The development (--disable-production) mode ran a long time, especially on the
testhdf5 (select) that exceeded the wall clock 10 minutes limits and was
terminated. It turned out the development had DEBUG_CFLAG set to "-g -xildoff".\
The -xildoff was added back when h5detect had errors when -g only was used. But
that bug does not exist any more since when only -g is used to build, h5detect
did not fail and all tests passed. Therefore -xildoff is removed.
Furthermore, when "-g -O" is used to build the library, debuggers such as
dbx can still use the executable, though some debugging ability like displaying
local variables is not available in optimized code. But overall execution time
Therefore, the C, Fortran aand CXX DEBUG flags are all set to "-g -O" by
Tested: in Linew using the default development mode because the changes affect
only the Sun platform.