mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 16:28:09 +08:00
* Strip HD prefix from string/char C API calls * HD(f)(put|get)(s|c) * HDstr* * HDv*printf * HD(s)(print|scan)f * HDperror But NOT: * HDstrcase* * HDvasprintf * HDstrtok_r * HDstrndup As those are not C99 and have portability work-around implementations. They will be handled later. * Fix th5_system.c screwup
2045 lines
78 KiB
2045 lines
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/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code *
* distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses. *
* If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from *
* help@hdfgroup.org. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
tattr.cpp - HDF5 C++ testing the functionalities associated with the
C attribute interface (H5A)
#include <cfloat>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
#include <string>
#include "H5Cpp.h" // C++ API header file
using namespace H5;
#include "h5test.h"
#include "h5cpputil.h" // C++ utilility header file
const H5std_string FILE_BASIC("tattr_basic.h5");
const H5std_string FILE_COMPOUND("tattr_compound.h5");
const H5std_string FILE_SCALAR("tattr_scalar.h5");
const H5std_string FILE_MULTI("tattr_multi.h5");
const H5std_string FILE_DTYPE("tattr_dtype.h5");
const H5std_string ATTR_TMP_NAME("temp_attr_name");
const H5std_string FATTR_TMP_NAME("temp_fattr_name");
const size_t ATTR_MAX_DIMS = 7;
/* 3-D dataset with fixed dimensions */
const int SPACE1_RANK = 3;
const hsize_t SPACE1_DIM1 = 3;
const hsize_t SPACE1_DIM2 = 15;
const hsize_t SPACE1_DIM3 = 13;
/* Object names */
const H5std_string DSET1_NAME("Dataset1");
const H5std_string GROUP1_NAME("/Group1");
const H5std_string TYPE1_NAME("/Type");
/* Attribute Rank & Dimensions */
const H5std_string ATTR1_NAME("Attr1");
const int ATTR1_RANK = 1;
const hsize_t ATTR1_DIM1 = 3;
int attr_data1[ATTR1_DIM1] = {512, -234, 98123}; /* Test data for 1st attribute */
// File attribute, using the same rank and dimensions as ATTR1_NAME's
const H5std_string FATTR1_NAME("File Attr1");
const H5std_string FATTR2_NAME("File Attr2");
const H5std_string ATTR2_NAME("Attr2");
const int ATTR2_RANK = 2;
const hsize_t ATTR2_DIM1 = 2;
const hsize_t ATTR2_DIM2 = 2;
int attr_data2[ATTR2_DIM1][ATTR2_DIM2] = {{7614, -416}, {197814, -3}}; /* Test data for 2nd attribute */
const H5std_string ATTR3_NAME("Attr3");
const int ATTR3_RANK = 3;
const hsize_t ATTR3_DIM1 = 2;
const hsize_t ATTR3_DIM2 = 2;
const hsize_t ATTR3_DIM3 = 2;
double attr_data3[ATTR3_DIM1][ATTR3_DIM2][ATTR3_DIM3] = {
{{2.3, -26.1}, {0.123, -10.0}}, {{981724.2, -0.91827}, {2.0, 23.0}}}; /* Test data for 3rd attribute */
const H5std_string ATTR4_NAME("Attr4");
const int ATTR4_RANK = 2;
const hsize_t ATTR4_DIM1 = 2;
const hsize_t ATTR4_DIM2 = 2;
const H5std_string ATTR4_FIELDNAME1("i");
const H5std_string ATTR4_FIELDNAME2("d");
const H5std_string ATTR4_FIELDNAME3("c");
size_t attr4_field1_off = 0;
size_t attr4_field2_off = 0;
size_t attr4_field3_off = 0;
struct attr4_struct {
int i;
double d;
char c;
} attr_data4[ATTR4_DIM1][ATTR4_DIM2] = {
{{3, -26.1, 'd'}, {-100000, 0.123, '3'}},
{{-23, 981724.2, 'Q'}, {0, 2.0, '\n'}}}; // Test data for 4th attribute
const H5std_string ATTR5_NAME("Attr5");
const int ATTR5_RANK = 0;
float attr_data5 = -5.123F; // Test data for 5th attribute
/* Info for another attribute */
const H5std_string ATTR1A_NAME("Attr1_a");
int attr_data1a[ATTR1_DIM1] = {256, 11945, -22107};
* Function: test_attr_basic_write
* Purpose Test basic write attribute on both datasets and groups.
* Return None
static void
test_attr_basic_write(FileAccPropList &fapl)
hsize_t dims1[] = {SPACE1_DIM1, SPACE1_DIM2, SPACE1_DIM3};
hsize_t dims2[] = {ATTR1_DIM1};
hsize_t dims3[] = {ATTR2_DIM1, ATTR2_DIM2};
int read_data1[ATTR1_DIM1] = {0}; // Buffer for reading 1st attribute
hsize_t i;
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Basic Attribute Writing Functions");
try {
// Create file
H5File fid1(FILE_BASIC, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl);
// Create dataspace for dataset
DataSpace ds_space(SPACE1_RANK, dims1);
* Test attribute with dataset
// Create a dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.createDataSet(DSET1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_UCHAR, ds_space);
// Create dataspace for attribute
DataSpace att_space(ATTR1_RANK, dims2);
// Create a file attribute
Attribute file_attr2 = fid1.createAttribute(FATTR1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, att_space);
// Create a file attribute
Attribute file_attr1 = fid1.createAttribute(FATTR2_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, att_space);
// Create an attribute for the dataset
Attribute ds_attr1 = dataset.createAttribute(ATTR1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, att_space);
// Try creating an attribute that already exists. This should fail
// since two attributes cannot have the same name. If an exception
// is not thrown for this action by createAttribute, then throw an
// invalid action exception.
try {
Attribute invalid_attr = dataset.createAttribute(ATTR1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, att_space);
// continuation here, that means no exception has been thrown
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::createDataSet",
"Library allowed overwrite of existing dataset");
catch (AttributeIException &E) // catching invalid creating attribute
} // do nothing, exception expected
// Write attribute information
ds_attr1.write(PredType::NATIVE_INT, attr_data1);
// Read attribute information immediately, without closing attribute
ds_attr1.read(PredType::NATIVE_INT, read_data1);
// Verify values read in
for (i = 0; i < ATTR1_DIM1; i++)
if (attr_data1[i] != read_data1[i])
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data1[%" PRIuHSIZE
"]=%d,read_data1[%" PRIuHSIZE "]=%d\n",
__LINE__, i, attr_data1[i], i, read_data1[i]);
// Create two more attributes for this dataset, but only write to one.
Attribute ds_attr2 = dataset.createAttribute(ATTR2_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, att_space);
Attribute ds_attr3 = dataset.createAttribute(ATTR3_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, att_space);
// Write attribute information
ds_attr2.write(PredType::NATIVE_INT, attr_data1a);
// Read attribute information immediately, without closing attribute
ds_attr2.read(PredType::NATIVE_INT, read_data1);
// Verify values read in
for (i = 0; i < ATTR1_DIM1; i++)
if (attr_data1a[i] != read_data1[i])
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data1a[%" PRIuHSIZE
"]=%d,read_data1[%" PRIuHSIZE "]=%d\n",
__LINE__, i, attr_data1a[i], i, read_data1[i]);
// Close both attributes
* Test attribute with group
// Create group in file fid1
Group group = fid1.createGroup(GROUP1_NAME);
// Create dataspace for attribute
DataSpace sid3(ATTR2_RANK, dims3);
// Create an attribute for the group
Attribute gr_attr = group.createAttribute(ATTR2_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, sid3);
// Check storage size for attribute
hsize_t attr_size = gr_attr.getStorageSize();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(attr_size), static_cast<long>(ATTR2_DIM1 * ATTR2_DIM2 * sizeof(int)),
"Attribute::getStorageSize", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Try to create the same attribute again (should fail)
try {
Attribute invalid_attr = group.createAttribute(ATTR2_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, sid3);
// continuation here, that means no exception has been thrown
throw InvalidActionException("H5Group::createAttribute",
"Attempting to create an existing attribute");
catch (AttributeIException &E) // catching invalid creating attribute
} // do nothing, exception expected
// Write attribute information
gr_attr.write(PredType::NATIVE_INT, attr_data2);
// Check storage size for attribute
attr_size = gr_attr.getStorageSize();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(attr_size), static_cast<long>(ATTR2_DIM1 * ATTR2_DIM2 * sizeof(int)),
"Attribute::getStorageSize", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_basic_write()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_basic_write()
* Function: test_attr_getname
* Purpose Test getting attribute name.
* Description
* Test these functions:
* A. ssize_t Attribute::getName(char* attr_name, size_t buf_size)
* 1. With arbitrary buf_size that is larger than the name size
* 2. With arbitrary buf_size that is smaller than the name's length.
* 3. With a buf_size that equals the name's length.
* B. ssize_t Attribute::getName(H5std_string& attr_name, size_t buf_size)
* 1. With buffer smaller than the actual name
* 2. Same test but with retiring overloaded function
* ssize_t Attribute::getName(size_t buf_size, H5std_string& attr_name)
* C. H5std_string Attribute::getName()
* D. H5std_string Attribute::getName(size_t len)
* E. ssize_t Attribute::getName(H5std_string& attr_name, size_t buf_size)
* With buffer size equals the name's length, i.e., buf_size=0
* Return None
static void
test_attr_getname(FileAccPropList &fapl)
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Testing all overloads of Attribute::getName");
try {
// Open the file FILE_BASIC and test getName with its attribute
// Open file
H5File fid1(FILE_BASIC, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl);
// Check for existence of attribute FATTR1_NAME
bool attr_exists = fid1.attrExists(FATTR1_NAME);
if (!attr_exists)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists", "Attribute should exist but does not");
// Open attribute
Attribute fattr1(fid1.openAttribute(FATTR1_NAME));
// A. Get attribute name with
// ssize_t Attribute::getName(char* attr_name, size_t buf_size)
// using different buffer sizes and verify against FATTR1_NAME (3 cases)
// 1. With arbitrary buf_size that is larger than the name size
size_t buf_size = FATTR1_NAME.length() + 10;
char *fattr1_name = new char[buf_size + 1];
memset(fattr1_name, 0, buf_size + 1);
ssize_t name_size = 0; // actual length of attribute name
name_size = fattr1.getName(fattr1_name, buf_size + 1);
CHECK(name_size, FAIL, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(static_cast<size_t>(name_size), FATTR1_NAME.length(), "Attribute::getName", __LINE__,
verify_val(const_cast<const char *>(fattr1_name), FATTR1_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__,
delete[] fattr1_name;
// 2. With arbitrary buf_size that is smaller than the name's length.
// Let's try 4 first characters in the name.
buf_size = 4;
char short_name[5] = "File"; // to verify the read name
fattr1_name = new char[buf_size + 1];
memset(fattr1_name, 0, buf_size + 1);
name_size = fattr1.getName(fattr1_name, buf_size + 1);
CHECK(name_size, FAIL, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(static_cast<size_t>(name_size), FATTR1_NAME.size(), "Attribute::getName", __LINE__,
verify_val(const_cast<const char *>(fattr1_name), const_cast<const char *>(short_name),
"Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
delete[] fattr1_name;
// 3. With a buf_size that equals the name's length.
buf_size = FATTR1_NAME.length();
fattr1_name = new char[buf_size + 1];
memset(fattr1_name, 0, buf_size + 1);
name_size = fattr1.getName(fattr1_name, buf_size + 1);
CHECK(name_size, FAIL, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(fattr1_name, FATTR1_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
delete[] fattr1_name;
// B. Get attribute name with
// ssize_t Attribute::getName(H5std_string& attr_name, size_t buf_size)
// using buffer smaller than the actual name
buf_size = 4;
H5std_string fattr1_name2;
name_size = fattr1.getName(fattr1_name2, buf_size);
verify_val(fattr1_name2, "File", "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Same test as above, but with deprecated overloaded function
// ssize_t Attribute::getName(size_t buf_size, H5std_string& attr_name)
// using buffer smaller than the actual name
H5std_string fattr1_name2a;
name_size = fattr1.getName(fattr1_name2a, buf_size);
verify_val(fattr1_name2a, "File", "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// C. Get file attribute's name with
// H5std_string Attribute::getName()
H5std_string fattr1_name3 = fattr1.getName();
verify_val(fattr1_name3, FATTR1_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// D. Test getName getting part of an attribute's name using
// H5std_string Attribute::getName(len)
// Open dataset DSET1_NAME
DataSet dataset = fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME);
// Check for existence of attribute
attr_exists = dataset.attrExists(ATTR1_NAME);
if (!attr_exists)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists", "Attribute should exist but does not");
// Open attribute
Attribute attr1(dataset.openAttribute(ATTR1_NAME));
size_t len = 4;
H5std_string dattr_name1 = attr1.getName(len);
verify_val(dattr_name1, "Attr", "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// E. Get dataset's attribute name with
// H5std_string Attribute::getName(H5std_string attr_name, buf_size=0)
H5std_string dattr_name2;
name_size = attr1.getName(dattr_name2);
verify_val(dattr_name2, ATTR1_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_getname()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_getname()
* Function: test_attr_rename
* Purpose Test renaming attribute function.
* Return None
static void
test_attr_rename(FileAccPropList &fapl)
int read_data1[ATTR1_DIM1] = {0}; // Buffer for reading the attribute
hsize_t i;
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Checking for Existence and Renaming Attribute");
try {
// Open file
H5File fid1(FILE_BASIC, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl);
// Check and rename attribute belonging to a file
// Check for existence of attribute
bool attr_exists = fid1.attrExists(FATTR1_NAME);
if (!attr_exists)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists", "Attribute should exist but does not");
// Change attribute name
fid1.renameAttr(FATTR1_NAME, FATTR_TMP_NAME);
// Open attribute again
Attribute fattr1(fid1.openAttribute(FATTR_TMP_NAME));
// Verify new attribute name
H5std_string fattr_name = fattr1.getName();
verify_val(fattr_name, FATTR_TMP_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
int num_attrs = fid1.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 2, "Attribute::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Change first file attribute back to the original name
fid1.renameAttr(FATTR_TMP_NAME, FATTR1_NAME);
// Open the dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME);
// Check and rename attribute belonging to a dataset
// Check for existence of attribute
attr_exists = dataset.attrExists(ATTR1_NAME);
if (!attr_exists)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists", "Attribute should exist but does not");
// Change attribute name
dataset.renameAttr(ATTR1_NAME, ATTR_TMP_NAME);
// Open attribute again
Attribute attr1(dataset.openAttribute(ATTR_TMP_NAME));
// Verify new attribute name
H5std_string attr_name = attr1.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, ATTR_TMP_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Read attribute information immediately, without closing attribute
attr1.read(PredType::NATIVE_INT, read_data1);
// Verify values read in
for (i = 0; i < ATTR1_DIM1; i++)
if (attr_data1[i] != read_data1[i])
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data1[%" PRIuHSIZE
"]=%d,read_data1[%" PRIuHSIZE "]=%d\n",
__LINE__, i, attr_data1[i], i, read_data1[i]);
// Close attribute
// Check for existence of second attribute
attr_exists = dataset.attrExists(ATTR2_NAME);
if (!attr_exists)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists", "Attribute should exist but does not");
// Open the second attribute
Attribute attr2(dataset.openAttribute(ATTR2_NAME));
// Verify second attribute name
H5std_string attr2_name = attr2.getName();
verify_val(attr2_name, ATTR2_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Read attribute information immediately, without closing attribute
attr2.read(PredType::NATIVE_INT, read_data1);
// Verify values read in
for (i = 0; i < ATTR1_DIM1; i++)
if (attr_data1a[i] != read_data1[i])
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data1a[%" PRIuHSIZE
"]=%d,read_data1[%" PRIuHSIZE "]=%d\n",
__LINE__, i, attr_data1a[i], i, read_data1[i]);
// Close attribute
// Change first attribute back to the original name
dataset.renameAttr(ATTR_TMP_NAME, ATTR1_NAME);
// Check for existence of attribute after renaming
attr_exists = dataset.attrExists(ATTR1_NAME);
if (!attr_exists)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists", "Attribute should exist but does not");
} // end try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_rename()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_rename()
* Function: test_attr_basic_read
* Purpose Test basic read attribute.
* Return None
static void
test_attr_basic_read(FileAccPropList &fapl)
hsize_t i, j;
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Basic Attribute Reading Functions");
try {
// Open file
H5File fid1(FILE_BASIC, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl);
// Open the dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME);
// Verify the correct number of attributes
int num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 3, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Verify the correct number of attributes another way
H5O_info2_t oinfo;
memset(&oinfo, 0, sizeof(oinfo));
dataset.getObjinfo(oinfo, H5O_INFO_NUM_ATTRS);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(oinfo.num_attrs), 3, "DataSet::getObjinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open an attribute for the dataset
Attribute ds_attr = dataset.openAttribute(ATTR1_NAME);
// Read attribute information
int read_data1[ATTR1_DIM1] = {0}; // Buffer for reading 1st attribute
ds_attr.read(PredType::NATIVE_INT, &read_data1);
// Verify values read in
for (i = 0; i < ATTR1_DIM1; i++)
if (attr_data1[i] != read_data1[i])
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data1[%" PRIuHSIZE
"]=%d, read_data1[%" PRIuHSIZE "]=%d\n",
__LINE__, i, attr_data1[i], i, read_data1[i]);
* Test attribute with group
// Open the group
Group group = fid1.openGroup(GROUP1_NAME);
// Verify the correct number of attributes
num_attrs = group.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 1, "Group::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Verify the correct number of attributes another way
memset(&oinfo, 0, sizeof(oinfo));
group.getObjinfo(oinfo, H5O_INFO_NUM_ATTRS);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(oinfo.num_attrs), 1, "Group::getObjinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open an attribute for the group
Attribute gr_attr = group.openAttribute(ATTR2_NAME);
// Buffer for reading 2nd attribute
int read_data2[ATTR2_DIM1][ATTR2_DIM2] = {{0}};
// Read attribute information
gr_attr.read(PredType::NATIVE_INT, read_data2);
// Verify values read in
for (i = 0; i < ATTR2_DIM1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < ATTR2_DIM2; j++)
if (attr_data2[i][j] != read_data2[i][j]) {
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data2[%" PRIuHSIZE "][%" PRIuHSIZE
"]=%d, "
"read_data2[%" PRIuHSIZE "][%" PRIuHSIZE "]=%d\n",
__LINE__, i, j, attr_data2[i][j], i, j, read_data2[i][j]);
} // end try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_basic_read()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_basic_read()
* Function: test_attr_compound_write
* Purpose Test writing attributes with compound datatype.
* Return None
static void
test_attr_compound_write(FileAccPropList &fapl)
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Multiple Attribute Functions");
try {
// Create file
H5File fid1(FILE_COMPOUND.c_str(), H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl);
// Create dataspace for dataset
hsize_t dims1[] = {SPACE1_DIM1, SPACE1_DIM2, SPACE1_DIM3};
DataSpace sid1(SPACE1_RANK, dims1);
// Create a dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.createDataSet(DSET1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_UCHAR, sid1);
// Create the attribute datatype.
CompType comp_type(sizeof(struct attr4_struct));
attr4_field1_off = HOFFSET(struct attr4_struct, i);
comp_type.insertMember(ATTR4_FIELDNAME1, attr4_field1_off, PredType::NATIVE_INT);
attr4_field2_off = HOFFSET(struct attr4_struct, d);
comp_type.insertMember(ATTR4_FIELDNAME2, attr4_field2_off, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE);
attr4_field3_off = HOFFSET(struct attr4_struct, c);
comp_type.insertMember(ATTR4_FIELDNAME3, attr4_field3_off, PredType::NATIVE_SCHAR);
// Create dataspace for 1st attribute
hsize_t dims2[] = {ATTR4_DIM1, ATTR4_DIM2};
DataSpace sid2(ATTR4_RANK, dims2);
// Create complex attribute for the dataset
Attribute attr = dataset.createAttribute(ATTR4_NAME, comp_type, sid2);
// Try to create the same attribute again (should fail)
try {
Attribute invalid_attr = dataset.createAttribute(ATTR4_NAME, comp_type, sid2);
catch (AttributeIException &E) // catching invalid creating attribute
} // do nothing, exception expected
// Write complex attribute data
attr.write(comp_type, attr_data4);
} // end try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_compound_write()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_compound_write()
* Function: test_attr_compound_read
* Purpose Test reading attributes with compound datatype.
* Return None
static void
test_attr_compound_read(FileAccPropList &fapl)
hsize_t dims[ATTR_MAX_DIMS]; // Attribute dimensions
size_t size; // Attribute datatype size as stored in file
size_t offset; // Attribute datatype field offset
struct attr4_struct read_data4[ATTR4_DIM1][ATTR4_DIM2]; // Buffer for reading 4th attribute
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Basic Attribute Functions");
try {
// Open file
H5File fid1(FILE_COMPOUND, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl);
// Open the dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME);
// Verify the correct number of attributes
int num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 1, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Verify the correct number of attributes another way
H5O_info2_t oinfo;
memset(&oinfo, 0, sizeof(oinfo));
dataset.getObjinfo(oinfo, H5O_INFO_NUM_ATTRS);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(oinfo.num_attrs), 1, "DataSet::getObjinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open 1st attribute for the dataset
Attribute attr = dataset.openAttribute(static_cast<unsigned>(0));
/* Verify Dataspace */
// Get the dataspace of the attribute
DataSpace space = attr.getSpace();
// Get the rank of the dataspace and verify it
int rank = space.getSimpleExtentNdims();
verify_val(rank, ATTR4_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNdims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the dims of the dataspace and verify them
int ndims = space.getSimpleExtentDims(dims);
verify_val(ndims, ATTR4_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(dims[0]), static_cast<long>(ATTR4_DIM1),
"DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(dims[1]), static_cast<long>(ATTR4_DIM2),
"DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the class of the datatype that is used by attr
H5T_class_t type_class = attr.getTypeClass();
// Verify that the type is of compound datatype
verify_val(static_cast<long>(type_class), static_cast<long>(H5T_COMPOUND), "Attribute::getTypeClass",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the compound datatype
CompType datatype = attr.getCompType();
// Verify the number of fields in the datatype, which must be 3
int fields = datatype.getNmembers();
verify_val(fields, 3, "CompType::getNmembers", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Verify that the fields have the same names as when the type
// was created
for (int j = 0; j < fields; j++) {
H5std_string fieldname = datatype.getMemberName(static_cast<unsigned>(j));
if (!((fieldname == ATTR4_FIELDNAME1) || (fieldname == ATTR4_FIELDNAME2) ||
(fieldname == ATTR4_FIELDNAME3)))
TestErrPrintf("%d:invalid field name for field #%d: %s\n", __LINE__, j, fieldname.c_str());
offset = datatype.getMemberOffset(0);
verify_val(offset, attr4_field1_off, "DataType::getMemberOffset", __LINE__, __FILE__);
offset = datatype.getMemberOffset(1);
verify_val(offset, attr4_field2_off, "DataType::getMemberOffset", __LINE__, __FILE__);
offset = datatype.getMemberOffset(2);
verify_val(offset, attr4_field3_off, "DataType::getMemberOffset", __LINE__, __FILE__);
/* Verify each field's type, class & size */
// Get and verify the type class of the first member
type_class = datatype.getMemberClass(0);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(type_class), static_cast<long>(H5T_INTEGER), "DataType::getMemberClass",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify the order of this member's type
IntType i_type = datatype.getMemberIntType(0);
H5T_order_t order = i_type.getOrder();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(order), static_cast<long>(PredType::NATIVE_INT.getOrder()),
"DataType::getOrder", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify the size of this member's type
size = i_type.getSize();
verify_val(size, PredType::NATIVE_INT.getSize(), "DataType::getSize", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify class, order, and size of the second member's type
type_class = datatype.getMemberClass(1);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(type_class), static_cast<long>(H5T_FLOAT), "DataType::getMemberClass",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
FloatType f_type = datatype.getMemberFloatType(1);
order = f_type.getOrder();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(order), static_cast<long>(PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE.getOrder()),
"DataType::getOrder", __LINE__, __FILE__);
size = f_type.getSize();
verify_val(size, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE.getSize(), "DataType::getSize", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify class, order, and size of the third member's type
type_class = datatype.getMemberClass(2);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(type_class), static_cast<long>(H5T_INTEGER), "DataType::getMemberClass",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
// Note: H5T_INTEGER is correct here!
StrType s_type = datatype.getMemberStrType(2);
order = s_type.getOrder();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(order), static_cast<long>(PredType::NATIVE_SCHAR.getOrder()),
"DataType::getOrder", __LINE__, __FILE__);
size = s_type.getSize();
verify_val(size, PredType::NATIVE_SCHAR.getSize(), "DataType::getSize", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Read attribute information
attr.read(datatype, read_data4);
// Verify values read in
hsize_t ii, jj;
for (ii = 0; ii < ATTR4_DIM1; ii++)
for (jj = 0; jj < ATTR4_DIM2; jj++)
if (memcmp(&attr_data4[ii][jj], &read_data4[ii][jj], sizeof(struct attr4_struct)) != 0) {
TestErrPrintf("%d:attribute data different: attr_data4[%" PRIuHSIZE "][%" PRIuHSIZE
"].i=%d, "
"read_data4[%" PRIuHSIZE "][%" PRIuHSIZE "].i=%d\n",
__LINE__, ii, jj, attr_data4[ii][jj].i, ii, jj, read_data4[ii][jj].i);
TestErrPrintf("%d:attribute data different: attr_data4[%" PRIuHSIZE "][%" PRIuHSIZE
"].d=%f, "
"read_data4[%" PRIuHSIZE "][%" PRIuHSIZE "].d=%f\n",
__LINE__, ii, jj, attr_data4[ii][jj].d, ii, jj, read_data4[ii][jj].d);
TestErrPrintf("%d:attribute data different: attr_data4[%" PRIuHSIZE "][%" PRIuHSIZE
"].c=%c, "
"read_data4[%" PRIuHSIZE "][%" PRIuHSIZE "].c=%c\n",
__LINE__, ii, jj, attr_data4[ii][jj].c, ii, jj, read_data4[ii][jj].c);
} /* end if */
// Verify name
H5std_string attr_name = attr.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, ATTR4_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_compound_read()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
try {
// Now, try truncating the file to make sure reference counting is good.
// If any references to ids in the previous block are left unterminated,
// the truncating will fail, because the file will not be closed in
// the file.close() above.
} // end try block
catch (FileIException &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_compound_read()", __LINE__, __FILE__,
"Unable to truncate file, possibly because some objects are left opened");
} // test_attr_compound_read()
* Function: test_attr_scalar_write
* Purpose Test scalar attribute writing functionality.
* Return None
static void
test_attr_scalar_write(FileAccPropList &fapl)
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Basic Scalar Attribute Writing Functions");
try {
// Create file
H5File fid1(FILE_SCALAR, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl);
// Create dataspace for dataset
hsize_t dims1[] = {SPACE1_DIM1, SPACE1_DIM2, SPACE1_DIM3};
DataSpace sid1(SPACE1_RANK, dims1);
// Create a dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.createDataSet(DSET1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_UCHAR, sid1);
// Close dataset's dataspace
// Create dataspace for attribute
DataSpace att_space(ATTR5_RANK, NULL);
// Create an attribute for the dataset
Attribute ds_attr = dataset.createAttribute(ATTR5_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT, att_space);
// Try creating an attribute that already exists. This should fail
// since two attributes cannot have the same name. If an exception
// is not thrown for this action by createAttribute, then throw an
// invalid action exception.
try {
Attribute invalid_attr = dataset.createAttribute(ATTR5_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT, att_space);
// continuation here, that means no exception has been thrown
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::createDataSet",
"Library allowed overwrite of existing dataset");
catch (AttributeIException &E) // catching invalid creating attribute
} // do nothing, exception expected
// Write attribute information
ds_attr.write(PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT, &attr_data5);
} // end try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_scalar_write()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_scalar_write()
* Function: test_attr_scalar_read
* Purpose Test scalar attribute reading functionality.
* Return None
/* Epsilon for floating-point comparisons */
#define FP_EPSILON 0.000001F
static void
test_attr_scalar_read(FileAccPropList &fapl)
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Basic Scalar Attribute Reading Functions");
try {
// Open file
H5File fid1(FILE_SCALAR, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl);
// Open the dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME);
// Verify the correct number of attributes
int num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 1, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open an attribute for the dataset
Attribute ds_attr = dataset.openAttribute(ATTR5_NAME);
// Read attribute information
float read_data2 = 0.0; // Buffer for reading 1st attribute
ds_attr.read(PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT, &read_data2);
if (abs(read_data2 - attr_data5) > FLT_EPSILON)
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: read_data2=%f, "
__LINE__, static_cast<double>(read_data2), static_cast<double>(attr_data5));
// Get the dataspace of the attribute
DataSpace att_space = ds_attr.getSpace();
// Make certain the dataspace is scalar
H5S_class_t space_type = att_space.getSimpleExtentType();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(space_type), static_cast<long>(H5S_SCALAR),
"DataSpace::getSimpleExtentType", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_scalar_read()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_scalar_read()
* Function: test_attr_mult_write
* Purpose Test writing multiple attributes.
* Return None
static void
test_attr_mult_write(FileAccPropList &fapl)
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Multiple Attribute Writing Functions");
try {
// Create file
H5File fid1(FILE_MULTI, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl);
// Create dataspace for dataset
hsize_t dims1[] = {SPACE1_DIM1, SPACE1_DIM2, SPACE1_DIM3};
DataSpace ds_space(SPACE1_RANK, dims1);
// Create a dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.createDataSet(DSET1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_UCHAR, ds_space);
// Create dataspace for 1st attribute
hsize_t dims2[] = {ATTR1_DIM1};
DataSpace att_space(ATTR1_RANK, dims2);
// Create 1st attribute for the dataset
Attribute ds_attr = dataset.createAttribute(ATTR1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, att_space);
// Write attribute information
ds_attr.write(PredType::NATIVE_INT, attr_data1);
// Create dataspace for 2nd attribute
hsize_t dims3[] = {ATTR2_DIM1, ATTR2_DIM2};
DataSpace att2_space(ATTR2_RANK, dims3);
// Create 2nd attribute for the dataset
Attribute ds_attr2 = dataset.createAttribute(ATTR2_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, att2_space);
// Write 2nd attribute information
ds_attr2.write(PredType::NATIVE_INT, attr_data2);
// Create dataspace for 3rd attribute
hsize_t dims4[] = {ATTR3_DIM1, ATTR3_DIM2, ATTR3_DIM3};
DataSpace att3_space(ATTR3_RANK, dims4);
// Create 3rd attribute for the dataset
Attribute ds_attr3 = dataset.createAttribute(ATTR3_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, att3_space);
// Try creating an attribute that already exists. This should fail
// since two attributes cannot have the same name. If an exception
// is not thrown for this action by createAttribute, then throw an
// invalid action exception.
try {
Attribute invalid_attr = dataset.createAttribute(ATTR3_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, att3_space);
// continuation here, that means no exception has been thrown
throw InvalidActionException("DataSet::createAttribute",
"Attempting to create a duplicate attribute");
catch (AttributeIException &E) // catching invalid creating attribute
} // do nothing, exception expected
// Write 3rd attribute information
ds_attr3.write(PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, attr_data3);
} // end try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_mult_write()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_mult_write()
* Function: test_attr_mult_read
* Purpose Test reading multiple attributes.
* Return None
static void
test_attr_mult_read(FileAccPropList &fapl)
int read_data1[ATTR1_DIM1] = {0}; // Buffer for reading 1st attribute
int read_data2[ATTR2_DIM1][ATTR2_DIM2] = {{0}}; // Buffer for reading 2nd attribute
double read_data3[ATTR3_DIM1][ATTR3_DIM2][ATTR3_DIM3] = {{{0}}}; // Buffer for reading 3rd attribute
hsize_t i, j, k;
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Multiple Attribute Reading Functions");
try {
// Open file
H5File fid1(FILE_MULTI, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl);
// Open the dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME);
// Verify the correct number of attributes
int num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 3, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open 1st attribute for the dataset
Attribute attr = dataset.openAttribute(static_cast<unsigned>(0));
/* Verify Dataspace */
// Get the dataspace of the attribute
DataSpace space = attr.getSpace();
// Get the rank of the dataspace and verify it
int rank = space.getSimpleExtentNdims();
verify_val(rank, ATTR1_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNdims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the dims of the dataspace and verify them
hsize_t dims[ATTR_MAX_DIMS]; // Attribute dimensions
if (dims[0] != ATTR1_DIM1)
TestErrPrintf("%d:attribute dimensions different: dims[0]=%d, should be %" PRIuHSIZE "\n",
__LINE__, static_cast<int>(dims[0]), ATTR1_DIM1);
/* Verify Datatype */
// Get the class of the datatype that is used by attr
H5T_class_t type_class = attr.getTypeClass();
// Verify that the type is of integer datatype
verify_val(static_cast<long>(type_class), static_cast<long>(H5T_INTEGER), "Attribute::getTypeClass",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the integer datatype
IntType i_type1 = attr.getIntType();
// Get and verify the order of this type
H5T_order_t order = i_type1.getOrder();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(order), static_cast<long>(PredType::NATIVE_INT.getOrder()),
"DataType::getOrder", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify the size of this type
size_t size = i_type1.getSize();
verify_val(size, PredType::NATIVE_INT.getSize(), "DataType::getSize", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Read attribute information
attr.read(PredType::NATIVE_INT, read_data1);
// Verify values read in
for (i = 0; i < ATTR1_DIM1; i++)
if (attr_data1[i] != read_data1[i])
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data1[%" PRIuHSIZE
"]=%d,read_data1[%" PRIuHSIZE "]=%d\n",
__LINE__, i, attr_data1[i], i, read_data1[i]);
// Verify Name
H5std_string attr_name = attr.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, ATTR1_NAME, "DataType::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open 2nd attribute for the dataset
attr = dataset.openAttribute(static_cast<unsigned>(1));
/* Verify Dataspace */
// Get the dataspace of the attribute
space = attr.getSpace();
// Get the rank of the dataspace and verify it
rank = space.getSimpleExtentNdims();
verify_val(rank, ATTR2_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNdims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the dims of the dataspace and verify them
verify_val(static_cast<long>(dims[0]), static_cast<long>(ATTR2_DIM1),
"DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(dims[1]), static_cast<long>(ATTR2_DIM2),
"DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
/* Verify Datatype */
// Get the class of the datatype that is used by attr
type_class = attr.getTypeClass();
// Verify that the type is of integer datatype
verify_val(static_cast<long>(type_class), static_cast<long>(H5T_INTEGER), "Attribute::getTypeClass",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the integer datatype
IntType i_type2 = attr.getIntType();
// Get and verify the order of this type
order = i_type2.getOrder();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(order), static_cast<long>(PredType::NATIVE_INT.getOrder()),
"DataType::getOrder", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify the size of this type
size = i_type2.getSize();
verify_val(size, PredType::NATIVE_INT.getSize(), "DataType::getSize", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Read attribute information
attr.read(PredType::NATIVE_INT, read_data2);
// attr.read(i_type, read_data2);
// Verify values read in
for (i = 0; i < ATTR2_DIM1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < ATTR2_DIM2; j++)
if (attr_data2[i][j] != read_data2[i][j])
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data2[%" PRIuHSIZE "][%" PRIuHSIZE
"]=%d, "
"read_data2[%" PRIuHSIZE "][%" PRIuHSIZE "]=%d\n",
__LINE__, i, j, attr_data2[i][j], i, j, read_data2[i][j]);
// Verify Name
attr_name = attr.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, ATTR2_NAME, "DataType::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open 3rd attribute for the dataset
attr = dataset.openAttribute(static_cast<unsigned>(2));
/* Verify Dataspace */
// Get the dataspace of the attribute
space = attr.getSpace();
// Get the rank of the dataspace and verify it
rank = space.getSimpleExtentNdims();
verify_val(rank, ATTR3_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNdims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the dims of the dataspace and verify them
verify_val(static_cast<long>(dims[0]), static_cast<long>(ATTR3_DIM1), "attribute dimensions",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(dims[1]), static_cast<long>(ATTR3_DIM2), "attribute dimensions",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(dims[2]), static_cast<long>(ATTR3_DIM3), "attribute dimensions",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
/* Verify Datatype */
// Get the class of the datatype that is used by attr
type_class = attr.getTypeClass();
// Verify that the type is of compound datatype
verify_val(static_cast<long>(type_class), static_cast<long>(H5T_FLOAT), "Attribute::getTypeClass",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the double datatype
FloatType f_type = attr.getFloatType();
// Get and verify the order of this type
order = f_type.getOrder();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(order), static_cast<long>(PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE.getOrder()),
"DataType::getOrder", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify the size of this type
size = f_type.getSize();
verify_val(size, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE.getSize(), "DataType::getSize", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Read attribute information
attr.read(PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, read_data3);
// Verify values read in
for (i = 0; i < ATTR3_DIM1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < ATTR3_DIM2; j++)
for (k = 0; k < ATTR3_DIM3; k++)
if (abs(attr_data3[i][j][k] - read_data3[i][j][k]) > DBL_EPSILON)
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data3[%" PRIuHSIZE "][%" PRIuHSIZE
"][%" PRIuHSIZE "]=%f, "
"read_data3[%" PRIuHSIZE "][%" PRIuHSIZE "][%" PRIuHSIZE "]=%f\n",
__LINE__, i, j, k, attr_data3[i][j][k], i, j, k, read_data3[i][j][k]);
// Verify Name
attr_name = attr.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, ATTR3_NAME, "DataType::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_mult_read()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_mult_read()
* Function: test_attr_delete
* Purpose Test deleting attribute from different hdf5 objects.
* Return None
static void
test_attr_delete(FileAccPropList &fapl)
H5std_string attr_name; // Buffer for attribute names
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Removing Attribute Function");
try {
// Open file.
H5File fid1(FILE_BASIC, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl);
// Get the number of file attributes
int num_attrs = fid1.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 2, "H5File::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Delete the second file attribute
// Get the number of file attributes
num_attrs = fid1.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 1, "H5File::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Verify the name of the only file attribute left
Attribute fattr = fid1.openAttribute(static_cast<unsigned>(0));
attr_name = fattr.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, FATTR1_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Test deleting non-existing attribute
// Open the dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME);
// Verify the correct number of attributes
num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 3, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Try to delete bogus attribute, should fail
try {
// continuation here, that means no exception has been thrown
throw InvalidActionException("DataSet::removeAttr",
"Attempting to remove non-existing attribute");
catch (AttributeIException &E) // catching invalid removing attribute
} // do nothing, exception expected
// Test opening and deleting non-existing dataset's attributes
// Verify the correct number of attributes
num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 3, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Delete an attribute
// Verify the correct number of attributes
num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 2, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
#if 0 // commented this test out, awaiting HDFFV-11327 resolution
// Open 1st attribute for the dataset
Attribute attr = dataset.openAttribute(static_cast<unsigned>(0));
// Verify Name
attr_name = attr.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, ATTR1_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close attribute
// Open last (formally 3rd) attribute for the dataset
attr = dataset.openAttribute(static_cast<unsigned>(1));
// Verify Name
attr_name = attr.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, ATTR3_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Try opening a deleted attribute, should fail
try {
Attribute exp_attr = dataset.openAttribute(ATTR2_NAME);
// continuation here, that means no exception has been thrown
throw InvalidActionException("DataSet::removeAttr", "Attempting to open non-existing attribute");
catch (AttributeIException &E) // catching invalid removing attribute
} // do nothing, exception expected
// Delete an attribute
// Verify the correct number of attributes
num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 1, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
#if 0 // commented this test out, awaiting HDFFV-11327 resolution
// Open the only attribute for the dataset (formally 3rd)
attr = dataset.openAttribute(static_cast<unsigned>(0));
// Verify Name
attr_name = attr.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, ATTR3_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close attribute
// Delete an attribute
// Verify the correct number of attributes
num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 0, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Try removing a deleted attribute, should fail
try {
// continuation here, that means no exception has been thrown
throw InvalidActionException("DataSet::removeAttr",
"Attempting to delete non-existing attribute");
catch (AttributeIException &E) // catching invalid removing attribute
} // do nothing, exception expected
} // end try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_delete()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_delete()
* Function: test_attr_dtype_shared
* Purpose Test accessing attributes using shared datatypes.
* Return None
static void
test_attr_dtype_shared(FileAccPropList &fapl)
int data = 8; // Data to write
int rdata = 0; // Data read in
H5G_stat_t statbuf; // Object's information
h5_stat_size_t filesize; // Size of file after modifications
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Shared Datatypes with Attributes");
try {
// Create a file
H5File fid1(FILE_DTYPE, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl);
// Close file
// Get size of file
h5_stat_size_t empty_filesize; // Size of empty file
empty_filesize = h5_get_file_size(FILE_DTYPE.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT);
if (empty_filesize < 0)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: file size wrong!\n", __LINE__);
// Open the file again
fid1.openFile(FILE_DTYPE, H5F_ACC_RDWR);
// Enclosing to work around the issue of unused variables and/or
// objects created by copy constructors stay around until end of
// scope, causing incorrect number of ref counts.
{ // First enclosed block
// Create a datatype to commit and use
IntType dtype(PredType::NATIVE_INT);
// Commit datatype to file
dtype.commit(fid1, TYPE1_NAME);
// Check reference count on named datatype
fid1.getObjinfo(TYPE1_NAME, statbuf);
verify_val(static_cast<int>(statbuf.nlink), 1, "DataType::getObjinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create dataspace for dataset
DataSpace dspace;
DataSet dset = fid1.createDataSet(DSET1_NAME, dtype, dspace);
// Check reference count on named datatype
fid1.getObjinfo(TYPE1_NAME, statbuf);
verify_val(static_cast<int>(statbuf.nlink), 2, "H5File::getObjinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create attribute on dataset
Attribute attr = dset.createAttribute(ATTR1_NAME, dtype, dspace);
// Check reference count on named datatype
fid1.getObjinfo(TYPE1_NAME, statbuf);
verify_val(static_cast<int>(statbuf.nlink), 3, "DataSet::getObjinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close attribute
// Delete attribute
// Check reference count on named datatype
fid1.getObjinfo(TYPE1_NAME, statbuf);
verify_val(static_cast<int>(statbuf.nlink), 2, "DataSet::getObjinfo after DataSet::removeAttr",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create attribute on dataset
attr = dset.createAttribute(ATTR1_NAME, dtype, dspace);
// Check reference count on named datatype
fid1.getObjinfo(TYPE1_NAME, statbuf);
verify_val(static_cast<int>(statbuf.nlink), 3, "DataSet::createAttribute", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Write data into the attribute
attr.write(PredType::NATIVE_INT, &data);
// Close attribute, dataset, dataspace, datatype, and file
} // end of first enclosing
// Open the file again
fid1.openFile(FILE_DTYPE, H5F_ACC_RDWR);
{ // Second enclosed block...
// Open dataset
DataSet *dset2 = new DataSet(fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME));
// Open attribute
Attribute *attr2 = new Attribute(dset2->openAttribute(ATTR1_NAME));
// Read data from the attribute
attr2->read(PredType::NATIVE_INT, &rdata);
verify_val(data, rdata, "Attribute::read", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close attribute and dataset
delete attr2;
delete dset2;
// Check reference count on named datatype
fid1.getObjinfo(TYPE1_NAME, statbuf);
verify_val(static_cast<int>(statbuf.nlink), 3, "DataSet::openAttribute", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end of second enclosing
// Unlink the dataset
// Check reference count on named datatype
fid1.getObjinfo(TYPE1_NAME, statbuf);
verify_val(static_cast<int>(statbuf.nlink), 1, "H5File::unlink", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Unlink the named datatype
// Close file
// Check size of file
filesize = h5_get_file_size(FILE_DTYPE.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT);
verify_val(static_cast<long>(filesize), static_cast<long>(empty_filesize), "Checking file size",
__LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_dtype_shared()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_dtype_shared()
* Function: test_string_attr
* Purpose Test read/write string attribute.
* Return None
/* Info for a string attribute */
const H5std_string ATTR1_FL_STR_NAME("String_attr 1");
const H5std_string ATTR2_FL_STR_NAME("String_attr 2");
const H5std_string ATTR_VL_STR_NAME("String_attr");
const H5std_string ATTRSTR_DATA("String Attribute");
const int ATTR_LEN = 17;
static void
test_string_attr(FileAccPropList &fapl)
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("I/O on FL and VL String Attributes");
try {
// Create file
H5File fid1(FILE_BASIC, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl);
// Fixed-lenth string attributes
// Create a fixed-length string datatype to refer to.
StrType fls_type(0, ATTR_LEN);
// Open the root group.
Group root = fid1.openGroup("/");
// Create dataspace for the attribute.
DataSpace att_space(H5S_SCALAR);
/* Test Attribute::write(...,const void *buf) with Fixed len string */
// Create an attribute for the root group.
Attribute gr_flattr1 = root.createAttribute(ATTR1_FL_STR_NAME, fls_type, att_space);
// Write data to the attribute.
gr_flattr1.write(fls_type, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str());
/* Test Attribute::write(...,const H5std_string& strg) with FL string */
// Create an attribute for the root group.
Attribute gr_flattr2 = root.createAttribute(ATTR2_FL_STR_NAME, fls_type, att_space);
// Write data to the attribute.
gr_flattr2.write(fls_type, ATTRSTR_DATA);
/* Test Attribute::read(...,void *buf) with FL string */
// Read and verify the attribute string as a string of chars.
char flstring_att_check[ATTR_LEN];
gr_flattr1.read(fls_type, flstring_att_check);
if (strcmp(flstring_att_check, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str()) != 0)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: Attribute data different: ATTRSTR_DATA=%s,flstring_att_check=%s\n",
__LINE__, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str(), flstring_att_check);
// Read and verify the attribute string as a string of chars; buffer
// is dynamically allocated.
size_t attr_size = gr_flattr1.getInMemDataSize();
char *fl_dyn_string_att_check;
fl_dyn_string_att_check = new char[attr_size + 1];
gr_flattr1.read(fls_type, fl_dyn_string_att_check);
if (strcmp(fl_dyn_string_att_check, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str()) != 0)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: Attribute data different: ATTRSTR_DATA=%s,flstring_att_check=%s\n",
__LINE__, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str(), fl_dyn_string_att_check);
delete[] fl_dyn_string_att_check;
/* Test Attribute::read(...,H5std_string& strg) with FL string */
// Read and verify the attribute string as an std::string.
H5std_string read_flstr1;
gr_flattr1.read(fls_type, read_flstr1);
if (read_flstr1 != ATTRSTR_DATA)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: Attribute data different: ATTRSTR_DATA=%s,read_flstr1=%s\n", __LINE__,
ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str(), read_flstr1.c_str());
// Read and verify the attribute string as a string of chars.
strcpy(flstring_att_check, "");
gr_flattr2.read(fls_type, flstring_att_check);
if (strcmp(flstring_att_check, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str()) != 0)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: Attribute data different: ATTRSTR_DATA=%s,flstring_att_check=%s\n",
__LINE__, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str(), flstring_att_check);
/* Test Attribute::read(...,H5std_string& strg) with FL string */
// Read and verify the attribute string as an std::string.
H5std_string read_flstr2;
gr_flattr2.read(fls_type, read_flstr2);
if (read_flstr2 != ATTRSTR_DATA)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: Attribute data different: ATTRSTR_DATA=%s,read_flstr2=%s\n", __LINE__,
ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str(), read_flstr2.c_str());
// Variable-lenth string attributes
// Create a variable length string datatype to refer to.
StrType vls_type(0, H5T_VARIABLE);
// Create an attribute for the root group.
Attribute gr_vlattr = root.createAttribute(ATTR_VL_STR_NAME, vls_type, att_space);
// Write data to the attribute.
gr_vlattr.write(vls_type, ATTRSTR_DATA);
/* Test Attribute::read(...,void *buf) with Variable len string */
// Read and verify the attribute string as a string of chars.
char *string_att_check;
gr_vlattr.read(vls_type, &string_att_check);
if (strcmp(string_att_check, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str()) != 0)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: Attribute data different: ATTRSTR_DATA=%s,string_att_check=%s\n",
__LINE__, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str(), string_att_check);
/* Test Attribute::read(...,H5std_string& strg) with VL string */
// Read and verify the attribute string as an std::string.
H5std_string read_str;
gr_vlattr.read(vls_type, read_str);
if (read_str != ATTRSTR_DATA)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: Attribute data different: ATTRSTR_DATA=%s,read_str=%s\n", __LINE__,
ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str(), read_str.c_str());
} // end try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_string_attr()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_string_attr()
* Function: test_attr_exists
* Purpose Test checking for attribute existence.
* Return None
* Note
* Additional attrExists tests are in test_attr_rename().
static void
test_attr_exists(FileAccPropList &fapl)
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Check Attribute Existence");
try {
// Open file.
H5File fid1(FILE_BASIC, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl);
// Open the root group.
Group root = fid1.openGroup("/");
// Check for existence of attribute
bool attr_exists = fid1.attrExists(ATTR1_FL_STR_NAME);
if (!attr_exists)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists",
"fid1, ATTR1_FL_STR_NAMEAttribute should exist but does not");
// Check for existence of attribute
attr_exists = fid1.attrExists(FATTR1_NAME);
if (!attr_exists)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists",
"fid1,FATTR2_NAMEAttribute should exist but does not");
// Open a group.
Group group = fid1.openGroup(GROUP1_NAME);
// Check for existence of attribute
attr_exists = group.attrExists(ATTR2_NAME);
if (!attr_exists)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists",
"group, ATTR2_NAMEAttribute should exist but does not");
} // end try block
catch (InvalidActionException &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_exists()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_exists()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_exists()
* Function: test_attr_dense_create
* Purpose Test phase change properties
* Return None
const H5std_string FILE_CRTPROPS("tattr_crt_properties.h5");
const int NAME_BUF_SIZE = 1024;
const unsigned MAX_COMPACT_DEF = 8;
const unsigned MIN_DENSE_DEF = 6;
static void
test_attr_dense_create(FileCreatPropList &fcpl, FileAccPropList &fapl)
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Dense Attribute Storage Creation");
try {
// Create file
H5File fid1(FILE_CRTPROPS, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl, fapl);
// Close file
// Get size of file
h5_stat_size_t empty_filesize; // Size of empty file
empty_filesize = h5_get_file_size(FILE_CRTPROPS.c_str(), fapl.getId());
if (empty_filesize < 0)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: file size wrong!\n", __LINE__);
// Re-open file
fid1.openFile(FILE_CRTPROPS, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl);
// Create dataspace for dataset
DataSpace ds_space(H5S_SCALAR);
// Create dataset creation property list.
DSetCreatPropList dcpl;
// Create a dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.createDataSet(DSET1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_UCHAR, ds_space, dcpl);
unsigned max_compact = 0, min_dense = 0;
// Retrieve limits for compact/dense attribute storage
dcpl.getAttrPhaseChange(max_compact, min_dense);
verify_val(max_compact, MAX_COMPACT_DEF, "DSetCreatPropList::getAttrPhaseChange", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(min_dense, MIN_DENSE_DEF, "DSetCreatPropList::getAttrPhaseChange", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Set new compact/dense attribute storage limits to some random numbers
dcpl.setAttrPhaseChange(7, 5);
// Retrieve limits for compact/dense attribute storage and verify them
dcpl.getAttrPhaseChange(max_compact, min_dense);
verify_val(max_compact, static_cast<unsigned>(7), "DSetCreatPropList::getAttrPhaseChange", __LINE__,
verify_val(min_dense, static_cast<unsigned>(5), "DSetCreatPropList::getAttrPhaseChange", __LINE__,
// Close property list
// H5O__is_attr_dense_test - un-usable
// Add attributes, until just before converting to dense storage
char attr_name[NAME_BUF_SIZE];
unsigned attr_num;
for (attr_num = 0; attr_num < max_compact; attr_num++) {
// Create attribute
snprintf(attr_name, sizeof(attr_name), "attr %02u", attr_num);
Attribute attr = dataset.createAttribute(attr_name, PredType::NATIVE_UINT, ds_space);
// Write data to the attribute
attr.write(PredType::NATIVE_UINT, &attr_num);
} // end for
// H5O__is_attr_dense_test - un-usable
{ // Add one more attribute, to push into "dense" storage
// Create another attribute
snprintf(attr_name, sizeof(attr_name), "attr %02u", attr_num);
Attribute attr = dataset.createAttribute(attr_name, PredType::NATIVE_UINT, ds_space);
// Write data to the attribute
attr.write(PredType::NATIVE_UINT, &attr_num);
// Attempt to add attribute again, which should fail
try {
// Create another attribute
snprintf(attr_name, sizeof(attr_name), "attr %02u", attr_num);
Attribute attr = dataset.createAttribute(attr_name, PredType::NATIVE_UINT, ds_space);
// continuation here, that means no exception has been thrown
throw InvalidActionException("DataSet::createAttribute",
"Maximum number of attributes has been reached");
catch (AttributeIException &E) // catching invalid action
} // do nothing, exception expected
} // end try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_dense_create()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_dense_create()
* Function: test_attr_corder_create_basic
* Purpose Test creation order properties
* Return None
static void
test_attr_corder_create_basic(FileCreatPropList &fcpl, FileAccPropList &fapl)
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Basic Code for Attributes with Creation Order Info");
try {
// Create file
H5File fid1(FILE_CRTPROPS, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl, fapl);
// Create dataset creation property list.
DSetCreatPropList dcpl;
// Get creation order indexing on object
unsigned crt_order_flags = 0;
crt_order_flags = dcpl.getAttrCrtOrder();
verify_val(static_cast<long>(crt_order_flags), 0, "DSetCreatPropList::getAttrCrtOrder", __LINE__,
// Setting invalid combination of a attribute order creation order
// indexing on should fail
try {
// continuation here, that means no exception has been thrown
throw InvalidActionException("DSetCreatPropList::getAttrCrtOrder",
"Indexing cannot be set alone, order tracking is required");
catch (PropListIException &E) // catching invalid action
} // do nothing, exception expected
// Set attribute creation order tracking & indexing for object then
// verify them
crt_order_flags = dcpl.getAttrCrtOrder();
verify_val(crt_order_flags, static_cast<unsigned>(H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED | H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED),
"DSetCreatPropList::getAttrCrtOrder", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create dataspace for dataset
DataSpace ds_space(H5S_SCALAR);
// Create a dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.createDataSet(DSET1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_UCHAR, ds_space, dcpl);
// Close dataspace
// Check on dataset's attribute storage status.
// NOTE: Wrappers not available yet (H5O__is_attr_empty_test
// and H5O__is_attr_dense_test)
// Close dataset
// Close property list
// Close file
// Re-open file
fid1.openFile(FILE_CRTPROPS, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl);
// Open dataset created previously
dataset = fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME);
// Retrieve dataset creation property list for the dataset
dcpl = dataset.getCreatePlist();
// Query the attribute creation properties
crt_order_flags = dcpl.getAttrCrtOrder();
verify_val(crt_order_flags, static_cast<unsigned>(H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED | H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED),
"DSetCreatPropList::getAttrCrtOrder", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_corder_create_basic()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_corder_create_basic()
* Function: test_attr
* Purpose Main attribute testing routine
* Return None
extern "C" void
// Output message about test being performed
MESSAGE(5, ("Testing Attributes\n"));
try {
// Create a default file access property list
FileAccPropList fapl;
// Copy the file access property list for new format test
FileAccPropList fapl_new = fapl;
// Set the "use the latest version of the format" bounds for creating
// objects in the file
fapl_new.setLibverBounds(H5F_LIBVER_LATEST, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST);
// Create a default file creation property list
FileCreatPropList fcpl;
// Copy the file creation property list for new format test
FileCreatPropList fcpl_new = fcpl;
// Wrappers for ..._shared_mesg_nindexes are not available, skip
// use_shared test
// Loop over using new group format
unsigned new_format;
for (new_format = FALSE; new_format <= TRUE; new_format++) {
FileAccPropList curr_fapl;
// Set the file access proplist for the type of format
if (new_format) {
MESSAGE(7, ("testing with new file format\n"));
curr_fapl = fapl_new;
else {
MESSAGE(7, ("testing with old file format\n"));
curr_fapl = fapl;
test_attr_basic_write(curr_fapl); // Test basic H5A writing code
test_attr_getname(curr_fapl); // Test overloads of Attribute::getName
test_attr_rename(curr_fapl); // Test renaming attribute
test_attr_basic_read(curr_fapl); // Test basic H5A reading code
test_attr_compound_write(curr_fapl); // Test complex datatype H5A writing code
test_attr_compound_read(curr_fapl); // Test complex datatype H5A reading code
test_attr_scalar_write(curr_fapl); // Test scalar dataspace H5A writing code
test_attr_scalar_read(curr_fapl); // Test scalar dataspace H5A reading code
test_attr_mult_write(curr_fapl); // Test writing multiple attributes
test_attr_mult_read(curr_fapl); // Test reading multiple attributes
test_attr_delete(curr_fapl); // Test deleting attributes
test_attr_dtype_shared(curr_fapl); // Test using shared datatypes in attributes
test_string_attr(curr_fapl); // Test read/write string attribute
test_attr_exists(curr_fapl); // Test H5Location::attrExists
// Test with new format
if (new_format) {
// Test dense attribute storage creation
test_attr_dense_create(fcpl, curr_fapl);
// Test create objects with attribute creation info
test_attr_corder_create_basic(fcpl, curr_fapl);
} // end for
} // end try block
catch (Exception &E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr()
* Function: cleanup_attr
* Purpose Cleanup temporary test files
* Return None
extern "C" void