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/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
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th5s.cpp - HDF5 C++ testing the functionalities associated with the
C dataspace interface (H5S)
#include <iostream>
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
#include <string>
#include "H5Cpp.h" // C++ API header file
using namespace H5;
#include "h5test.h"
#include "h5cpputil.h" // C++ utilility header file
#include "H5srcdir.h" // srcdir querying header file
const H5std_string TESTFILE("th5s.h5");
const H5std_string DATAFILE("th5s1.h5");
/* 3-D dataset with fixed dimensions */
const H5std_string SPACE1_NAME("Space1");
const int SPACE1_RANK = 3;
const int SPACE1_DIM1 = 3;
const int SPACE1_DIM2 = 15;
const int SPACE1_DIM3 = 13;
/* 4-D dataset with one unlimited dimension */
const H5std_string SPACE2_NAME("Space2");
const int SPACE2_RANK = 4;
const int SPACE2_DIM1 = 0;
const int SPACE2_DIM2 = 15;
const int SPACE2_DIM3 = 13;
const int SPACE2_DIM4 = 23;
const hsize_t SPACE2_MAX1 = H5S_UNLIMITED;
const hsize_t SPACE2_MAX2 = 15;
const hsize_t SPACE2_MAX3 = 13;
const hsize_t SPACE2_MAX4 = 23;
/* Scalar dataset with simple datatype */
const H5std_string SPACE3_NAME("Scalar1");
const int SPACE3_RANK = 0;
unsigned space3_data = 65;
/* Scalar dataset with compound datatype */
const H5std_string SPACE4_NAME("Scalar2");
const H5std_string SPACE4_FIELDNAME1("c1");
const H5std_string SPACE4_FIELDNAME2("u");
const H5std_string SPACE4_FIELDNAME3("f");
const H5std_string SPACE4_FIELDNAME4("c2");
size_t space4_field1_off = 0;
size_t space4_field2_off = 0;
size_t space4_field3_off = 0;
size_t space4_field4_off = 0;
struct space4_struct {
char c1;
unsigned u;
float f;
char c2;
} space4_data = {'v', 987123, -3.14F, 'g'}; /* Test data for 4th dataspace */
/* Null dataspace */
int space5_data = 7;
* Function: test_h5s_basic
* Purpose Test basic H5S (dataspace) code
* Return None
static void
hsize_t dims1[] = {SPACE1_DIM1, SPACE1_DIM2, SPACE1_DIM3};
hsize_t dims2[] = {SPACE2_DIM1, SPACE2_DIM2, SPACE2_DIM3, SPACE2_DIM4};
hsize_t dims3[H5S_MAX_RANK + 1];
hsize_t tmax[4];
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Dataspace Manipulation");
try {
// Create simple dataspace sid1
DataSpace sid1(SPACE1_RANK, dims1);
// Get simple extent npoints of the dataspace sid1 and verify it
hssize_t n; // Number of dataspace elements
n = sid1.getSimpleExtentNpoints();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(n), SPACE1_DIM1 * SPACE1_DIM2 * SPACE1_DIM3,
"DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNpoints", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the logical rank of dataspace sid1 and verify it
int rank; // Logical rank of dataspace
rank = sid1.getSimpleExtentNdims();
verify_val(rank, SPACE1_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNdims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Retrieves dimension size of dataspace sid1 and verify it
int ndims; // Number of dimensions
hsize_t tdims[4]; // Dimension array to test with
ndims = sid1.getSimpleExtentDims(tdims);
verify_val(ndims, SPACE1_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(memcmp(tdims, dims1, SPACE1_RANK * sizeof(unsigned)), 0, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create simple dataspace sid2
hsize_t max2[] = {SPACE2_MAX1, SPACE2_MAX2, SPACE2_MAX3, SPACE2_MAX4};
DataSpace sid2(SPACE2_RANK, dims2, max2);
// Get simple extent npoints of dataspace sid2 and verify it
n = sid2.getSimpleExtentNpoints();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(n), SPACE2_DIM1 * SPACE2_DIM2 * SPACE2_DIM3 * SPACE2_DIM4,
"DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNpoints", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the logical rank of dataspace sid2 and verify it
rank = sid2.getSimpleExtentNdims();
verify_val(rank, SPACE2_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNdims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Retrieves dimension size and max size of dataspace sid2 and
// verify them
ndims = sid2.getSimpleExtentDims(tdims, tmax);
verify_val(memcmp(tdims, dims2, SPACE2_RANK * sizeof(unsigned)), 0, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(memcmp(tmax, max2, SPACE2_RANK * sizeof(unsigned)), 0, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
// Check to be sure we can't create a simple data space that has too
// many dimensions.
try {
DataSpace manydims_ds(H5S_MAX_RANK + 1, dims3, NULL);
// Should FAIL but didn't, so throw an invalid action exception
throw InvalidActionException("DataSpace constructor",
"Library allowed overwrite of existing dataset");
catch (DataSpaceIException &E) // Simple data space with too many dims
} // do nothing, exception expected
* Try reading a file that has been prepared that has a dataset with a
* higher dimensionality than what the library can handle.
* If this test fails and the H5S_MAX_RANK variable has changed, follow
* the instructions in space_overflow.c for regenating the th5s.h5 file.
char *tmp_str = new char[TESTFILE.length() + 1];
strcpy(tmp_str, TESTFILE.c_str());
const char *testfile = H5_get_srcdir_filename(tmp_str);
delete[] tmp_str;
// Create file
H5File fid1(testfile, H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
// Try to open the dataset that has higher dimensionality than
// what the library can handle and this operation should fail.
try {
DataSet dset1 = fid1.openDataSet("dset");
// Should FAIL but didn't, so throw an invalid action exception
throw InvalidActionException(
"Opening a dataset with higher dimensionality than what the library can handle");
catch (FileIException &E) // catching higher dimensionality dataset
} // do nothing, exception expected
// CHECK_I(ret, "H5Fclose"); // leave this here, later, fake a failure
// in the p_close see how this will handle it. - BMR
// When running in valgrind, this PASSED macro will be missed
} // end of try block
catch (InvalidActionException &E) {
cerr << " FAILED" << endl;
cerr << " <<< " << E.getDetailMsg() << " >>>" << endl << endl;
// catch all other exceptions
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_h5s_basic()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_h5s_basic()
* Function: test_h5s_scalar_write
* Purpose Test scalar H5S (dataspace) writing code
* Return None
static void
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Scalar Dataspace Writing");
try {
// Create file
// Create scalar dataspace
DataSpace sid1(SPACE3_RANK, NULL);
// n = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(sid1);
hssize_t n; // Number of dataspace elements
n = sid1.getSimpleExtentNpoints();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(n), 1, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNpoints", __LINE__, __FILE__);
int rank; // Logical rank of dataspace
rank = sid1.getSimpleExtentNdims();
verify_val(rank, SPACE3_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNdims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Retrieves dimension size of dataspace sid1 and verify it
int ndims; // Number of dimensions
hsize_t tdims[4]; // Dimension array to test with
ndims = sid1.getSimpleExtentDims(tdims);
verify_val(ndims, 0, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Verify extent type
H5S_class_t ext_type; // Extent type
ext_type = sid1.getSimpleExtentType();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(ext_type), static_cast<long>(H5S_SCALAR),
"DataSpace::getSimpleExtentType", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create and write a dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.createDataSet("Dataset1", PredType::NATIVE_UINT, sid1);
dataset.write(&space3_data, PredType::NATIVE_UINT);
} // end of try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_h5s_scalar_write()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_h5s_scalar_write()
* Function: test_h5s_scalar_read
* Purpose Test scalar H5S (dataspace) reading code
* Return None
static void
hsize_t tdims[4]; // Dimension array to test with
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Scalar Dataspace Reading");
try {
// Open file
// Create a dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.openDataSet("Dataset1");
DataSpace sid1 = dataset.getSpace();
// Get the number of dataspace elements
hssize_t n = sid1.getSimpleExtentNpoints();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(n), 1, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNpoints", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the logical rank of the dataspace
int ndims = sid1.getSimpleExtentNdims();
verify_val(ndims, SPACE3_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNdims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
ndims = sid1.getSimpleExtentDims(tdims);
verify_val(ndims, 0, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Read data back and verify it
unsigned rdata; // Scalar data read in
dataset.read(&rdata, PredType::NATIVE_UINT);
verify_val(rdata, space3_data, "DataSet::read", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end of try block
catch (Exception &E) {
// all the exceptions caused by negative returned values by C APIs
issue_fail_msg("test_h5s_scalar_read()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_h5s_scalar_read()
* Function: test_h5s_null
* Purpose Test null H5S (dataspace) code
* Return None
static void
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Null Dataspace Writing");
try {
// Create file
// Create scalar dataspace
DataSpace sid1(H5S_NULL);
hssize_t n; // Number of dataspace elements
n = sid1.getSimpleExtentNpoints();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(n), 0, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNpoints", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create a dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.createDataSet("Dataset1", PredType::NATIVE_UINT, sid1);
// Try to write nothing to the dataset
dataset.write(&space5_data, PredType::NATIVE_INT);
// Read the data. Make sure no change to the buffer
dataset.read(&space5_data, PredType::NATIVE_INT);
verify_val(space5_data, 7, "DataSet::read", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end of try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_h5s_null()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_h5s_null()
* Function: test_h5s_compound_scalar_write
* Purpose Test scalar H5S (dataspace) writing for compound
* datatypes
* Return None
static void
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Compound Dataspace Writing");
try {
// Create file
// Create the compound datatype.
CompType tid1(sizeof(struct space4_struct));
space4_field1_off = HOFFSET(struct space4_struct, c1);
tid1.insertMember(SPACE4_FIELDNAME1, space4_field1_off, PredType::NATIVE_SCHAR);
space4_field2_off = HOFFSET(struct space4_struct, u);
tid1.insertMember(SPACE4_FIELDNAME2, space4_field2_off, PredType::NATIVE_UINT);
space4_field3_off = HOFFSET(struct space4_struct, f);
tid1.insertMember(SPACE4_FIELDNAME3, space4_field3_off, PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT);
space4_field4_off = HOFFSET(struct space4_struct, c2);
tid1.insertMember(SPACE4_FIELDNAME4, space4_field4_off, PredType::NATIVE_SCHAR);
// Create scalar dataspace
DataSpace sid1(SPACE3_RANK, NULL);
// Get the number of dataspace elements
hssize_t n = sid1.getSimpleExtentNpoints();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(n), 1, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNpoints", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the logical rank of the dataspace
int ndims = sid1.getSimpleExtentNdims();
verify_val(ndims, SPACE3_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNdims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
hsize_t tdims[4]; // Dimension array to test with
ndims = sid1.getSimpleExtentDims(tdims);
verify_val(ndims, 0, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create and write a dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.createDataSet("Dataset1", tid1, sid1);
dataset.write(&space4_data, tid1);
} // end of try block
catch (Exception &E) {
// all the exceptions caused by negative returned values by C APIs
issue_fail_msg("test_h5s_compound_scalar_write()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_h5s_compound_scalar_write()
* Function: test_h5s_compound_scalar_read
* Purpose Test scalar H5S (dataspace) reading for compound
* datatypes
* Return None
static void
hsize_t tdims[4]; // Dimension array to test with
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Compound Dataspace Reading");
try {
// Open file
// Create a dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.openDataSet("Dataset1");
DataSpace sid1 = dataset.getSpace();
// Get the number of dataspace elements
hssize_t n = sid1.getSimpleExtentNpoints();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(n), 1, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNpoints", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the logical rank of the dataspace
int ndims = sid1.getSimpleExtentNdims();
verify_val(ndims, SPACE3_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNdims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
ndims = sid1.getSimpleExtentDims(tdims);
verify_val(ndims, 0, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the datatype of this dataset.
CompType type(dataset);
struct space4_struct rdata; // Scalar data read in
dataset.read(&rdata, type);
// Verify read data
if (memcmp(&space4_data, &rdata, sizeof(struct space4_struct)) != 0) {
cerr << "scalar data different: space4_data.c1=" << space4_data.c1
<< ", read_data4.c1=" << rdata.c1 << endl;
cerr << "scalar data different: space4_data.u=" << space4_data.u << ", read_data4.u=" << rdata.u
<< endl;
cerr << "scalar data different: space4_data.f=" << space4_data.f << ", read_data4.f=" << rdata.f
<< endl;
TestErrPrintf("scalar data different: space4_data.c1=%c, read_data4.c1=%c\n", space4_data.c1,
} // end if
} // end of try block
catch (Exception &E) {
// all the exceptions caused by negative returned values by C APIs
issue_fail_msg("test_h5s_compound_scalar_read()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_h5s_compound_scalar_read()
* Function: test_h5s
* Purpose Main dataspace testing routine
* Return None
extern "C" void
// Output message about test being performed
MESSAGE(5, ("Testing Dataspaces\n"));
test_h5s_basic(); // Test basic H5S code
test_h5s_scalar_write(); // Test scalar H5S writing code
test_h5s_scalar_read(); // Test scalar H5S reading code
test_h5s_null(); // Test null H5S code
test_h5s_compound_scalar_write(); // Test compound datatype scalar H5S writing code
test_h5s_compound_scalar_read(); // Test compound datatype scalar H5S reading code
} // test_h5s()
* Function: cleanup_h5s
* Purpose Cleanup temporary test files
* Return None
extern "C" void
} // cleanup_h5s