$!# $!# Copyright by The HDF Group. $!# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. $!# All rights reserved. $!# $!# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including $!# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in $!# the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root $!# of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the $!# root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and $!# is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at $!# http://hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have $!# access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. $!# $ ! $ ! This command file tests h5import utility. The command file has to $ ! run in the [hdf5-top.tools.h5import.testfiles] directory. $ ! $ ! $ type sys$input =================================== Testing h5import utiltity =================================== $ ! Define symbols $ ! $ current_dir = F$DIRECTRY() $ len = F$LENGTH(current_dir) $ temp = F$EXTRACT(0, len-19, current_dir) $ h5dump_dir = temp + "H5DUMP]" $ h5dump :== $sys$disk:'h5dump_dir'h5dump.exe $ h5import_dir = temp + "H5IMPORT]" $ h5import :== $sys$disk:'h5import_dir'h5import.exe $ h5importtest :== $sys$disk:'h5import_dir'h5importtest.exe $ ! $ ! Define output for diff command that compares expected and actual $ ! outputs of h5dump $ ! $ create h5import.log $ ! $ ! h5import tests $ ! $ ! Run h5importtest to create input files $ ! $ run [.-]h5importtest $ ! $ type sys$input Testing ASCII I32 rank 3 - Output BE $ CALL TOOLTEST "txtin32. -c textin32. -o" test1.h5 $ ! $ type sys$input Testing ASCII I16 rank 3 - Output LE - CHUNKED - extended $ CALL TOOLTEST "txtin16. -c textin16. -o" test2.h5 $ ! $ type sys$input Testing ASCII I8 - rank 3 - Output I16 LE-Chunked+Extended+Compressed $ CALL TOOLTEST "txtin16. -c textin8. -o" test3.h5 $ ! $ type sys$input Testing ASCII UI32 - rank 3 - Output BE $ CALL TOOLTEST "in1. -c textuin32. -o" test4.h5 $ ! $ type sys$input Testing ASCII UI16 - rank 2 - Output LE+Chunked+Compressed $ CALL TOOLTEST "in1. -c textuin16. -o" test5.h5 $ ! $ type sys$input Testing ASCII F32 - rank 3 - Output LE $ CALL TOOLTEST "fp1. -c textfp32. -o" test6.h5 $ ! $ type sys$input Testing ASCII F64 - rank 3 - Output BE + CHUNKED+Extended+Compressed $ CALL TOOLTEST "fp2. -c textfp64. -o" test7.h5 $ ! $ type sys$input Testing BINARY F64 - rank 3 - Output LE+CHUNKED+Extended+Compressed $ CALL TOOLTEST "bfp64. -c conbfp64. -o" test8.h5 $ ! $ type sys$input Testing BINARY I16 - rank 3 - Output order LE + CHUNKED + extended $ CALL TOOLTEST "bin16. -c conbin16. -o" test9.h5 $ ! $ type sys$input Testing BINARY I8 - rank 3 - Output I16LE + Chunked+Extended+Compressed $ CALL TOOLTEST "bin8. -c conbin8. -o" test10.h5 $ ! $ type sys$input Testing BINARY I32 - rank 3 - Output BE + CHUNKED $ CALL TOOLTEST "bin32. -c conbin32. -o" test11.h5 $ ! $ type sys$input Testing BINARY UI16 - rank 3 - Output byte BE + CHUNKED $ CALL TOOLTEST "buin16. -c conbuin16. -o" test12.h5 $ ! $ type sys$input Testing BINARY UI32 - rank 3 - Output LE + CHUNKED $ CALL TOOLTEST "buin32. -c conbuin32. -o" test13.h5 $ $ $ $TOOLTEST: SUBROUTINE $ $ len = F$LENGTH(P2) $ base = F$EXTRACT(0,len-3,P2) $ actual = base + "out.h5" $ actual_dump = base + "out.h5importtxt" $ actual_dump_err = base + "out.h5importerr" $ expected_dump = base + ".h5importtxt" $ expected_dump_err = base + ".h5importerr" $ $ begin = "Testing" $ ! $ ! Run h5import with output in the 'actual' file $ ! $ ON ERROR THEN CONTINUE $ h5import 'P1 'actual' $ define/nolog sys$output 'actual_dump' $ define/nolog sys$error 'actual_dump_err' $ ! $ ! Dump the actual and expected files $ ! $ h5dump 'actual' $ deassign sys$output $ deassign sys$error $ if F$SEARCH(actual_dump_err) .NES. "" $ then $ set message/notext/nofacility/noidentification/noseverity $ append 'actual_dump_err' 'actual_dump' $ set message/text/facility/identification/severity $ endif $ define/nolog sys$output 'expected_dump' $ define/nolog sys$error 'expected_dump_err' $ h5dump 'P2 $ deassign sys$output $ deassign sys$error $ if F$SEARCH(expected_dump_err) .NES. "" $ then $ set message/notext/nofacility/noidentification/noseverity $ append 'expected_dump_err' 'expected_dump' $ set message/ntext/facility/identification/severity $ endif $ ! $ ! Compare the results $ ! $ diff/output=h5dump_temp/ignore=(spacing,trailing_spaces,blank_lines)- 'actual_dump' - 'expected_dump' $ open/read temp_out h5dump_temp.dif $ ! $READ_DATA: $ read/end_of_file=end_read temp_out record1 $ ! $ ! Skip blank lines $ ! $ if record1 .EQS. "" then goto READ_DATA $ ! $ ! Find record with "Number" and exit the loop $ ! $ len = F$LENGTH(record1) $ pos = F$LOCATE("Number", record1) $ ! $ if pos .EQ. 0 $ then $ err_code = F$EXTRACT(len-1,1,record1) $ goto END_READ $ endif $ ! $ goto READ_DATA $ $ ! $END_READ: $ close temp_out $ ! $ ! File names are different, so we allow only one difference $ ! in h5dump $ if err_code .eqs. "1" $ then $ result = "PASSED" $ line = F$FAO("!8AS !62AS !80AS", begin, P1, result) $ else $ result = "*FAILED*" $ line = F$FAO("!8AS !61AS !79AS", begin, P1, result) $ endif $ ! $ ! Print test result $ ! $ write sys$output line $ ! $ ! Append the result to the log file $ ! $ append h5dump_temp.dif h5import.log $ ! $ ! Delete temporary files $ if F$SEARCH("*out.h5;*") then del *out.h5;* $ if F$SEARCH("*.dif;*") then del *.dif;* $ if F$SEARCH("*.h5importerr;*") then del *.h5importerr;* $ if F$SEARCH("*.h5importtxt;*") then del *.h5importtxt;* $ if F$SEARCH("b*.;*") then del b*.;* $ if F$SEARCH("txti*.;*") then del txti*.;* $ if F$SEARCH("txtu*.;*") then del txtu*.;* $ if F$SEARCH("*.dat;*") then del *.dat;* $ ! $ ! $ENDSUBROUTINE