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/* This file is part of the Pablo Performance Analysis Environment
// (R)
// The Pablo Performance Analysis Environment software is NOT in
// the public domain. However, it is freely available without fee for
// education, research, and non-profit purposes. By obtaining copies
// of this and other files that comprise the Pablo Performance Analysis
// Environment, you, the Licensee, agree to abide by the following
// conditions and understandings with respect to the copyrighted software:
// 1. The software is copyrighted in the name of the Board of Trustees
// of the University of Illinois (UI), and ownership of the software
// remains with the UI.
// 2. Permission to use, copy, and modify this software and its documentation
// for education, research, and non-profit purposes is hereby granted
// to Licensee, provided that the copyright notice, the original author's
// names and unit identification, and this permission notice appear on
// all such copies, and that no charge be made for such copies. Any
// entity desiring permission to incorporate this software into commercial
// products should contact:
// Professor Daniel A. Reed reed@cs.uiuc.edu
// University of Illinois
// Department of Computer Science
// 2413 Digital Computer Laboratory
// 1304 West Springfield Avenue
// Urbana, Illinois 61801
// USA
// 3. Licensee may not use the name, logo, or any other symbol of the UI
// nor the names of any of its employees nor any adaptation thereof in
// advertizing or publicity pertaining to the software without specific
// prior written approval of the UI.
// 5. The UI shall not be liable for any damages suffered by Licensee from
// the use of this software.
// 6. The software was developed under agreements between the UI and the
// Federal Government which entitle the Government to certain rights.
// *************************************************************************
// Developed by: The Pablo Research Group
// University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
// Department of Computer Science
// 1304 W. Springfield Avenue
// Urbana, IL 61801
// http://www-pablo.cs.uiuc.edu
// Send comments to: pablo-feedback@guitar.cs.uiuc.edu
// Copyright (c) 1987-1998
// The University of Illinois Board of Trustees.
// All Rights Reserved.
// PABLO is a registered trademark of
// The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
// registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
// Project Manager and Principal Investigator:
// Daniel A. Reed (reed@cs.uiuc.edu)
// Funded in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
// under DARPA contracts DABT63-94-C0049 (SIO Initiative),
// F30602-96-C-0161, and DABT63-96-C-0027 by the National Science
// Foundation under the PACI program and grants NSF CDA 94-01124 and
// ASC 97-20202, and by the Department of Energy under contracts
// DOE B-341494, W-7405-ENG-48, and 1-B-333164.
// File: PabloHDF_RT *
// Purpose: support use of Pablo trace library to analyze HDF *
// performance *
// Contents: *
// HDFinitTrace_RT : initialize real-time tracing *
// HDFendTrace_RT : complete trace *
// initHDFProcTrace_RT : sets up data structures at init time. *
// initproctracert_() : fortran interface *
// HDFtraceEvent_RT : called to record event information *
// HDFrecordSum : adds fields of one record to those of *
// another *
// HDFnodeInit : initializes linked list node *
// HDFrecordFileName : records named HDF identifiers *
// BeginIOEventRecord : initialize before I/O call *
// EndIOEventRecord : finalize after I/O call *
// BeginMPIOEventRecord : initialize before MPI-I/O call *
// EndMPIOEventRecord : finalize after MPI-I/O call *
// BeginHDFEventRecord : initialize before HDF call *
// EndHDFEventRecord : finalizie after HDF call *
// HDFrecordFileName : record named identifier information *
// HDFassignPabloIDs : assigns a number to named identifiers *
// writeHDFNamePacketsRT : write SDDF packets for identifier names *
// HDFupdateProcLists : adds records in queue to entries in *
// tables *
// HDFupdateProcs : called by HDFupdateProcLists to do *
// addition *
// HDFSummarySDDF : write SDDF event summary packets *
// HDFnodeInit : initialize event node *
// HDFrecordSum : add one event record to another *
// getHDFFieldIndex : get Field Index for counts and times *
// getHDFByteFieldIndex : get field index for bytes *
// writeHDFRecDescrptrsRT : write HDF Record Descriptor packets *
// printFileMappingsRT : print map of named identifiers *
// _hdfNameDescriptor() : writes SDDF descriptor packet for names *
#include "H5config.h"
#include "SystemDepend.h"
#include "Trace.h"
#include "TraceParam.h"
#include "ProcIDs.h"
#include "HDF5Trace.h"
#include "SDDFparam.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
// on ipsc/860 don't include this or you'll get multiply defined SEEK_ *
#ifndef __NX
#include <unistd.h>
#ifndef SUCCESS
#define SUCCESS 0
#define FAILURE 1
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define NEG_THREAD_ID -999
#include "HDF5record_RT.h"
#include "mpio.h"
#include "MPIO_Init.h"
#include "MPIO_EventArgs.h"
#include "MPIO_TraceParams.h"
#ifndef TRgetThreadID
#define TRgetThreadID TRgetNode
#ifndef TRnumNodes
#define TRnumNodes 1
#define AllThreads -1
#define set_c_mappedID( fd ) (fd)
#define c_mappedID( fd ) (fd)
// User output file pointer. *
FILE *outP;
// Data Structures: *
// *
// HDFQueues: an array of linked list. Each list corresponds to an *
// HDF event and contains an entry for each different *
// thread and data set referenced by a call to that event *
// *
// CallStack: a stack of HDFnode_t objects. At any given time, the *
// stack represents the calling stack of the HDF routines *
// *
// HDFfileList: a linked list of named identifiers and identifier *
// numbers. This is processed later to assign a single *
// numbers to identifiers with the same name. *
HDFnode_t **HDFQueues;
HDFnode_t *CallStack;
HDFnode_t *TagQueue;
fileRec_t *HDFfileList;
// Internal Function prototypes *
void HDFinitTrace_RT( char *, unsigned );
void HDFendTrace_RT( void );
int initproctracert_( void );
int initHDFProcTrace_RT( void );
void HDFtraceEvent_RT( int , char *, unsigned ) ;
void BeginIOEventRecord ( int, CLOCK , void * );
void EndIOEventRecord ( int , CLOCK , void * );
void BeginMPIOEventRecord ( int, CLOCK , void *, int );
void EndMPIOEventRecord ( int , CLOCK , void *, int);
void BeginHDFEventRecord( int , CLOCK );
void EndHDFEventRecord ( int , CLOCK ,void *);
void HDFrecordFileName( HDFsetInfo * );
void HDFassignPabloIDs( int *, char *** );
void writeHDFNamePacketsRT( char **, int );
void HDFupdateProcLists( void );
void HDFupdateProcs( HDFnode_t * );
void HDFSummarySDDF( HDFnode_t *, int );
void HDFnodeInit ( HDFnode_t * ) ;
void HDFrecordSum ( HDFrec_t *, HDFrec_t * );
int getHDFFieldIndex( int );
int getHDFByteFieldIndex( int );
void writeHDFRecDescrptrsRT( void );
void printFileMappingsRT( char *, char **, int );
void _hdfNameDescriptor( void );
void _hdfDescriptorRT( char *, char *, int );
void HDFfinalTimeStamp( void );
// Global variables *
HDFnode_t InitNode; /* Node used in initialization */
HDFrec_t Tally; /* Node used to get total */
char *FileName; /* Name of Trace file */
HDFsetInfo openInfo; /* Info about file opened */
char openName[256]; /* Name of opened file */
extern char *hdfRecordPointer;
// NAME *
// HDFinitTrace_RT-- initialize HDF real-time tracing *
// USAGE *
// VOID HDFinitTrace_RT( fileName, procTraceMask) *
// *
// char *fileName; IN: name of output file *
// unsigned procTraceMask; IN: families of procedures to trace *
// None. *
void HDFinitTrace_RT( char *fileName, unsigned procTraceMask )
int myNode;
int error;
TR_LOCK criticalSection;
TRgetClock( &epoch );
criticalSection = TRlock();
error = initHDFProcTrace_RT() ;
procTrace = procTraceMask;
TRunlock( criticalSection );
if ( error != SUCCESS ) {
fprintf (stderr,"Unable to Initialize properly. Exiting program\n");
FileName = ( char * ) malloc ( strlen( fileName ) + 10 );
MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myNode );
setTraceProcessorNumber( myNode );
// In the parallel case, initialize MPI-IO tracing. This will *
// set the trace file name. *
// In the non-parallel case, set the trace file name and *
// initialize the trace library. *
strcpy( FileName, fileName ) ;
#endif /* HAVE_PARALLEL */
basicLibraryInit( );
// NAME *
// HDFendTrace-- end HDF tracing *
// USAGE *
// VOID HDFendTrace_RT(void) *
// None. *
void HDFendTrace_RT( void )
int j, numSetIDs;
HDFnode_t *P;
char **Names;
char* mapFile;
// Assing pablo ids to named identifiers and tag records *
HDFassignPabloIDs( &numSetIDs, &Names );
// Create a file name for the File map file. *
mapFile = (char *)malloc( strlen(FileName) + 4 );
// print the file mappings. *
printFileMappingsRT( mapFile, Names, numSetIDs );
// Print SDDF summary records *
writeHDFNamePacketsRT( Names, numSetIDs );
for ( j = 0; j < NumHDFProcs; ++j ) {
HDFSummarySDDF( HDFQueues[j], j );
// Clean up storage *
free( (void *)mapFile );
for ( j = 0; j < numSetIDs; ++j ) {
if ( Names[j] != NULL ) {
free((void *)Names[j]);
free( (void *)Names );
P = CallStack;
if ( P->ptr != NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr,"CallStack not empty at termination\n");
} else {
free((void *)P);
free((void *)HDFQueues) ;
// initHFDProcTrace_RT *
// This function initializes data structures specific to *
// the HDF real-time procedure entry/exit tracing extensions of *
// the Pablo instrumentation library. *
int initproctracert_( void )
return initHDFProcTrace_RT();
int initHDFProcTrace_RT( void )
int i, j, size;
int numProcs = NumHDFProcs;
if ( traceProcessorNumber == -1 ) {
traceProcessorNumber = TRgetDefaultProcessor();
// Initialize InitNode used for node initialization. *
InitNode.ptr = NULL;
InitNode.eventID = 0;
InitNode.lastIOtime = zeroClock;
InitNode.record.nCalls = 0;
InitNode.record.lastCall = zeroClock;
InitNode.record.incDur = zeroClock;
InitNode.record.excDur = zeroClock;
InitNode.record.hdfID = 0;
InitNode.record.xRef = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < nTallyFields; ++j ) {
InitNode.record.times[j] = zeroClock;
for ( j = 0; j < nTallyFields; ++j ) {
InitNode.record.counts[j] = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < nByteFields; ++j ) {
InitNode.record.bytes[j] = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < nByteFields; ++i ) {
for ( j = 0; j < nBkts; ++j ) {
InitNode.record.Hists[i][j] = 0;
// initialize linked list used to keep track of named hdf *
// identifiers. *
HDFfileList = NULL;
// Allocate a one dimensional array of pointers to queues of *
// HDFnodes. There is one queue for each thread and one for *
// each HDF procedure. Each queue will be a list of summary *
// records distinquished by file type and *
size = (int)(numProcs*sizeof( HDFnode_t * ));
HDFQueues = (HDFnode_t **)malloc( size );
if ( HDFQueues == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate HDFQueues in initHDFProcTrace\n");
return FAILURE;
for ( j = 0; j < numProcs; ++j ) {
HDFQueues[j] = NULL;
// Initialize call stack to a dummy node and TagQueue to NULL *
CallStack = (HDFnode_t *)malloc( sizeof(HDFnode_t) );
*CallStack = InitNode;
TagQueue = NULL ;
return SUCCESS;
// This is called from the HDF and I/O routines when real-time summary *
// tracing is used. It sets up a call stack for the specific thread in *
// use if no stack is yet set up. It then calls calls a routine to *
// handle the event based on whether it is an I/O or HDF call. *
void HDFtraceEvent_RT( int eventType, char *dataPtr, unsigned dataLen )
TR_LOCK criticalSection;
CLOCK seconds;
criticalSection = TRlock();
seconds = getClock();
if ( isBeginIOEvent ( eventType ) || eventType == ID_malloc ) {
BeginIOEventRecord ( eventType, seconds, dataPtr ) ;
} else if ( isEndIOEvent( eventType ) || eventType == -ID_malloc) {
EndIOEventRecord ( eventType, seconds, dataPtr );
} else if ( isBeginHDFEvent( eventType ) ) {
BeginHDFEventRecord ( eventType , seconds ) ;
} else if ( isEndHDFEvent( eventType ) ) {
EndHDFEventRecord ( eventType, seconds, dataPtr );
} else if ( isBeginMPIOEvent( eventType ) ) {
BeginMPIOEventRecord ( eventType, seconds, dataPtr, dataLen ) ;
} else if ( isEndMPIOEvent( eventType ) ) {
EndMPIOEventRecord ( eventType, seconds, dataPtr, dataLen );
#endif /* HAVE_PARALLEL */
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"eventType %d, dataLen = %u\n",eventType,dataLen);
TRunlock( criticalSection );
// BeginIOEventRecord: *
// This routine simply records the time in the record on the top of *
// the stack. *
void BeginIOEventRecord ( int eventType, CLOCK seconds, void *dataPtr )
char *name;
// save the time value temporarily in top of stack *
// When the end record is received, the duration can be *
// computed. *
CallStack->lastIOtime = seconds;
// get the ID or name of the file accessed from the structure *
// passed as dataPtr. *
switch ( eventType )
case fopenBeginID:
case openBeginID:
name = (char *)(dataPtr) + 2*sizeof(int);
strcpy( openName, name );
case fcloseBeginID:
case closeBeginID:
CallStack->record.hdfID = *( long *)dataPtr;
case readBeginID:
case freadBeginID:
case writeBeginID:
case fwriteBeginID:
case lseekBeginID:
case fseekBeginID:
case fsetposBeginID:
case rewindBeginID:
CallStack->record.hdfID = *(int *)dataPtr;
// EndIOEventRecord: *
// This routine retrieves the entry time saved on the top of the stack *
// and computes the duration of the I/O event. This is added to the *
// record field corresponding to this type of I/O. The Bytes field in *
// the record is updated if this is a read or write operation. *
void EndIOEventRecord ( int eventType, CLOCK secs, void *dataPtr )
CLOCK incDur;
int i, Field, ByteField, bytes;
incDur = clockSubtract(secs,CallStack->lastIOtime) ;
Field = getHDFFieldIndex( eventType ) ;
= clockAdd ( CallStack->record.times[Field] , incDur ) ;
ByteField = getHDFByteFieldIndex( Field ) ;
switch ( eventType )
case readEndID:
case freadEndID:
case writeEndID:
case fwriteEndID:
case -ID_malloc:
bytes = *((int *)dataPtr);
CallStack->record.bytes[ByteField] += bytes;
// update histogram *
i = -1;
while ( bytes >= BktLim[i+1] ) ++i ;
if ( i >= 0 ) ++CallStack->record.Hists[ByteField][i];
case fopenEndID:
case openEndID:
openInfo.setName = openName;
openInfo.setID = (int)(*((long *)dataPtr));
CallStack->record.hdfID = openInfo.setID;
HDFrecordFileName ( &openInfo );
// BeginMPIOEventRecord: *
// This routine simply records the time in the record on the top of *
// the stack. *
void BeginMPIOEventRecord( int eventType,
CLOCK seconds,
void *dataPtr,
int dataLen )
// save the time value temporarily in top of stack *
// When the end record is received, the duration can be *
// computed. *
CallStack->lastIOtime = seconds;
// get useful info from the structure pointed to by dataPtr. *
// in most cases, this is the file ID. For mpiOpen, it is the *
// name of the file. For mpiDelete, no information is of any *
// use. *
if ( dataLen == 0 ) return;
switch ( eventType )
case mpiGetSizeBeginID:
= ((struct mpiGetSizeBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiGetGroupBeginID:
= ((struct mpiGetGroupBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiGetAmodeBeginID:
= ((struct mpiGetAmodeBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiGetViewBeginID:
= ((struct mpiGetViewBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiGetPositionBeginID:
= ((struct mpiGetPositionBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiGetByteOffsetBeginID:
= ((struct mpiGetByteOffsetBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiGetTypeExtentBeginID:
= ((struct mpiGetTypeExtentBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiGetAtomicityBeginID:
= ((struct mpiGetAtomicityBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiOpenBeginID:
strcpy( openName,
((struct mpiOpenBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileName);
case mpiCloseBeginID:
= ((struct mpiCloseBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiDeleteBeginID:
case mpiSetSizeBeginID:
= ((struct mpiSetSizeBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiPreallocateBeginID:
= ((struct mpiPreallocateBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiSetViewBeginID:
= ((struct mpiSetViewBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiReadAtBeginID:
= ((struct mpiReadAtBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiReadAtAllBeginID:
= ((struct mpiReadAtAllBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiWriteAtBeginID:
= ((struct mpiWriteAtBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiWriteAtAllBeginID:
= ((struct mpiWriteAtAllBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiIreadAtBeginID:
= ((struct mpiIreadAtBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiIwriteAtBeginID:
= ((struct mpiIwriteAtBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiReadBeginID:
= ((struct mpiReadBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiReadAllBeginID:
= ((struct mpiReadAllBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiWriteBeginID:
= ((struct mpiWriteBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiWriteAllBeginID:
= ((struct mpiWriteAllBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiIreadBeginID:
= ((struct mpiIreadBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiIwriteBeginID:
= ((struct mpiIwriteBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiSeekBeginID:
= ((struct mpiSeekBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiSetAtomicityBeginID:
= ((struct mpiSetAtomicityBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
case mpiSyncBeginID:
= ((struct mpiSyncBeginArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
// EndMPIOEventRecord: *
// This routine retrieves the entry time saved on the top of the stack *
// and computes the duration of the MPI-I/O event. This is added to *
// the record field corresponding MPI-I/O. *
void EndMPIOEventRecord ( int eventType,
CLOCK secs,
void *dataPtr,
int dataLen )
CLOCK incDur;
incDur = clockSubtract(secs,CallStack->lastIOtime) ;
= clockAdd ( CallStack->record.times[MPI], incDur );
if ( eventType == mpiOpenEndID && dataLen != 0 ) {
// complete the file information for the case of a file *
// open and record the information. *
openInfo.setName = openName;
openInfo.setID = ((struct mpiOpenEndArgs *)dataPtr)->fileID;
CallStack->record.hdfID = openInfo.setID;
HDFrecordFileName ( &openInfo );
#endif /* HAVE_PARALLEL */
// BeginHDFEventRecord: *
// This function puts a trace record on the stack corresponding to *
// this thread. If no stack exists, one is created. If no record *
// exist, a record is created. *
void BeginHDFEventRecord( int eventID, CLOCK secs )
HDFnode_t *HDFrec;
// Create a record. Push it onto the call stack. *
HDFrec = (HDFnode_t *)malloc( sizeof(HDFnode_t) );
HDFnodeInit( HDFrec ) ;
HDFrec->eventID = eventID;
HDFrec->ptr = CallStack;
CallStack = HDFrec ;
// save time stamp in record. *
HDFrec->record.lastCall = secs;
// EndHDFEventRecord: *
// This routine pops the HDF record from the top of the stack *
// corresponding to this thread and computes the inclusive duration *
// and adds it to the inclusive duration field of this record and to *
// the HDF time field of the calling routines record. *
void EndHDFEventRecord ( int eventID, CLOCK secs, void *dataPtr )
HDFsetInfo *info;
HDFnode_t *HDFrec;
CLOCK incSecs;
static int dummyIDs = -4;
// pop record from top of the stack, compute inclusive duration *
// and set the corresponding record field and increment nCalls. *
HDFrec = CallStack;
CallStack = CallStack->ptr;
if ( CallStack == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr,">>> EndHDFEventRecord: Call Stack is empty. <<<\n");
incSecs = clockSubtract(secs,HDFrec->record.lastCall) ;
HDFrec->record.incDur = incSecs;
// add old record to chain to have its xRef field tagged. *
HDFrec->ptr = TagQueue;
TagQueue = HDFrec;
// Add set ID information. *
if ( dataPtr != NULL ) {
info = (HDFsetInfo *)dataPtr;
if ( info->setName != NULL ) {
if ( info->setID == 0 ) {
info->setID = dummyIDs--;
HDFrecordFileName ( info );
HDFrec->record.hdfID = info->setID;
// Update the HDF totals for the calling program. *
CallStack->record.times[ HDF_ ]
= clockAdd( CallStack->record.times[ HDF_ ] , incSecs ) ;
++CallStack->record.counts[ HDF_ ] ;
// If the stack has only one record it represents the main *
// program. Tag all of the records on the TagQueue and tally *
// them up. *
if ( CallStack->ptr == NULL ) {
HDFupdateProcLists( );
// This routine keeps track of the identifier names and tags. Some *
// names may be associated with more than one tag. This will be *
// rectified when final tallies are done. *
void HDFrecordFileName( HDFsetInfo *info )
fileRec_t *P;
char *t;
int match;
long id;
P = HDFfileList;
match = FALSE;
id = info->setID;
while ( P != NULL && match == FALSE ) {
if ( strcmp( P->fileName, info->setName ) != 0 && P->hdfID == id ) {
match = TRUE;
} else {
P = P->ptr;
if ( match == FALSE ) {
P = ( fileRec_t *) malloc( sizeof( fileRec_t ) );
P->ptr = HDFfileList;
HDFfileList = P;
t = (char *)malloc( strlen( info->setName ) + 1 );
strcpy ( t, info->setName ) ;
P->fileName = t;
P->hdfID = info->setID;
P->PabloID = 0;
// This routine assigns a unique Pablo ID to each unique name *
// regardless of the HDF tag. *
// It then goes through the HDFRecordQueue and marks each record with *
// the PabloID corresponding to the hdfID and xRef fields or 0. *
void HDFassignPabloIDs( int *nSetIDs, char ***Names )
fileRec_t *F, *G;
HDFnode_t *P;
int j;
long PabloID = 1;
long hdfID, xRef;
char *fName, **T;
F = HDFfileList;
// Assign the same ID to identical names. *
while ( F != NULL ) {
if ( F->PabloID == 0 ) {
F->PabloID = PabloID++;
fName = F->fileName;
G = F->ptr;
while ( G != NULL ) {
if ( strcmp( G->fileName , fName ) == 0 ) {
G->PabloID = F->PabloID;
G = G->ptr;
F = F->ptr;
*nSetIDs = (int)(PabloID - 1);
if ( *nSetIDs <= 0 ) return;
// Repace hdfID and xRef fields with corresponding Pablo ID *
for ( j = 0; j < NumHDFProcs; ++j ) {
P = HDFQueues[j] ;
while ( P != NULL ) {
hdfID = P->record.hdfID;
if ( hdfID != 0 ) {
PabloID = 0;
F = HDFfileList;
while ( F != NULL && PabloID == 0 ) {
if ( hdfID == F->hdfID ) {
PabloID = F->PabloID;
F = F->ptr;
P->record.hdfID = PabloID;
xRef = P->record.xRef;
if ( xRef != 0 ) {
PabloID = 0;
F = HDFfileList;
while ( F != NULL && PabloID == 0 ) {
if ( xRef == F->hdfID ) {
PabloID = F->PabloID;
F = F->ptr;
P->record.xRef = PabloID;
P = P->ptr;
} /* end while ( P != NULL ) */
} /* end for */
// get a list of all the unique names and order them according *
// to their Pablo IDs. *
T = ( char ** )malloc( (*nSetIDs+1) * sizeof( char * ) );
for ( j = 0; j <= *nSetIDs; ++j ) {
T[j] = NULL;
F = HDFfileList;
while ( F != NULL ) {
PabloID = F->PabloID ;
if ( T[PabloID] == NULL ) {
T[PabloID] = ( char * )malloc( strlen( F->fileName ) + 1 );
strcpy( T[PabloID], F->fileName ) ;
free((void *)(F->fileName));
G = F;
F = F->ptr;
free ( (void *)G );
*Names = T;
// This routine writes SDDF packets to SDDF file containing information *
// about the named identifiers found in the program. *
void writeHDFNamePacketsRT( char **Names, int numSetIDs )
int j;
HDFNamePacket_t NamePkt;
char *BUFF, *fName;
int buffSize;
// Allocate a buffer to hold the packet. Allow 80 chars for *
// identifier name. *
buffSize = sizeof(HDFNamePacket_t) + 80;
BUFF = (char *)malloc(buffSize);
// Fill in constant information *
NamePkt.packetType = PKT_DATA;
NamePkt.packetTag = FAMILY_NAME;
// Fill in named identifier information and write to SDDF file *
for ( j = 1; j <= numSetIDs; ++j ) {
fName = Names[j];
NamePkt.packetLength = (int)(sizeof(NamePkt) + strlen(fName));
NamePkt.fileType = 0; /* not currently used */
NamePkt.fileID = j;
NamePkt.nameLen = (int)strlen(fName) ;
if ( buffSize < NamePkt.packetLength ) {
free((void *)BUFF) ;
buffSize = NamePkt.packetLength + 80;
BUFF = (char *)malloc( buffSize ) ;
// Copy packet data and tack on identifier name *
memcpy( BUFF, &NamePkt, sizeof(NamePkt) );
memcpy( BUFF + sizeof(NamePkt) , fName, strlen(fName) );
putBytes( BUFF , NamePkt.packetLength ) ;
free((void *)BUFF);
// Tag xRef field of all records in this queue with the hdfID of the *
// highest level caller. Also *
// This routine takes the records after they have been tagged and adds *
// their fields to the apporopriate position in the HDFQueues structure *
void HDFupdateProcLists( void )
HDFnode_t *P, *Q;
long hdfID;
hdfID = TagQueue->record.hdfID;
P = TagQueue;
while ( P != NULL ) {
P->record.xRef = hdfID;
Q = P->ptr;
HDFupdateProcs( P );
P = Q;
TagQueue = NULL;
// This routine takes as input a node pointer P and looks for a Total *
// record with this same eventID, hdfID and xRef. If such a record *
// exists, P is added to the record, otherwise a record is created and *
// its values are set to P's. *
void HDFupdateProcs( HDFnode_t *P )
int procIndex, eventID;
long hdfID, xRef;
HDFnode_t *Q;
eventID = P->eventID;
procIndex = ProcIndexForHDFEntry( eventID );
hdfID = P->record.hdfID;
xRef = P->record.xRef;
Q = HDFQueues[ procIndex ];
// First determine if a tally node exists that matches the *
// eventID, hdfID and xRef of P. *
while ( Q != NULL &&
(( Q->record.hdfID != hdfID ) || ( Q->record.xRef != xRef )) ) {
Q = Q->ptr;
if ( Q == NULL ) {
// No tally record matches the hdfID and xRef so put P in *
// the queue. *
P->ptr = HDFQueues[ procIndex ];
HDFQueues[ procIndex ] = P;
} else {
// add P to the exiting record and free it. *
HDFrecordSum ( &Q->record , &P->record );
free((void *)P);
// Print SDDF records for all records in this linked list. *
void HDFSummarySDDF( HDFnode_t *P, int procIndex )
int i, j, arrayLen;
int allIOCount;
CLOCK allIOTime, excDur;
double t;
char buff[1024];
char *Packet;
HDFnode_t *Q;
struct {
int packetLen,
double Seconds,
long HDFid,
} Header;
Header.packetLen = sizeof(Header)
+ sizeof(int) /* array len */
+ nTallyFields*sizeof(double) /* times array */
+ sizeof(int) /* array len */
+ nTallyFields*sizeof(int) /* count array */
+ sizeof(int) /* array len */
+ nByteFields*sizeof(int) /* bytes array */
+ nByteFields*sizeof(int) /* array lens */
+ nByteFields*nBkts*sizeof(int) /* byte hist */
+ sizeof(int) ; /* Name len */
Header.packetTag = HDF_SUMMARY_FAMILY +
( procIndex + 1 )*8 + RECORD_TRACE ;
Header.packetType = PKT_DATA;
Header.threadID = TRgetNode();
while ( P != NULL ) {
Q = P->ptr;
// Total the I/O time and counts *
allIOTime = zeroClock;
for ( j = FirstIO; j <= LastIO; ++j ) {
allIOTime = clockAdd( allIOTime, P->record.times[j] );
P->record.times[AllIO] = allIOTime;
allIOCount = 0;
for ( j = FirstIO; j <= LastIO; ++j ) {
allIOCount += P->record.counts[j];
P->record.counts[AllIO] = allIOCount;
// compute exclusive duration. *
excDur = clockSubtract(P->record.incDur,allIOTime);
excDur = clockSubtract(excDur,P->record.times[HDF_]);
excDur = clockSubtract(excDur,P->record.times[MPI]);
// print header information. *
Header.eventID = P->eventID;
Header.nCalls = P->record.nCalls;
Header.Seconds = clockToSeconds(P->record.lastCall);
Header.IncDur = clockToSeconds( P->record.incDur );
Header.ExcDur = clockToSeconds(excDur);
Header.HDFid = P->record.hdfID;
Header.XREFid = P->record.xRef;
Packet = buff;
memcpy( Packet, &Header, sizeof(Header) );
Packet += sizeof(Header);
// copy length of times array and times array to Packet. *
arrayLen = nTallyFields;
memcpy( Packet, &arrayLen, sizeof(int) );
Packet += sizeof(int);
for ( j = 0; j < nTallyFields; ++j ) {
t = clockToSeconds(P->record.times[j]);
memcpy( Packet, &t, sizeof(double) );
Packet += sizeof(double);
// copy length of counts array and counts array to Packet. *
arrayLen = nTallyFields;
memcpy( Packet, &arrayLen, sizeof(int) );
Packet += sizeof(int);
memcpy( Packet, P->record.counts, nTallyFields*sizeof(int) );
Packet += nTallyFields*sizeof(int);
// copy length of bytes array and bytes array to Packet. *
arrayLen = nByteFields;
memcpy( Packet, &arrayLen, sizeof(int) );
Packet += sizeof(int);
memcpy( Packet, P->record.bytes, nByteFields*sizeof(int) );
Packet += nByteFields*sizeof(int);
// copy length of historgram arrays and arrays to Packet. *
arrayLen = nBkts;
for ( i = 0; i < nByteFields; ++i ) {
memcpy( Packet, &arrayLen, sizeof(int) );
Packet += sizeof(int);
memcpy( Packet, P->record.Hists[i], nBkts*sizeof(int) );
Packet += nBkts*sizeof(int);
arrayLen = 0; /* name length */
memcpy( Packet, &arrayLen, sizeof(int) );
putBytes( buff, Header.packetLen );
free((void *)P);
P = Q;
// Initialize a node. *
void HDFnodeInit ( HDFnode_t *S )
*S = InitNode;
// Compute IO totals, exclusive durations of the input record T *
// then add the fields of T to that of S. *
void HDFrecordSum ( HDFrec_t *S, HDFrec_t *T )
int i, j;
S->nCalls += T->nCalls;
if ( clockCompare ( S->lastCall, T->lastCall ) < 0 ) {
S->lastCall = T->lastCall ;
S->incDur = clockAdd ( S->incDur, T->incDur );
for ( j = 0; j < nTallyFields; ++j ) {
S->times[j] = clockAdd( S->times[j] , T->times[j] ) ;
for ( j = 0; j < nTallyFields; ++j ) {
S->counts[j] += T->counts[j] ;
for ( j = 0; j < nByteFields; ++j ) {
S->bytes[j] += T->bytes[j] ;
for ( j = 0; j < nByteFields; ++j ) {
for ( i = 0; i < nBkts; ++i ) {
S->Hists[j][i] += T->Hists[j][i] ;
// Return the field index corresponding to an IO event ID. The fields *
// are specified in an enum statement in an include file. *
int getHDFFieldIndex( int eventID )
int result = -1;
switch ( eventID )
case ID_malloc:
case -ID_malloc:
result = Malloc;
case openBeginID:
case openEndID:
case fopenBeginID:
case fopenEndID:
result = Open;
case closeBeginID:
case closeEndID:
case fcloseBeginID:
case fcloseEndID:
result = Close;
case readBeginID:
case readEndID:
case freadBeginID:
case freadEndID:
result = Read;
case lseekBeginID:
case lseekEndID:
case fseekBeginID:
case fseekEndID:
result = Seek;
case writeBeginID:
case writeEndID:
case fwriteBeginID:
case fwriteEndID:
result = Write;
case fflushBeginID:
case fflushEndID:
case flushBeginID:
case flushEndID:
result = Misc;
case rewindBeginID:
case rewindEndID:
case fsetposBeginID:
case fsetposEndID:
result = Misc;
#ifdef creadBeginID
case creadBeginID:
case creadEndID:
case creadvBeginID:
case creadvEndID:
result = Read;
case cwriteBeginID:
case cwriteEndID:
case cwritevBeginID:
case cwritevEndID:
result = Write;
case ireadBeginID:
case ireadEndID:
case ireadvBeginID:
case ireadvEndID:
result = ARead;
case iwriteBeginID:
case iwriteEndID:
case iwritevBeginID:
case iwritevEndID:
result = AWrite;
case iowaitBeginID:
case iowaitEndID:
result = Wait;
case iodoneBeginID:
case iodoneEndID:
result = Misc;
case gopenBeginID:
case gopenEndID:
result = Open;
case iomodeBeginID:
case iomodeEndID:
case setiomodeBeginID:
case setiomodeEndID:
case lsizeBeginID:
case lsizeEndID:
case forflushBeginID:
case forflushEndID:
result = Misc;
return result;
// This routine determines the field index in the bytes array of the *
// HDF records which correspond to a given IO operation. If the *
// operation does not transfer bytes, (e.g., open operation), -1 is *
// returned. *
int getHDFByteFieldIndex( int Operation )
int result;
switch ( Operation )
case Malloc:
result = MallocBytes;
case Read:
result = ReadBytes;
case Write:
result = WriteBytes;
case ARead:
result = AReadBytes;
case AWrite:
result = AWriteBytes;
result = -1;
return result;
// This routine writes the SDDF packet descriptors for the HDF summary *
// records to the output file. *
void _hdfDescriptorRT( char *recordName, char *recordDescription,
int recordFamily )
static char recordBuffer[ 4096 ];
int recordLength;
hdfRecordPointer = recordBuffer;
// Allow space at the beginning of the record for the packet *
//length which will be computed after the packet is complete. *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 0 );
// The record type, tag, and name *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, PKT_DESCRIPTOR );
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, ( recordFamily | RECORD_TRACE ) );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, recordName );
// The record attribute count and string pair *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 1 );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, "description" );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, recordDescription );
// The record field count *
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 17 );
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Event Identifier",
"Event ID",
"Corresponding Event",
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Processor Number",
"Processor number",
"N Calls",
"Number of Calls to this Proc",
"Floating Point Timestamp",
DOUBLE, 0 );
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Inclusive Duration",
"Inclusive Duration",
"Inclusive Duration of this Procedure",
DOUBLE, 0 );
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Exclusive Duration",
"Exclusive Duration",
"Excludes IO, MPI-IO and other HDF calls",
DOUBLE, 0 );
"HDF ID", "Identifier number",
"0", "No HDF ID specified",
LONG, 0 );
"Cross Reference",
"Index of related HDF ID or 0 if none",
LONG, 0 );
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Times Array",
"Times Array",
"Array of Total Operation Times",
DOUBLE, 1 );
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Counts Array",
"Counts Array",
"Array of Total Operation Counts",
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Bytes Array",
"Bytes Array",
"Array of Total Bytes Transferred",
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Malloc Histogram",
"Malloc Histogram",
"Historgram of size Malloc Requests",
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Read Histogram",
"Read Histogram",
"Historgram of size Read Requests",
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Write Histogram",
"Write Histogram",
"Historgram of size Write Requests",
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "ARead Histogram",
"ARead Histogram",
"Historgram of size Asynch Read Requests",
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "AWrite Histogram",
"AWrite Histogram",
"Historgram of size Asynch Write Requests",
"HDF Name",
"Name of File,Data Set or Dim accessed",
// The entire record descriptor packet has been written. *
// Compute and update the record length. *
// Write the completed record. *
recordLength = (int)(hdfRecordPointer - recordBuffer);
hdfRecordPointer = recordBuffer;
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, recordLength );
putBytes( recordBuffer, (unsigned) recordLength );
// Internal Routine: writeHDFRecDescrptrsRT *
// Writes record descriptors for the HDF events. *
void writeHDFRecDescrptrsRT( void )
char HDFProcNames[][40] = {
# include "HDFentryNames.h"
int j, FAMILY;
char BUF1[256], BUF2[256] ;
_hdfNameDescriptor(); /* Descriptor for named identifiers */
for ( j = 0; j < NumHDFProcs; ++j ) {
if ( HDFQueues[j] != NULL ) {
strcpy( BUF2, "HDF ");
strcat( BUF2, HDFProcNames[j] );
strcat( BUF2, " Procedure Summary");
strcpy( BUF1, BUF2 );
strcat( BUF1, " Trace");
_hdfDescriptorRT( BUF1, BUF2, FAMILY );
// This routine prints the Pablo IDs assigned to named HDF identifiers *
void printFileMappingsRT( char *mapFile, char **Names, int nPabloIDs )
int i;
FILE *ptr;
ptr = fopen( mapFile, "w" );
if ( ptr == NULL ) {
"Couldn't open map file %s - none created.\n",mapFile);
fprintf(ptr,"\n\nPablo ID to HDF Name mappings:\n");
for ( i = 1; i <= nPabloIDs; i++ ) {
fprintf(ptr,"%4d %s\n",i,Names[i] );
fclose( ptr );
/* _hdfNameDescriptor */
/* Generate a SDDF binary format record descriptor for the */
/* named identifiers used during execution. */
void _hdfNameDescriptor( void )
static char recordBuffer[ 4096 ];
int recordLength;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( debugFile, "_hdfExitTraceDescriptor entered\n" );
fflush( debugFile );
#endif /* DEBUG */
hdfRecordPointer = recordBuffer;
/* Allow space at the beginning of the record for the packet */
/*length which will be computed after the packet is complete. */
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 0 );
/* The record type, tag, and name */
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, PKT_DESCRIPTOR );
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, ( FAMILY_NAME ) );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, "HDF Name Identifier Record" );
/* The record attribute count and string pair */
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 1 );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, "description" );
sddfWriteString( &hdfRecordPointer, "HDF Name Identifier Record" );
/* The record field count */
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, 3);
/* Create fields */
WRITE_HDF_FIELD( "Identifier Type",
"Data Set Type",
"Data Set Identifier Type",
"HDF ID", "File, Data Set or Dim Identifier number",
"0", "No HDF ID specified",
"HDF Name", "Name of File, Data Set or Dim",
recordLength = (int)(hdfRecordPointer - recordBuffer);
hdfRecordPointer = recordBuffer;
sddfWriteInteger( &hdfRecordPointer, recordLength );
putBytes( recordBuffer, (unsigned) recordLength );