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/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code *
* distribution tree, or in https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases. *
* If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from *
* help@hdfgroup.org. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
tfile.cpp - HDF5 C++ testing the file I/O features
These routines are in the test directory of the C library:
h5_fileaccess() -- in h5test.c, returns a file access template
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iostream>
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
#include <string>
#include "H5Cpp.h" // C++ API header file
using namespace H5;
#include "h5test.h"
#include "h5cpputil.h" // C++ utilility header file
const hsize_t F1_USERBLOCK_SIZE = (hsize_t)0;
const size_t F1_OFFSET_SIZE = sizeof(haddr_t);
const size_t F1_LENGTH_SIZE = sizeof(hsize_t);
const unsigned F1_SYM_LEAF_K = 4;
const unsigned F1_SYM_INTERN_K = 16;
const H5std_string FILE1("tfile1.h5");
const hsize_t F2_USERBLOCK_SIZE = (hsize_t)512;
const size_t F2_OFFSET_SIZE = 8;
const size_t F2_LENGTH_SIZE = 8;
const unsigned F2_SYM_LEAF_K = 8;
const unsigned F2_SYM_INTERN_K = 32;
const unsigned F2_ISTORE = 64;
const H5std_string FILE2("tfile2.h5");
const hsize_t F3_USERBLOCK_SIZE = (hsize_t)0;
const size_t F3_OFFSET_SIZE = F2_OFFSET_SIZE;
const size_t F3_LENGTH_SIZE = F2_LENGTH_SIZE;
const unsigned F3_SYM_LEAF_K = F2_SYM_LEAF_K;
const unsigned F3_SYM_INTERN_K = F2_SYM_INTERN_K;
const H5std_string FILE3("tfile3.h5");
const int KB = 1024;
const H5std_string FILE4("tfile4.h5");
* Function: test_file_create
* Purpose Test file and template creations
* Return None
* Programmer Binh-Minh Ribler (use C version)
* January, 2001
* Modifications:
* January, 2005: C tests' macro VERIFY casts values to 'long' for all
* cases. Since there are no operator<< for 'long long'
* or int64 in VS C++ ostream, I casted the hsize_t values
* passed to verify_val to 'long' as well. If problems
* arises later, this will have to be specifically handled
* with a special routine.
static void
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("File Creation I/O");
// Test create with various sequences of H5F_ACC_EXCL and
// H5F_ACC_TRUNC flags
// Create with H5F_ACC_EXCL
// First ensure the file does not exist
// Setting this to NULL for cleaning up in failure situations
H5File *file1 = NULL;
try {
// Create file FILE1
file1 = new H5File(FILE1, H5F_ACC_EXCL);
// Try to create the same file with H5F_ACC_TRUNC. This should fail
// because file1 is the same file and is currently open.
try {
H5File file2(FILE1, H5F_ACC_TRUNC); // should throw E
// Should FAIL but didn't, so throw an invalid action exception
throw InvalidActionException("H5File constructor", "Attempted to create an existing file.");
catch (FileIException &E) // catch truncating existing file
} // do nothing, FAIL expected
// Close file1
delete file1;
file1 = NULL;
// Try again with H5F_ACC_EXCL. This should fail because the file
// already exists from the previous steps.
try {
H5File file2(FILE1, H5F_ACC_EXCL); // should throw E
// Should FAIL but didn't, so throw an invalid action exception
throw InvalidActionException("H5File constructor", "File already exists.");
catch (FileIException &E) // catching creating existing file
} // do nothing, FAIL expected
// Test create with H5F_ACC_TRUNC. This will truncate the existing file.
file1 = new H5File(FILE1, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
// Try to create first file again. This should fail because file1
// is the same file and is currently open.
try {
H5File file2(FILE1, H5F_ACC_TRUNC); // should throw E
// Should FAIL but didn't, so throw an invalid action exception
throw InvalidActionException("H5File constructor", "H5F_ACC_TRUNC attempt on an opened file.");
catch (FileIException &E) // catching truncating opened file
} // do nothing, FAIL expected
// Try with H5F_ACC_EXCL. This should fail too because the file already
// exists.
try {
H5File file3(FILE1, H5F_ACC_EXCL); // should throw E
// Should FAIL but didn't, so throw an invalid action exception
throw InvalidActionException("H5File constructor", "H5F_ACC_EXCL attempt on an existing file.");
catch (FileIException &E) // catching H5F_ACC_EXCL on existing file
} // do nothing, FAIL expected
// Get the file-creation template
FileCreatPropList tmpl1 = file1->getCreatePlist();
hsize_t ublock = tmpl1.getUserblock();
verify_val((long)ublock, (long)F1_USERBLOCK_SIZE, "FileCreatPropList::getUserblock", __LINE__,
size_t parm1, parm2; // file-creation parameters
tmpl1.getSizes(parm1, parm2);
verify_val(parm1, F1_OFFSET_SIZE, "FileCreatPropList::getSizes", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(parm2, F1_LENGTH_SIZE, "FileCreatPropList::getSizes", __LINE__, __FILE__);
unsigned iparm1, iparm2; // file-creation parameters
tmpl1.getSymk(iparm1, iparm2);
verify_val(iparm1, F1_SYM_INTERN_K, "FileCreatPropList::getSymk", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(iparm2, F1_SYM_LEAF_K, "FileCreatPropList::getSymk", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// tmpl1 is automatically closed; if error occurs, it'll be
// caught in the catch block
// Close first file
delete file1;
catch (InvalidActionException &E) {
cerr << " *FAILED*" << endl;
cerr << " <<< " << E.getDetailMsg() << " >>>" << endl << endl;
if (file1 != NULL) // clean up
delete file1;
// catch all other exceptions
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_file_create()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
if (file1 != NULL) // clean up
delete file1;
// Setting this to NULL for cleaning up in failure situations
FileCreatPropList *tmpl1 = NULL;
try {
// Create a new file with a non-standard file-creation template
tmpl1 = new FileCreatPropList;
// Set the new file-creation parameters
tmpl1->setSizes(F2_OFFSET_SIZE, F2_LENGTH_SIZE);
tmpl1->setSymk(F2_SYM_INTERN_K, F2_SYM_LEAF_K);
// Try to create second file, with non-standard file-creation template
// params.
H5File file2(FILE2, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, *tmpl1);
// Release file-creation template
delete tmpl1;
tmpl1 = NULL;
// Get the file-creation template
tmpl1 = new FileCreatPropList(file2.getCreatePlist());
// Get the file-creation parameters
hsize_t ublock = tmpl1->getUserblock();
verify_val((long)ublock, (long)F2_USERBLOCK_SIZE, "FileCreatPropList::getUserblock", __LINE__,
size_t parm1, parm2; // file-creation parameters
tmpl1->getSizes(parm1, parm2);
verify_val(parm1, F2_OFFSET_SIZE, "FileCreatPropList::getSizes", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(parm2, F2_LENGTH_SIZE, "FileCreatPropList::getSizes", __LINE__, __FILE__);
unsigned iparm1, iparm2; // file-creation parameters
tmpl1->getSymk(iparm1, iparm2);
verify_val(iparm1, F2_SYM_INTERN_K, "FileCreatPropList::getSymk", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(iparm2, F2_SYM_LEAF_K, "FileCreatPropList::getSymk", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Clone the file-creation template
FileCreatPropList tmpl2;
// Release file-creation template
delete tmpl1;
tmpl1 = NULL;
// Set the new file-creation parameter
// Try to create second file, with non-standard file-creation template
// params
H5File file3(FILE3, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, tmpl2);
// Get the file-creation template
tmpl1 = new FileCreatPropList(file3.getCreatePlist());
// Get the file-creation parameters
ublock = tmpl1->getUserblock();
verify_val((long)ublock, (long)F3_USERBLOCK_SIZE, "FileCreatPropList::getUserblock", __LINE__,
tmpl1->getSizes(parm1, parm2);
verify_val(parm1, F3_OFFSET_SIZE, "FileCreatPropList::getSizes", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(parm2, F3_LENGTH_SIZE, "FileCreatPropList::getSizes", __LINE__, __FILE__);
tmpl1->getSymk(iparm1, iparm2);
verify_val(iparm1, F3_SYM_INTERN_K, "FileCreatPropList::getSymk", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(iparm2, F3_SYM_LEAF_K, "FileCreatPropList::getSymk", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Release file-creation template
delete tmpl1;
// catch all exceptions
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_file_create()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
if (tmpl1 != NULL) // clean up
delete tmpl1;
} // test_file_create()
* Function: test_file_open
* Purpose Test file accesses
* Return None
* Programmer Binh-Minh Ribler (use C version)
* January, 2001
* Modifications:
* January, 2005: C tests' macro VERIFY casts values to 'long' for all
* cases. Since there are no operator<< for 'long long'
* or int64 in VS C++ ostream, I casted the hsize_t values
* passed to verify_val to 'long' as well. If problems
* arises later, this will have to be specifically handled
* with a special routine.
static void
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("File Opening I/O");
try {
// Open first file
H5File file1(FILE2, H5F_ACC_RDWR);
// Get the file-creation template
FileCreatPropList tmpl1 = file1.getCreatePlist();
// Get the file-creation parameters
hsize_t ublock = tmpl1.getUserblock();
verify_val((long)ublock, (long)F2_USERBLOCK_SIZE, "FileCreatPropList::getUserblock", __LINE__,
size_t parm1, parm2; // file-creation parameters
tmpl1.getSizes(parm1, parm2);
verify_val(parm1, F2_OFFSET_SIZE, "FileCreatPropList::getSizes", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(parm2, F2_LENGTH_SIZE, "FileCreatPropList::getSizes", __LINE__, __FILE__);
unsigned iparm1, iparm2; // file-creation parameters
tmpl1.getSymk(iparm1, iparm2);
verify_val(iparm1, F2_SYM_INTERN_K, "FileCreatPropList::getSymk", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(iparm2, F2_SYM_LEAF_K, "FileCreatPropList::getSymk", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Test H5File constructor with existing file id
H5File file2(file1.getId());
// Try truncating the file, and it should fail because the file is
// still opened with file2.
try {
H5File file3(FILE2, H5F_ACC_TRUNC); // should throw E
// Should FAIL but didn't, so throw an invalid action exception
throw InvalidActionException("H5File constructor", "Attempt truncating an opened file.");
catch (FileIException &E) // catching H5F_ACC_TRUNC on opened file
} // do nothing, FAIL expected
// Now, really close the file.
// Truncating should succeed now.
H5File file3(FILE2, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
// Opening another file to file3 object, FILE2 should be closed, so
// the next attempt to truncate FILE2 should succeed.
file3.openFile(FILE1, H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
H5File file4(FILE2, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
} // end of try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_file_open()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_file_open()
* Function: test_file_size
* Purpose Test file size.
* Return None
* Programmer Raymond Lu
* June, 2004
static void
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("File Size");
hid_t fapl_id;
fapl_id = h5_fileaccess(); // in h5test.c, returns a file access template
try {
// Use the file access template id to create a file access prop.
// list object to pass in H5File::H5File
FileAccPropList fapl(fapl_id);
// Set to sec2 driver. Do we want to test other file drivers?
// They're not tested in C++.
// File drivers seem not implemented.
// fapl.setSec2();
// Create a file
H5File file4(FILE4, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl);
// Get file size
hsize_t file_size = file4.getFileSize();
// Check if file size is reasonable. It's supposed to be 2KB now.
if (file_size < 1 * KB || file_size > 4 * KB)
issue_fail_msg("test_file_size()", __LINE__, __FILE__,
"getFileSize() returned unreasonable value");
// Get the amount of free space in the file
hssize_t free_space = file4.getFreeSpace();
// Check if it's reasonable. It's 0 now.
if (free_space < 0 || free_space > 4 * KB)
issue_fail_msg("test_file_size()", __LINE__, __FILE__,
"getFreeSpace returned unreasonable value");
} // end of try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_file_size()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
// use C test utility routine to close property list.
herr_t ret = H5Pclose(fapl_id);
if (ret < 0)
issue_fail_msg("test_file_size()", __LINE__, __FILE__, "H5Pclose failed");
} // test_file_size()
* Function: test_file_num
* Purpose Test file number.
* Return None
* Programmer Quincey Koziol
* April, 2019
static void
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("File Number");
hid_t fapl_id;
fapl_id = h5_fileaccess(); // in h5test.c, returns a file access template
try {
// Use the file access template id to create a file access prop.
// list object to pass in H5File::H5File
FileAccPropList fapl(fapl_id);
// Create two files
H5File file1(FILE1, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl);
H5File file2(FILE2, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl);
// Open the first file again
H5File file3(FILE1, H5F_ACC_RDWR);
// Get file numbers
unsigned long file_num1 = file1.getFileNum();
unsigned long file_num2 = file2.getFileNum();
unsigned long file_num3 = file3.getFileNum();
// Check file numbers
if (file_num1 == file_num2)
issue_fail_msg("test_file_num()", __LINE__, __FILE__, "getFileNum() returned wrong value");
if (file_num1 != file_num3)
issue_fail_msg("test_file_num()", __LINE__, __FILE__, "getFileNum() returned wrong value");
} // end of try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_file_num()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
// use C test utility routine to close property list.
herr_t ret = H5Pclose(fapl_id);
if (ret < 0)
issue_fail_msg("test_file_num()", __LINE__, __FILE__, "H5Pclose failed");
} // test_file_num()
* Function: test_file_name
* Purpose Test getting file's name.
* Return None
* Programmer Binh-Minh Ribler
* July, 2004
const int RANK = 2;
const int NX = 4;
const int NY = 5;
const H5std_string GROUPNAME("group");
const H5std_string DSETNAME("dataset");
const H5std_string DATTRNAME("dataset attribute");
const H5std_string FATTRNAME("file attribute");
const H5std_string DTYPENAME("compound");
// Compound datatype
typedef struct s1_t {
unsigned int a;
float b;
} s1_t;
static void
// Output message about test being performed.
SUBTEST("File Name");
H5std_string file_name;
try {
// Create a file using default properties.
H5File file4(FILE4, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
// Get file name from the file instance.
file_name = file4.getFileName();
verify_val(file_name, FILE4, "H5File::getFileName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create a group in the root group.
Group group(file4.createGroup(GROUPNAME, 0));
// Get and verify file name via a group.
file_name = group.getFileName();
verify_val(file_name, FILE4, "Group::getFileName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create the data space.
hsize_t dims[RANK] = {NX, NY};
DataSpace space(RANK, dims);
// Create a new dataset.
DataSet dataset(file4.createDataSet(DSETNAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, space));
// Get and verify file name via a dataset.
file_name = dataset.getFileName();
verify_val(file_name, FILE4, "DataSet::getFileName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create an attribute for the dataset.
Attribute attr(dataset.createAttribute(DATTRNAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, space));
// Get and verify file name via an attribute.
file_name = attr.getFileName();
verify_val(file_name, FILE4, "Attribute::getFileName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create a compound datatype.
CompType comp_type(sizeof(s1_t));
// Insert fields.
comp_type.insertMember("a", HOFFSET(s1_t, a), PredType::NATIVE_INT);
comp_type.insertMember("b", HOFFSET(s1_t, b), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT);
// Save it on file.
comp_type.commit(file4, DTYPENAME);
// Get and verify file name via a committed datatype.
verify_val(file_name, FILE4, "CompType::getFileName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end of try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_file_name()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_file_name()
* Function: test_file_attribute
* Purpose Test file attributes
* Return None
const int RANK1 = 1;
const int ATTR1_DIM1 = 3;
const H5std_string FILE5("tfattrs.h5");
const H5std_string FATTR1_NAME("file attribute 1");
const H5std_string FATTR2_NAME("file attribute 2");
int fattr_data[ATTR1_DIM1] = {512, -234, 98123}; // Test data for file attribute
int dattr_data[ATTR1_DIM1] = {256, -123, 1000}; // Test data for dataset attribute
static void
int rdata[ATTR1_DIM1];
int i;
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("File Attribute");
H5std_string file_name;
try {
// Create a file using default properties.
H5File file5(FILE5, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
// Create the data space
hsize_t dims[RANK1] = {ATTR1_DIM1};
DataSpace space(RANK1, dims);
// Create two attributes for the file
Attribute fattr1(file5.createAttribute(FATTR1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT, space));
Attribute fattr2(file5.createAttribute(FATTR2_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, space));
fattr2.write(PredType::NATIVE_INT, fattr_data);
try {
// Try to create the same attribute again (should fail)
Attribute fattr_dup(file5.createAttribute(FATTR2_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, space));
// Should FAIL but didn't, so throw an invalid action exception
throw InvalidActionException("H5File createAttribute",
"Attempted to create an existing attribute.");
catch (AttributeIException &E) // catch creating existing attribute
} // do nothing, FAIL expected
// Create a new dataset
DataSet dataset(file5.createDataSet(DSETNAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, space));
// Create an attribute for the dataset
Attribute dattr(dataset.createAttribute(DATTRNAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, space));
// Write data to the second file attribute
dattr.write(PredType::NATIVE_INT, dattr_data);
// Test flushing out the data from the attribute object
// Get and verify the number of all objects in the file
// Current: 1 file, 2 file attr, 1 ds, and 1 ds attr.
ssize_t num_objs = file5.getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_ALL);
verify_val(num_objs, 5, "H5File::getObjCount", __LINE__, __FILE__);
num_objs = file5.getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_GROUP);
verify_val(num_objs, 0, "H5File::getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_GROUP)", __LINE__, __FILE__);
num_objs = file5.getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_DATASET);
verify_val(num_objs, 1, "H5File::getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_DATASET)", __LINE__, __FILE__);
num_objs = file5.getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_ATTR);
verify_val(num_objs, 3, "H5File::getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_ATTR)", __LINE__, __FILE__);
num_objs = file5.getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_DATATYPE);
verify_val(num_objs, 0, "H5File::getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_DATATYPE)", __LINE__, __FILE__);
num_objs = file5.getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_FILE);
verify_val(num_objs, 1, "H5File::getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_FILE)", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the file name using the attributes
H5std_string fname = fattr1.getFileName();
verify_val(fname, FILE5, "H5File::getFileName()", __LINE__, __FILE__);
fname = dattr.getFileName();
verify_val(fname, FILE5, "H5File::getFileName()", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the class of a file attribute's datatype
H5T_class_t atclass = fattr1.getTypeClass();
verify_val(atclass, H5T_FLOAT, "Attribute::getTypeClass()", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify the number of attributes attached to a file
int n_attrs = file5.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(n_attrs, 2, "H5File::getNumAttrs()", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify the number of attributes attached to a dataset
n_attrs = 0;
n_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(n_attrs, 1, "DataSet::getNumAttrs()", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Read back attribute's data
HDmemset(rdata, 0, sizeof(rdata));
dattr.read(PredType::NATIVE_INT, rdata);
/* Check results */
for (i = 0; i < ATTR1_DIM1; i++) {
if (rdata[i] != dattr_data[i]) {
cerr << endl;
cerr << "element [" << i << "] is " << rdata[i] << "but should have been " << dattr_data[i]
<< endl;
} // end of try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_file_attribute()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_file_attribute()
* Function: test_libver_bounds_real
* Purpose Verify that a file created and modified with the
* specified libver bounds has the specified object header
* versions for the right objects.
* Return None
* Programmer Binh-Minh Ribler (use C version)
* March, 2015
const H5std_string FILE6("tfile5.h5");
const H5std_string ROOTGROUP("/");
const H5std_string GROUP1("/G1");
const H5std_string SUBGROUP3("/G1/G3");
static void
test_libver_bounds_real(H5F_libver_t libver_create, unsigned oh_vers_create, H5F_libver_t libver_mod,
unsigned oh_vers_mod)
try {
* Create a new file using the default creation property and access property
* with latest library version.
FileAccPropList fapl;
fapl.setLibverBounds(libver_create, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST);
H5File file(FILE6, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl);
* Make sure the root group has the correct object header version
unsigned obj_version = file.childObjVersion(ROOTGROUP);
verify_val(obj_version, oh_vers_create, "H5File::childObjVersion", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Verify object header version another way
H5O_native_info_t ninfo;
HDmemset(&ninfo, 0, sizeof(ninfo));
file.getNativeObjinfo(ninfo, H5O_NATIVE_INFO_HDR);
verify_val(ninfo.hdr.version, oh_vers_create, "H5File::getNativeObjinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
* Reopen the file and make sure the root group still has the correct
* version
fapl.setLibverBounds(libver_mod, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST);
file.openFile(FILE6, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl);
obj_version = file.childObjVersion(ROOTGROUP);
verify_val(obj_version, oh_vers_create, "H5File::childObjVersion", __LINE__, __FILE__);
* Create a group named "/G1" in the file, and make sure it has the correct
* object header version
Group group = file.createGroup(GROUP1);
obj_version = group.objVersion();
verify_val(obj_version, oh_vers_mod, "Group::objVersion", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Verify object header version another way
HDmemset(&ninfo, 0, sizeof(ninfo));
group.getNativeObjinfo(ninfo, H5O_NATIVE_INFO_HDR);
verify_val(ninfo.hdr.version, oh_vers_mod, "Group::getNativeObjinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
group.close(); // close "/G1"
* Create a group named "/G1/G3" in the file, and make sure it has the
* correct object header version
group = file.createGroup(SUBGROUP3);
obj_version = group.objVersion();
verify_val(obj_version, oh_vers_mod, "Group::objVersion", __LINE__, __FILE__);
group.close(); // close "/G1/G3"
* Make sure the root group still has the correct object header version
obj_version = file.childObjVersion(ROOTGROUP);
verify_val(obj_version, oh_vers_create, "H5File::childObjVersion", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Everything should be closed as they go out of scope
} // end of try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_libver_bounds_real()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} /* end test_libver_bounds_real() */
* Function: test_libver_bounds
* Purpose Verify that a file created and modified with various
* libver bounds is handled correctly.
* Return None
* Programmer Binh-Minh Ribler (use C version)
* March 2015
static void
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Setting library version bounds");
/* Run the tests */
} /* end test_libver_bounds() */
* Function: test_commonfg
* Purpose Verify that H5File works as a root group.
* Return None
* Programmer Binh-Minh Ribler (use C version)
* March, 2015
static void
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Root group");
try {
// Create a file using default properties.
H5File file4(FILE4, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
// Try opening the root group.
Group rootgroup(file4.openGroup(ROOTGROUP));
// Create a group in the root group.
Group group(rootgroup.createGroup(GROUPNAME, 0));
// Create the data space.
hsize_t dims[RANK] = {NX, NY};
DataSpace space(RANK, dims);
// Create a new dataset.
DataSet dataset(group.createDataSet(DSETNAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, space));
// Get and verify file name via a dataset.
H5std_string file_name = dataset.getFileName();
verify_val(file_name, FILE4, "DataSet::getFileName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create an attribute for the dataset.
Attribute attr(dataset.createAttribute(DATTRNAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, space));
// Get and verify file name via an attribute.
file_name = attr.getFileName();
verify_val(file_name, FILE4, "Attribute::getFileName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create an attribute for the file via root group.
Attribute rootg_attr(rootgroup.createAttribute(FATTRNAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, space));
// Get and verify file name via an attribute.
file_name = attr.getFileName();
verify_val(file_name, FILE4, "Attribute::getFileName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end of try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_commonfg()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} /* end test_commonfg() */
* Function: test_file_info
* Purpose Verify that various properties in a file creation property
* lists are stored correctly in the file and can be retrieved
* when the file is re-opened.
* Return None
* Programmer Binh-Minh Ribler
* February, 2017
const H5std_string FILE7("tfile7.h5");
const hsize_t FSP_SIZE_DEF = 4096;
const hsize_t FSP_SIZE512 = 512;
static void
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("File general information");
hsize_t out_threshold = 0; // Free space section threshold to get
hbool_t out_persist = FALSE; // Persist free-space read
// File space handling strategy
H5F_fspace_strategy_t out_strategy = H5F_FSPACE_STRATEGY_FSM_AGGR;
try {
// Create a file using default properties.
H5File tempfile(FILE7, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
// Get the file's version information.
H5F_info2_t finfo;
verify_val(finfo.super.version, 0, "H5File::getFileInfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(finfo.free.version, 0, "H5File::getFileInfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(finfo.sohm.version, 0, "H5File::getFileInfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close the file.
// Create file creation property list.
FileCreatPropList fcpl;
// Retrieve file space information.
fcpl.getFileSpaceStrategy(out_strategy, out_persist, out_threshold);
// Verify file space information.
verify_val(out_strategy, H5F_FSPACE_STRATEGY_FSM_AGGR, "H5File::getFileInfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(out_persist, FALSE, "H5File::getFileInfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(out_threshold, 1, "H5File::getFileInfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
/* Retrieve file space page size */
hsize_t out_fsp_psize = fcpl.getFileSpacePagesize();
verify_val(out_fsp_psize, FSP_SIZE_DEF, "FileCreatPropList::getFileSpacePagesize", __LINE__,
// Set various file information.
fcpl.setSizes(F2_OFFSET_SIZE, F2_LENGTH_SIZE);
fcpl.setSymk(F2_SYM_INTERN_K, F2_SYM_LEAF_K);
hsize_t threshold = 5; // Free space section threshold to set
hbool_t persist = TRUE; // Persist free-space to set
H5F_fspace_strategy_t strategy = H5F_FSPACE_STRATEGY_PAGE;
fcpl.setFileSpaceStrategy(strategy, persist, threshold);
// Creating a file with the non-default file creation property list
// should create a version 1 superblock
// Create file with custom file creation property list.
H5File file7(FILE7, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl);
// Close the file creation property list.
// Get the file's version information.
verify_val(finfo.super.version, 2, "H5File::getFileInfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(finfo.free.version, 0, "H5File::getFileInfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(finfo.sohm.version, 0, "H5File::getFileInfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close the file.
// Re-open the file.
file7.openFile(FILE7, H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
// Get the file's creation property list.
FileCreatPropList fcpl2 = file7.getCreatePlist();
// Get the file's version information.
verify_val(finfo.super.version, 2, "H5File::getFileInfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(finfo.free.version, 0, "H5File::getFileInfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(finfo.sohm.version, 0, "H5File::getFileInfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Retrieve the property values & check them.
hsize_t userblock = fcpl2.getUserblock();
verify_val(userblock, F2_USERBLOCK_SIZE, "FileCreatPropList::getUserblock", __LINE__, __FILE__);
size_t off_size = 0, len_size = 0;
fcpl2.getSizes(off_size, len_size);
verify_val(off_size, F2_OFFSET_SIZE, "FileCreatPropList::getSizes", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(len_size, F2_LENGTH_SIZE, "FileCreatPropList::getSizes", __LINE__, __FILE__);
unsigned sym_ik = 0, sym_lk = 0;
fcpl2.getSymk(sym_ik, sym_lk);
verify_val(sym_ik, F2_SYM_INTERN_K, "FileCreatPropList::getSymk", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(sym_lk, F2_SYM_LEAF_K, "FileCreatPropList::getSymk", __LINE__, __FILE__);
unsigned istore_ik = fcpl2.getIstorek();
verify_val(istore_ik, F2_ISTORE, "FileCreatPropList::getIstorek", __LINE__, __FILE__);
/* ret=H5Pget_shared_mesg_nindexes(fcpl2,&nindexes);
CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Pget_shared_mesg_nindexes");
VERIFY(nindexes, MISC11_NINDEXES, "H5Pget_shared_mesg_nindexes");
// Get and verify the file space info from the creation property list */
fcpl2.getFileSpaceStrategy(out_strategy, out_persist, out_threshold);
verify_val(out_strategy, strategy, "FileCreatPropList::getFileSpaceStrategy", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(out_persist, persist, "FileCreatPropList::getFileSpaceStrategy", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(out_threshold, threshold, "FileCreatPropList::getFileSpaceStrategy", __LINE__, __FILE__);
out_fsp_psize = fcpl2.getFileSpacePagesize();
verify_val(out_fsp_psize, FSP_SIZE512, "FileCreatPropList::getFileSpacePagesize", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end of try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_filespace_info()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} /* test_file_info() */
* Function: test_file
* Purpose Main file testing routine
* Return None
* Programmer Binh-Minh Ribler (use C version)
* January 2001
extern "C" void
// Output message about test being performed
MESSAGE(5, ("Testing File I/O Operations\n"));
test_file_create(); // Test file creation (also creation templates)
test_file_open(); // Test file opening
test_file_size(); // Test file size
test_file_num(); // Test file number
test_file_name(); // Test getting file's name
test_file_attribute(); // Test file attribute feature
test_libver_bounds(); // Test format version
test_commonfg(); // Test H5File as a root group
test_file_info(); // Test various file info
} // test_file()
* Function: cleanup_file
* Purpose Cleanup temporary test files
* Return none
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
} // cleanup_file