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synced 2025-03-01 16:28:09 +08:00
* Modify temporary rpath for testing in java example scripts. * Update URL in source file Copyright headers for web copy of COPYING file - files not in src or test.
367 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
367 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
# makeTarFiles.pl
# Copyright by The HDF Group.
# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code
# distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses.
# If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from
# help@hdfgroup.org.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
my %destsubdir = ('emu' => 'sunos-5.11-sparc-32-sunc512',
'emu64' => 'sunos-5.11-sparc-64-sunc512',
'ostrich' => 'linux-el6-ppc64-gcc447',
'ostrichxl' => 'linux-el6-ppc64-xl13.1',
'platypus' => 'linux-centos6-x86_64-gcc447',
'platypus32' => 'linux-centos6-x86_64-32-gcc447',
'moohan' => 'linux-centos7-x86_64-gcc485',
'moohan32' => 'linux-centos7-x86_64-32-gcc485',
'kite' => 'osx-10.8-x86_64-clang5.1',
'quail' => 'osx-10.9-x86_64-clang6.0',
'osx1010test' => 'osx-10.10-x86_64-clang6.0');
my %szipdir = ('emu' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/shared/encoder/SunOS-5.10',
'emu-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/static/encoder/SunOS-5.10',
'emu64' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip-PIC/shared/encoder/SunOS-5.11-64',
'emu64-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip-PIC/shared/encoder/SunOS-5.11-64',
'kite' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/shared/encoder/MacOS-10.8',
'kite-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip-PIC/static/encoder/MacOS-10.8',
'ostrich32' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/shared/encoder/Linux2.6-ppc64-gcc',
'ostrich32-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/static/encoder/Linux2.6-ibmppc64-gcc-32',
'ostrich' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/shared/encoder/Linux2.6-ppc64-gcc-64',
'ostrich-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/static/encoder/Linux2.6-ibmppc64-gcc',
'ostrichxl' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/shared/encoder/Linux2.6-ppc64-gcc-64',
'ostrichxl-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/static/encoder/Linux2.6-ibmppc64-gcc',
'osx1010test' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/shared/encoder/MacOS-10.8',
'osx1010test-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip-PIC/static/encoder/MacOS-10.8',
'moohan' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/shared/encoder/Linux2.6-x86_64-gcc',
'moohan-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/static/encoder/Linux2.6-x86_64-gcc',
'moohan32' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/shared/encoder/Linux2.6-x86_64-gcc-m32',
'moohan32-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip-PIC/static/encoder/Linux2.6-x86_64-gcc-m32',
'platypus32' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/shared/encoder/Linux2.6-x86_64-gcc-m32',
'platypus32-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip-PIC/static/encoder/Linux2.6-x86_64-gcc-m32',
'platypus' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/shared/encoder/Linux2.6-x86_64-gcc',
'platypus-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/static/encoder/Linux2.6-x86_64-gcc',
'quail' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip/shared/encoder/MacOS-10.8',
'quail-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/szip-PIC/static/encoder/MacOS-10.8');
my %zlibdir = ('emu' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/shared/SunOS-5.10',
'emu-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/static/SunOS-5.10',
'emu64' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-123-PIC/SunOS-5.11-64',
'emu64-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-123-PIC/SunOS-5.11-64',
'kite' => ' /mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/shared/mac-intel-x86_64',
'kite-static' => ' /mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/static/mac-intel-x86_64',
'ostrich32' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/PIC/Linux2.6-ppc64-gcc',
'ostrich32-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/PIC/Linux2.6-ppc64-gcc',
'ostrich' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/PIC/Linux2.6-ppc64-gcc-64',
'ostrich-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/PIC/Linux2.6-ppc64-gcc-64',
'ostrichxl' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/PIC/Linux2.6-ppc64-gcc-64',
'ostrichxl-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/PIC/Linux2.6-ppc64-gcc-64',
'osx1010test' => ' /mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/shared/mac-intel-x86_64',
'osx1010test-static' => ' /mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/static/mac-intel-x86_64',
'moohan' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/shared/Linux2.6-x86_64-gcc',
'moohan-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/static/Linux2.6-x86_64-gcc',
'moohan32' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-128/Linux2.6-x86_64-gcc-m32',
'moohan32-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-128/Linux2.6-x86_64-gcc-m32',
'platypus32' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-128/Linux2.6-x86_64-gcc-m32',
'platypus32-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-128/Linux2.6-x86_64-gcc-m32',
'platypus' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/shared/Linux2.6-x86_64-gcc',
'platypus-static' => '/mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/static/Linux2.6-x86_64-gcc',
'quail' => ' /mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/shared/mac-intel-x86_64',
'quail-static' => ' /mnt/hdf/packages/zlib-125/static/mac-intel-x86_64');
my $indirectory = ".";
$indirectory = shift;
my $outdirectory = ".";
$outdirectory = shift;
my $key = ".";
#$key = shift;
my $scriptdirname = dirname(__FILE__);
unless (-d $outdirectory) {
print "$outdirectory not found. Create it or choose another one and try again.\n";
exit 1;
print "Subdirectories of $indirectory will be tarred and stored in $outdirectory.\n";
my $tarfilename;
my $tardirname;
my $output;
my $cmd;
# I'm currently copying system zlibs for at least solaris and FreeBSD machines. Since this script runs on jam it may require scp to get the libs.
#For future reference
# command for getting szlib files and links for shared binaries:
# tar cvf - -C <szipDir>/lib . | tar xvf - -C <libdir> .
# libz.so.1.2.3 and the static files should just be copied because they're in directories
# with other files. Then create the libz.so.1 and libz.so symbolic links.
sub addzandszlibs {
my $dir = shift;
my $indirectory = shift;
my $currentdir = getcwd();
if (-d "$indirectory/$dir" ) {
my $szdir = $szipdir{$dir};
my $zldir = $zlibdir{$dir};
if ($dir =~ /static/ || $dir =~ /ostrich/) {
$cmd = "cp $szdir/lib/libsz.a $indirectory/$dir/lib";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
$cmd = "cp $zldir/lib/libz.a $indirectory/$dir/lib";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
} elsif ($dir eq "freedom" || $dir eq "loyalty") {
$cmd = "cp $szdir/lib/libsz.so.2 $indirectory/$dir/lib";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
$cmd = "cp $zldir/lib/libz.so.5 $indirectory/$dir/lib";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
chdir "$indirectory/$dir/lib" or die "Couldn't change directory to $indirectory/$dir/lib, $!";
$cmd = "ln -s libsz.so.2 libsz.so";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
$cmd = "ln -s libz.so.5 libz.so";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
chdir $currentdir or die "Couldn't change directory back to $currentdir, $!";
} elsif ($dir eq "quail" || $dir eq "kite" || $dir eq "osx1010test") {
#we've been using the static libraries for the macs - built with -fPIC
# $cmd = "cp $szdir/lib/libsz.a $indirectory/$dir/lib";
# $output = `$cmd`;
# print $output;
# $cmd = "cp $zldir/lib/libz.a $indirectory/$dir/lib";
# $output = `$cmd`;
# print $output;
$cmd = "cp $szdir/lib/libsz.2.0.0.dylib $indirectory/$dir/lib";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
$cmd = "cp $zldir/lib/libz.1.2.5.dylib $indirectory/$dir/lib";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
chdir "$indirectory/$dir/lib" or die "Couldn't change directory to $indirectory/$dir/lib, $!";
$cmd = "ln -s libsz.2.0.0.dylib libsz.2.dylib";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
$cmd = "ln -s libsz.2.0.0.dylib libsz.dylib";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
$cmd = "ln -s libz.1.2.5.dylib libz.1.dylib";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
$cmd = "ln -s libz.1.2.5.dylib libz.dylib";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
chdir $currentdir or die "Couldn't change directory back to $currentdir, $!";
} elsif ($dir eq "emu64") {
$cmd = "cp $szdir/lib/libsz.so.2.0.0 $indirectory/$dir/lib";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
$cmd = "cp $zldir/lib/libz.a $indirectory/$dir/lib";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
chdir "$indirectory/$dir/lib" or die "Couldn't change directory to $indirectory/$dir/lib, $!";
$cmd = "ln -s libsz.so.2.0.0 libsz.so.2";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
$cmd = "ln -s libsz.so.2.0.0 libsz.so";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
chdir $currentdir or die "Couldn't change directory back to $currentdir, $!";
} elsif ($dir eq "platypus32" || $dir eq "moohan32") {
$cmd = "cp $szdir/lib/libsz.so.2.0.0 $indirectory/$dir/lib";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
# $cmd = "cp $zldir/lib/libz.a $indirectory/$dir/lib";
# $output = `$cmd`;
# print $output;
chdir "$indirectory/$dir/lib" or die "Couldn't change directory to $indirectory/$dir/lib, $!";
$cmd = "ln -s libsz.so.2.0.0 libsz.so.2";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
$cmd = "ln -s libsz.so.2.0.0 libsz.so";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
# $cmd = "ln -s libz.so.1.2.8 libz.so.1";
# $output = `$cmd`;
# print $output;
# $cmd = "ln -s libz.so.1.2.8 libz.so";
# $output = `$cmd`;
# print $output;
chdir $currentdir or die "Couldn't change directory back to $currentdir, $!";
} else {
$cmd = "cp $szdir/lib/libsz.so.2.0.0 $indirectory/$dir/lib";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
$cmd = "cp $zldir/lib/libz.so.1.2.5 $indirectory/$dir/lib";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
chdir "$indirectory/$dir/lib" or die "Couldn't change directory to $indirectory/$dir/lib, $!";
$cmd = "ln -s libsz.so.2.0.0 libsz.so.2";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
$cmd = "ln -s libsz.so.2.0.0 libsz.so";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
$cmd = "ln -s libz.so.1.2.5 libz.so.1";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
$cmd = "ln -s libz.so.1.2.5 libz.so";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
chdir $currentdir or die "Couldn't change directory back to $currentdir, $!";
sub makeTarFile {
my $directoryname = shift;
my $origdirname = shift;
my $tarfilename = shift;
my $tardirname = shift;
$cmd = "mv $indirectory/$origdirname $indirectory/$tardirname";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
if (-d $indirectory."/".$tardirname."/doc/hdf5/examples") {
$cmd = "mv $indirectory/$tardirname/doc/hdf5/examples $indirectory/$tardirname/examples";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
$cmd = "rm -rf $indirectory/$tardirname/doc";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
$cmd = "tar zcvf $outdirectory/$directoryname/$tarfilename -C $indirectory $tardirname";
print "Need to run $cmd.\n";
$output = `$cmd`;
sleep 10;
print "Create $tarfilename: $output\n";
$cmd = "mv $indirectory/$tardirname $indirectory/$origdirname";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
foreach $key (keys %destsubdir) {
print "Process ".$key."\n\n";
#skip unless there's a directory by the name of $key or $key-static
next unless -d $indirectory.'/'.$key || -d $indirectory.'/'.$key."-static";
my $version;
# This assumes a static directory. Probably the others should be checked if this
# doesn't exist.
$cmd = "grep \"HDF5 Version\" $indirectory/$key/lib/libhdf5.settings";
$_ = `$cmd`;
print $_, "\n";
s/HDF5 Version://;
$version = $_;
#my $directoryname = substr $destsubdir{$key}, 0, rindex($destsubdir{$key}, '-');
my $directoryname = $destsubdir{$key};
mkdir $outdirectory."/".$directoryname, 0755 unless -d $outdirectory."/".$directoryname;
my $staticdir = $key."-static";
print $indirectory."/$key tarfile will be put in " . $outdirectory."/".$directoryname."\n";
if (-e $outdirectory."/".$destsubdir{$key}."/README") {
print $outdirectory."/".$destsubdir{$key}."/README" . " has already been created.\n";
else {
print "Make the Outer README file: ";
$cmd = "perl ./makeOuterREADME.pl $indirectory/$key $outdirectory $directoryname";
print $cmd, "\n";
my $output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
my $file = "";
my @dirnames = "";
opendir(DIR, $indirectory) or die "can't open .: $!";
while (defined($file = readdir(DIR))) {
next unless ($file eq $key || $file eq "$key-static") && -d $indirectory."/".$file;
push @dirnames, $file;
foreach my $dir (@dirnames) {
next if $dir eq "";
print "Make the Inner README files.\n";
$cmd = "perl ./makeInternalREADME.pl $indirectory/$dir";
print $cmd, "\n";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
print "Add the zlib and szip files for $dir.\n";
&addzandszlibs($dir, $indirectory);
my $currentdir = getcwd();
print "Remove all lib*.la files from $dir/lib*.\n";
$cmd = "rm $indirectory/$dir/lib*/lib*.la";
print $cmd, "\n";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
chdir "$indirectory/$dir/bin" or die "Couldn't change directory to $indirectory/$dir/bin, $!";
$cmd = "$scriptdirname/h5rmflags -force";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;
chdir $currentdir or die "Couldn't change directory back to $currentdir, $!";
print "Tar up the files into the output directory.\n";
if (-d $indirectory."/".$dir) {
if ($dir =~ /static/) {
$tarfilename = "hdf5-$version-$destsubdir{$key}-static.tar.gz";
$tardirname = "hdf5-$version-$destsubdir{$key}-static";
} else {
$tarfilename = "hdf5-$version-$destsubdir{$key}-shared.tar.gz";
$tardirname = "hdf5-$version-$destsubdir{$key}-shared";
&makeTarFile($directoryname, $dir, $tarfilename, $tardirname);
# If this copy is done after h5rmflags is run on all the directories the compile scripts
# in the utilities directory will already have the paths removed.
if (-d $indirectory."/".$staticdir) {
$cmd = "cp -prv $indirectory/$staticdir/bin $outdirectory/$directoryname/utilities";
$output = `$cmd`;
print $output;