2011-02-04 15:35:25 -05:00

249 lines
8.5 KiB

#! /bin/sh
# Copyright by The HDF Group.
# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
# of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
# root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
# is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
# http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
# access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
# Tests for the h5ls tool
H5LS=h5ls # The tool name
H5LS_BIN=`pwd`/$H5LS # The path of the tool binary
CMP='cmp -s'
DIFF='diff -c'
NLINES=20 # Max. lines of output to display if test fails
h5haveexitcode=yes # default is yes
# The build (current) directory might be different than the source directory.
if test -z "$srcdir"; then
test -d ../testfiles || mkdir ../testfiles
# RUNSERIAL is used. Check if it can return exit code from executalbe correctly.
if [ -n "$RUNSERIAL_NOEXITCODE" ]; then
echo "***Warning*** Serial Exit Code is not passed back to shell corretly."
echo "***Warning*** Exit code checking is skipped."
# Print a line-line message left justified in a field of 70 characters
# beginning with the word "Testing".
echo "Testing $* $SPACES" |cut -c1-70 |tr -d '\012'
# Run a test and print PASS or *FAIL*. For now, if h5ls can complete
# with exit status 0, consider it pass. If a test fails then increment
# the `nerrors' global variable and (if $verbose is set) display up to $NLINS
# lines of the actual output from the tool test. The actual output is not
# removed if $HDF5_NOCLEANUP has a non-zero value.
# Arguemnts:
# $1 -- actual output filename to use
# $2 and on -- argument for the h5ls tool
actual="../testfiles/`basename $1 .ls`.out"
actual_err="../testfiles/`basename $1 .ls`.err"
# Run test.
# Stderr is included in stdout so that the diff can detect
# any unexpected output from that stream too.
echo "#############################"
echo " output for '$H5LS $@'"
echo "#############################"
cd $srcdir/../testfiles
) >$actual 2>$actual_err
cat $actual_err >> $actual
if [ $h5haveexitcode = 'yes' -a $exitcode -ne $retvalexpect ]; then
echo "*FAILED*"
nerrors="`expr $nerrors + 1`"
if [ yes = "$verbose" ]; then
echo "test returned with exit code $exitcode"
echo "test output: (up to $NLINES lines)"
head -$NLINES $actual
echo "***end of test output***"
echo ""
elif [ ! -f $expect ]; then
# Create the expect file if it doesn't yet exist.
echo " CREATED"
cp $actual $expect
elif $CMP $expect $actual; then
echo " PASSED"
echo "*FAILED*"
echo " Expected result differs from actual result"
nerrors="`expr $nerrors + 1`"
test yes = "$verbose" && $DIFF $expect $actual |sed 's/^/ /'
# Clean up output file
if test -z "$HDF5_NOCLEANUP"; then
rm -f $actual $actual_err
### T H E T E S T S ###
# Toss in a bunch of tests. Not sure if they are the right kinds.
# test the help syntax
TOOLTEST help-1.ls 0 -w80 -h
TOOLTEST help-2.ls 0 -w80 -help
TOOLTEST help-3.ls 0 -w80 -?
# test simple command
TOOLTEST tall-1.ls 0 -w80 tall.h5
TOOLTEST tall-2.ls 0 -w80 -r -d tall.h5
TOOLTEST tgroup.ls 0 -w80 tgroup.h5
TOOLTEST tgroup-3.ls 0 -w80 tgroup.h5/g1
# test for displaying groups
# The following combination of arguments is expected to return an error message
# and return value 1
TOOLTEST tgroup-1.ls 1 -w80 -r -g tgroup.h5
TOOLTEST tgroup-2.ls 0 -w80 -g tgroup.h5/g1
# test for files with groups that have long comments
TOOLTEST tgrp_comments.ls 0 -w80 -v -g tgrp_comments.h5/glongcomment
# test for displaying simple space datasets
TOOLTEST tdset-1.ls 0 -w80 -r -d tdset.h5
# test for displaying soft links
TOOLTEST tslink-1.ls 0 -w80 -r tslink.h5
# test for displaying more soft links with --follow-symlinks
TOOLTEST tsoftlinks-1.ls 0 --follow-symlinks tsoftlinks.h5
TOOLTEST tsoftlinks-2.ls 0 --follow-symlinks -r tsoftlinks.h5
TOOLTEST tsoftlinks-3.ls 0 --follow-symlinks tsoftlinks.h5/group1
TOOLTEST tsoftlinks-4.ls 0 --follow-symlinks -r tsoftlinks.h5/group1
TOOLTEST tsoftlinks-5.ls 0 --follow-symlinks tsoftlinks.h5/soft_dset1
# test for displaying external and user-defined links with --follow-symlinks
TOOLTEST textlink-1.ls 0 -w80 -r textlink.h5
TOOLTEST textlinksrc-1.ls 0 -w80 --follow-symlinks -r textlinksrc.h5
TOOLTEST textlinksrc-2.ls 0 -w80 --follow-symlinks -rv textlinksrc.h5/ext_link5
TOOLTEST textlinksrc-3.ls 0 -w80 --follow-symlinks -r textlinksrc.h5/ext_link1
TOOLTEST textlinksrc-4.ls 0 -w80 -r textlinksrc.h5
TOOLTEST textlinksrc-5.ls 0 -w80 -r textlinksrc.h5/ext_link1
TOOLTEST textlinksrc-6.ls 0 -w80 --follow-symlinks textlinksrc.h5
TOOLTEST textlinksrc-7.ls 0 -w80 --follow-symlinks textlinksrc.h5/ext_link1
TOOLTEST tudlink-1.ls 0 -w80 -r tudlink.h5
# test for displaying external links with -E
# the option -E will be depriciated but keep it for backward compatibility
TOOLTEST textlinksrc-1-old.ls 0 -w80 -Er textlinksrc.h5
TOOLTEST textlinksrc-2-old.ls 0 -w80 -Erv textlinksrc.h5/ext_link5
TOOLTEST textlinksrc-3-old.ls 0 -w80 -Er textlinksrc.h5/ext_link1
TOOLTEST textlinksrc-6-old.ls 0 -w80 -E textlinksrc.h5
TOOLTEST textlinksrc-7-old.ls 0 -w80 -E textlinksrc.h5/ext_link1
# tests for no-dangling-links
# if this option is given on dangling link, h5ls should return exit code 1
# when used alone , expect to print out help and return exit code 1
TOOLTEST textlinksrc-nodangle-1.ls 1 -w80 --no-dangling-links textlinksrc.h5
# external dangling link - expected exit code 1
TOOLTEST textlinksrc-nodangle-2.ls 1 -w80 --follow-symlinks --no-dangling-links textlinksrc.h5
# soft dangling link - expected exit code 1
TOOLTEST tsoftlinks-nodangle-1.ls 1 -w80 --follow-symlinks --no-dangling-links tsoftlinks.h5
# when used file with no dangling links - expected exit code 0
TOOLTEST thlinks-nodangle-1.ls 0 -w80 --follow-symlinks --no-dangling-links thlink.h5
# tests for hard links
TOOLTEST thlink-1.ls 0 -w80 thlink.h5
# tests for compound data types
TOOLTEST tcomp-1.ls 0 -w80 -r -d tcompound.h5
#test for the nested compound type
TOOLTEST tnestcomp-1.ls 0 -w80 -r -d tnestedcomp.h5
TOOLTEST tnestcomp-2.ls 0 -w80 -r -d -S tnestedcomp.h5
TOOLTEST tnestcomp-3.ls 0 -w80 -r -d -l tnestedcomp.h5
TOOLTEST tnestcomp-4.ls 0 -w80 -r -d -l -S tnestedcomp.h5
# test for loop detection
TOOLTEST tloop-1.ls 0 -w80 -r -d tloop.h5
# test for string
TOOLTEST tstr-1.ls 0 -w80 -r -d tstr.h5
# test test file created from lib SAF team
TOOLTEST tsaf.ls 0 -w80 -r -d tsaf.h5
# test for variable length data types
TOOLTEST tvldtypes1.ls 0 -w80 -r -d tvldtypes1.h5
# test for array data types
TOOLTEST tarray1.ls 0 -w80 -r -d tarray1.h5
# test for empty data
TOOLTEST tempty.ls 0 -w80 -d tempty.h5
# test for all dataset types written to attributes
# enable -S for avoiding printing NATIVE types
TOOLTEST tattr2.ls 0 -w80 -v -S tattr2.h5
# tests for error handling.
# test for non-existing file
TOOLTEST nosuchfile.ls 1 nosuchfile.h5
# test for variable length data types in verbose mode
if test $WORDS_BIGENDIAN != "yes"; then
TOOLTEST tvldtypes2le.ls 0 -v tvldtypes1.h5
TOOLTEST tvldtypes2be.ls 0 -v tvldtypes1.h5
# test for dataset region references data types in verbose mode
if test $WORDS_BIGENDIAN != "yes"; then
TOOLTEST tdataregle.ls 0 -v tdatareg.h5
TOOLTEST tdataregbe.ls 0 -v tdatareg.h5
if test $nerrors -eq 0 ; then
echo "All $TESTNAME tests passed."
echo "$TESTNAME tests failed with $nerrors errors."