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synced 2025-03-07 16:37:56 +08:00
Description: When copy constructor or constructor that takes an existing id is invoked, the C ref counter stays the same but there is an extra C++ object which later is destroyed and may cause the HDF5 id to be closed prematurely. The C++ library needs to increment the ref counter in these situations, so that the C library will not close the id when it is still being referenced. However, the incrementing of ref count left some objects opened at the end of the program, perhaps, due to compiler's optimization on cons/destructors. The constructor, that takes an existing id, needs to increment the counter but it seems that the matching destructor wasn't invoked. The workaround is to have a function for each class that has "id" that only sets the id and not increment the ref count for the library to use in these situations. These functions are "friend" and not public. The friend functions are: void f_Attribute_setId(Attribute *, hid_t) void f_DataSet_setId(DataSet *, hid_t) void f_DataSpace_setId(DataSpace *, hid_t) void f_DataType_setId(DataType *, hid_t) Platforms tested: Linux/64 (platypus) Linux/32 2.6 (jam gnu and Intel 15.0) SunOS 5.11 (emu)
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1631 lines
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/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root *
* of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the *
* root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and *
* is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at *
* http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have *
* access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
tattr.cpp - HDF5 C++ testing the functionalities associated with the
C attribute interface (H5A)
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#ifndef H5_NO_STD
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
#endif // H5_NO_STD
#include "H5Cpp.h" // C++ API header file
using namespace H5;
#include "h5cpputil.h" // C++ utilility header file
const H5std_string FILE_BASIC("tattr_basic.h5");
const H5std_string FILE_COMPOUND("tattr_compound.h5");
const H5std_string FILE_SCALAR("tattr_scalar.h5");
const H5std_string FILE_MULTI("tattr_multi.h5");
const H5std_string FILE_DTYPE("tattr_dtype.h5");
const H5std_string ATTR_TMP_NAME("temp_attr_name");
const H5std_string FATTR_TMP_NAME("temp_fattr_name");
const size_t ATTR_MAX_DIMS = 7;
/* 3-D dataset with fixed dimensions */
const int SPACE1_RANK = 3;
const hsize_t SPACE1_DIM1 = 3;
const hsize_t SPACE1_DIM2 = 15;
const hsize_t SPACE1_DIM3 = 13;
/* Object names */
const H5std_string DSET1_NAME("Dataset1");
const H5std_string GROUP1_NAME("/Group1");
const H5std_string TYPE1_NAME("/Type");
/* Attribute Rank & Dimensions */
const H5std_string ATTR1_NAME("Attr1");
const int ATTR1_RANK = 1;
const hsize_t ATTR1_DIM1 = 3;
int attr_data1[ATTR1_DIM1]={512,-234,98123}; /* Test data for 1st attribute */
// File attribute, using the same rank and dimensions as ATTR1_NAME's
const H5std_string FATTR1_NAME("File Attr1");
const H5std_string FATTR2_NAME("File Attr2");
const H5std_string ATTR2_NAME("Attr2");
const int ATTR2_RANK = 2;
const hsize_t ATTR2_DIM1 = 2;
const hsize_t ATTR2_DIM2 = 2;
int attr_data2[ATTR2_DIM1][ATTR2_DIM2]={{7614,-416},{197814,-3}}; /* Test data for 2nd attribute */
const H5std_string ATTR3_NAME("Attr3");
const int ATTR3_RANK = 3;
const hsize_t ATTR3_DIM1 = 2;
const hsize_t ATTR3_DIM2 = 2;
const hsize_t ATTR3_DIM3 = 2;
double attr_data3[ATTR3_DIM1][ATTR3_DIM2][ATTR3_DIM3]={{{2.3,-26.1},{0.123,-10.0}},{{981724.2,-0.91827},{2.0,23.0}}}; /* Test data for 3rd attribute */
const H5std_string ATTR4_NAME("Attr4");
const int ATTR4_RANK = 2;
const hsize_t ATTR4_DIM1 = 2;
const hsize_t ATTR4_DIM2 = 2;
const H5std_string ATTR4_FIELDNAME1("i");
const H5std_string ATTR4_FIELDNAME2("d");
const H5std_string ATTR4_FIELDNAME3("c");
size_t attr4_field1_off=0;
size_t attr4_field2_off=0;
size_t attr4_field3_off=0;
struct attr4_struct {
int i;
double d;
char c;
} attr_data4[ATTR4_DIM1][ATTR4_DIM2]={{{3,-26.1,'d'},{-100000, 0.123,'3'}},
{{-23,981724.2,'Q'},{0,2.0,'\n'}}}; // Test data for 4th attribute
const H5std_string ATTR5_NAME("Attr5");
const int ATTR5_RANK = 0;
float attr_data5 = (float)-5.123; // Test data for 5th attribute
/* Info for another attribute */
const H5std_string ATTR1A_NAME("Attr1_a");
int attr_data1a[ATTR1_DIM1]={256,11945,-22107};
** test_attr_basic_write(): Test basic write attribute.
** Tests integer attributes on both datasets and groups
static void test_attr_basic_write()
hsize_t dims1[] = {SPACE1_DIM1, SPACE1_DIM2, SPACE1_DIM3};
hsize_t dims2[] = {ATTR1_DIM1};
hsize_t dims3[] = {ATTR2_DIM1,ATTR2_DIM2};
int read_data1[ATTR1_DIM1]={0}; // Buffer for reading 1st attribute
hsize_t i;
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Basic Attribute Writing Functions");
try {
// Create file
// Create dataspace for dataset
DataSpace ds_space (SPACE1_RANK, dims1);
* Test attribute with dataset
// Create a dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.createDataSet(DSET1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_UCHAR, ds_space);
// Create dataspace for attribute
DataSpace att_space (ATTR1_RANK, dims2);
// Create a file attribute
Attribute file_attr2 = fid1.createAttribute (FATTR1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, att_space);
// Create a file attribute
Attribute file_attr1 = fid1.createAttribute (FATTR2_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, att_space);
// Create an attribute for the dataset
Attribute ds_attr1 = dataset.createAttribute (ATTR1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, att_space);
// Try creating an attribute that already exists. This should fail
// since two attributes cannot have the same name. If an exception
// is not thrown for this action by createAttribute, then throw an
// invalid action exception.
try {
Attribute invalid_attr = dataset.createAttribute (ATTR1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, att_space);
// continuation here, that means no exception has been thrown
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::createDataSet", "Library allowed overwrite of existing dataset");
catch (AttributeIException E) // catching invalid creating attribute
{} // do nothing, exception expected
// Write attribute information
ds_attr1.write (PredType::NATIVE_INT, attr_data1);
// Read attribute information immediately, without closing attribute
ds_attr1.read (PredType::NATIVE_INT, read_data1);
// Verify values read in
for(i=0; i<ATTR1_DIM1; i++)
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data1[%d]=%d,read_data1[%d]=%d\n",__LINE__,i,attr_data1[i],i,read_data1[i]);
// Create two more attributes for this dataset, but only write to one.
Attribute ds_attr2 = dataset.createAttribute (ATTR2_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, att_space);
Attribute ds_attr3 = dataset.createAttribute (ATTR3_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, att_space);
// Write attribute information
ds_attr2.write (PredType::NATIVE_INT, attr_data1a);
// Read attribute information immediately, without closing attribute
ds_attr2.read (PredType::NATIVE_INT, read_data1);
// Verify values read in
for(i=0; i<ATTR1_DIM1; i++)
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data1a[%d]=%d,read_data1[%d]=%d\n",__LINE__,i,attr_data1a[i],i,read_data1[i]);
// Close both attributes
* Test attribute with group
// Create group in file fid1
Group group = fid1.createGroup (GROUP1_NAME);
// Create dataspace for attribute
DataSpace sid3(ATTR2_RANK, dims3);
// Create an attribute for the group
Attribute gr_attr = group.createAttribute (ATTR2_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, sid3);
// Check storage size for attribute
hsize_t attr_size = gr_attr.getStorageSize();
verify_val((long)attr_size, (long)(ATTR2_DIM1*ATTR2_DIM2*sizeof(int)),
// Try to create the same attribute again (should fail)
try {
Attribute invalid_attr = group.createAttribute (ATTR2_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, sid3);
// continuation here, that means no exception has been thrown
throw InvalidActionException("H5Group::createAttribute",
"Attempting to create an existing attribute");
catch (AttributeIException E) // catching invalid creating attribute
{} // do nothing, exception expected
// Write attribute information
gr_attr.write (PredType::NATIVE_INT, attr_data2);
// Check storage size for attribute
attr_size = gr_attr.getStorageSize();
verify_val((long)attr_size, (long)(ATTR2_DIM1*ATTR2_DIM2*sizeof(int)),
"Attribute::getStorageSize", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end try block
catch (Exception E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_basic_write()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_basic_write()
** test_attr_getname(): Test getting attribute name functions.
** Test these functions:
** A. ssize_t Attribute::getName(char* attr_name, size_t buf_size)
** 1. With arbitrary buf_size that is larger than the name size
** 2. With arbitrary buf_size that is smaller than the name's length.
** 3. With a buf_size that equals the name's length.
** B. ssize_t Attribute::getName(H5std_string& attr_name, size_t buf_size)
** 1. With buffer smaller than the actual name
** 2. Same test but with retiring overloaded function
** ssize_t Attribute::getName(size_t buf_size, H5std_string& attr_name)
** C. H5std_string Attribute::getName()
** D. H5std_string Attribute::getName(size_t len)
** E. ssize_t Attribute::getName(H5std_string& attr_name, size_t buf_size)
** With buffer size equals the name's length, i.e., buf_size=0
static void test_attr_getname()
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Testing all overloads of Attribute::getName");
try {
// Open the file FILE_BASIC and test getName with its attribute
// Open file
// Check for existence of attribute FATTR1_NAME
bool attr_exists = fid1.attrExists(FATTR1_NAME);
if (attr_exists == false)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists", "Attribute should exist but does not");
// Open attribute
Attribute fattr1(fid1.openAttribute(FATTR1_NAME));
// A. Get attribute name with
// ssize_t Attribute::getName(char* attr_name, size_t buf_size)
// using different buffer sizes and verify against FATTR1_NAME (3 cases)
// 1. With arbitrary buf_size that is larger than the name size
size_t buf_size = FATTR1_NAME.length() + 10;
char* fattr1_name = new char[buf_size+1];
HDmemset(fattr1_name, 0, buf_size+1);
ssize_t name_size = 0; // actual length of attribute name
name_size = fattr1.getName(fattr1_name, buf_size+1);
CHECK(name_size, FAIL, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val((size_t)name_size, FATTR1_NAME.length(), "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val((const char*)fattr1_name, FATTR1_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
delete []fattr1_name;
// 2. With arbitrary buf_size that is smaller than the name's length.
// Let's try 4 first characters in the name.
buf_size = 4;
char short_name[5] = "File"; // to verify the read name
fattr1_name = new char[buf_size+1];
HDmemset(fattr1_name, 0, buf_size+1);
name_size = fattr1.getName(fattr1_name, buf_size+1);
CHECK(name_size, FAIL, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val((size_t)name_size, FATTR1_NAME.size(), "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val((const char*)fattr1_name, (const char*)short_name, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
delete []fattr1_name;
// 3. With a buf_size that equals the name's length.
buf_size = FATTR1_NAME.length();
fattr1_name = new char[buf_size+1];
HDmemset(fattr1_name, 0, buf_size+1);
name_size = fattr1.getName(fattr1_name, buf_size+1);
CHECK(name_size, FAIL, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val(fattr1_name, FATTR1_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
delete []fattr1_name;
// B. Get attribute name with
// ssize_t Attribute::getName(H5std_string& attr_name, size_t buf_size)
// using buffer smaller than the actual name
buf_size = 4;
H5std_string fattr1_name2;
name_size = fattr1.getName(fattr1_name2, buf_size);
verify_val(fattr1_name2, "File", "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Same test as above, but with deprecated overloaded function
// ssize_t Attribute::getName(size_t buf_size, H5std_string& attr_name)
// using buffer smaller than the actual name
H5std_string fattr1_name2a;
name_size = fattr1.getName(fattr1_name2a, buf_size);
verify_val(fattr1_name2a, "File", "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// C. Get file attribute's name with
// H5std_string Attribute::getName()
H5std_string fattr1_name3 = fattr1.getName();
verify_val(fattr1_name3, FATTR1_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// D. Test getName getting part of an attribute's name using
// H5std_string Attribute::getName(len)
// Open dataset DSET1_NAME
DataSet dataset = fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME);
// Check for existence of attribute
attr_exists = dataset.attrExists(ATTR1_NAME);
if (attr_exists == false)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists", "Attribute should exist but does not");
// Open attribute
Attribute attr1(dataset.openAttribute(ATTR1_NAME));
size_t len = 4;
H5std_string dattr_name1 = attr1.getName(len);
verify_val(dattr_name1, "Attr", "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// E. Get dataset's attribute name with
// H5std_string Attribute::getName(H5std_string attr_name, buf_size=0)
H5std_string dattr_name2;
name_size = attr1.getName(dattr_name2);
verify_val(dattr_name2, ATTR1_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end try block
catch (Exception E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_getname()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_getname()
** test_attr_rename(): Test renaming attribute function.
static void test_attr_rename()
int read_data1[ATTR1_DIM1]={0}; // Buffer for reading the attribute
hsize_t i;
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Checking for Existence and Renaming Attribute");
try {
// Open file
// Check and rename attribute belonging to a file
// Check for existence of attribute
bool attr_exists = fid1.attrExists(FATTR1_NAME);
if (attr_exists == false)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists", "Attribute should exist but does not");
// Change attribute name
fid1.renameAttr(FATTR1_NAME, FATTR_TMP_NAME);
// Open attribute again
Attribute fattr1(fid1.openAttribute(FATTR_TMP_NAME));
// Verify new attribute name
H5std_string fattr_name = fattr1.getName();
verify_val(fattr_name, FATTR_TMP_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
int num_attrs = fid1.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 2, "Attribute::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Change first file attribute back to the original name
fid1.renameAttr(FATTR_TMP_NAME, FATTR1_NAME);
// Open the dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME);
// Check and rename attribute belonging to a dataset
// Check for existence of attribute
attr_exists = dataset.attrExists(ATTR1_NAME);
if (attr_exists == false)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists", "Attribute should exist but does not");
// Change attribute name
dataset.renameAttr(ATTR1_NAME, ATTR_TMP_NAME);
// Open attribute again
Attribute attr1(dataset.openAttribute(ATTR_TMP_NAME));
// Verify new attribute name
H5std_string attr_name = attr1.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, ATTR_TMP_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Read attribute information immediately, without closing attribute
attr1.read (PredType::NATIVE_INT, read_data1);
// Verify values read in
for(i=0; i<ATTR1_DIM1; i++)
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data1[%d]=%d,read_data1[%d]=%d\n",__LINE__,i,attr_data1[i],i,read_data1[i]);
// Close attribute
// Check for existence of second attribute
attr_exists = dataset.attrExists(ATTR2_NAME);
if (attr_exists == false)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists", "Attribute should exist but does not");
// Open the second attribute
Attribute attr2(dataset.openAttribute(ATTR2_NAME));
// Verify second attribute name
H5std_string attr2_name = attr2.getName();
verify_val(attr2_name, ATTR2_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Read attribute information immediately, without closing attribute
attr2.read (PredType::NATIVE_INT, read_data1);
// Verify values read in
for(i=0; i<ATTR1_DIM1; i++)
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data1a[%d]=%d,read_data1[%d]=%d\n",__LINE__,i,attr_data1a[i],i,read_data1[i]);
// Close attribute
// Change first attribute back to the original name
dataset.renameAttr(ATTR_TMP_NAME, ATTR1_NAME);
// Check for existence of attribute after renaming
attr_exists = dataset.attrExists(ATTR1_NAME);
if (attr_exists == false)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists", "Attribute should exist but does not");
} // end try block
catch (Exception E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_rename()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_rename()
** test_attr_basic_read(): Test basic read attribute.
static void test_attr_basic_read()
hsize_t i, j;
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Basic Attribute Reading Functions");
try {
// Open file
// Open the dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME);
// Verify the correct number of attributes
int num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 3, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open an attribute for the dataset
Attribute ds_attr=dataset.openAttribute(ATTR1_NAME);
// Read attribute information
int read_data1[ATTR1_DIM1]={0}; // Buffer for reading 1st attribute
ds_attr.read(PredType::NATIVE_INT, &read_data1);
// Verify values read in
for(i=0; i<ATTR1_DIM1; i++)
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data1[%d]=%d, read_data1[%d]=%d\n",__LINE__,i,attr_data1[i],i,read_data1[i]);
* Test attribute with group
// Open the group
Group group = fid1.openGroup(GROUP1_NAME);
// Verify the correct number of attributes
num_attrs = group.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 1, "H5Group::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open an attribute for the group
Attribute gr_attr = group.openAttribute(ATTR2_NAME);
// Buffer for reading 2nd attribute
int read_data2[ATTR2_DIM1][ATTR2_DIM2]={{0}};
// Read attribute information
gr_attr.read(PredType::NATIVE_INT, read_data2);
// Verify values read in
for(i=0; i<ATTR2_DIM1; i++)
for(j=0; j<ATTR2_DIM2; j++)
if(attr_data2[i][j]!=read_data2[i][j]) {
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data2[%d][%d]=%d, read_data2[%d][%d]=%d\n",__LINE__, i,j,attr_data2[i][j],i,j,read_data2[i][j]);
} // end try block
catch (Exception E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_basic_read()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_basic_read()
** test_attr_compound_write(): Tests compound datatype attributes
static void test_attr_compound_write()
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Multiple Attribute Functions");
try {
// Create file
H5File fid1(FILE_COMPOUND.c_str(), H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
// Create dataspace for dataset
hsize_t dims1[] = {SPACE1_DIM1, SPACE1_DIM2, SPACE1_DIM3};
DataSpace sid1(SPACE1_RANK, dims1);
// Create a dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.createDataSet(DSET1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_UCHAR,sid1);
// Create the attribute datatype.
CompType comp_type(sizeof(struct attr4_struct));
attr4_field1_off = HOFFSET(struct attr4_struct, i);
comp_type.insertMember(ATTR4_FIELDNAME1, attr4_field1_off, PredType::NATIVE_INT);
attr4_field2_off = HOFFSET(struct attr4_struct, d);
comp_type.insertMember(ATTR4_FIELDNAME2, attr4_field2_off, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE);
attr4_field3_off = HOFFSET(struct attr4_struct, c);
comp_type.insertMember(ATTR4_FIELDNAME3, attr4_field3_off, PredType::NATIVE_SCHAR);
// Create dataspace for 1st attribute
hsize_t dims2[] = {ATTR4_DIM1,ATTR4_DIM2};
DataSpace sid2(ATTR4_RANK, dims2);
// Create complex attribute for the dataset
Attribute attr = dataset.createAttribute(ATTR4_NAME, comp_type, sid2);
// Try to create the same attribute again (should fail)
try {
Attribute invalid_attr = dataset.createAttribute (ATTR4_NAME, comp_type, sid2);
catch (AttributeIException E) // catching invalid creating attribute
{} // do nothing, exception expected
// Write complex attribute data
attr.write(comp_type, attr_data4);
} // end try block
catch (Exception E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_compound_write()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_compound_write()
** test_attr_compound_read(): Test basic H5A (attribute) code.
static void test_attr_compound_read()
hsize_t dims[ATTR_MAX_DIMS]; // Attribute dimensions
size_t size; // Attribute datatype size as stored in file
size_t offset; // Attribute datatype field offset
struct attr4_struct read_data4[ATTR4_DIM1][ATTR4_DIM2]; // Buffer for reading 4th attribute
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Basic Attribute Functions");
try {
// Open file
// Open the dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME);
// Verify the correct number of attributes
int num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 1, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open 1st attribute for the dataset
Attribute attr = dataset.openAttribute((unsigned)0);
/* Verify Dataspace */
// Get the dataspace of the attribute
DataSpace space = attr.getSpace();
// Get the rank of the dataspace and verify it
int rank = space.getSimpleExtentNdims();
verify_val(rank, ATTR4_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNdims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the dims of the dataspace and verify them
int ndims = space.getSimpleExtentDims(dims);
verify_val(ndims, ATTR4_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val((long)dims[0], (long)ATTR4_DIM1, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims",__LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val((long)dims[1], (long)ATTR4_DIM2, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims",__LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the class of the datatype that is used by attr
H5T_class_t type_class = attr.getTypeClass();
// Verify that the type is of compound datatype
verify_val(type_class, H5T_COMPOUND, "Attribute::getTypeClass", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the compound datatype
CompType datatype = attr.getCompType();
// Verify the number of fields in the datatype, which must be 3
int fields = datatype.getNmembers();
verify_val(fields, 3, "CompType::getNmembers", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Verify that the fields have the same names as when the type
// was created
int j;
for(j=0; j<fields; j++)
H5std_string fieldname = datatype.getMemberName(j);
if(!((fieldname == ATTR4_FIELDNAME1) ||
(fieldname == ATTR4_FIELDNAME2) ||
(fieldname == ATTR4_FIELDNAME3)))
TestErrPrintf("%d:invalid field name for field #%d: %s\n",__LINE__,j,fieldname.c_str());
} /* end for */
offset = datatype.getMemberOffset(0);
verify_val(offset, attr4_field1_off, "DataType::getMemberOffset", __LINE__, __FILE__);
offset = datatype.getMemberOffset(1);
verify_val(offset, attr4_field2_off, "DataType::getMemberOffset", __LINE__, __FILE__);
offset = datatype.getMemberOffset(2);
verify_val(offset, attr4_field3_off, "DataType::getMemberOffset", __LINE__, __FILE__);
/* Verify each field's type, class & size */
// Get and verify the type class of the first member
type_class = datatype.getMemberClass(0);
verify_val(type_class, H5T_INTEGER, "DataType::getMemberClass", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify the order of this member's type
IntType i_type = datatype.getMemberIntType(0);
H5T_order_t order = i_type.getOrder();
verify_val(order, PredType::NATIVE_INT.getOrder(), "DataType::getOrder", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify the size of this member's type
size = i_type.getSize();
verify_val(size, PredType::NATIVE_INT.getSize(), "DataType::getSize", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify class, order, and size of the second member's type
type_class = datatype.getMemberClass(1);
verify_val(type_class, H5T_FLOAT, "DataType::getMemberClass", __LINE__, __FILE__);
FloatType f_type = datatype.getMemberFloatType(1);
order = f_type.getOrder();
verify_val(order, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE.getOrder(), "DataType::getOrder", __LINE__, __FILE__);
size = f_type.getSize();
verify_val(size, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE.getSize(), "DataType::getSize", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify class, order, and size of the third member's type
type_class = datatype.getMemberClass(2);
verify_val(type_class, H5T_INTEGER, "DataType::getMemberClass", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Note: H5T_INTEGER is correct here!
StrType s_type = datatype.getMemberStrType(2);
order = s_type.getOrder();
verify_val(order, PredType::NATIVE_SCHAR.getOrder(), "DataType::getOrder", __LINE__, __FILE__);
size = s_type.getSize();
verify_val(size, PredType::NATIVE_SCHAR.getSize(), "DataType::getSize", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Read attribute information
attr.read(datatype, read_data4);
// Verify values read in
hsize_t ii, jj;
for(ii=0; ii<ATTR4_DIM1; ii++)
for(jj=0; jj<ATTR4_DIM2; jj++)
if(HDmemcmp(&attr_data4[ii][jj],&read_data4[ii][jj],sizeof(struct attr4_struct))) {
TestErrPrintf("%d:attribute data different: attr_data4[%d][%d].i=%d, read_data4[%d][%d].i=%d\n",__LINE__,ii,jj,attr_data4[ii][jj].i,ii,jj,read_data4[ii][jj].i);
TestErrPrintf("%d:attribute data different: attr_data4[%d][%d].d=%f, read_data4[%d][%d].d=%f\n",__LINE__,ii,jj,attr_data4[ii][jj].d,ii,jj,read_data4[ii][jj].d);
TestErrPrintf("%d:attribute data different: attr_data4[%d][%d].c=%c, read_data4[%d][%d].c=%c\n",__LINE__,ii,jj,attr_data4[ii][jj].c,ii,jj,read_data4[ii][jj].c);
} /* end if */
// Verify name
H5std_string attr_name = attr.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, ATTR4_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end try block
catch (Exception E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_compound_read()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
// Now, try truncating the file to make sure reference counting is good.
// If any references to ids in the previous block are left unterminated,
// the truncating will fail, because the file will not be closed in
// the file.close() above.
} // end try block
catch (FileIException E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_compound_read()", __LINE__, __FILE__, "Unable to truncate file, possibly because some objects are left opened");
} // test_attr_compound_read()
** test_attr_scalar_write(): Test scalar attribute writing functionality.
static void test_attr_scalar_write()
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Basic Scalar Attribute Writing Functions");
try {
// Create file
// Create dataspace for dataset
hsize_t dims1[] = {SPACE1_DIM1, SPACE1_DIM2, SPACE1_DIM3};
DataSpace sid1(SPACE1_RANK, dims1);
// Create a dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.createDataSet(DSET1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_UCHAR,sid1);
// Close dataset's dataspace
// Create dataspace for attribute
DataSpace att_space(ATTR5_RANK, NULL);
// Create an attribute for the dataset
Attribute ds_attr = dataset.createAttribute (ATTR5_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT, att_space);
// Try creating an attribute that already exists. This should fail
// since two attributes cannot have the same name. If an exception
// is not thrown for this action by createAttribute, then throw an
// invalid action exception.
try {
Attribute invalid_attr = dataset.createAttribute (ATTR5_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT, att_space);
// continuation here, that means no exception has been thrown
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::createDataSet", "Library allowed overwrite of existing dataset");
catch (AttributeIException E) // catching invalid creating attribute
{} // do nothing, exception expected
// Write attribute information
ds_attr.write (PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT, &attr_data5);
} // end try block
catch (Exception E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_scalar_write()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_scalar_write()
** test_attr_scalar_read(): Test scalar attribute reading functionality.
static void test_attr_scalar_read()
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Basic Scalar Attribute Reading Functions");
try {
// Open file
// Open the dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME);
// Verify the correct number of attributes
int num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 1, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open an attribute for the dataset
Attribute ds_attr=dataset.openAttribute(ATTR5_NAME);
// Read attribute information
float read_data2=0.0; // Buffer for reading 1st attribute
verify_val(read_data2, attr_data5, "Attribute::read", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the dataspace of the attribute
DataSpace att_space = ds_attr.getSpace();
// Make certain the dataspace is scalar
H5S_class_t space_type = att_space.getSimpleExtentType();
verify_val(space_type, H5S_SCALAR, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentType", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end try block
catch (Exception E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_scalar_read()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_scalar_read()
** test_attr_mult_write(): Test multiple attributes
static void test_attr_mult_write()
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Multiple Attribute Writing Functions");
try {
// Create file
// Create dataspace for dataset
hsize_t dims1[] = {SPACE1_DIM1, SPACE1_DIM2, SPACE1_DIM3};
DataSpace ds_space (SPACE1_RANK, dims1);
// Create a dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.createDataSet(DSET1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_UCHAR, ds_space);
// Create dataspace for 1st attribute
hsize_t dims2[] = {ATTR1_DIM1};
DataSpace att_space (ATTR1_RANK, dims2);
// Create 1st attribute for the dataset
Attribute ds_attr = dataset.createAttribute (ATTR1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, att_space);
// Write attribute information
ds_attr.write (PredType::NATIVE_INT, attr_data1);
// Create dataspace for 2nd attribute
hsize_t dims3[] = {ATTR2_DIM1,ATTR2_DIM2};
DataSpace att2_space (ATTR2_RANK, dims3);
// Create 2nd attribute for the dataset
Attribute ds_attr2 = dataset.createAttribute (ATTR2_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, att2_space);
// Write 2nd attribute information
ds_attr2.write (PredType::NATIVE_INT, attr_data2);
// Create dataspace for 3rd attribute
hsize_t dims4[] = {ATTR3_DIM1,ATTR3_DIM2,ATTR3_DIM3};
DataSpace att3_space (ATTR3_RANK, dims4);
// Create 3rd attribute for the dataset
Attribute ds_attr3 = dataset.createAttribute (ATTR3_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, att3_space);
// Try creating an attribute that already exists. This should fail
// since two attributes cannot have the same name. If an exception
// is not thrown for this action by createAttribute, then throw an
// invalid action exception.
try {
Attribute invalid_attr = dataset.createAttribute (ATTR3_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, att3_space);
// continuation here, that means no exception has been thrown
throw InvalidActionException("DataSet::createAttribute", "Attempting to create a duplicate attribute");
catch (AttributeIException E) // catching invalid creating attribute
{} // do nothing, exception expected
// Write 3rd attribute information
ds_attr3.write (PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, attr_data3);
} // end try block
catch (Exception E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_mult_write()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_mult_write()
** test_attr_mult_read(): Test reading multiple attributes.
static void test_attr_mult_read()
int read_data1[ATTR1_DIM1]={0}; // Buffer for reading 1st attribute
int read_data2[ATTR2_DIM1][ATTR2_DIM2]={{0}}; // Buffer for reading 2nd attribute
double read_data3[ATTR3_DIM1][ATTR3_DIM2][ATTR3_DIM3]={{{0}}}; // Buffer for reading 3rd attribute
hsize_t i,j,k;
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Multiple Attribute Reading Functions");
try {
// Open file
// Open the dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME);
// Verify the correct number of attributes
int num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 3, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open 1st attribute for the dataset
Attribute attr = dataset.openAttribute((unsigned)0);
/* Verify Dataspace */
// Get the dataspace of the attribute
DataSpace space = attr.getSpace();
// Get the rank of the dataspace and verify it
int rank = space.getSimpleExtentNdims();
verify_val(rank, ATTR1_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNdims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the dims of the dataspace and verify them
hsize_t dims[ATTR_MAX_DIMS]; // Attribute dimensions
int ndims = space.getSimpleExtentDims(dims);
if ((long)dims[0] != (long)ATTR1_DIM1)
TestErrPrintf("%d:attribute dimensions different: dims[0]=%d, should be %d\n",__LINE__,(int)dims[0],ATTR1_DIM1);
/* Verify Datatype */
// Get the class of the datatype that is used by attr
H5T_class_t type_class = attr.getTypeClass();
// Verify that the type is of integer datatype
verify_val(type_class, H5T_INTEGER, "Attribute::getTypeClass", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the integer datatype
IntType i_type1 = attr.getIntType();
// Get and verify the order of this type
H5T_order_t order = i_type1.getOrder();
verify_val(order, PredType::NATIVE_INT.getOrder(), "DataType::getOrder", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify the size of this type
size_t size = i_type1.getSize();
verify_val(size, PredType::NATIVE_INT.getSize(), "DataType::getSize", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Read attribute information
attr.read(PredType::NATIVE_INT, read_data1);
// Verify values read in
for(i=0; i<ATTR1_DIM1; i++)
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data1[%d]=%d,read_data1[%d]=%d\n",__LINE__,i,attr_data1[i],i,read_data1[i]);
// Verify Name
H5std_string attr_name = attr.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, ATTR1_NAME, "DataType::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open 2nd attribute for the dataset
attr = dataset.openAttribute((unsigned)1);
/* Verify Dataspace */
// Get the dataspace of the attribute
space = attr.getSpace();
// Get the rank of the dataspace and verify it
rank = space.getSimpleExtentNdims();
verify_val(rank, ATTR2_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNdims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the dims of the dataspace and verify them
ndims = space.getSimpleExtentDims(dims);
verify_val((long)dims[0], (long)ATTR2_DIM1, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims",__LINE__, __FILE__);
verify_val((long)dims[1], (long)ATTR2_DIM2, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentDims",__LINE__, __FILE__);
/* Verify Datatype */
// Get the class of the datatype that is used by attr
type_class = attr.getTypeClass();
// Verify that the type is of integer datatype
verify_val(type_class, H5T_INTEGER, "Attribute::getTypeClass", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the integer datatype
IntType i_type2 = attr.getIntType();
// Get and verify the order of this type
order = i_type2.getOrder();
verify_val(order, PredType::NATIVE_INT.getOrder(), "DataType::getOrder", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify the size of this type
size = i_type2.getSize();
verify_val(size, PredType::NATIVE_INT.getSize(), "DataType::getSize", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Read attribute information
attr.read(PredType::NATIVE_INT, read_data2);
//attr.read(i_type, read_data2);
// Verify values read in
for(i=0; i<ATTR2_DIM1; i++)
for(j=0; j<ATTR2_DIM2; j++)
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data2[%d][%d]=%d, read_data2[%d][%d]=%d\n",__LINE__,i,j,attr_data2[i][j],i,j,read_data2[i][j]);
// Verify Name
attr_name = attr.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, ATTR2_NAME, "DataType::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open 3rd attribute for the dataset
attr = dataset.openAttribute((unsigned)2);
/* Verify Dataspace */
// Get the dataspace of the attribute
space = attr.getSpace();
// Get the rank of the dataspace and verify it
rank = space.getSimpleExtentNdims();
verify_val(rank, ATTR3_RANK, "DataSpace::getSimpleExtentNdims", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the dims of the dataspace and verify them
ndims = space.getSimpleExtentDims(dims);
verify_val((long)dims[0],(long)ATTR3_DIM1,"attribute dimensions",__FILE__,__LINE__);
verify_val((long)dims[1],(long)ATTR3_DIM2,"attribute dimensions",__FILE__,__LINE__);
verify_val((long)dims[2],(long)ATTR3_DIM3,"attribute dimensions",__FILE__,__LINE__);
/* Verify Datatype */
// Get the class of the datatype that is used by attr
type_class = attr.getTypeClass();
// Verify that the type is of compound datatype
verify_val(type_class, H5T_FLOAT, "Attribute::getTypeClass", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get the double datatype
FloatType f_type = attr.getFloatType();
// Get and verify the order of this type
order = f_type.getOrder();
verify_val(order, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE.getOrder(), "DataType::getOrder", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Get and verify the size of this type
size = f_type.getSize();
verify_val(size, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE.getSize(), "DataType::getSize", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Read attribute information
attr.read(PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, read_data3);
// Verify values read in
for(i=0; i<ATTR3_DIM1; i++)
for(j=0; j<ATTR3_DIM2; j++)
for(k=0; k<ATTR3_DIM3; k++)
TestErrPrintf("%d: attribute data different: attr_data3[%d][%d][%d]=%f, read_data3[%d][%d][%d]=%f\n",__LINE__,i,j,k,attr_data3[i][j][k],i,j,k,read_data3[i][j][k]);
// Verify Name
attr_name = attr.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, ATTR3_NAME, "DataType::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end try block
catch (Exception E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_mult_read()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_mult_read()
** test_attr_delete(): Test deleting attribute from different
** hdf5 objects.
static void test_attr_delete()
H5std_string attr_name; // Buffer for attribute names
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Removing Attribute Function");
try {
// Open file.
// Get the number of file attributes
int num_attrs = fid1.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 2, "H5File::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Delete the second file attribute
// Get the number of file attributes
num_attrs = fid1.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 1, "H5File::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Verify the name of the only file attribute left
Attribute fattr = fid1.openAttribute((unsigned)0);
H5std_string attr_name = fattr.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, FATTR1_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Test deleting non-existing attribute
// Open the dataset
DataSet dataset = fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME);
// Verify the correct number of attributes
num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 3, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Try to delete bogus attribute, should fail
try {
// continuation here, that means no exception has been thrown
throw InvalidActionException("DataSet::removeAttr", "Attempting to remove non-existing attribute");
catch (AttributeIException E) // catching invalid removing attribute
{} // do nothing, exception expected
// Test deleting dataset's attributes
// Verify the correct number of attributes
num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 3, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Delete middle (2nd) attribute
// Verify the correct number of attributes
num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 2, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open 1st attribute for the dataset
Attribute attr = dataset.openAttribute((unsigned)0);
// Verify Name
attr_name = attr.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, ATTR1_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close attribute
// Open last (formally 3rd) attribute for the dataset
attr = dataset.openAttribute((unsigned)1);
// Verify Name
attr_name = attr.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, ATTR3_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Delete first attribute
// Verify the correct number of attributes
num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 1, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Open the only attribute for the dataset (formally 3rd)
attr = dataset.openAttribute((unsigned)0);
// Verify Name
attr_name = attr.getName();
verify_val(attr_name, ATTR3_NAME, "Attribute::getName", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close attribute
// Delete first attribute
// Verify the correct number of attributes
num_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
verify_val(num_attrs, 0, "DataSet::getNumAttrs", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end try block
catch (Exception E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_delete()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_delete()
** test_attr_dtype_shared(): Test code for using shared datatypes
** in attributes.
static void test_attr_dtype_shared()
int data=8; /* Data to write */
int rdata=0; /* Read read in */
H5G_stat_t statbuf; /* Object's information */
h5_stat_size_t filesize; /* Size of file after modifications */
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Shared Datatypes with Attributes");
try {
// Create a file
// Close file
// Get size of file
h5_stat_size_t empty_filesize; // Size of empty file
empty_filesize = h5_get_file_size(FILE_DTYPE.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT);
if (empty_filesize < 0)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: file size wrong!\n", __LINE__);
// Open the file again
fid1.openFile(FILE_DTYPE, H5F_ACC_RDWR);
// Enclosing to work around the issue of unused variables and/or
// objects created by copy constructors stay around until end of
// scope, causing incorrect number of ref counts.
{ // First enclosed block
// Create a datatype to commit and use
IntType dtype(PredType::NATIVE_INT);
// Commit datatype to file
dtype.commit(fid1, TYPE1_NAME);
// Check reference count on named datatype
fid1.getObjinfo(TYPE1_NAME, statbuf);
verify_val((int)statbuf.nlink, 1, "DataType::getObjinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create dataspace for dataset
DataSpace dspace;
DataSet dset = fid1.createDataSet(DSET1_NAME, dtype, dspace);
// Check reference count on named datatype
fid1.getObjinfo(TYPE1_NAME, statbuf);
verify_val((int)statbuf.nlink, 2, "H5File::getObjinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create attribute on dataset
Attribute attr = dset.createAttribute(ATTR1_NAME,dtype,dspace);
// Check reference count on named datatype
fid1.getObjinfo(TYPE1_NAME, statbuf);
verify_val((int)statbuf.nlink, 3, "DataSet::getObjinfo", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close attribute
// Delete attribute
// Check reference count on named datatype
fid1.getObjinfo(TYPE1_NAME, statbuf);
verify_val((int)statbuf.nlink, 2, "DataSet::getObjinfo after DataSet::removeAttr", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create attribute on dataset
attr = dset.createAttribute(ATTR1_NAME,dtype,dspace);
// Check reference count on named datatype
fid1.getObjinfo(TYPE1_NAME, statbuf);
verify_val((int)statbuf.nlink, 3, "DataSet::createAttribute", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Write data into the attribute
// Close attribute, dataset, dataspace, datatype, and file
} // end of first enclosing
// Open the file again
fid1.openFile(FILE_DTYPE, H5F_ACC_RDWR);
{ // Second enclosed block...
// Open dataset
DataSet *dset2 = new DataSet (fid1.openDataSet(DSET1_NAME));
// Open attribute
Attribute *attr2 = new Attribute (dset2->openAttribute(ATTR1_NAME));
// Read data from the attribute
attr2->read(PredType::NATIVE_INT, &rdata);
verify_val(data, rdata, "Attribute::read", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Close attribute and dataset
delete attr2;
delete dset2;
// Check reference count on named datatype
fid1.getObjinfo(TYPE1_NAME, statbuf);
verify_val((int)statbuf.nlink, 3, "DataSet::openAttribute", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end of second enclosing
// Unlink the dataset
// Check reference count on named datatype
fid1.getObjinfo(TYPE1_NAME, statbuf);
verify_val((int)statbuf.nlink, 1, "H5File::unlink", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Unlink the named datatype
// Close file
// Check size of file
filesize = h5_get_file_size(FILE_DTYPE.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT);
verify_val((long)filesize, (long)empty_filesize, "Checking file size", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} // end try block
catch (Exception E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_dtype_shared()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_dtype_shared()
** test_string_attr(): Test read/write string attribute.
** Tests string attributes on groups.
/* Info for a string attribute */
const H5std_string ATTR1_FL_STR_NAME("String_attr 1");
const H5std_string ATTR2_FL_STR_NAME("String_attr 2");
const H5std_string ATTR_VL_STR_NAME("String_attr");
const H5std_string ATTRSTR_DATA("String Attribute");
const int ATTR_LEN = 17;
static void test_string_attr()
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("I/O on FL and VL String Attributes");
try {
// Create file
// Fixed-lenth string attributes
// Create a fixed-length string datatype to refer to.
StrType fls_type(0, ATTR_LEN);
// Open the root group.
Group root = fid1.openGroup("/");
// Create dataspace for the attribute.
DataSpace att_space (H5S_SCALAR);
/* Test Attribute::write(...,const void *buf) with Fixed len string */
// Create an attribute for the root group.
Attribute gr_flattr1 = root.createAttribute(ATTR1_FL_STR_NAME, fls_type, att_space);
// Write data to the attribute.
gr_flattr1.write(fls_type, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str());
/* Test Attribute::write(...,const H5std_string& strg) with FL string */
// Create an attribute for the root group.
Attribute gr_flattr2 = root.createAttribute(ATTR2_FL_STR_NAME, fls_type, att_space);
// Write data to the attribute.
gr_flattr2.write(fls_type, ATTRSTR_DATA);
/* Test Attribute::read(...,void *buf) with FL string */
// Read and verify the attribute string as a string of chars.
char flstring_att_check[ATTR_LEN];
gr_flattr1.read(fls_type, flstring_att_check);
if(HDstrcmp(flstring_att_check, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str())!=0)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: Attribute data different: ATTRSTR_DATA=%s,flstring_att_check=%s\n",__LINE__, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str(), flstring_att_check);
// Read and verify the attribute string as a string of chars; buffer
// is dynamically allocated.
size_t attr_size = gr_flattr1.getInMemDataSize();
char *fl_dyn_string_att_check;
fl_dyn_string_att_check = new char[attr_size+1];
gr_flattr1.read(fls_type, fl_dyn_string_att_check);
if(HDstrcmp(fl_dyn_string_att_check, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str())!=0)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: Attribute data different: ATTRSTR_DATA=%s,flstring_att_check=%s\n",__LINE__, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str(), fl_dyn_string_att_check);
delete []fl_dyn_string_att_check;
/* Test Attribute::read(...,H5std_string& strg) with FL string */
// Read and verify the attribute string as an std::string.
H5std_string read_flstr1;
gr_flattr1.read(fls_type, read_flstr1);
if (read_flstr1 != ATTRSTR_DATA)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: Attribute data different: ATTRSTR_DATA=%s,read_flstr1=%s\n",__LINE__, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str(), read_flstr1.c_str());
// Read and verify the attribute string as a string of chars.
HDstrcpy(flstring_att_check, "");
gr_flattr2.read(fls_type, flstring_att_check);
if(HDstrcmp(flstring_att_check, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str())!=0)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: Attribute data different: ATTRSTR_DATA=%s,flstring_att_check=%s\n",__LINE__, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str(), flstring_att_check);
/* Test Attribute::read(...,H5std_string& strg) with FL string */
// Read and verify the attribute string as an std::string.
H5std_string read_flstr2;
gr_flattr2.read(fls_type, read_flstr2);
if (read_flstr2 != ATTRSTR_DATA)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: Attribute data different: ATTRSTR_DATA=%s,read_flstr2=%s\n",__LINE__, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str(), read_flstr2.c_str());
// Variable-lenth string attributes
// Create a variable length string datatype to refer to.
StrType vls_type(0, H5T_VARIABLE);
// Create an attribute for the root group.
Attribute gr_vlattr = root.createAttribute(ATTR_VL_STR_NAME, vls_type, att_space);
// Write data to the attribute.
gr_vlattr.write(vls_type, ATTRSTR_DATA);
/* Test Attribute::read(...,void *buf) with Variable len string */
// Read and verify the attribute string as a string of chars.
char *string_att_check;
gr_vlattr.read(vls_type, &string_att_check);
if(HDstrcmp(string_att_check, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str())!=0)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: Attribute data different: ATTRSTR_DATA=%s,string_att_check=%s\n",__LINE__, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str(), string_att_check);
/* Test Attribute::read(...,H5std_string& strg) with VL string */
// Read and verify the attribute string as an std::string.
H5std_string read_str;
gr_vlattr.read(vls_type, read_str);
if (read_str != ATTRSTR_DATA)
TestErrPrintf("Line %d: Attribute data different: ATTRSTR_DATA=%s,read_str=%s\n",__LINE__, ATTRSTR_DATA.c_str(), read_str.c_str());
} // end try block
catch (Exception E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_string_attr()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_string_attr()
** test_attr_exists(): Test checking for attribute existence.
** (additional attrExists tests are in test_attr_rename())
static void test_attr_exists()
// Output message about test being performed
SUBTEST("Check Attribute Existence");
try {
// Open file.
// Open the root group.
Group root = fid1.openGroup("/");
// Check for existence of attribute
bool attr_exists = fid1.attrExists(ATTR1_FL_STR_NAME);
if (attr_exists == false)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists", "fid1, ATTR1_FL_STR_NAMEAttribute should exist but does not");
// Check for existence of attribute
attr_exists = fid1.attrExists(FATTR1_NAME);
if (attr_exists == false)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists", "fid1,FATTR2_NAMEAttribute should exist but does not");
// Open a group.
Group group = fid1.openGroup(GROUP1_NAME);
// Check for existence of attribute
attr_exists = group.attrExists(ATTR2_NAME);
if (attr_exists == false)
throw InvalidActionException("H5File::attrExists", "group, ATTR2_NAMEAttribute should exist but does not");
} // end try block
catch (InvalidActionException E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_exists()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
catch (Exception E) {
issue_fail_msg("test_attr_exists()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
} // test_attr_exists()
** test_attr(): Main attribute testing routine.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
void test_attr()
// Output message about test being performed
MESSAGE(5, ("Testing Attributes\n"));
test_attr_basic_write(); // Test basic H5A writing code
test_attr_getname(); // Test overloads of Attribute::getName
test_attr_rename(); // Test renaming attribute
test_attr_basic_read(); // Test basic H5A reading code
test_attr_compound_write(); // Test complex datatype H5A writing code
test_attr_compound_read(); // Test complex datatype H5A reading code
test_attr_scalar_write(); // Test scalar dataspace H5A writing code
test_attr_scalar_read(); // Test scalar dataspace H5A reading code
test_attr_mult_write(); // Test writing multiple attributes
test_attr_mult_read(); // Test reading multiple attributes
test_attr_delete(); // Test deleting attributes
test_attr_dtype_shared(); // Test using shared datatypes in attributes
test_string_attr(); // Test read/write string attribute
test_attr_exists(); // Test H5Location::attrExists
} // test_attr()
* Function: cleanup_attr
* Purpose: Cleanup temporary test files
* Return: none
* Programmer: Albert Cheng
* July 2, 1998
* Modifications:
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
void cleanup_attr()