Larry Knox 2ea165efd0
Update license url part2 (#333)
* Modify temporary rpath for testing in java example scripts.

* Update URL in source file Copyright headers for web copy of COPYING
    file - files not in src or test.
2021-02-17 08:52:36 -06:00

851 lines
31 KiB

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code *
* distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses. *
* If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from *
* help@hdfgroup.org. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
trefer.cpp - HDF5 C++ testing the functionalities associated with the C
Reference interface (H5R)
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iostream>
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
#include <string>
#include "H5Cpp.h" // C++ API header file
using namespace H5;
#include "h5test.h"
#include "h5cpputil.h" // C++ utilility header file
const H5std_string FILE1("trefer1.h5");
const H5std_string FILE2("trefer2.h5");
// Dataset 1
const H5std_string DSET1_NAME("Dataset1");
const H5std_string DSET2_NAME("Dataset2");
const H5std_string MEMBER1("a_name");
const H5std_string MEMBER2("b_name");
const H5std_string MEMBER3("c_name");
// 1-D dataset with fixed dimensions
const int SPACE1_RANK = 1;
const int SPACE1_DIM1 = 4;
/* Larger 1-D dataset with fixed dimensions */
const int SPACE3_RANK = 1;
const int SPACE3_DIM1 = 100;
/* Element selection information */
const int POINT1_NPOINTS = 10;
// Compound datatype
typedef struct s1_t {
unsigned int a;
unsigned int b;
float c;
} s1_t;
* Function: test_reference_params
* Purpose Test basic H5R (reference) parameters for correct processing
* Return None
static void
const char *write_comment = "Foo!"; /* Comments for group */
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Object Reference Parameters");
H5File *file1 = NULL;
try {
hobj_ref_t *wbuf, // buffer to write to disk
*rbuf, // buffer read from disk
*tbuf; // temp. buffer read from disk
// Allocate write & read buffers
int temp_size = MAX(sizeof(unsigned), sizeof(hobj_ref_t));
wbuf = (hobj_ref_t *)HDmalloc(temp_size * SPACE1_DIM1);
rbuf = (hobj_ref_t *)HDmalloc(temp_size * SPACE1_DIM1);
tbuf = (hobj_ref_t *)HDmalloc(temp_size * SPACE1_DIM1);
// Create file FILE1
file1 = new H5File(FILE1, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
// Create dataspace for datasets
hsize_t dims1[] = {SPACE1_DIM1};
DataSpace sid1(SPACE1_RANK, dims1);
// Create a group
Group group = file1->createGroup("Group1");
// Set group's comment
group.setComment(".", write_comment);
// Create a dataset (inside /Group1)
DataSet dataset = group.createDataSet(DSET1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_UINT, sid1);
unsigned *tu32; // Temporary pointer to uint32 data
int i;
for (tu32 = (unsigned *)wbuf, i = 0; i < SPACE1_DIM1; i++)
*tu32++ = i * 3; // from C test
// Write selection to disk
dataset.write(wbuf, PredType::NATIVE_UINT);
// Close Dataset
// Create another dataset (inside /Group1)
dataset = group.createDataSet("Dataset2", PredType::NATIVE_UCHAR, sid1);
// Close Dataset
// Create a datatype to refer to
CompType dtype1(sizeof(s1_t));
// Insert fields
dtype1.insertMember(MEMBER1, HOFFSET(s1_t, a), PredType::NATIVE_INT);
dtype1.insertMember(MEMBER2, HOFFSET(s1_t, b), PredType::NATIVE_INT);
dtype1.insertMember(MEMBER3, HOFFSET(s1_t, c), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT);
// Save datatype for later
dtype1.commit(group, "Datatype1");
// Close datatype and group
// Create a dataset
dataset = file1->createDataSet("Dataset3", PredType::STD_REF_OBJ, sid1);
/* Test parameters to H5Location::reference */
try {
file1->reference(NULL, "/Group1/Dataset1");
catch (ReferenceException &E) {
} // We expect this to fail
try {
file1->reference(&wbuf[0], NULL);
catch (ReferenceException &E) {
} // We expect this to fail
try {
file1->reference(&wbuf[0], "");
catch (ReferenceException &E) {
} // We expect this to fail
try {
file1->reference(&wbuf[0], "/Group1/Dataset1", H5R_MAXTYPE);
catch (ReferenceException &E) {
} // We expect this to fail
try {
file1->reference(&wbuf[0], "/Group1/Dataset1", H5R_DATASET_REGION);
catch (ReferenceException &E) {
} // We expect this to fail
// Close resources
// Let sid1 go out of scope
// Free memory buffers
} // end try
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_reference_param()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCFuncName(), E.getCDetailMsg());
if (file1)
delete file1;
} /* test_reference_param() */
* Function: test_reference_obj
* Purpose Test basic object reference functions to various kinds
* of objects
* Return None
static void
int i; // counting variables
const H5std_string write_comment = "Foo!"; // Comments for group
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Object Reference Functions");
H5File *file1 = NULL;
try {
hobj_ref_t *wbuf, // buffer to write to disk
*rbuf, // buffer read from disk
*tbuf; // temp. buffer read from disk
// Allocate write & read buffers
int temp_size = MAX(sizeof(unsigned), sizeof(hobj_ref_t));
wbuf = (hobj_ref_t *)HDmalloc(temp_size * SPACE1_DIM1);
rbuf = (hobj_ref_t *)HDmalloc(temp_size * SPACE1_DIM1);
tbuf = (hobj_ref_t *)HDmalloc(temp_size * SPACE1_DIM1);
// Create file FILE1
file1 = new H5File(FILE1, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
// Create dataspace for datasets
hsize_t dims1[] = {SPACE1_DIM1};
DataSpace sid1(SPACE1_RANK, dims1);
// Create dataset access property list
PropList dapl(H5P_DATASET_ACCESS);
// Create a group
Group group = file1->createGroup("Group1");
// Set group's comment
group.setComment(".", write_comment);
// Create a dataset (inside /Group1)
DataSet dataset = group.createDataSet(DSET1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_UINT, sid1);
unsigned *tu32; // Temporary pointer to uint32 data
for (tu32 = (unsigned *)wbuf, i = 0; i < SPACE1_DIM1; i++)
*tu32++ = i * 3; // from C test
// Write selection to disk
dataset.write(wbuf, PredType::NATIVE_UINT);
// Close Dataset
// Create another dataset (inside /Group1)
dataset = group.createDataSet("Dataset2", PredType::NATIVE_UCHAR, sid1);
// Close Dataset
// Create a datatype to refer to
CompType dtype1(sizeof(s1_t));
// Insert fields
dtype1.insertMember(MEMBER1, HOFFSET(s1_t, a), PredType::NATIVE_INT);
dtype1.insertMember(MEMBER2, HOFFSET(s1_t, b), PredType::NATIVE_INT);
dtype1.insertMember(MEMBER3, HOFFSET(s1_t, c), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT);
// Save datatype for later
dtype1.commit(group, "Datatype1");
// Close datatype and group
// Create a dataset
dataset = file1->createDataSet("Dataset3", PredType::STD_REF_OBJ, sid1);
// Create reference to dataset and test getRefObjType
file1->reference(&wbuf[0], "/Group1/Dataset1");
H5O_type_t refobj_type = dataset.getRefObjType(&wbuf[0], H5R_OBJECT);
verify_val(refobj_type, H5O_TYPE_DATASET, "DataSet::getRefObjType", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create reference to dataset and test getRefObjType
file1->reference(&wbuf[1], "/Group1/Dataset2");
refobj_type = dataset.getRefObjType(&wbuf[1], H5R_OBJECT);
verify_val(refobj_type, H5O_TYPE_DATASET, "DataSet::getRefObjType", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create reference to group
file1->reference(&wbuf[2], "/Group1");
refobj_type = dataset.getRefObjType(&wbuf[2], H5R_OBJECT);
verify_val(refobj_type, H5O_TYPE_GROUP, "DataSet::getRefObjType", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create reference to named datatype
file1->reference(&wbuf[3], "/Group1/Datatype1");
refobj_type = dataset.getRefObjType(&wbuf[3], H5R_OBJECT);
verify_val(refobj_type, H5O_TYPE_NAMED_DATATYPE, "DataSet::getRefObjType", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Write selection to disk
dataset.write(wbuf, PredType::STD_REF_OBJ);
// Close disk dataspace, dataset, and file
delete file1;
// Re-open the file
file1 = new H5File(FILE1, H5F_ACC_RDWR);
// Open the dataset
dataset = file1->openDataSet("/Dataset3");
// Read selection from disk
dataset.read(rbuf, PredType::STD_REF_OBJ);
// Dereference dataset object by ctor, from the location where
// 'dataset' is located
DataSet dset2(dataset, &rbuf[0], H5R_OBJECT, dapl);
// Check information in the referenced dataset
sid1 = dset2.getSpace();
hssize_t n_elements = sid1.getSimpleExtentNpoints();
verify_val((long)n_elements, 4, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNpoints", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Read from disk
dset2.read(tbuf, PredType::NATIVE_UINT);
for (tu32 = (unsigned *)tbuf, i = 0; i < SPACE1_DIM1; i++, tu32++)
verify_val(*tu32, (uint32_t)(i * 3), "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNpoints", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close dereferenced dataset
// Dereference group object from the location where 'dataset' is located
group.dereference(dataset, &rbuf[2]);
// Get group's comment using
// H5std_string getComment(const char* name, <buf_size=0 by default>)
H5std_string read_comment1 = group.getComment(".", 10);
verify_val(read_comment1.c_str(), write_comment, "Group::getComment", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Test with the old default value
read_comment1 = group.getComment(".", 256);
verify_val(read_comment1.c_str(), write_comment, "Group::getComment", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Test that getComment handles failures gracefully, using
// H5std_string getComment(const char* name, <buf_size=0 by default>)
try {
H5std_string read_comment_tmp = group.getComment(NULL);
catch (Exception &E) {
} // We expect this to fail
// Close group
* Verify correct referenced datatype
// Open datatype object
dtype1.dereference(dataset, &rbuf[3]);
// Verify correct datatype
H5T_class_t tclass;
tclass = dtype1.getClass();
verify_val(tclass, H5T_COMPOUND, "DataType::getClass", __LINE__, __FILE__);
int n_members = dtype1.getNmembers();
verify_val(n_members, 3, "CompType::getNmembers", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close all objects and file
// Free allocated buffers
} // end try
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_reference_obj()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCFuncName(), E.getCDetailMsg());
if (file1)
delete file1;
} // test_reference_obj()
* Function: test_reference_group
* Purpose Test object reference functionality on group.
* Return None
#define GROUPNAME "/group"
#define GROUPNAME2 "group2"
#define GROUPNAME3 "group3"
#define DSETNAME "/dset"
#define DSETNAME2 "dset2"
#define NAME_SIZE 16
static void
hobj_ref_t wref; /* Reference to write */
hobj_ref_t rref; /* Reference to read */
const H5std_string write_comment = "Foo!"; // Comments for group
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Object Reference to Group");
H5File *file1 = NULL;
try {
* Create file with a group and a dataset containing an object
* reference to the group
// Create file FILE1
file1 = new H5File(FILE1, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
// Create scalar dataspace
DataSpace sid1;
// Create a group
Group group = file1->createGroup(GROUPNAME);
/* Create nested groups */
Group group2 = group.createGroup(GROUPNAME2);
group2 = group.createGroup(GROUPNAME3);
// Create bottom dataset
DataSet dset1 = group.createDataSet(DSETNAME2, PredType::NATIVE_INT, sid1);
// Close group 1
// Create dataset
DataSet dset2 = file1->createDataSet(DSETNAME, PredType::STD_REF_OBJ, sid1);
file1->reference(&wref, GROUPNAME);
// Write selection to disk
dset2.write(&wref, PredType::STD_REF_OBJ);
// Close resources
* Re-open the file and test deferencing group
// Re-open file
file1->openFile(FILE1, H5F_ACC_RDWR);
// Re-open dataset
dset1 = file1->openDataSet(DSETNAME);
// Read in the reference
dset1.read(&rref, PredType::STD_REF_OBJ);
// Dereference to get the group
Group refgroup(dset1, &rref);
// Dereference group object the other way
group.dereference(dset1, &rref);
* Various queries on the group opened
// Check number of objects in the group dereferenced by constructor
hsize_t nobjs = refgroup.getNumObjs();
verify_val(nobjs, (hsize_t)3, "H5Group::getNumObjs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Check number of objects in the group dereferenced by ::reference
nobjs = group.getNumObjs();
verify_val(nobjs, (hsize_t)3, "H5Group::getNumObjs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Check getting file name given the group dereferenced via constructor
H5std_string fname = refgroup.getFileName();
verify_val(fname, FILE1, "H5Group::getFileName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Check getting file name given the group dereferenced by ::reference
fname = group.getFileName();
verify_val(fname, FILE1, "H5Group::getFileName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Check object type using Group::getObjinfo()
H5O_info2_t oinfo;
HDmemset(&oinfo, 0, sizeof(oinfo));
group.getObjinfo(".", H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC, (hsize_t)0, oinfo);
verify_val(oinfo.type, H5O_TYPE_DATASET, "Group::getObjinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Check for out of bound query by index
try {
HDmemset(&oinfo, 0, sizeof(oinfo));
group.getObjinfo(".", H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC, (hsize_t)9, oinfo);
// Should FAIL but didn't, so throw an invalid action exception
throw InvalidActionException("Group::getObjinfo", "Out of bound index.");
catch (Exception &err) {
} // do nothing, failure expected
// Unlink one of the objects in the dereferenced group, and re-check
nobjs = refgroup.getNumObjs();
verify_val(nobjs, (hsize_t)2, "H5Group::getNumObjs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close resources
} // end try
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_reference_group()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCFuncName(), E.getCDetailMsg());
if (file1)
delete file1;
} /* test_reference_group() */
* Function: test_reference_region_1D
* Purpose Test 1-D reference functionality on various kinds of objects.
* Return None
static void
hsize_t start[SPACE3_RANK]; /* Starting location of hyperslab */
hsize_t stride[SPACE3_RANK]; /* Stride of hyperslab */
hsize_t count[SPACE3_RANK]; /* Element count of hyperslab */
hsize_t block[SPACE3_RANK]; /* Block size of hyperslab */
hsize_t coord1[POINT1_NPOINTS][SPACE3_RANK]; /* Coordinates for point selection */
hsize_t *coords; /* Coordinate buffer */
hsize_t low[SPACE3_RANK]; /* Selection bounds */
hsize_t high[SPACE3_RANK]; /* Selection bounds */
int i; /* counting variables */
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("1-D Dataset Region Reference Functions");
try {
hdset_reg_ref_t *wbuf, // buffer to write to disk
*rbuf; // buffer read from disk
uint8_t *dwbuf, // Buffer for writing numeric data to disk
*drbuf; // Buffer for reading numeric data from disk
// Allocate write & read buffers
wbuf = (hdset_reg_ref_t *)HDcalloc(sizeof(hdset_reg_ref_t), (size_t)SPACE1_DIM1);
rbuf = (hdset_reg_ref_t *)HDmalloc(sizeof(hdset_reg_ref_t) * SPACE1_DIM1);
dwbuf = (uint8_t *)HDmalloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * SPACE3_DIM1);
drbuf = (uint8_t *)HDcalloc(sizeof(uint8_t), (size_t)SPACE3_DIM1);
// Create file FILE1
H5File file1(FILE2, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
// Create dataspace for datasets
hsize_t dims3[] = {SPACE3_DIM1};
DataSpace sid3(SPACE3_RANK, dims3);
// Create dataset access property list
PropList dapl(H5P_DATASET_ACCESS);
// Create a dataset
DataSet dset3 = file1.createDataSet(DSET2_NAME, PredType::STD_U8LE, sid3);
uint8_t *tu8; // Temporary pointer to uint8 data
for (tu8 = dwbuf, i = 0; i < SPACE3_DIM1; i++)
*tu8++ = i * 3; // from C test
// Write selection to disk
dset3.write(dwbuf, PredType::STD_U8LE);
// Close Dataset
// Create dataspace for datasets
hsize_t dims1[] = {SPACE1_DIM1};
DataSpace sid1(SPACE1_RANK, dims1);
// Create a dataset
DataSet dset1 = file1.createDataSet(DSET1_NAME, PredType::STD_REF_DSETREG, sid1);
* Create references and prepare for testing
/* Select 15 2x1 hyperslabs for first reference */
start[0] = 2;
stride[0] = 5;
count[0] = 15;
block[0] = 2;
// Select a hyperslab region to add to the current selected region
sid3.selectHyperslab(H5S_SELECT_SET, count, start, stride, block);
// Get and verify the number of elements in a dataspace selection
hssize_t nelms = sid3.getSelectNpoints();
verify_val(nelms, 30, "DataSet::getRefObjType", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Store first dataset region
file1.reference(&wbuf[0], "/Dataset2", sid3);
// Get and verify object type
H5O_type_t obj_type = dset1.getRefObjType(&wbuf[0], H5R_DATASET_REGION);
verify_val(obj_type, H5O_TYPE_DATASET, "DataSet::getRefObjType", __LINE__, __FILE__);
/* Select sequence of ten points for second reference */
coord1[0][0] = 16;
coord1[1][0] = 22;
coord1[2][0] = 38;
coord1[3][0] = 41;
coord1[4][0] = 52;
coord1[5][0] = 63;
coord1[6][0] = 70;
coord1[7][0] = 89;
coord1[8][0] = 97;
coord1[9][0] = 3;
// Selects array elements to be included in the selection for sid3
sid3.selectElements(H5S_SELECT_SET, (size_t)POINT1_NPOINTS, (const hsize_t *)coord1);
// Get and verify the number of elements in a dataspace selection
nelms = sid3.getSelectNpoints();
verify_val(nelms, 10, "DataSet::getRefObjType", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Store first dataset region
file1.reference(&wbuf[1], "/Dataset2", sid3);
// Write selection to disk
dset1.write(wbuf, PredType::STD_REF_DSETREG);
// Close disk dataspace, dataset, and file
* Testing various dereference functions
// Re-open the file
file1.openFile(FILE2, H5F_ACC_RDWR);
// Open the dataset
dset1 = file1.openDataSet("/Dataset1");
// Read selection from disk
dset1.read(rbuf, PredType::STD_REF_DSETREG);
{ // Test DataSet::dereference
dset3.dereference(dset1, &rbuf[0], H5R_DATASET_REGION, dapl);
// Get and verify object type
obj_type = dset1.getRefObjType(&rbuf[0], H5R_DATASET_REGION);
verify_val(obj_type, H5O_TYPE_DATASET, "DataSet::getRefObjType", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get dataspace of dset3 the verify number of elements
sid1 = dset3.getSpace();
nelms = sid1.getSimpleExtentNpoints();
verify_val((long)nelms, 100, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNpoints", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // End of test DataSet::dereference
{ // Test DataSet constructor -by dereference
// Dereference dataset object by ctor, from the location where
// 'dset1' is located
DataSet newds(dset1, &rbuf[0], H5R_DATASET_REGION, dapl);
// Get dataspace of newds then verify number of elements
sid1 = newds.getSpace();
nelms = sid1.getSimpleExtentNpoints();
verify_val((long)nelms, 100, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNpoints", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close objects for this mini test
} // End of test DataSet constructor -by dereference
// Read from disk
dset3.read(drbuf, PredType::STD_U8LE);
for (tu8 = (uint8_t *)drbuf, i = 0; i < SPACE3_DIM1; i++, tu8++)
verify_val(*tu8, (uint8_t)(i * 3), "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNpoints", __LINE__, __FILE__);
* Test getting the referenced region
// Get region
DataSpace reg_sp = dset1.getRegion(&rbuf[0]);
// Get and verify number of elements in a dataspace selection
nelms = reg_sp.getSelectNpoints();
verify_val((long)nelms, 30, "DataSpace::getSelectNpoints", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify number of hyperslab blocks
nelms = reg_sp.getSelectHyperNblocks();
verify_val((long)nelms, 15, "DataSpace::getSelectNpoints", __LINE__, __FILE__);
/* Allocate space for the hyperslab blocks */
coords = (hsize_t *)HDmalloc(nelms * SPACE3_RANK * sizeof(hsize_t) * 2);
// Get the list of hyperslab blocks currently selected
reg_sp.getSelectHyperBlocklist((hsize_t)0, (hsize_t)nelms, coords);
// Verify values in the list
verify_val(coords[0], (hsize_t)2, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[1], (hsize_t)3, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[2], (hsize_t)7, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[3], (hsize_t)8, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[4], (hsize_t)12, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[5], (hsize_t)13, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[6], (hsize_t)17, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[7], (hsize_t)18, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[8], (hsize_t)22, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[9], (hsize_t)23, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[10], (hsize_t)27, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[11], (hsize_t)28, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[12], (hsize_t)32, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[13], (hsize_t)33, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[14], (hsize_t)37, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[15], (hsize_t)38, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[16], (hsize_t)42, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[17], (hsize_t)43, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[18], (hsize_t)47, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[19], (hsize_t)48, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[20], (hsize_t)52, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[21], (hsize_t)53, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[22], (hsize_t)57, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[23], (hsize_t)58, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[24], (hsize_t)62, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[25], (hsize_t)63, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[26], (hsize_t)67, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[27], (hsize_t)68, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[28], (hsize_t)72, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[29], (hsize_t)73, "Hyperslab Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Check boundaries
reg_sp.getSelectBounds(low, high);
verify_val(low[0], (hsize_t)2, "DataSpace::getSelectBounds", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(high[0], (hsize_t)73, "DataSpace::getSelectBounds", __LINE__, __FILE__);
/* Close region space */
* Another test on getting the referenced region
// Get region
DataSpace elm_sp = dset1.getRegion(&rbuf[1]);
// Get and verify number of element points in the current selection
hssize_t nelmspts = elm_sp.getSelectElemNpoints();
verify_val((long)nelmspts, 10, "DataSpace::getSelectNpoints", __LINE__, __FILE__);
/* Allocate space for the hyperslab blocks */
coords = (hsize_t *)HDmalloc(nelmspts * SPACE3_RANK * sizeof(hsize_t));
// Get the list of element points currently selected
elm_sp.getSelectElemPointlist((hsize_t)0, (hsize_t)nelmspts, coords);
// Verify points
verify_val(coords[0], coord1[0][0], "Element Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[1], coord1[1][0], "Element Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[2], coord1[2][0], "Element Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[3], coord1[3][0], "Element Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[4], coord1[4][0], "Element Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[5], coord1[5][0], "Element Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[6], coord1[6][0], "Element Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[7], coord1[7][0], "Element Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[8], coord1[8][0], "Element Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(coords[9], coord1[9][0], "Element Coordinates", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Check boundaries
elm_sp.getSelectBounds(low, high);
verify_val(low[0], (hsize_t)3, "DataSpace::getSelectBounds", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(high[0], (hsize_t)97, "DataSpace::getSelectBounds", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close element space
// Close resources
// Free memory buffers
} // end try
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_reference_region_1D()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCFuncName(), E.getCDetailMsg());
} /* test_reference_region_1D() */
* test_reference(): Main reference testing routine.
extern "C" void
// Output message about test being performed
MESSAGE(5, ("Testing References\n"));
test_reference_params(); // Test basic parameters of reference functionality
test_reference_obj(); // Test basic object reference functionality
test_reference_group(); // Test group reference functionality
test_reference_region_1D(); // Test 1-D reference functionality
} // test_reference()
* Function: cleanup_reference
* Purpose Cleanup temporary test files
* Return None
extern "C" void