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## config/lt_vers.am
## (Use double hashes for copyright notice so that automake treats it as
## comments and does not pass it to Makefile.in)
## Copyright by The HDF Group.
## Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
## All rights reserved.
## This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
## terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
## the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
## of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
## root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
## is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
## http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
## access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.
# Add libtool shared library version numbers to the HDF5 library
# See libtool versioning documentation online.
## If the API changes *at all*, increment LT_VERS_INTERFACE and
## reset LT_VERS_REVISION to 0.
## If the API changes but no function signatures are removed or
## changed, also increment LT_VERS_AGE.
## If any functions are removed from the API, or their signatures
## are changed reset LT_VERS_AGE to 0 to indicate that previous
## versions of the API are not necessarily compatible with this
## version.
## If the source changes but there are no API changes, increment
## LT_VERS_REVISION. This will happen automatically when
## bin/h5vers is run, but doing it manually shouldn't hurt
## anything.
## Note that this versioning system doesn't attempt to handle
## the effects of the H5_V1_x_COMPAT flag.
## Since the revision number is automatically incremented by
## bin/h5vers, don't move LT_VERS_REVISION from the fourth line
## without also editing the script!
# Copyright by The HDF Group.
# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
# of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
# root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
# is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
# http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have
# access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org.