2023-07-24 16:48:11 -05:00

531 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

#! /bin/sh
perl -x -S $0 "$@"
#! perl
require 5.003;
use strict;
# Copyright by The HDF Group.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code
# distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses.
# If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from
# help@hdfgroup.org.
### Purpose
# Increments the hdf5 version number by changing the value of
# constants in the src/H5public.h file. The new version number is
# printed on the standard output. An alternate source file name can be
# specified as an argument. In any case, the original file is saved
# by appending a tilde `~' to the name.
### Usage:
# h5vers [OPTIONS] [FILE]
# Without options this program only displays the current version and
# doesn't modify any files or create backups. The default is to print
# the version number like X.Y.Z-A where X is the major version number,
# Y is the minor version number, Z is the release number, and A is
# a short annotation string (the `-' is printed only if A is not empty).
# If the `-v' switch is given the version will be printed like:
# version X.Y release Z (A)
# The space and parentheses around A are only printed if A is not empty.
# The `-s VERSION' switch will set the version as specified. If the
# string contains a dotted triple then it will be used as the version
# number, otherwise up to three numbers will be read from the end of
# the string and used as the major version, minor version, and release
# number. If any numbers are missing then zero is assumed. This
# allows versions to be specified like `-s "version 2.1 release 8"' or
# `-s hdf5-2.1.8.tar.bz2'. If the new version is less than the old
# version then a warning message is generated on standard error. The
# annotation string, A, is set only if it appears immediately after the
# third number, separated by a dash (e.g., `1.2.3-pre1') or in parentheses
# (e.g., `version 1.2 release 3 (pre1)').
# The `-i [major|minor|release|annot|last]' option increments the major
# number, minor number, release number, or annotation string. The `last'
# switch increments the annotation string if present, otherwise the
# release number. If the release number is incremented then the annotation
# string is cleared. If the minor number is incremented then the release
# number is set to zero and the annotation string is cleared; if the major
# number is incremented then the minor and release numbers are set to zero
# and the annotation string is cleared.
# If a file is specified then that file is used instead of
# ./H5public.h or ./src/H5public.h.
# If the version number is changed (either `-s' or `-i' was used on
# the command line) then the version line of the README.md and RELEASE.txt files
# one directory above the H5public.h file is also modified so it looks
# something like: This is hdf5-1.2.3-pre1 currently under development.
# The AC_INIT macro in configure.ac will also change in this case to be
# something like: AC_INIT([HDF5], [hdf5-1.2.3-pre1], [help@hdfgroup.org])
# Version changes are also reflected in the Windows-maintained H5pubconf.h
# file.
# Whenever the version changes, this script will increment the revision
# field in HDF5's libtool shared library version in config/lt_vers.am,
# which is included in src/Makefile.am. Incrementing the revision field
# indicates that the source code has changed since the last version
# (which it probably has).
sub getvers {
local ($_) = @_;
my (@vers);
($vers[0]) = /^\#\s*define\s+H5_VERS_MAJOR\s+(\d+)/m;
($vers[1]) = /^\#\s*define\s+H5_VERS_MINOR\s+(\d+)/m;
($vers[2]) = /^\#\s*define\s+H5_VERS_RELEASE\s+(\d+)/m;
($vers[3]) = /^\#\s*define\s+H5_VERS_SUBRELEASE\s+\"([^\"]*)\"/m;
return @vers;
sub setvers {
my ($contents, @vers) = @_;
$_[0] =~ s/^(\#\s*define\s+H5_VERS_MAJOR\s+)\d+/$1$vers[0]/m;
$_[0] =~ s/^(\#\s*define\s+H5_VERS_MINOR\s+)\d+/$1$vers[1]/m;
$_[0] =~ s/^(\#\s*define\s+H5_VERS_RELEASE\s+)\d+/$1$vers[2]/m;
$_[0] =~ s/^(\#\s*define\s+H5_VERS_SUBRELEASE\s+\")[^\"]*/$1$vers[3]/m;
$_[0] =~ s/^(\#\s*define\s+H5_VERS_INFO\s+\")[^\"]*/
sprintf("%sHDF5 library version: %d.%d.%d%s%s", $1, @vers[0,1,2],
$vers[3]?"-":"", $vers[3])/me;
sub usage {
my ($prog) = $0 =~ /([^\/]+)$/;
print STDERR <<EOF;
Usage: $prog [OPTS] [FILE]
-i major|minor|release|annot
Increment specified version component and set following components
to zero.
Set the version as specified. The version number can be embedded in
some other string such as \"hdf5-1.1.0-pre1.tar.bz2\" or even
\"this is HDF5 library version 1.1 release 0 (pre1)\" for convenience.
Instead of displaying only a dotted triple version number a line such
as \"version 1.1 release 0 (pre1)\" will be printed.
The name of the file that contains version information. This is
seldom necessary since the file H5public.h is checked for current
working directory at the top level, one level down, or in the src
directory where H5public.h resides.
exit 1;
my ($verbose, $set, $inc, $file, $rc);
my (@files) = ("H5public.h", "src/H5public.h", "../src/H5public.h");
while ($_ = shift) {
$_ eq "-s" && do {
die "-s switch needs a version number\n" unless @ARGV;
$set = shift;
$_ eq "-i" && do {
if (@ARGV && $ARGV[0]=~/^(major|minor|release|annot)$/) {
$inc = shift;
} else {
$inc = "last";
$_ eq "-v" && do {
$verbose = 1;
/^-(h|\?|-?help)$/ && usage;
/^-/ && die "unrecognized option: $_\n";
die "only one file name can be specified\n" if $file;
$file = $_;
die "mutually exclusive options given\n" if $set && $inc;
# Determine file to use as H5public.h, README.md,
# release_docs/RELEASE.txt, configure.ac, windows/src/H5pubconf.h
# config/lt_vers.am and config/cmake/scripts/HDF5config.cmake.
# The README.md, release_docs/RELEASE.txt, configure.ac,
# windows/src/H5pubconf.h, config/lt_vers.am and
# config/cmake/scripts/HDF5config.cmake
# files are always in the directory above H5public.h
unless ($file) {
for (@files) {
($file=$_,last) if -f $_;
die "unable to find source files\n" unless defined $file;
die "unable to read file: $file\n" unless -r $file;
# config/lt_vers.am
my $LT_VERS = $file;
$LT_VERS =~ s/[^\/]*$/..\/config\/lt_vers.am/;
die "unable to read file: $LT_VERS\n" unless -r $file;
# config/cmake/scripts/HDF5config.cmake
my $HDF5CONFIGCMAKE = $file;
$HDF5CONFIGCMAKE =~ s/[^\/]*$/..\/config\/cmake\/scripts\/HDF5config.cmake/;
die "unable to read file: $HDF5CONFIGCMAKE\n" unless -r $file;
my $README = $file;
$README =~ s/[^\/]*$/..\/README.md/;
die "unable to read file: $README\n" unless -r $file;
# release_docs/RELEASE.txt
my $RELEASE = $file;
$RELEASE =~ s/[^\/]*$/..\/release_docs\/RELEASE.txt/;
die "unable to read file: $RELEASE\n" unless -r $file;
# configure.ac
my $CONFIGURE = $file;
$CONFIGURE =~ s/[^\/]*$/..\/configure.ac/;
die "unable to read file: $CONFIGURE\n" unless -r $file;
# cpp_doc_config
my $CPP_DOC_CONFIG = $file;
$CPP_DOC_CONFIG =~ s/[^\/]*$/..\/c++\/src\/cpp_doc_config/;
die "unable to read file: $CPP_DOC_CONFIG\n" unless -r $file;
my $H5_JAVA = $file;
$H5_JAVA =~ s/[^\/]*$/..\/java\/src\/hdf\/hdf5lib\/H5.java/;
die "unable to read file: $H5_JAVA\n" unless -r $file;
my $TESTH5_JAVA = $file;
$TESTH5_JAVA =~ s/[^\/]*$/..\/java\/test\/TestH5.java/;
die "unable to read file: $TESTH5_JAVA\n" unless -r $file;
$REPACK_LAYOUT_PLUGIN_VERSION =~ s/[^\/]*$/..\/tools\/test\/h5repack\/testfiles\/h5repack_layout.h5-plugin_version_test.ddl/;
die "unable to read file: $REPACK_LAYOUT_PLUGIN_VERSION\n" unless -r $file;
# Get the current version number.
open FILE, $file or die "unable to open $file: $!\n";
my ($contents) = join "", <FILE>;
close FILE;
my (@curver) = getvers $contents;
# Determine the new version number.
my @newver; #new version
if ($set) {
if ($set =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(-([\da-zA-Z]\w*))?/) {
@newver = ($1, $2, $3, $5);
} elsif ($set =~ /(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)(\s*\(([a-zA-Z]\w*)\))?\D*$/) {
@newver = ($1, $2, $3, $5);
} elsif ($set =~ /(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D*$/) {
@newver = ($1, $2, 0, "");
} elsif ($set =~ /(\d+)\D*$/) {
@newver = ($1, 0, 0, "");
} else {
die "illegal version number specified: $set\n";
} elsif ($inc) {
$inc = $curver[3] eq "" ? 'release' : 'annot' if $inc eq 'last';
if ($inc eq "major") {
$newver[0] = $curver[0]+1;
@newver[1,2,3] = (0,0,"");
} elsif ($inc eq "minor") {
$newver[0] = $curver[0];
$newver[1] = $curver[1]+1;
@newver[2,3] = (0,"");
} elsif ($inc eq "release") {
@newver[0,1] = @curver[0,1];
$newver[2] = $curver[2]+1;
$newver[3] = "";
} elsif ($inc eq "annot") {
@newver[0,1,2] = @curver[0,1,2];
$newver[3] = $curver[3];
$newver[3] =~ s/(\d+)\D*$/$1+1/e or
die "Annotation \"".$newver[3]."\" cannot be incremented.\n";
} else {
die "unknown increment field: $inc\n";
} else {
# Nothing to do but print result
$README = "";
$RELEASE = "";
$LT_VERS = "";
@newver = @curver;
# Note if the version increased or decreased
my $version_increased="";
# Print a warning if the version got smaller (don't check annot field)
if ($newver[0]*1000000 + $newver[1]*1000 + $newver[2] <
$curver[0]*1000000 + $curver[1]*1000 + $curver[2]) {
printf STDERR "Warning: version decreased from %d.%d.%d to %d.%d.%d\n",
@curver[0,1,2], @newver[0,1,2];
if ($newver[0]*1000000 + $newver[1]*1000 + $newver[2] >
$curver[0]*1000000 + $curver[1]*1000 + $curver[2]) {
# Update the version number if it changed.
if ($newver[0]!=$curver[0] ||
$newver[1]!=$curver[1] ||
$newver[2]!=$curver[2] ||
$newver[3]ne$curver[3]) {
setvers $contents, @newver or die "unable to set version\n";
rename $file, "$file~" or die "unable to save backup file\n";
open FILE, ">$file" or die "unable to open $file but backup saved!\n";
print FILE $contents;
close FILE;
# Update the libtool shared library version in src/Makefile.am if
# the version number has increased.
if ($LT_VERS && $version_increased) {
open FILE, $LT_VERS or die "$LT_VERS: $!\n";
my ($contentsy) = join "", <FILE>;
close FILE;
local($_) = $contentsy;
# As of the HDF5 v1.8.16 release, h5vers should not increment
# the LT_VERS numbers, so the next 6 lines are commented out.
# A future version may copy the numbers to H5public.h, so this
# section is retained for future reference.
# my ($lt_revision) = /^LT_VERS_REVISION\s*=\s*(\d+)/m;
# my $new_lt_revision = $lt_revision+1;
# ($contentsy) =~ s/^(LT_VERS_REVISION\s*=\s*)\d+/$1$new_lt_revision/m;
# open FILE, ">$LT_VERS" or die "$LT_VERS: $!\n";
# print FILE $contentsy;
# close FILE;
# Update the README.md file
if ($README) {
open FILE, $README or die "$README: $!\n";
my @contents = <FILE>;
close FILE;
$contents[0] = sprintf("HDF5 version %d.%d.%d%s %s",
$newver[3] eq "" ? "" : "-".$newver[3],
"currently under development\n");
open FILE, ">$README" or die "$README: $!\n";
print FILE @contents;
close FILE;
# Update the release_docs/RELEASE.txt file
if ($RELEASE) {
open FILE, $RELEASE or die "$RELEASE: $!\n";
my @contents = <FILE>;
close FILE;
$contents[0] = sprintf("HDF5 version %d.%d.%d%s %s",
$newver[3] eq "" ? "" : "-".$newver[3],
"currently under development\n");
open FILE, ">$RELEASE" or die "$RELEASE: $!\n";
print FILE @contents;
close FILE;
# Update the c++/src/cpp_doc_config file
my $data = read_file($CPP_DOC_CONFIG);
my $sub_rel_ver_str = (
$newver[3] eq ""
? sprintf("%s", "")
: sprintf("%s", "-".$newver[3].", currently under development")
my $version_string = sprintf("\"%d.%d.%d%s%s\"",
$data =~ s/PROJECT_NUMBER\s*=.*/PROJECT_NUMBER = $version_string/;
write_file($CPP_DOC_CONFIG, $data);
# Update the config/cmake/scripts/HDF5config.cmake file
my $data = read_file($HDF5CONFIGCMAKE);
# my $sub_rel_ver_str = "";
my $sub_rel_ver_str = (
$newver[3] eq ""
? sprintf("\"%s\"", "")
: sprintf("\"%s\"", "-".$newver[3])
my $version_string = sprintf("\"%d.%d.%d\"", @newver[0,1,2]);
$data =~ s/set \(CTEST_SOURCE_VERSION .*\)/set \(CTEST_SOURCE_VERSION $version_string\)/;
$data =~ s/set \(CTEST_SOURCE_VERSEXT .*\)/set \(CTEST_SOURCE_VERSEXT $sub_rel_ver_str\)/;
write_file($HDF5CONFIGCMAKE, $data);
# Update the java/src/hdf/hdf5lib/H5.java file
if ($H5_JAVA) {
my $data = read_file($H5_JAVA);
# my $sub_rel_ver_str = "";
my $sub_rel_ver_str = (
$newver[3] eq ""
? sprintf("\"%s\"", "")
: sprintf("\"%s\"", "-".$newver[3].", currently under development")
my $version_string1 = sprintf("%d.%d.%d", @newver[0,1,2]);
my $version_string2 = sprintf("%d, %d, %d", @newver[0,1,2]);
$data =~ s/\@version HDF5 .* <BR>/\@version HDF5 $version_string1 <BR>/;
$data =~ s/ public final static int LIB_VERSION\[\] = \{\d*,.\d*,.\d*\};/ public final static int LIB_VERSION[] = \{$version_string2\};/;
write_file($H5_JAVA, $data);
# Update the java/test/TestH5.java file
if ($TESTH5_JAVA) {
my $data = read_file($TESTH5_JAVA);
# my $sub_rel_ver_str = "";
my $sub_rel_ver_str = (
$newver[3] eq ""
? sprintf("\"%s\"", "")
: sprintf("\"%s\"", "-".$newver[3].", currently under development")
my $version_string1 = sprintf("%d, %d, %d", @newver[0,1,2]);
my $version_string2 = sprintf("int majnum = %d, minnum = %d, relnum = %d", @newver[0,1,2]);
$data =~ s/ int libversion\[\] = \{.*\};/ int libversion\[\] = \{$version_string1\};/;
$data =~ s/ int majnum = \d*, minnum = \d*, relnum = \d*;/ $version_string2;/;
write_file($TESTH5_JAVA, $data);
# Update the tools/test/h5repack/testfiles/h5repack_layout.h5-plugin_version_test.ddl file
my $data = read_file($REPACK_LAYOUT_PLUGIN_VERSION);
my $version_string = sprintf("%d %d %d", @newver[0,1,2]);
$data =~ s/ PARAMS \{ 9 \d* \d* \d* \}/ PARAMS \{ 9 $version_string \}/g;
# helper function to read the file for updating c++/src/cpp_doc_config,
# config/cmake/scripts/HDF5Config.cmake, and java files.
# The version string in that file is not at the top, so the string replacement
# is not for the first line, and reading/writing the entire file as one string
# facilitates the substring replacement.
#Presumably these will also work for resetting the version in HDF5config.cmake.
sub read_file {
my ($filename) = @_;
open my $in, $filename or die "Could not open '$filename' for reading $!";
local $/ = undef;
my $all = <$in>;
close $in;
return $all;
# helper function to write the file for updating c++/src/cpp_doc_config,
# config/cmake/scripts/HDF5config.cmake and java files.
sub write_file {
my ($filename, $content) = @_;
open my $out, ">$filename" or die "Could not open '$filename' for writing $!";;
print $out $content;
close $out;
sub gen_configure {
my ($name, $conf) = @_;
open FILE, $conf or die "$conf: $!\n";
my @contents = <FILE>;
close FILE;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $#contents; ++$i) {
if ($contents[$i] =~ /^AC_INIT/) {
$contents[$i] = sprintf("AC_INIT([$name], [%d.%d.%d%s], [help\@hdfgroup.org])\n",
$newver[3] eq "" ? "" : "-".$newver[3]);
open FILE, ">$conf" or die "$conf: $!\n";
print FILE @contents;
close FILE;
$conf =~ /^(.*?)\/?configure.ac$/;
if ($1) {
$rc = system("cd $1 && ./autogen.sh >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && rm -rf autom4te.cache");
} else {
$rc = system("./autogen.sh >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && rm -rf autom4te.cache");
if ($rc) {
printf("./autogen.sh failed with exit code %d. Aborted.\n", $rc);
exit 1;
# Update the configure.ac files and regenerate them
gen_configure("HDF5", $CONFIGURE) if $CONFIGURE;
sub gen_h5pubconf {
my ($name, $pubconf, @vers) = @_;
my $namelc = lc($name);
my $nameuc = uc($name);
open FILE, $pubconf or die "$pubconf: $!\n";
my @contents = <FILE>;
close FILE;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $#contents; ++$i) {
if ($contents[$i] =~ /\#\s*define\s+H5_PACKAGE\s+/) {
$contents[$i] = "\#define H5_PACKAGE \"$namelc\"\n";
} elsif ($contents[$i] =~ /\#\s*define\s+H5_PACKAGE_NAME\s+/) {
$contents[$i] = "\#define H5_PACKAGE_NAME \"$nameuc\"\n";
} elsif ($contents[$i] =~ /\#\s*define\s+H5_PACKAGE_STRING\s+/) {
$contents[$i] = sprintf("\#define H5_PACKAGE_STRING \"$nameuc %d.%d.%d%s\"\n",
$newver[3] eq "" ? "" : "-".$newver[3]);
} elsif ($contents[$i] =~ /\#\s*define\s+H5_PACKAGE_TARNAME\s+/) {
$contents[$i] = "\#define H5_PACKAGE_TARNAME \"$namelc\"\n";
} elsif ($contents[$i] =~ /\#\s*define\s+H5_PACKAGE_VERSION\s+/) {
$contents[$i] = sprintf("\#define H5_PACKAGE_VERSION \"%d.%d.%d%s\"\n",
$newver[3] eq "" ? "" : "-".$newver[3]);
} elsif ($contents[$i] =~ /\#\s*define\s+H5_VERSION\s+/) {
$contents[$i] = sprintf("\#define H5_VERSION \"%d.%d.%d%s\"\n",
$newver[3] eq "" ? "" : "-".$newver[3]);
open FILE, ">$pubconf" or die "$pubconf: $!\n";
print FILE @contents;
close FILE;
# Print the new version number
if ($verbose) {
printf("version %d.%d release %d%s\n", @newver[0,1,2],
$newver[3] eq "" ? "" : " (".$newver[3].")");
} else {
printf("%d.%d.%d%s\n", @newver[0,1,2],
$newver[3] eq "" ? "" : "-".$newver[3]);
exit 0;
# Because the first line of this file looks like a Bourne shell script, we
# must tell XEmacs explicitly that this is really a perl script.
# Local Variables:
# mode:perl
# End: