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synced 2025-03-25 17:00:45 +08:00
Bug fix Description: Correct formatting error which would run some macros together if the length of the error got too large. Solution: Throw in some extra whitespace Platforms tested: FreeBSD 4.11 (sleipnir) w/parallel Too minor to require h5committest
389 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
389 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
require 5.003;
# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
# of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
# root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
# is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
# http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
# access to either file, you may request a copy from hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu.
# Create error headers
# Read in the error description text file and create the appropriate headers
# needed by the library.
# Programmer: Quincey Koziol
# Creation Date: 2003/08/12
# Print the copyright into an open file
sub print_copyright ($) {
my $fh = shift;
print $fh "/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n";
print $fh " * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *\n";
print $fh " * All rights reserved. *\n";
print $fh " * *\n";
print $fh " * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *\n";
print $fh " * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *\n";
print $fh " * the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root *\n";
print $fh " * of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the *\n";
print $fh " * root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and *\n";
print $fh " * is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at *\n";
print $fh " * http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have *\n";
print $fh " * access to either file, you may request a copy from hdfhelp\@ncsa.uiuc.edu. *\n";
print $fh " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */\n";
# Print the "do not change this file" warning
sub print_warning ($) {
my $fh = shift;
print $fh "\n/* Generated automatically by bin/make_err -- do not edit */\n";
print $fh "/* Add new errors to H5err.txt file */\n\n";
# Print start of ifdef's to prevent a file from being re-included
sub print_startprotect ($$) {
my ($fh, $file) = @_;
# Clip off the ".h" part of the name
$file =~ s/(\w*)\.h/$1/;
# Print the ifdef info
print $fh "\n#ifndef _${file}_H\n";
print $fh "#define _${file}_H\n";
# Print end of ifdef's to prevent a file from being re-included
sub print_endprotect ($$) {
my ($fh, $file) = @_;
# Clip off the ".h" part of the name
$file =~ s/(\w*)\.h/$1/;
# Print the endif info
print $fh "\n#endif /* ${file}_H */\n";
# Parse a meaningful line (not a comment or blank line) into the appropriate
# data structure
sub parse_line ($) {
my $line = shift; # Get the line to parse
my $name; # The name of the error message
my $desc; # The description of the error message
# Parse major error lines
#print "line=$line\n";
if($line =~ /^\s*MAJOR,/) {
# Get the major error's name & description
($name, $desc) = ($line =~ /^\s*MAJOR,\s*(\w*),\s*(.*)\n/);
#print "MAJOR: name=$name, desc=$desc\n";
# Check if the name already exists as a major or minor error message
if(exists($major{$name}) || exists($minor{$name})) {
die "duplicated name: $name";
# Store the major errors in a hash table, indexed by the name
# Parse minor error lines
elsif($line =~ /^\s*MINOR,/) {
my $min_section; # Minor errors have a section they below to also
# Get the minor error's section, name & description
($min_section, $name, $desc) = ($line =~ /^\s*MINOR,\s*(\w*),\s*(\w*),\s*(.*)\n/);
#print "MINOR: min_section=$min_section, name=$name, desc=$desc\n";
# Check for valid section
if(!exists($section{$min_section})) {
die "unknown section: $min_section";
# Check if the name already exists as a major or minor error message
if(exists($major{$name}) || exists($minor{$name})) {
die "duplicated name: $name";
# Store the minor errors in a hash table, indexed by the name
# Add the minor error to the list for the section
push @{$section_list{$min_section}}, $name;
# Parse section lines
elsif($line =~ /^\s*SECTION,/) {
# Get the section's name & description
($name, $desc) = ($line =~ /^\s*SECTION,\s*(\w*),\s*(.*)\n/);
#print "SECTION: name=$name, desc=$desc\n";
# Check if the section has already been defined
if(exists($section{$name})) {
die "duplicated name: $name";
# Store the section in a hash table, indexed by the name
# Unknown keyword
else {
die "unknown keyword: $line";
# Create the generated portion of the public header file
sub create_public ($) {
my $prefix = shift; # Get the prefix for the generated file
my $file = "H5Epubgen.h"; # Name of file to generate
my $name; # Name of error message
my $desc; # Description of error message
my $sect_name; # Section of minor error messages
my $sect_desc; # Description of section
# Rename previous file
# rename "${prefix}${file}", "${prefix}${file}~" or die "unable to make backup";
# Open new header file
open HEADER, ">${prefix}${file}" or die "unable to modify source";
# Create file contents
print_startprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Iterate over all the major errors
print HEADER "\n/*********************/\n";
print HEADER "/* Major error codes */\n";
print HEADER "/*********************/\n\n";
foreach $name (keys %major) {
printf HEADER "#define %-20s (H5OPEN %s_g)\n",$name,$name;
foreach $name (keys %major) {
printf HEADER "H5_DLLVAR hid_t %-20s /* %s */\n","${name}_g;",$major{$name};
# Iterate over all the minor error sections
print HEADER "\n/*********************/\n";
print HEADER "/* Minor error codes */\n";
print HEADER "/*********************/\n";
while ( ($sect_name, $sect_desc) = each (%section)) {
print HEADER "\n/* $sect_desc */\n";
# Iterate over all the minor errors in each section
for $name ( @{$section_list{$sect_name}}) {
printf HEADER "#define %-20s (H5OPEN %s_g)\n",$name,$name;
for $name ( @{$section_list{$sect_name}}) {
printf HEADER "H5_DLLVAR hid_t %-20s /* %s */\n","${name}_g;",$minor{$name};
print_endprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Close header file
close HEADER;
# Create the generated portion of the H5E initialization code
sub create_init ($) {
my $prefix = shift; # Get the prefix for the generated file
my $file = "H5Einit.h"; # Name of file to generate
my $name; # Name of error message
my $desc; # Description of error message
my $sect_name; # Section of minor error messages
my $sect_desc; # Description of section
# Rename previous file
# rename "${prefix}${file}", "${prefix}${file}~" or die "unable to make backup";
# Open new header file
open HEADER, ">${prefix}${file}" or die "unable to modify source";
# Create file contents
print_startprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Iterate over all the major errors
print HEADER "\n/*********************/\n";
print HEADER "/* Major error codes */\n";
print HEADER "/*********************/\n\n";
foreach $name (keys %major) {
print HEADER " "x(0*$indent),"assert(${name}_g==(-1));\n";
print HEADER " "x(0*$indent),"if((msg = H5E_create_msg(cls, H5E_MAJOR, \"${major{$name}}\"))==NULL)\n";
print HEADER " "x(1*$indent),"HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ERROR, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, \"error message initialization failed\")\n";
print HEADER " "x(0*$indent),"if((${name}_g = H5I_register(H5I_ERROR_MSG, msg))<0)\n";
print HEADER " "x(1*$indent),"HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ERROR, H5E_CANTREGISTER, FAIL, \"can't register error message\")\n";
# Iterate over all the minor error sections
print HEADER "\n/*********************/\n";
print HEADER "/* Minor error codes */\n";
print HEADER "/*********************/\n\n";
while ( ($sect_name, $sect_desc) = each (%section)) {
print HEADER "\n"," "x(0*$indent),"/* $sect_desc */\n";
# Iterate over all the minor errors in each section
for $name ( @{$section_list{$sect_name}}) {
print HEADER " "x(0*$indent),"assert(${name}_g==(-1));\n";
print HEADER " "x(0*$indent),"if((msg = H5E_create_msg(cls, H5E_MINOR, \"${minor{$name}}\"))==NULL)\n";
print HEADER " "x(1*$indent),"HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ERROR, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, \"error message initialization failed\")\n";
print HEADER " "x(0*$indent),"if((${name}_g = H5I_register(H5I_ERROR_MSG, msg))<0)\n";
print HEADER " "x(1*$indent),"HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ERROR, H5E_CANTREGISTER, FAIL, \"can't register error message\")\n";
print_endprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Close header file
close HEADER;
# Create the generated portion of the H5E termination code
sub create_term ($) {
my $prefix = shift; # Get the prefix for the generated file
my $file = "H5Eterm.h"; # Name of file to generate
my $name; # Name of error message
my $desc; # Description of error message
my $sect_name; # Section of minor error messages
my $sect_desc; # Description of section
# Rename previous file
# rename "${prefix}${file}", "${prefix}${file}~" or die "unable to make backup";
# Open new header file
open HEADER, ">${prefix}${file}" or die "unable to modify source";
# Create file contents
print_startprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Iterate over all the major errors
print HEADER "\n/* Reset major error IDs */\n";
foreach $name (keys %major) {
print HEADER " "x($indent),"\n${name}_g=";
print HEADER " (-1);\n";
# Iterate over all the minor error sections
print HEADER "\n/* Reset minor error IDs */\n";
while ( ($sect_name, $sect_desc) = each (%section)) {
print HEADER "\n"," "x(0*$indent),"\n/* $sect_desc */";
# Iterate over all the minor errors in each section
for $name ( @{$section_list{$sect_name}}) {
print HEADER " "x($indent),"\n${name}_g=";
print HEADER " (-1);\n";
print_endprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Close header file
close HEADER;
# Create the generated portion of the error code definitions
sub create_define ($) {
my $prefix = shift; # Get the prefix for the generated file
my $file = "H5Edefin.h"; # Name of file to generate
my $name; # Name of error message
my $desc; # Description of error message
my $sect_name; # Section of minor error messages
my $sect_desc; # Description of section
# Rename previous file
# rename "${prefix}${file}", "${prefix}${file}~" or die "unable to make backup";
# Open new header file
open HEADER, ">${prefix}${file}" or die "unable to modify source";
# Create file contents
print_startprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Iterate over all the major errors
print HEADER "\n/* Major error IDs */\n";
foreach $name (keys %major) {
printf HEADER "hid_t %-20s = FAIL; /* %s */\n","${name}_g",$major{$name};
# Iterate over all the minor error sections
print HEADER "\n/* Minor error IDs */\n";
while ( ($sect_name, $sect_desc) = each (%section)) {
print HEADER "\n/* $sect_desc */\n";
# Iterate over all the minor errors in each section
for $name ( @{$section_list{$sect_name}}) {
printf HEADER "hid_t %-20s = FAIL; /* %s */\n","${name}_g",$minor{$name};
print_endprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Close header file
close HEADER;
# Read error file (given as command-line argument) in and process it into
# internal data structures, then create error header files.
for $file (@ARGV) {
my $prefix; # Local prefix for generated files
($prefix) = ($file =~ /(^.*\/)/);
# Read in the entire file
open SOURCE, $file or die "$file: $!\n";
while ( defined ($line=<SOURCE>) ) {
if(!($line =~ /(^\s*#.*$)|(^\s*$)/)) {
# Construct data structures for later printing
close SOURCE;
# Create header files
print "Generating 'H5Epubgen.h'\n";
print "Generating 'H5Einit.h'\n";
print "Generating 'H5Eterm.h'\n";
print "Generating 'H5Edefin.h'\n";