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665 lines
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@echo off
rem Copyright by The HDF Group.
rem Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
rem All rights reserved.
rem This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
rem terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
rem the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
rem of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
rem root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
rem is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
rem http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
rem access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
rem Tests for the h5repack tool
rem Created: Scott Wegner, 8/28/07
rem Modified:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd %~dp0
set h5pubconf=%CD%\..\..\src\h5pubconf.h
rem On Windows, the function :detect_filter sets these for us
call :detect_filter szip
call :detect_filter deflate
call :detect_filter shuffle
call :detect_filter fletcher32
call :detect_filter nbit
call :detect_filter scaleoffset
rem The tool name
set h5repack=h5repack%2
rem The path of the tool binary
set h5repack_bin=%CD%\..\%h5repack%\%1\%h5repack%
rem The h5diff tool name
set h5diff=..\h5diff%2\%1\h5diff%2
rem The path of the h5diff tool binary
set h5diff_bin=%CD%\%h5diff%
set h5detectszip=testh5repack_detect_szip%2
set h5detectszip_bin=%CD%\..\testfiles\%h5detectszip%\%1\%h5detectszip%
set info_file=testfiles\h5repack.info
set file0=h5repack_fill.h5
set file1=h5repack_objs.h5
set file2=h5repack_attr.h5
set file3=h5repack_hlink.h5
set file4=h5repack_layout.h5
set file5=h5repack_early.h5
set file7=h5repack_szip.h5
set file8=h5repack_deflate.h5
set file9=h5repack_shuffle.h5
set file10=h5repack_fletcher.h5
set file11=h5repack_filters.h5
set file12=h5repack_nbit.h5
set file13=h5repack_soffset.h5
rem A file with an older version of the layout message (copy of test/tlayouto.h5)
set file14=h5repack_layouto.h5
set file15=h5repack_named_dtypes.h5
rem located in common testfiles folder
set file16=tfamilyPERCENT05d.h5
set nerrors=0
set verbose=yes
goto main
rem Print a line-line message left justified in a field of 70 characters
rem beginning with the word "Testing".
set test_msg=Testing
for %%a in (%*) do (
if %%a neq PASSED (
if %%a neq *FAILED* (
set test_msg=!test_msg! %%~nxa
) )
rem We need to replace PERCENT here with "%" for tests that use a percent
rem sign. --SJW 5/12/08
set test_msg=!test_msg:PERCENT=%%!
echo.%test_msg:~0,69% %1
exit /b
rem Print a line-line message left justified in a field of 70 characters
rem beginning with the word "Verifying".
set test_msg=Verifying h5diff output
for %%a in (%*) do (
if %%a neq PASSED (
if %%a neq *FAILED* (
set test_msg=!test_msg! %%~nxa
) )
rem We need to replace PERCENT here with "%" for tests that use a percent
rem sign. --SJW 5/12/08
set test_msg=!test_msg:PERCENT=%%!
echo.%test_msg:~0,69% %1
exit /b
rem Print a message that a test has been skipped (because a required filter
rem was unavailable)
call :testing -SKIP- %h5repack% %*
exit /b
rem Call the h5diff tool
set params=%*
%h5diff_bin% -q !params:PERCENT=%%!
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
call :verify *FAILED* %*
set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1
) else (
call :verify PASSED %*
exit /b
rem Call h5repack
rem Run test.
set infile=%CD%\testfiles\%1
rem Linux uses a $path variable here, but it is unneccessary, and will
rem corrupt our Windows PATH if we use it. --SJW 8/28/07
rem set path=%CD%
rem set outfile=%path%\out.%1
set outfile=%CD%\out.%1
rem We define %params% here because Windows `shift` command doesn't affect
rem the %* variable. --SJW 8/28/07
if "%2"=="" (
set params=
) else (
set params=%*
set params=!params:* =!
%h5repack_bin% %params% %infile% %outfile%
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
call :testing *FAILED* %*
set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1
) else (
call :testing PASSED %*
call :difftest %infile% %outfile%
del /f %outfile%
exit /b
rem Call h5repack with old syntax
rem Run test.
set infile=%CD%\testfiles\%1
rem Linux uses a $path variable here, but it is unneccessary, and will
rem corrupt our Windows PATH if we use it. --SJW 8/28/07
rem set path=%CD%
rem set outfile=%path%\out.%1
set outfile=%CD%\out.%1
rem We define %params% here because Windows `shift` command doesn't affect
rem the %* variable. --SJW 8/28/07
if "%2"=="" (
set params=
) else (
set params=%*
set params=!params:* =!
%h5repack_bin% -i %infile% -o %outfile% %params%
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
call :testing *FAILED* %*
set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1
) else (
call :testing PASSED %*
call :difftest %infile% %outfile%
del /f %outfile%
exit /b
rem same as TOOLTEST, but it uses the common testfiles at $srcdir/../testfiles/
rem used to test the family driver, where these files reside
rem Run test.
set infile=%CD%\..\testfiles\%1
rem Linux uses a $path variable here, but it is unneccessary, and will
rem corrupt our Windows PATH if we use it. --SJW 8/28/07
rem set path=%CD%
rem set outfile=%path%\out.%1
set outfile=%CD%\out.%1
rem We define %params% here because Windows `shift` command doesn't affect
rem the %* variable. --SJW 8/28/07
if "%2"=="" (
set params=
) else (
set params=%*
set params=!params:* =!
%h5repack_bin% %params% !infile:PERCENT=%%! !outfile:PERCENT=%%!
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
call :testing *FAILED* %*
set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1
) else (
call :testing PASSED %*
call :difftest %infile% %outfile%
del /f !outfile:PERCENT=%%!
exit /b
rem This is a Windows-specific function that detects if the filter passed
rem should be enabled for this test script. It searches H5pubconf.h for the
rem string "#define H5_HAVE_FILTER_%1" and sets the variable "use_filter_%1"
rem accordingly. On other platforms, this variable is set in the Makefile.
rem If we find a better way to test this in the future, we should use it.
rem --SJW 9/4/07
findstr /b /i /c:"#define H5_HAVE_FILTER_%1" %h5pubconf% > nul
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
set use_filter_%1=yes
) else (
set use_filter_%1=no
exit /b
rem The tests
rem We use the files generated by h5repacktst
rem Each run generates "<file>.out.h5" and the tool h5diff is used to
rem compare the input and output files
rem the tests are the same as the program h5repacktst, but run from the CLI
rem See which filters are usable (and skip tests for filters we
rem don't have). Do this by searching H5pubconf.h to see which
rem filters are defined.
rem detect whether the encoder is present.
set use_filter_szip_encoder=no
if "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
for /f %%a in ('%h5detectszip_bin%') do set use_filter_szip_encoder=%%a
rem copy files (these files have no filters)
call :tooltest %file0%
call :tooltest %file1%
call :tooltest %file2%
call :tooltest %file3%
call :tooltest %file4%
call :tooltest %file5%
rem use %file4% to write some filters (this file has no filters)
rem gzip with individual object
set arg=%file4% -f dset1:GZIP=1 -l dset1:CHUNK=20x10
if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem gzip for all
set arg=%file4% -f GZIP=1
if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem szip with individual object
set arg=%file4% -f dset2:SZIP=8,EC -l dset2:CHUNK=20x10
if not "%use_filter_szip_encoder%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem szip for all
set arg=%file4% -f SZIP=8,NN
if not "%use_filter_szip_encoder%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem shuffle with individual object
set arg=%file4% -f dset2:SHUF -l dset2:CHUNK=20x10
if not "%use_filter_shuffle%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem shuffle for all
set arg=%file4% -f SHUF
if not "%use_filter_shuffle%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem fletcher32 with individual object
set arg=%file4% -f dset2:FLET -l dset2:CHUNK=20x10
if not "%use_filter_fletcher32%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem fletcher32 for all
set arg=%file4% -f FLET
if not "%use_filter_fletcher32%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem all filters
set arg=%file4% -f dset2:SHUF -f dset2:FLET -f dset2:SZIP=8,NN -f dset2:GZIP=1 -l dset2:CHUNK=20x10
rem On Windows we must check each filter individually, because we don't have
rem -o flag like Linux. --SJW 8/28/07
if not "%use_filter_szip_encoder%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_shuffle%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_fletcher32%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem ##########################################################
rem the following tests assume the input files have filters
rem ##########################################################
rem szip copy
set arg=%file7%
if not "%use_filter_szip_encoder%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem szip remove
set arg=%file7% --filter=dset_szip:NONE
if not "%use_filter_szip_encoder%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem deflate copy
set arg=%file8%
if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem deflate remove
set arg=%file8% -f dset_deflate:NONE
if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem shuffle copy
set arg=%file9%
if not "%use_filter_shuffle%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem shuffle remove
set arg=%file9% -f dset_shuffle:NONE
if not "%use_filter_shuffle%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem fletcher32 copy
set arg=%file10%
if not "%use_filter_fletcher32%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem fletcher32 remove
set arg=%file10% -f dset_fletcher32:NONE
if not "%use_filter_fletcher32%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem nbit copy
set arg=%file12%
if not "%use_filter_nbit%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem nbit remove
set arg=%file12% -f dset_nbit:NONE
if not "%use_filter_nbit%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem nbit add
set arg=%file12% -f dset_int31:NBIT
if not "%use_filter_nbit%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem scaleoffset copy
set arg=%file13%
if not "%use_filter_scaleoffset%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem scaleoffset add
set arg=%file13% -f dset_none:SOFF=31,IN
if not "%use_filter_scaleoffset%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem scaleoffset remove
set arg=%file13% -f dset_scaleoffset:NONE
if not "%use_filter_scaleoffset%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem remove all filters
set arg=%file11% -f NONE
if not "%use_filter_fletcher32%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_szip_encoder%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_shuffle%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_nbit%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_scaleoffset%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem filter conversions
set arg=%file8% -f dset_deflate:SZIP=8,NN
if not "%use_filter_szip_encoder%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
set arg=%file7% -f dset_szip:GZIP=1
if not "%use_filter_szip_encoder%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem limit
set arg=%file4% -f GZIP=1 -m 1024
if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem file
set arg=%file4% -e %info_file%
if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem ########################################################
rem layout options (these files have no filters)
rem ########################################################
call :tooltest %file4% --layout=dset2:CHUNK=20x10
call :tooltest %file4% -l CHUNK=20x10
call :tooltest %file4% -l dset2:CONTI
call :tooltest %file4% -l CONTI
call :tooltest %file4% -l dset2:COMPA
call :tooltest %file4% -l COMPA
rem ###############################################################
rem layout conversions (file has no filters)
rem ##############################################################
set arg1=%file4% -l dset_compact:CONTI
set arg2=%file4% -l dset_compact:CHUNK=2x5
set arg3=%file4% -l dset_compact:COMPA
set arg4=%file4% -l dset_contiguous:COMPA
set arg5=%file4% -l dset_contiguous:CHUNK=3x6
set arg6=%file4% -l dset_contiguous:CONTI
set arg7=%file4% -l dset_chunk:COMPA
set arg8=%file4% -l dset_chunk:CONTI
set arg9=%file4% -l dset_chunk:CHUNK=18x13
call :tooltest %arg1%
call :tooltest %arg2%
call :tooltest %arg3%
call :tooltest %arg4%
call :tooltest %arg5%
call :tooltest %arg6%
call :tooltest %arg7%
call :tooltest %arg8%
call :tooltest %arg9%
rem Native option
rem Do not use FILE1, as the named dtype will be converted to native, and h5diff will
rem report a difference.
call :tooltest %file0% -n
call :tooltest %file2% -n
rem latest file format with long switches. use FILE4=h5repack_layout.h5 (no filters)
set arg=%file4% --layout CHUNK=20x10 --filter GZIP=1 --minimum=10 --native --latest --compact=8 --indexed=6 --ssize=8[:dtype]
if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem latest file format with short switches. use FILE4=h5repack_layout.h5 (no filters)
set arg=%file4% -l CHUNK=20x10 -f GZIP=1 -m 10 -n -L -c 8 -d 6 -s 8[:dtype]
if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem several global filters
set arg=%file4% --filter GZIP=1 --filter SHUF
if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else if not "%use_filter_shuffle%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest %arg%
rem syntax of -i infile -o outfile
rem latest file format with short switches. use FILE4=h5repack_layout.h5 (no filters)
set arg=%file4% -l CHUNK=20x10 -f GZIP=1 -m 10 -n -L -c 8 -d 6 -s 8[:dtype]
if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
call :skip %arg%
) else (
call :tooltest0 %arg%
rem add a userblock to file
set arg=%file1% -u testfiles\ublock.bin -b 2048
call :tooltest %arg%
rem add alignment
set arg=%file1% -t 1 -a 1
call :tooltest %arg%
rem Check repacking file with old version of layout message (should get upgraded
rem to new version and be readable, etc.)
call :tooltest %file14%
rem test for datum size > H5TOOLS_MALLOCSIZE
set arg=%file1% -f GZIP=1
call :tooltest %arg%
rem Check repacking file with committed datatypes in odd configurations
call :tooltest %file15%
rem tests family driver (file is located in common testfiles folder, uses TOOLTEST1
call :tooltest1 %file16%
if %nerrors% equ 0 (
echo.All %h5repack% tests passed.
endlocal & exit /b %nerrors%