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synced 2025-03-01 16:28:09 +08:00
Purpose: Catching up with the C library Description: Updated documentation files to include information on the following functions h5iget_name_f h5tis_variavle_str_f h5zunregister_f h5zfilter_avail_f h5pset_shuffle_f h5pset_fletcher32 h5pset_edc_check_f h5pget_edc_check_f h5dfill_f Solution: Platforms tested: arabica(C and F90), burrwhite (pgcc and pgf90), modi4 (F90 and parallel) Misc. update:
93 lines
2.4 KiB
93 lines
2.4 KiB
FORTRAN Identifier API -- h5i
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<h1>The FORTRAN 90 API to HDF5<br>h5i: Identifiers</h1>
<a name="h5iget_type_f">
<dt><strong>FORTRAN interface:</strong>   <strong>h5iget_type_f</strong>
SUBROUTINE h5iget_type_f(obj_id, type, hdferr)
INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id !Object identifier
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: type !type of an object.
!possible values are:
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code
! 0 on success, and -1 on failure
END SUBROUTINE h5iget_type_f
<a name="h5iget_name_f">
<dt><strong>FORTRAN interface:</strong>   <strong>h5iget_name_f</strong>
SUBROUTINE h5iget_name_f(obj_id, buf, buf_size, hdferr)
INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id ! Object identifier
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: buf ! Buffer to hold object name
INTEGER(SIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: buf_size ! Buffer size
INTEGER(SIZE_T), INTENT(OUT) :: name_size ! Name size
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code
! 0 on success, and -1 on failure
END SUBROUTINE h5iget_name_f
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<a href="mailto:hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu">HDF Help Desk</a>
Describes HDF5 Release 1.5, Unreleased Development Branch
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Last modified: 19 March 2003