one and two-letter types in the C
# functions that display debugging results.
# All type strings are one or two characters. One-character strings
# are always lower case and should be used for common types.
# Two-character strings begin with an upper-case letter which is
# usually the same as the package name.
%TypeString = ("hbool_t" => "b",
"double" => "d",
"H5D_layout_t" => "Dl",
"H5D_transfer_t" => "Dt",
"herr_t" => "e",
"H5E_direction_t" => "Ed",
"H5E_error_t*" => "Ee",
"H5F_driver_t" => "Fd",
"H5G_link_t" => "Gl",
"H5G_stat_t*" => "Gs",
"hsize_t" => "h",
"hssize_t" => "Hs",
"hid_t" => "i",
"int" => "Is",
"unsigned" => "Iu",
"unsigned int" => "Iu",
"MPI_Comm" => "Mc",
"MPI_Info" => "Mi",
"off_t" => "o",
"H5P_class_t" => "p",
"char*" => "s",
"H5S_class_t" => "Sc",
"H5S_seloper_t" => "Ss",
"H5T_cset_t", => "Tc",
"H5T_norm_t" => "Tn",
"H5T_order_t" => "To",
"H5T_pad_t" => "Tp",
"H5T_sign_t" => "Ts",
"H5T_class_t" => "Tt",
"H5T_str_t" => "Tz",
"void*" => "x",
"FILE*" => "x",
"H5A_operator_t" => "x",
"H5E_auto_t" => "x",
"H5E_walk_t" => "x",
"H5G_iterate_t" => "x",
"H5T_cdata_t**" => "x",
"H5T_conv_t" => "x",
"H5T_overflow_t" => "x",
"H5Z_func_t" => "x",
"size_t" => "z",
"H5Z_method_t" => "Zm",
"ssize_t" => "Zs",
# Print an error message.
sub errmesg ($$@) {
my ($file, $func, @mesg) = @_;
my ($mesg) = join "", @mesg;
my ($lineno) = 1;
if ($Source =~ /(.*?\n)($func)/s) {
local $_ = $1;
$lineno = tr/\n/\n/;
print "$file: in function \`$func\':\n";
print "$file:$lineno: $mesg\n";
# Given a C data type return the type string that goes with it.
sub argstring ($$$) {
my ($file, $func, $atype) = @_;
my ($ptr, $tstr, $array) = (0, "!", "");
my ($fq_atype);
# Normalize the data type by removing redundant white space,
# certain type qualifiers, and indirection.
$atype =~ s/^\bconst\b//;
$atype =~ s/\b__unused__\b//g;
$atype =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$ptr = length $1 if $atype =~ s/(\*+)//;
$atype =~ s/^\s+//;
$atype =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($atype =~ /(.*)\[(.*)\]$/) {
($array, $atype) = ($2, $1);
$fq_atype = $atype . ('*' x $ptr);
if ($ptr>0 && exists $TypeString{$fq_atype}) {
$ptr = 0;
$tstr = $TypeString{$fq_atype};
} elsif ($ptr>0 && exists $TypeString{"$atype*"}) {
$tstr = $TypeString{"$atype*"};
} elsif (!exists $TypeString{$atype}) {
errmesg $file, $func, "unknown type \`$atype", '*'x$ptr, "\'";
} else {
$tstr = $TypeString{$atype};
return ("*" x $ptr) . ($array?"[$array]":"") . $tstr;
# Given information about an API function, rewrite that function with
# updated tracing information.
sub rewrite_func ($$$$$) {
my ($file, $type, $name, $args, $body) = @_;
my ($arg,$trace);
my (@arg_name, @arg_str);
local $_;
# Parse return value
my $rettype = argstring $file, $name, $type;
goto error if $rettype =~ /!/;
# Parse arguments
if ($args eq "void") {
$trace = "H5TRACE0(\"$rettype\",\"\");\n";
} else {
# Split arguments. First convert `/*in,out*/' to get rid of the
# comma, then split the arguments on commas.
$args =~ s/(\/\*\s*in),\s*(out\s*\*\/)/$1_$2/g;
my @args = split /,[\s\n]*/, $args;
my $argno = 0;
my %names;
for $arg (@args) {
unless ($arg=~/^(([a-z_A-Z]\w*\s+)+\**)
(\s*\/\*\s*(in|out|in_out)\s*\*\/)?\s*$/x) {
errmesg $file, $name, "unable to parse \`$arg\'";
goto error;
} else {
my ($atype, $aname, $array, $adir) = ($1, $3, $4, $6);
$names{$aname} = $argno++;
$adir ||= "in";
$atype =~ s/\s+$//;
push @arg_name, $aname;
if ($adir eq "out") {
push @arg_str, "x";
} else {
if (defined $array) {
$atype .= "*";
if ($array =~ /^\[\/\*([a-z_A-Z]\w*)\*\/\]$/) {
my $asize = $1;
if (exists $names{$asize}) {
$atype .= '[a' . $names{$asize} . ']';
} else {
warn "bad array size: $asize";
$atype .= "*";
push @arg_str, argstring $file, $name, $atype;
$trace = "H5TRACE" . scalar(@arg_str) . "(\"$rettype\",\"";
$trace .= join("", @arg_str) . "\"";
my $len = 4 + length $trace;
for (@arg_name) {
if ($len + length >= 78) {
$trace .= ",\n $_";
$len = 13 + length;
} else {
$trace .= ",$_";
$len += 1 + length;
$trace .= ");\n";
goto error if grep {/!/} @arg_str;
# The H5TRACE() statement
if ($body =~ /\/\*[ \t]*NO[ \t]*TRACE[ \t]*\*\//) {
if ($body =~ /\s*H5TRACE\d+\s*\(/) {
errmesg $file, $name, "warning: trace info was not updated";
} else {
errmesg $file, $name, "warning: trace info was not inserted";
} elsif ($body =~ s/((\n[ \t]*)H5TRACE\d+\s*\(.*?\);)\n/"$2$trace"/es) {
# Replaced an H5TRACE macro
} elsif ($body=~s/((\n[ \t]*)FUNC_ENTER\s*\(.*?\);)\n/"$1$2$trace"/es) {
# Added an H5TRACE macro after a FUNC_ENTER macro.
} else {
errmesg $file, $name, "unable to insert tracing information";
print "body=\n>>>>>", $body, "<<<<<\n";
goto error;
return "\n$type\n$name ($args)\n$body";
# Process each source file, rewriting API functions with updated
# tracing information.
my $total_api = 0;
for $file (@ARGV) {
# Snarf up the entire file
open SOURCE, $file or die "$file: $!\n";
$Source = join "", <SOURCE>;
close SOURCE;
# Make modifications
my $original = $Source;
my $napi = $Source =~ s/\n([A-Za-z]\w*(\s+[a-z]\w*)*)\s*\n #type
(H5[A-Z]{1,2}[^_A-Z]\w*) #name
\s*\((.*?)\)\s* #args
(\{.*?\n\}[^\n]*) #body
$total_api += $napi;
# If the source changed then print out the new version
if ($original ne $Source) {
printf "%s: instrumented %d API function%s\n",
$file, $napi, 1==$napi?"":"s";
rename $file, "$file~" or die "unable to make backup";
open SOURCE, ">$file" or die "unable to modify source";
print SOURCE $Source;
close SOURCE;