Robb Matzke a780cdd178 [svn-r335] Changes since 19980330

        Added new files.

        Added `-DH5HL_DEBUG -DH5MF_DEBUG' to the debug list.

        Updated shared object message information.

        Datasets can now share data types.

        Updated a comment that referred to H5ACC_WRITE.

        Moved a few things around.  Made debugging better so you can
        now give a collection address to ./src/debug and it shows some
        useful stuff.

./src/H5Oshared.c       [NEW]
        Supports shared messages.

        The H5Tshare() function allows the user to give the library
        hints about how a data type will be used.

        Tests the H5Tshare() function.

        Tests the global heap.

./config/BlankForm      [NEW]
        Cleaned up lots of configuration stuff and made the site
        configuration files lots easier and more uniform.  To make a
        new file grab the BlankForm and modify it.

        By default, debugging is turned on for most packages.  Within
        a package one can use `#ifdef H5AC_DEBUG' to wrap debugging
        code.  Other options are:

               The default, most but not all packages.

               The symbol NDEBUG is defined and none of the package
               debug symbols.

               Debugging is turned on for all packages.  This might
               produce lots of output.

               Debugging is turned on for H5G and H5D.

        A compile mode is also now supported

               The library is compiled with optimizations turned on.
               The compiler flags are augmented by adding PROD_CFLAGS
               and PROD_CPPFLAGS which are defined in the site config

               The default.  The library is compiled for development
               by including DEBUG_CFLAGS and DEBUG_CPPFLAGS defined in
               the site config file.  This is usually just `-g'.

               Builds a library for profiling by including the flags
               from PROFILE_CFLAGS and PROFILE_CPPFLAGS defined in the
               site config file.  This is usullay just `-pg' but it
               could include optimization flags as well depending on
               the type of profile one wants.

        In summary, configure by saying `./configure' and you'll get a
        development version of the library.  Configure by saying
        `./configure --enable-production --disable-debug' and you'll
        get a production version with no debugging code.
1998-04-02 22:29:38 -05:00

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