mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 16:37:56 +08:00
1) Added trace file support to the metadata cache. This allows capture of all metadata cache calls in trace files for purposes of optimization and debuging. 2) Added an expunge entry function. This allows an entry to be deleteded from the cache without writing it to disk even if it is dirty. 3) Added a function call to resize pinned entries. 4) Added code to deal with entries that are dirty on load. This is needed in support of a bug fix which can alter object headers on load to repair files. 5) Added progress reporting code to the "MDC API smoke check" test in cache_api.c. To enable the progress reporting, set report_progress to TRUE in mdc_api_call_smoke_check(). Tested with h5committest, and a parallel test on phoenix (dual athelon linux box).
3595 lines
127 KiB
3595 lines
127 KiB
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root *
* of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the *
* root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and *
* is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at *
* http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have *
* access to either file, you may request a copy from hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
/* Programmer: John Mainzer
* 11/10/05
* This file contains tests for the API calls associated
* with the cache implemented in H5C.c
#include "h5test.h"
#include "H5Iprivate.h"
#include "H5ACprivate.h"
#include "cache_common.h"
/* global variable declarations: */
const char *FILENAME[] = {
/* macro definitions */
#define RESIZE_CONFIGS_ARE_EQUAL(a, b, compare_init) \
( ( (a).version == (b).version ) && \
( (a).rpt_fcn == (b).rpt_fcn ) && \
( ( ! compare_init ) || \
( (a).set_initial_size == (b).set_initial_size ) ) && \
( ( ! compare_init ) || \
( (a).initial_size == (b).initial_size ) ) && \
( (a).min_clean_fraction == (b).min_clean_fraction ) && \
( (a).max_size == (b).max_size ) && \
( (a).min_size == (b).min_size ) && \
( (a).epoch_length == (b).epoch_length ) && \
( (a).incr_mode == (b).incr_mode ) && \
( (a).lower_hr_threshold == (b).lower_hr_threshold ) && \
( (a).increment == (b).increment ) && \
( (a).apply_max_increment == (b).apply_max_increment ) && \
( (a).max_increment == (b).max_increment ) && \
( (a).decr_mode == (b).decr_mode ) && \
( (a).upper_hr_threshold == (b).upper_hr_threshold ) && \
( (a).decrement == (b).decrement ) && \
( (a).apply_max_decrement == (b).apply_max_decrement ) && \
( (a).max_decrement == (b).max_decrement ) && \
( (a).epochs_before_eviction == (b).epochs_before_eviction ) && \
( (a).apply_empty_reserve == (b).apply_empty_reserve ) && \
( (a).empty_reserve == (b).empty_reserve ) )
/* private function declarations: */
static void check_fapl_mdc_api_calls(void);
static void validate_mdc_config(hid_t file_id,
H5AC_cache_config_t * ext_config_ptr,
hbool_t compare_init,
int test_num);
static void check_file_mdc_api_calls(void);
static void check_and_validate_cache_hit_rate(hid_t file_id,
double * hit_rate_ptr,
hbool_t dump_data,
int64_t min_accesses,
double min_hit_rate);
static void check_and_validate_cache_size(hid_t file_id,
size_t * max_size_ptr,
size_t * min_clean_size_ptr,
size_t * cur_size_ptr,
int32_t * cur_num_entries_ptr,
hbool_t dump_data);
static void mdc_api_call_smoke_check(void);
static void check_fapl_mdc_api_errs(void);
static void check_file_mdc_api_errs(void);
/********************************* tests: *********************************/
* Function: check_fapl_mdc_api_calls()
* Purpose: Verify that the file access property list related
* metadata cache related API calls are functioning
* correctly.
* Since we have tested the H5C code elsewhere, it should
* be sufficient to verify that the desired configuration
* data is getting to the cache.
* Return: void
* Programmer: John Mainzer
* 4/12/04
* Modifications:
#define CACHE_CONFIGS_EQUAL(a, b, cmp_set_init, cmp_init_size) \
( ( (a).version == (b).version ) && \
( (a).rpt_fcn_enabled == (b).rpt_fcn_enabled ) && \
( ( ! cmp_set_init ) || \
( (a).set_initial_size == (b).set_initial_size ) ) && \
( ( ! cmp_init_size ) || \
( (a).initial_size == (b).initial_size ) ) && \
( (a).min_clean_fraction == (b).min_clean_fraction ) && \
( (a).max_size == (b).max_size ) && \
( (a).min_size == (b).min_size ) && \
( (a).epoch_length == (b).epoch_length ) && \
( (a).incr_mode == (b).incr_mode ) && \
( (a).lower_hr_threshold == (b).lower_hr_threshold ) && \
( (a).increment == (b).increment ) && \
( (a).apply_max_increment == (b).apply_max_increment ) && \
( (a).max_increment == (b).max_increment ) && \
( (a).decr_mode == (b).decr_mode ) && \
( (a).upper_hr_threshold == (b).upper_hr_threshold ) && \
( (a).decrement == (b).decrement ) && \
( (a).apply_max_decrement == (b).apply_max_decrement ) && \
( (a).max_decrement == (b).max_decrement ) && \
( (a).epochs_before_eviction == (b).epochs_before_eviction ) && \
( (a).apply_empty_reserve == (b).apply_empty_reserve ) && \
( (a).empty_reserve == (b).empty_reserve ) )
{ \
(i).version = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER; \
if ( (e).rpt_fcn_enabled ) \
(i).rpt_fcn = H5C_def_auto_resize_rpt_fcn; \
else \
(i).rpt_fcn = NULL; \
(i).set_initial_size = (e).set_initial_size; \
(i).initial_size = (e).initial_size; \
(i).min_clean_fraction = (e).min_clean_fraction; \
(i).max_size = (e).max_size; \
(i).min_size = (e).min_size; \
(i).epoch_length = (long int)((e).epoch_length); \
(i).incr_mode = (e).incr_mode; \
(i).lower_hr_threshold = (e).lower_hr_threshold; \
(i).increment = (e).increment; \
(i).apply_max_increment = (e).apply_max_increment; \
(i).max_increment = (e).max_increment; \
(i).decr_mode = (e).decr_mode; \
(i).upper_hr_threshold = (e).upper_hr_threshold; \
(i).decrement = (e).decrement; \
(i).apply_max_decrement = (e).apply_max_decrement; \
(i).max_decrement = (e).max_decrement; \
(i).epochs_before_eviction = (int)((e).epochs_before_eviction); \
(i).apply_empty_reserve = (e).apply_empty_reserve; \
(i).empty_reserve = (e).empty_reserve; \
static void
const char * fcn_name = "check_fapl_mdc_api_calls()";
char filename[512];
herr_t result;
hid_t fapl_id = -1;
hid_t test_fapl_id = -1;
hid_t file_id = -1;
H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
H5AC_cache_config_t default_config = H5AC__DEFAULT_CACHE_CONFIG;
H5AC_cache_config_t mod_config =
/* int version = */
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024 + 1),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.2,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024 + 1),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024 + 1),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50001,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.91,
/* double increment = */ 2.1,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024 + 1),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.998,
/* double decrement = */ 0.91,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024 - 1),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 4,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.05,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
H5AC_cache_config_t scratch;
H5C_auto_size_ctl_t default_auto_size_ctl;
H5C_auto_size_ctl_t mod_auto_size_ctl;
TESTING("MDC/FAPL related API calls");
pass = TRUE;
XLATE_EXT_TO_INT_MDC_CONFIG(default_auto_size_ctl, default_config)
XLATE_EXT_TO_INT_MDC_CONFIG(mod_auto_size_ctl, mod_config)
/* Create a FAPL and verify that it contains the default
* initial mdc configuration
if ( pass ) {
fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
if ( fapl_id < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS) failed.\n";
if ( pass ) {
scratch.version = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
result = H5Pget_mdc_config(fapl_id, &scratch);
if ( result < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pget_mdc_config() failed.\n";
} else if (!CACHE_CONFIGS_EQUAL(default_config, scratch, TRUE, TRUE)) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "retrieved config doesn't match default.";
/* Modify the initial mdc configuration in a FAPL, and verify that
* the changes can be read back
if ( pass ) {
result = H5Pset_mdc_config(fapl_id, &mod_config);
if ( result < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pset_mdc_config() failed.\n";
if ( pass ) {
scratch.version = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
result = H5Pget_mdc_config(fapl_id, &scratch);
if ( result < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pget_mdc_config() failed.\n";
} else if ( ! CACHE_CONFIGS_EQUAL(mod_config, scratch, TRUE, TRUE) ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "retrieved config doesn't match mod config.";
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Pclose(fapl_id) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pclose() failed.\n";
/* Open a file using the default FAPL. Verify that the resulting
* metadata cache uses the default configuration as well. Get a
* copy of the FAPL from the file, and verify that it contains the
* default initial meta data cache configuration. Close and delete
* the file.
/* setup the file name */
if ( pass ) {
if ( h5_fixname(FILENAME[0], H5P_DEFAULT, filename, sizeof(filename))
== NULL ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "h5_fixname() failed.\n";
/* create the file using the default FAPL */
if ( pass ) {
file_id = H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
if ( file_id < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fcreate() failed.\n";
/* get a pointer to the files internal data structure */
if ( pass ) {
file_ptr = H5I_object_verify(file_id, H5I_FILE);
if ( file_ptr == NULL ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "Can't get file_ptr.\n";
} else {
cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
/* verify that we can access the internal version of the cache config */
if ( pass ) {
if ( ( cache_ptr == NULL ) ||
( cache_ptr->magic != H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC ) ||
( cache_ptr->resize_ctl.version != H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER ) ){
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "Can't access cache resize_ctl.\n";
/* conpare the cache's internal configuration with the expected value */
if ( pass ) {
if ( ! RESIZE_CONFIGS_ARE_EQUAL(default_auto_size_ctl, \
cache_ptr->resize_ctl, TRUE) ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "Unexpected value(s) in cache resize_ctl.\n";
/* get a copy of the files FAPL */
if ( pass ) {
fapl_id = H5Fget_access_plist(file_id);
if ( fapl_id < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fget_access_plist() failed.\n";
/* compare the initial cache config from the copy of the file's FAPL
* to the expected value. If all goes well, close the copy of the FAPL.
if ( pass ) {
scratch.version = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
result = H5Pget_mdc_config(fapl_id, &scratch);
if ( result < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pget_mdc_config() failed.\n";
} else if (!CACHE_CONFIGS_EQUAL(default_config, scratch, TRUE, TRUE)) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "config retrieved from file doesn't match default.";
} else if ( H5Pclose(fapl_id) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pclose() failed.\n";
/* close the file and delete it */
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Fclose(file_id) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fclose() failed.\n";
} else if ( HDremove(filename) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "HDremove() failed.\n";
/* Open a file using a FAPL with a modified initial metadata cache
* configuration. Verify that the resulting metadata cache uses the
* modified configuration as well. Get a copy of the FAPL from the
* file, and verify that it contains the modified initial meta data
* cache configuration. Close and delete the file.
/* Create a FAPL */
if ( pass ) {
fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
if ( fapl_id < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS) failed.\n";
/* Modify the initial mdc configuration in the FAPL. */
if ( pass ) {
result = H5Pset_mdc_config(fapl_id, &mod_config);
if ( result < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pset_mdc_config() failed.\n";
/* setup the file name */
if ( pass ) {
if ( h5_fixname(FILENAME[0], H5P_DEFAULT, filename, sizeof(filename))
== NULL ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "h5_fixname() failed.\n";
/* create the file using the modified FAPL */
if ( pass ) {
file_id = H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl_id);
if ( file_id < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fcreate() failed.\n";
/* get a pointer to the files internal data structure */
if ( pass ) {
file_ptr = H5I_object_verify(file_id, H5I_FILE);
if ( file_ptr == NULL ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "Can't get file_ptr.\n";
} else {
cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
/* verify that we can access the internal version of the cache config */
if ( pass ) {
if ( ( cache_ptr == NULL ) ||
( cache_ptr->magic != H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC ) ||
( cache_ptr->resize_ctl.version != H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER ) ){
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "Can't access cache resize_ctl.\n";
/* conpare the cache's internal configuration with the expected value */
if ( pass ) {
if ( ! RESIZE_CONFIGS_ARE_EQUAL(mod_auto_size_ctl, \
cache_ptr->resize_ctl, TRUE) ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "Unexpected value(s) in cache resize_ctl.\n";
/* get a copy of the files FAPL */
if ( pass ) {
test_fapl_id = H5Fget_access_plist(file_id);
if ( test_fapl_id < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fget_access_plist() failed.\n";
/* compare the initial cache config from the copy of the file's FAPL
* to the expected value. If all goes well, close the copy of the FAPL.
if ( pass ) {
scratch.version = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
result = H5Pget_mdc_config(test_fapl_id, &scratch);
if ( result < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pget_mdc_config() failed.\n";
} else if ( ! CACHE_CONFIGS_EQUAL(mod_config, scratch, TRUE, TRUE) ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "config retrieved from file doesn't match.";
} else if ( H5Pclose(test_fapl_id) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pclose() failed.\n";
/* close the fapl used to create the file */
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Pclose(fapl_id) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pclose() failed.\n";
/* close the file and delete it */
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Fclose(file_id) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fclose() failed.\n";
} else if ( HDremove(filename) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "HDremove() failed.\n";
if ( pass ) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }
if ( ! pass )
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
fcn_name, failure_mssg);
} /* check_fapl_mdc_api_calls() */
* Function: validate_mdc_config()
* Purpose: Verify that the file indicated by the file_id parameter
* has both internal and external configuration matching
* *config_ptr.
* Do nothin on success. On failure, set pass to FALSE, and
* load an error message into failue_mssg. Note that
* failure_msg is assumed to be at least 128 bytes in length.
* Return: void
* Programmer: John Mainzer
* 4/14/04
* Modifications:
static void
validate_mdc_config(hid_t file_id,
H5AC_cache_config_t * ext_config_ptr,
hbool_t compare_init,
int test_num)
/* const char * fcn_name = "validate_mdc_config()"; */
static char msg[256];
H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
H5AC_cache_config_t scratch;
H5C_auto_size_ctl_t int_config;
XLATE_EXT_TO_INT_MDC_CONFIG(int_config, (*ext_config_ptr))
/* get a pointer to the files internal data structure */
if ( pass ) {
file_ptr = H5I_object_verify(file_id, H5I_FILE);
if ( file_ptr == NULL ) {
pass = FALSE;
HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128, "Can't get file_ptr #%d.", test_num);
failure_mssg = msg;
} else {
cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
/* verify that we can access the internal version of the cache config */
if ( pass ) {
if ( ( cache_ptr == NULL ) ||
( cache_ptr->magic != H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC ) ||
( cache_ptr->resize_ctl.version != H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER ) ){
pass = FALSE;
HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
"Can't access cache resize_ctl #%d.", test_num);
failure_mssg = msg;
/* compare the cache's internal configuration with the expected value */
if ( pass ) {
if ( ! RESIZE_CONFIGS_ARE_EQUAL(int_config, cache_ptr->resize_ctl,
compare_init) ) {
pass = FALSE;
HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
"Unexpected internal config #%d.", test_num);
failure_mssg = msg;
/* obtain external cache config */
if ( pass ) {
scratch.version = H5AC__CURR_CACHE_CONFIG_VERSION;
if ( H5Fget_mdc_config(file_id, &scratch) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
"H5Fget_mdc_config() failed #%d.", test_num);
failure_mssg = msg;
if ( pass ) {
/* Recall that in any configuration supplied by the cache
* at run time, the set_initial_size field will always
* be FALSE, regardless of the value passed in. Thus we
* always resume that this field need not match that of
* the supplied external configuration.
* The cache also sets the initial_size field to the current
* cache max size instead of the value initialy supplied.
* Depending on circumstances, this may or may not match
* the original. Hence the compare_init parameter.
if ( ! CACHE_CONFIGS_EQUAL((*ext_config_ptr), scratch, \
FALSE, compare_init) ) {
pass = FALSE;
HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
"Unexpected external config #%d.", test_num);
failure_mssg = msg;
} /* validate_mdc_config() */
* Function: check_file_mdc_api_calls()
* Purpose: Verify that the file related metadata cache API calls are
* functioning correctly.
* Since we have tested the H5C code elsewhere, it should
* be sufficient to verify that the desired configuration
* data is getting in and out of the cache. Similarly,
* we need only verify that the cache monitoring calls
* return the data that the cache thinks they should return.
* We shouldn't need to verify data correctness beyond that
* point.
* Return: void
* Programmer: John Mainzer
* 4/14/04
* Modifications:
static void
const char * fcn_name = "check_file_mdc_api_calls()";
char filename[512];
hid_t file_id = -1;
size_t max_size;
size_t min_clean_size;
size_t cur_size;
int cur_num_entries;
double hit_rate;
H5AC_cache_config_t default_config = H5AC__DEFAULT_CACHE_CONFIG;
H5AC_cache_config_t mod_config_1 =
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024 + 1),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.2,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024 + 1),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024 + 1),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50001,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.91,
/* double increment = */ 2.1,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024 + 1),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.998,
/* double decrement = */ 0.91,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024 - 1),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 4,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.05,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
H5AC_cache_config_t mod_config_2 =
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ TRUE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (512 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.1,
/* size_t max_size = */ ( 8 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 512 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 25000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (2 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.9995,
/* double decrement = */ 0.95,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (512 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 4,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.05,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
H5AC_cache_config_t mod_config_3 =
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.2,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__off,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.90,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__off,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ FALSE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024 - 1),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ FALSE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.05,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
H5AC_cache_config_t mod_config_4 =
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.15,
/* size_t max_size = */ (20 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 75000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (2 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
TESTING("MDC/FILE related API calls");
pass = TRUE;
/* Open a file with the default FAPL. Verify that the cache is
* configured as per the default both by looking at its internal
* configuration, and via the H5Fget_mdc_config() call.
* Then set serveral different configurations, and verify that
* they took as per above.
/* setup the file name */
if ( pass ) {
if ( h5_fixname(FILENAME[0], H5P_DEFAULT, filename, sizeof(filename))
== NULL ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "h5_fixname() failed.\n";
/* create the file using the default FAPL */
if ( pass ) {
file_id = H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
if ( file_id < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fcreate() failed.\n";
/* verify that the cache is set to the default config */
validate_mdc_config(file_id, &default_config, TRUE, 1);
/* set alternate config 1 */
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Fset_mdc_config(file_id, &mod_config_1) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fset_mdc_config() failed 1.\n";
/* verify that the cache is now set to the alternate config */
validate_mdc_config(file_id, &mod_config_1, TRUE, 2);
/* set alternate config 2 */
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Fset_mdc_config(file_id, &mod_config_2) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fset_mdc_config() failed 2.\n";
/* verify that the cache is now set to the alternate config */
validate_mdc_config(file_id, &mod_config_2, TRUE, 3);
/* set alternate config 3 */
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Fset_mdc_config(file_id, &mod_config_3) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fset_mdc_config() failed 3.\n";
/* verify that the cache is now set to the alternate config */
validate_mdc_config(file_id, &mod_config_3, TRUE, 4);
/* set alternate config 4 */
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Fset_mdc_config(file_id, &mod_config_4) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fset_mdc_config() failed 4.\n";
/* verify that the cache is now set to the alternate config */
validate_mdc_config(file_id, &mod_config_4, TRUE, 5);
/* Run some quick smoke checks on the cache status monitoring
* calls -- no interesting data as the cache hasn't had a
* chance to do much yet.
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Fget_mdc_hit_rate(file_id, &hit_rate) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fget_mdc_hit_rate() failed 1.\n";
} else if ( hit_rate != 0.0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg =
"H5Fget_mdc_hit_rate() returned unexpected hit rate.\n";
#if 0 /* this may be useful now and then -- keep it around */
else {
"H5Fget_mdc_hit_rate() reports hit_rate = %lf:\n",
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Fget_mdc_size(file_id, &max_size, &min_clean_size,
&cur_size, &cur_num_entries) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fget_mdc_size() failed 1.\n";
} else if ( ( mod_config_4.initial_size != max_size ) ||
( min_clean_size != (size_t)
((double)max_size * mod_config_4.min_clean_fraction) ) ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fget_mdc_size() returned unexpected value(s).\n";
#if 0 /* this may be useful now and then -- keep it around */
else {
HDfprintf(stdout, "H5Fget_mdc_size() reports:\n");
HDfprintf(stdout, " max_size: %ld, min_clean_size: %ld\n",
(long)max_size, (long)min_clean_size);
HDfprintf(stdout, " cur_size: %ld, cur_num_entries: %d\n",
(long)cur_size, cur_num_entries);
/* close the file and delete it */
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Fclose(file_id) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fclose() failed.\n";
} else if ( HDremove(filename) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "HDremove() failed.\n";
if ( pass ) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }
if ( ! pass )
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
fcn_name, failure_mssg);
} /* check_file_mdc_api_calls() */
* Function: check_and_validate_cache_hit_rate()
* Purpose: Use the API functions to get and reset the cache hit rate.
* Verify that the value returned by the API call agrees with
* the cache internal data structures.
* If the number of cache accesses exceeds the value provided
* in the min_accesses parameter, and the hit rate is less than
* min_hit_rate, set pass to FALSE, and set failure_mssg to
* a string indicating that hit rate was unexpectedly low.
* Return hit rate in *hit_rate_ptr, and print the data to
* stdout if requested.
* If an error is detected, set pass to FALSE, and set
* failure_mssg to an appropriate value.
* Return: void
* Programmer: John Mainzer
* 4/18/04
* Modifications:
static void
check_and_validate_cache_hit_rate(hid_t file_id,
double * hit_rate_ptr,
hbool_t dump_data,
int64_t min_accesses,
double min_hit_rate)
/* const char * fcn_name = "check_and_validate_cache_hit_rate()"; */
herr_t result;
int64_t cache_hits;
int64_t cache_accesses;
double expected_hit_rate;
double hit_rate;
H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
/* get a pointer to the files internal data structure */
if ( pass ) {
file_ptr = H5I_object_verify(file_id, H5I_FILE);
if ( file_ptr == NULL ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "Can't get file_ptr.";
} else {
cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
/* verify that we can access the cache data structure */
if ( pass ) {
if ( ( cache_ptr == NULL ) ||
( cache_ptr->magic != H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC ) ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "Can't access cache resize_ctl.";
/* compare the cache's internal configuration with the expected value */
if ( pass ) {
cache_hits = cache_ptr->cache_hits;
cache_accesses = cache_ptr->cache_accesses;
if ( cache_accesses > 0 ) {
expected_hit_rate = ((double)cache_hits) / ((double)cache_accesses);
} else {
expected_hit_rate = 0.0;
result = H5Fget_mdc_hit_rate(file_id, &hit_rate);
if ( result < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fget_mdc_hit_rate() failed.";
} else if ( hit_rate != expected_hit_rate ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "unexpected hit rate.";
if ( pass ) { /* reset the hit rate */
result = H5Freset_mdc_hit_rate_stats(file_id);
if ( result < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Freset_mdc_hit_rate_stats() failed.";
/* set *hit_rate_ptr if appropriate */
if ( ( pass ) && ( hit_rate_ptr != NULL ) ) {
*hit_rate_ptr = hit_rate;
/* dump data to stdout if requested */
if ( ( pass ) && ( dump_data ) ) {
"cache_hits: %ld, cache_accesses: %ld, hit_rate: %lf\n",
(long)cache_hits, (long)cache_accesses, hit_rate);
if ( ( pass ) &&
( cache_accesses > min_accesses ) &&
( hit_rate < min_hit_rate ) ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "Unexpectedly low hit rate.";
} /* check_and_validate_cache_hit_rate() */
* Function: check_and_validate_cache_size()
* Purpose: Use the API function to get the cache size data. Verify
* that the values returned by the API call agree with
* the cache internal data structures.
* Return size data in the locations specified by the pointer
* parameters if these parameters are not NULL. Print the
* data to stdout if requested.
* If an error is detected, set pass to FALSE, and set
* failure_mssg to an appropriate value.
* Return: void
* Programmer: John Mainzer
* 4/18/04
* Modifications:
static void
check_and_validate_cache_size(hid_t file_id,
size_t * max_size_ptr,
size_t * min_clean_size_ptr,
size_t * cur_size_ptr,
int32_t * cur_num_entries_ptr,
hbool_t dump_data)
/* const char * fcn_name = "check_and_validate_cache_size()"; */
herr_t result;
size_t expected_max_size;
size_t max_size;
size_t expected_min_clean_size;
size_t min_clean_size;
size_t expected_cur_size;
size_t cur_size;
int32_t expected_cur_num_entries;
int cur_num_entries;
H5F_t * file_ptr = NULL;
H5C_t * cache_ptr = NULL;
/* get a pointer to the files internal data structure */
if ( pass ) {
file_ptr = H5I_object_verify(file_id, H5I_FILE);
if ( file_ptr == NULL ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "Can't get file_ptr.";
} else {
cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;
/* verify that we can access the cache data structure */
if ( pass ) {
if ( ( cache_ptr == NULL ) ||
( cache_ptr->magic != H5C__H5C_T_MAGIC ) ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "Can't access cache data structure.";
/* compare the cache's internal configuration with the expected value */
if ( pass ) {
expected_max_size = cache_ptr->max_cache_size;
expected_min_clean_size = cache_ptr->min_clean_size;
expected_cur_size = cache_ptr->index_size;
expected_cur_num_entries = cache_ptr->index_len;
result = H5Fget_mdc_size(file_id,
if ( result < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fget_mdc_size() failed.";
} else if ( ( max_size != expected_max_size ) ||
( min_clean_size != expected_min_clean_size ) ||
( cur_size != expected_cur_size ) ||
( cur_num_entries != (int)expected_cur_num_entries ) ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fget_mdc_size() returned unexpected value(s).";
/* return size values if requested */
if ( ( pass ) && ( max_size_ptr != NULL ) ) {
*max_size_ptr = max_size;
if ( ( pass ) && ( min_clean_size_ptr != NULL ) ) {
*min_clean_size_ptr = min_clean_size;
if ( ( pass ) && ( cur_size_ptr != NULL ) ) {
*cur_size_ptr = cur_size;
if ( ( pass ) && ( cur_num_entries_ptr != NULL ) ) {
*cur_num_entries_ptr = cur_num_entries;
/* dump data to stdout if requested */
if ( ( pass ) && ( dump_data ) ) {
"max_sz: %ld, min_clean_sz: %ld, cur_sz: %ld, cur_ent: %ld\n",
(long)max_size, (long)min_clean_size, (long)cur_size,
} /* check_and_validate_cache_size() */
* Function: mdc_api_call_smoke_check()
* Purpose:
* Return: void
* Programmer: John Mainzer
* 4/14/04
* Modifications:
* JRM -- 7/12/06
* Added progress reporting code.
#define CHUNK_SIZE 2
#define DSET_SIZE (200 * CHUNK_SIZE)
#define NUM_DSETS 6
#define NUM_RANDOM_ACCESSES 200000
static void
const char * fcn_name = "mdc_api_call_smoke_check()";
char filename[512];
hbool_t valid_chunk;
hbool_t report_progress = FALSE;
hbool_t dump_hit_rate = FALSE;
int64_t min_accesses = 1000;
double min_hit_rate = 0.90;
hbool_t dump_cache_size = FALSE;
hid_t file_id = -1;
hid_t dataspace_id = -1;
hid_t filespace_ids[NUM_DSETS];
hid_t memspace_id = -1;
hid_t dataset_ids[NUM_DSETS];
hid_t properties;
char dset_name[64];
int i, j, k, l, m, n;
int progress_counter;
herr_t status;
hsize_t dims[2];
hsize_t a_size[2];
hsize_t offset[2];
hsize_t chunk_size[2];
int data_chunk[CHUNK_SIZE][CHUNK_SIZE];
H5AC_cache_config_t default_config = H5AC__DEFAULT_CACHE_CONFIG;
H5AC_cache_config_t mod_config_1 =
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ 500000,
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.1,
/* size_t max_size = */ 16000000,
/* size_t min_size = */ 250000,
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__off,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.95,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ FALSE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ 4000000,
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__off,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ FALSE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ 1000000,
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 2,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.05,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
H5AC_cache_config_t mod_config_2 =
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ 12000000,
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.1,
/* size_t max_size = */ 16000000,
/* size_t min_size = */ 250000,
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__off,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.95,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ FALSE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ 4000000,
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__off,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ FALSE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ 1000000,
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 2,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.05,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
H5AC_cache_config_t mod_config_3 =
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ 2000000,
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.1,
/* size_t max_size = */ 16000000,
/* size_t min_size = */ 250000,
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__off,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.95,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ FALSE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ 4000000,
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__off,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ FALSE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ 1000000,
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 2,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.05,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
TESTING("MDC API smoke check");
pass = TRUE;
/* Open a file with the default FAPL. Verify that the cache is
* configured as per the default both by looking at its internal
* configuration, and via the H5Fget_mdc_config() call.
* Then set the cache to mod_config_1, which fixes cache size at
* 500000 bytes, and turns off automatic cache resize.
/* setup the file name */
if ( ( pass ) && ( report_progress ) ) {
HDfprintf(stdout,"\nSetting up file ... ");
if ( pass ) {
if ( h5_fixname(FILENAME[0], H5P_DEFAULT, filename, sizeof(filename))
== NULL ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "h5_fixname() failed.\n";
/* create the file using the default FAPL */
if ( pass ) {
file_id = H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
if ( file_id < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fcreate() failed.\n";
/* verify that the cache is set to the default config */
validate_mdc_config(file_id, &default_config, TRUE, 1);
/* set alternate config 1 */
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Fset_mdc_config(file_id, &mod_config_1) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fset_mdc_config() failed 1.\n";
/* verify that the cache is now set to the alternate config */
validate_mdc_config(file_id, &mod_config_1, TRUE, 2);
if ( ( pass ) && ( report_progress ) ) {
HDfprintf(stdout,"Done.\n"); /* setting up file */
/* create the datasets */
if ( ( pass ) && ( report_progress ) ) {
HDfprintf(stdout,"Creating datasets ... ");
if ( pass ) {
i = 0;
while ( ( pass ) && ( i < NUM_DSETS ) )
/* create a dataspace for the chunked dataset */
dims[0] = DSET_SIZE;
dims[1] = DSET_SIZE;
dataspace_id = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL);
if ( dataspace_id < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Screate_simple() failed.";
/* set the dataset creation plist to specify that the raw data is
* to be partioned into 10X10 element chunks.
if ( pass ) {
chunk_size[0] = CHUNK_SIZE;
chunk_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
properties = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
if ( properties < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pcreate() failed.";
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Pset_chunk(properties, 2, chunk_size) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pset_chunk() failed.";
/* create the dataset */
if ( pass ) {
sprintf(dset_name, "/dset%03d", i);
dataset_ids[i] = H5Dcreate(file_id, dset_name, H5T_STD_I32BE,
dataspace_id, properties);
if ( dataset_ids[i] < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Dcreate() failed.";
/* get the file space ID */
if ( pass ) {
filespace_ids[i] = H5Dget_space(dataset_ids[i]);
if ( filespace_ids[i] < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Dget_space() failed.";
/* create the mem space to be used to read and write chunks */
if ( pass ) {
dims[0] = CHUNK_SIZE;
dims[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
memspace_id = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL);
if ( memspace_id < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Screate_simple() failed.";
/* select in memory hyperslab */
if ( pass ) {
offset[0] = 0; /*offset of hyperslab in memory*/
offset[1] = 0;
a_size[0] = CHUNK_SIZE; /*size of hyperslab*/
a_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(memspace_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL,
a_size, NULL);
if ( status < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Sselect_hyperslab() failed.";
if ( ( pass ) && ( report_progress ) ) {
/* initialize all datasets on a round robin basis */
i = 0;
progress_counter = 0;
if ( ( pass ) && ( report_progress ) ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, "Initializing datasets ");
while ( ( pass ) && ( i < DSET_SIZE ) )
j = 0;
while ( ( pass ) && ( j < DSET_SIZE ) )
m = 0;
while ( ( pass ) && ( m < NUM_DSETS ) )
/* initialize the slab */
for ( k = 0; k < CHUNK_SIZE; k++ )
for ( l = 0; l < CHUNK_SIZE; l++ )
data_chunk[k][l] = (DSET_SIZE * DSET_SIZE * m) +
(DSET_SIZE * (i + k)) + j + l;
/* select on disk hyperslab */
offset[0] = i; /*offset of hyperslab in file*/
offset[1] = j;
a_size[0] = CHUNK_SIZE; /*size of hyperslab*/
a_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace_ids[m], H5S_SELECT_SET,
offset, NULL, a_size, NULL);
if ( status < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "disk H5Sselect_hyperslab() failed.";
/* write the chunk to file */
status = H5Dwrite(dataset_ids[m], H5T_NATIVE_INT, memspace_id,
filespace_ids[m], H5P_DEFAULT, data_chunk);
if ( status < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Dwrite() failed.";
/* check the cache hit rate, and reset the counters.
* Hit rate should be just about unity here, so we will just
* get the data and (possibly) print it without checking it
* beyond ensuring that it agrees with the cache internal
* data structures.
* similarly, check cache size.
if ( ( pass ) && ( i % (DSET_SIZE / 4) == 0 ) ) {
check_and_validate_cache_hit_rate(file_id, NULL, dump_hit_rate,
min_accesses, min_hit_rate);
check_and_validate_cache_size(file_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
if ( ( pass ) && ( report_progress ) ) {
progress_counter += CHUNK_SIZE;
if ( progress_counter >= DSET_SIZE / 20 ) {
progress_counter = 0;
HDfprintf(stdout, ".");
if ( ( pass ) && ( report_progress ) ) {
HDfprintf(stdout," Done.\n"); /* initializing data sets */
/* set alternate config 2 */
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Fset_mdc_config(file_id, &mod_config_2) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fset_mdc_config() failed 2.\n";
/* verify that the cache is now set to the alternate config */
validate_mdc_config(file_id, &mod_config_2, TRUE, 3);
/* do random reads on all datasets */
if ( ( pass ) && ( report_progress ) ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, "Doing random reads on all datasets ");
n = 0;
progress_counter = 0;
while ( ( pass ) && ( n < NUM_RANDOM_ACCESSES ) )
m = rand() % NUM_DSETS;
i = (rand() % (DSET_SIZE / CHUNK_SIZE)) * CHUNK_SIZE;
j = (rand() % (DSET_SIZE / CHUNK_SIZE)) * CHUNK_SIZE;
/* select on disk hyperslab */
offset[0] = i; /*offset of hyperslab in file*/
offset[1] = j;
a_size[0] = CHUNK_SIZE; /*size of hyperslab*/
a_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace_ids[m], H5S_SELECT_SET,
offset, NULL, a_size, NULL);
if ( status < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "disk hyperslab create failed.";
/* read the chunk from file */
if ( pass ) {
status = H5Dread(dataset_ids[m], H5T_NATIVE_INT, memspace_id,
filespace_ids[m], H5P_DEFAULT, data_chunk);
if ( status < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "disk hyperslab create failed.";
/* validate the slab */
if ( pass ) {
valid_chunk = TRUE;
for ( k = 0; k < CHUNK_SIZE; k++ )
for ( l = 0; l < CHUNK_SIZE; l++ )
if ( data_chunk[k][l]
(DSET_SIZE * (i + k)) + j + l) ) {
valid_chunk = FALSE;
#if 0 /* this will be useful from time to time -- lets keep it*/
"data_chunk[%0d][%0d] = %0d, expect %0d.\n",
k, l, data_chunk[k][l],
(DSET_SIZE * (i + k)) + j + l));
"m = %d, i = %d, j = %d, k = %d, l = %d\n",
m, i, j, k, l);
if ( ! valid_chunk ) {
#if 1
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "slab validation failed.";
#else /* as above */
fprintf(stdout, "Chunk (%0d, %0d) in /dset%03d is invalid.\n",
i, j, m);
if ( ( pass ) && ( n % (NUM_RANDOM_ACCESSES / 4) == 0 ) ) {
check_and_validate_cache_hit_rate(file_id, NULL, dump_hit_rate,
min_accesses, min_hit_rate);
check_and_validate_cache_size(file_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
if ( ( pass ) && ( report_progress ) ) {
if ( progress_counter >= NUM_RANDOM_ACCESSES / 20 ) {
progress_counter = 0;
HDfprintf(stdout, ".");
if ( ( pass ) && ( report_progress ) ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, " Done.\n"); /* random reads on all data sets */
/* close the file spaces we are done with */
i = 1;
while ( ( pass ) && ( i < NUM_DSETS ) )
if ( H5Sclose(filespace_ids[i]) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Sclose() failed.";
/* close the datasets we are done with */
i = 1;
while ( ( pass ) && ( i < NUM_DSETS ) )
if ( H5Dclose(dataset_ids[i]) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Dclose() failed.";
/* set alternate config 3 */
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Fset_mdc_config(file_id, &mod_config_3) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fset_mdc_config() failed 3.\n";
/* verify that the cache is now set to the alternate config */
validate_mdc_config(file_id, &mod_config_3, TRUE, 4);
/* do random reads on data set 0 only */
if ( ( pass ) && ( report_progress ) ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, "Doing random reads on dataset 0 ");
m = 0;
n = 0;
progress_counter = 0;
while ( ( pass ) && ( n < NUM_RANDOM_ACCESSES ) )
i = (rand() % (DSET_SIZE / CHUNK_SIZE)) * CHUNK_SIZE;
j = (rand() % (DSET_SIZE / CHUNK_SIZE)) * CHUNK_SIZE;
/* select on disk hyperslab */
offset[0] = i; /*offset of hyperslab in file*/
offset[1] = j;
a_size[0] = CHUNK_SIZE; /*size of hyperslab*/
a_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace_ids[m], H5S_SELECT_SET,
offset, NULL, a_size, NULL);
if ( status < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "disk hyperslab create failed.";
/* read the chunk from file */
if ( pass ) {
status = H5Dread(dataset_ids[m], H5T_NATIVE_INT, memspace_id,
filespace_ids[m], H5P_DEFAULT, data_chunk);
if ( status < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "disk hyperslab create failed.";
/* validate the slab */
if ( pass ) {
valid_chunk = TRUE;
for ( k = 0; k < CHUNK_SIZE; k++ )
for ( l = 0; l < CHUNK_SIZE; l++ )
if ( data_chunk[k][l]
(DSET_SIZE * (i + k)) + j + l) ) {
valid_chunk = FALSE;
#if 0 /* this will be useful from time to time -- lets keep it */
HDfprintf(stdout, "data_chunk[%0d][%0d] = %0d, expect %0d.\n",
k, l, data_chunk[k][l],
(DSET_SIZE * (i + k)) + j + l));
if ( ! valid_chunk ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "slab validation failed.";
#if 0 /* as above */
fprintf(stdout, "Chunk (%0d, %0d) in /dset%03d is invalid.\n",
i, j, m);
if ( ( pass ) && ( n % (NUM_RANDOM_ACCESSES / 4) == 0 ) ) {
check_and_validate_cache_hit_rate(file_id, NULL, dump_hit_rate,
min_accesses, min_hit_rate);
check_and_validate_cache_size(file_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
if ( ( pass ) && ( report_progress ) ) {
if ( progress_counter >= NUM_RANDOM_ACCESSES / 20 ) {
progress_counter = 0;
HDfprintf(stdout, ".");
if ( ( pass ) && ( report_progress ) ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, " Done.\n"); /* random reads data set 0 */
if ( ( pass ) && ( report_progress ) ) {
HDfprintf(stdout,"Shutting down ... ");
/* close file space 0 */
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Sclose(filespace_ids[0]) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Sclose(filespace_ids[0]) failed.";
/* close the data space */
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Sclose(dataspace_id) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Sclose(dataspace) failed.";
/* close the mem space */
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Sclose(memspace_id) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Sclose(memspace_id) failed.";
/* close dataset 0 */
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Dclose(dataset_ids[0]) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Dclose(dataset_ids[0]) failed.";
/* close the file and delete it */
if ( pass ) {
if ( H5Fclose(file_id) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fclose() failed.\n";
else if ( HDremove(filename) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "HDremove() failed.\n";
if ( ( pass ) && ( report_progress ) ) {
HDfprintf(stdout,"Done.\n"); /* shutting down */
if ( pass ) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }
if ( ! pass )
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
fcn_name, failure_mssg);
} /* mdc_api_call_smoke_check() */
/* The following array of invalid external MDC cache configurations is
* used to test error rejection in the MDC related API calls.
H5AC_cache_config_t invalid_configs[NUM_INVALID_CONFIGS] =
/* 0 -- bad version */
/* int version = */ -1,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 1 -- bad rpt_fcn_enabled */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ -1,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 2 -- bad open_trace_file */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ -1,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 3 -- bad close_trace_file */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ -1,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 4 -- open_trace_file == TRUE and empty trace_file_name */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ TRUE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 5 -- bad set_initial_size */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ 2,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 6 -- max_size too big */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ H5C__MAX_MAX_CACHE_SIZE + 1,
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 7 -- min_size too small */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ H5C__MIN_MAX_CACHE_SIZE - 1,
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 8 -- min_size > max_size */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ FALSE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024 + 1),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 9 -- initial size out of range (too big) */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024 + 1),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 10 -- initial_size out of range (too small) */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024 - 1),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 11 -- min_clean_fraction too big */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 1.000001,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 12 -- min_clean_fraction too small */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ -0.00000001,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 13 -- epoch_length too small */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ H5C__MIN_AR_EPOCH_LENGTH - 1,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 14 -- epoch_length too big */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ H5C__MAX_AR_EPOCH_LENGTH + 1,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 15 -- invalid incr_mode */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ -1,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 16 -- lower_hr_threshold too small */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ -0.000001,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 17 -- lower_hr_threshold too big */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 1.00000001,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 18 -- increment too small */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 0.999999999999,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 19 -- bad apply_max_increment */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ -1,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 20 -- bad decr_mode */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ -1,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 21 -- upper_hr_threshold too big */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 1.00001,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 22 -- decrement too small */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ -0.0000000001,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 23 -- decrement too big */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 1.0000000001,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 24 -- epochs_before_eviction too small */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 0,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 24 -- epochs_before_eviction too big */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ H5C__MAX_EPOCH_MARKERS + 1,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 26 -- invalid apply_empty_reserve */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ 2,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 27 -- empty_reserve too small */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ -0.0000000001,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 28 -- empty_reserve too big */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 1.00000000001,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 29 -- upper_hr_threshold too small */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ -0.000000001,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 30 -- upper_hr_threshold too big */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 1.00000001,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 31 -- upper_hr_threshold <= lower_hr_threshold */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (256 * 1024)
/* 32 -- dirty_bytes_threshold too small */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.999,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (H5C__MIN_MAX_CACHE_SIZE / 2) - 1
/* 33 -- dirty_bytes_threshold too big */
/* int version = */ H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER,
/* hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t open_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* hbool_t close_trace_file = */ FALSE,
/* char trace_file_name[] = */ "",
/* hbool_t set_initial_size = */ TRUE,
/* size_t initial_size = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* double min_clean_fraction = */ 0.25,
/* size_t max_size = */ (16 * 1024 * 1024),
/* size_t min_size = */ ( 1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* long int epoch_length = */ 50000,
/* enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode = */ H5C_incr__threshold,
/* double lower_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double increment = */ 2.0,
/* hbool_t apply_max_increment = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_increment = */ (4 * 1024 * 1024),
/* enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode = */ H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold,
/* double upper_hr_threshold = */ 0.9,
/* double decrement = */ 0.9,
/* hbool_t apply_max_decrement = */ TRUE,
/* size_t max_decrement = */ (1 * 1024 * 1024),
/* int epochs_before_eviction = */ 3,
/* hbool_t apply_empty_reserve = */ TRUE,
/* double empty_reserve = */ 0.1,
/* int dirty_bytes_threshold = */ (H5C__MAX_MAX_CACHE_SIZE / 4) + 1
* Function: check_fapl_mdc_api_errs()
* Purpose: Verify that the FAPL related MDC API calls reject input
* errors gracefully.
* Return: void
* Programmer: John Mainzer
* 4/19/04
* Modifications:
static void
const char * fcn_name = "check_fapl_mdc_api_errs()";
static char msg[128];
int i;
herr_t result;
hid_t fapl_id = -1;
H5AC_cache_config_t default_config = H5AC__DEFAULT_CACHE_CONFIG;
H5AC_cache_config_t scratch;
TESTING("MDC/FAPL related API input errors");
pass = TRUE;
/* first test H5Pget_mdc_config().
scratch.version = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
if ( pass ) {
H5E_BEGIN_TRY { result = H5Pget_mdc_config(-1, &scratch); } H5E_END_TRY;
if ( result >= 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pget_mdc_config() accepted invalid plist_id.";
/* Create a FAPL for test purposes, and verify that it contains the
* default MDC configuration.
if ( pass ) {
fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
if ( fapl_id < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS) failed.\n";
scratch.version = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
if ( ( pass ) &&
( ( H5Pget_mdc_config(fapl_id, &scratch) < 0 ) ||
( !CACHE_CONFIGS_EQUAL(default_config, scratch, TRUE, TRUE) ) ) ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "New FAPL has unexpected metadata cache config?!?!?.\n";
if ( pass ) {
result = H5Pget_mdc_config(fapl_id, NULL);
if ( result >= 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pget_mdc_config() accepted NULL config_ptr.";
/* one last test for H5Pget_mdc_config() */
scratch.version = -1; /* a convenient, invalid value */
if ( pass ) {
result = H5Pget_mdc_config(fapl_id, &scratch);
if ( result >= 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pget_mdc_config() accepted bad config version.";
/* now test H5Pset_mdc_config()
scratch.version = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
if ( pass ) {
result = H5Pset_mdc_config(-1, &default_config);
if ( result >= 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pset_mdc_config() accepted bad invalid plist_id.";
if ( pass ) {
result = H5Pset_mdc_config(fapl_id, NULL);
if ( result >= 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Pset_mdc_config() accepted NULL config_ptr.";
i = 0;
while ( ( pass ) && ( i < NUM_INVALID_CONFIGS ) )
result = H5Pset_mdc_config(fapl_id, &(invalid_configs[i]));
if ( result >= 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
"H5Pset_mdc_config() accepted invalid_configs[%d].", i);
failure_mssg = msg;
/* verify that none of the above calls to H5Pset_mdc_config() changed
* the configuration in the FAPL.
scratch.version = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
if ( ( pass ) &&
( ( H5Pget_mdc_config(fapl_id, &scratch) < 0 ) ||
( !CACHE_CONFIGS_EQUAL(default_config, scratch, TRUE, TRUE) ) ) ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "FAPL metadata cache config changed???.\n";
if ( pass ) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }
if ( ! pass )
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
fcn_name, failure_mssg);
} /* check_fapl_mdc_api_errs() */
* Function: check_file_mdc_api_errs()
* Purpose: Verify that the file related MDC API calls reject input
* errors gracefully.
* Return: void
* Programmer: John Mainzer
* 4/19/04
* Modifications:
static void
const char * fcn_name = "check_file_mdc_api_errs()";
char filename[512];
static char msg[128];
hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
int i;
herr_t result;
hid_t file_id = -1;
size_t max_size;
size_t min_clean_size;
size_t cur_size;
int cur_num_entries;
double hit_rate;
H5AC_cache_config_t default_config = H5AC__DEFAULT_CACHE_CONFIG;
H5AC_cache_config_t scratch;
TESTING("MDC/FILE related API input errors");
pass = TRUE;
/* Create a file for test purposes, and veify that its metadata cache
* set to the default MDC configuration.
/* setup the file name */
if ( pass ) {
if ( show_progress ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: calling h5_fixname().\n", fcn_name);
if ( h5_fixname(FILENAME[0], H5P_DEFAULT, filename, sizeof(filename))
== NULL ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "h5_fixname() failed.\n";
if ( pass ) {
if ( show_progress ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: calling H5Fcreate().\n", fcn_name);
file_id = H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
if ( file_id < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fcreate() failed.\n";
validate_mdc_config(file_id, &default_config, TRUE, 1);
/* test H5Fget_mdc_config(). */
scratch.version = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
if ( pass ) {
if ( show_progress ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: testing H5Fget_mdc_config() 1.\n", fcn_name);
result = H5Fget_mdc_config(-1, &scratch);
if ( result >= 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fget_mdc_config() accepted invalid file_id.";
if ( pass ) {
if ( show_progress ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: testing H5Fget_mdc_config() 2.\n", fcn_name);
result = H5Fget_mdc_config(file_id, NULL);
if ( result >= 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fget_mdc_config() accepted NULL config_ptr.";
scratch.version = -1; /* a convenient, invalid value */
if ( pass ) {
if ( show_progress ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: testing H5Fget_mdc_config() 3.\n", fcn_name);
result = H5Fget_mdc_config(file_id, &scratch);
if ( result >= 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fget_mdc_config() accepted bad config version.";
/* test H5Fset_mdc_config() */
scratch.version = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;
if ( pass ) {
if ( show_progress ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: testing H5Fset_mdc_config() 1.\n", fcn_name);
result = H5Fset_mdc_config(-1, &default_config);
if ( result >= 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fset_mdc_config() accepted bad invalid file_id.";
if ( pass ) {
if ( show_progress ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: testing H5Fset_mdc_config() 2.\n", fcn_name);
result = H5Fset_mdc_config(file_id, NULL);
if ( result >= 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fset_mdc_config() accepted NULL config_ptr.";
i = 0;
while ( ( pass ) && ( i < NUM_INVALID_CONFIGS ) )
if ( show_progress ) {
"%s: testing H5Fset_mdc_config() with invalid config %d.\n",
fcn_name, i);
result = H5Fset_mdc_config(file_id, &(invalid_configs[i]));
if ( result >= 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
HDsnprintf(msg, (size_t)128,
"H5Fset_mdc_config() accepted invalid_configs[%d].", i);
failure_mssg = msg;
/* verify that none of the above calls to H5Fset_mdc_config() changed
* the configuration in the FAPL.
validate_mdc_config(file_id, &default_config, TRUE, 2);
/* test H5Fget_mdc_hit_rate() */
if ( pass ) {
if ( show_progress ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: testing H5Fget_mdc_hit_rate() 1.\n",
result = H5Fget_mdc_hit_rate(-1, &hit_rate);
if ( result >= 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fget_mdc_hit_rate() accepted bad file_id.";
if ( pass ) {
if ( show_progress ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: testing H5Fget_mdc_hit_rate() 2.\n",
result = H5Fget_mdc_hit_rate(file_id, NULL);
if ( result >= 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fget_mdc_hit_rate() accepted NULL hit_rate_ptr.";
/* test H5Freset_mdc_hit_rate_stats() */
if ( pass ) {
if ( show_progress ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: testing H5Freset_mdc_hit_rate_stats().\n",
result = H5Freset_mdc_hit_rate_stats(-1);
if ( result >= 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg =
"H5Freset_mdc_hit_rate_stats() accepted bad file_id.";
/* test H5Fget_mdc_size() */
if ( pass ) {
if ( show_progress ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: testing H5Fget_mdc_size() 1.\n", fcn_name);
result = H5Fget_mdc_size(-1, &max_size, &min_clean_size,
&cur_size, &cur_num_entries);
if ( result >= 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fget_mdc_size() accepted bad file_id.";
if ( pass ) {
if ( show_progress ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: testing H5Fget_mdc_size() 2.\n", fcn_name);
if ( ( H5Fget_mdc_size(file_id, &max_size, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0 ) ||
( H5Fget_mdc_size(file_id, NULL, &min_clean_size,
NULL, NULL) < 0 ) ||
( H5Fget_mdc_size(file_id, NULL, NULL, &cur_size, NULL) < 0 ) ||
( H5Fget_mdc_size(file_id, NULL, NULL, NULL,
&cur_num_entries) < 0 ) ||
( H5Fget_mdc_size(file_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0 ) ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fget_mdc_size() failed to handle NULL params.";
/* close the file and delete it */
if ( pass ) {
if ( show_progress ) {
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cleaning up from tests.\n", fcn_name);
if ( H5Fclose(file_id) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "H5Fclose() failed.\n";
} else if ( HDremove(filename) < 0 ) {
pass = FALSE;
failure_mssg = "HDremove() failed.\n";
if ( pass ) { PASSED(); } else { H5_FAILED(); }
if ( ! pass )
HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\".\n",
fcn_name, failure_mssg);
} /* check_file_mdc_api_errs() */
* Function: main
* Purpose: Run tests on the cache code contained in H5C.c
* Return: Success:
* Failure:
* Programmer: John Mainzer
* 6/24/04
* Modifications:
skip_long_tests = FALSE;
#ifdef NDEBUG
run_full_test = TRUE;
#else /* NDEBUG */
run_full_test = FALSE;
#endif /* NDEBUG */
#if 1
#if 1
#if 1
#if 1
#if 1
} /* main() */