Albert Cheng a7e6dfe5bc [svn-r2983] Purpose:
Simple changes
    Call MPI_Abort when error is detected.  MPI_Finalized was used
    before but it might hang if the test has already encountered errors.
    Also, it does not do the H5Eprint any more since auto report is on.
    Changed the variable name of rank and nprocs to mpi_rank and mpi_size
    so that it is the same with the other tests and can use the VRFY macro
Platforms tested:
2000-11-20 19:55:14 -05:00

63 lines
1.7 KiB

#include <testphdf5.h>
#define DIM 2
#define SIZE 32
#define NUMITEMS 300
void multiple_dset_write(char *filename)
int i, j, n, mpi_size, mpi_rank;
hid_t iof, plist, dataset, memspace, filespace;
hssize_t chunk_origin [DIM];
hsize_t chunk_dims [DIM], file_dims [DIM];
hsize_t count[DIM]={1,1};
double outme [SIZE][SIZE];
char dname [100];
MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);
MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
VRFY((mpi_size <= SIZE), "mpi_size <= SIZE");
chunk_origin [0] = mpi_rank * (SIZE / mpi_size);
chunk_origin [1] = 0;
chunk_dims [0] = SIZE / mpi_size;
chunk_dims [1] = SIZE;
for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
file_dims [i] = SIZE;
plist = H5Pcreate (H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
H5Pset_fapl_mpio(plist, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL);
iof = H5Fcreate (filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, plist);
H5Pclose (plist);
memspace = H5Screate_simple (DIM, chunk_dims, NULL);
filespace = H5Screate_simple (DIM, file_dims, NULL);
H5Sselect_hyperslab (filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, chunk_origin, chunk_dims, count, chunk_dims);
for (n = 0; n < NUMITEMS; n++) {
sprintf (dname, "dataset %d", n);
dataset = H5Dcreate (iof, dname, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT);
VRFY((dataset > 0), "dataset create succeeded");
/* calculate data to write */
for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j++)
outme [i][j] = n*1000 + mpi_rank;
H5Dwrite (dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, memspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, outme);
H5Dclose (dataset);
if (! ((n+1) % 10)) {
printf("created %d datasets\n", n+1);
H5Sclose (filespace);
H5Sclose (memspace);
H5Fclose (iof);