mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 16:37:56 +08:00
Description: A user discovered that the HDF5 1.8.2 Windows release binaries were missing a few of the HDF5 tools. This is due to the Windows install script, which simply didn't include them. This commit fixes the install script to include h5copy, h5mkgrp, and h5stat Tested: VS2005 w/ WinXP, build and install only
335 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
335 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
@echo OFF
rem Copyright by The HDF Group.
rem Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
rem All rights reserved.
rem This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
rem terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
rem the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
rem of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
rem root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
rem is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
rem http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
rem access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
rem This batch file is used to install HDF5 libraries and tools
rem Last Updated: 2/12/2007
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd %~dp0
set install_dir=%systemroot%\system
goto main
rem Create the directory structure that we'll need to install
for %%a in (debug release) do (
for %%b in (bin bindll dll lib include modsdll) do (
if not exist hdf5lib\%%a\%%b (
mkdir hdf5lib\%%a\%%b
exit /b
rem This function actally copies the file over, first making sure it exists. If not, we increment nerrors
rem Expected parameters:
rem %1 - name of file to copy
rem %2 - destination to copy to
if exist %1 (
copy /y %1 %2 > nul
) else (
set /a nerrors=%nerrors%+1
exit /b
rem Only delete a file if it actually exists. Return the status of delete if it was called
rem Expected paramters:
rem %1 - name of file to delete
if exist %1 (
del /f %1 > nul
exit /b
rem Install C Libraries and Tools
set nerrors=0
rem ===DEBUG===
rem include
call :safe_copy src\*.h hdf5lib\debug\include
call :safe_delete hdf5lib\debug\include\*private.h
rem lib
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5\debug\hdf5d.lib hdf5lib\debug\lib
rem dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5dll\debug\hdf5ddll.lib hdf5lib\debug\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5dll\debug\hdf5ddll.dll hdf5lib\debug\dll
rem bin
call :safe_copy hl\tools\gifconv\gif2h5\debug\gif2h5.exe hdf5lib\debug\bin
call :safe_copy hl\tools\gifconv\h52gif\debug\h52gif.exe hdf5lib\debug\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5copy\debug\h5copy.exe hdf5lib\debug\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5debug\debug\h5debug.exe hdf5lib\debug\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5diff\debug\h5diff.exe hdf5lib\debug\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5dump\debug\h5dump.exe hdf5lib\debug\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5import\debug\h5import.exe hdf5lib\debug\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5jam\debug\h5jam.exe hdf5lib\debug\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5ls\debug\h5ls.exe hdf5lib\debug\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5mkgrp\debug\h5mkgrp.exe hdf5lib\debug\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5repack\debug\h5repack.exe hdf5lib\debug\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5repart\debug\h5repart.exe hdf5lib\debug\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5stat\debug\h5stat.exe hdf5lib\debug\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5unjam\debug\h5unjam.exe hdf5lib\debug\bin
rem bindll
call :safe_copy hl\tools\gifconvdll\h52gifdll\debug\h52gifdll.exe hdf5lib\debug\bindll
call :safe_copy hl\tools\gifconvdll\gif2h5dll\debug\gif2h5dll.exe hdf5lib\debug\bindll
call :safe_copy tools\h5debugdll\debug\h5debugdll.exe hdf5lib\debug\bindll
call :safe_copy tools\h5diffdll\debug\h5diffdll.exe hdf5lib\debug\bindll
call :safe_copy tools\h5dumpdll\debug\h5dumpdll.exe hdf5lib\debug\bindll
call :safe_copy tools\h5importdll\debug\h5importdll.exe hdf5lib\debug\bindll
call :safe_copy tools\h5lsdll\debug\h5lsdll.exe hdf5lib\debug\bindll
call :safe_copy tools\h5repackdll\debug\h5repackdll.exe hdf5lib\debug\bindll
call :safe_copy tools\h5repartdll\debug\h5repartdll.exe hdf5lib\debug\bindll
rem ===RELEASE===
rem include
call :safe_copy src\*.h hdf5lib\release\include
call :safe_delete hdf5lib\release\include\*private.h
rem lib
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5\release\hdf5.lib hdf5lib\release\lib
rem dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5dll\release\hdf5dll.lib hdf5lib\release\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5dll\release\hdf5dll.dll hdf5lib\release\dll
rem bin
call :safe_copy hl\tools\gifconv\gif2h5\release\gif2h5.exe hdf5lib\release\bin
call :safe_copy hl\tools\gifconv\h52gif\release\h52gif.exe hdf5lib\release\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5copy\release\h5copy.exe hdf5lib\release\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5debug\release\h5debug.exe hdf5lib\release\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5diff\release\h5diff.exe hdf5lib\release\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5dump\release\h5dump.exe hdf5lib\release\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5import\release\h5import.exe hdf5lib\release\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5jam\release\h5jam.exe hdf5lib\release\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5ls\release\h5ls.exe hdf5lib\release\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5mkgrp\release\h5mkgrp.exe hdf5lib\release\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5repack\release\h5repack.exe hdf5lib\release\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5repart\release\h5repart.exe hdf5lib\release\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5stat\release\h5stat.exe hdf5lib\release\bin
call :safe_copy tools\h5unjam\release\h5unjam.exe hdf5lib\release\bin
rem bindll
call :safe_copy hl\tools\gifconvdll\h52gifdll\release\h52gifdll.exe hdf5lib\release\bindll
call :safe_copy hl\tools\gifconvdll\gif2h5dll\release\gif2h5dll.exe hdf5lib\release\bindll
call :safe_copy tools\h5debugdll\release\h5debugdll.exe hdf5lib\release\bindll
call :safe_copy tools\h5diffdll\release\h5diffdll.exe hdf5lib\release\bindll
call :safe_copy tools\h5dumpdll\release\h5dumpdll.exe hdf5lib\release\bindll
call :safe_copy tools\h5importdll\release\h5importdll.exe hdf5lib\release\bindll
call :safe_copy tools\h5lsdll\release\h5lsdll.exe hdf5lib\release\bindll
call :safe_copy tools\h5repackdll\release\h5repackdll.exe hdf5lib\release\bindll
call :safe_copy tools\h5repartdll\release\h5repartdll.exe hdf5lib\release\bindll
exit /b %nerrors%
rem Install HL Libraries and Tools
set nerrors=0
rem ===DEBUG===
rem include
call :safe_copy hl\src\*.h hdf5lib\debug\include
rem lib
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl\debug\hdf5_hld.lib hdf5lib\debug\lib
rem dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hldll\debug\hdf5_hlddll.lib hdf5lib\debug\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hldll\debug\hdf5_hlddll.dll hdf5lib\debug\dll
rem ===RELEASE===
rem include
call :safe_copy hl\src\*.h hdf5lib\release\include
rem lib
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl\release\hdf5_hl.lib hdf5lib\release\lib
rem dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hldll\release\hdf5_hldll.lib hdf5lib\release\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hldll\release\hdf5_hldll.dll hdf5lib\release\dll
exit /b %nerrors%
rem Install C++ Libraries and Tools
set nerrors=0
rem include
call :safe_copy "c++\src\*.h" hdf5lib\debug\include
rem lib
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_cpp\debug\hdf5_cppd.lib hdf5lib\debug\lib
rem dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_cppdll\debug\hdf5_cppddll.lib hdf5lib\debug\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_cppdll\debug\hdf5_cppddll.dll hdf5lib\debug\dll
rem ===RELEASE===
rem include
call :safe_copy "c++\src\*.h" hdf5lib\release\include
rem lib
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_cpp\release\hdf5_cpp.lib hdf5lib\release\lib
rem dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_cppdll\release\hdf5_cppdll.lib hdf5lib\release\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_cppdll\release\hdf5_cppdll.dll hdf5lib\release\dll
exit /b %nerrors%
rem Install HL C++ Libraries and Tools
set nerrors=0
rem ===DEBUG===
rem include
call :safe_copy "hl\c++\src\*.h" hdf5lib\debug\include
rem lib
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_cpp\debug\hdf5_hl_cppd.lib hdf5lib\debug\lib
rem dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_cppdll\debug\hdf5_hl_cppddll.lib hdf5lib\debug\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_cppdll\debug\hdf5_hl_cppddll.dll hdf5lib\debug\dll
rem ===RELEASE===
rem include
call :safe_copy "hl\c++\src\*.h" hdf5lib\release\include
rem lib
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_cpp\release\hdf5_hl_cpp.lib hdf5lib\release\lib
rem dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_cppdll\release\hdf5_hl_cppdll.lib hdf5lib\release\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_cppdll\release\hdf5_hl_cppdll.dll hdf5lib\release\dll
exit /b %nerrors%
rem Install Fortran Libraries and Tools
set nerrors=0
rem ===DEBUG===
rem include
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_fortran\debug\*.mod hdf5lib\debug\include
rem lib
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_fortran\debug\hdf5_fortrand.lib hdf5lib\debug\lib
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_f90cstub\debug\hdf5_f90cstubd.lib hdf5lib\debug\lib
rem modsdll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_fortrandll\debug\*.mod hdf5lib\debug\modsdll
rem dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_fortrandll\debug\hdf5_fortranddll.lib hdf5lib\debug\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_fortrandll\debug\hdf5_fortranddll.dll hdf5lib\debug\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_f90cstubdll\debug\hdf5_f90cstubddll.lib hdf5lib\debug\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_f90cstubdll\debug\hdf5_f90cstubddll.dll hdf5lib\debug\dll
rem ===RELEASE===
rem include
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_fortran\release\*.mod hdf5lib\release\include
rem lib
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_fortran\release\hdf5_fortran.lib hdf5lib\release\lib
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_f90cstub\release\hdf5_f90cstub.lib hdf5lib\release\lib
rem modsdll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_fortrandll\release\*.mod hdf5lib\release\modsdll
rem dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_fortrandll\release\hdf5_fortrandll.lib hdf5lib\release\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_fortrandll\release\hdf5_fortrandll.dll hdf5lib\release\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_f90cstubdll\release\hdf5_f90cstubdll.lib hdf5lib\release\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_f90cstubdll\release\hdf5_f90cstubdll.dll hdf5lib\release\dll
exit /b %nerrors%
rem Install HL Fortran Libraries and Tools
set nerrors=0
rem ===DEBUG===
rem include
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_fortran\debug\*.mod hdf5lib\debug\include
rem lib
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_fortran\debug\hdf5_hl_fortrand.lib hdf5lib\debug\lib
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_f90cstub\debug\hdf5_hl_f90cstubd.lib hdf5lib\debug\lib
rem modsdll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_fortrandll\debug\*.mod hdf5lib\debug\modsdll
rem dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_fortrandll\debug\hdf5_hl_fortranddll.lib hdf5lib\debug\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_fortrandll\debug\hdf5_hl_fortranddll.dll hdf5lib\debug\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_f90cstubdll\debug\hdf5_hl_f90cstubddll.lib hdf5lib\debug\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_f90cstubdll\debug\hdf5_hl_f90cstubddll.dll hdf5lib\debug\dll
rem ===RELEASE===
rem include
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_fortran\release\*.mod hdf5lib\release\include
rem lib
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_fortran\release\hdf5_hl_fortran.lib hdf5lib\release\lib
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_f90cstub\release\hdf5_hl_f90cstub.lib hdf5lib\release\lib
rem modsdll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_fortrandll\release\*.mod hdf5lib\release\modsdll
rem dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_fortrandll\release\hdf5_hl_fortrandll.lib hdf5lib\release\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_fortrandll\release\hdf5_hl_fortrandll.dll hdf5lib\release\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_f90cstubdll\release\hdf5_hl_f90cstubdll.lib hdf5lib\release\dll
call :safe_copy proj\hdf5_hl_f90cstubdll\release\hdf5_hl_f90cstubdll.dll hdf5lib\release\dll
exit /b %nerrors%
call :create_directories
call :install_c
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
echo.C libraries and tools installed
) else (
echo.C libraries and tools NOT installed
call :install_hl
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
echo.High Level C libraries and tools installed
) else (
echo.High Level C libraries and tools NOT installed
call :install_cpp
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
echo.C++ libraries and tools installed
) else (
echo.C++ libraries and tools NOT installed
call :install_hlcpp
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
echo.High Level C++ libraries and tools installed
) else (
echo.High Level C++ libraries and tools NOT installed
call :install_fortran
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
echo.Fortran libraries and tools installed
) else (
echo.Fortran libraries and tools NOT installed
call :install_hlfortran
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
echo.High Level Fortran libraries and tools installed
) else (
echo.High Level Fortran libraries and tools NOT installed
endlocal & exit /b 0