mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 16:28:09 +08:00
Added setup and cleanup callback parameters to TestInit() to perform setup and cleanup tasks once for whole test program Removed TestCleanup() function since its functionality is covered by PerformTests() Added check of the HDF5_NOCLEANUP environment variable in GetTestCleanup()
4449 lines
173 KiB
4449 lines
173 KiB
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code *
* distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses. *
* If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from *
* help@hdfgroup.org. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
This program will test independent and collective reads and writes between
selections of different rank that non-the-less are deemed as having the
same shape by H5Sselect_shape_same().
#define H5S_FRIEND /*suppress error about including H5Spkg */
/* Define this macro to indicate that the testing APIs should be available */
#define H5S_TESTING
#include "H5Spkg.h" /* Dataspaces */
#include "testpar.h"
/* Include testing framework functionality */
#include "testframe.h"
#ifndef PATH_MAX
#define PATH_MAX 512
#define ROW_FACTOR 8 /* Nominal row factor for dataset size */
#define COL_FACTOR 16 /* Nominal column factor for dataset size */
/* FILENAME and filenames must have the same number of names.
* Use PARATESTFILE in general and use a separated filename only if the file
* created in one test is accessed by a different test.
* filenames[0] is reserved as the file name for PARATESTFILE.
#define NFILENAME 2
#define PARATESTFILE filenames[0]
const char *FILENAME[NFILENAME] = {"ShapeSameTest", NULL};
char *filenames[NFILENAME];
hid_t fapl; /* file access property list */
/* global variables */
int dim0;
int dim1;
int chunkdim0;
int chunkdim1;
int nerrors = 0; /* errors count */
int ndatasets = 300; /* number of datasets to create*/
int ngroups = 512; /* number of groups to create in root
* group. */
int facc_type = FACC_MPIO; /*Test file access type */
int dxfer_coll_type = DXFER_COLLECTIVE_IO;
H5E_auto2_t old_func; /* previous error handler */
void *old_client_data; /* previous error handler arg.*/
/* On Lustre (and perhaps other parallel file systems?), we have severe
* slow downs if two or more processes attempt to access the same file system
* block. To minimize this problem, we set alignment in the shape same tests
* to the default Lustre block size -- which greatly reduces contention in
* the chunked dataset case.
#define SHAPE_SAME_TEST_ALIGNMENT ((hsize_t)(4 * 1024 * 1024))
#define PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK 5 /* must update code if this changes */
struct hs_dr_pio_test_vars_t {
int mpi_size;
int mpi_rank;
MPI_Comm mpi_comm;
MPI_Info mpi_info;
int test_num;
int edge_size;
int checker_edge_size;
int chunk_edge_size;
int small_rank;
int large_rank;
hid_t dset_type;
uint32_t *small_ds_buf_0;
uint32_t *small_ds_buf_1;
uint32_t *small_ds_buf_2;
uint32_t *small_ds_slice_buf;
uint32_t *large_ds_buf_0;
uint32_t *large_ds_buf_1;
uint32_t *large_ds_buf_2;
uint32_t *large_ds_slice_buf;
int small_ds_offset;
int large_ds_offset;
hid_t fid; /* HDF5 file ID */
hid_t xfer_plist;
hid_t full_mem_small_ds_sid;
hid_t full_file_small_ds_sid;
hid_t mem_small_ds_sid;
hid_t file_small_ds_sid_0;
hid_t file_small_ds_sid_1;
hid_t small_ds_slice_sid;
hid_t full_mem_large_ds_sid;
hid_t full_file_large_ds_sid;
hid_t mem_large_ds_sid;
hid_t file_large_ds_sid_0;
hid_t file_large_ds_sid_1;
hid_t file_large_ds_process_slice_sid;
hid_t mem_large_ds_process_slice_sid;
hid_t large_ds_slice_sid;
hid_t small_dataset; /* Dataset ID */
hid_t large_dataset; /* Dataset ID */
size_t small_ds_size;
size_t small_ds_slice_size;
size_t large_ds_size;
size_t large_ds_slice_size;
hsize_t dims[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK];
hsize_t chunk_dims[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK];
hsize_t start[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK];
hsize_t stride[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK];
hsize_t count[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK];
hsize_t block[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK];
hsize_t *start_ptr;
hsize_t *stride_ptr;
hsize_t *count_ptr;
hsize_t *block_ptr;
int skips;
int max_skips;
int64_t total_tests;
int64_t tests_run;
int64_t tests_skipped;
/* Structure for passing test parameters around */
typedef struct test_params_t {
char *filename;
} test_params_t;
* Function: hs_dr_pio_test__setup()
* Purpose: Do setup for tests of I/O to/from hyperslab selections of
* different rank in the parallel case.
* Return: void
static void
hs_dr_pio_test__setup(const void *params, const int test_num, const int edge_size,
const int checker_edge_size, const int chunk_edge_size, const int small_rank,
const int large_rank, const bool use_collective_io, const hid_t dset_type,
const int express_test, struct hs_dr_pio_test_vars_t *tv_ptr)
const char *fcnName = "hs_dr_pio_test__setup()";
const char *filename;
bool mis_match = false;
int i;
int mrc;
int mpi_rank; /* needed by the VRFY macro */
uint32_t expected_value;
uint32_t *ptr_0;
uint32_t *ptr_1;
hid_t acc_tpl; /* File access templates */
hid_t small_ds_dcpl_id = H5P_DEFAULT;
hid_t large_ds_dcpl_id = H5P_DEFAULT;
herr_t ret; /* Generic return value */
assert(edge_size >= 6);
assert(edge_size >= chunk_edge_size);
assert((chunk_edge_size == 0) || (chunk_edge_size >= 3));
assert(1 < small_rank);
assert(small_rank < large_rank);
assert(large_rank <= PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK);
tv_ptr->test_num = test_num;
tv_ptr->edge_size = edge_size;
tv_ptr->checker_edge_size = checker_edge_size;
tv_ptr->chunk_edge_size = chunk_edge_size;
tv_ptr->small_rank = small_rank;
tv_ptr->large_rank = large_rank;
tv_ptr->dset_type = dset_type;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &(tv_ptr->mpi_size));
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &(tv_ptr->mpi_rank));
/* the VRFY() macro needs the local variable mpi_rank -- set it up now */
mpi_rank = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
assert(tv_ptr->mpi_size >= 1);
tv_ptr->mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
tv_ptr->mpi_info = MPI_INFO_NULL;
for (i = 0; i < tv_ptr->small_rank - 1; i++) {
tv_ptr->small_ds_size *= (size_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size *= (size_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->small_ds_size *= (size_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_size + 1);
/* used by checker board tests only */
tv_ptr->small_ds_offset = PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->small_rank;
assert(0 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset);
assert(tv_ptr->small_ds_offset < PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK);
for (i = 0; i < tv_ptr->large_rank - 1; i++) {
tv_ptr->large_ds_size *= (size_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->large_ds_slice_size *= (size_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->large_ds_size *= (size_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_size + 1);
/* used by checker board tests only */
tv_ptr->large_ds_offset = PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank;
assert(0 <= tv_ptr->large_ds_offset);
assert(tv_ptr->large_ds_offset < PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK);
/* set up the start, stride, count, and block pointers */
/* used by contiguous tests only */
tv_ptr->start_ptr = &(tv_ptr->start[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank]);
tv_ptr->stride_ptr = &(tv_ptr->stride[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank]);
tv_ptr->count_ptr = &(tv_ptr->count[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank]);
tv_ptr->block_ptr = &(tv_ptr->block[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank]);
/* Allocate buffers */
tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_0 = (uint32_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->small_ds_size);
VRFY((tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_0 != NULL), "malloc of small_ds_buf_0 succeeded");
tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_1 = (uint32_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->small_ds_size);
VRFY((tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_1 != NULL), "malloc of small_ds_buf_1 succeeded");
tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_2 = (uint32_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->small_ds_size);
VRFY((tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_2 != NULL), "malloc of small_ds_buf_2 succeeded");
tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_buf = (uint32_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size);
VRFY((tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_buf != NULL), "malloc of small_ds_slice_buf succeeded");
tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_0 = (uint32_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->large_ds_size);
VRFY((tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_0 != NULL), "malloc of large_ds_buf_0 succeeded");
tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1 = (uint32_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->large_ds_size);
VRFY((tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1 != NULL), "malloc of large_ds_buf_1 succeeded");
tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_2 = (uint32_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->large_ds_size);
VRFY((tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_2 != NULL), "malloc of large_ds_buf_2 succeeded");
tv_ptr->large_ds_slice_buf = (uint32_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->large_ds_slice_size);
VRFY((tv_ptr->large_ds_slice_buf != NULL), "malloc of large_ds_slice_buf succeeded");
/* initialize the buffers */
ptr_0 = tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_0;
for (i = 0; i < (int)(tv_ptr->small_ds_size); i++)
*ptr_0++ = (uint32_t)i;
memset(tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_1, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->small_ds_size);
memset(tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_2, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->small_ds_size);
memset(tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_buf, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size);
ptr_0 = tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_0;
for (i = 0; i < (int)(tv_ptr->large_ds_size); i++)
*ptr_0++ = (uint32_t)i;
memset(tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->large_ds_size);
memset(tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_2, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->large_ds_size);
memset(tv_ptr->large_ds_slice_buf, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->large_ds_slice_size);
filename = ((const test_params_t *)params)->filename;
assert(filename != NULL);
fprintf(stdout, "%d: test num = %d.\n", tv_ptr->mpi_rank, tv_ptr->test_num);
fprintf(stdout, "%d: mpi_size = %d.\n", tv_ptr->mpi_rank, tv_ptr->mpi_size);
fprintf(stdout, "%d: small/large rank = %d/%d, use_collective_io = %d.\n", tv_ptr->mpi_rank,
tv_ptr->small_rank, tv_ptr->large_rank, (int)use_collective_io);
fprintf(stdout, "%d: edge_size = %d, chunk_edge_size = %d.\n", tv_ptr->mpi_rank, tv_ptr->edge_size,
fprintf(stdout, "%d: checker_edge_size = %d.\n", tv_ptr->mpi_rank, tv_ptr->checker_edge_size);
fprintf(stdout, "%d: small_ds_size = %d, large_ds_size = %d.\n", tv_ptr->mpi_rank,
(int)(tv_ptr->small_ds_size), (int)(tv_ptr->large_ds_size));
fprintf(stdout, "%d: filename = %s.\n", tv_ptr->mpi_rank, filename);
/* ----------------------------------------
* ---------------------------------------*/
/* setup file access template */
acc_tpl = create_faccess_plist(tv_ptr->mpi_comm, tv_ptr->mpi_info, facc_type);
VRFY((acc_tpl >= 0), "create_faccess_plist() succeeded");
/* set the alignment -- need it large so that we aren't always hitting the
* the same file system block. Do this only if express_test is greater
* than zero.
if (express_test > 0) {
ret = H5Pset_alignment(acc_tpl, (hsize_t)0, SHAPE_SAME_TEST_ALIGNMENT);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Pset_alignment() succeeded");
/* create the file collectively */
tv_ptr->fid = H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, acc_tpl);
VRFY((tv_ptr->fid >= 0), "H5Fcreate succeeded");
MESG("File opened.");
/* Release file-access template */
ret = H5Pclose(acc_tpl);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Pclose(acc_tpl) succeeded");
/* setup dims: */
tv_ptr->dims[0] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_size + 1);
tv_ptr->dims[1] = tv_ptr->dims[2] = tv_ptr->dims[3] = tv_ptr->dims[4] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
/* Create small ds dataspaces */
tv_ptr->full_mem_small_ds_sid = H5Screate_simple(tv_ptr->small_rank, tv_ptr->dims, NULL);
VRFY((tv_ptr->full_mem_small_ds_sid != 0), "H5Screate_simple() full_mem_small_ds_sid succeeded");
tv_ptr->full_file_small_ds_sid = H5Screate_simple(tv_ptr->small_rank, tv_ptr->dims, NULL);
VRFY((tv_ptr->full_file_small_ds_sid != 0), "H5Screate_simple() full_file_small_ds_sid succeeded");
tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid = H5Screate_simple(tv_ptr->small_rank, tv_ptr->dims, NULL);
VRFY((tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid != 0), "H5Screate_simple() mem_small_ds_sid succeeded");
tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0 = H5Screate_simple(tv_ptr->small_rank, tv_ptr->dims, NULL);
VRFY((tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0 != 0), "H5Screate_simple() file_small_ds_sid_0 succeeded");
/* used by checker board tests only */
tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_1 = H5Screate_simple(tv_ptr->small_rank, tv_ptr->dims, NULL);
VRFY((tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_1 != 0), "H5Screate_simple() file_small_ds_sid_1 succeeded");
tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_sid = H5Screate_simple(tv_ptr->small_rank - 1, &(tv_ptr->dims[1]), NULL);
VRFY((tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_sid != 0), "H5Screate_simple() small_ds_slice_sid succeeded");
/* Create large ds dataspaces */
tv_ptr->full_mem_large_ds_sid = H5Screate_simple(tv_ptr->large_rank, tv_ptr->dims, NULL);
VRFY((tv_ptr->full_mem_large_ds_sid != 0), "H5Screate_simple() full_mem_large_ds_sid succeeded");
tv_ptr->full_file_large_ds_sid = H5Screate_simple(tv_ptr->large_rank, tv_ptr->dims, NULL);
VRFY((tv_ptr->full_file_large_ds_sid != FAIL), "H5Screate_simple() full_file_large_ds_sid succeeded");
tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid = H5Screate_simple(tv_ptr->large_rank, tv_ptr->dims, NULL);
VRFY((tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid != FAIL), "H5Screate_simple() mem_large_ds_sid succeeded");
tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0 = H5Screate_simple(tv_ptr->large_rank, tv_ptr->dims, NULL);
VRFY((tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0 != FAIL), "H5Screate_simple() file_large_ds_sid_0 succeeded");
/* used by checker board tests only */
tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_1 = H5Screate_simple(tv_ptr->large_rank, tv_ptr->dims, NULL);
VRFY((tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_1 != FAIL), "H5Screate_simple() file_large_ds_sid_1 succeeded");
tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_process_slice_sid = H5Screate_simple(tv_ptr->large_rank, tv_ptr->dims, NULL);
VRFY((tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_process_slice_sid != FAIL),
"H5Screate_simple() mem_large_ds_process_slice_sid succeeded");
tv_ptr->file_large_ds_process_slice_sid = H5Screate_simple(tv_ptr->large_rank, tv_ptr->dims, NULL);
VRFY((tv_ptr->file_large_ds_process_slice_sid != FAIL),
"H5Screate_simple() file_large_ds_process_slice_sid succeeded");
tv_ptr->large_ds_slice_sid = H5Screate_simple(tv_ptr->large_rank - 1, &(tv_ptr->dims[1]), NULL);
VRFY((tv_ptr->large_ds_slice_sid != 0), "H5Screate_simple() large_ds_slice_sid succeeded");
/* if chunk edge size is greater than zero, set up the small and
* large data set creation property lists to specify chunked
* datasets.
if (tv_ptr->chunk_edge_size > 0) {
/* Under Lustre (and perhaps other parallel file systems?) we get
* locking delays when two or more processes attempt to access the
* same file system block.
* To minimize this problem, I have changed chunk_dims[0]
* from (mpi_size + 1) to just when any sort of express test is
* selected. Given the structure of the test, and assuming we
* set the alignment large enough, this avoids the contention
* issue by seeing to it that each chunk is only accessed by one
* process.
* One can argue as to whether this is a good thing to do in our
* tests, but for now it is necessary if we want the test to complete
* in a reasonable amount of time.
* JRM -- 9/16/10
tv_ptr->chunk_dims[0] = 1;
tv_ptr->chunk_dims[1] = tv_ptr->chunk_dims[2] = tv_ptr->chunk_dims[3] = tv_ptr->chunk_dims[4] =
small_ds_dcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Pcreate() small_ds_dcpl_id succeeded");
ret = H5Pset_layout(small_ds_dcpl_id, H5D_CHUNKED);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Pset_layout() small_ds_dcpl_id succeeded");
ret = H5Pset_chunk(small_ds_dcpl_id, tv_ptr->small_rank, tv_ptr->chunk_dims);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Pset_chunk() small_ds_dcpl_id succeeded");
large_ds_dcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Pcreate() large_ds_dcpl_id succeeded");
ret = H5Pset_layout(large_ds_dcpl_id, H5D_CHUNKED);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Pset_layout() large_ds_dcpl_id succeeded");
ret = H5Pset_chunk(large_ds_dcpl_id, tv_ptr->large_rank, tv_ptr->chunk_dims);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Pset_chunk() large_ds_dcpl_id succeeded");
/* create the small dataset */
tv_ptr->small_dataset =
H5Dcreate2(tv_ptr->fid, "small_dataset", tv_ptr->dset_type, tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, H5P_DEFAULT,
small_ds_dcpl_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Dcreate2() small_dataset succeeded");
/* create the large dataset */
tv_ptr->large_dataset =
H5Dcreate2(tv_ptr->fid, "large_dataset", tv_ptr->dset_type, tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0, H5P_DEFAULT,
large_ds_dcpl_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Dcreate2() large_dataset succeeded");
/* setup xfer property list */
tv_ptr->xfer_plist = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
VRFY((tv_ptr->xfer_plist >= 0), "H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER) succeeded");
if (use_collective_io) {
ret = H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(tv_ptr->xfer_plist, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Pset_dxpl_mpio succeeded");
/* setup selection to write initial data to the small and large data sets */
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank);
tv_ptr->stride[0] = (hsize_t)(2 * (tv_ptr->mpi_size + 1));
tv_ptr->count[0] = 1;
tv_ptr->block[0] = 1;
for (i = 1; i < tv_ptr->large_rank; i++) {
tv_ptr->start[i] = 0;
tv_ptr->stride[i] = (hsize_t)(2 * tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->count[i] = 1;
tv_ptr->block[i] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
/* setup selections for writing initial data to the small data set */
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start, tv_ptr->stride,
tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(mem_small_ds_sid, set) succeeded");
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start, tv_ptr->stride,
tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_small_ds_sid_0, set) succeeded");
if (MAINPROCESS) { /* add an additional slice to the selections */
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_size);
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid, H5S_SELECT_OR, tv_ptr->start, tv_ptr->stride,
tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(mem_small_ds_sid, or) succeeded");
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, H5S_SELECT_OR, tv_ptr->start, tv_ptr->stride,
tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_small_ds_sid_0, or) succeeded");
/* write the initial value of the small data set to file */
ret = H5Dwrite(tv_ptr->small_dataset, tv_ptr->dset_type, tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid,
tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_0);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Dwrite() small_dataset initial write succeeded");
/* sync with the other processes before checking data */
mrc = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
VRFY((mrc == MPI_SUCCESS), "Sync after small dataset writes");
/* read the small data set back to verify that it contains the
* expected data. Note that each process reads in the entire
* data set and verifies it.
ret = H5Dread(tv_ptr->small_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->full_mem_small_ds_sid,
tv_ptr->full_file_small_ds_sid, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_1);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Dread() small_dataset initial read succeeded");
/* verify that the correct data was written to the small data set */
expected_value = 0;
mis_match = false;
ptr_1 = tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_1;
i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (int)(tv_ptr->small_ds_size); i++) {
if (*ptr_1 != expected_value) {
mis_match = true;
VRFY((mis_match == false), "small ds init data good.");
/* setup selections for writing initial data to the large data set */
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank);
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start, tv_ptr->stride,
tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(mem_large_ds_sid, set) succeeded");
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start, tv_ptr->stride,
tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_large_ds_sid_0, set) succeeded");
/* In passing, setup the process slice dataspaces as well */
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_process_slice_sid, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start,
tv_ptr->stride, tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(mem_large_ds_process_slice_sid, set) succeeded");
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->file_large_ds_process_slice_sid, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start,
tv_ptr->stride, tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_large_ds_process_slice_sid, set) succeeded");
if (MAINPROCESS) { /* add an additional slice to the selections */
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_size);
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid, H5S_SELECT_OR, tv_ptr->start, tv_ptr->stride,
tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(mem_large_ds_sid, or) succeeded");
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0, H5S_SELECT_OR, tv_ptr->start, tv_ptr->stride,
tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_large_ds_sid_0, or) succeeded");
/* write the initial value of the large data set to file */
ret = H5Dwrite(tv_ptr->large_dataset, tv_ptr->dset_type, tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid,
tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_0);
if (ret < 0)
H5Eprint2(H5E_DEFAULT, stderr);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Dwrite() large_dataset initial write succeeded");
/* sync with the other processes before checking data */
mrc = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
VRFY((mrc == MPI_SUCCESS), "Sync after large dataset writes");
/* read the large data set back to verify that it contains the
* expected data. Note that each process reads in the entire
* data set.
ret = H5Dread(tv_ptr->large_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->full_mem_large_ds_sid,
tv_ptr->full_file_large_ds_sid, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Dread() large_dataset initial read succeeded");
/* verify that the correct data was written to the large data set */
expected_value = 0;
mis_match = false;
ptr_1 = tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1;
i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (int)(tv_ptr->large_ds_size); i++) {
if (*ptr_1 != expected_value) {
mis_match = true;
VRFY((mis_match == false), "large ds init data good.");
/* sync with the other processes before changing data */
mrc = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
VRFY((mrc == MPI_SUCCESS), "Sync initial values check");
} /* hs_dr_pio_test__setup() */
* Function: hs_dr_pio_test__takedown()
* Purpose: Do takedown after tests of I/O to/from hyperslab selections
* of different rank in the parallel case.
* Return: void
static void
hs_dr_pio_test__takedown(struct hs_dr_pio_test_vars_t *tv_ptr)
const char *fcnName = "hs_dr_pio_test__takedown()";
int mpi_rank; /* needed by the VRFY macro */
herr_t ret; /* Generic return value */
/* initialize the local copy of mpi_rank */
mpi_rank = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
/* Close property lists */
if (tv_ptr->xfer_plist != H5P_DEFAULT) {
ret = H5Pclose(tv_ptr->xfer_plist);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Pclose(xfer_plist) succeeded");
/* Close dataspaces */
ret = H5Sclose(tv_ptr->full_mem_small_ds_sid);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sclose(full_mem_small_ds_sid) succeeded");
ret = H5Sclose(tv_ptr->full_file_small_ds_sid);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sclose(full_file_small_ds_sid) succeeded");
ret = H5Sclose(tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sclose(mem_small_ds_sid) succeeded");
ret = H5Sclose(tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sclose(file_small_ds_sid_0) succeeded");
ret = H5Sclose(tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_1);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sclose(file_small_ds_sid_1) succeeded");
ret = H5Sclose(tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_sid);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sclose(small_ds_slice_sid) succeeded");
ret = H5Sclose(tv_ptr->full_mem_large_ds_sid);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sclose(full_mem_large_ds_sid) succeeded");
ret = H5Sclose(tv_ptr->full_file_large_ds_sid);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sclose(full_file_large_ds_sid) succeeded");
ret = H5Sclose(tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sclose(mem_large_ds_sid) succeeded");
ret = H5Sclose(tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sclose(file_large_ds_sid_0) succeeded");
ret = H5Sclose(tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_1);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sclose(file_large_ds_sid_1) succeeded");
ret = H5Sclose(tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_process_slice_sid);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sclose(mem_large_ds_process_slice_sid) succeeded");
ret = H5Sclose(tv_ptr->file_large_ds_process_slice_sid);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sclose(file_large_ds_process_slice_sid) succeeded");
ret = H5Sclose(tv_ptr->large_ds_slice_sid);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sclose(large_ds_slice_sid) succeeded");
/* Close Datasets */
ret = H5Dclose(tv_ptr->small_dataset);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Dclose(small_dataset) succeeded");
ret = H5Dclose(tv_ptr->large_dataset);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Dclose(large_dataset) succeeded");
/* close the file collectively */
MESG("about to close file.");
ret = H5Fclose(tv_ptr->fid);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "file close succeeded");
/* Free memory buffers */
if (tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_0 != NULL)
if (tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_1 != NULL)
if (tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_2 != NULL)
if (tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_buf != NULL)
if (tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_0 != NULL)
if (tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1 != NULL)
if (tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_2 != NULL)
if (tv_ptr->large_ds_slice_buf != NULL)
} /* hs_dr_pio_test__takedown() */
* Function: contig_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_l2s()
* Purpose: Part one of a series of tests of I/O to/from hyperslab
* selections of different rank in the parallel.
* Verify that we can read from disk correctly using
* selections of different rank that H5Sselect_shape_same()
* views as being of the same shape.
* In this function, we test this by reading small_rank - 1
* slices from the on disk large cube, and verifying that the
* data read is correct. Verify that H5Sselect_shape_same()
* returns true on the memory and file selections.
* Return: void
static void
contig_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_l2s(struct hs_dr_pio_test_vars_t *tv_ptr)
const char *fcnName = "contig_hs_dr_pio_test__run_test()";
bool mis_match = false;
int i, j, k, l;
size_t n;
int mpi_rank; /* needed by the VRFY macro */
uint32_t expected_value;
uint32_t *ptr_1;
htri_t check; /* Shape comparison return value */
herr_t ret; /* Generic return value */
/* initialize the local copy of mpi_rank */
mpi_rank = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
/* We have already done a H5Sselect_all() on the dataspace
* small_ds_slice_sid in the initialization phase, so no need to
* call H5Sselect_all() again.
/* set up start, stride, count, and block -- note that we will
* change start[] so as to read slices of the large cube.
for (i = 0; i < PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK; i++) {
tv_ptr->start[i] = 0;
tv_ptr->stride[i] = (hsize_t)(2 * tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->count[i] = 1;
if ((PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - i) > (tv_ptr->small_rank - 1)) {
tv_ptr->block[i] = 1;
else {
tv_ptr->block[i] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
/* zero out the buffer we will be reading into */
memset(tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_buf, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size);
fprintf(stdout, "%s reading slices from big cube on disk into small cube slice.\n", fcnName);
/* in serial versions of this test, we loop through all the dimensions
* of the large data set. However, in the parallel version, each
* process only works with that slice of the large cube indicated
* by its rank -- hence we set the most slowly changing index to
* mpi_rank, and don't iterate over it.
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 0) {
i = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
i = 0;
/* since large_rank is at most PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK, no need to
* loop over it -- either we are setting i to mpi_rank, or
* we are setting it to zero. It will not change during the
* test.
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 1) {
j = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
j = 0;
do {
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 2) {
k = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
k = 0;
do {
/* since small rank >= 2 and large_rank > small_rank, we
* have large_rank >= 3. Since PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK == 5
* (baring major re-orgaization), this gives us:
* (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - large_rank) <= 2
* so no need to repeat the test in the outer loops --
* just set l = 0.
l = 0;
do {
if ((tv_ptr->skips)++ < tv_ptr->max_skips) { /* skip the test */
else { /* run the test */
tv_ptr->skips = 0; /* reset the skips counter */
/* we know that small_rank - 1 >= 1 and that
* large_rank > small_rank by the assertions at the head
* of this function. Thus no need for another inner loop.
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)i;
tv_ptr->start[1] = (hsize_t)j;
tv_ptr->start[2] = (hsize_t)k;
tv_ptr->start[3] = (hsize_t)l;
tv_ptr->start[4] = 0;
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start_ptr,
tv_ptr->stride_ptr, tv_ptr->count_ptr, tv_ptr->block_ptr);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_large_cube_sid) succeeded");
/* verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() reports the two
* selections as having the same shape.
check = H5Sselect_shape_same(tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_sid, tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0);
VRFY((check == true), "H5Sselect_shape_same passed");
/* Read selection from disk */
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: start = %d %d %d %d %d.\n", fcnName, (int)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank),
(int)(tv_ptr->start[0]), (int)(tv_ptr->start[1]), (int)(tv_ptr->start[2]),
(int)(tv_ptr->start[3]), (int)(tv_ptr->start[4]));
fprintf(stdout, "%s slice/file extent dims = %d/%d.\n", fcnName,
ret =
H5Dread(tv_ptr->large_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_sid,
tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_buf);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Dread() slice from large ds succeeded.");
/* verify that expected data is retrieved */
mis_match = false;
ptr_1 = tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_buf;
expected_value =
(uint32_t)((i * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size *
tv_ptr->edge_size) +
(j * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size) +
(k * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size) + (l * tv_ptr->edge_size));
for (n = 0; n < tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size; n++) {
if (*ptr_1 != expected_value) {
mis_match = true;
*ptr_1 = 0; /* zero data for next use */
VRFY((mis_match == false), "small slice read from large ds data good.");
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 2) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 1) && (l < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 3) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 2) && (k < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 4) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 3) && (j < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} /* contig_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_l2s() */
* Function: contig_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_s2l()
* Purpose: Part two of a series of tests of I/O to/from hyperslab
* selections of different rank in the parallel.
* Verify that we can read from disk correctly using
* selections of different rank that H5Sselect_shape_same()
* views as being of the same shape.
* In this function, we test this by reading slices of the
* on disk small data set into slices through the in memory
* large data set, and verify that the correct data (and
* only the correct data) is read.
* Return: void
static void
contig_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_s2l(struct hs_dr_pio_test_vars_t *tv_ptr)
const char *fcnName = "contig_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_s2l()";
bool mis_match = false;
int i, j, k, l;
size_t n;
int mpi_rank; /* needed by the VRFY macro */
size_t start_index;
size_t stop_index;
uint32_t expected_value;
uint32_t *ptr_1;
htri_t check; /* Shape comparison return value */
herr_t ret; /* Generic return value */
/* initialize the local copy of mpi_rank */
mpi_rank = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
/* Read slices of the on disk small data set into slices
* through the in memory large data set, and verify that the correct
* data (and only the correct data) is read.
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank);
tv_ptr->stride[0] = (hsize_t)(2 * (tv_ptr->mpi_size + 1));
tv_ptr->count[0] = 1;
tv_ptr->block[0] = 1;
for (i = 1; i < tv_ptr->large_rank; i++) {
tv_ptr->start[i] = 0;
tv_ptr->stride[i] = (hsize_t)(2 * tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->count[i] = 1;
tv_ptr->block[i] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start, tv_ptr->stride,
tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_small_ds_sid_0, set) succeeded");
fprintf(stdout, "%s reading slices of on disk small data set into slices of big data set.\n", fcnName);
/* zero out the in memory large ds */
memset(tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->large_ds_size);
/* set up start, stride, count, and block -- note that we will
* change start[] so as to read slices of the large cube.
for (i = 0; i < PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK; i++) {
tv_ptr->start[i] = 0;
tv_ptr->stride[i] = (hsize_t)(2 * tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->count[i] = 1;
if ((PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - i) > (tv_ptr->small_rank - 1)) {
tv_ptr->block[i] = 1;
else {
tv_ptr->block[i] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
/* in serial versions of this test, we loop through all the dimensions
* of the large data set that don't appear in the small data set.
* However, in the parallel version, each process only works with that
* slice of the large (and small) data set indicated by its rank -- hence
* we set the most slowly changing index to mpi_rank, and don't iterate
* over it.
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 0) {
i = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
i = 0;
/* since large_rank is at most PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK, no need to
* loop over it -- either we are setting i to mpi_rank, or
* we are setting it to zero. It will not change during the
* test.
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 1) {
j = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
j = 0;
do {
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 2) {
k = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
k = 0;
do {
/* since small rank >= 2 and large_rank > small_rank, we
* have large_rank >= 3. Since PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK == 5
* (baring major re-orgaization), this gives us:
* (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - large_rank) <= 2
* so no need to repeat the test in the outer loops --
* just set l = 0.
l = 0;
do {
if ((tv_ptr->skips)++ < tv_ptr->max_skips) { /* skip the test */
else { /* run the test */
tv_ptr->skips = 0; /* reset the skips counter */
/* we know that small_rank >= 1 and that large_rank > small_rank
* by the assertions at the head of this function. Thus no
* need for another inner loop.
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)i;
tv_ptr->start[1] = (hsize_t)j;
tv_ptr->start[2] = (hsize_t)k;
tv_ptr->start[3] = (hsize_t)l;
tv_ptr->start[4] = 0;
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start_ptr,
tv_ptr->stride_ptr, tv_ptr->count_ptr, tv_ptr->block_ptr);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(mem_large_ds_sid) succeeded");
/* verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() reports the two
* selections as having the same shape.
check = H5Sselect_shape_same(tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid);
VRFY((check == true), "H5Sselect_shape_same passed");
/* Read selection from disk */
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: start = %d %d %d %d %d.\n", fcnName, (int)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank),
(int)(tv_ptr->start[0]), (int)(tv_ptr->start[1]), (int)(tv_ptr->start[2]),
(int)(tv_ptr->start[3]), (int)(tv_ptr->start[4]));
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: mem/file extent dims = %d/%d.\n", fcnName, tv_ptr->mpi_rank,
ret = H5Dread(tv_ptr->small_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid,
tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Dread() slice from small ds succeeded.");
/* verify that the expected data and only the
* expected data was read.
ptr_1 = tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1;
expected_value = (uint32_t)((size_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank) * tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size);
start_index =
(size_t)((i * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size *
tv_ptr->edge_size) +
(j * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size) +
(k * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size) + (l * tv_ptr->edge_size));
stop_index = start_index + tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size - 1;
assert(start_index < stop_index);
assert(stop_index <= tv_ptr->large_ds_size);
for (n = 0; n < tv_ptr->large_ds_size; n++) {
if ((n >= start_index) && (n <= stop_index)) {
if (*ptr_1 != expected_value) {
mis_match = true;
else {
if (*ptr_1 != 0) {
mis_match = true;
/* zero out the value for the next pass */
*ptr_1 = 0;
VRFY((mis_match == false), "small slice read from large ds data good.");
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 2) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 1) && (l < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 3) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 2) && (k < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 4) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 3) && (j < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} /* contig_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_s2l() */
* Function: contig_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_l2s()
* Purpose: Part three of a series of tests of I/O to/from hyperslab
* selections of different rank in the parallel.
* Verify that we can write from memory to file using
* selections of different rank that H5Sselect_shape_same()
* views as being of the same shape.
* Do this by writing small_rank - 1 dimensional slices from
* the in memory large data set to the on disk small cube
* dataset. After each write, read the slice of the small
* dataset back from disk, and verify that it contains
* the expected data. Verify that H5Sselect_shape_same()
* returns true on the memory and file selections.
* Return: void
static void
contig_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_l2s(struct hs_dr_pio_test_vars_t *tv_ptr)
const char *fcnName = "contig_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_l2s()";
bool mis_match = false;
int i, j, k, l;
size_t n;
int mpi_rank; /* needed by the VRFY macro */
size_t start_index;
size_t stop_index;
uint32_t expected_value;
uint32_t *ptr_1;
htri_t check; /* Shape comparison return value */
herr_t ret; /* Generic return value */
/* initialize the local copy of mpi_rank */
mpi_rank = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
/* now we go in the opposite direction, verifying that we can write
* from memory to file using selections of different rank that
* H5Sselect_shape_same() views as being of the same shape.
* Start by writing small_rank - 1 dimensional slices from the in memory large
* data set to the on disk small cube dataset. After each write, read the
* slice of the small dataset back from disk, and verify that it contains
* the expected data. Verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() returns true on
* the memory and file selections.
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank);
tv_ptr->stride[0] = (hsize_t)(2 * (tv_ptr->mpi_size + 1));
tv_ptr->count[0] = 1;
tv_ptr->block[0] = 1;
for (i = 1; i < tv_ptr->large_rank; i++) {
tv_ptr->start[i] = 0;
tv_ptr->stride[i] = (hsize_t)(2 * tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->count[i] = 1;
tv_ptr->block[i] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start, tv_ptr->stride,
tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_small_ds_sid_0, set) succeeded");
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start, tv_ptr->stride,
tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(mem_small_ds_sid, set) succeeded");
/* set up start, stride, count, and block -- note that we will
* change start[] so as to read slices of the large cube.
for (i = 0; i < PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK; i++) {
tv_ptr->start[i] = 0;
tv_ptr->stride[i] = (hsize_t)(2 * tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->count[i] = 1;
if ((PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - i) > (tv_ptr->small_rank - 1)) {
tv_ptr->block[i] = 1;
else {
tv_ptr->block[i] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
/* zero out the in memory small ds */
memset(tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_1, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->small_ds_size);
fprintf(stdout, "%s writing slices from big ds to slices of small ds on disk.\n", fcnName);
/* in serial versions of this test, we loop through all the dimensions
* of the large data set that don't appear in the small data set.
* However, in the parallel version, each process only works with that
* slice of the large (and small) data set indicated by its rank -- hence
* we set the most slowly changing index to mpi_rank, and don't iterate
* over it.
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 0) {
i = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
i = 0;
/* since large_rank is at most PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK, no need to
* loop over it -- either we are setting i to mpi_rank, or
* we are setting it to zero. It will not change during the
* test.
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 1) {
j = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
j = 0;
j = 0;
do {
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 2) {
k = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
k = 0;
do {
/* since small rank >= 2 and large_rank > small_rank, we
* have large_rank >= 3. Since PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK == 5
* (baring major re-orgaization), this gives us:
* (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - large_rank) <= 2
* so no need to repeat the test in the outer loops --
* just set l = 0.
l = 0;
do {
if ((tv_ptr->skips)++ < tv_ptr->max_skips) { /* skip the test */
else { /* run the test */
tv_ptr->skips = 0; /* reset the skips counter */
/* we know that small_rank >= 1 and that large_rank > small_rank
* by the assertions at the head of this function. Thus no
* need for another inner loop.
/* zero out this rank's slice of the on disk small data set */
ret = H5Dwrite(tv_ptr->small_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid,
tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_2);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Dwrite() zero slice to small ds succeeded.");
/* select the portion of the in memory large cube from which we
* are going to write data.
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)i;
tv_ptr->start[1] = (hsize_t)j;
tv_ptr->start[2] = (hsize_t)k;
tv_ptr->start[3] = (hsize_t)l;
tv_ptr->start[4] = 0;
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start_ptr,
tv_ptr->stride_ptr, tv_ptr->count_ptr, tv_ptr->block_ptr);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab() mem_large_ds_sid succeeded.");
/* verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() reports the in
* memory slice through the cube selection and the
* on disk full square selections as having the same shape.
check = H5Sselect_shape_same(tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid);
VRFY((check == true), "H5Sselect_shape_same passed.");
/* write the slice from the in memory large data set to the
* slice of the on disk small dataset. */
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: start = %d %d %d %d %d.\n", fcnName, (int)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank),
(int)(tv_ptr->start[0]), (int)(tv_ptr->start[1]), (int)(tv_ptr->start[2]),
(int)(tv_ptr->start[3]), (int)(tv_ptr->start[4]));
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: mem/file extent dims = %d/%d.\n", fcnName, tv_ptr->mpi_rank,
ret = H5Dwrite(tv_ptr->small_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid,
tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_0);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Dwrite() slice to large ds succeeded.");
/* read the on disk square into memory */
ret = H5Dread(tv_ptr->small_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid,
tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_1);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Dread() slice from small ds succeeded.");
/* verify that expected data is retrieved */
mis_match = false;
ptr_1 = tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_1;
expected_value =
(uint32_t)((i * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size *
tv_ptr->edge_size) +
(j * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size) +
(k * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size) + (l * tv_ptr->edge_size));
start_index = (size_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank) * tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size;
stop_index = start_index + tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size - 1;
assert(start_index < stop_index);
assert(stop_index <= tv_ptr->small_ds_size);
for (n = 0; n < tv_ptr->small_ds_size; n++) {
if ((n >= start_index) && (n <= stop_index)) {
if (*ptr_1 != expected_value) {
mis_match = true;
else {
if (*ptr_1 != 0) {
mis_match = true;
/* zero out the value for the next pass */
*ptr_1 = 0;
VRFY((mis_match == false), "small slice write from large ds data good.");
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 2) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 1) && (l < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 3) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 2) && (k < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 4) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 3) && (j < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} /* contig_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_l2s() */
* Function: contig_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_s2l()
* Purpose: Part four of a series of tests of I/O to/from hyperslab
* selections of different rank in the parallel.
* Verify that we can write from memory to file using
* selections of different rank that H5Sselect_shape_same()
* views as being of the same shape.
* Do this by writing the contents of the process's slice of
* the in memory small data set to slices of the on disk
* large data set. After each write, read the process's
* slice of the large data set back into memory, and verify
* that it contains the expected data.
* Verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() returns true on the
* memory and file selections.
* Return: void
static void
contig_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_s2l(struct hs_dr_pio_test_vars_t *tv_ptr)
const char *fcnName = "contig_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_s2l()";
bool mis_match = false;
int i, j, k, l;
size_t n;
int mpi_rank; /* needed by the VRFY macro */
size_t start_index;
size_t stop_index;
uint32_t expected_value;
uint32_t *ptr_1;
htri_t check; /* Shape comparison return value */
herr_t ret; /* Generic return value */
/* initialize the local copy of mpi_rank */
mpi_rank = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
/* Now write the contents of the process's slice of the in memory
* small data set to slices of the on disk large data set. After
* each write, read the process's slice of the large data set back
* into memory, and verify that it contains the expected data.
* Verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() returns true on the memory
* and file selections.
/* select the slice of the in memory small data set associated with
* the process's mpi rank.
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank);
tv_ptr->stride[0] = (hsize_t)(2 * (tv_ptr->mpi_size + 1));
tv_ptr->count[0] = 1;
tv_ptr->block[0] = 1;
for (i = 1; i < tv_ptr->large_rank; i++) {
tv_ptr->start[i] = 0;
tv_ptr->stride[i] = (hsize_t)(2 * tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->count[i] = 1;
tv_ptr->block[i] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start, tv_ptr->stride,
tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(mem_small_ds_sid, set) succeeded");
/* set up start, stride, count, and block -- note that we will
* change start[] so as to write slices of the small data set to
* slices of the large data set.
for (i = 0; i < PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK; i++) {
tv_ptr->start[i] = 0;
tv_ptr->stride[i] = (hsize_t)(2 * tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->count[i] = 1;
if ((PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - i) > (tv_ptr->small_rank - 1)) {
tv_ptr->block[i] = 1;
else {
tv_ptr->block[i] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
/* zero out the in memory large ds */
memset(tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->large_ds_size);
fprintf(stdout, "%s writing process slices of small ds to slices of large ds on disk.\n", fcnName);
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 0) {
i = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
i = 0;
/* since large_rank is at most PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK, no need to
* loop over it -- either we are setting i to mpi_rank, or
* we are setting it to zero. It will not change during the
* test.
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 1) {
j = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
j = 0;
do {
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 2) {
k = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
k = 0;
do {
/* since small rank >= 2 and large_rank > small_rank, we
* have large_rank >= 3. Since PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK == 5
* (baring major re-orgaization), this gives us:
* (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - large_rank) <= 2
* so no need to repeat the test in the outer loops --
* just set l = 0.
l = 0;
do {
if ((tv_ptr->skips)++ < tv_ptr->max_skips) { /* skip the test */
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)i;
tv_ptr->start[1] = (hsize_t)j;
tv_ptr->start[2] = (hsize_t)k;
tv_ptr->start[3] = (hsize_t)l;
tv_ptr->start[4] = 0;
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: skipping test with start = %d %d %d %d %d.\n", fcnName,
(int)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank), (int)(tv_ptr->start[0]), (int)(tv_ptr->start[1]),
(int)(tv_ptr->start[2]), (int)(tv_ptr->start[3]), (int)(tv_ptr->start[4]));
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: mem/file extent dims = %d/%d.\n", fcnName, tv_ptr->mpi_rank,
else { /* run the test */
tv_ptr->skips = 0; /* reset the skips counter */
/* we know that small_rank >= 1 and that large_rank > small_rank
* by the assertions at the head of this function. Thus no
* need for another inner loop.
/* Zero out this processes slice of the on disk large data set.
* Note that this will leave one slice with its original data
* as there is one more slice than processes.
ret = H5Dwrite(tv_ptr->large_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->large_ds_slice_sid,
tv_ptr->file_large_ds_process_slice_sid, tv_ptr->xfer_plist,
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Dwrite() to zero large ds succeeded");
/* select the portion of the in memory large cube to which we
* are going to write data.
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)i;
tv_ptr->start[1] = (hsize_t)j;
tv_ptr->start[2] = (hsize_t)k;
tv_ptr->start[3] = (hsize_t)l;
tv_ptr->start[4] = 0;
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start_ptr,
tv_ptr->stride_ptr, tv_ptr->count_ptr, tv_ptr->block_ptr);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sselect_hyperslab() target large ds slice succeeded");
/* verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() reports the in
* memory small data set slice selection and the
* on disk slice through the large data set selection
* as having the same shape.
check = H5Sselect_shape_same(tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid, tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0);
VRFY((check == true), "H5Sselect_shape_same passed");
/* write the small data set slice from memory to the
* target slice of the disk data set
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: start = %d %d %d %d %d.\n", fcnName, (int)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank),
(int)(tv_ptr->start[0]), (int)(tv_ptr->start[1]), (int)(tv_ptr->start[2]),
(int)(tv_ptr->start[3]), (int)(tv_ptr->start[4]));
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: mem/file extent dims = %d/%d.\n", fcnName, tv_ptr->mpi_rank,
ret = H5Dwrite(tv_ptr->large_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid,
tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_0);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Dwrite of small ds slice to large ds succeeded");
/* read this processes slice on the on disk large
* data set into memory.
ret = H5Dread(
tv_ptr->large_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_process_slice_sid,
tv_ptr->file_large_ds_process_slice_sid, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Dread() of process slice of large ds succeeded");
/* verify that the expected data and only the
* expected data was read.
ptr_1 = tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1;
expected_value = (uint32_t)((size_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank) * tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size);
start_index =
(size_t)((i * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size *
tv_ptr->edge_size) +
(j * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size) +
(k * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size) + (l * tv_ptr->edge_size));
stop_index = start_index + tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size - 1;
assert(start_index < stop_index);
assert(stop_index < tv_ptr->large_ds_size);
for (n = 0; n < tv_ptr->large_ds_size; n++) {
if ((n >= start_index) && (n <= stop_index)) {
if (*ptr_1 != expected_value) {
mis_match = true;
else {
if (*ptr_1 != 0) {
mis_match = true;
/* zero out buffer for next test */
*ptr_1 = 0;
VRFY((mis_match == false), "small ds slice write to large ds slice data good.");
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 2) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 1) && (l < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 3) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 2) && (k < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 4) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 3) && (j < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} /* contig_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_s2l() */
* Function: contig_hs_dr_pio_test__run_test()
* Purpose: Test I/O to/from hyperslab selections of different rank in
* the parallel.
* Return: void
static void
contig_hs_dr_pio_test__run_test(const void *params, const int test_num, const int edge_size,
const int chunk_edge_size, const int small_rank, const int large_rank,
const bool use_collective_io, const hid_t dset_type, int express_test,
int *skips_ptr, int max_skips, int64_t *total_tests_ptr,
int64_t *tests_run_ptr, int64_t *tests_skipped_ptr, int mpi_rank)
const char *fcnName = "contig_hs_dr_pio_test__run_test()";
struct hs_dr_pio_test_vars_t test_vars = {
/* int mpi_size = */ -1,
/* int mpi_rank = */ -1,
/* MPI_Comm mpi_comm = */ MPI_COMM_NULL,
/* MPI_Inf mpi_info = */ MPI_INFO_NULL,
/* int test_num = */ -1,
/* int edge_size = */ -1,
/* int checker_edge_size = */ -1,
/* int chunk_edge_size = */ -1,
/* int small_rank = */ -1,
/* int large_rank = */ -1,
/* hid_t dset_type = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* uint32_t * small_ds_buf_0 = */ NULL,
/* uint32_t * small_ds_buf_1 = */ NULL,
/* uint32_t * small_ds_buf_2 = */ NULL,
/* uint32_t * small_ds_slice_buf = */ NULL,
/* uint32_t * large_ds_buf_0 = */ NULL,
/* uint32_t * large_ds_buf_1 = */ NULL,
/* uint32_t * large_ds_buf_2 = */ NULL,
/* uint32_t * large_ds_slice_buf = */ NULL,
/* int small_ds_offset = */ -1,
/* int large_ds_offset = */ -1,
/* hid_t fid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID, /* HDF5 file ID */
/* hid_t xfer_plist = */ H5P_DEFAULT,
/* hid_t full_mem_small_ds_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t full_file_small_ds_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t mem_small_ds_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t file_small_ds_sid_0 = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t file_small_ds_sid_1 = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t small_ds_slice_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t full_mem_large_ds_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t full_file_large_ds_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t mem_large_ds_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t file_large_ds_sid_0 = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t file_large_ds_sid_1 = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t file_large_ds_process_slice_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t mem_large_ds_process_slice_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t large_ds_slice_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t small_dataset = */ H5I_INVALID_HID, /* Dataset ID */
/* hid_t large_dataset = */ H5I_INVALID_HID, /* Dataset ID */
/* size_t small_ds_size = */ 1,
/* size_t small_ds_slice_size = */ 1,
/* size_t large_ds_size = */ 1,
/* size_t large_ds_slice_size = */ 1,
/* hsize_t dims[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK] = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* hsize_t chunk_dims[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK] = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* hsize_t start[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK] = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* hsize_t stride[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK] = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* hsize_t count[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK] = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* hsize_t block[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK] = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* hsize_t * start_ptr = */ NULL,
/* hsize_t * stride_ptr = */ NULL,
/* hsize_t * count_ptr = */ NULL,
/* hsize_t * block_ptr = */ NULL,
/* int skips = */ 0,
/* int max_skips = */ 0,
/* int64_t total_tests = */ 0,
/* int64_t tests_run = */ 0,
/* int64_t tests_skipped = */ 0};
struct hs_dr_pio_test_vars_t *tv_ptr = &test_vars;
printf("\r - running test #%lld: small rank = %d, large rank = %d", (long long)(test_num + 1),
small_rank, large_rank);
hs_dr_pio_test__setup(params, test_num, edge_size, -1, chunk_edge_size, small_rank, large_rank,
use_collective_io, dset_type, express_test, tv_ptr);
/* initialize skips & max_skips */
tv_ptr->skips = *skips_ptr;
tv_ptr->max_skips = max_skips;
fprintf(stdout, "test %d: small rank = %d, large rank = %d.\n", test_num, small_rank, large_rank);
fprintf(stdout, "test %d: Initialization complete.\n", test_num);
/* first, verify that we can read from disk correctly using selections
* of different rank that H5Sselect_shape_same() views as being of the
* same shape.
* Start by reading small_rank - 1 dimensional slice from the on disk
* large cube, and verifying that the data read is correct. Verify that
* H5Sselect_shape_same() returns true on the memory and file selections.
fprintf(stdout, "test %d: running contig_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_l2s.\n", test_num);
/* Second, read slices of the on disk small data set into slices
* through the in memory large data set, and verify that the correct
* data (and only the correct data) is read.
fprintf(stdout, "test %d: running contig_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_s2l.\n", test_num);
/* now we go in the opposite direction, verifying that we can write
* from memory to file using selections of different rank that
* H5Sselect_shape_same() views as being of the same shape.
* Start by writing small_rank - 1 D slices from the in memory large data
* set to the on disk small cube dataset. After each write, read the
* slice of the small dataset back from disk, and verify that it contains
* the expected data. Verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() returns true on
* the memory and file selections.
fprintf(stdout, "test %d: running contig_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_l2s.\n", test_num);
/* Now write the contents of the process's slice of the in memory
* small data set to slices of the on disk large data set. After
* each write, read the process's slice of the large data set back
* into memory, and verify that it contains the expected data.
* Verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() returns true on the memory
* and file selections.
fprintf(stdout, "test %d: running contig_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_s2l.\n", test_num);
fprintf(stdout, "test %d: Subtests complete -- tests run/skipped/total = %lld/%lld/%lld.\n", test_num,
(long long)(tv_ptr->tests_run), (long long)(tv_ptr->tests_skipped),
(long long)(tv_ptr->total_tests));
fprintf(stdout, "test %d: Takedown complete.\n", test_num);
*skips_ptr = tv_ptr->skips;
*total_tests_ptr += tv_ptr->total_tests;
*tests_run_ptr += tv_ptr->tests_run;
*tests_skipped_ptr += tv_ptr->tests_skipped;
} /* contig_hs_dr_pio_test__run_test() */
* Function: contig_hs_dr_pio_test(ShapeSameTestMethods sstest_type)
* Purpose: Test I/O to/from hyperslab selections of different rank in
* the parallel case.
* Return: void
static void
contig_hs_dr_pio_test(const void *params, ShapeSameTestMethods sstest_type)
int express_test;
int local_express_test;
int mpi_rank = -1;
int mpi_size;
int test_num = 0;
int edge_size;
int chunk_edge_size = 0;
int small_rank;
int large_rank;
int mpi_result;
int skips = 0;
int max_skips = 0;
/* The following table list the number of sub-tests skipped between
* each test that is actually executed as a function of the express
* test level. Note that any value in excess of 4880 will cause all
* sub tests to be skipped.
int max_skips_tbl[4] = {0, 4, 64, 1024};
hid_t dset_type = H5T_NATIVE_UINT;
int64_t total_tests = 0;
int64_t tests_run = 0;
int64_t tests_skipped = 0;
HDcompile_assert(sizeof(uint32_t) == sizeof(unsigned));
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);
edge_size = (mpi_size > 6 ? mpi_size : 6);
local_express_test = GetTestExpress();
mpi_result = MPI_Allreduce((void *)&local_express_test, (void *)&express_test, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX,
VRFY((mpi_result == MPI_SUCCESS), "MPI_Allreduce(0) succeeded");
if (local_express_test < 0) {
max_skips = max_skips_tbl[0];
else if (local_express_test > 3) {
max_skips = max_skips_tbl[3];
else {
max_skips = max_skips_tbl[local_express_test];
for (large_rank = 3; large_rank <= PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK; large_rank++) {
for (small_rank = 2; small_rank < large_rank; small_rank++) {
switch (sstest_type) {
/* contiguous data set, independent I/O */
chunk_edge_size = 0;
contig_hs_dr_pio_test__run_test(params, test_num, edge_size, chunk_edge_size, small_rank,
large_rank, false, dset_type, express_test, &skips,
max_skips, &total_tests, &tests_run, &tests_skipped,
/* end of case IND_CONTIG */
/* contiguous data set, collective I/O */
chunk_edge_size = 0;
params, test_num, edge_size, chunk_edge_size, small_rank, large_rank, true, dset_type,
express_test, &skips, max_skips, &total_tests, &tests_run, &tests_skipped, mpi_rank);
/* end of case COL_CONTIG */
/* chunked data set, independent I/O */
chunk_edge_size = 5;
contig_hs_dr_pio_test__run_test(params, test_num, edge_size, chunk_edge_size, small_rank,
large_rank, false, dset_type, express_test, &skips,
max_skips, &total_tests, &tests_run, &tests_skipped,
/* end of case IND_CHUNKED */
/* chunked data set, collective I/O */
chunk_edge_size = 5;
params, test_num, edge_size, chunk_edge_size, small_rank, large_rank, true, dset_type,
express_test, &skips, max_skips, &total_tests, &tests_run, &tests_skipped, mpi_rank);
/* end of case COL_CHUNKED */
VRFY((false), "unknown test type");
} /* end of switch(sstest_type) */
if ((MAINPROCESS) && (tests_skipped > 0)) {
fprintf(stdout, " run/skipped/total = %lld/%lld/%lld.\n", tests_run, tests_skipped,
if (tests_skipped > 0) {
fprintf(stdout, " %" PRId64 " of %" PRId64 " subtests skipped to expedite testing.\n",
tests_skipped, total_tests);
} /* contig_hs_dr_pio_test() */
** ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__slct_ckrbrd():
** Given a dataspace of tgt_rank, and dimensions:
** (mpi_size + 1), edge_size, ... , edge_size
** edge_size, and a checker_edge_size, select a checker
** board selection of a sel_rank (sel_rank < tgt_rank)
** dimensional slice through the dataspace parallel to the
** sel_rank fastest changing indices, with origin (in the
** higher indices) as indicated by the start array.
** Note that this function, like all its relatives, is
** hard coded to presume a maximum dataspace rank of 5.
** While this maximum is declared as a constant, increasing
** it will require extensive coding in addition to changing
** the value of the constant.
** JRM -- 10/8/09
static void
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__slct_ckrbrd(const int mpi_rank, const hid_t tgt_sid, const int tgt_rank,
const int edge_size, const int checker_edge_size, const int sel_rank,
hsize_t sel_start[])
const char *fcnName = "ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__slct_ckrbrd():";
bool first_selection = true;
int i, j, k, l, m;
int n_cube_offset;
int sel_offset;
const int test_max_rank = PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK; /* must update code if */
/* this changes */
hsize_t base_count;
hsize_t offset_count;
hsize_t start[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK];
hsize_t stride[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK];
hsize_t count[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK];
hsize_t block[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK];
herr_t ret; /* Generic return value */
assert(edge_size >= 6);
assert(0 < checker_edge_size);
assert(checker_edge_size <= edge_size);
assert(0 < sel_rank);
assert(sel_rank <= tgt_rank);
assert(tgt_rank <= test_max_rank);
assert(test_max_rank <= PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK);
sel_offset = test_max_rank - sel_rank;
assert(sel_offset >= 0);
n_cube_offset = test_max_rank - tgt_rank;
assert(n_cube_offset >= 0);
assert(n_cube_offset <= sel_offset);
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: edge_size/checker_edge_size = %d/%d\n", fcnName, mpi_rank, edge_size,
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: sel_rank/sel_offset = %d/%d.\n", fcnName, mpi_rank, sel_rank, sel_offset);
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: tgt_rank/n_cube_offset = %d/%d.\n", fcnName, mpi_rank, tgt_rank, n_cube_offset);
/* First, compute the base count (which assumes start == 0
* for the associated offset) and offset_count (which
* assumes start == checker_edge_size for the associated
* offset).
* Note that the following computation depends on the C99
* requirement that integer division discard any fraction
* (truncation towards zero) to function correctly. As we
* now require C99, this shouldn't be a problem, but noting
* it may save us some pain if we are ever obliged to support
* pre-C99 compilers again.
base_count = (hsize_t)(edge_size / (checker_edge_size * 2));
if ((edge_size % (checker_edge_size * 2)) > 0) {
offset_count = (hsize_t)((edge_size - checker_edge_size) / (checker_edge_size * 2));
if (((edge_size - checker_edge_size) % (checker_edge_size * 2)) > 0) {
/* Now set up the stride and block arrays, and portions of the start
* and count arrays that will not be altered during the selection of
* the checker board.
i = 0;
while (i < n_cube_offset) {
/* these values should never be used */
start[i] = 0;
stride[i] = 0;
count[i] = 0;
block[i] = 0;
while (i < sel_offset) {
start[i] = sel_start[i];
stride[i] = (hsize_t)(2 * edge_size);
count[i] = 1;
block[i] = 1;
while (i < test_max_rank) {
stride[i] = (hsize_t)(2 * checker_edge_size);
block[i] = (hsize_t)checker_edge_size;
i = 0;
do {
if (0 >= sel_offset) {
if (i == 0) {
start[0] = 0;
count[0] = base_count;
else {
start[0] = (hsize_t)checker_edge_size;
count[0] = offset_count;
j = 0;
do {
if (1 >= sel_offset) {
if (j == 0) {
start[1] = 0;
count[1] = base_count;
else {
start[1] = (hsize_t)checker_edge_size;
count[1] = offset_count;
k = 0;
do {
if (2 >= sel_offset) {
if (k == 0) {
start[2] = 0;
count[2] = base_count;
else {
start[2] = (hsize_t)checker_edge_size;
count[2] = offset_count;
l = 0;
do {
if (3 >= sel_offset) {
if (l == 0) {
start[3] = 0;
count[3] = base_count;
else {
start[3] = (hsize_t)checker_edge_size;
count[3] = offset_count;
m = 0;
do {
if (4 >= sel_offset) {
if (m == 0) {
start[4] = 0;
count[4] = base_count;
else {
start[4] = (hsize_t)checker_edge_size;
count[4] = offset_count;
if (((i + j + k + l + m) % 2) == 0) {
fprintf(stdout, "%s%d: *** first_selection = %d ***\n", fcnName, mpi_rank,
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: i/j/k/l/m = %d/%d/%d/%d/%d\n", fcnName, mpi_rank, i, j, k,
l, m);
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: start = %d %d %d %d %d.\n", fcnName, mpi_rank,
(int)start[0], (int)start[1], (int)start[2], (int)start[3],
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: stride = %d %d %d %d %d.\n", fcnName, mpi_rank,
(int)stride[0], (int)stride[1], (int)stride[2], (int)stride[3],
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: count = %d %d %d %d %d.\n", fcnName, mpi_rank,
(int)count[0], (int)count[1], (int)count[2], (int)count[3],
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: block = %d %d %d %d %d.\n", fcnName, mpi_rank,
(int)block[0], (int)block[1], (int)block[2], (int)block[3],
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: n-cube extent dims = %d.\n", fcnName, mpi_rank,
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: selection rank = %d.\n", fcnName, mpi_rank, sel_rank);
if (first_selection) {
first_selection = false;
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tgt_sid, H5S_SELECT_SET, &(start[n_cube_offset]),
&(stride[n_cube_offset]), &(count[n_cube_offset]),
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(SET) succeeded");
else {
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tgt_sid, H5S_SELECT_OR, &(start[n_cube_offset]),
&(stride[n_cube_offset]), &(count[n_cube_offset]),
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(OR) succeeded");
} while ((m <= 1) && (4 >= sel_offset));
} while ((l <= 1) && (3 >= sel_offset));
} while ((k <= 1) && (2 >= sel_offset));
} while ((j <= 1) && (1 >= sel_offset));
} while ((i <= 1) && (0 >= sel_offset));
fprintf(stdout, "%s%d: H5Sget_select_npoints(tgt_sid) = %d.\n", fcnName, mpi_rank,
/* Clip the selection back to the dataspace proper. */
for (i = 0; i < test_max_rank; i++) {
start[i] = 0;
stride[i] = (hsize_t)edge_size;
count[i] = 1;
block[i] = (hsize_t)edge_size;
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tgt_sid, H5S_SELECT_AND, start, stride, count, block);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(AND) succeeded");
fprintf(stdout, "%s%d: H5Sget_select_npoints(tgt_sid) = %d.\n", fcnName, mpi_rank,
fprintf(stdout, "%s%d: done.\n", fcnName, mpi_rank);
} /* ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__slct_ckrbrd() */
** ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__verify_data():
** Examine the supplied buffer to see if it contains the
** expected data. Return true if it does, and false
** otherwise.
** The supplied buffer is presumed to this process's slice
** of the target data set. Each such slice will be an
** n-cube of rank (rank -1) and the supplied edge_size with
** origin (mpi_rank, 0, ... , 0) in the target data set.
** Further, the buffer is presumed to be the result of reading
** or writing a checker board selection of an m (1 <= m <
** rank) dimensional slice through this processes slice
** of the target data set. Also, this slice must be parallel
** to the fastest changing indices.
** It is further presumed that the buffer was zeroed before
** the read/write, and that the full target data set (i.e.
** the buffer/data set for all processes) was initialized
** with the natural numbers listed in order from the origin
** along the fastest changing axis.
** Thus for a 20x10x10 dataset, the value stored in location
** (x, y, z) (assuming that z is the fastest changing index
** and x the slowest) is assumed to be:
** (10 * 10 * x) + (10 * y) + z
** Further, supposing that this is process 10, this process's
** slice of the dataset would be a 10 x 10 2-cube with origin
** (10, 0, 0) in the data set, and would be initialize (prior
** to the checkerboard selection) as follows:
** 1000, 1001, 1002, ... 1008, 1009
** 1010, 1011, 1012, ... 1018, 1019
** . . . . .
** . . . . .
** . . . . .
** 1090, 1091, 1092, ... 1098, 1099
** In the case of a read from the processors slice of another
** data set of different rank, the values expected will have
** to be adjusted accordingly. This is done via the
** first_expected_val parameter.
** Finally, the function presumes that the first element
** of the buffer resides either at the origin of either
** a selected or an unselected checker. (Translation:
** if partial checkers appear in the buffer, they will
** intersect the edges of the n-cube opposite the origin.)
static bool
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__verify_data(uint32_t *buf_ptr, const int rank, const int edge_size,
const int checker_edge_size, uint32_t first_expected_val,
bool buf_starts_in_checker)
const char *fcnName = "ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__verify_data():";
bool good_data = true;
bool in_checker;
bool start_in_checker[5];
uint32_t expected_value;
uint32_t *val_ptr;
int i, j, k, l, m; /* to track position in n-cube */
int v, w, x, y, z; /* to track position in checker */
const int test_max_rank = 5; /* code changes needed if this is increased */
assert(buf_ptr != NULL);
assert(0 < rank);
assert(rank <= test_max_rank);
assert(edge_size >= 6);
assert(0 < checker_edge_size);
assert(checker_edge_size <= edge_size);
assert(test_max_rank <= PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK);
int mpi_rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);
fprintf(stdout, "%s mpi_rank = %d.\n", fcnName, mpi_rank);
fprintf(stdout, "%s rank = %d.\n", fcnName, rank);
fprintf(stdout, "%s edge_size = %d.\n", fcnName, edge_size);
fprintf(stdout, "%s checker_edge_size = %d.\n", fcnName, checker_edge_size);
fprintf(stdout, "%s first_expected_val = %d.\n", fcnName, (int)first_expected_val);
fprintf(stdout, "%s starts_in_checker = %d.\n", fcnName, (int)buf_starts_in_checker);
val_ptr = buf_ptr;
expected_value = first_expected_val;
i = 0;
v = 0;
start_in_checker[0] = buf_starts_in_checker;
do {
if (v >= checker_edge_size) {
start_in_checker[0] = !start_in_checker[0];
v = 0;
j = 0;
w = 0;
start_in_checker[1] = start_in_checker[0];
do {
if (w >= checker_edge_size) {
start_in_checker[1] = !start_in_checker[1];
w = 0;
k = 0;
x = 0;
start_in_checker[2] = start_in_checker[1];
do {
if (x >= checker_edge_size) {
start_in_checker[2] = !start_in_checker[2];
x = 0;
l = 0;
y = 0;
start_in_checker[3] = start_in_checker[2];
do {
if (y >= checker_edge_size) {
start_in_checker[3] = !start_in_checker[3];
y = 0;
m = 0;
z = 0;
fprintf(stdout, "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d:", i, j, k, l, m);
in_checker = start_in_checker[3];
do {
fprintf(stdout, " %d", (int)(*val_ptr));
if (z >= checker_edge_size) {
in_checker = !in_checker;
z = 0;
if (in_checker) {
if (*val_ptr != expected_value) {
good_data = false;
/* zero out buffer for reuse */
*val_ptr = 0;
else if (*val_ptr != 0) {
good_data = false;
/* zero out buffer for reuse */
*val_ptr = 0;
} while ((rank >= (test_max_rank - 4)) && (m < edge_size));
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
} while ((rank >= (test_max_rank - 3)) && (l < edge_size));
} while ((rank >= (test_max_rank - 2)) && (k < edge_size));
} while ((rank >= (test_max_rank - 1)) && (j < edge_size));
} while ((rank >= test_max_rank) && (i < edge_size));
return (good_data);
} /* ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__verify_data() */
* Function: ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_l2s()
* Purpose: Part one of a series of tests of I/O to/from hyperslab
* selections of different rank in the parallel.
* Verify that we can read from disk correctly using checker
* board selections of different rank that
* H5Sselect_shape_same() views as being of the same shape.
* In this function, we test this by reading small_rank - 1
* checker board slices from the on disk large cube, and
* verifying that the data read is correct. Verify that
* H5Sselect_shape_same() returns true on the memory and
* file selections.
* Return: void
static void
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_l2s(struct hs_dr_pio_test_vars_t *tv_ptr)
const char *fcnName = "ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_l2s()";
uint32_t *ptr_0;
bool data_ok = false;
int i, j, k, l;
uint32_t expected_value;
int mpi_rank; /* needed by VRFY */
hsize_t sel_start[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK];
htri_t check; /* Shape comparison return value */
herr_t ret; /* Generic return value */
/* initialize the local copy of mpi_rank */
mpi_rank = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
/* first, verify that we can read from disk correctly using selections
* of different rank that H5Sselect_shape_same() views as being of the
* same shape.
* Start by reading a (small_rank - 1)-D checker board slice from this
* processes slice of the on disk large data set, and verifying that the
* data read is correct. Verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() returns
* true on the memory and file selections.
* The first step is to set up the needed checker board selection in the
* in memory small small cube
sel_start[0] = sel_start[1] = sel_start[2] = sel_start[3] = sel_start[4] = 0;
sel_start[tv_ptr->small_ds_offset] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank);
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__slct_ckrbrd(tv_ptr->mpi_rank, tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_sid, tv_ptr->small_rank - 1,
tv_ptr->edge_size, tv_ptr->checker_edge_size, tv_ptr->small_rank - 1,
/* zero out the buffer we will be reading into */
memset(tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_buf, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size);
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: initial small_ds_slice_buf = ", fcnName, tv_ptr->mpi_rank);
ptr_0 = tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_buf;
for (i = 0; i < (int)(tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size); i++) {
fprintf(stdout, "%d ", (int)(*ptr_0));
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
/* set up start, stride, count, and block -- note that we will
* change start[] so as to read slices of the large cube.
for (i = 0; i < PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK; i++) {
tv_ptr->start[i] = 0;
tv_ptr->stride[i] = (hsize_t)(2 * tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->count[i] = 1;
if ((PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - i) > (tv_ptr->small_rank - 1)) {
tv_ptr->block[i] = 1;
else {
tv_ptr->block[i] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: reading slice from big ds on disk into small ds slice.\n", fcnName,
/* in serial versions of this test, we loop through all the dimensions
* of the large data set. However, in the parallel version, each
* process only works with that slice of the large cube indicated
* by its rank -- hence we set the most slowly changing index to
* mpi_rank, and don't iterate over it.
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 0) {
i = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
i = 0;
/* since large_rank is at most PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK, no need to
* loop over it -- either we are setting i to mpi_rank, or
* we are setting it to zero. It will not change during the
* test.
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 1) {
j = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
j = 0;
do {
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 2) {
k = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
k = 0;
do {
/* since small rank >= 2 and large_rank > small_rank, we
* have large_rank >= 3. Since PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK == 5
* (baring major re-orgaization), this gives us:
* (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - large_rank) <= 2
* so no need to repeat the test in the outer loops --
* just set l = 0.
l = 0;
do {
if ((tv_ptr->skips)++ < tv_ptr->max_skips) { /* skip the test */
else { /* run the test */
tv_ptr->skips = 0; /* reset the skips counter */
/* we know that small_rank - 1 >= 1 and that
* large_rank > small_rank by the assertions at the head
* of this function. Thus no need for another inner loop.
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)i;
tv_ptr->start[1] = (hsize_t)j;
tv_ptr->start[2] = (hsize_t)k;
tv_ptr->start[3] = (hsize_t)l;
tv_ptr->start[4] = 0;
assert((tv_ptr->start[0] == 0) || (0 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
assert((tv_ptr->start[1] == 0) || (1 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
assert((tv_ptr->start[2] == 0) || (2 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
assert((tv_ptr->start[3] == 0) || (3 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
assert((tv_ptr->start[4] == 0) || (4 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
tv_ptr->mpi_rank, tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->large_rank, tv_ptr->edge_size,
tv_ptr->checker_edge_size, tv_ptr->small_rank - 1, tv_ptr->start);
/* verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() reports the two
* selections as having the same shape.
check = H5Sselect_shape_same(tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_sid, tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0);
VRFY((check == true), "H5Sselect_shape_same passed");
/* Read selection from disk */
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: start = %d %d %d %d %d.\n", fcnName, tv_ptr->mpi_rank,
tv_ptr->start[0], tv_ptr->start[1], tv_ptr->start[2], tv_ptr->start[3],
fprintf(stdout, "%s slice/file extent dims = %d/%d.\n", fcnName,
ret =
H5Dread(tv_ptr->large_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_sid,
tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_buf);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Dread() slice from large ds succeeded.");
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: H5Dread() returns.\n", fcnName, tv_ptr->mpi_rank);
/* verify that expected data is retrieved */
expected_value =
(uint32_t)((i * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size *
tv_ptr->edge_size) +
(j * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size) +
(k * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size) + (l * tv_ptr->edge_size));
data_ok = ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__verify_data(
tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_buf, tv_ptr->small_rank - 1, tv_ptr->edge_size,
tv_ptr->checker_edge_size, expected_value, (bool)true);
VRFY((data_ok == true), "small slice read from large ds data good.");
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 2) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 1) && (l < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 3) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 2) && (k < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 4) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 3) && (j < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} /* ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_l2s() */
* Function: ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_s2l()
* Purpose: Part two of a series of tests of I/O to/from hyperslab
* selections of different rank in the parallel.
* Verify that we can read from disk correctly using
* selections of different rank that H5Sselect_shape_same()
* views as being of the same shape.
* In this function, we test this by reading checker board
* slices of the on disk small data set into slices through
* the in memory large data set, and verify that the correct
* data (and only the correct data) is read.
* Return: void
static void
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_s2l(struct hs_dr_pio_test_vars_t *tv_ptr)
const char *fcnName = "ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_s2l()";
bool data_ok = false;
int i, j, k, l;
size_t u;
size_t start_index;
size_t stop_index;
uint32_t expected_value;
uint32_t *ptr_1;
int mpi_rank; /* needed by VRFY */
hsize_t sel_start[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK];
htri_t check; /* Shape comparison return value */
herr_t ret; /* Generic return value */
/* initialize the local copy of mpi_rank */
mpi_rank = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
/* similarly, read slices of the on disk small data set into slices
* through the in memory large data set, and verify that the correct
* data (and only the correct data) is read.
sel_start[0] = sel_start[1] = sel_start[2] = sel_start[3] = sel_start[4] = 0;
sel_start[tv_ptr->small_ds_offset] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank);
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__slct_ckrbrd(tv_ptr->mpi_rank, tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->small_rank,
tv_ptr->edge_size, tv_ptr->checker_edge_size, tv_ptr->small_rank - 1,
fprintf(stdout, "%s reading slices of on disk small data set into slices of big data set.\n", fcnName);
/* zero out the buffer we will be reading into */
memset(tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->large_ds_size);
/* set up start, stride, count, and block -- note that we will
* change start[] so as to read the slice of the small data set
* into different slices of the process slice of the large data
* set.
for (i = 0; i < PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK; i++) {
tv_ptr->start[i] = 0;
tv_ptr->stride[i] = (hsize_t)(2 * tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->count[i] = 1;
if ((PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - i) > (tv_ptr->small_rank - 1)) {
tv_ptr->block[i] = 1;
else {
tv_ptr->block[i] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
/* in serial versions of this test, we loop through all the dimensions
* of the large data set that don't appear in the small data set.
* However, in the parallel version, each process only works with that
* slice of the large (and small) data set indicated by its rank -- hence
* we set the most slowly changing index to mpi_rank, and don't iterate
* over it.
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 0) {
i = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
i = 0;
/* since large_rank is at most PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK, no need to
* loop over it -- either we are setting i to mpi_rank, or
* we are setting it to zero. It will not change during the
* test.
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 1) {
j = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
j = 0;
do {
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 2) {
k = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
k = 0;
do {
/* since small rank >= 2 and large_rank > small_rank, we
* have large_rank >= 3. Since PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK == 5
* (baring major re-orgaization), this gives us:
* (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - large_rank) <= 2
* so no need to repeat the test in the outer loops --
* just set l = 0.
l = 0;
do {
if ((tv_ptr->skips)++ < tv_ptr->max_skips) { /* skip the test */
else { /* run the test */
tv_ptr->skips = 0; /* reset the skips counter */
/* we know that small_rank >= 1 and that large_rank > small_rank
* by the assertions at the head of this function. Thus no
* need for another inner loop.
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)i;
tv_ptr->start[1] = (hsize_t)j;
tv_ptr->start[2] = (hsize_t)k;
tv_ptr->start[3] = (hsize_t)l;
tv_ptr->start[4] = 0;
assert((tv_ptr->start[0] == 0) || (0 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
assert((tv_ptr->start[1] == 0) || (1 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
assert((tv_ptr->start[2] == 0) || (2 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
assert((tv_ptr->start[3] == 0) || (3 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
assert((tv_ptr->start[4] == 0) || (4 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
tv_ptr->mpi_rank, tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid, tv_ptr->large_rank, tv_ptr->edge_size,
tv_ptr->checker_edge_size, tv_ptr->small_rank - 1, tv_ptr->start);
/* verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() reports the two
* selections as having the same shape.
check = H5Sselect_shape_same(tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid);
VRFY((check == true), "H5Sselect_shape_same passed");
/* Read selection from disk */
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: start = %d %d %d %d %d.\n", fcnName, tv_ptr->mpi_rank,
tv_ptr->start[0], tv_ptr->start[1], tv_ptr->start[2], tv_ptr->start[3],
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: mem/file extent dims = %d/%d.\n", fcnName, tv_ptr->mpi_rank,
ret = H5Dread(tv_ptr->small_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid,
tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Dread() slice from small ds succeeded.");
/* verify that the expected data and only the
* expected data was read.
data_ok = true;
ptr_1 = tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1;
expected_value = (uint32_t)((size_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank) * tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size);
start_index =
(size_t)((i * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size *
tv_ptr->edge_size) +
(j * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size) +
(k * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size) + (l * tv_ptr->edge_size));
stop_index = start_index + tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size - 1;
int m, n;
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: expected_value = %d.\n", fcnName, tv_ptr->mpi_rank,
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: start/stop index = %d/%d.\n", fcnName, tv_ptr->mpi_rank,
start_index, stop_index);
n = 0;
for (m = 0; (unsigned)m < tv_ptr->large_ds_size; m++) {
fprintf(stdout, "%d ", (int)(*ptr_1));
if (n >= tv_ptr->edge_size) {
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
n = 0;
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
ptr_1 = tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1;
assert(start_index < stop_index);
assert(stop_index <= tv_ptr->large_ds_size);
for (u = 0; u < start_index; u++) {
if (*ptr_1 != 0) {
data_ok = false;
/* zero out the value for the next pass */
*ptr_1 = 0;
VRFY((data_ok == true), "slice read from small to large ds data good(1).");
data_ok = ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__verify_data(ptr_1, tv_ptr->small_rank - 1,
tv_ptr->edge_size, tv_ptr->checker_edge_size,
expected_value, (bool)true);
VRFY((data_ok == true), "slice read from small to large ds data good(2).");
ptr_1 = tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1 + stop_index + 1;
for (u = stop_index + 1; u < tv_ptr->large_ds_size; u++) {
if (*ptr_1 != 0) {
data_ok = false;
/* zero out the value for the next pass */
*ptr_1 = 0;
VRFY((data_ok == true), "slice read from small to large ds data good(3).");
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 2) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 1) && (l < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 3) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 2) && (k < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 4) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 3) && (j < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} /* ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__d2m_s2l() */
* Function: ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_l2s()
* Purpose: Part three of a series of tests of I/O to/from checker
* board hyperslab selections of different rank in the
* parallel.
* Verify that we can write from memory to file using checker
* board selections of different rank that
* H5Sselect_shape_same() views as being of the same shape.
* Do this by writing small_rank - 1 dimensional checker
* board slices from the in memory large data set to the on
* disk small cube dataset. After each write, read the
* slice of the small dataset back from disk, and verify
* that it contains the expected data. Verify that
* H5Sselect_shape_same() returns true on the memory and
* file selections.
* Return: void
static void
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_l2s(struct hs_dr_pio_test_vars_t *tv_ptr)
const char *fcnName = "ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_l2s()";
bool data_ok = false;
int i, j, k, l;
size_t u;
size_t start_index;
size_t stop_index;
uint32_t expected_value;
uint32_t *ptr_1;
int mpi_rank; /* needed by VRFY */
hsize_t sel_start[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK];
htri_t check; /* Shape comparison return value */
herr_t ret; /* Generic return value */
/* initialize the local copy of mpi_rank */
mpi_rank = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
/* now we go in the opposite direction, verifying that we can write
* from memory to file using selections of different rank that
* H5Sselect_shape_same() views as being of the same shape.
* Start by writing small_rank - 1 D slices from the in memory large data
* set to the on disk small dataset. After each write, read the slice of
* the small dataset back from disk, and verify that it contains the
* expected data. Verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() returns true on
* the memory and file selections.
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank);
tv_ptr->stride[0] = (hsize_t)(2 * (tv_ptr->mpi_size + 1));
tv_ptr->count[0] = 1;
tv_ptr->block[0] = 1;
for (i = 1; i < tv_ptr->large_rank; i++) {
tv_ptr->start[i] = 0;
tv_ptr->stride[i] = (hsize_t)(2 * tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->count[i] = 1;
tv_ptr->block[i] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start, tv_ptr->stride,
tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_small_ds_sid_0, set) succeeded");
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start, tv_ptr->stride,
tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(mem_small_ds_sid, set) succeeded");
sel_start[0] = sel_start[1] = sel_start[2] = sel_start[3] = sel_start[4] = 0;
sel_start[tv_ptr->small_ds_offset] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank);
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__slct_ckrbrd(tv_ptr->mpi_rank, tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_1, tv_ptr->small_rank,
tv_ptr->edge_size, tv_ptr->checker_edge_size, tv_ptr->small_rank - 1,
/* set up start, stride, count, and block -- note that we will
* change start[] so as to read slices of the large cube.
for (i = 0; i < PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK; i++) {
tv_ptr->start[i] = 0;
tv_ptr->stride[i] = (hsize_t)(2 * tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->count[i] = 1;
if ((PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - i) > (tv_ptr->small_rank - 1)) {
tv_ptr->block[i] = 1;
else {
tv_ptr->block[i] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
/* zero out the in memory small ds */
memset(tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_1, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->small_ds_size);
"%s writing checker boards selections of slices from big ds to slices of small ds on disk.\n",
/* in serial versions of this test, we loop through all the dimensions
* of the large data set that don't appear in the small data set.
* However, in the parallel version, each process only works with that
* slice of the large (and small) data set indicated by its rank -- hence
* we set the most slowly changing index to mpi_rank, and don't iterate
* over it.
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 0) {
i = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
i = 0;
/* since large_rank is at most PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK, no need to
* loop over it -- either we are setting i to mpi_rank, or
* we are setting it to zero. It will not change during the
* test.
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 1) {
j = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
j = 0;
j = 0;
do {
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 2) {
k = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
k = 0;
do {
/* since small rank >= 2 and large_rank > small_rank, we
* have large_rank >= 3. Since PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK == 5
* (baring major re-orgaization), this gives us:
* (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - large_rank) <= 2
* so no need to repeat the test in the outer loops --
* just set l = 0.
l = 0;
do {
if ((tv_ptr->skips)++ < tv_ptr->max_skips) { /* skip the test */
else { /* run the test */
tv_ptr->skips = 0; /* reset the skips counter */
/* we know that small_rank >= 1 and that large_rank > small_rank
* by the assertions at the head of this function. Thus no
* need for another inner loop.
/* zero out this rank's slice of the on disk small data set */
ret = H5Dwrite(tv_ptr->small_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid,
tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_2);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Dwrite() zero slice to small ds succeeded.");
/* select the portion of the in memory large cube from which we
* are going to write data.
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)i;
tv_ptr->start[1] = (hsize_t)j;
tv_ptr->start[2] = (hsize_t)k;
tv_ptr->start[3] = (hsize_t)l;
tv_ptr->start[4] = 0;
assert((tv_ptr->start[0] == 0) || (0 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
assert((tv_ptr->start[1] == 0) || (1 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
assert((tv_ptr->start[2] == 0) || (2 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
assert((tv_ptr->start[3] == 0) || (3 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
assert((tv_ptr->start[4] == 0) || (4 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
tv_ptr->mpi_rank, tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid, tv_ptr->large_rank, tv_ptr->edge_size,
tv_ptr->checker_edge_size, tv_ptr->small_rank - 1, tv_ptr->start);
/* verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() reports the in
* memory checkerboard selection of the slice through the
* large dataset and the checkerboard selection of the process
* slice of the small data set as having the same shape.
check = H5Sselect_shape_same(tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_1, tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid);
VRFY((check == true), "H5Sselect_shape_same passed.");
/* write the checker board selection of the slice from the in
* memory large data set to the slice of the on disk small
* dataset.
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: start = %d %d %d %d %d.\n", fcnName, tv_ptr->mpi_rank,
tv_ptr->start[0], tv_ptr->start[1], tv_ptr->start[2], tv_ptr->start[3],
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: mem/file extent dims = %d/%d.\n", fcnName, tv_ptr->mpi_rank,
ret = H5Dwrite(tv_ptr->small_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid,
tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_1, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_0);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Dwrite() slice to large ds succeeded.");
/* read the on disk process slice of the small dataset into memory */
ret = H5Dread(tv_ptr->small_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid,
tv_ptr->file_small_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_1);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Dread() slice from small ds succeeded.");
/* verify that expected data is retrieved */
expected_value =
(uint32_t)((i * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size *
tv_ptr->edge_size) +
(j * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size) +
(k * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size) + (l * tv_ptr->edge_size));
start_index = (size_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank) * tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size;
stop_index = start_index + tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size - 1;
assert(start_index < stop_index);
assert(stop_index <= tv_ptr->small_ds_size);
data_ok = true;
ptr_1 = tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_1;
for (u = 0; u < start_index; u++, ptr_1++) {
if (*ptr_1 != 0) {
data_ok = false;
*ptr_1 = 0;
data_ok &= ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__verify_data(
tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_1 + start_index, tv_ptr->small_rank - 1, tv_ptr->edge_size,
tv_ptr->checker_edge_size, expected_value, (bool)true);
ptr_1 = tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_1;
for (u = stop_index; u < tv_ptr->small_ds_size; u++, ptr_1++) {
if (*ptr_1 != 0) {
data_ok = false;
*ptr_1 = 0;
VRFY((data_ok == true), "large slice write slice to small slice data good.");
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 2) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 1) && (l < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 3) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 2) && (k < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 4) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 3) && (j < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} /* ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_l2s() */
* Function: ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_s2l()
* Purpose: Part four of a series of tests of I/O to/from checker
* board hyperslab selections of different rank in the parallel.
* Verify that we can write from memory to file using
* selections of different rank that H5Sselect_shape_same()
* views as being of the same shape.
* Do this by writing checker board selections of the contents
* of the process's slice of the in memory small data set to
* slices of the on disk large data set. After each write,
* read the process's slice of the large data set back into
* memory, and verify that it contains the expected data.
* Verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() returns true on the
* memory and file selections.
* Return: void
static void
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_s2l(struct hs_dr_pio_test_vars_t *tv_ptr)
const char *fcnName = "ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_s2l()";
bool data_ok = false;
int i, j, k, l;
size_t u;
size_t start_index;
size_t stop_index;
uint32_t expected_value;
uint32_t *ptr_1;
int mpi_rank; /* needed by VRFY */
hsize_t sel_start[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK];
htri_t check; /* Shape comparison return value */
herr_t ret; /* Generic return value */
/* initialize the local copy of mpi_rank */
mpi_rank = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
/* Now write the contents of the process's slice of the in memory
* small data set to slices of the on disk large data set. After
* each write, read the process's slice of the large data set back
* into memory, and verify that it contains the expected data.
* Verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() returns true on the memory
* and file selections.
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank);
tv_ptr->stride[0] = (hsize_t)(2 * (tv_ptr->mpi_size + 1));
tv_ptr->count[0] = 1;
tv_ptr->block[0] = 1;
for (i = 1; i < tv_ptr->large_rank; i++) {
tv_ptr->start[i] = 0;
tv_ptr->stride[i] = (hsize_t)(2 * tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->count[i] = 1;
tv_ptr->block[i] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start, tv_ptr->stride,
tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_large_ds_sid_0, set) succeeded");
ret = H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid, H5S_SELECT_SET, tv_ptr->start, tv_ptr->stride,
tv_ptr->count, tv_ptr->block);
VRFY((ret >= 0), "H5Sselect_hyperslab(tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid, set) succeeded");
/* setup a checkerboard selection of the slice of the in memory small
* data set associated with the process's mpi rank.
sel_start[0] = sel_start[1] = sel_start[2] = sel_start[3] = sel_start[4] = 0;
sel_start[tv_ptr->small_ds_offset] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank);
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__slct_ckrbrd(tv_ptr->mpi_rank, tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid, tv_ptr->small_rank,
tv_ptr->edge_size, tv_ptr->checker_edge_size, tv_ptr->small_rank - 1,
/* set up start, stride, count, and block -- note that we will
* change start[] so as to write checkerboard selections of slices
* of the small data set to slices of the large data set.
for (i = 0; i < PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK; i++) {
tv_ptr->start[i] = 0;
tv_ptr->stride[i] = (hsize_t)(2 * tv_ptr->edge_size);
tv_ptr->count[i] = 1;
if ((PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - i) > (tv_ptr->small_rank - 1)) {
tv_ptr->block[i] = 1;
else {
tv_ptr->block[i] = (hsize_t)(tv_ptr->edge_size);
/* zero out the in memory large ds */
memset(tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * tv_ptr->large_ds_size);
"%s writing process checkerboard selections of slices of small ds to process slices of large "
"ds on disk.\n",
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 0) {
i = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
i = 0;
/* since large_rank is at most PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK, no need to
* loop over it -- either we are setting i to mpi_rank, or
* we are setting it to zero. It will not change during the
* test.
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 1) {
j = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
j = 0;
do {
if (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - tv_ptr->large_rank == 2) {
k = tv_ptr->mpi_rank;
else {
k = 0;
do {
/* since small rank >= 2 and large_rank > small_rank, we
* have large_rank >= 3. Since PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK == 5
* (baring major re-orgaization), this gives us:
* (PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK - large_rank) <= 2
* so no need to repeat the test in the outer loops --
* just set l = 0.
l = 0;
do {
if ((tv_ptr->skips)++ < tv_ptr->max_skips) { /* skip the test */
else { /* run the test */
tv_ptr->skips = 0; /* reset the skips counter */
/* we know that small_rank >= 1 and that large_rank > small_rank
* by the assertions at the head of this function. Thus no
* need for another inner loop.
/* Zero out this processes slice of the on disk large data set.
* Note that this will leave one slice with its original data
* as there is one more slice than processes.
ret = H5Dwrite(tv_ptr->large_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid,
tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_2);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Dwrite() to zero large ds succeeded");
/* select the portion of the in memory large cube to which we
* are going to write data.
tv_ptr->start[0] = (hsize_t)i;
tv_ptr->start[1] = (hsize_t)j;
tv_ptr->start[2] = (hsize_t)k;
tv_ptr->start[3] = (hsize_t)l;
tv_ptr->start[4] = 0;
assert((tv_ptr->start[0] == 0) || (0 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
assert((tv_ptr->start[1] == 0) || (1 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
assert((tv_ptr->start[2] == 0) || (2 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
assert((tv_ptr->start[3] == 0) || (3 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
assert((tv_ptr->start[4] == 0) || (4 < tv_ptr->small_ds_offset + 1));
tv_ptr->mpi_rank, tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_1, tv_ptr->large_rank, tv_ptr->edge_size,
tv_ptr->checker_edge_size, tv_ptr->small_rank - 1, tv_ptr->start);
/* verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() reports the in
* memory small data set slice selection and the
* on disk slice through the large data set selection
* as having the same shape.
check = H5Sselect_shape_same(tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid, tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_1);
VRFY((check == true), "H5Sselect_shape_same passed");
/* write the small data set slice from memory to the
* target slice of the disk data set
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: start = %d %d %d %d %d.\n", fcnName, tv_ptr->mpi_rank,
tv_ptr->start[0], tv_ptr->start[1], tv_ptr->start[2], tv_ptr->start[3],
fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d: mem/file extent dims = %d/%d.\n", fcnName, tv_ptr->mpi_rank,
ret = H5Dwrite(tv_ptr->large_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->mem_small_ds_sid,
tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_1, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->small_ds_buf_0);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Dwrite of small ds slice to large ds succeeded");
/* read this processes slice on the on disk large
* data set into memory.
ret = H5Dread(tv_ptr->large_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT32, tv_ptr->mem_large_ds_sid,
tv_ptr->file_large_ds_sid_0, tv_ptr->xfer_plist, tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1);
VRFY((ret != FAIL), "H5Dread() of process slice of large ds succeeded");
/* verify that the expected data and only the
* expected data was read.
expected_value = (uint32_t)((size_t)(tv_ptr->mpi_rank) * tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size);
start_index =
(size_t)((i * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size *
tv_ptr->edge_size) +
(j * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size) +
(k * tv_ptr->edge_size * tv_ptr->edge_size) + (l * tv_ptr->edge_size));
stop_index = start_index + tv_ptr->small_ds_slice_size - 1;
assert(start_index < stop_index);
assert(stop_index < tv_ptr->large_ds_size);
data_ok = true;
ptr_1 = tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1;
for (u = 0; u < start_index; u++, ptr_1++) {
if (*ptr_1 != 0) {
data_ok = false;
*ptr_1 = 0;
data_ok &= ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__verify_data(
tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1 + start_index, tv_ptr->small_rank - 1, tv_ptr->edge_size,
tv_ptr->checker_edge_size, expected_value, (bool)true);
ptr_1 = tv_ptr->large_ds_buf_1;
for (u = stop_index; u < tv_ptr->small_ds_size; u++, ptr_1++) {
if (*ptr_1 != 0) {
data_ok = false;
*ptr_1 = 0;
VRFY((data_ok == true), "small ds cb slice write to large ds slice data good.");
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 2) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 1) && (l < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 3) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 2) && (k < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} while ((tv_ptr->large_rank > 4) && ((tv_ptr->small_rank - 1) <= 3) && (j < tv_ptr->edge_size));
} /* ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__m2d_s2l() */
* Function: ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__run_test()
* Purpose: Test I/O to/from checkerboard selections of hyperslabs of
* different rank in the parallel.
* Return: void
static void
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__run_test(const void *params, const int test_num, const int edge_size,
const int checker_edge_size, const int chunk_edge_size, const int small_rank,
const int large_rank, const bool use_collective_io, const hid_t dset_type,
const int express_test, int *skips_ptr, int max_skips,
int64_t *total_tests_ptr, int64_t *tests_run_ptr, int64_t *tests_skipped_ptr,
int mpi_rank)
const char *fcnName = "ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__run_test()";
struct hs_dr_pio_test_vars_t test_vars = {
/* int mpi_size = */ -1,
/* int mpi_rank = */ -1,
/* MPI_Comm mpi_comm = */ MPI_COMM_NULL,
/* MPI_Inf mpi_info = */ MPI_INFO_NULL,
/* int test_num = */ -1,
/* int edge_size = */ -1,
/* int checker_edge_size = */ -1,
/* int chunk_edge_size = */ -1,
/* int small_rank = */ -1,
/* int large_rank = */ -1,
/* hid_t dset_type = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* uint32_t * small_ds_buf_0 = */ NULL,
/* uint32_t * small_ds_buf_1 = */ NULL,
/* uint32_t * small_ds_buf_2 = */ NULL,
/* uint32_t * small_ds_slice_buf = */ NULL,
/* uint32_t * large_ds_buf_0 = */ NULL,
/* uint32_t * large_ds_buf_1 = */ NULL,
/* uint32_t * large_ds_buf_2 = */ NULL,
/* uint32_t * large_ds_slice_buf = */ NULL,
/* int small_ds_offset = */ -1,
/* int large_ds_offset = */ -1,
/* hid_t fid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID, /* HDF5 file ID */
/* hid_t xfer_plist = */ H5P_DEFAULT,
/* hid_t full_mem_small_ds_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t full_file_small_ds_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t mem_small_ds_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t file_small_ds_sid_0 = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t file_small_ds_sid_1 = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t small_ds_slice_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t full_mem_large_ds_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t full_file_large_ds_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t mem_large_ds_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t file_large_ds_sid_0 = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t file_large_ds_sid_1 = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t file_large_ds_process_slice_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t mem_large_ds_process_slice_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t large_ds_slice_sid = */ H5I_INVALID_HID,
/* hid_t small_dataset = */ H5I_INVALID_HID, /* Dataset ID */
/* hid_t large_dataset = */ H5I_INVALID_HID, /* Dataset ID */
/* size_t small_ds_size = */ 1,
/* size_t small_ds_slice_size = */ 1,
/* size_t large_ds_size = */ 1,
/* size_t large_ds_slice_size = */ 1,
/* hsize_t dims[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK] = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* hsize_t chunk_dims[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK] = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* hsize_t start[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK] = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* hsize_t stride[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK] = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* hsize_t count[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK] = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* hsize_t block[PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK] = */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
/* hsize_t * start_ptr = */ NULL,
/* hsize_t * stride_ptr = */ NULL,
/* hsize_t * count_ptr = */ NULL,
/* hsize_t * block_ptr = */ NULL,
/* int skips = */ 0,
/* int max_skips = */ 0,
/* int64_t total_tests = */ 0,
/* int64_t tests_run = */ 0,
/* int64_t tests_skipped = */ 0};
struct hs_dr_pio_test_vars_t *tv_ptr = &test_vars;
printf("\r - running test #%lld: small rank = %d, large rank = %d", (long long)(test_num + 1),
small_rank, large_rank);
hs_dr_pio_test__setup(params, test_num, edge_size, checker_edge_size, chunk_edge_size, small_rank,
large_rank, use_collective_io, dset_type, express_test, tv_ptr);
/* initialize skips & max_skips */
tv_ptr->skips = *skips_ptr;
tv_ptr->max_skips = max_skips;
fprintf(stdout, "test %d: small rank = %d, large rank = %d.\n", test_num, small_rank, large_rank);
fprintf(stdout, "test %d: Initialization complete.\n", test_num);
/* first, verify that we can read from disk correctly using selections
* of different rank that H5Sselect_shape_same() views as being of the
* same shape.
* Start by reading a (small_rank - 1)-D slice from this processes slice
* of the on disk large data set, and verifying that the data read is
* correct. Verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() returns true on the
* memory and file selections.
* The first step is to set up the needed checker board selection in the
* in memory small small cube
/* similarly, read slices of the on disk small data set into slices
* through the in memory large data set, and verify that the correct
* data (and only the correct data) is read.
/* now we go in the opposite direction, verifying that we can write
* from memory to file using selections of different rank that
* H5Sselect_shape_same() views as being of the same shape.
* Start by writing small_rank - 1 D slices from the in memory large data
* set to the on disk small dataset. After each write, read the slice of
* the small dataset back from disk, and verify that it contains the
* expected data. Verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() returns true on
* the memory and file selections.
/* Now write the contents of the process's slice of the in memory
* small data set to slices of the on disk large data set. After
* each write, read the process's slice of the large data set back
* into memory, and verify that it contains the expected data.
* Verify that H5Sselect_shape_same() returns true on the memory
* and file selections.
fprintf(stdout, "test %d: Subtests complete -- tests run/skipped/total = %lld/%lld/%lld.\n", test_num,
(long long)(tv_ptr->tests_run), (long long)(tv_ptr->tests_skipped),
(long long)(tv_ptr->total_tests));
fprintf(stdout, "test %d: Takedown complete.\n", test_num);
*skips_ptr = tv_ptr->skips;
*total_tests_ptr += tv_ptr->total_tests;
*tests_run_ptr += tv_ptr->tests_run;
*tests_skipped_ptr += tv_ptr->tests_skipped;
} /* ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__run_test() */
* Function: ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test()
* Purpose: Test I/O to/from hyperslab selections of different rank in
* the parallel case.
* Return: void
static void
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test(const void *params, ShapeSameTestMethods sstest_type)
int express_test;
int local_express_test;
int mpi_size = -1;
int mpi_rank = -1;
int test_num = 0;
int edge_size;
int checker_edge_size = 3;
int chunk_edge_size = 0;
int small_rank = 3;
int large_rank = 4;
int mpi_result;
hid_t dset_type = H5T_NATIVE_UINT;
int skips = 0;
int max_skips = 0;
/* The following table list the number of sub-tests skipped between
* each test that is actually executed as a function of the express
* test level. Note that any value in excess of 4880 will cause all
* sub tests to be skipped.
int max_skips_tbl[4] = {0, 4, 64, 1024};
int64_t total_tests = 0;
int64_t tests_run = 0;
int64_t tests_skipped = 0;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);
edge_size = (mpi_size > 6 ? mpi_size : 6);
local_express_test = GetTestExpress();
HDcompile_assert(sizeof(uint32_t) == sizeof(unsigned));
mpi_result = MPI_Allreduce((void *)&local_express_test, (void *)&express_test, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX,
VRFY((mpi_result == MPI_SUCCESS), "MPI_Allreduce(0) succeeded");
if (local_express_test < 0) {
max_skips = max_skips_tbl[0];
else if (local_express_test > 3) {
max_skips = max_skips_tbl[3];
else {
max_skips = max_skips_tbl[local_express_test];
#if 0
int DebugWait = 1;
while (DebugWait) ;
for (large_rank = 3; large_rank <= PAR_SS_DR_MAX_RANK; large_rank++) {
for (small_rank = 2; small_rank < large_rank; small_rank++) {
switch (sstest_type) {
/* contiguous data set, independent I/O */
chunk_edge_size = 0;
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__run_test(params, test_num, edge_size, checker_edge_size,
chunk_edge_size, small_rank, large_rank, false, dset_type,
express_test, &skips, max_skips, &total_tests, &tests_run,
&tests_skipped, mpi_rank);
/* end of case IND_CONTIG */
/* contiguous data set, collective I/O */
chunk_edge_size = 0;
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__run_test(params, test_num, edge_size, checker_edge_size,
chunk_edge_size, small_rank, large_rank, true, dset_type,
express_test, &skips, max_skips, &total_tests, &tests_run,
&tests_skipped, mpi_rank);
/* end of case COL_CONTIG */
/* chunked data set, independent I/O */
chunk_edge_size = 5;
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__run_test(params, test_num, edge_size, checker_edge_size,
chunk_edge_size, small_rank, large_rank, false, dset_type,
express_test, &skips, max_skips, &total_tests, &tests_run,
&tests_skipped, mpi_rank);
/* end of case IND_CHUNKED */
/* chunked data set, collective I/O */
chunk_edge_size = 5;
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test__run_test(params, test_num, edge_size, checker_edge_size,
chunk_edge_size, small_rank, large_rank, true, dset_type,
express_test, &skips, max_skips, &total_tests, &tests_run,
&tests_skipped, mpi_rank);
/* end of case COL_CHUNKED */
VRFY((false), "unknown test type");
} /* end of switch(sstest_type) */
if ((MAINPROCESS) && (tests_skipped > 0)) {
fprintf(stdout, " run/skipped/total = %" PRId64 "/%" PRId64 "/%" PRId64 ".\n", tests_run,
tests_skipped, total_tests);
if (tests_skipped > 0) {
fprintf(stdout, " %" PRId64 " of %" PRId64 " subtests skipped to expedite testing.\n",
tests_skipped, total_tests);
} /* ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test() */
/* Main Body. Here for now, may have to move them to a separated file later. */
* Main driver of the Parallel HDF5 tests
/* other option flags */
#ifdef USE_PAUSE
/* pause the process for a moment to allow debugger to attach if desired. */
/* Will pause more if greenlight file is not present but will eventually */
/* continue. */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int pid;
h5_stat_t statbuf;
char greenlight[] = "go";
int maxloop = 10;
int loops = 0;
int time_int = 10;
/* mpi variables */
int mpi_size, mpi_rank;
int mpi_namelen;
char mpi_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
pid = getpid();
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);
MPI_Get_processor_name(mpi_name, &mpi_namelen);
memset(&statbuf, 0, sizeof(h5_stat_t));
while ((HDstat(greenlight, &statbuf) == -1) && loops < maxloop) {
if (!loops++) {
printf("Proc %d (%*s, %d): to debug, attach %d\n", mpi_rank, mpi_namelen, mpi_name, pid, pid);
printf("waiting(%ds) for file %s ...\n", time_int, greenlight);
memset(&statbuf, 0, sizeof(h5_stat_t));
/* Use the Profile feature of MPI to call the pause_proc() */
MPI_Init(int *argc, char ***argv)
int ret_code;
ret_code = PMPI_Init(argc, argv);
return (ret_code);
#endif /* USE_PAUSE */
* Show command usage
static void
usage(FILE *stream)
fprintf(stream, " [-r] [-w] [-m<n_datasets>] [-n<n_groups>] "
"[-o] [-f <prefix>] [-d <dim0> <dim1>]\n");
fprintf(stream, "\t-m<n_datasets>"
"\tset number of datasets for the multiple dataset test\n");
fprintf(stream, "\t-n<n_groups>"
"\tset number of groups for the multiple group test\n");
fprintf(stream, "\t-f <prefix>\tfilename prefix\n");
fprintf(stream, "\t-2\t\tuse Split-file together with MPIO\n");
fprintf(stream, "\t-d <factor0> <factor1>\tdataset dimensions factors. Defaults (%d,%d)\n", ROW_FACTOR,
fprintf(stream, "\t-c <dim0> <dim1>\tdataset chunk dimensions. Defaults (dim0/10,dim1/10)\n");
fprintf(stream, "\n");
* parse the command line options
static int
parse_options(int argc, char **argv)
int mpi_size, mpi_rank; /* mpi variables */
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);
/* setup default chunk-size. Make sure sizes are > 0 */
chunkdim0 = (dim0 + 9) / 10;
chunkdim1 = (dim1 + 9) / 10;
while (--argc) {
if (**(++argv) != '-') {
else {
switch (*(*argv + 1)) {
case 'm':
ndatasets = atoi((*argv + 1) + 1);
if (ndatasets < 0) {
return (1);
case 'n':
ngroups = atoi((*argv + 1) + 1);
if (ngroups < 0) {
return (1);
case 'f':
if (--argc < 1) {
return (1);
if (**(++argv) == '-') {
return (1);
paraprefix = *argv;
case 'i': /* Collective MPI-IO access with independent IO */
dxfer_coll_type = DXFER_INDEPENDENT_IO;
case '2': /* Use the split-file driver with MPIO access */
/* Can use $HDF5_METAPREFIX to define the */
/* meta-file-prefix. */
facc_type = FACC_MPIO | FACC_SPLIT;
case 'd': /* dimensizes */
if (--argc < 2) {
return (1);
dim0 = atoi(*(++argv)) * mpi_size;
dim1 = atoi(*(++argv)) * mpi_size;
/* set default chunkdim sizes too */
chunkdim0 = (dim0 + 9) / 10;
chunkdim1 = (dim1 + 9) / 10;
case 'c': /* chunk dimensions */
if (--argc < 2) {
return (1);
chunkdim0 = atoi(*(++argv));
chunkdim1 = atoi(*(++argv));
case 'h': /* print help message--return with nerrors set */
return (1);
printf("Illegal option(%s)\n", *argv);
return (1);
} /*while*/
/* check validity of dimension and chunk sizes */
if (dim0 <= 0 || dim1 <= 0) {
printf("Illegal dim sizes (%d, %d)\n", dim0, dim1);
return (1);
if (chunkdim0 <= 0 || chunkdim1 <= 0) {
printf("Illegal chunkdim sizes (%d, %d)\n", chunkdim0, chunkdim1);
return (1);
/* Make sure datasets can be divided into equal portions by the processes */
if ((dim0 % mpi_size) || (dim1 % mpi_size)) {
printf("dim0(%d) and dim1(%d) must be multiples of processes(%d)\n", dim0, dim1, mpi_size);
return (1);
/* compose the test filenames */
int i, n;
n = sizeof(FILENAME) / sizeof(FILENAME[0]) - 1; /* exclude the NULL */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (h5_fixname(FILENAME[i], fapl, filenames[i], PATH_MAX) == NULL) {
printf("h5_fixname failed\n");
return (1);
printf("Test filenames are:\n");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf(" %s\n", filenames[i]);
return (0);
/* Shape Same test using contiguous hyperslab using independent IO on contiguous datasets */
static void
sscontig1(const void *params)
contig_hs_dr_pio_test(params, IND_CONTIG);
/* Shape Same test using contiguous hyperslab using collective IO on contiguous datasets */
static void
sscontig2(const void *params)
contig_hs_dr_pio_test(params, COL_CONTIG);
/* Shape Same test using contiguous hyperslab using independent IO on chunked datasets */
static void
sscontig3(const void *params)
contig_hs_dr_pio_test(params, IND_CHUNKED);
/* Shape Same test using contiguous hyperslab using collective IO on chunked datasets */
static void
sscontig4(const void *params)
contig_hs_dr_pio_test(params, COL_CHUNKED);
/* Shape Same test using checker hyperslab using independent IO on contiguous datasets */
static void
sschecker1(const void *params)
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test(params, IND_CONTIG);
/* Shape Same test using checker hyperslab using collective IO on contiguous datasets */
static void
sschecker2(const void *params)
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test(params, COL_CONTIG);
/* Shape Same test using checker hyperslab using independent IO on chunked datasets */
static void
sschecker3(const void *params)
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test(params, IND_CHUNKED);
/* Shape Same test using checker hyperslab using collective IO on chunked datasets */
static void
sschecker4(const void *params)
ckrbrd_hs_dr_pio_test(params, COL_CHUNKED);
main(int argc, char **argv)
test_params_t test_params;
int mpi_size, mpi_rank; /* mpi variables */
int mpi_code;
int required = MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE;
int provided;
#ifndef H5_HAVE_WIN32_API
/* Un-buffer the stdout and stderr */
setbuf(stderr, NULL);
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
/* Attempt to initialize with MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE if possible */
if (MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Init_thread(&argc, &argv, required, &provided))) {
printf("MPI_Init_thread failed with error code %d\n", mpi_code);
return -1;
if (MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv))) {
printf("MPI_Init failed with error code %d\n", mpi_code);
return -1;
if (MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank))) {
printf("MPI_Comm_rank failed with error code %d\n", mpi_code);
return -1;
/* Warn about missing MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE support */
if ((provided < required) && MAINPROCESS)
printf("** MPI doesn't support MPI_Init_thread with MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE **\n");
if (MPI_SUCCESS != (mpi_code = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size))) {
printf("MPI_Comm_size failed with error code %d\n", mpi_code);
return -1;
dim0 = ROW_FACTOR * mpi_size;
dim1 = COL_FACTOR * mpi_size;
printf("Shape Same Tests Start\n");
printf(" express_test = %d.\n", GetTestExpress());
/* Attempt to turn off atexit post processing so that in case errors
* happen during the test and the process is aborted, it will not get
* hung in the atexit post processing in which it may try to make MPI
* calls. By then, MPI calls may not work.
if (H5dont_atexit() < 0) {
printf("%d: Failed to turn off atexit processing. Continue.\n", mpi_rank);
fapl = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
/* Get the capability flag of the VOL connector being used */
if (H5Pget_vol_cap_flags(fapl, &vol_cap_flags_g) < 0) {
printf("Failed to get the capability flag of the VOL connector being used\n");
return -1;
/* Make sure the connector supports the API functions being tested. This test only
* uses a few API functions, such as H5Fcreate/close/delete, H5Dcreate/write/read/close,
if (!(vol_cap_flags_g & H5VL_CAP_FLAG_FILE_BASIC) || !(vol_cap_flags_g & H5VL_CAP_FLAG_DATASET_BASIC)) {
printf("API functions for basic file and dataset aren't supported with this connector\n");
return 0;
memset(filenames, 0, sizeof(filenames));
for (int i = 0; i < NFILENAME; i++) {
if (NULL == (filenames[i] = malloc(PATH_MAX))) {
printf("couldn't allocate filename array\n");
/* Initialize testing framework */
if (TestInit(argv[0], usage, parse_options, NULL, NULL, mpi_rank) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't initialize testing framework\n");
return -1;
test_params.filename = PARATESTFILE;
/* Shape Same tests using contiguous hyperslab */
AddTest("sscontig1", sscontig1, NULL, NULL, &test_params, sizeof(test_params),
"Cntg hslab, ind IO, cntg dsets");
AddTest("sscontig2", sscontig2, NULL, NULL, &test_params, sizeof(test_params),
"Cntg hslab, col IO, cntg dsets");
AddTest("sscontig3", sscontig3, NULL, NULL, &test_params, sizeof(test_params),
"Cntg hslab, ind IO, chnk dsets");
AddTest("sscontig4", sscontig4, NULL, NULL, &test_params, sizeof(test_params),
"Cntg hslab, col IO, chnk dsets");
/* Shape Same tests using checker board hyperslab */
AddTest("sschecker1", sschecker1, NULL, NULL, &test_params, sizeof(test_params),
"Check hslab, ind IO, cntg dsets");
AddTest("sschecker2", sschecker2, NULL, NULL, &test_params, sizeof(test_params),
"Check hslab, col IO, cntg dsets");
AddTest("sschecker3", sschecker3, NULL, NULL, &test_params, sizeof(test_params),
"Check hslab, ind IO, chnk dsets");
AddTest("sschecker4", sschecker4, NULL, NULL, &test_params, sizeof(test_params),
"Check hslab, col IO, chnk dsets");
/* Display testing information */
/* setup file access property list */
H5Pset_fapl_mpio(fapl, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL);
/* Parse command line arguments */
if (TestParseCmdLine(argc, argv) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't parse command-line arguments\n");
if (dxfer_coll_type == DXFER_INDEPENDENT_IO && MAINPROCESS) {
" Using Independent I/O with file set view to replace collective I/O \n"
/* Perform requested testing */
if (PerformTests() < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't run tests\n");
/* make sure all processes are finished before final report, cleanup
* and exit.
/* Display test summary, if requested */
if (MAINPROCESS && GetTestSummary())
/* Clean up test files */
h5_delete_all_test_files(FILENAME, fapl);
nerrors += GetTestNumErrs();
/* Gather errors from all processes */
int temp;
MPI_Allreduce(&nerrors, &temp, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
nerrors = temp;
if (MAINPROCESS) { /* only process 0 reports */
if (nerrors)
printf("***Shape Same tests detected %d errors***\n", nerrors);
printf("Shape Same tests finished with no errors\n");
for (int i = 0; i < NFILENAME; i++) {
filenames[i] = NULL;
/* close HDF5 library */
/* Release test infrastructure */
if (TestShutdown() < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't shut down testing framework\n");
/* cannot just return (nerrors) because exit code is limited to 1byte */
return (nerrors != 0);