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synced 2025-02-11 16:01:00 +08:00
Purpose: Adding new feature Description: Added gif2h5 and h52gif conversion utilities Solution: The utilites follow the framework built for the gif2hdf and hdf2gif utilities for hdf4. The main files modified were those that read the H5 file and those that write H5 file. In the future, if you wish to continue with the framework and extend it to .png or some other fileformat the main files to edit will be the gif reader and writer. One point to note with h52gif. You have to specify the exact location of the image and the palette that it links to. You can choose not to specify a palette (uniform grayscale chosen in this case) but you must specify image location. In the future, someone could edit the readhdf.c source to enable the reader to parse the hdf file and select all images with corresponding palettes. Platforms tested: modi4 , eirene , hawkwind , arabica , Ren (NT 4.0) , Personal box (win2k)
383 lines
11 KiB
383 lines
11 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "gif.h"
int EndianOrder;
int i;
GetWord (MemGif)
BYTE *MemGif;
register WORD w;
if (EndianOrder == 1) /* LittleEndian */
w = (WORD) (*MemGif++ & 0xFF);
w |= (WORD) ((*MemGif++ & 0xFF) << 0x08);
w = (WORD) (*MemGif++ & 0xFF);
w = ((WORD) (*MemGif++ & 0xFF)) | (w << 0x08);
return w;
GetByte (MemGif)
BYTE *MemGif;
return *MemGif;
** Read a GIF image BYTE Header.
** This function reads the Header, Logical Screen Descriptor, and
** Global Color Table (if any) from a GIF image file. The information
** is stored in a GIFHEAD structure.
** Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occured during the read,
** otherwise 0 if no error occured.
ReadGifHeader(GifHead, MemGif2)
GIFHEAD *GifHead; /* Pointer to GIF header structure */
BYTE **MemGif2; /* GIF image file input FILE stream */
register WORD i; /* Loop counter */
WORD tableSize; /* Number of entires in the Global Color Table */
GifHead->TableSize = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++) {
GifHead->HeaderDump[i] = *(*MemGif2)++;
if (strncmp(GifHead->HeaderDump , "GIF" , 3)) {
printf("The file does not appear to be a valid GIF file.\n");
for (i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) {
GifHead->LSDDump[i] = *(*MemGif2)++;
GifHead->PackedField = GifHead->LSDDump[4];
/* Check if a Global Color Table is present */
if (GifHead->PackedField & 0x80)
/* Read number of color table entries */
tableSize = (WORD) (1L << ((GifHead->PackedField & 0x07) + 1));
GifHead->TableSize = tableSize;
/* Read the Global Color Table */
** There are some changes made here apart from just
** reading in the global color table as would
** seem intuitively obvious.
** The colors are stored in the bottom part of the
** palette as opposed to the top
for (i = 0; i < tableSize; i++)
GifHead->HDFPalette[i][0] = *(*MemGif2)++;
GifHead->HDFPalette[i][1] = *(*MemGif2)++;
GifHead->HDFPalette[i][2] = *(*MemGif2)++;
/* Check for a FILE stream error */
if (ferror(FpGif))
return(0); /* No FILE stream error occured */
** Read a GIF Local Image Descriptor.
** This function reads the Local Image Descriptor, and Local Color
** Table (if any) from a GIF image file. The information is stored
** in a GIFIMAGEDESC structure.
** Note that the ImageSeparator field value in the GIFIMAGEDESC
** structure is assigned by the function calling ReadGifImageDesc().
** Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occured during the read,
** otherwise 0 if no error occured.
ReadGifImageDesc(GifImageDesc, MemGif2)
GIFIMAGEDESC *GifImageDesc; /* Pointer to GIF image descriptor structure */
BYTE **MemGif2; /* GIF image file input FILE stream */
register WORD i; /* Loop counter */
WORD tableSize; /* Number of entries in the Local Color Table */
BYTE Interlace; /* PackedField & 0x20 gives information on interlacing */
BYTE *TempPtr;
int ch , ch1;
GifImageDesc->TableSize = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++) {
GifImageDesc->GIDDump[i] = *(*MemGif2)++;
** Get the relevant fields. I need ImageWidth and Height actively hence I have
** taken information from those fields. I intend to keep the GifImageDesc data
** structure as it is so that anyone needing the rest of the fields can do so
** quickly.
if (EndianOrder == 1) /* LittleEndian */
GifImageDesc->ImageWidth = (WORD) (GifImageDesc->GIDDump[4] & 0xFF);
GifImageDesc->ImageWidth |= (WORD) ((GifImageDesc->GIDDump[5] & 0xFF) << 0x08);
GifImageDesc->ImageHeight = (WORD) (GifImageDesc->GIDDump[6] & 0xFF);
GifImageDesc->ImageHeight |= (WORD) ((GifImageDesc->GIDDump[7] & 0xFF) << 0x08);
GifImageDesc->ImageWidth = (WORD) (GifImageDesc->GIDDump[4] & 0xFF);
GifImageDesc->ImageWidth = ((WORD) (GifImageDesc->GIDDump[5] & 0xFF)) | (GifImageDesc->ImageWidth << 0x08);
GifImageDesc->ImageHeight = (WORD) (GifImageDesc->GIDDump[6] & 0xFF);
GifImageDesc->ImageHeight = ((WORD) (GifImageDesc->GIDDump[7] & 0xFF)) | (GifImageDesc->ImageWidth << 0x08);
GifImageDesc->PackedField = GifImageDesc->GIDDump[8];
/* Interlace = GifImageDesc->PackedField & 0x20; */
/* Check if a Local Color Table is present */
if (GifImageDesc->PackedField & 0x80)
/* Read number of color table entries */
tableSize = (WORD) (1L << ((GifImageDesc->PackedField & 0x07) + 1));
GifImageDesc->TableSize = tableSize;
/* Read the Local Color Table */
for (i = 0; i < tableSize; i++)
GifImageDesc->HDFPalette[i][0] = *(*MemGif2)++;
GifImageDesc->HDFPalette[i][1] = *(*MemGif2)++;
GifImageDesc->HDFPalette[i][2] = *(*MemGif2)++;
** Get LZW minimum Code Size
GifImageDesc->CodeSize = (WORD)*(*MemGif2)++;
/*GifImageDesc->GIFImage = ReadDataSubBlocks(FpGif);*/
if (!(GifImageDesc->GIFImage = (BYTE *)malloc((GifImageDesc->ImageWidth) * (GifImageDesc->ImageHeight)))) {
printf("Out of memory");
TempPtr = GifImageDesc->GIFImage;
ch = ch1 = (int)*(*MemGif2)++;
while (ch--) *TempPtr++ = *(*MemGif2)++;
while (ch1);
return(0); /* No FILE stream error occured */
** Read a GIF Graphic Control Extension block.
** Note that the Introducer and Label field values in the GIFGRAPHICCONTROL
** structure are assigned by the function calling ReadGifGraphicControl().
** Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occured during the read,
** otherwise 0 if no error occured.
ReadGifGraphicControl(GifGraphicControl, MemGif2)
GIFGRAPHICCONTROL *GifGraphicControl; /* Pointer to GC Extension structure */
BYTE **MemGif2; /* GIF image file input FILE stream */
for (i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) {
GifGraphicControl->GCEDump[i] = *(*MemGif2)++;
return(0); /* No FILE stream error occured */
** Read a GIF Plain Text Extension block.
** Note that the Introducer and Label field values in the GIFLPLAINTEXT
** structure are assigned by the function calling ReadGifPlainText().
** Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occured during the read,
** otherwise 0 if no error occured.
ReadGifPlainText(GifPlainText, MemGif2)
GIFPLAINTEXT *GifPlainText; /* Pointer to Plain Text Extension structure */
BYTE **MemGif2; /* GIF image file input FILE stream */
for (i = 0 ; i < 13 ; i++) {
GifPlainText->PTEDump[i] = *(*MemGif2)++;
/* Read in the Plain Text data sub-blocks */
if (!(GifPlainText->PlainTextData = ReadDataSubBlocks(MemGif2 , &(GifPlainText->DataSize))))
GifPlainText->Terminator = 0;
/* Check for a FILE stream error */
if (ferror(FpGif))
return(0); /* No FILE stream error occured */
** Read a GIF Application Extension block.
** Note that the Introducer and Label field values in the GIFAPPLICATION
** structure are assigned by the function calling ReadGifApplication().
** Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occured during the read,
** otherwise 0 if no error occured.
ReadGifApplication(GifApplication, MemGif2)
GIFAPPLICATION *GifApplication; /* Pointer to Application Extension structure */
BYTE **MemGif2; /* GIF image file input FILE stream */
for (i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++) {
GifApplication->AEDump[i] = *(*MemGif2)++;
/* Read in the Plain Text data sub-blocks */
if (!(GifApplication->ApplicationData = ReadDataSubBlocks(MemGif2 , &(GifApplication->DataSize))))
GifApplication->Terminator = 0;
/* Check for a FILE stream error */
if (ferror(FpGif))
return(0); /* No FILE stream error occured */
** Read a GIF Comment Extension block.
** Note that the Introducer and Label field values in the GIFCOMMENT
** structure are assigned by the function calling ReadGifComment().
** Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occured during the read,
** otherwise 0 if no error occured.
ReadGifComment(GifComment, MemGif2)
GIFCOMMENT *GifComment; /* Pointer to GIF Comment Extension structure */
BYTE **MemGif2; /* GIF image file input FILE stream */
/* Read in the Plain Text data sub-blocks */
if (!(GifComment->CommentData = ReadDataSubBlocks(MemGif2 , &(GifComment->DataSize))))
GifComment->Terminator = 0;
return(0); /* No FILE stream error occured */
** Read one or more GIF data sub-blocks and write the information
** to a buffer.
** A GIF "sub-block" is a single count byte followed by 1 to 255
** additional data bytes.
** Returns: A NULL pointer if a memory allocation error occured,
** otherwise a valid pointer if no error occured.
static BYTE *
ReadDataSubBlocks(MemGif2 , DSize)
BYTE **MemGif2; /* GIF image file input FILE stream */
WORD *DSize;
BYTE *ptr1; /* Pointer used to "walk the heap" */
BYTE *ptr2; /* Pointer used to mark the top of the heap */
BYTE dataSize; /* Size of the current data sub-block being read */
WORD bufSize; /* Total size of the Plain Text data buffer */
int tempcount = 0;
bufSize = 0; /* The output buffer is empty */
dataSize = *(*MemGif2)++; /* Get the size of the first sub-block */
/* Allocate initial data buffer */
if (!(ptr1 = ptr2 = (BYTE *) malloc(dataSize + 1))) {
printf("Out of memory. Allocation of memory for data sub-blocks for\neither Comment, Plain Text or Application Extensions failed");
return((BYTE *) NULL);
for (;;)
bufSize += (dataSize); /* Running total of the buffer size */
*DSize = bufSize;
/* *ptr1++ = dataSize; /* Write the data count */
while (dataSize--) /* Read/write the Plain Text data */
*ptr1++ = *(*MemGif2)++;
/* Check if there is another data sub-block */
if ((dataSize = *(*MemGif2)++) == 0)
break; /* Block Terminator encountered */
/* Increase the buffer size to accomodate the next sub-block */
if (!(ptr1 = ptr2 = (BYTE *) realloc(ptr2, bufSize + dataSize + 1)))
return((BYTE *) NULL);
ptr1 += bufSize; /* Move pointer to the end of the data */
/**ptr1++ = (BYTE) NULL; /* Add NULL to simulate Terminator value */
*ptr1++ = '\0';
return(ptr2); /* Return a pointer to the sub-block data */