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/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code *
* distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses. *
* If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from *
* help@hdfgroup.org. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* Created: H5PB.c
* Purpose: Page Buffer routines.
/* Module Setup */
#define H5F_FRIEND /* Suppress error about including H5Fpkg */
#include "H5PBmodule.h" /* This source code file is part of the H5PB module */
/* Headers */
#include "H5private.h" /* Generic Functions */
#include "H5Eprivate.h" /* Error handling */
#include "H5Fpkg.h" /* Files */
#include "H5FDprivate.h" /* File drivers */
#include "H5Iprivate.h" /* IDs */
#include "H5MMprivate.h" /* Memory management */
#include "H5PBpkg.h" /* File access */
#include "H5SLprivate.h" /* Skip List */
/* Local Macros */
#define H5PB__PREPEND(page_ptr, head_ptr, tail_ptr, len) \
{ \
if ((head_ptr) == NULL) { \
(head_ptr) = (page_ptr); \
(tail_ptr) = (page_ptr); \
} /* end if */ \
else { \
(head_ptr)->prev = (page_ptr); \
(page_ptr)->next = (head_ptr); \
(head_ptr) = (page_ptr); \
} /* end else */ \
(len)++; \
} /* H5PB__PREPEND() */
#define H5PB__REMOVE(page_ptr, head_ptr, tail_ptr, len) \
{ \
if ((head_ptr) == (page_ptr)) { \
(head_ptr) = (page_ptr)->next; \
if ((head_ptr) != NULL) \
(head_ptr)->prev = NULL; \
} /* end if */ \
else \
(page_ptr)->prev->next = (page_ptr)->next; \
if ((tail_ptr) == (page_ptr)) { \
(tail_ptr) = (page_ptr)->prev; \
if ((tail_ptr) != NULL) \
(tail_ptr)->next = NULL; \
} /* end if */ \
else \
(page_ptr)->next->prev = (page_ptr)->prev; \
page_ptr->next = NULL; \
page_ptr->prev = NULL; \
(len)--; \
#define H5PB__INSERT_LRU(page_buf, page_ptr) \
{ \
HDassert(page_buf); \
HDassert(page_ptr); \
/* insert the entry at the head of the list. */ \
H5PB__PREPEND((page_ptr), (page_buf)->LRU_head_ptr, (page_buf)->LRU_tail_ptr, \
(page_buf)->LRU_list_len) \
#define H5PB__REMOVE_LRU(page_buf, page_ptr) \
{ \
HDassert(page_buf); \
HDassert(page_ptr); \
/* remove the entry from the list. */ \
H5PB__REMOVE((page_ptr), (page_buf)->LRU_head_ptr, (page_buf)->LRU_tail_ptr, \
(page_buf)->LRU_list_len) \
#define H5PB__MOVE_TO_TOP_LRU(page_buf, page_ptr) \
{ \
HDassert(page_buf); \
HDassert(page_ptr); \
/* Remove entry and insert at the head of the list. */ \
H5PB__REMOVE((page_ptr), (page_buf)->LRU_head_ptr, (page_buf)->LRU_tail_ptr, \
(page_buf)->LRU_list_len) \
H5PB__PREPEND((page_ptr), (page_buf)->LRU_head_ptr, (page_buf)->LRU_tail_ptr, \
(page_buf)->LRU_list_len) \
/* Local Typedefs */
/* Iteration context for destroying page buffer */
typedef struct {
H5PB_t *page_buf;
hbool_t actual_slist;
} H5PB_ud1_t;
/* Package Typedefs */
/* Local Prototypes */
static herr_t H5PB__insert_entry(H5PB_t *page_buf, H5PB_entry_t *page_entry);
static htri_t H5PB__make_space(H5F_shared_t *f_sh, H5PB_t *page_buf, H5FD_mem_t inserted_type);
static herr_t H5PB__write_entry(H5F_shared_t *f_sh, H5PB_entry_t *page_entry);
/* Package Variables */
/* Library Private Variables */
/* Local Variables */
/* Declare a free list to manage the H5PB_t struct */
/* Declare a free list to manage the H5PB_entry_t struct */
* Function: H5PB_reset_stats
* Purpose: This function was created without documentation.
* What follows is my best understanding of Mohamad's intent.
* Reset statistics collected for the page buffer layer.
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Mohamad Chaarawi
H5PB_reset_stats(H5PB_t *page_buf)
/* Sanity checks */
page_buf->accesses[0] = 0;
page_buf->accesses[1] = 0;
page_buf->hits[0] = 0;
page_buf->hits[1] = 0;
page_buf->misses[0] = 0;
page_buf->misses[1] = 0;
page_buf->evictions[0] = 0;
page_buf->evictions[1] = 0;
page_buf->bypasses[0] = 0;
page_buf->bypasses[1] = 0;
} /* H5PB_reset_stats() */
* Function: H5PB_get_stats
* Purpose: This function was created without documentation.
* What follows is my best understanding of Mohamad's intent.
* Retrieve statistics collected about page accesses for the page buffer layer.
* --accesses: the number of metadata and raw data accesses to the page buffer layer
* --hits: the number of metadata and raw data hits in the page buffer layer
* --misses: the number of metadata and raw data misses in the page buffer layer
* --evictions: the number of metadata and raw data evictions from the page buffer layer
* --bypasses: the number of metadata and raw data accesses that bypass the page buffer layer
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Mohamad Chaarawi
H5PB_get_stats(const H5PB_t *page_buf, unsigned accesses[2], unsigned hits[2], unsigned misses[2],
unsigned evictions[2], unsigned bypasses[2])
/* Sanity checks */
accesses[0] = page_buf->accesses[0];
accesses[1] = page_buf->accesses[1];
hits[0] = page_buf->hits[0];
hits[1] = page_buf->hits[1];
misses[0] = page_buf->misses[0];
misses[1] = page_buf->misses[1];
evictions[0] = page_buf->evictions[0];
evictions[1] = page_buf->evictions[1];
bypasses[0] = page_buf->bypasses[0];
bypasses[1] = page_buf->bypasses[1];
} /* H5PB_get_stats */
* Function: H5PB_print_stats()
* Purpose: This function was created without documentation.
* What follows is my best understanding of Mohamad's intent.
* Print out statistics collected for the page buffer layer.
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Mohamad Chaarawi
H5PB_print_stats(const H5PB_t *page_buf)
HDprintf("******* METADATA\n");
HDprintf("\t Total Accesses: %u\n", page_buf->accesses[0]);
HDprintf("\t Hits: %u\n", page_buf->hits[0]);
HDprintf("\t Misses: %u\n", page_buf->misses[0]);
HDprintf("\t Evictions: %u\n", page_buf->evictions[0]);
HDprintf("\t Bypasses: %u\n", page_buf->bypasses[0]);
HDprintf("\t Hit Rate = %f%%\n",
((double)page_buf->hits[0] / (page_buf->accesses[0] - page_buf->bypasses[0])) * 100);
HDprintf("******* RAWDATA\n");
HDprintf("\t Total Accesses: %u\n", page_buf->accesses[1]);
HDprintf("\t Hits: %u\n", page_buf->hits[1]);
HDprintf("\t Misses: %u\n", page_buf->misses[1]);
HDprintf("\t Evictions: %u\n", page_buf->evictions[1]);
HDprintf("\t Bypasses: %u\n", page_buf->bypasses[1]);
HDprintf("\t Hit Rate = %f%%\n",
((double)page_buf->hits[1] / (page_buf->accesses[1] - page_buf->bypasses[0])) * 100);
} /* H5PB_print_stats */
* Function: H5PB_create
* Purpose: Create and setup the PB on the file.
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Mohamad Chaarawi
H5PB_create(H5F_shared_t *f_sh, size_t size, unsigned page_buf_min_meta_perc, unsigned page_buf_min_raw_perc)
H5PB_t *page_buf = NULL;
herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */
/* Sanity checks */
/* Check args */
if (f_sh->fs_strategy != H5F_FSPACE_STRATEGY_PAGE)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "Enabling Page Buffering requires PAGE file space strategy")
/* round down the size if it is larger than the page size */
else if (size > f_sh->fs_page_size) {
hsize_t temp_size;
temp_size = (size / f_sh->fs_page_size) * f_sh->fs_page_size;
H5_CHECKED_ASSIGN(size, size_t, temp_size, hsize_t);
} /* end if */
else if (0 != size % f_sh->fs_page_size)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "Page Buffer size must be >= to the page size")
/* Allocate the new page buffering structure */
if (NULL == (page_buf = H5FL_CALLOC(H5PB_t)))
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed")
page_buf->max_size = size;
H5_CHECKED_ASSIGN(page_buf->page_size, size_t, f_sh->fs_page_size, hsize_t);
page_buf->min_meta_perc = page_buf_min_meta_perc;
page_buf->min_raw_perc = page_buf_min_raw_perc;
/* Calculate the minimum page count for metadata and raw data
* based on the fractions provided
page_buf->min_meta_count = (unsigned)((size * page_buf_min_meta_perc) / (f_sh->fs_page_size * 100));
page_buf->min_raw_count = (unsigned)((size * page_buf_min_raw_perc) / (f_sh->fs_page_size * 100));
if (NULL == (page_buf->slist_ptr = H5SL_create(H5SL_TYPE_HADDR, NULL)))
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTCREATE, FAIL, "can't create skip list")
if (NULL == (page_buf->mf_slist_ptr = H5SL_create(H5SL_TYPE_HADDR, NULL)))
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTCREATE, FAIL, "can't create skip list")
if (NULL == (page_buf->page_fac = H5FL_fac_init(page_buf->page_size)))
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "can't create page factory")
f_sh->page_buf = page_buf;
if (ret_value < 0) {
if (page_buf != NULL) {
if (page_buf->slist_ptr != NULL)
if (page_buf->mf_slist_ptr != NULL)
if (page_buf->page_fac != NULL)
page_buf = H5FL_FREE(H5PB_t, page_buf);
} /* end if */
} /* end if */
} /* H5PB_create */
* Function: H5PB__flush_cb
* Purpose: Callback to flush PB skiplist entries.
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Mohamad Chaarawi
static herr_t
H5PB__flush_cb(void *item, void H5_ATTR_UNUSED *key, void *_op_data)
H5PB_entry_t *page_entry = (H5PB_entry_t *)item; /* Pointer to page entry node */
H5F_shared_t *f_sh = (H5F_shared_t *)_op_data;
herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */
/* Sanity checks */
/* Flush the page if it's dirty */
if (page_entry->is_dirty)
if (H5PB__write_entry(f_sh, page_entry) < 0)
} /* H5PB__flush_cb() */
* Function: H5PB_flush
* Purpose: Flush/Free all the PB entries to the file.
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Mohamad Chaarawi
H5PB_flush(H5F_shared_t *f_sh)
herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */
/* Sanity check */
/* Flush all the entries in the PB skiplist, if we have write access on the file */
if (f_sh->page_buf && (H5F_ACC_RDWR & H5F_SHARED_INTENT(f_sh))) {
H5PB_t *page_buf = f_sh->page_buf;
/* Iterate over all entries in page buffer skip list */
if (H5SL_iterate(page_buf->slist_ptr, H5PB__flush_cb, f_sh))
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_BADITER, FAIL, "can't flush page buffer skip list")
} /* end if */
} /* H5PB_flush */
* Function: H5PB__dest_cb
* Purpose: Callback to free PB skiplist entries.
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Mohamad Chaarawi
static herr_t
H5PB__dest_cb(void *item, void H5_ATTR_UNUSED *key, void *_op_data)
H5PB_entry_t *page_entry = (H5PB_entry_t *)item; /* Pointer to page entry node */
H5PB_ud1_t * op_data = (H5PB_ud1_t *)_op_data;
/* Sanity checking */
/* Remove entry from LRU list */
if (op_data->actual_slist) {
H5PB__REMOVE_LRU(op_data->page_buf, page_entry)
page_entry->page_buf_ptr = H5FL_FAC_FREE(op_data->page_buf->page_fac, page_entry->page_buf_ptr);
} /* end if */
/* Free page entry */
page_entry = H5FL_FREE(H5PB_entry_t, page_entry);
} /* H5PB__dest_cb() */
* Function: H5PB_dest
* Purpose: Flush and destroy the PB on the file if it exists.
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Mohamad Chaarawi
H5PB_dest(H5F_shared_t *f_sh)
herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */
/* Sanity checks */
/* flush and destroy the page buffer, if it exists */
if (f_sh->page_buf) {
H5PB_t * page_buf = f_sh->page_buf;
H5PB_ud1_t op_data; /* Iteration context */
if (H5PB_flush(f_sh) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTFLUSH, FAIL, "can't flush page buffer")
/* Set up context info */
op_data.page_buf = page_buf;
/* Destroy the skip list containing all the entries in the PB */
op_data.actual_slist = TRUE;
if (H5SL_destroy(page_buf->slist_ptr, H5PB__dest_cb, &op_data))
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTCLOSEOBJ, FAIL, "can't destroy page buffer skip list")
/* Destroy the skip list containing the new entries */
op_data.actual_slist = FALSE;
if (H5SL_destroy(page_buf->mf_slist_ptr, H5PB__dest_cb, &op_data))
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTCLOSEOBJ, FAIL, "can't destroy page buffer skip list")
/* Destroy the page factory */
if (H5FL_fac_term(page_buf->page_fac) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTRELEASE, FAIL, "can't destroy page buffer page factory")
f_sh->page_buf = H5FL_FREE(H5PB_t, page_buf);
} /* end if */
} /* H5PB_dest */
* Function: H5PB_add_new_page
* Purpose: Add a new page to the new page skip list. This is called
* from the MF layer when a new page is allocated to
* indicate to the page buffer layer that a read of the page
* from the file is not necessary since it's an empty page.
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Mohamad Chaarawi
H5PB_add_new_page(H5F_shared_t *f_sh, H5FD_mem_t type, haddr_t page_addr)
H5PB_t * page_buf; /* Page buffer to operate on */
H5PB_entry_t *page_entry = NULL; /* Pointer to the corresponding page entry */
herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */
/* Sanity checks */
page_buf = f_sh->page_buf;
/* If there is an existing page, this means that at some point the
* file free space manager freed and re-allocated a page at the same
* address. No need to do anything here then...
/* MSC - to be safe, might want to dig in the MF layer and remove
* the page when it is freed from this list if it still exists and
* remove this check
if (NULL == H5SL_search(page_buf->mf_slist_ptr, &(page_addr))) {
/* Create the new PB entry */
if (NULL == (page_entry = H5FL_CALLOC(H5PB_entry_t)))
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed")
/* Initialize page fields */
page_entry->addr = page_addr;
page_entry->type = (H5F_mem_page_t)type;
page_entry->is_dirty = FALSE;
/* Insert entry in skip list */
if (H5SL_insert(page_buf->mf_slist_ptr, page_entry, &(page_entry->addr)) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "Can't insert entry in skip list")
} /* end if */
if (ret_value < 0)
if (page_entry)
page_entry = H5FL_FREE(H5PB_entry_t, page_entry);
} /* H5PB_add_new_page */
* Function: H5PB_update_entry
* Purpose: In PHDF5, entries that are written by other processes and just
* marked clean by this process have to have their corresponding
* pages updated if they exist in the page buffer.
* This routine checks and update the pages.
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Mohamad Chaarawi
H5PB_update_entry(H5PB_t *page_buf, haddr_t addr, size_t size, const void *buf)
H5PB_entry_t *page_entry; /* Pointer to the corresponding page entry */
haddr_t page_addr;
/* Sanity checks */
HDassert(size <= page_buf->page_size);
/* calculate the aligned address of the first page */
page_addr = (addr / page_buf->page_size) * page_buf->page_size;
/* search for the page and update if found */
page_entry = (H5PB_entry_t *)H5SL_search(page_buf->slist_ptr, (void *)(&page_addr));
if (page_entry) {
haddr_t offset;
HDassert(addr + size <= page_addr + page_buf->page_size);
offset = addr - page_addr;
H5MM_memcpy((uint8_t *)page_entry->page_buf_ptr + offset, buf, size);
/* move to top of LRU list */
H5PB__MOVE_TO_TOP_LRU(page_buf, page_entry)
} /* end if */
} /* H5PB_update_entry */
* Function: H5PB_remove_entry
* Purpose: Remove possible metadata entry with ADDR from the PB cache.
* This is in response to the data corruption bug from fheap.c
* with page buffering + page strategy.
* Note: Large metadata page bypasses the PB cache.
* Note: Update of raw data page (large or small sized) is handled by the PB cache.
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Vailin Choi; Feb 2017
H5PB_remove_entry(const H5F_shared_t *f_sh, haddr_t addr)
H5PB_t * page_buf; /* Page buffer to operate on */
H5PB_entry_t *page_entry = NULL; /* Pointer to the page entry being searched */
herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */
/* Sanity checks */
page_buf = f_sh->page_buf;
/* Search for address in the skip list */
page_entry = (H5PB_entry_t *)H5SL_search(page_buf->slist_ptr, (void *)(&addr));
/* If found, remove the entry from the PB cache */
if (page_entry) {
HDassert(page_entry->type != H5F_MEM_PAGE_DRAW);
if (NULL == H5SL_remove(page_buf->slist_ptr, &(page_entry->addr)))
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_CACHE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "Page Entry is not in skip list")
/* Remove from LRU list */
H5PB__REMOVE_LRU(page_buf, page_entry)
HDassert(H5SL_count(page_buf->slist_ptr) == page_buf->LRU_list_len);
page_entry->page_buf_ptr = H5FL_FAC_FREE(page_buf->page_fac, page_entry->page_buf_ptr);
page_entry = H5FL_FREE(H5PB_entry_t, page_entry);
} /* end if */
} /* H5PB_remove_entry */
* Function: H5PB_read
* Purpose: Reads in the data from the page containing it if it exists
* in the PB cache; otherwise reads in the page through the VFD.
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Mohamad Chaarawi
H5PB_read(H5F_shared_t *f_sh, H5FD_mem_t type, haddr_t addr, size_t size, void *buf /*out*/)
H5PB_t * page_buf; /* Page buffering info for this file */
H5PB_entry_t *page_entry; /* Pointer to the corresponding page entry */
H5FD_t * file; /* File driver pointer */
haddr_t first_page_addr, last_page_addr; /* Addresses of the first and last pages covered by I/O */
haddr_t offset;
haddr_t search_addr; /* Address of current page */
hsize_t num_touched_pages; /* Number of pages accessed */
size_t access_size = 0;
hbool_t bypass_pb = FALSE; /* Whether to bypass page buffering */
hsize_t i; /* Local index variable */
herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */
/* Sanity checks */
HDassert(type != H5FD_MEM_GHEAP);
/* Get pointer to page buffer info for this file */
page_buf = f_sh->page_buf;
#if 1
bypass_pb = TRUE;
/* MSC - why this stopped working ? */
int mpi_size;
if ((mpi_size = H5F_shared_mpi_get_size(f_sh)) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't retrieve MPI communicator size")
if (1 != mpi_size)
bypass_pb = TRUE;
} /* end if */
/* If page buffering is disabled, or the I/O size is larger than that of a
* single page, or if this is a parallel raw data access, bypass page
* buffering.
if (NULL == page_buf || size >= page_buf->page_size || (bypass_pb && H5FD_MEM_DRAW == type)) {
if (H5F__accum_read(f_sh, type, addr, size, buf) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "read through metadata accumulator failed")
/* Update statistics */
if (page_buf) {
if (type == H5FD_MEM_DRAW)
} /* end if */
/* If page buffering is disabled, or if this is a large metadata access,
* or if this is parallel raw data access, we are done here
if (NULL == page_buf || (size >= page_buf->page_size && H5FD_MEM_DRAW != type) ||
(bypass_pb && H5FD_MEM_DRAW == type))
} /* end if */
/* Update statistics */
if (page_buf) {
if (type == H5FD_MEM_DRAW)
} /* end if */
/* Calculate the aligned address of the first page */
first_page_addr = (addr / page_buf->page_size) * page_buf->page_size;
/* For Raw data calculate the aligned address of the last page and
* the number of pages accessed if more than 1 page is accessed
if (H5FD_MEM_DRAW == type) {
last_page_addr = ((addr + size - 1) / page_buf->page_size) * page_buf->page_size;
/* How many pages does this write span */
num_touched_pages =
(last_page_addr / page_buf->page_size + 1) - (first_page_addr / page_buf->page_size);
if (first_page_addr == last_page_addr) {
HDassert(1 == num_touched_pages);
last_page_addr = HADDR_UNDEF;
} /* end if */
} /* end if */
/* Otherwise set last page addr to HADDR_UNDEF */
else {
num_touched_pages = 1;
last_page_addr = HADDR_UNDEF;
} /* end else */
/* Translate to file driver I/O info object */
file = f_sh->lf;
/* Copy raw data from dirty pages into the read buffer if the read
request spans pages in the page buffer*/
if (H5FD_MEM_DRAW == type && size >= page_buf->page_size) {
H5SL_node_t *node;
/* For each touched page in the page buffer, check if it
* exists in the page Buffer and is dirty. If it does, we
* update the buffer with what's in the page so we get the up
* to date data into the buffer after the big read from the file.
node = H5SL_find(page_buf->slist_ptr, (void *)(&first_page_addr));
for (i = 0; i < num_touched_pages; i++) {
search_addr = i * page_buf->page_size + first_page_addr;
/* if we still haven't located a starting page, search again */
if (!node && i != 0)
node = H5SL_find(page_buf->slist_ptr, (void *)(&search_addr));
/* if the current page is in the Page Buffer, do the updates */
if (node) {
page_entry = (H5PB_entry_t *)H5SL_item(node);
/* If the current page address falls out of the access
block, then there are no more pages to go over */
if (page_entry->addr >= addr + size)
HDassert(page_entry->addr == search_addr);
if (page_entry->is_dirty) {
/* special handling for the first page if it is not a full page access */
if (i == 0 && first_page_addr != addr) {
offset = addr - first_page_addr;
HDassert(page_buf->page_size > offset);
H5MM_memcpy(buf, (uint8_t *)page_entry->page_buf_ptr + offset,
page_buf->page_size - (size_t)offset);
/* move to top of LRU list */
H5PB__MOVE_TO_TOP_LRU(page_buf, page_entry)
} /* end if */
/* special handling for the last page if it is not a full page access */
else if (num_touched_pages > 1 && i == num_touched_pages - 1 &&
search_addr < addr + size) {
offset = (num_touched_pages - 2) * page_buf->page_size +
(page_buf->page_size - (addr - first_page_addr));
H5MM_memcpy((uint8_t *)buf + offset, page_entry->page_buf_ptr,
(size_t)((addr + size) - last_page_addr));
/* move to top of LRU list */
H5PB__MOVE_TO_TOP_LRU(page_buf, page_entry)
} /* end else-if */
/* copy the entire fully accessed pages */
else {
offset = i * page_buf->page_size;
H5MM_memcpy((uint8_t *)buf + (i * page_buf->page_size), page_entry->page_buf_ptr,
} /* end else */
} /* end if */
node = H5SL_next(node);
} /* end if */
} /* end for */
} /* end if */
else {
/* A raw data access could span 1 or 2 PB entries at this point so
we need to handle that */
HDassert(1 == num_touched_pages || 2 == num_touched_pages);
for (i = 0; i < num_touched_pages; i++) {
haddr_t buf_offset;
/* Calculate the aligned address of the page to search for it in the skip list */
search_addr = (0 == i ? first_page_addr : last_page_addr);
/* Calculate the access size if the access spans more than 1 page */
if (1 == num_touched_pages)
access_size = size;
access_size = (0 == i ? (size_t)((first_page_addr + page_buf->page_size) - addr)
: (size - access_size));
/* Lookup the page in the skip list */
page_entry = (H5PB_entry_t *)H5SL_search(page_buf->slist_ptr, (void *)(&search_addr));
/* if found */
if (page_entry) {
offset = (0 == i ? addr - page_entry->addr : 0);
buf_offset = (0 == i ? 0 : size - access_size);
/* copy the requested data from the page into the input buffer */
H5MM_memcpy((uint8_t *)buf + buf_offset, (uint8_t *)page_entry->page_buf_ptr + offset,
/* Update LRU */
H5PB__MOVE_TO_TOP_LRU(page_buf, page_entry)
/* Update statistics */
if (type == H5FD_MEM_DRAW)
} /* end if */
/* if not found */
else {
void * new_page_buf = NULL;
size_t page_size = page_buf->page_size;
haddr_t eoa;
/* make space for new entry */
if ((H5SL_count(page_buf->slist_ptr) * page_buf->page_size) >= page_buf->max_size) {
htri_t can_make_space;
/* check if we can make space in page buffer */
if ((can_make_space = H5PB__make_space(f_sh, page_buf, type)) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "make space in Page buffer Failed")
/* if make_space returns 0, then we can't use the page
buffer for this I/O and we need to bypass */
if (0 == can_make_space) {
/* make space can't return FALSE on second touched page since the first is of the same
* type */
HDassert(0 == i);
/* read entire block from VFD and return */
if (H5FD_read(file, type, addr, size, buf) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "driver read request failed")
/* Break out of loop */
} /* end if */
} /* end if */
/* Read page from VFD */
if (NULL == (new_page_buf = H5FL_FAC_MALLOC(page_buf->page_fac)))
"memory allocation failed for page buffer entry")
/* Read page through the VFD layer, but make sure we don't read past the EOA. */
/* Retrieve the 'eoa' for the file */
if (HADDR_UNDEF == (eoa = H5F_shared_get_eoa(f_sh, type)))
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "driver get_eoa request failed")
/* If the entire page falls outside the EOA, then fail */
if (search_addr > eoa)
"reading an entire page that is outside the file EOA")
/* Adjust the read size to not go beyond the EOA */
if (search_addr + page_size > eoa)
page_size = (size_t)(eoa - search_addr);
/* Read page from VFD */
if (H5FD_read(file, type, search_addr, page_size, new_page_buf) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "driver read request failed")
/* Copy the requested data from the page into the input buffer */
offset = (0 == i ? addr - search_addr : 0);
buf_offset = (0 == i ? 0 : size - access_size);
H5MM_memcpy((uint8_t *)buf + buf_offset, (uint8_t *)new_page_buf + offset, access_size);
/* Create the new PB entry */
if (NULL == (page_entry = H5FL_CALLOC(H5PB_entry_t)))
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "memory allocation failed")
page_entry->page_buf_ptr = new_page_buf;
page_entry->addr = search_addr;
page_entry->type = (H5F_mem_page_t)type;
page_entry->is_dirty = FALSE;
/* Insert page into PB */
if (H5PB__insert_entry(page_buf, page_entry) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "error inserting new page in page buffer")
/* Update statistics */
if (type == H5FD_MEM_DRAW)
} /* end else */
} /* end for */
} /* end else */
} /* end H5PB_read() */
* Function: H5PB_write
* Purpose: Write data into the Page Buffer. If the page exists in the
* cache, update it; otherwise read it from disk, update it, and
* insert into cache.
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Mohamad Chaarawi
H5PB_write(H5F_shared_t *f_sh, H5FD_mem_t type, haddr_t addr, size_t size, const void *buf)
H5PB_t * page_buf; /* Page buffering info for this file */
H5PB_entry_t *page_entry; /* Pointer to the corresponding page entry */
H5FD_t * file; /* File driver pointer */
haddr_t first_page_addr, last_page_addr; /* Addresses of the first and last pages covered by I/O */
haddr_t offset;
haddr_t search_addr; /* Address of current page */
hsize_t num_touched_pages; /* Number of pages accessed */
size_t access_size = 0;
hbool_t bypass_pb = FALSE; /* Whether to bypass page buffering */
hsize_t i; /* Local index variable */
herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */
/* Sanity checks */
/* Get pointer to page buffer info for this file */
page_buf = f_sh->page_buf;
#if 1
bypass_pb = TRUE;
/* MSC - why this stopped working ? */
int mpi_size;
if ((mpi_size = H5F_shared_mpi_get_size(f_sh)) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't retrieve MPI communicator size")
if (1 != mpi_size)
bypass_pb = TRUE;
} /* end if */
/* If page buffering is disabled, or the I/O size is larger than that of a
* single page, or if this is a parallel raw data access, bypass page
* buffering.
if (NULL == page_buf || size >= page_buf->page_size || bypass_pb) {
if (H5F__accum_write(f_sh, type, addr, size, buf) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "write through metadata accumulator failed")
/* Update statistics */
if (page_buf) {
if (type == H5FD_MEM_DRAW || type == H5FD_MEM_GHEAP)
} /* end if */
/* If page buffering is disabled, or if this is a large metadata access,
* or if this is a parallel raw data access, we are done here
if (NULL == page_buf || (size >= page_buf->page_size && H5FD_MEM_DRAW != type) ||
(bypass_pb && H5FD_MEM_DRAW == type))
if (bypass_pb) {
if (H5PB_update_entry(page_buf, addr, size, buf) > 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTUPDATE, FAIL, "failed to update PB with metadata cache")
} /* end if */
} /* end if */
/* Update statistics */
if (page_buf) {
if (type == H5FD_MEM_DRAW || type == H5FD_MEM_GHEAP)
} /* end if */
/* Calculate the aligned address of the first page */
first_page_addr = (addr / page_buf->page_size) * page_buf->page_size;
/* For raw data calculate the aligned address of the last page and
* the number of pages accessed if more than 1 page is accessed
if (H5FD_MEM_DRAW == type) {
last_page_addr = (addr + size - 1) / page_buf->page_size * page_buf->page_size;
/* how many pages does this write span */
num_touched_pages =
(last_page_addr / page_buf->page_size + 1) - (first_page_addr / page_buf->page_size);
if (first_page_addr == last_page_addr) {
HDassert(1 == num_touched_pages);
last_page_addr = HADDR_UNDEF;
} /* end if */
} /* end if */
/* Otherwise set last page addr to HADDR_UNDEF */
else {
num_touched_pages = 1;
last_page_addr = HADDR_UNDEF;
} /* end else */
/* Translate to file driver I/O info object */
file = f_sh->lf;
/* Check if existing pages for raw data need to be updated since raw data access is not atomic */
if (H5FD_MEM_DRAW == type && size >= page_buf->page_size) {
/* For each touched page, check if it exists in the page buffer, and
* update it with the data in the buffer to keep it up to date
for (i = 0; i < num_touched_pages; i++) {
search_addr = i * page_buf->page_size + first_page_addr;
/* Special handling for the first page if it is not a full page update */
if (i == 0 && first_page_addr != addr) {
/* Lookup the page in the skip list */
page_entry = (H5PB_entry_t *)H5SL_search(page_buf->slist_ptr, (void *)(&search_addr));
if (page_entry) {
offset = addr - first_page_addr;
HDassert(page_buf->page_size > offset);
/* Update page's data */
H5MM_memcpy((uint8_t *)page_entry->page_buf_ptr + offset, buf,
page_buf->page_size - (size_t)offset);
/* Mark page dirty and push to top of LRU */
page_entry->is_dirty = TRUE;
H5PB__MOVE_TO_TOP_LRU(page_buf, page_entry)
} /* end if */
} /* end if */
/* Special handling for the last page if it is not a full page update */
else if (num_touched_pages > 1 && i == (num_touched_pages - 1) &&
(search_addr + page_buf->page_size) != (addr + size)) {
HDassert(search_addr + page_buf->page_size > addr + size);
/* Lookup the page in the skip list */
page_entry = (H5PB_entry_t *)H5SL_search(page_buf->slist_ptr, (void *)(&search_addr));
if (page_entry) {
offset = (num_touched_pages - 2) * page_buf->page_size +
(page_buf->page_size - (addr - first_page_addr));
/* Update page's data */
H5MM_memcpy(page_entry->page_buf_ptr, (const uint8_t *)buf + offset,
(size_t)((addr + size) - last_page_addr));
/* Mark page dirty and push to top of LRU */
page_entry->is_dirty = TRUE;
H5PB__MOVE_TO_TOP_LRU(page_buf, page_entry)
} /* end if */
} /* end else-if */
/* Discard all fully written pages from the page buffer */
else {
page_entry = (H5PB_entry_t *)H5SL_remove(page_buf->slist_ptr, (void *)(&search_addr));
if (page_entry) {
/* Remove from LRU list */
H5PB__REMOVE_LRU(page_buf, page_entry)
/* Decrement page count of appropriate type */
if (H5F_MEM_PAGE_DRAW == page_entry->type || H5F_MEM_PAGE_GHEAP == page_entry->type)
/* Free page info */
page_entry->page_buf_ptr = H5FL_FAC_FREE(page_buf->page_fac, page_entry->page_buf_ptr);
page_entry = H5FL_FREE(H5PB_entry_t, page_entry);
} /* end if */
} /* end else */
} /* end for */
} /* end if */
else {
/* An access could span 1 or 2 PBs at this point so we need to handle that */
HDassert(1 == num_touched_pages || 2 == num_touched_pages);
for (i = 0; i < num_touched_pages; i++) {
haddr_t buf_offset;
/* Calculate the aligned address of the page to search for it in the skip list */
search_addr = (0 == i ? first_page_addr : last_page_addr);
/* Calculate the access size if the access spans more than 1 page */
if (1 == num_touched_pages)
access_size = size;
access_size =
(0 == i ? (size_t)(first_page_addr + page_buf->page_size - addr) : (size - access_size));
/* Lookup the page in the skip list */
page_entry = (H5PB_entry_t *)H5SL_search(page_buf->slist_ptr, (void *)(&search_addr));
/* If found */
if (page_entry) {
offset = (0 == i ? addr - page_entry->addr : 0);
buf_offset = (0 == i ? 0 : size - access_size);
/* Copy the requested data from the input buffer into the page */
H5MM_memcpy((uint8_t *)page_entry->page_buf_ptr + offset, (const uint8_t *)buf + buf_offset,
/* Mark page dirty and push to top of LRU */
page_entry->is_dirty = TRUE;
H5PB__MOVE_TO_TOP_LRU(page_buf, page_entry)
/* Update statistics */
if (type == H5FD_MEM_DRAW || type == H5FD_MEM_GHEAP)
} /* end if */
/* If not found */
else {
void * new_page_buf;
size_t page_size = page_buf->page_size;
/* Make space for new entry */
if ((H5SL_count(page_buf->slist_ptr) * page_buf->page_size) >= page_buf->max_size) {
htri_t can_make_space;
/* Check if we can make space in page buffer */
if ((can_make_space = H5PB__make_space(f_sh, page_buf, type)) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_NOSPACE, FAIL, "make space in Page buffer Failed")
/* If make_space returns 0, then we can't use the page
* buffer for this I/O and we need to bypass
if (0 == can_make_space) {
HDassert(0 == i);
/* Write to VFD and return */
if (H5FD_write(file, type, addr, size, buf) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "driver write request failed")
/* Break out of loop */
} /* end if */
} /* end if */
/* Don't bother searching if there is no write access */
/* Lookup & remove the page from the new skip list page if
* it exists to see if this is a new page from the MF layer
page_entry = (H5PB_entry_t *)H5SL_remove(page_buf->mf_slist_ptr, (void *)(&search_addr));
/* Calculate offset into the buffer of the page and the user buffer */
offset = (0 == i ? addr - search_addr : 0);
buf_offset = (0 == i ? 0 : size - access_size);
/* If found, then just update the buffer pointer to the newly allocate buffer */
if (page_entry) {
/* Allocate space for the page buffer */
if (NULL == (new_page_buf = H5FL_FAC_MALLOC(page_buf->page_fac)))
"memory allocation failed for page buffer entry")
HDmemset(new_page_buf, 0, (size_t)offset);
HDmemset((uint8_t *)new_page_buf + offset + access_size, 0,
page_size - ((size_t)offset + access_size));
page_entry->page_buf_ptr = new_page_buf;
/* Update statistics */
if (type == H5FD_MEM_DRAW || type == H5FD_MEM_GHEAP)
} /* end if */
/* Otherwise read page through the VFD layer, but make sure we don't read past the EOA. */
else {
haddr_t eoa, eof = HADDR_UNDEF;
/* Allocate space for the page buffer */
if (NULL == (new_page_buf = H5FL_FAC_CALLOC(page_buf->page_fac)))
"memory allocation failed for page buffer entry")
/* Create the new loaded PB entry */
if (NULL == (page_entry = H5FL_CALLOC(H5PB_entry_t)))
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "memory allocation failed")
page_entry->page_buf_ptr = new_page_buf;
page_entry->addr = search_addr;
page_entry->type = (H5F_mem_page_t)type;
/* Retrieve the 'eoa' for the file */
if (HADDR_UNDEF == (eoa = H5F_shared_get_eoa(f_sh, type)))
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "driver get_eoa request failed")
/* If the entire page falls outside the EOA, then fail */
if (search_addr > eoa)
"writing to a page that is outside the file EOA")
/* Retrieve the 'eof' for the file - The MPI-VFD EOF
* returned will most likely be HADDR_UNDEF, so skip
* that check.
if (HADDR_UNDEF == (eof = H5FD_get_eof(f_sh->lf, H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT)))
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "driver get_eof request failed")
/* Adjust the read size to not go beyond the EOA */
if (search_addr + page_size > eoa)
page_size = (size_t)(eoa - search_addr);
if (search_addr < eof) {
if (H5FD_read(file, type, search_addr, page_size, new_page_buf) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "driver read request failed")
/* Update statistics */
if (type == H5FD_MEM_DRAW || type == H5FD_MEM_GHEAP)
} /* end if */
} /* end else */
/* Copy the requested data from the page into the input buffer */
H5MM_memcpy((uint8_t *)new_page_buf + offset, (const uint8_t *)buf + buf_offset, access_size);
/* Page is dirty now */
page_entry->is_dirty = TRUE;
/* Insert page into PB, evicting other pages as necessary */
if (H5PB__insert_entry(page_buf, page_entry) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "error inserting new page in page buffer")
} /* end else */
} /* end for */
} /* end else */
} /* end H5PB_write() */
* Function: H5PB_enabled
* Purpose: Check if the page buffer may be enabled for the specified
* file and data access type.
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Neil Fortner
H5PB_enabled(H5F_shared_t *f_sh, H5FD_mem_t type, hbool_t *enabled)
H5PB_t *page_buf; /* Page buffering info for this file */
hbool_t bypass_pb = FALSE; /* Whether to bypass page buffering */
herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */
/* Sanity checks */
/* Get pointer to page buffer info for this file */
page_buf = f_sh->page_buf;
#if 1
bypass_pb = TRUE;
/* MSC - why this stopped working ? */
int mpi_size;
if ((mpi_size = H5F_shared_mpi_get_size(f_sh)) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't retrieve MPI communicator size")
if (1 != mpi_size)
bypass_pb = TRUE;
} /* end if */
/* If page buffering is disabled, or if this is a parallel raw data access,
* bypass page buffering. Note that page buffering may still be disabled for
* large metadata access or large non-parallel raw data access, but this
* function doesn't take I/O size into account so if it returns TRUE the
* page buffer may still be disabled for some I/O. If it returns FALSE it is
* always disabled for this access type.
if (NULL == page_buf || (bypass_pb && H5FD_MEM_DRAW == type)) {
/* Update statistics, since wherever this function is called, if it
* returns FALSE, the calling function performs I/O avoiding the page
* buffer layer */
if (page_buf) {
HDassert(type == H5FD_MEM_DRAW);
} /* end if */
/* Page buffer is disabled, at least for this data access type */
*enabled = FALSE;
} /* end if */
/* Page buffer may be enabled */
*enabled = TRUE;
} /* end H5PB_enabled() */
* Function: H5PB__insert_entry()
* Purpose: This function was created without documentation.
* What follows is my best understanding of Mohamad's intent.
* Insert the supplied page into the page buffer, both the
* skip list and the LRU.
* As best I can tell, this function imposes no limit on the
* number of entries in the page buffer beyond an assertion
* failure it the page count exceeds the limit.
* JRM -- 12/22/16
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Mohamad Chaarawi
static herr_t
H5PB__insert_entry(H5PB_t *page_buf, H5PB_entry_t *page_entry)
herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */
/* Insert entry in skip list */
if (H5SL_insert(page_buf->slist_ptr, page_entry, &(page_entry->addr)) < 0)
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTINSERT, FAIL, "can't insert entry in skip list")
HDassert(H5SL_count(page_buf->slist_ptr) * page_buf->page_size <= page_buf->max_size);
/* Increment appropriate page count */
if (H5F_MEM_PAGE_DRAW == page_entry->type || H5F_MEM_PAGE_GHEAP == page_entry->type)
/* Insert entry in LRU */
H5PB__INSERT_LRU(page_buf, page_entry)
} /* end H5PB__insert_entry() */
* Function: H5PB__make_space()
* Purpose: This function was created without documentation.
* What follows is my best understanding of Mohamad's intent.
* If necessary and if possible, evict a page from the page
* buffer to make space for the supplied page. Depending on
* the page buffer configuration and contents, and the page
* supplied this may or may not be possible.
* JRM -- 12/22/16
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Mohamad Chaarawi
static htri_t
H5PB__make_space(H5F_shared_t *f_sh, H5PB_t *page_buf, H5FD_mem_t inserted_type)
H5PB_entry_t *page_entry; /* Pointer to page eviction candidate */
htri_t ret_value = TRUE; /* Return value */
/* Sanity check */
/* Get oldest entry */
page_entry = page_buf->LRU_tail_ptr;
if (H5FD_MEM_DRAW == inserted_type) {
/* If threshould is 100% metadata and page buffer is full of
metadata, then we can't make space for raw data */
if (0 == page_buf->raw_count && page_buf->min_meta_count == page_buf->meta_count) {
HDassert(page_buf->meta_count * page_buf->page_size == page_buf->max_size);
} /* end if */
/* check the metadata threshold before evicting metadata items */
while (1) {
if (page_entry->prev && H5F_MEM_PAGE_META == page_entry->type &&
page_buf->min_meta_count >= page_buf->meta_count)
page_entry = page_entry->prev;
} /* end while */
} /* end if */
else {
/* If threshould is 100% raw data and page buffer is full of
raw data, then we can't make space for meta data */
if (0 == page_buf->meta_count && page_buf->min_raw_count == page_buf->raw_count) {
HDassert(page_buf->raw_count * page_buf->page_size == page_buf->max_size);
} /* end if */
/* check the raw data threshold before evicting raw data items */
while (1) {
if (page_entry->prev &&
(H5F_MEM_PAGE_DRAW == page_entry->type || H5F_MEM_PAGE_GHEAP == page_entry->type) &&
page_buf->min_raw_count >= page_buf->raw_count)
page_entry = page_entry->prev;
} /* end while */
} /* end else */
/* Remove from page index */
if (NULL == H5SL_remove(page_buf->slist_ptr, &(page_entry->addr)))
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "Tail Page Entry is not in skip list")
/* Remove entry from LRU list */
H5PB__REMOVE_LRU(page_buf, page_entry)
HDassert(H5SL_count(page_buf->slist_ptr) == page_buf->LRU_list_len);
/* Decrement appropriate page type counter */
if (H5F_MEM_PAGE_DRAW == page_entry->type || H5F_MEM_PAGE_GHEAP == page_entry->type)
/* Flush page if dirty */
if (page_entry->is_dirty)
if (H5PB__write_entry(f_sh, page_entry) < 0)
/* Update statistics */
if (page_entry->type == H5F_MEM_PAGE_DRAW || H5F_MEM_PAGE_GHEAP == page_entry->type)
/* Release page */
page_entry->page_buf_ptr = H5FL_FAC_FREE(page_buf->page_fac, page_entry->page_buf_ptr);
page_entry = H5FL_FREE(H5PB_entry_t, page_entry);
} /* end H5PB__make_space() */
* Function: H5PB__write_entry()
* Purpose: ???
* This function was created without documentation.
* What follows is my best understanding of Mohamad's intent.
* Return: Non-negative on success/Negative on failure
* Programmer: Mohamad Chaarawi
static herr_t
H5PB__write_entry(H5F_shared_t *f_sh, H5PB_entry_t *page_entry)
haddr_t eoa; /* Current EOA for the file */
herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value */
/* Sanity check */
/* Retrieve the 'eoa' for the file */
if (HADDR_UNDEF == (eoa = H5F_shared_get_eoa(f_sh, (H5FD_mem_t)page_entry->type)))
HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PAGEBUF, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "driver get_eoa request failed")
/* If the starting address of the page is larger than
* the EOA, then the entire page is discarded without writing.
if (page_entry->addr <= eoa) {
H5FD_t *file; /* File driver I/O info */
size_t page_size = f_sh->page_buf->page_size;
/* Adjust the page length if it exceeds the EOA */
if ((page_entry->addr + page_size) > eoa)
page_size = (size_t)(eoa - page_entry->addr);
/* Translate to file driver I/O info object */
file = f_sh->lf;
if (H5FD_write(file, (H5FD_mem_t)page_entry->type, page_entry->addr, page_size,
page_entry->page_buf_ptr) < 0)
} /* end if */
page_entry->is_dirty = FALSE;
} /* end H5PB__write_entry() */