/** \page hdf5_chunk_issues Dataset Chunking Issues * * \section sec_hdf5_chunk_issues_intro Introduction * Chunking refers to a storage layout where a dataset is partitioned into fixed-size multi-dimensional chunks. * The chunks cover the dataset but the dataset need not be an integral number of chunks. If no data is ever written * to a chunk then that chunk isn't allocated on disk. Figure 1 shows a 25x48 element dataset covered by nine 10x20 chunks * and 11 data points written to the dataset. No data was written to the region of the dataset covered by three of the chunks * so those chunks were never allocated in the file -- the other chunks are allocated at independent locations in the file * and written in their entirety. * * * * * *
* \image html Chunk_f1.gif "Figure 1" *
* * The HDF5 library treats chunks as atomic objects -- disk I/O is always in terms of complete chunks (parallel versions * of the library can access individual bytes of a chunk when the underlying file uses MPI-IO.). This allows data filters * to be defined by the application to perform tasks such as compression, encryption, checksumming, etc. on entire chunks. * As shown in Figure 2, if #H5Dwrite touches only a few bytes of the chunk, the entire chunk is read from the file, the * data passes upward through the filter pipeline, the few bytes are modified, the data passes downward through the filter * pipeline, and the entire chunk is written back to the file. * * * * * *
* \image html Chunk_f2.gif "Figure 2" *
* * \section sec_hdf5_chunk_issues_data The Raw Data Chunk Cache * It's obvious from Figure 2 that calling #H5Dwrite many times from the application would result in poor performance even * if the data being written all falls within a single chunk. A raw data chunk cache layer was added between the top of * the filter stack and the bottom of the byte modification layer. * By default, the chunk cache will store 521 chunks * or 1MB of data (whichever is less) but these values can be modified with #H5Pset_cache. * * The preemption policy for the cache favors certain chunks and tries not to preempt them. * \li Chunks that have been accessed frequently in the near past are favored. * \li A chunk which has just entered the cache is favored. * \li A chunk which has been completely read or completely written but not partially read or written is penalized according * to some application specified weighting between zero and one. * \li A chunk which is larger than the maximum cache size is not eligible for caching. * * \section sec_hdf5_chunk_issues_effic Cache Efficiency * Now for some real numbers... A 2000x2000 element dataset is created and covered by a 20x20 array of chunks (each chunk is * 100x100 elements). The raw data cache is adjusted to hold at most 25 chunks by setting the maximum number of bytes to 25 * times the chunk size in bytes. Then the application creates a square, two-dimensional memory buffer and uses it as a window * into the dataset, first reading and then rewriting in row-major order by moving the window across the dataset (the read and * write tests both start with a cold cache). * * The measure of efficiency in Figure 3 is the number of bytes requested by the application divided by the number of bytes * transferred from the file. There are at least a couple ways to get an estimate of the cache performance: one way is to turn * on cache debugging and look at the number of cache misses. A more accurate and specific way is to register a data filter whose * sole purpose is to count the number of bytes that pass through it (that's the method used below). * * * * * *
* \image html Chunk_f3.gif "Figure 3" *
* * The read efficiency is less than one for two reasons: collisions in the cache are handled by preempting one of * the colliding chunks, and the preemption algorithm occasionally preempts a chunk which hasn't been referenced for * a long time but is about to be referenced in the near future. * * The write test results in lower efficiency for most window sizes because HDF5 is unaware that the application is about * to overwrite the entire dataset and must read in most chunks before modifying parts of them. * * There is a simple way to improve efficiency for this example. It turns out that any chunk that has been completely * read or written is a good candidate for preemption. If we increase the penalty for such chunks from the default 0.75 * to the maximum 1.00 then efficiency improves. * * * * * *
* \image html Chunk_f4.gif "Figure 4" *
* * The read efficiency is still less than one because of collisions in the cache. The number of collisions can often * be reduced by increasing the number of slots in the cache. Figure 5 shows what happens when the maximum number of * slots is increased by an order of magnitude from the default (this change has no major effect on memory used by * the test since the byte limit was not increased for the cache). * * * * * *
* \image html Chunk_f5.gif "Figure 5" *
* * Although the application eventually overwrites every chunk completely the library has no way of knowing this * beforehand since most calls to #H5Dwrite modify only a portion of any given chunk. Therefore, the first modification of a * chunk will cause the chunk to be read from disk into the chunk buffer through the filter pipeline. Eventually HDF5 might * contain a dataset transfer property that can turn off this read operation resulting in write efficiency which is equal * to read efficiency. * * \section sec_hdf5_chunk_issues_frag Fragmentation * Even if the application transfers the entire dataset contents with a single call to #H5Dread or #H5Dwrite it's * possible the request will be broken into smaller, more manageable pieces by the library. This is almost certainly * true if the data transfer includes a type conversion. * * * * * *
* \image html Chunk_f6.gif "Figure 6" *
* * By default the strip size is 1MB but it can be changed by calling #H5Pset_buffer. * * \section sec_hdf5_chunk_issues_store File Storage Overhead * The chunks of the dataset are allocated at independent locations throughout the HDF5 file and a B-tree maps chunk * N-dimensional addresses to file addresses. The more chunks that are allocated for a dataset the larger the B-tree. * * Large B-trees have two disadvantages: * \li The file storage overhead is higher and more disk I/O is required to traverse the tree from root to leaves. * \li The increased number of B-tree nodes will result in higher contention for the metadata cache. * There are three ways to reduce the number of B-tree nodes. The obvious way is to reduce the number of chunks by * choosing a larger chunk size (doubling the chunk size will cut the number of B-tree nodes in half). Another method * is to adjust the split ratios for the B-tree by calling #H5Pset_btree_ratios, but this method typically results in only a * slight improvement over the default settings. Finally, the out-degree of each node can be increased by calling * #H5Pset_istore_k (increasing the out degree actually increases file overhead while decreasing the number of nodes). * * \section sec_hdf5_chunk_issues_comp Chunk Compression * Dataset chunks can be compressed through the use of filters. See the chapter \ref subsec_dataset_filters in the \ref UG. * * Reading and rewriting compressed chunked data can result in holes in an HDF5 file. In time, enough such holes can increase * the file size enough to impair application or library performance when working with that file. See @ref H5TOOL_RP_UG. */