- Moved the new wrappers committed on Mar 9:
to H5Location and renamed some of them for overloading.
This is because the loc_id in the C APIs can be file, group, dataset,
named datatype, and attribute. Previous implementation was wrong
following some inaccurate C API reference manual.
- Only the following wrappers are modified or added:
+ H5Lcreate_soft: changed name from newLink to link
// Creates a soft link from link_name to target_name.
void link(const char *target_name, const char *link_name,...)
void link(const H5std_string& target_name,...)
+ H5Lcreate_hard: changed name from newLink to link
// Creates a hard link from new_name to curr_name.
void link(const char *curr_name, const Group& new_loc,...)
void link(const H5std_string& curr_name, const Group& new_loc,...)
// Creates a hard link from new_name to curr_name in same location.
void link(const char *curr_name, const hid_t same_loc,...)
void link(const H5std_string& curr_name, const hid_t same_loc,...)
+ H5Ldelete: modified existing functions to add 2nd argument
// Removes the specified link from this location.
void unlink(const char *link_name,
const LinkAccPropList& lapl = LinkAccPropList::DEFAULT)
void unlink(const H5std_string& link_name,
const LinkAccPropList& lapl = LinkAccPropList::DEFAULT)
- copyLink and moveLink were only moved from Group to H5Location, no change
- Added class LinkCreatPropList
- Added overloaded functions H5Location::createGroup to take a link creation
property list
Group createGroup(const char* name, const LinkCreatPropList& lcpl)
Group createGroup(const H5std_string& name, const LinkCreatPropList& lcpl)
- Added wrapper for H5Lget_info() to H5Location
H5L_info_t getLinkInfo(const H5std_string& link_name,...)
Platforms tested:
Linux/64 (jelly)
Linux/ppc64 (ostrich)
Darwin (osx1010test)