Allen Byrne 68fa42f336 [svn-r18759] pull r18757 from 1.8 branch
Enable tools lib to be built as a dll on windows. Added two get/set functions for progname and d_status.
Also add windows import/export declarations to functions.
Updated error_mesg() and warn_mesg() to remove progname argument and use get functions

   Windows, linux
2010-05-11 15:10:25 -05:00

491 lines
16 KiB

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root *
* of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the *
* root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and *
* is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at *
* http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have *
* access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "h5diff.h"
#include "h5diff_common.h"
#include "h5tools_utils.h"
static int check_n_input( const char* );
static int check_p_input( const char* );
static int check_d_input( const char* );
* Command-line options: The user can specify short or long-named
* parameters.
static const char *s_opts = "hVrvqn:d:p:Nc";
static struct long_options l_opts[] = {
{ "help", no_arg, 'h' },
{ "version", no_arg, 'V' },
{ "report", no_arg, 'r' },
{ "verbose", no_arg, 'v' },
{ "quiet", no_arg, 'q' },
{ "count", require_arg, 'n' },
{ "delta", require_arg, 'd' },
{ "relative", require_arg, 'p' },
{ "nan", no_arg, 'N' },
{ "compare", no_arg, 'c' },
{ "use-system-epsilon", no_arg, 'e' },
{ "follow-links", no_arg, 'l' },
{ "no-dangling-links", no_arg, 'x' },
{ NULL, 0, '\0' }
* Function: parse_command_line
* Purpose: parse command line input
void parse_command_line(int argc,
const char* argv[],
const char** fname1,
const char** fname2,
const char** objname1,
const char** objname2,
diff_opt_t* options)
int opt;
/* process the command-line */
memset(options, 0, sizeof (diff_opt_t));
/* assume equal contents initially */
options->contents = 1;
/* NaNs are handled by default */
options->do_nans = 1;
/* parse command line options */
while ((opt = get_option(argc, argv, s_opts, l_opts)) != EOF)
switch ((char)opt)
case 'h':
case 'V':
case 'v':
options->m_verbose = 1;
case 'q':
/* use quiet mode; supress the message "0 differences found" */
options->m_quiet = 1;
case 'r':
options->m_report = 1;
case 'l':
options->follow_links = 1;
case 'x':
options->no_dangle_links = 1;
case 'd':
if ( check_d_input( opt_arg )==-1)
printf("<-d %s> is not a valid option\n", opt_arg );
options->delta = atof( opt_arg );
/* -d 0 is the same as default */
if (options->delta == 0)
case 'p':
if ( check_p_input( opt_arg )==-1)
printf("<-p %s> is not a valid option\n", opt_arg );
options->percent = atof( opt_arg );
/* -p 0 is the same as default */
if (options->percent == 0)
options->p = 0;
case 'n':
if ( check_n_input( opt_arg )==-1)
printf("<-n %s> is not a valid option\n", opt_arg );
options->count = atol( opt_arg );
case 'N':
options->do_nans = 0;
case 'c':
options->m_list_not_cmp = 1;
case 'e':
options->use_system_epsilon = 1;
/* if use system epsilon, unset -p and -d option */
if (options->use_system_epsilon)
options->d = options->p = 0;
/* check for file names to be processed */
if (argc <= opt_ind || argv[ opt_ind + 1 ] == NULL)
error_msg("missing file names\n");
*fname1 = argv[ opt_ind ];
*fname2 = argv[ opt_ind + 1 ];
*objname1 = argv[ opt_ind + 2 ];
if ( *objname1 == NULL )
*objname2 = NULL;
if ( argv[ opt_ind + 3 ] != NULL)
*objname2 = argv[ opt_ind + 3 ];
*objname2 = *objname1;
* Function: print_info
* Purpose: print several information messages after h5diff call
void print_info(diff_opt_t* options)
if (options->m_quiet || options->err_stat )
if (options->cmn_objs==0)
printf("No common objects found. Files are not comparable.\n");
if (!options->m_verbose)
printf("Use -v for a list of objects.\n");
if (options->not_cmp==1)
if ( options->m_list_not_cmp == 0 )
printf("Some objects are not comparable\n");
printf("Use -c for a list of objects.\n");
* Function: check_n_input
* Purpose: check for valid input
* Return: 1 for ok, -1 for fail
* Programmer: Pedro Vicente, pvn@ncsa.uiuc.edu
* Date: May 9, 2003
* Comments:
* Modifications:
static int
check_n_input( const char *str )
unsigned i;
char c;
for ( i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++)
c = str[i];
if ( i==0 )
if ( c < 49 || c > 57 ) /* ascii values between 1 and 9 */
return -1;
if ( c < 48 || c > 57 ) /* 0 also */
return -1;
return 1;
* Function: check_p_input
* Purpose: check for a valid p option input
* Return: 1 for ok, -1 for fail
* Date: May 9, 2003
* Comments:
* Modifications:
static int
check_p_input( const char *str )
double x;
the atof return value on a hexadecimal input is different
on some systems; we do a character check for this
if (strlen(str)>2 && str[0]=='0' && str[1]=='x')
return -1;
if (x<0)
return -1;
return 1;
* Function: check_d_input
* Purpose: check for a valid d option input
* Return: 1 for ok, -1 for fail
* Date: November 11, 2007
* Comments:
* Modifications:
static int
check_d_input( const char *str )
double x;
the atof return value on a hexadecimal input is different
on some systems; we do a character check for this
if (strlen(str)>2 && str[0]=='0' && str[1]=='x')
return -1;
if (x <0)
return -1;
return 1;
* Function: usage
* Purpose: print a usage message
* Return: void
void usage(void)
printf("usage: h5diff [OPTIONS] file1 file2 [obj1[obj2]] \n");
printf(" file1 File name of the first HDF5 file\n");
printf(" file2 File name of the second HDF5 file\n");
printf(" [obj1] Name of an HDF5 object, in absolute path\n");
printf(" [obj2] Name of an HDF5 object, in absolute path\n");
printf(" OPTIONS\n");
printf(" -h, --help Print a usage message and exit.\n");
printf(" -V, --version Print version number and exit.\n");
printf(" -r, --report Report mode. Print differences.\n");
printf(" -v, --verbose Verbose mode. Print differences, list of objects.\n");
printf(" -q, --quiet Quiet mode. Do not produce output.\n");
printf(" --follow-links Follow symbolic links (soft links and external links)\n");
printf(" and compare the links' target objects.\n");
printf(" If symbolic link(s) with the same name exist in the\n");
printf(" files being compared, then determine whether the \n");
printf(" target of each link is an existing object (dataset,\n");
printf(" group, or named datatype) or the link is a dangling\n");
printf(" link (a soft or external link pointing to a target\n");
printf(" object that does not yet exist).\n");
printf(" - If both symbolic links are dangling links, they\n");
printf(" are treated as being the same; by default, h5diff\n");
printf(" returns an exit code of 0. If, however, \n");
printf(" --no-dangling-links is used with --follow-links, \n");
printf(" this situation is treated as an error and h5diff \n");
printf(" returns an exit code of 2.\n");
printf(" - If only one of the two links is a dangling link,\n");
printf(" they are treated as being different and h5diff \n");
printf(" returns an exit code of 1. If, however, \n");
printf(" --no-dangling-links is used with --follow-links, \n");
printf(" this situation is treated as an error and h5diff \n");
printf(" returns an exit code of 2.\n");
printf(" - If both symbolic links point to existing objects,\n");
printf(" h5diff compares the two objects.\n");
printf(" If any symbolic link specified in the call to h5diff\n");
printf(" does not exist, h5diff treats it as an error and\n");
printf(" returns an exit code of 2.\n");
printf(" --no-dangling-links Must be used with --follow-links option;\n");
printf(" otherwise, h5diff shows error message and returns\n");
printf(" an exit code of 2.\n");
printf(" Check for any symbolic links (soft links or external\n");
printf(" links) that do not resolve to an existing object\n");
printf(" (dataset, group, or named datatype). If any\n");
printf(" dangling link is found, this situation is treated as\n");
printf(" an error and h5diff returns an exit code of 2.\n");
printf(" -c, --compare List objects that are not comparable\n");
printf(" -N, --nan Avoid NaNs detection\n");
printf(" -n C, --count=C Print differences up to C number, C is a positive\n");
printf(" integer.\n");
printf(" -d D, --delta=D Print difference if (|a-b| > D), D is a positive\n");
printf(" number.\n");
printf(" -p R, --relative=R Print difference if (|(a-b)/b| > R), R is a positive\n");
printf(" number.\n");
printf(" --use-system-epsilon Print difference if (|a-b| > EPSILON),\n");
printf(" where EPSILON (FLT_EPSILON or FLT_EPSILON) is the\n");
printf(" system epsilon value. \n");
printf(" If the system epsilon is not defined, use the value\n");
printf(" below:\n");
printf(" FLT_EPSILON = 1.19209E-07 for float\n");
printf(" DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045E-16 for double\n");
printf(" -d, -p, and --use-system-epsilon options are used for\n");
printf(" comparing floating point values.\n");
printf(" By default, strict equality is used. Use -p or -d to\n");
printf(" set specific tolerance.\n");
printf(" Modes of output:\n");
printf(" Default mode: print the number of differences found and where they occured\n");
printf(" -r Report mode: print the above plus the differences\n");
printf(" -v Verbose mode: print the above plus a list of objects and warnings\n");
printf(" -q Quiet mode: do not print output\n");
printf(" Compare criteria\n");
printf(" If no objects [obj1[obj2]] are specified, h5diff only compares objects\n");
printf(" with the same absolute path in both files\n");
printf(" The compare criteria is:\n");
printf(" 1) datasets: numerical array differences\n");
printf(" 2) groups: name string difference\n");
printf(" 3) datatypes: the return value of H5Tequal\n");
printf(" 4) links: name string difference of the linked value as default\n");
printf(" (refer to --follow-links option).\n");
printf(" Exit code:\n");
printf(" 0 if no differences, 1 if differences found, 2 if error\n");
printf(" Examples of use:\n");
printf(" 1) h5diff file1 file2 /g1/dset1 /g1/dset2\n");
printf(" Compares object '/g1/dset1' in file1 with '/g1/dset2' in file2\n");
printf(" 2) h5diff file1 file2 /g1/dset1\n");
printf(" Compares object '/g1/dset1' in both files\n");
printf(" 3) h5diff file1 file2\n");
printf(" Compares all objects in both files\n");
printf(" Notes:\n");
printf(" file1 and file2 can be the same file.\n");
printf(" Use h5diff file1 file1 /g1/dset1 /g1/dset2 to compare\n");
printf(" '/g1/dset1' and '/g1/dset2' in the same file\n");
* Function: h5diff_exit
* Purpose: dismiss phdiff worker processes and exit
* Return: none
* Programmer: Albert Cheng
* Date: Feb 6, 2005
* Comments:
* Modifications:
void h5diff_exit(int status)
/* if in parallel mode, dismiss workers, close down MPI, then exit */
if((g_nTasks > 1) && g_Parallel) {