mirror of https://github.com/HDFGroup/hdf5.git synced 2025-03-25 17:00:45 +08:00
Allen Byrne 9f5cf0a457
H5F_LIBVER_LATEST changes for move to 1.15 ()
* H5F_LIBVER_LATEST changes for move to 1.15

* Add new default api check

* Format fixes

* Fix default configure

* fix lib version tests

* Fix another version variable

* Add 1.14 doc link
2022-12-21 10:07:25 -08:00

531 lines
20 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.003;
use warnings;
# Global settings
# (The max_idx parameter is the only thing that needs to be changed when adding
# support for a new major release. If support for a prior major release
# is added (like support for 1.4, etc), the min_sup_idx parameter will
# need to be decremented.)
# Max. library "index" (0 = v1.0, 1 = 1.2, 2 = 1.4, 3 = 1.6, 4 = 1.8, 5 = 1.10, 6 = 1.12, 7 = 1.14, 8 = 1.16, etc)
$max_idx = 8;
# Min. supported previous library version "index" (0 = v1.0, 1 = 1.2, etc)
$min_sup_idx = 3;
# Number of spaces to indent preprocessor commands inside ifdefs
$indent = 2;
# Copyright by The HDF Group.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code
# distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses.
# If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from
# help@hdfgroup.org.
# Create public symbol version headers
# Read in the public symbol version description text file and create the
# appropriate headers needed by the library.
# Programmer: Quincey Koziol
# Creation Date: 2007/07/10
# Print the copyright into an open file
sub print_copyright ($) {
my $fh = shift;
print $fh "/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n";
print $fh " * Copyright by The HDF Group. *\n";
print $fh " * All rights reserved. *\n";
print $fh " * *\n";
print $fh " * This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *\n";
print $fh " * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *\n";
print $fh " * the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code *\n";
print $fh " * distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses. *\n";
print $fh " * If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from *\n";
print $fh " * help\@hdfgroup.org. *\n";
print $fh " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */\n";
# Print the "do not change this file" warning
sub print_warning ($) {
my $fh = shift;
print $fh "\n/* Generated automatically by bin/make_vers -- do not edit */\n";
print $fh "/* Add new versioned symbols to H5vers.txt file */\n\n";
# Print start of ifdef's to prevent a file from being re-included
sub print_startprotect ($$) {
my ($fh, $file) = @_;
# Clip off the ".h" part of the name
$file =~ s/(\w*)\.h/$1/;
# Print the ifdef info
print $fh "\n#ifndef ${file}_H\n";
print $fh "#define ${file}_H\n";
# Print check for conflicting version macro settings
sub print_checkoptions ($) {
my $fh = shift; # File handle for output file
my $curr_idx; # Current API version index
# Print the option checking
print $fh "\n\n/* Issue error if contradicting macros have been defined. */\n";
print $fh "/* (Can't use an older (deprecated) API version if deprecated symbols have been disabled) */\n";
# Print the #ifdef
print $fh "#if (";
for $curr_idx ($min_sup_idx .. ($max_idx - 1)) {
print $fh "defined(H5_USE_1", ($curr_idx * 2), "_API)";
if($curr_idx < ($max_idx - 1)) {
print $fh " || ";
print $fh ") && defined(H5_NO_DEPRECATED_SYMBOLS)\n";
# Print the error for bad API version chosen
print $fh ' ' x $indent, "#error \"Can't choose old API versions when deprecated APIs are disabled\"\n";
# Print the #endif
print $fh "#endif /* (";
for $curr_idx ($min_sup_idx .. ($max_idx - 1)) {
print $fh "defined(H5_USE_1", ($curr_idx * 2), "_API)";
if($curr_idx < ($max_idx - 1)) {
print $fh " || ";
print $fh ") && defined(H5_NO_DEPRECATED_SYMBOLS) */\n";
# Print "global" API version macro settings
sub print_globalapidefvers ($) {
my $fh = shift; # File handle for output file
my $curr_idx; # Current API version index
# Print the descriptive comment
print $fh "\n\n/* If a particular default \"global\" version of the library's interfaces is\n";
print $fh " * chosen, set the corresponding version macro for API symbols.\n";
print $fh " *\n";
print $fh " */\n";
for $curr_idx ($min_sup_idx .. ($max_idx - 1)) {
# Print API version ifdef
print $fh "\n#if defined(H5_USE_1", ($curr_idx * 2), "_API_DEFAULT) && !defined(H5_USE_1", ($curr_idx * 2), "_API)\n";
# Print API version definition
print $fh " " x $indent, "#define H5_USE_1", ($curr_idx * 2), "_API 1\n";
# Print API version endif
print $fh "#endif /* H5_USE_1", ($curr_idx * 2), "_API_DEFAULT && !H5_USE_1", ($curr_idx * 2), "_API */\n";
# Print "global" API symbol version macro settings
sub print_globalapisymbolvers ($) {
my $fh = shift; # File handle for output file
my $curr_idx; # Current API version index
# Print the descriptive comment
print $fh "\n\n/* If a particular \"global\" version of the library's interfaces is chosen,\n";
print $fh " * set the versions for the API symbols affected.\n";
print $fh " *\n";
print $fh " * Note: If an application has already chosen a particular version for an\n";
print $fh " * API symbol, the individual API version macro takes priority.\n";
print $fh " */\n";
# Loop over supported older library APIs and define the appropriate macros
for $curr_idx ($min_sup_idx .. ($max_idx - 1)) {
# Print API version ifdef
print $fh "\n#ifdef H5_USE_1", ($curr_idx * 2), "_API\n";
# Print the version macro info for each function that is defined for
# this API version
print $fh "\n/*************/\n";
print $fh "/* Functions */\n";
print $fh "/*************/\n";
for $name (sort keys %{$func_vers[$curr_idx]}) {
print $fh "\n#if !defined(", $name, "_vers)\n";
print $fh " " x $indent, "#define ", $name, "_vers $func_vers[$curr_idx]{$name}\n";
print $fh "#endif /* !defined(", $name, "_vers) */\n";
# Print the version macro info for each typedef that is defined for
# this API version
print $fh "\n/************/\n";
print $fh "/* Typedefs */\n";
print $fh "/************/\n";
for $name (sort keys %{$type_vers[$curr_idx]}) {
print $fh "\n#if !defined(", $name, "_t_vers)\n";
print $fh " " x $indent, "#define ", $name, "_t_vers $type_vers[$curr_idx]{$name}\n";
print $fh "#endif /* !defined(", $name, "_t_vers) */\n";
# Print API version endif
print $fh "\n#endif /* H5_USE_1", ($curr_idx * 2), "_API */\n";
# Print "default" API version macro settings
sub print_defaultapivers ($) {
my $fh = shift; # File handle for output file
my $curr_name; # Current API function
# Print the descriptive comment
print $fh "\n\n/* Choose the correct version of each API symbol, defaulting to the latest\n";
print $fh " * version of each. The \"best\" name for API parameters/data structures\n";
print $fh " * that have changed definitions is also set. An error is issued for\n";
print $fh " * specifying an invalid API version.\n";
print $fh " */\n";
# Loop over function names that are versioned and set up the version macros
print $fh "\n/*************/\n";
print $fh "/* Functions */\n";
print $fh "/*************/\n";
for $curr_name (sort keys %functions) {
my $curr_vers_name; # Name of version macro for current function
my $curr_vers; # Version of function
my @param_list; # Typedefs for the function parameters
# Set up variables for later use
$curr_vers_name = $curr_name . "_vers";
$curr_vers = $functions{$curr_name};
# Split up parameter info
@param_list = split(/\s*,\s*/, $func_params{$curr_name});
#print "print_defaultapivers: param_list=(@param_list)\n";
# Set up default/latest version name mapping
print $fh "\n#if !defined($curr_vers_name) || $curr_vers_name == $curr_vers\n";
print $fh " " x $indent, "#ifndef $curr_vers_name\n";
print $fh " " x ($indent * 2), "#define $curr_vers_name $curr_vers\n";
print $fh " " x $indent, "#endif /* $curr_vers_name */\n";
print $fh " " x $indent, "#define $curr_name $curr_name$curr_vers\n";
# Print function's dependent parameter types
foreach(sort(@param_list)) {
print $fh " " x $indent, "#define ${_}_t $_${curr_vers}_t\n";
# Loop to print earlier version name mappings
while($curr_vers > 0) {
print $fh "#elif $curr_vers_name == $curr_vers\n";
print $fh " " x $indent, "#define $curr_name $curr_name$curr_vers\n";
# Print function's dependent parameter types
foreach(sort(@param_list)) {
print $fh " " x $indent, "#define ${_}_t $_${curr_vers}_t\n";
# Finish up with error for unknown version and endif
print $fh "#else /* $curr_vers_name */\n";
print $fh " " x $indent, "#error \"$curr_vers_name set to invalid value\"\n";
print $fh "#endif /* $curr_vers_name */\n";
# Loop over typedefs that are versioned and set up the version macros
print $fh "\n/************/\n";
print $fh "/* Typedefs */\n";
print $fh "/************/\n";
for $curr_name (sort keys %typedefs) {
my $curr_vers_name; # Name of version macro for current function
my $curr_vers; # Version of function
# Set up variables for later use
$curr_vers_name = $curr_name . "_t_vers";
$curr_vers = $typedefs{$curr_name};
# Set up default/latest version name mapping
print $fh "\n#if !defined($curr_vers_name) || $curr_vers_name == $curr_vers\n";
print $fh " " x $indent, "#ifndef $curr_vers_name\n";
print $fh " " x ($indent * 2), "#define $curr_vers_name $curr_vers\n";
print $fh " " x $indent, "#endif /* $curr_vers_name */\n";
print $fh " " x $indent, "#define ${curr_name}_t $curr_name${curr_vers}_t\n";
# Loop to print earlier version name mappings
while($curr_vers > 0) {
print $fh "#elif $curr_vers_name == $curr_vers\n";
print $fh " " x $indent, "#define ${curr_name}_t $curr_name${curr_vers}_t\n";
# Finish up with error for unknown version and endif
print $fh "#else /* $curr_vers_name */\n";
print $fh " " x $indent, "#error \"$curr_vers_name set to invalid value\"\n";
print $fh "#endif /* $curr_vers_name */\n\n";
# Print end of ifdef's to prevent a file from being re-included
sub print_endprotect ($$) {
my ($fh, $file) = @_;
# Clip off the ".h" part of the name
$file =~ s/(\w*)\.h/$1/;
# Print the endif info
print $fh "#endif /* ${file}_H */\n\n";
# Parse a meaningful line (not a comment or blank line) into the appropriate
# data structure
sub parse_line ($) {
my $line = shift; # Get the line to parse
# Parse API function lines
#print "line=$line\n";
if($line =~ /^\s*FUNCTION:/ || $line =~ /^\s*TYPEDEF:/) {
my $name; # The name of the function
my $params; # Typedefs for function parameters
my $vers; # The version info for the function
my @vers_list; # Version info, as a list
my @vers_nums; # Version info, as a numeric list
my $num_versions; # Number of versions for function
my %sym_versions; # Versions for a symbol
my $last_idx; # The previous version index seen for a function
my $last_vers; # The previous version # seen for a function
my $line_type; # Type of line we are parsing
# Determine the type of the line to parse
if($line =~ /^\s*FUNCTION:/) {
$line_type = 1;
# Get the function's name & version info
($name, $params, $vers) = ($line =~ /^\s*FUNCTION:\s*(\w*);\s*(.*?)\s*;\s*(.*?)\s*$/);
#print "parse_line: name='$name', params='$params', vers='$vers'\n";
elsif($line =~ /^\s*TYPEDEF:/) {
$line_type = 2;
# Get the typedefs's name & version info
($name, $vers) = ($line =~ /^\s*TYPEDEF:\s*(\w*);\s*(.*?)\s*$/);
#print "parse_line: name='$name', vers='$vers'\n";
#print "parse_line: line_type='$line_type'\n";
# Check if the name already exists in the list of symbols
if(exists($functions{$name}) || exists($typedefs{$name})) {
die "duplicated symbol: $name";
# Check for no version info given
if($vers eq "") {
die "no version information: $name";
# Split up version info
@vers_list = split(/\s*,\s*/, $vers);
#print "parse_line: vers_list=(@vers_list)\n";
# Parse the version list into numbers, checking for invalid input
foreach(@vers_list) {
my $vers_idx; # Index of version in array
# Do some validation on the input
# Note: v111 is allowed because H5O functions were prematurely versioned
# in HDF5 1.10. Because users were affected by this, the versioning
# was rescinded but the H5O version 2 functions were kept to be
# called directly. Now that the version macros are added in 1.12,
# along with a 3rd version of the H5O functions, the H5O function
# version for default api=v110 should be version 1 to work correctly
# with 1.10 applications that were using unversioned H5O functions,
# and the H5O function version should be version 3 for default api=v112
# (the default api version for 1.12). Allowing a v111 entry and
# incrementing its index 13 lines below allows a version 2 that is
# never accessed via the H5O function macros.
if(!( $_ =~ /v1[02468]/ || $_ =~ /v11[02468]/ || $_ =~ /v111/ )) {
die "bad version information: $name";
if(exists($sym_versions{$_})) {
die "duplicate version information: $name";
# Store the versions for the function in a local hash table, indexed by the version
#print "parse_line: _=$_\n";
# Get the index of the version
($vers_idx) = ($_ =~ /v1(\d+)/);
if($vers_idx == 11) {
$vers_idx /= 2;
#print "parse_line: vers_idx='$vers_idx'\n";
push(@vers_nums, $vers_idx);
#print "parse_line: vers_nums=(@vers_nums)\n";
# Check for invalid version info given
$last_idx = -1;
$last_vers = 1;
foreach(sort(@vers_nums)) {
#print "parse_line: _=$_ last_idx='$last_idx'\n";
# Update intermediate versions of the library that included the API routine
if($last_idx >= 0) {
#print "parse_line: name='$name'\n";
#print "parse_line: last_vers='$last_vers'\n";
#print "parse_line: last_idx='$last_idx'\n";
# Add the function to the list of API routines available in
# different versions of the library
while($last_idx <= $_) {
if($line_type == 1) {
$func_vers[$last_idx]{$name} = $last_vers;
} elsif($line_type == 2) {
$type_vers[$last_idx]{$name} = $last_vers;
} else {
die "unknown line type: $line";
# Increment the version # of the function
# Keep track of last version index seen
$last_idx = $_;
# Finish updating versions of the library that included the API routine
if($last_idx >= 0) {
#print "parse_line: max_idx='$max_idx'\n";
# Add the function to the list of API routines available in
# different versions of the library
while($last_idx <= $max_idx) {
if($line_type == 1) {
$func_vers[$last_idx]{$name} = $last_vers;
} elsif($line_type == 2) {
$type_vers[$last_idx]{$name} = $last_vers;
} else {
die "unknown line type: $line";
# Store the number of symbol versions in a hash table, indexed by the name
if($line_type == 1) {
$functions{$name} = $#vers_list + 1;
# Store the function's parameter types for later
$func_params{$name} = $params;
} elsif($line_type == 2) {
$typedefs{$name} = $#vers_list + 1;
} else {
die "unknown line type: $line";
# Unknown keyword
else {
die "unknown keyword: $line";
# Create the generated portion of the public header file
sub create_public ($) {
my $prefix = shift; # Get the prefix for the generated file
my $file = "H5version.h"; # Name of file to generate
my $name; # Name of function
# Rename previous file
# rename "${prefix}${file}", "${prefix}${file}~" or die "unable to make backup";
# Open new header file
open HEADER, ">${prefix}${file}" or die "unable to modify source";
# Create file contents
print_startprotect(*HEADER, $file);
print_endprotect(*HEADER, $file);
# Close header file
close HEADER;
# Read symbol version file (given as command-line argument) in and process it
# into internal data structures, then create header files.
for $file (@ARGV) {
my $prefix; # Local prefix for generated files
#print "file = '$file'\n";
# Check for directory prefix on input file
if($file =~ /\//) {
($prefix) = ($file =~ /(^.*\/)/);
else {
$prefix = "";
#print "prefix = '$prefix'\n";
# Read in the entire file
open SOURCE, $file or die "$file: $!\n";
while ( defined ($line=<SOURCE>) ) {
# Skip blank lines and those lines whose first character is a '#'
if(!($line =~ /(^\s*#.*$)|(^\s*$)/)) {
# Construct data structures for later printing
close SOURCE;
# Create header files
print "Generating '", $prefix, "H5version.h'\n";
#for $name (sort keys %functions) {
# print "functions{$name} = $functions{$name}\n";
#for $i (0 .. $#func_vers) {
# my $vers_name; # Name of indexed version
# $vers_name = "v1." . ($i * 2);
# print "$vers_name functions: ";
# for $name (sort keys %{$func_vers[$i]}) {
# print "$name$func_vers[$i]{$name} ";
# }
# print "\n";