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synced 2025-03-01 16:28:09 +08:00
* Remove macros from api tests (#2929) * Remove macros and undefined callbacks (#2959) * Remove remaining macros from H5_api_tests_disabled.h (#2968) * Put some vol capability checks in testpar tests and remove remaining warnings (#2995) * API tests datatype generation cleanup * Clean up API tests' random datatype generation and fix bug with enum datatype generation * Init parallel API tests with MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE * HDF5 API tests - Check VOL connector registration * Determine whether a VOL connector failed to load before running API tests * Cleanup some usages of H5VL_CAP_FLAG_CREATION_ORDER in API tests * Remove some now-unused macros from H5_api_tests_disabled.h * Enable HDF5 API tests by default * Implement CMake option to install HDF5 API tests * Check for invalid AAPL from H5Acreate * Enable building of VOL connectors alongside HDF5 in CMake * Prepend CMake VOL URL option indices with 0s so they come in order * Don't turn on API tests by default yet * Document VOL connector FetchContent functionality * Add release note for API test updates * Only install testing library if API tests are installed * Fix grammar
343 lines
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343 lines
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/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code *
* distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses. *
* If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from *
* help@hdfgroup.org. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
/* common definitions used by all parallel hdf5 test programs. */
#ifndef PHDF5TEST_H
#define PHDF5TEST_H
#include "H5private.h"
#include "testpar.h"
* Define parameters for various tests since we do not have access to
* passing parameters to tests via the testphdf5 test framework.
#define PARATESTFILE "ParaTest.h5"
#define NDATASETS 300
#define NGROUPS 256
/* Disable express testing by default */
#define EXPRESS_MODE 0
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
/* Constants definitions */
#define DIM0 600 /* Default dataset sizes. */
#define DIM1 1200 /* Values are from a monitor pixel sizes */
#define ROW_FACTOR 8 /* Nominal row factor for dataset size */
#define COL_FACTOR 16 /* Nominal column factor for dataset size */
#define RANK 2
#define DATASETNAME1 "Data1"
#define DATASETNAME2 "Data2"
#define DATASETNAME3 "Data3"
#define DATASETNAME4 "Data4"
#define DATASETNAME5 "Data5"
#define DATASETNAME6 "Data6"
#define DATASETNAME7 "Data7"
#define DATASETNAME8 "Data8"
#define DATASETNAME9 "Data9"
/* point selection order */
#define IN_ORDER 1
#define OUT_OF_ORDER 2
/* Hyperslab layout styles */
#define BYROW 1 /* divide into slabs of rows */
#define BYCOL 2 /* divide into blocks of columns */
#define ZROW 3 /* same as BYCOL except process 0 gets 0 rows */
#define ZCOL 4 /* same as BYCOL except process 0 gets 0 columns */
/* File_Access_type bits */
#define FACC_DEFAULT 0x0 /* default */
#define FACC_MPIO 0x1 /* MPIO */
#define FACC_SPLIT 0x2 /* Split File */
#define DXFER_COLLECTIVE_IO 0x1 /* Collective IO*/
#define DXFER_INDEPENDENT_IO 0x2 /* Independent IO collectively */
/*Constants for collective chunk definitions */
#define SPACE_DIM1 24
#define SPACE_DIM2 4
#define BYROW_CONT 1
#define DIMO_NUM_CHUNK 4
#define DIM1_NUM_CHUNK 2
#define LINK_TRUE_CHUNK_NAME "h5_link_chunk_true"
#define LINK_FALSE_CHUNK_NAME "h5_link_chunk_false"
#define LINK_HARD_CHUNK_NAME "h5_link_chunk_hard"
#define MULTI_HARD_CHUNK_NAME "h5_multi_chunk_hard"
#define MULTI_COLL_CHUNK_NAME "h5_multi_chunk_coll"
#define MULTI_INDP_CHUNK_NAME "h5_multi_chunk_indp"
#define DSET_COLLECTIVE_CHUNK_NAME "coll_chunk_name"
/*Constants for MPI derived data type generated from span tree */
#define MSPACE1_RANK 1 /* Rank of the first dataset in memory */
#define MSPACE1_DIM 27000 /* Dataset size in memory */
#define FSPACE_RANK 2 /* Dataset rank as it is stored in the file */
#define FSPACE_DIM1 9 /* Dimension sizes of the dataset as it is stored in the file */
#define FSPACE_DIM2 3600
/* We will read dataset back from the file to the dataset in memory with these dataspace parameters. */
#define MSPACE_RANK 2
#define MSPACE_DIM1 9
#define MSPACE_DIM2 3600
#define FHCOUNT0 1 /* Count of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define FHCOUNT1 768 /* Count of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define FHSTRIDE0 4 /* Stride of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define FHSTRIDE1 3 /* Stride of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define FHBLOCK0 3 /* Block of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define FHBLOCK1 2 /* Block of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define FHSTART0 0 /* start of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define FHSTART1 1 /* start of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define SHCOUNT0 1 /* Count of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define SHCOUNT1 1 /* Count of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define SHSTRIDE0 1 /* Stride of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define SHSTRIDE1 1 /* Stride of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define SHBLOCK0 3 /* Block of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define SHBLOCK1 768 /* Block of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define SHSTART0 4 /* start of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define SHSTART1 0 /* start of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define MHCOUNT0 6912 /* Count of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define MHSTRIDE0 1 /* Stride of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define MHBLOCK0 1 /* Block of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define MHSTART0 1 /* start of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RFFHCOUNT0 3 /* Count of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RFFHCOUNT1 768 /* Count of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RFFHSTRIDE0 1 /* Stride of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RFFHSTRIDE1 1 /* Stride of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RFFHBLOCK0 1 /* Block of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RFFHBLOCK1 1 /* Block of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RFFHSTART0 1 /* start of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RFFHSTART1 2 /* start of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RFSHCOUNT0 3 /* Count of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RFSHCOUNT1 1536 /* Count of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RFSHSTRIDE0 1 /* Stride of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RFSHSTRIDE1 1 /* Stride of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RFSHBLOCK0 1 /* Block of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RFSHBLOCK1 1 /* Block of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RFSHSTART0 2 /* start of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RFSHSTART1 4 /* start of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RMFHCOUNT0 3 /* Count of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RMFHCOUNT1 768 /* Count of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RMFHSTRIDE0 1 /* Stride of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RMFHSTRIDE1 1 /* Stride of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RMFHBLOCK0 1 /* Block of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RMFHBLOCK1 1 /* Block of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RMFHSTART0 0 /* start of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RMFHSTART1 0 /* start of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RMSHCOUNT0 3 /* Count of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RMSHCOUNT1 1536 /* Count of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RMSHSTRIDE0 1 /* Stride of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RMSHSTRIDE1 1 /* Stride of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RMSHBLOCK0 1 /* Block of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RMSHBLOCK1 1 /* Block of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RMSHSTART0 1 /* start of the first dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define RMSHSTART1 2 /* start of the second dimension of the first hyperslab selection*/
#define NPOINTS \
4 /* Number of points that will be selected \
and overwritten */
/* Definitions of the selection mode for the test_actual_io_function. */
/* Definitions of the selection mode for the no_collective_cause_tests function. */
#define TEST_COLLECTIVE 0x001
/* Don't erase these lines, they are put here for debugging purposes */
#define MSPACE1_RANK 1
#define MSPACE1_DIM 50
#define MSPACE2_RANK 1
#define MSPACE2_DIM 4
#define FSPACE_RANK 2
#define FSPACE_DIM1 8
#define FSPACE_DIM2 12
#define MSPACE_RANK 2
#define MSPACE_DIM1 8
#define MSPACE_DIM2 9
#define NPOINTS 4
*/ /* end of debugging macro */
/* Collective chunk instrumentation properties */
#define H5D_XFER_COLL_CHUNK_LINK_HARD_NAME "coll_chunk_link_hard"
#define H5D_XFER_COLL_CHUNK_MULTI_HARD_NAME "coll_chunk_multi_hard"
#define H5D_XFER_COLL_CHUNK_LINK_NUM_TRUE_NAME "coll_chunk_link_true"
#define H5D_XFER_COLL_CHUNK_LINK_NUM_FALSE_NAME "coll_chunk_link_false"
#define H5D_XFER_COLL_CHUNK_MULTI_RATIO_COLL_NAME "coll_chunk_multi_coll"
#define H5D_XFER_COLL_CHUNK_MULTI_RATIO_IND_NAME "coll_chunk_multi_ind"
/* Definitions for all collective chunk instrumentation properties */
#define H5D_XFER_COLL_CHUNK_SIZE sizeof(unsigned)
/* General collective I/O instrumentation properties */
#define H5D_XFER_COLL_RANK0_BCAST_NAME "coll_rank0_bcast"
/* Definitions for general collective I/O instrumentation properties */
#define H5D_XFER_COLL_RANK0_BCAST_SIZE sizeof(hbool_t)
/* type definitions */
typedef struct H5Ptest_param_t /* holds extra test parameters */
char *name;
int count;
} H5Ptest_param_t;
/* Dataset data type. Int's can be easily octo dumped. */
typedef int DATATYPE;
/* Shape Same Tests Definitions */
typedef enum {
IND_CONTIG, /* Independent IO on contiguous datasets */
COL_CONTIG, /* Collective IO on contiguous datasets */
IND_CHUNKED, /* Independent IO on chunked datasets */
COL_CHUNKED /* Collective IO on chunked datasets */
} ShapeSameTestMethods;
/* Shared global variables */
extern int dim0, dim1; /*Dataset dimensions */
extern int chunkdim0, chunkdim1; /*Chunk dimensions */
extern int nerrors; /*errors count */
extern H5E_auto2_t old_func; /* previous error handler */
extern void *old_client_data; /*previous error handler arg.*/
extern int facc_type; /*Test file access type */
extern int dxfer_coll_type;
/* Test program prototypes */
void test_plist_ed(void);
#if 0
void external_links(void);
void zero_dim_dset(void);
void test_file_properties(void);
void test_delete(void);
void multiple_dset_write(void);
void multiple_group_write(void);
void multiple_group_read(void);
void collective_group_write_independent_group_read(void);
void collective_group_write(void);
void independent_group_read(void);
void test_fapl_mpio_dup(void);
void test_split_comm_access(void);
void test_page_buffer_access(void);
void dataset_atomicity(void);
void dataset_writeInd(void);
void dataset_writeAll(void);
void extend_writeInd(void);
void extend_writeInd2(void);
void extend_writeAll(void);
void dataset_readInd(void);
void dataset_readAll(void);
void extend_readInd(void);
void extend_readAll(void);
void none_selection_chunk(void);
void actual_io_mode_tests(void);
void no_collective_cause_tests(void);
void test_chunk_alloc(void);
void test_filter_read(void);
void compact_dataset(void);
void null_dataset(void);
void big_dataset(void);
void dataset_fillvalue(void);
void coll_chunk1(void);
void coll_chunk2(void);
void coll_chunk3(void);
void coll_chunk4(void);
void coll_chunk5(void);
void coll_chunk6(void);
void coll_chunk7(void);
void coll_chunk8(void);
void coll_chunk9(void);
void coll_chunk10(void);
void coll_irregular_cont_read(void);
void coll_irregular_cont_write(void);
void coll_irregular_simple_chunk_read(void);
void coll_irregular_simple_chunk_write(void);
void coll_irregular_complex_chunk_read(void);
void coll_irregular_complex_chunk_write(void);
void io_mode_confusion(void);
void rr_obj_hdr_flush_confusion(void);
void rr_obj_hdr_flush_confusion_reader(MPI_Comm comm);
void rr_obj_hdr_flush_confusion_writer(MPI_Comm comm);
void chunk_align_bug_1(void);
void lower_dim_size_comp_test(void);
void link_chunk_collective_io_test(void);
void contig_hyperslab_dr_pio_test(ShapeSameTestMethods sstest_type);
void checker_board_hyperslab_dr_pio_test(ShapeSameTestMethods sstest_type);
void file_image_daisy_chain_test(void);
void compress_readAll(void);
void test_dense_attr(void);
void test_partial_no_selection_coll_md_read(void);
void test_multi_chunk_io_addrmap_issue(void);
void test_link_chunk_io_sort_chunk_issue(void);
void test_collective_global_heap_write(void);
/* commonly used prototypes */
hid_t create_faccess_plist(MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info, int l_facc_type);
MPI_Offset h5_mpi_get_file_size(const char *filename, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info);
int dataset_vrfy(hsize_t start[], hsize_t count[], hsize_t stride[], hsize_t block[], DATATYPE *dataset,
DATATYPE *original);
void point_set(hsize_t start[], hsize_t count[], hsize_t stride[], hsize_t block[], size_t num_points,
hsize_t coords[], int order);
#endif /* PHDF5TEST_H */