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synced 2025-03-01 16:28:09 +08:00
> 1. Description: Added a new field 'app_count' to H5I_id_info_t struct, to track the reference count on an id due to the application. the old 'count' field tracks the total. Generally any id visible to the application gets placed in app_count. Added app_ref boolean parameter to H5I_inc_ref, H5I_dec_ref, H5I_register, H5I_clear_type, and a few other functions, to specify whether the operation(s) being performed on the id(s) are due to the application (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Test added for this case. Tested: kagiso, smirom, linew (h5committest)
391 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
391 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
require 5.003;
# Copyright by The HDF Group.
# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
# of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
# root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
# is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
# http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
# access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
# Create error headers
# Read in the error description text file and create the appropriate headers
# needed by the library.
# Programmer: Quincey Koziol
# Creation Date: 2003/08/12
# Print the copyright into an open file
sub print_copyright ($) {
my $fh = shift;
print $fh "/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n";
print $fh " * Copyright by The HDF Group. *\n";
print $fh " * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *\n";
print $fh " * All rights reserved. *\n";
print $fh " * *\n";
print $fh " * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *\n";
print $fh " * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *\n";
print $fh " * the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root *\n";
print $fh " * of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the *\n";
print $fh " * root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and *\n";
print $fh " * is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at *\n";
print $fh " * http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have *\n";
print $fh " * access to either file, you may request a copy from help\@hdfgroup.org. *\n";
print $fh " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */\n";
# Print the "do not change this file" warning
sub print_warning ($) {
my $fh = shift;
print $fh "\n/* Generated automatically by bin/make_err -- do not edit */\n";
print $fh "/* Add new errors to H5err.txt file */\n\n";
# Print start of ifdef's to prevent a file from being re-included
sub print_startprotect ($$) {
my ($fh, $file) = @_;
# Clip off the ".h" part of the name
$file =~ s/(\w*)\.h/$1/;
# Print the ifdef info
print $fh "\n#ifndef _${file}_H\n";
print $fh "#define _${file}_H\n";
# Print end of ifdef's to prevent a file from being re-included
sub print_endprotect ($$) {
my ($fh, $file) = @_;
# Clip off the ".h" part of the name
$file =~ s/(\w*)\.h/$1/;
# Print the endif info
print $fh "\n#endif /* ${file}_H */\n";
# Parse a meaningful line (not a comment or blank line) into the appropriate
# data structure
sub parse_line ($) {
my $line = shift; # Get the line to parse
my $name; # The name of the error message
my $desc; # The description of the error message
# Parse major error lines
#print "line=$line\n";
if($line =~ /^\s*MAJOR,/) {
# Get the major error's name & description
($name, $desc) = ($line =~ /^\s*MAJOR,\s*(\w*),\s*(.*)\n/);
#print "MAJOR: name=$name, desc=$desc\n";
# Check if the name already exists as a major or minor error message
if(exists($major{$name}) || exists($minor{$name})) {
die "duplicated name: $name";
# Store the major errors in a hash table, indexed by the name
# Parse minor error lines
elsif($line =~ /^\s*MINOR,/) {
my $min_section; # Minor errors have a section they below to also
# Get the minor error's section, name & description
($min_section, $name, $desc) = ($line =~ /^\s*MINOR,\s*(\w*),\s*(\w*),\s*(.*)\n/);
#print "MINOR: min_section=$min_section, name=$name, desc=$desc\n";
# Check for valid section
if(!exists($section{$min_section})) {
die "unknown section: $min_section";
# Check if the name already exists as a major or minor error message
if(exists($major{$name}) || exists($minor{$name})) {
die "duplicated name: $name";
# Store the minor errors in a hash table, indexed by the name
# Add the minor error to the list for the section
push @{$section_list{$min_section}}, $name;
# Parse section lines
elsif($line =~ /^\s*SECTION,/) {
# Get the section's name & description
($name, $desc) = ($line =~ /^\s*SECTION,\s*(\w*),\s*(.*)\n/);
#print "SECTION: name=$name, desc=$desc\n";
# Check if the section has already been defined
if(exists($section{$name})) {
die "duplicated name: $name";
# Store the section in a hash table, indexed by the name
# Unknown keyword
else {
die "unknown keyword: $line";
# Create the generated portion of the public header file
sub create_public ($) {
my $prefix = shift; # Get the prefix for the generated file
my $file = "H5Epubgen.h"; # Name of file to generate
my $name; # Name of error message
my $desc; # Description of error message
my $sect_name; # Section of minor error messages
my $sect_desc; # Description of section
# Rename previous file
# rename "${prefix}${file}", "${prefix}${file}~" or die "unable to make backup";
# Open new header file
open HEADER, ">${prefix}${file}" or die "unable to modify source";
# Create file contents
print_startprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Iterate over all the major errors
print HEADER "\n/*********************/\n";
print HEADER "/* Major error codes */\n";
print HEADER "/*********************/\n\n";
foreach $name (keys %major) {
printf HEADER "#define %-20s (H5OPEN %s_g)\n",$name,$name;
foreach $name (keys %major) {
printf HEADER "H5_DLLVAR hid_t %-20s /* %s */\n","${name}_g;",$major{$name};
# Iterate over all the minor error sections
print HEADER "\n/*********************/\n";
print HEADER "/* Minor error codes */\n";
print HEADER "/*********************/\n";
while ( ($sect_name, $sect_desc) = each (%section)) {
print HEADER "\n/* $sect_desc */\n";
# Iterate over all the minor errors in each section
for $name ( @{$section_list{$sect_name}}) {
printf HEADER "#define %-20s (H5OPEN %s_g)\n",$name,$name;
for $name ( @{$section_list{$sect_name}}) {
printf HEADER "H5_DLLVAR hid_t %-20s /* %s */\n","${name}_g;",$minor{$name};
print_endprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Close header file
close HEADER;
# Create the generated portion of the H5E initialization code
sub create_init ($) {
my $prefix = shift; # Get the prefix for the generated file
my $file = "H5Einit.h"; # Name of file to generate
my $name; # Name of error message
my $desc; # Description of error message
my $sect_name; # Section of minor error messages
my $sect_desc; # Description of section
# Rename previous file
# rename "${prefix}${file}", "${prefix}${file}~" or die "unable to make backup";
# Open new header file
open HEADER, ">${prefix}${file}" or die "unable to modify source";
# Create file contents
print_startprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Iterate over all the major errors
print HEADER "\n/*********************/\n";
print HEADER "/* Major error codes */\n";
print HEADER "/*********************/\n\n";
foreach $name (keys %major) {
print HEADER " "x(0*$indent),"assert(${name}_g==(-1));\n";
print HEADER " "x(0*$indent),"if((msg = H5E_create_msg(cls, H5E_MAJOR, \"${major{$name}}\"))==NULL)\n";
print HEADER " "x(1*$indent),"HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ERROR, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, \"error message initialization failed\")\n";
print HEADER " "x(0*$indent),"if((${name}_g = H5I_register(H5I_ERROR_MSG, msg, FALSE))<0)\n";
print HEADER " "x(1*$indent),"HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ERROR, H5E_CANTREGISTER, FAIL, \"can't register error message\")\n";
# Iterate over all the minor error sections
print HEADER "\n/*********************/\n";
print HEADER "/* Minor error codes */\n";
print HEADER "/*********************/\n\n";
while ( ($sect_name, $sect_desc) = each (%section)) {
print HEADER "\n"," "x(0*$indent),"/* $sect_desc */\n";
# Iterate over all the minor errors in each section
for $name ( @{$section_list{$sect_name}}) {
print HEADER " "x(0*$indent),"assert(${name}_g==(-1));\n";
print HEADER " "x(0*$indent),"if((msg = H5E_create_msg(cls, H5E_MINOR, \"${minor{$name}}\"))==NULL)\n";
print HEADER " "x(1*$indent),"HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ERROR, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, \"error message initialization failed\")\n";
print HEADER " "x(0*$indent),"if((${name}_g = H5I_register(H5I_ERROR_MSG, msg, FALSE))<0)\n";
print HEADER " "x(1*$indent),"HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ERROR, H5E_CANTREGISTER, FAIL, \"can't register error message\")\n";
print_endprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Close header file
close HEADER;
# Create the generated portion of the H5E termination code
sub create_term ($) {
my $prefix = shift; # Get the prefix for the generated file
my $file = "H5Eterm.h"; # Name of file to generate
my $name; # Name of error message
my $desc; # Description of error message
my $sect_name; # Section of minor error messages
my $sect_desc; # Description of section
# Rename previous file
# rename "${prefix}${file}", "${prefix}${file}~" or die "unable to make backup";
# Open new header file
open HEADER, ">${prefix}${file}" or die "unable to modify source";
# Create file contents
print_startprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Iterate over all the major errors
print HEADER "\n/* Reset major error IDs */\n";
foreach $name (keys %major) {
print HEADER " "x($indent),"\n${name}_g=";
print HEADER " (-1);\n";
# Iterate over all the minor error sections
print HEADER "\n/* Reset minor error IDs */\n";
while ( ($sect_name, $sect_desc) = each (%section)) {
print HEADER "\n"," "x(0*$indent),"\n/* $sect_desc */";
# Iterate over all the minor errors in each section
for $name ( @{$section_list{$sect_name}}) {
print HEADER " "x($indent),"\n${name}_g=";
print HEADER " (-1);\n";
print_endprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Close header file
close HEADER;
# Create the generated portion of the error code definitions
sub create_define ($) {
my $prefix = shift; # Get the prefix for the generated file
my $file = "H5Edefin.h"; # Name of file to generate
my $name; # Name of error message
my $desc; # Description of error message
my $sect_name; # Section of minor error messages
my $sect_desc; # Description of section
# Rename previous file
# rename "${prefix}${file}", "${prefix}${file}~" or die "unable to make backup";
# Open new header file
open HEADER, ">${prefix}${file}" or die "unable to modify source";
# Create file contents
print_startprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Iterate over all the major errors
print HEADER "\n/* Major error IDs */\n";
foreach $name (keys %major) {
printf HEADER "hid_t %-20s = FAIL; /* %s */\n","${name}_g",$major{$name};
# Iterate over all the minor error sections
print HEADER "\n/* Minor error IDs */\n";
while ( ($sect_name, $sect_desc) = each (%section)) {
print HEADER "\n/* $sect_desc */\n";
# Iterate over all the minor errors in each section
for $name ( @{$section_list{$sect_name}}) {
printf HEADER "hid_t %-20s = FAIL; /* %s */\n","${name}_g",$minor{$name};
print_endprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Close header file
close HEADER;
# Read error file (given as command-line argument) in and process it into
# internal data structures, then create error header files.
for $file (@ARGV) {
my $prefix; # Local prefix for generated files
($prefix) = ($file =~ /(^.*\/)/);
# Read in the entire file
open SOURCE, $file or die "$file: $!\n";
while ( defined ($line=<SOURCE>) ) {
if(!($line =~ /(^\s*#.*$)|(^\s*$)/)) {
# Construct data structures for later printing
close SOURCE;
# Create header files
print "Generating 'H5Epubgen.h'\n";
print "Generating 'H5Einit.h'\n";
print "Generating 'H5Eterm.h'\n";
print "Generating 'H5Edefin.h'\n";