mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 16:20:57 +08:00
* Remove macros from api tests (#2929) * Remove macros and undefined callbacks (#2959) * Remove remaining macros from H5_api_tests_disabled.h (#2968) * Put some vol capability checks in testpar tests and remove remaining warnings (#2995) * API tests datatype generation cleanup * Clean up API tests' random datatype generation and fix bug with enum datatype generation * Init parallel API tests with MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE * HDF5 API tests - Check VOL connector registration * Determine whether a VOL connector failed to load before running API tests * Cleanup some usages of H5VL_CAP_FLAG_CREATION_ORDER in API tests * Remove some now-unused macros from H5_api_tests_disabled.h * Enable HDF5 API tests by default * Implement CMake option to install HDF5 API tests * Check for invalid AAPL from H5Acreate * Enable building of VOL connectors alongside HDF5 in CMake * Prepend CMake VOL URL option indices with 0s so they come in order * Don't turn on API tests by default yet * Document VOL connector FetchContent functionality * Add release note for API test updates * Only install testing library if API tests are installed * Fix grammar
181 lines
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181 lines
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# Copyright by The HDF Group.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code
# distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses.
# If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from
# help@hdfgroup.org.
include (FetchContent)
# Function to retrieve all of the CMake targets generated
# in a directory and all its subdirectories
function (get_generated_cmake_targets out_var dir)
get_directory_property (dir_targets DIRECTORY "${dir}" BUILDSYSTEM_TARGETS)
get_directory_property (dir_subdirs DIRECTORY "${dir}" SUBDIRECTORIES)
foreach (subdir ${dir_subdirs})
get_generated_cmake_targets(subdir_targets "${subdir}")
list (APPEND dir_targets "${subdir_targets}")
set (${out_var} "${dir_targets}" PARENT_SCOPE)
endfunction ()
# For now, only support building of external VOL connectors with FetchContent
option (HDF5_VOL_ALLOW_EXTERNAL "Allow building of external HDF5 VOL connectors with FetchContent" OFF)
mark_as_advanced (HDF5_VOL_ALLOW_EXTERNAL)
message (FATAL_ERROR "HDF5_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_SUPPORT must be set to 'GIT' to allow building of external HDF5 VOL connectors")
endif ()
# For compatibility, set some variables that projects would
# typically look for after calling find_package(HDF5)
set (HDF5_FOUND 1)
foreach (vol_idx RANGE 1 ${HDF5_MAX_EXTERNAL_VOLS})
# Generate fixed-width index number prepended with 0s
# so URLs come in order from 1 - HDF5_MAX_EXTERNAL_VOLS
set (vol_idx_num_digits 2) # Based on HDF5_MAX_EXTERNAL_VOLS
set (vol_idx_fixed "${vol_idx}")
string (LENGTH "${vol_idx_fixed}" vol_idx_len)
while (vol_idx_len LESS vol_idx_num_digits)
string (PREPEND vol_idx_fixed "0")
math (EXPR vol_idx_len "${vol_idx_len}+1")
endwhile ()
set (HDF5_VOL_URL${vol_idx_fixed} "" CACHE STRING "Git repository URL of an external HDF5 VOL connector to build")
mark_as_advanced (HDF5_VOL_URL${vol_idx_fixed})
if (NOT "${HDF5_VOL_URL${vol_idx_fixed}}" STREQUAL "")
# Extract the name of the VOL connector
string (FIND "${HDF5_VOL_URL${vol_idx_fixed}}" "/" hdf5_vol_name_pos REVERSE)
if (hdf5_vol_name_pos EQUAL -1)
message (SEND_ERROR "Invalid URL '${HDF5_VOL_URL${vol_idx_fixed}}' specified for HDF5_VOL_URL${vol_idx_fixed}")
endif ()
math (EXPR hdf5_vol_name_pos "${hdf5_vol_name_pos}+1")
string (SUBSTRING "${HDF5_VOL_URL${vol_idx_fixed}}" ${hdf5_vol_name_pos} -1 hdf5_vol_name)
string (REPLACE ".git" "" hdf5_vol_name "${hdf5_vol_name}")
string (STRIP "${hdf5_vol_name}" hdf5_vol_name)
string (TOUPPER "${hdf5_vol_name}" hdf5_vol_name_upper)
string (TOLOWER "${hdf5_vol_name}" hdf5_vol_name_lower)
message (VERBOSE "Building VOL connector '${hdf5_vol_name}' with FetchContent")
# Set some cache variables that can be set by users when building
set ("HDF5_VOL_${hdf5_vol_name_upper}_NAME" "" CACHE STRING "Name of VOL connector to set for the HDF5_VOL_CONNECTOR environment variable")
set ("HDF5_VOL_${hdf5_vol_name_upper}_BRANCH" "main" CACHE STRING "Git branch (or tag) to use when building VOL connector '${hdf5_vol_name}'")
option ("HDF5_VOL_${hdf5_vol_name_upper}_TEST_PARALLEL" "Whether to test VOL connector '${hdf5_vol_name}' against the parallel API tests" OFF)
mark_as_advanced ("HDF5_VOL_${hdf5_vol_name_upper}_NAME")
mark_as_advanced ("HDF5_VOL_${hdf5_vol_name_upper}_BRANCH")
mark_as_advanced ("HDF5_VOL_${hdf5_vol_name_upper}_TEST_PARALLEL")
if ("${HDF5_VOL_${hdf5_vol_name_upper}_NAME}" STREQUAL "")
message (SEND_ERROR "HDF5_VOL_${hdf5_vol_name_upper}_NAME must be set to a valid connector name to use VOL connector '${hdf5_vol_name}' for testing")
endif ()
endif ()
if ("${HDF5_VOL_${hdf5_vol_name_upper}_BRANCH}" STREQUAL "")
message (SEND_ERROR "HDF5_VOL_${hdf5_vol_name_upper}_BRANCH must be set to a valid git branch name (or git tag) to build VOL connector '${hdf5_vol_name}'")
endif ()
FetchContent_Declare (HDF5_VOL_${hdf5_vol_name_lower}
GIT_REPOSITORY "${HDF5_VOL_URL${vol_idx_fixed}}"
GIT_TAG "${HDF5_VOL_${hdf5_vol_name_upper}_BRANCH}"
if (NOT hdf5_vol_${hdf5_vol_name_lower}_POPULATED)
if (NOT EXISTS "${hdf5_vol_${hdf5_vol_name_lower}_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt")
message (SEND_ERROR "The git repository branch '${HDF5_VOL_${hdf5_vol_name_upper}_BRANCH}' for VOL connector '${hdf5_vol_name}' does not appear to contain a CMakeLists.txt file")
endif ()
# If there are any calls to find_package(HDF5) in the connector's
# CMakeLists.txt files, remove those since any found HDF5 targets
# will conflict with targets being generated by this build of HDF5
if (EXISTS "${hdf5_vol_${hdf5_vol_name_lower}_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt")
file (READ "${hdf5_vol_${hdf5_vol_name_lower}_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt" vol_cmake_contents)
string (REGEX REPLACE "[ \t]*find_package[ \t]*\\([ \t]*HDF5[^\r\n\\)]*\\)[ \t]*[\r\n]+" "" vol_cmake_contents "${vol_cmake_contents}")
file (WRITE "${hdf5_vol_${hdf5_vol_name_lower}_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt" "${vol_cmake_contents}")
endif ()
if (EXISTS "${hdf5_vol_${hdf5_vol_name_lower}_SOURCE_DIR}/src/CMakeLists.txt")
file (READ "${hdf5_vol_${hdf5_vol_name_lower}_SOURCE_DIR}/src/CMakeLists.txt" vol_cmake_contents)
string (REGEX REPLACE "[ \t]*find_package[ \t]*\\([ \t]*HDF5[^\r\n\\)]*\\)[ \t]*[\r\n]+" "" vol_cmake_contents "${vol_cmake_contents}")
file (WRITE "${hdf5_vol_${hdf5_vol_name_lower}_SOURCE_DIR}/src/CMakeLists.txt" "${vol_cmake_contents}")
endif ()
add_subdirectory (${hdf5_vol_${hdf5_vol_name_lower}_SOURCE_DIR} ${hdf5_vol_${hdf5_vol_name_lower}_BINARY_DIR})
# Get list of targets generated by build of connector
get_generated_cmake_targets (connector_targets ${hdf5_vol_${hdf5_vol_name_lower}_SOURCE_DIR})
# Create a custom target for the connector to encompass all its
# targets and other custom properties set by us for later use
add_custom_target ("HDF5_VOL_${hdf5_vol_name_lower}")
# Define and set a custom property on the VOL connector target to
# capture all of the connector's generated targets
define_property (
set_target_properties (
HDF5_VOL_TARGETS "${connector_targets}"
# Define and set a custom property on the VOL connector target to
# capture the connector's name to set for the HDF5_VOL_CONNECTOR
# environment variable for testing
define_property (
BRIEF_DOCS "VOL connector name to use for the HDF5_VOL_CONNECTOR environment variable when testing"
set_target_properties (
HDF5_VOL_NAME "${HDF5_VOL_${hdf5_vol_name_upper}_NAME}"
# Define and set a custom property on the VOL connector target to
# capture whether the connector should be tested with the parallel
# API tests
define_property (
BRIEF_DOCS "Whether the VOL connector should be tested with the parallel API tests"
set_target_properties (
# Add this connector's target to the list of external connector targets
list (APPEND HDF5_EXTERNAL_VOL_TARGETS "HDF5_VOL_${hdf5_vol_name_lower}")
endif ()
endif ()
endforeach ()
endif ()