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/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright by The HDF Group. *
* Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including *
* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in *
* the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code *
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titerate.cpp - HDF5 C++ testing iterate related functionality
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iostream>
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
#include <string>
#include "H5Cpp.h" // C++ API header file
using namespace H5;
#include "h5test.h"
#include "h5cpputil.h" // C++ utilility header file
/* Number of datasets for group iteration test */
#define NDATASETS 50
/* Number of attributes for attribute iteration test */
//#define NATTR 50
/* Number of groups for second group iteration test */
//#define ITER_NGROUPS 150
/* General maximum length of names used */
#define NAMELEN 80
/* 1-D dataset with fixed dimensions */
//#define SPACE1_RANK 1
//#define SPACE1_DIM1 4
const H5std_string FILE_ITERATE("titerate.h5");
const H5std_string GROUP1("Top Group");
const H5std_string GROUP1_PATH("/Top Group");
const H5std_string GROUP1_1("Sub-Group 1.1");
const H5std_string GROUP1_1_PATH("/Top Group/Sub-Group 1.1");
const H5std_string GROUP1_2("Sub-Group 1.2");
const H5std_string GROUP1_2_PATH("/Top Group/Sub-Group 1.2");
const H5std_string DSET_DEFAULT_NAME("default");
const H5std_string DSET_IN_FILE("Dataset in File");
const H5std_string DSET_IN_FILE_PATH("/Dataset in File");
const H5std_string DSET_IN_GRP1("Dataset in Group 1");
const H5std_string DSET_IN_GRP1_PATH("/Top Group/Dataset in Group 1");
const H5std_string DSET_IN_GRP1_2("Dataset in Group 1.2");
const H5std_string DSET_IN_GRP1_2_PATH("/Top Group/Sub-Group 1.2/Dataset in Group 1.2");
typedef enum {
} iter_enum;
/* Custom group iteration callback data */
typedef struct {
char name[NAMELEN]; /* The name of the object */
H5O_type_t type; /* The type of the object */
iter_enum command; /* The type of return value */
} iter_info;
int iter_strcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2);
* Function: iter_strcmp
* Purpose String comparison routine for qsort
int iter_strcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2)
return(HDstrcmp(*(const char * const *)s1,*(const char * const *)s2));
* Function: liter_cb
* Purpose Custom link iteration callback routine
static herr_t liter_cb(hid_t H5_ATTR_UNUSED group, const char *name, const H5L_info2_t H5_ATTR_UNUSED *link_info, void *op_data)
iter_info *info = (iter_info *)op_data;
static int count = 0;
static int count2 = 0;
HDstrcpy(info->name, name);
switch(info->command) {
case RET_ZERO:
case RET_TWO:
return(count > 10 ? 1 : 0);
return(count2 > 10 ? 1 : 0);
printf("invalid iteration command");
} /* end switch */
} /* end liter_cb() */
* Function: test_iter_group
* Purpose Tests group iteration
* Return Success: 0
* Failure: -1
* Programmer Binh-Minh Ribler
* Friday, September 9, 2016
static void test_iter_group(FileAccPropList& fapl)
int i; /* counting variable */
hsize_t idx; /* Index in the group */
char name[NAMELEN]; /* temporary name buffer */
char *lnames[NDATASETS + 2];/* Names of the links created */
iter_info info; /* Custom iteration information */
herr_t ret; /* Generic return value */
/* Output message about test being performed */
SUBTEST("Group Iteration");
/* Create the test file with the datasets */
try {
// Create file
H5File file(FILE_ITERATE, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, FileCreatPropList::DEFAULT, fapl);
/* Test iterating over empty group */
info.command = RET_ZERO;
idx = 0;
ret = H5Literate2(file.getId(), H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC, &idx, liter_cb, &info);
verify_val(ret, SUCCEED, "H5Literate", __LINE__, __FILE__);
DataType datatype(PredType::NATIVE_INT);
// Create a scalar file space
DataSpace filespace;
for (i=0; i< NDATASETS; i++)
sprintf(name, "Dataset %d", i);
// Create a dataset in the file
DataSet dataset = file.createDataSet(name, datatype, filespace);
/* Keep a copy of the dataset names */
lnames[i] = HDstrdup(name);
check_values(lnames[i], "HDstrdup returns NULL", __LINE__, __FILE__);
} /* end for */
/* Create a group and named datatype under root group for testing */
Group grp(file.createGroup(GROUP1, 0));
lnames[NDATASETS] = HDstrdup("grp");
check_values(lnames[NDATASETS], "HDstrdup returns NULL", __LINE__, __FILE__);
datatype.commit(file, "dtype");
lnames[NDATASETS + 1] = HDstrdup("dtype");
check_values(lnames[NDATASETS], "HDstrdup returns NULL", __LINE__, __FILE__);
/* Sort the dataset names */
HDqsort(lnames, (size_t)(NDATASETS + 2), sizeof(char *), iter_strcmp);
/* Iterate through the datasets in the root group in various ways */
// Open data file to read
file.openFile(FILE_ITERATE, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, fapl);
// Open the root group
Group root_group(file.openGroup("/"));
// Get the number of object in the root group
hsize_t nobjs = root_group.getNumObjs();
verify_val(nobjs, (hsize_t)(NDATASETS + 2), "H5Gget_info", __LINE__, __FILE__);
H5std_string obj_name;
for (i = 0; i < nobjs; i++)
//H5O_info2_t oinfo; /* Object info */
obj_name = root_group.getObjnameByIdx(i);
//ret = (herr_t)H5Lget_name_by_idx(root_group, ".", H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC, (hsize_t)i, dataset_name, (size_t)NAMELEN, H5P_DEFAULT);
//oinfo = root_group.childObjType((hsize_t)i, H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC, ".");
//ret = H5Oget_info_by_idx(root_group, ".", H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC, (hsize_t)i, &oinfo, H5P_DEFAULT);
} /* end for */
// Attempted to iterate with invalid index, should fail
try {
obj_name = root_group.getObjnameByIdx(NDATASETS + 3);
// Should FAIL but didn't, so throw an invalid action exception
throw InvalidActionException("Group::getObjnameByIdx", "Attempt to iterate with invalid index");
catch (GroupIException& invalid_action) // invalid index
{} // do nothing, exception expected
// Attempted to iterate with negative index, should fail
try {
info.command = RET_ZERO;
idx = (hsize_t)-1;
obj_name = root_group.getObjnameByIdx(idx);
// Should FAIL but didn't, so throw an invalid action exception
throw InvalidActionException("Group::getObjnameByIdx", "Attempt to iterate with negative index");
catch (FileIException& invalid_action) // invalid index
{} // do nothing, exception expected
catch (GroupIException& invalid_action) // invalid index
{} // do nothing, exception expected
/* Test skipping exactly as many entries as in the group */
try {
info.command = RET_ZERO;
idx = NDATASETS + 2;
obj_name = root_group.getObjnameByIdx(idx);
// Should FAIL but didn't, so throw an invalid action exception
throw InvalidActionException("Group::getObjnameByIdx", "Attempt to iterate with negative index");
catch (FileIException& invalid_action) // invalid index
{} // do nothing, exception expected
catch (GroupIException& invalid_action) // invalid index
{} // do nothing, exception expected
/* Test skipping more entries than are in the group */
try {
info.command = RET_ZERO;
idx = NDATASETS + 3;
obj_name = root_group.getObjnameByIdx(idx);
// Should FAIL but didn't, so throw an invalid action exception
throw InvalidActionException("Group::getObjnameByIdx", "Attempt to iterate with negative index");
catch (FileIException& invalid_action) // invalid index
{} // do nothing, exception expected
catch (GroupIException& invalid_action) // invalid index
{} // do nothing, exception expected
/* Free the dataset names */
for(i = 0; i< (NDATASETS + 2); i++)
// Everything will be closed as they go out of scope
} // try block
// catch all other exceptions
catch (Exception& E)
issue_fail_msg("test_iter_group", __LINE__, __FILE__);
#if 0
/* Test all objects in group, when callback always returns 0 */
info.command = RET_ZERO;
idx = 0;
if((ret = H5Literate2(file, H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC, &idx, liter_cb, &info)) > 0)
TestErrPrintf("Group iteration function didn't return zero correctly!\n");
/* Test all objects in group, when callback always returns 1 */
/* This also tests the "restarting" ability, because the index changes */
info.command = RET_TWO;
i = 0;
idx = 0;
while((ret = H5Literate2(file, H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC, &idx, liter_cb, &info)) > 0) {
/* Verify return value from iterator gets propagated correctly */
verify_val(ret, 2, "H5Literate", __LINE__, __FILE__);
/* Increment the number of times "2" is returned */
/* Verify that the index is the correct value */
verify_val(idx, (hsize_t)i, "H5Literate", __LINE__, __FILE__);
if(idx > (NDATASETS + 2))
TestErrPrintf("Group iteration function walked too far!\n");
/* Verify that the correct name is retrieved */
if(HDstrcmp(info.name, lnames[(size_t)(idx - 1)]) != 0)
TestErrPrintf("Group iteration function didn't return name correctly for link - lnames[%u] = '%s'!\n", (unsigned)(idx - 1), lnames[(size_t)(idx - 1)]);
} /* end while */
verify_val(ret, -1, "H5Literate", __LINE__, __FILE__);
if(i != (NDATASETS + 2))
TestErrPrintf("%u: Group iteration function didn't perform multiple iterations correctly!\n", __LINE__);
/* Test all objects in group, when callback changes return value */
/* This also tests the "restarting" ability, because the index changes */
info.command = new_format ? RET_CHANGE2 : RET_CHANGE;
i = 0;
idx = 0;
while((ret = H5Literate2(file, H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC, &idx, liter_cb, &info)) >= 0) {
/* Verify return value from iterator gets propagated correctly */
verify_val(ret, 1, "H5Literate", __LINE__, __FILE__);
/* Increment the number of times "1" is returned */
/* Verify that the index is the correct value */
verify_val(idx, (hsize_t)(i + 10), "H5Literate", __LINE__, __FILE__);
if(idx > (NDATASETS + 2))
TestErrPrintf("Group iteration function walked too far!\n");
/* Verify that the correct name is retrieved */
if(HDstrcmp(info.name, lnames[(size_t)(idx - 1)]) != 0)
TestErrPrintf("Group iteration function didn't return name correctly for link - lnames[%u] = '%s'!\n", (unsigned)(idx - 1), lnames[(size_t)(idx - 1)]);
} /* end while */
verify_val(ret, -1, "H5Literate", __LINE__, __FILE__);
if(i != 42 || idx != 52)
TestErrPrintf("%u: Group iteration function didn't perform multiple iterations correctly!\n", __LINE__);
ret = H5Fclose(file);
CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Fclose");
} /* test_iter_group() */
* Function: printelems
* Purpose Open an attribute and verify that it has a the correct name
const H5std_string FILE_NAME("titerate.h5");
const H5std_string GRP_NAME("/Group_A");
const H5std_string FDATASET_NAME("file dset");
const H5std_string GDATASET_NAME("group dset");
const H5std_string ATTR_NAME("Units");
const H5std_string FATTR_NAME("F attr");
const H5std_string GATTR_NAME("G attr");
const int DIM1 = 2;
void printelems(const Group& group, const H5std_string& dsname, const H5std_string& atname)
DataSet d1(group.openDataSet(dsname));
DataSpace s1 = d1.getSpace();
unsigned idx = 0;
Attribute a1(group.openAttribute(idx));
H5std_string aname = a1.getName();
verify_val(aname, atname, "printelems", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Catch all exceptions and rethrow so caller can handle
catch (Exception& E)
* Function: test_HDFFV_9920
* Purpose Tests the fix for HDFFV-9920
* Programmer Binh-Minh Ribler
* Friday, September 9, 2016
static void test_HDFFV_9920()
int attr_data[2] = { 100, 200};
hsize_t dims[1] = { DIM1 };
// Create a new file and a group in it
H5File file( FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC );
Group gr1(file.createGroup(GRP_NAME));
// Create the data space for the attribute.
DataSpace dspace = DataSpace (1, dims );
DataSet fds = file.createDataSet(FDATASET_NAME, PredType::STD_I32BE, dspace);
DataSet gds = gr1.createDataSet(GDATASET_NAME, PredType::STD_I32BE, dspace);
// Create a file attribute and a group attribute.
Attribute fa1 = file.createAttribute(FATTR_NAME, PredType::STD_I32BE,
Attribute ga1 = gr1.createAttribute(GATTR_NAME, PredType::STD_I32BE,
// Write the attribute data.
fa1.write( PredType::NATIVE_INT, attr_data);
ga1.write( PredType::NATIVE_INT, attr_data);
// Verify the attributes have correct names.
printelems(file, FDATASET_NAME, FATTR_NAME);
printelems(gr1, GDATASET_NAME, GATTR_NAME);
} // end of try block
// Catch all failures for handling in the same way
catch (Exception& E)
issue_fail_msg("test_HDFFV_9920()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
* Function: test_iterate
* Purpose Tests iterate functionality
* Return Success: 0
* Failure: -1
* Programmer Binh-Minh Ribler
* Tuesday, September 6, 2016
extern "C"
void test_iterate()
// Output message about test being performed
MESSAGE(5, ("Testing Iterate Feature\n"));
// Create access property with latest library version.
FileAccPropList fapl;
test_iter_group(fapl); // Test iterating groups
test_HDFFV_9920(); // Test the fix of HDFFV-9920
//test_iter_attr(fapl); // Test iterating attributes
} // test_iterate
* Function: cleanup_iterate
* Purpose Cleanup temporary test files
* Return none
extern "C"
void cleanup_iterate()
} // cleanup_iterate