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synced 2025-03-07 16:37:56 +08:00
Purpose: Adding new feature Description: Added gif2h5 and h52gif conversion utilities Solution: The utilites follow the framework built for the gif2hdf and hdf2gif utilities for hdf4. The main files modified were those that read the H5 file and those that write H5 file. In the future, if you wish to continue with the framework and extend it to .png or some other fileformat the main files to edit will be the gif reader and writer. One point to note with h52gif. You have to specify the exact location of the image and the palette that it links to. You can choose not to specify a palette (uniform grayscale chosen in this case) but you must specify image location. In the future, someone could edit the readhdf.c source to enable the reader to parse the hdf file and select all images with corresponding palettes. Platforms tested: modi4 , eirene , hawkwind , arabica , Ren (NT 4.0) , Personal box (win2k)
178 lines
4.8 KiB
178 lines
4.8 KiB
#include "gif.h"
/* just a small cleanup routine before we leave */
void cleanup(BYTE *ptr) {
if (ptr)
/* Function : ReadHDF
** Return: 0 on completion without error, -1 on error
** Input: CHAR *h5_file - HDF file name
** CHAR *dset_name - Name of the HDF Image dataset
** CHAR *pal_name - Name of the HDF palette
** Output : BYTE** data - the HDF Image to be converted
** BYTE palette[256][3] - the corresponding palette
** hsize_t* image_size - the size of each dimension of the image
** Future Notes:
** The way readHDF works right now is that it expects the user
** to know the exact path to the HDF image. Thus it does not
** parse the HDF file looking for image datasets and corresponding
** palettes. Also it takes in the default palette for the image
** specified, if the palette is missing, it makes a default greyscale
** palette and throws it in.
int ReadHDF(BYTE** data ,
BYTE palette[256][3] ,
hsize_t *image_size ,
CHAR *h5_file ,
CHAR *dset_name ,
CHAR *pal_name)
hid_t fHfile; /* H5 file to open */
herr_t status; /* status variable */
hid_t dspace; /* dataspace identifier for the the dataset */
hid_t dset; /* dataset identifier */
hid_t pal_set; /* dataset for palette */
hid_t pal_space;/* dataspace for palette */
hsize_t pal_size; /* size of the palette */
hsize_t datasize; /* size of the image */
hsize_t maxdims; /* dummy */
int pal_exist = 0; /* do we have a palette? */
/* check stuff */
if (!h5_file || !dset_name || !image_size) {
fprintf(stderr , "NULL is not an acceptable input for HDFread. Aborting.\n");
return -1;
/* do we have a palette ? */
if (pal_name) {
pal_exist = 1;
/* try opening the file */
/* H5 file open calls */
if ((fHfile = H5Fopen(h5_file , H5F_ACC_RDONLY , H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr , "Unable to open HDF file for input. Aborting.\n");
return -1;
/* open the dataset for reading */
if ((dset = H5Dopen(fHfile , dset_name)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr , "Unable to open dataset\n");
return -1;
/* get the dataspace */
if ((dspace = H5Dget_space(dset)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr , "Unable to get dataspace\n");
return -1;
/* get the dimension size of the image */
if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dspace , image_size , &maxdims) !=2 ) {
fprintf(stderr , "Unable to get dimension info\n");
return -1;
/* size needed to store the image */
datasize = image_size[0] * image_size[1];
/* allocate memory to store the image */
if ((*data = (BYTE*) malloc(datasize)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr , "Out of memory, exiting");
return -1;
/* get the actual image */
if ((status = H5Dread(dset , H5Dget_type(dset) , H5S_ALL , H5S_ALL , H5P_DEFAULT , *data)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr , "Unable to read data \n");
return -1;
if (pal_exist) {
hsize_t pal_size[2];
hsize_t max_pal_dims[2];
hsize_t pal_datasize;
CHAR *pal_path;
BYTE *temp_buf;
hsize_t temp_size;
/* get the palette dataset */
if ((pal_set = H5Dopen(fHfile , pal_name)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr , "Unable to open dataset\n");
pal_exist = 0;
return -1;
/* get the dataspace */
if ((pal_space = H5Dget_space(pal_set)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr , "Unable to get dataspace\n");
pal_exist = 0;
return -1;
/* get the dimension size of the palette. */
if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(pal_space , pal_size , &max_pal_dims) !=2 ) {
fprintf(stderr , "Unable to get dimension info\n");
pal_exist = 0;
return -1;
/* size needed to store the image */
pal_datasize = pal_size[0] * pal_size[1];
/* copy stuff into a temp buffer and then copy 256*3 elements to palette */
temp_size = H5Dget_storage_size(pal_set);
temp_buf = (BYTE*) malloc (temp_size * sizeof(BYTE));
/* make sure that the palette is actually 256 X 3 so that we don't create overflows */
if (pal_datasize > 256 * 3)
fprintf(stderr , "Palette seems to be more than 256X3 bytes\n");
fprintf(stderr , "Truncating palette to 256 colors. This might cause a problem with the final image\n");
pal_datasize = 256 * 3;
/* get the actual palette */
if ((status = H5Dread(pal_set , H5Dget_type(pal_set) , H5S_ALL , H5S_ALL , H5P_DEFAULT , temp_buf)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr , "Unable to read data \n");
return -1;
/* copy stuff into the actual palette */
memcpy(palette , temp_buf , pal_datasize);
/* get rid of the temp memory */
/* end of if (pal_exist) */
} else {
int i;
/* if palette does not exist we just go ahead and create a uniform greyscale palette */
for (i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++) {
palette[i][0] = 255 - i;
palette[i][1] = 255 - i;
palette[i][2] = 255 - i;
/* close everything */
status = H5Dclose(dset);
status = H5Sclose(dspace);
status = H5Fclose(fHfile);
return 0;