Binh-Minh Ribler c7b27a7674 New overloaded functions and tests
    - Added VarLenType::VarLenType(const DataType& base_type)
    - Marked VarLenType::VarLenType(const DataType* base_type) deprecated
    - Added a static wrapper for H5Tdetect_class for PredType
        static bool DataType::detectClass(const PredType& pred_type, ...)
    - Removed the deprecated function Exception::printError() from code
    - Miscellaneous improvements in comments
    - Added test functions test_detect_type_class() and test_vltype()
Platforms tested:
    Linux/32 2.6 (jam)
    Linux/64 (jelly)
    Darwin (osx1010test)
2017-09-12 14:46:06 -05:00
2001-03-14 21:55:33 -05:00
2017-09-12 14:46:06 -05:00